guided pathways essential practices: …...3 guided pathways essential practices scale of adoption...

1 GUIDED PATHWAYS ESSENTIAL PRACTICES: SCALE OF ADOPTION SELF-ASSESSMENT CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES’ ASSESSMENT OF PROGRESS IN THE IMPLEMENTING OF GUIDED PATHWAYS Revised February 2019, November 2019 Institution Name: Date: This tool is designed to help your college assess how far along you are toward adopting essential guided pathways practices at scale. The first part of the Scale of Adoption Assessment (SOAA) includes essential practices examined in CCRC’s book, Redesigning America's Community Colleges: A Clearer Path to Student Success by Thomas Bailey, Shanna Smith Jaggars, and Davis Jenkins (Harvard University Press, 2015). This document is for planning purposes only, as the official SOAA will be completed in the Chancellor’s Office NOVA system by your project leads. We suggest that you convene faculty, staff, and administrators from across areas of your college to discuss the extent to which each essential practice listed in the first column is currently implemented at your college as of fall/winter 2020. In column two, indicate the extent to which the practices have been adopted at your college using the following scale: Scale of Adoption Definition Not occurring College is currently not following, or planning to follow, this practice Not systematic Practice is incomplete, inconsistent, informal, and/or optional Planning to scale College is has made plans to implement the practice at scale and has started to put these plans into place Scaling in progress Implementation of the practice is in progress for all students At scale Practice is implemented at scale—that is, for all students in all programs of study In column three, describe the progress your college has made toward implementing each practice at scale. For practices that are scaling or at scale, note that we are also asking you to indicate which semester a practice first reached this point. Finally, in column four, indicate the next steps your college plans to take toward implementing the given practice at scale and the college’s timeline for implementing these steps. Don’t be concerned if your college has made minimal progress implementing any given practice. This assessment will help your college develop and refine a plan for implementing guided pathways at scale at your college. Project partners and the Chancellor’s Office will also use this information to follow the system’s progress in implementing guided pathways over time.

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Page 1: GUIDED PATHWAYS ESSENTIAL PRACTICES: …...3 Guided Pathways Essential Practices Scale of Adoption at Our College indicate which term (Progress to Date Implementing Practice (If Scaling



Institution Name: Date:

This tool is designed to help your college assess how far along you are toward adopting essential guided pathways practices at scale. The first part of the Scale of Adoption Assessment (SOAA) includes essential practices examined in CCRC’s book, Redesigning America's Community Colleges: A Clearer Path to Student Success by Thomas Bailey, Shanna Smith Jaggars, and Davis Jenkins (Harvard University Press, 2015). This document is for planning purposes only, as the official SOAA will be completed in the Chancellor’s Office NOVA system by your project leads.

We suggest that you convene faculty, staff, and administrators from across areas of your college to discuss the extent to which each essential practice listed in the first column is currently implemented at your college as of fall/winter 2020. In column two, indicate the extent to which the practices have been adopted at your college using the following scale:

Scale of Adoption Definition Not occurring College is currently not following, or planning to follow, this practice Not systematic Practice is incomplete, inconsistent, informal, and/or optional Planning to scale College is has made plans to implement the practice at scale and has started to put these plans into place Scaling in progress Implementation of the practice is in progress for all students At scale Practice is implemented at scale—that is, for all students in all programs of study

In column three, describe the progress your college has made toward implementing each practice at scale. For practices that are scaling or at scale, note that we are also asking you to indicate which semester a practice first reached this point. Finally, in column four, indicate the next steps your college plans to take toward implementing the given practice at scale and the college’s timeline for implementing these steps. Don’t be concerned if your college has made minimal progress implementing any given practice. This assessment will help your college develop and refine a plan for implementing guided pathways at scale at your college. Project partners and the Chancellor’s Office will also use this information to follow the system’s progress in implementing guided pathways over time.

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Equity Considerations

A fundamental goal of guided pathways is to increase the rate at which underrepresented students earn college credentials, particularly degrees and credentials in fields of high economic value, while also closing gaps for low-income students, students of color, returning adults, students with disabilities, and other groups with inequitable outcomes. As colleges seek to strengthen supports for all students to explore options for careers and college and choose and complete a program of study suited to their interests and aspirations, we encourage colleges to critically examine each practice to think about how the college is serving students who have been historically underrepresented and/or underserved in higher education.

In fall 2018 the SOAA was updated to include “Equity Considerations” in each practice area so that your pathways team can discuss and articulate connections between the college’s pathways reforms and equity goals. Your team does not need to answer all of these questions as part of the SOAA process and they are not intended to be used as “assessments.” Also, don’t be concerned if your college has had minimal discussion and/or efforts related to any given question. We hope the questions help initiate or advance conversations about whether and how institutional practices are having differential impact on historically underserved groups and how your college can leverage your pathways work to close equity gaps by identifying and addressing causes of inequity, removing systemic barriers, and focusing design decisions and resource allocation in ways that more effectively address needs of underserved groups. In doing so, you may want to include details about how the college is addressing these concerns in the “progress to date” and/or “next steps/timeline” column.

As your team completes the SOAA, please refer to the equity consideration questions to facilitate conversations about connections between the college’s pathways and equity efforts. Please submit the certified SOAA within the NOVA system by March 1 2020. For more information about the SOAA, please email [email protected].

For assistance in obtaining access to the NOVA system, please email [email protected].

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Guided Pathways Essential Practices Scale of Adoption at Our College

Progress to Date Implementing Practice (If Scaling in Progress or At Scale, please

indicate which term (e.g., fall 2015) the college first reached this point)

Next Steps Toward Implementing Practice at Scale & Timeline

We are interested in how colleges connect equity efforts to their pathways work, planning, and discussions. The guiding questions in each of the four areas can help colleges consider how equity intersects with specific pathways practices. As themes, ideas, or areas for future work emerge during your discussion, please note the ways in which equity issues connect with guided pathways implementation in “Progress to Date” and “Next Steps”. Equity Considerations in Area 1:

● Are the college’s website and program pages easy to navigate and understand for students and families without prior experience with higher education?● How could the college ensure that access to and use of this information is equitable for students who have been historically underrepresented and/or underserved in higher

education (e.g., racial/ethnic minority students, lower-income students, first-generation students, students with disabilities, indigenous students, formerly incarcerated students, veterans, undocumented students, etc.)?

● How are financial costs, potential debt, and economic benefits of program completion (including paths to program-relevant regional employment, projected earnings, and transfer outcomes) made clear for prospective students? Do program websites clarify differences in earnings potential between related certificates and degrees and across levels of educational attainment?


a. Programs are organized and marketed in broad career-focused academic and communities or “meta-majors”. (Note: This practice was added to the SOAA in February 2019)

Place an X next to one: Not occurring Not systematic X Planning to scale Scaling in progress At scale

Progress to date: (2,500 character) ● Programs are organized into five Career

and Academic Pathways (CAPs).● CCC Apply has been amended for Fall

2019 so that students will choose a CAP in addition to a major.

● Spring 2019 College and Career night, an expo of Cabrillo programs for prospective students, was organized by CAP.

● Beginning in Fall 2020, the College Catalog will include an overview of each CAP and its constituent programs.

● In addition to organizing programs by metamajor, the CAPs are also being used to create community, student engagement and dispense career and academic information to students. A cross component implementation team, Guided Pathways Support, found space and funding to furnish a student lounge for each CAP where students can study, create community with others and participate in CAP wide events, such as speaker panels. In addition, there will be

Next steps: (1,000 character) ● Amend CCC Apply so that a more

detailed CAP description is included when students choose a CAP in addition to a major.

● Update College Catalog to include CAP information.

● “Seahawks Take flight,” a welcome event the week before the start of Fall 2020 semester, will provide students with an introduction to each CAP.

● CAP Lounges, a hangout, study and event space for each CAP, will open in Fall 2020.

● Commence work on redesigning the college website to include CAP-specific information by Fall 2020.

Timeline for implementing next steps: ● Spring 2020: Amend CCC Apply ● Spring 2020: Revise College Catalog

to include CAP information● Fall 2020: Feature CAPS as part of

Seahawks take flight.● Fall 2020: Open CAP Lounges

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a student website for each CAP where events, resources and relevant career and academic information can be posted and a Canvas shell for CAP faculty with weekly lists of CAP events and reminders that they can easily copy to share with students.

● The Guided Pathways Support implementation team is also working on a proposal for CAP Student Support teams, a group of faculty, classified staff and student assistants to coordinate events in the CAP lounges and maintain a CAP-specific area of the College website, among many other things.

Term, if at scale or scaling:

● Fall 2020 - Launch redesigned college website.

1. a. Support Needed? Type of Support - place an X next to one or more:

Policy guidance Connections with other GP teams Regional training On campus /individual training Technology Reporting/data Other

Challenge or barrier: (1,000 character)

Support Needed – Detail: (1,000 character)

b. Every program is well designed to guide and prepare students to enter employment and further education in fields of importance to the college’s service area.

Place an X next to one: Not occurring Not systematic X Planning to scale Scaling in progress At scale

Progress to date: (2,500 character) ● In consultation with Counseling faculty,

100% of programs have finalized one program map for their highest degree, mapped either to IGETC or the four year institution where most students attend.

● Maps for each Certificate of Achievement have been created.

● Mapping is now included as part of the curriculum process when programs are developed or revised.

● The college was awarded a Title V grant in conjunction with CSUMB to create transfer pathways and four-year maps for a portion of Cabrillo’s programs.

Next steps: (1,000 character) ● Create maps for Skills Certificates.● Hire grant director for Title V project

and form Cabrilo/CSUMB task force to commence grant activities- Spring 2020.

● Hold Institute for Cabrillo and CSUMB faculty to develop transfer pathways- Spring/Fall 2020.

Timeline for implementing next steps: ● Spring and Fall 2020- Begin creating

Skills Certificate maps. ● Spring 2020 - Hire grant director and

form CSUMB/Cabrillo grant taskforce.

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Term, if at scale or scaling:

● Summer 2020- Hold initial joint CSUMB/Cabrillo faculty Institute.

1. b. Support Needed? Type of Support - place an X next to one or more:

Policy guidance Connections with other GP teams Regional training On campus /individual training Technology Reporting/data Other

Challenge or barrier: (1,000 character)

Support Needed – Detail: (1,000 character)

c. Detailed information is provided on the college’s website on the employment and further education opportunities targeted by each program.

Place an X next to one: Not occurring Not systematic

X Planning to scale Scaling in progress At scale

Progress to date: (2,500 character) ● The college is exploring whether to

purchase Career Coach for the college website, which will include detailed information on employment and further educational opportunities targeted by each program, including differences in earnings potential between related certificates and degrees and across levels of educational attainment.

● The CTE webpage on the college’s website divides CTE programs into 15 Career Pathways and provides links to information on local employment opportunities and wages.

● The departmental webpage template outlined by another cross component implementation team, the Website Redesign Team, will include space for departments to post career and/or further education information on their individual web pages including regional employment, projected earnings, and differences in earnings potential between related certificates and degrees and across levels of educational attainment.

Next steps: (1,000 character) ● Make a decision on whether or not to

purchase Career Coach.● If the college decides to purchase,

implement it so it will be on the website in Fall 2020.

● Train faculty and staff on Career Coach functionality and application with students.

● Revise departmental webpages to include career and/or further education information targeted by their programs

● Launch new website that increases usability and access to information for prospective students, current students, community members, and employees.

Timeline for implementing next steps: ● Spring 2020 - Complete inputting

program maps and display on college website.

● Spring 2020: Purchase and implement Career Coach

● Spring 2020: Revise departmental webpages for inclusion in launch of the new College website in Fall 2020.

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● The new College website (to be launched in Fall 2020) is being intentionally designed as responsive (mobile-friendly), WCAG 2.0 compliant (accessible), and student-friendly (using strengths-based language, gender neutral pronouns, simplified organization/navigation, and student input on design and branding). Translation to Spanish will be standardized and increase access to important content.

Term, if at scale or scaling:

● Spring 2020 - Fall 2020: Transition to new website (launch in Fall 2020)

1. c. Support Needed? Type of Support - place an X next to one or more:

Policy guidance Connections with other GP teams Regional training On campus /individual training Technology Reporting/data Other

Challenge or barrier: (1,000 character)

Support Needed – Detail: (1,000 character)

d. Programs are clearly mapped out for students. Students know which courses they should take and in what sequence. Courses critical for success in each program and other key progress milestones are clearly identified. All this information is easily accessible on the college’s website.

Place an X next to one: Not occurring Not systematic X Planning to scale Scaling in progress At scale

Progress to date: (2,500 character) ● In consultation with Counseling faculty,

100% of programs have finalized one program map for their highest degree, mapped either to IGETC or the four year institution where most students attend.

● Maps for each Certificate of Achievement have been created.

● Mapping is now included as part of the curriculum process when programs are developed or revised.

● The college was awarded a Title V grant in conjunction with CSUMB to create transfer pathways and four-year maps for a portion of Cabrillo’s programs.

● The program maps that have been created are in the process of being inputted into a template that will be

Next steps: (1,000 character) ● Finish inputting all program maps into

the display template and post them on the new college website.

● Create maps for Skills Certificates. ● Include maps in Running Start and

other outreach activities to area high schools.

● Make maps available in student planning software and in hard copy in the counseling and welcome centers.

● Launch new website that increases usability and access to information for prospective students, current students, community members, and employees.

Timeline for implementing next steps:

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displayed on department page and other places on the new website.

● The new College website (to be launched in Fall 2020) is being intentionally designed as responsive (mobile-friendly), WCAG 2.0 compliant (accessible), and student-friendly (using strengths-based language, gender neutral pronouns, simplified organization/navigation, and student input on design and branding). Translation to Spanish will be standardized and increase access to important content.

Term, if at scale or scaling:

● Spring 2020- Begin creating Skills Certificate maps.

● Spring 2020 - Hire grant director for Title V project and form Cabrilo/CSUMB task force.

● Summer 2020 - Hold Institute for Cabrillo and CSUMB faculty to develop transfer pathways.

● Spring 2020 - Include maps in Running Start.

● Fall 2020, make some maps/course plans available in student planning software and in hardcopy in counseling and welcome centers.

● Spring 2020 - Fall 2020: Transition to new website (launch in Fall 2020)

1. d. Support Needed? Type of Support - place an X next to one or more:

Policy guidance X Connections with other GP teams Regional training On campus /individual training Technology Reporting/data Other

Challenge or barrier: (1,000 character)

One of the obstacles we face with program maps is that they do not seamlessly interact with student ed planning software. Although they can be loaded into a student’s plan, Curriculum tracks in colleague has not been fully developed, so it will still require counselor oversight.

Support Needed – Detail: (1,000 character)

Connections with other GP teams around this issue would help us identify options for how to best troubleshoot to meet this need. When we demo the various program map format options, students regularly note that to maximize map functionality, they should allow students to directly click from map to planning/registering. It would be great to know if other institutions have identified technology or workarounds to facilitate this.

e. Required math courses are appropriately aligned with the student’s field of study (Note: This essential practice was moved from Area 2)

Place an X next to one: Not occurring Not systematic X Planning to scale Scaling in progress At scale

Progress to date: (2,500 character) ● Statistics pathways for non-STEM

students have been created. ● Any student may now enter elementary

statistics, regardless of prior preparation. ● Counselors, working with math faculty,

have created maps of appropriate math courses for the various programs. These are posted on the Placement page on the college website and have been

Next steps: (1,000 character) ● Assess efficacy of the new curriculum.

Timeline for implementing next steps: ● Spring 2020 - Assess how well support

classes aid success rates of students in transfer level math.

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incorporated into each department’s program map.

● New curriculum to support students entering transfer level math classes (Statistics, Business Calculus and Precalculus) has completed the curriculum approval process and was first offered in Fall 2019.

● New noncredit curriculum to help students brush up on basic math skills has completed the curriculum approval process and was first offered in Fall 2019.

Term, if at scale or scaling:

1. e. Support Needed? Type of Support - place an X next to one or more:

Policy guidance X Connections with other GP teams Regional training X On campus /individual training Technology Reporting/data Other

Challenge or barrier: (1,000 character)

Although we have identified math pathways for non-STEM majors, there is still potential for further contextualization of math by CAP. This is being explored for English courses, where there is some institutional history for contextualization and learning community collaborations. The math faculty have less institutional experience along these lines.

Support Needed – Detail: (1,000 character)

Professional development training to help math faculty to contextualize courses would be very helpful. It would also be great to know if and how other colleges are approaching this. Connecting with other GP teams would help us identify strategies to generate buy-in among our faculty and training approaches to develop the skills and expertise needed.

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Guided Pathways Essential Practices Scale of Adoption at Our College

Progress to Date Implementing Practice (If Scaling in Progress or At Scale, please

indicate which term (e.g., fall 2015) the college first reached this point)

Next Steps Toward Implementing Practice at Scale & Timeline

Equity Considerations in Area 2: ● Does the college assess whether historically underrepresented and high needs students are disproportionately enrolled in programs that lead to lower remuneration careers? Has

the college considered how it can help underrepresented students raise their educational and career expectations while at the same time meeting their more immediate economic needs?

● For critical program courses, does the college disaggregate enrollment, pass rate, and subsequent success data by student characteristics? What strategies has the college used to improve overall student success in these courses?

● Does the college proactively partner with feeder high schools that serve predominantly underrepresented and high needs students to help students explore academic and career interests and develop viable plans for college? Are dual enrollment opportunities made available to high school students who are deemed “not yet college ready”? Is the college building bridges to high-opportunity college programs for students in adult basic skills programs?


a. Every new student is helped to explore career/college options, choose a program of study, and develop a full-program plan as soon as possible.

Place an X next to one: X scaling in progress

Progress to date: (2,500 character) ● A new virtual career services webpage is

now in existence to help students explore career options. Career Coach is being considered for adoption by the college.

● MyPath, the online engagement and onboarding tool has been adopted by the college and is in the set-up process.

● The college is in the process of implementing visual representations of program maps.

● Orientation in Canvas has been created. This will replace our online orientation video and stay with the student for the duration of their time at Cabrillo.

● All new high school students attend a series of matriculation events. In their placement and planning workshop, they develop a basic education plan and a required first course is Counseling and Guidance 51, in which students develop a comprehensive education plan and learn about majors and basic career interests.

● Students who are new, but are not high school graduates, are encouraged to attend planning and placement workshops in which they create an

Next steps: (1,000 character) ● Revise the CAP section of CCC

Apply.● Fully implement and disseminate

visual representations of program maps.

● Develop additional and more standardized processes to ensure that students who do not have an education plan, or whose education plans need updating, complete or update a comprehensive education plan by the end of their first year.

● Continued set up of MyPath, possible adoption of Career Coach

● Testing of Curriculum tracks for educational planning

● Implement an online placement guide.● Consolidate education plan and

placement workshops. Timeline for implementing next steps:

● Fall 2020 - Full implementation of

visual program maps● Spring 2020, continued testing of

Curriculum tracks for educational planning

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abbreviated education plan. They are then directed to meet with a counselor to develop a comprehensive educational plan. The planning and placement workshops and education plan workshops are being consolidated to allow students to complete fewer steps.

● The placement website has been updated to include information about Math, English, and ESL pathways that match with various majors and pathways.

● Education plan workshops are being planned for ongoing students who may not have initially attended matriculation events.

● The Retention and Follow-up Services Specialist receives a list from the Cabrillo College Planning and Research Office , which shows which students do not have a comprehensive education plan. She conducts targeted outreach with these students; however, since staffing is limited, more outreach is needed.

● The welcome letters sent to students upon application have been reduced and consolidated.

● Registration has been systematized and streamlined to only allow students to register for courses using Student Planning, a tool that they use for educational planning and to see their program requirements.

Education plans overall: 96% of all Cabrillo students have an education plan as of Fall 2019 (10,843)

● 55% of students with an ed plan are underrepresented minorities

● 33% of students with an ed plan are 26 or older

● Spring 2020 continued set up of MyPath, possible adoption of Career Coach

● Late Spring 2020 -Launch initial Canvas Orientation module, continue building student journey modules in canvas.

● Spring 2020 Implement an online placement guide.

● Spring 2020 Consolidate education plan and placement workshops.

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● 18% of students with an ed plan have at least one class in Watsonville

● 31% of students with an ed plan have a south county address

Comprehensive Education Plans

● 75% of all students with an ed plan have a comprehensive plan

● 77% of Watsonville students have a comprehensive plan

● 79% of south county students have a comprehensive plan

● 80% of underrepresented minorities have a comprehensive plan

● 69% of students 26 or older have a comprehensive ed plan

Abbreviated Education Plans

● 25% of all students with an ed plan have an abbreviated plan.

Term, if at scale or scaling: 2020

2. a. Support Needed? Type of Support - place an X next to one or more: Policy guidance Connections with other GP teams Regional training On campus /individual training Technology Reporting/data Other

Support Needed – Detail: (1,000 character) Policy guidance around priority registration would be helpful. We struggle with the timelines to get students to complete orientation, placement, education planning etc between outreach season and their priority registration date. Also, having to complete all the matriculation steps prior to registration is a barrier and does not provide just in time information. Ie- orientation should be able to happen after registration and during the student’s first semester, but then they aren’t eligible for a good registration date.

Challenge or barrier: (1,000 character)

We struggle with the timelines to get students to complete orientation, placement, education planning etc between outreach season and their priority registration date. Also, having to complete all the matriculation steps prior to registration is a barrier and does not provide just in time information. Ie- orientation should be able to happen after registration and during the student’s first semester, but then they aren’t eligible for a good registration date. High school partners have expressed the workload issue in getting students to check all of the boxes prior to a certain arbitrary date.

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b. Special supports are provided to help academically underprepared students to succeed in the “gateway” courses for the college’s major program areas.

Place an X next to one: Not occurring X Not systematic Planning to scale Scaling in progress At scale

Progress to date: (2,500 character) ● Supplemental Instruction includes in Bio

4, Chem 30A, Chem 3, CS 11, Math 152, Math 4, and Math 12 among others.

● SI that is offered through ACCESS (which is a support program that we have coordinated with UCSC in Bio and Chem) corequisite support courses in Math 4, Math 12, and Math 18; drop in tutoring at the HUB and the STEM Center; Academic Excellence Workshops offered at the STEM Center which support a variety of Math and Physics classes (and also some ENGR courses).

● An Early Alert system reporting tool has been implemented and is used for all classes and programs, including gateway classes in major program areas for both Aptos and Watsonville campuses. Follow up is assigned to various faculty and staff members and notes are kept in the reporting system. Reporters are notified of interventions when appropriate. After an academic alert has been reported and followed up, the Dean of Students office sends out a six week check-in to remind students of the academic support resources. Given limited staffing, intrusive and high-touch follow-up is just not possible. Continual follow up with students is needed as well as a way to monitor if reported students actually seek out the resources and recommendations provided to them and to determine if the academic alert process had an overall impact on academic success.

● The Student Support Implementation team has determined that building community, engagement and communal

Next steps: (1,000 character) ● Assess efficacy of current Early Alert

System and create additional ways to follow up with students within each CAP.

● Special student population programs (EOPS, Guardian Scholars etc.) will develop a parallel early alert structure to follow up with students with whom they have a closer rapport.

● Develop a plan for how to integrate tutoring and supplemental instruction and other support services in gateway courses (not just English and Math) via the CAPs.

● Complete development of ESL co-requisite curriculum for transfer level courses.


● Summer 2020 – Assess current Early Alert system and decide next steps for college and ways to integrate into CAP support teams

● Fall 2020 – Develop a plan to integrate tutoring and SI to the CAPs.

● Fall 2020 - Develop early alert process for special student population programs.

● Fall 2020- Develop a plan to integrate tutoring and supplemental instruction and other support services in gateway courses (not just English and Math) via the CAPs.

● Fall 2020: implement Pathways Support Teams for each CAP.

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space is the priority for Spring 2020. The college as a whole needs to determine its direction for early alert (academic) before integrating this work into CAP teams.

● We continue to offer centralized tutoring and SI but it doesn’t meet all of the need on campus.

Term, if at scale or scaling:

2. b. Support Needed? Type of Support - place an X next to one or more: Policy guidance Connections with other GP teams Regional training On campus /individual training Technology Reporting/data Other

Support Needed – Detail: (1,000 character) On campus early alert training Examples from other colleges

Challenge or barrier: (1,000 character)

Handling early alerts is viewed as a workload issue amongst faculty and staff. It would be helpful to have training and ideas about other colleges methods of integrating early alert steps into their normal job duties

c. Special supports are provided to help academically underprepared students to succeed in the program-relevant “gateway” math courses by the end of their first year. (Note: This practice was added to the SOAA in February 2019)

Place an X next to one: Not occurring Not systematic X Planning to scale Scaling in progress At scale

Progress to date: (2,500 character) ● Corequisite support courses in Math 4,

Math 12, and Math 18; drop in tutoring at the HUB and the STEM Center; Academic Excellence Workshops offered at the STEM Center which support a variety of Math courses

● The college is in compliance with AB705, allowing students to enter college level math regardless of their preparation. Students could take elementary statistics in Fall 2018 no matter their level of preparation. Starting in Fall 19, all entry level transfer mathematics courses will be open to all students.

● New curriculum to support students entering transfer level math classes (Statistics, Business Calculus and

Next steps: (1,000 character) ● Continue to assess the success of Fall

2018 students in elementary statistics and those in subsequent semesters.

● Offer new math noncredit classes.● Offer new math support curriculum for

transfer level math. ● Assess efficacy of the new curriculum. ● Additional adjunct Math faculty will

be assigned to the learning resource center (the HUB) to support students.

Timeline for implementing next steps: ● Spring 2020 - Assess how well support

classes aid the success rates of students in transfer level math.

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Precalculus) has been approved and will be offered starting in Fall 2019. In addition, noncredit classes with specific supports have been offered.

● Math Plus is now offered in two formats – as a refresher course right before the start of the semester and just in time remediation during the semester.

● Preliminary assessment of the success of Fall 2018 students in elementary statistics has occurred.

● 50k Student equity money has been allotted for tutoring.

● Fall 2019 - Support classes for Statistics, Business Calculus and Precalculus were offered.

● Fall 2019 -Increased sections of Math noncredit classes to help students brush up on basic math skills

Term, if at scale or scaling:

● Spring- Fall 2020 -Additional adjunct Math faculty will be assigned to the learning resource center (the HUB) to support students.

2. c. Support Needed? Type of Support - place an X next to one or more: Policy guidance X Connections with other GP teams Regional training X On campus /individual training Technology Reporting/data Other

Support Needed – Detail: (1,000 character) Continued professional development/training for math faculty to develop support courses and insights along these lines from other colleges would support our faculty in their work.

Challenge or barrier: (1,000 character)

Our English faculty have developed a support course for English 1A and continue to engage in professional development around this effort. The math faculty have not been part of similar effort for as long and could benefit from intentional, concentrated support to ease the development of support courses in their discipline.

d. Special supports are provided to help academically underprepared students to succeed in the “gateway” English courses by the end of their first year. (Note: This practice was added to the SOAA in February 2019)

Place an X next to one: Not occurring Not systematic Planning to scale x Scaling in progress At scale

Progress to date: (2,500 character) ● The college is in compliance with

AB705, allowing students to enter college level English, regardless of their preparation.

● New curriculum to support students entering transfer level English, called English 1A+, was created and 10

Next steps: (1,000 character) ● Continue to offer professional

development for English faculty who teach English 1A+.

● Determine on-going scheduling needs of English 1A+ sections.

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sections offered for the first time in Fall 2018.

● Assessment shows that English 1A+ was found to have a positive impact for students. .

● A non-credit English class to help support students in second semester first year composition (English 2) has been created and was offered for the first time in Spring 2019 in conjunction with two English learning communities.

Term, if at scale or scaling:

● Continuing assessing efficacy of English 1A+; track success, throughput, and persistence of students who took the traditional English courses and those who took the one with the support course, comparing the success of those students to those who enroll in English 1A.

● Assess efficacy of noncredit supports for students in English 2 learning communities.

● Scale up support courses if found to be effective.

Timeline for implementing next steps: ● ongoing

2. d. Support Needed? Type of Support - place an X next to one or more: Policy guidance Connections with other GP teams Regional training On campus /individual training Technology Reporting/data Other

Support Needed – Detail: (1,000 character)

Challenge or barrier: (1,000 character)

e. Intensive support is provided to help very poorly prepared students to succeed in college-level courses as soon as possible.

Place an X next to one: Not occurring Not systematic X Planning to scale Scaling in progress At scale

Progress to date: (2,500 character) ● Supplemental Instruction is offered in

Accounting, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Health Science, Nutrition, Math and Psychology.

● The college is in compliance with AB705, allowing any student to enter college level math and English, regardless of their preparation.

● Math and English support courses have been created and are either offered or will be offered (see #d and #e).

● Math Plus is now offered in two formats – a series of noncredit modules and as a refresher course right before the start of

Next steps: (1,000 character)

● Complete Student Success syllabus.● Complete development of Student

Support teams for each CAP.● Assess efficacy of SI in Psych 2A and

expand to other classes if proven effective. .

● Develop a plan for how to integrate tutoring and supplemental instruction and other support services in other gateway courses.

● Develop a plan to better reach students on academic or progress probation level 1.

Timeline for implementing next steps:

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the semester and as just in time remediation during the semester.

● Supplemental Instruction in Psych 2A was offered in Fall 2019.

● A Student Success syllabus is in the process of being created to help all students better succeed in all their classes as part of Student Onboarding GP project.

● Student Support teams for each CAP are in the process of being created to help poorly academically prepared students succeed in college level classes by offering academic and social/emotional supports.

● Lower levels of ESL courses have been made non-credit and can be taken simultaneously with credit courses. A transferrable ESL course has been developed and approved by the Chancellor’s office. An intrusive advising model is being piloted in Spring 2019 to specifically assist students enrolled in ESL classes with determining a college and career path and creating a comprehensive education plan.

● A team is currently reviewing and updating the Academic and Progress Probation and Dismissal process with greater attention being paid to students on Probation Level 1, so that they receive an intervention before they risk going to level 2 and losing financial aid.

Term, if at scale or scaling:

● Spring 2020 - Ready Student Success syllabus for use by Fall 2020.

● Spring 2020: Complete development of student success teams for each CAP so they can begin their work in Fall 2020.

● Spring 2020 - Assess efficacy of SI in Psych 2A.

● Fall 2020 - Develop a plan to integrate supplemental instruction and tutoring in other gateway courses.

● Fall 2020- Develop a plan to better reach students on academic or progress probation level 1.

2. e. Support Needed? Type of Support - place an X next to one or more: Policy guidance Connections with other GP teams Regional training On campus /individual training

Support Needed – Detail: (1,000 character)

Challenge or barrier: (1,000 character)

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Technology Reporting/data Other

f. The college works with high schools and other feeders to motivate and prepare students to enter college-level coursework in a program of study when they enroll in college.

Place an X next to one: Not occurring Not systematic Planning to scale xScaling in progress At scale

Progress to date: (2,500 character) ● Outreach efforts show increased

coordination and collaboration between the Outreach Office and individual faculty and departments.

● The Honors Program continues to conduct outreach at high schools and recruit students. Applications for Fall, 2019 from graduating high school seniors increased by 30% over the previous year. The program has 304 current students. 34% of all Honors students are underrepresented students.

● College and Career Night, a community outreach activity, is now organized around the CAPs.

● Running Start, a program to assist new students with enrollment, includes workshops about planning and encourages all students to take transfer level Math and English and declare a program of study. Visits to high schools have increased.

● Cabrillo counselors visit local high schools twice during this process for hands-on assistance with course planning and registration. Each local high school receives assistance in the Placement and Planning process as well as a Registration Readiness workshop.

● The college has hired a Dual Enrollment Contractor who is solidifying agreements with local high schools and creating a Dual Enrollment plan. CCAP agreements with three schools have been completed and offer CG 54, which is a career exploration course.

Next steps: (1,000 character) ● Complete development of Dual

Enrollment plan to include Career and College Access Pathways Agreements (CCAPs).

● As part of the Student Onboarding GP project, the Implementation team will analyze the efficacy of campus outreach efforts and develop a plan to scale effective practices.

● Assess efficacy of career planning course offered via CCAP dual enrollment

Timeline for implementing next steps: ● Spring 2020 - Analyze the efficacy of

campus outreach efforts and develop a plan to scale effective practices. Revise and improve running start program.

● Spring 2020 - Assess efficacy of career planning course offered via CCAP dual enrollment 2020

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● Collaboration with non-credit and Greater Opportunity through Adult Learning (GOAL) Santa Cruz Adult Education Consortia include new outreach events such as a registration fair in the Watsonville area and a new GOAL pamphlet that shows a comprehensive view of all education opportunities for adults.

● Local high school and Cabrillo counselors meet at the High School Articulation Council monthly to discuss Cabrillo updates and processes.

Term, if at scale or scaling:

2. f. Support Needed? Type of Support - place an X next to one or more: Policy guidance Connections with other GP teams Regional training On campus /individual training Technology Reporting/data Other

Support Needed – Detail: (1,000 character)

Challenge or barrier: (1,000 character)

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Progress to Date Implementing Practice (If Scaling in Progress or At Scale, please indicate which term (e.g., fall 2015) the college first reached this point)

Next Steps Toward Implementing Practice at Scale & Timeline

Equity Considerations in Area 3: ● How does the institution support advisors to incorporate engaging, proactive, and culturally relevant advising practices to better support underrepresented students’ success in

their programs?● How does the college ensure that underrepresented students are not disproportionately directed away from competitive, limited access programs? ● How does the college integrate academic and student support services into pathways so that the support is unavoidable and therefore less stigmatized? ● How does the college ensure that low-income students' financial stability needs (e.g., nutrition, transportation, childcare, public benefits, emergency assistance) are being met so

they can make progress toward program completion?3. KEEPING STUDENTS ON PATH

a. Advisors monitor which program every student is in and how far along the student is toward completing the program requirements.

Place an X next to one: Not occurring X Not systematic Planning to scale Scaling in progress At scale

Progress to date: (2,500 character) ● Special student population cohort

programs (which serve 2000 students in DSPS, Guardian Scholars and other special cohort groups) conduct mid-semester academic checks between students and their instructors. The programs are working to implement a new co-case management tool to better document the follow-up work they have done together to support students.

● An Early Alert system has just finished the first year of implementation. 400 students have received “low-touch” follow-up support provided by faculty and staff on the Cabrillo Care Team. The program needs to develop systems to determine whether students accessed the recommended services/resources and to measure the impact of the follow-up support had a positive impact on the student’s performance.

● The Guided Pathways Support implementation team is finalizing a proposal to create Student Support Teams for each CAP which will go into effect in Fall 2020. In the first year, the teams will focus on providing support, community building and acting as a resource. It is hoped that they will

Next steps: (1,000 character) ● Complete proposal for student support

teams for each CAP and circulate across campus for feedback and approval.

● Recruit members to serve on CAP Student Support Teams.

● Develop training and infrastructure for student support teams.

● Complete implementation of co-case management tool to document follow up work to support students in special population cohort programs.

● Develop systems to determine if students access resources recommended by Early Alert program. Assess efficacy of follow up support.

● Complete implementation of software to automatically award certificates.

● Develop a more streamlined way for students to monitor their own progress towards a degree.

Timeline for implementing next steps: ● Spring 2020 - Complete proposal for

Student Support teams.● Spring 2020 - Recruit members to

serve on CAP Student Support Teams.

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eventually do some student case management as well.

● The college is in the process of developing a process to automatically award Certificates of Achievement (6 transfer level units or more) and Skills Certificates.

● During most counseling appointments, counselors assess how far a student is progressing toward their degree and use program evaluation tools to determine remaining courses needed.

Term, if at scale or scaling:

● Spring 2020 - Develop training and infrastructure for student support teams.

● Fall 2020 - Implement student support teams for each CAP.

● Fall 2020 -Access efficacy and develop follow up systems for early alert program.

● Fall 2020 - Complete implementation of co-case management tool for special cohort student populations.

3. a. Support Needed? Type of Support - place an X next to one or more: Policy guidance Connections with other GP teams Regional training On campus /individual training Technology Reporting/data Other

Support Needed – Detail: (1,000 character)

Challenge or barrier: (1,000 character)

b. Students can easily see how far they have come and what they need to do to complete their program.

Place an X next to one: Not occurring X Not systematic Planning to scale Scaling in progress At scale

Progress to date: (2,500 character) ● A team was convened, including

counselors, evaluators, and Admissions employees to determine whether a software solution we have purchased would allow students to see their progress toward degree. While the tool was deemed to be ineffective, we did determine a way to create courses in Colleague that equate to Cabrillo courses, giving students a better picture of their progress in student planning. The courses are being built and should be fully functional in Fall 2020.

● In addition, the college is considering the use of curriculum tracks, which could pre-load course plans for students, showing them exactly what they need to

Next steps: (1,000 character) ● Continue to analyze the capacity of Ed

Planning tool and work with the research office to design a way to see how it is being utilized.

Timeline for implementing next steps: ● Spring 2020- Continue building

course equations in Colleague that allow students to see their AP scores, military credit, and courses from outside institutions to get an accurate picture of their progress toward degree

● Spring 2020 assess viability of curriculum tracks for course plans.

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take and what they have already taken. The viability of this project will continue to be assessed in Spring 2020

Term, if at scale or scaling:

3. b. Support Needed? Type of Support - place an X next to one or more: Policy guidance Connections with other GP teams Regional training On campus /individual training Technology Reporting/data Other

Support Needed – Detail: (1,000 character)

Challenge or barrier: (1,000 character)

c. Advisors and students are alerted when students are at risk of falling off their program plans and have policies and supports in place to intervene in ways that help students get back on track.

Place an X next to one: Not occurring X Not systematic Planning to scale Scaling in progress At scale

Progress to date: (2,500 character) ● Some cohort based programs continue to

do this, but it is not systematic. ● An Early Alert system has been

implemented, but serves mainly as a reporting tool. There are limited follow up resources to assess whether students have used the recommended services or to assess their impact on the student’s performance.

● A student support team for each CAP is being developed. For the first year, they will not undertake any early alert activities but may in the future.

● Back on track workshops are offered for students who are on academic or progress probation. Spring 2020 will also bring the development of an online workshop format to assist students with completing the Back on track remediation.

● Students who have food insecurities are served by a food pantry (that also includes supplies, diapers etc), a free bi-monthly farmers market, and kiosks with free food and supplies placed around campus.

Next steps: (1,000 character) ● Assess efficacy of new Early Alert

System and create a means to follow up. The learning communities, Retention and Follow-up Specialist, in conjunction with counseling will meet to discuss a follow-up services plan in Fall of 2019.

● Assess the efficacy of the Student Support Teams for each CAP and discuss whether some sort of case management or early alert work should be added to their charge.

● Finalize the development of the online back on track workshop model

Timeline for implementing next steps: ● Fall 2020 - Assess efficacy of new

Early Alert System and create a means to follow up. The learning communities, retention and follow up specialist, in conjunction with counseling will meet to discuss a follow-up services plan.

● Fall 2021 - Assess the efficacy of the Student Support Teams for each CAP and discuss whether some sort of case

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● Students with housing insecurities are served by our homeless student liaison who connects students to community organizations to provide rental and utility assistance. In addition, we have recently received a grant that allowed us to hire a housing assistant for students.

Term, if at scale or scaling:

management or early alert work should be added to their charge.

● Spring 2020 - Finalize the development of the online back on track workshop model

3. c. Support Needed? Type of Support - place an X next to one or more: Policy guidance Connections with other GP teams Regional training On campus /individual training Technology Reporting/data Other

Support Needed – Detail: (1,000 character)

Challenge or barrier: (1,000 character)

d. Assistance is provided to students who are unlikely to be accepted into limited-access programs, such as nursing or culinary arts, to redirect them to another more viable path to credentials and a career

Place an X next to one: Not occurring X Not systematic Planning to scale Scaling in progress At scale

Progress to date: (2,500 character) ● The Allied Health division has

streamlined the Health Science degree so that students who complete any Allied Health program prerequisites can earn this. Now, while they are waiting to get into an impacted program, they can use the degree to further their career.

● Dedicated Nursing counselors work directly with students to discuss career and educational options should they not be viable candidates for the program.

● Some faculty who teach nursing prerequisite courses (such as Biology) work with students who have already demonstrated that they may have difficulty achieving the science GPA required for admission to a Nursing program to discover other career and educational options.

● Through career and academic counseling, students are guided in exploring alternate medical and other related career options and making

Next steps: (1,000 character) ● Identify alternate career options on

departmental website.● Identify impacted programs within

each CAP and develop a process to redirect students who are unlikely to be accepted to another viable path

● Consider the implementation of Career Coach, customized for Cabrillo, that can easily show related programs of study.

Timeline for implementing next steps: ● Spring 2020 - Add alternative career

options on department websites. ● Fall 2020 -Identify impacted programs

within each CAP, and develop a plan to work with students who need to be redirected to other viable career paths.

● Spring 2020, determine use of Career Coach.

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choices that best reflect their career interests, abilities and values.

Term, if at scale or scaling:

3. d. Support Needed? Type of Support - place an X next to one or more: Policy guidance Connections with other GP teams Regional training On campus /individual training Technology Reporting/data Other

Support Needed – Detail: (1,000 character)

Challenge or barrier: (1,000 character)

e. The college schedules courses to ensure students can take the courses they need when they need them, can plan their lives around school from one term to the next, and can complete their programs in as short a time as possible.

Place an X next to one: Not occurring Not systematic X Planning to scale Scaling in progress At scale

Progress to date: (2,500 character) ● Two separate task forces have been

formed to a) implement year-round scheduling, so that students can register for classes in the Summer, Fall and Spring terms at the same time and b) use analytics to identify streamline scheduling and identify roadblocks to students completing their programs in as short a time as possible. The schedules will be, in part, based on program maps, student educational plans, and AB705 implementation.

Term, if at scale or scaling:

Next steps: (1,000 character) ● Complete the plan for year-round

scheduling. ● Complete plan for use of analytics to

identify scheduling roadblocks and to streamline the schedule.

● Implement scheduling plan. Timeline for implementing next steps:

● Spring 2020 - Complete plan for year round scheduling.

● Spring 2020 - Provide data to departments to inform any scheduling changes.

● Spring 2021 - Implement year round scheduling. Implement any scheduling changes that have been determined.

3. e. Support Needed? Type of Support - place an X next to one or more: Policy guidance X Connections with other GP teams Regional training X On campus /individual training Technology Reporting/data Other

Support Needed – Detail: (1,000 character) Connections with other GP teams who are implementing the same or similar data tools would help us identify possible conversation starters and strategies to ease the rollout of data-informed scheduling.

Challenge or barrier: (1,000 character)

When implementing Platinum Analytics functionality, we will be looking to use data to inform scheduling decisions. To date, we have had some support and guidance from colleagues at another

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institution that has used the same software. As we intensify our implementation, we will continue to encounter challenges with how best to translate the data into decision-making and actions. Of particular concern is how to frame the difficult conversations with faculty and administration around those decisions.

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Guided Pathways Essential Practices Scale of Adoption at Our College

Progress to Date Implementing Practice (If Scaling in Progress or At Scale, please

indicate which term (e.g., fall 2015) the college first reached this point)

Next Steps Toward Implementing Practice at Scale & Timeline

Equity Considerations in Area 4: ● How is the college ensuring that underrepresented students participate in program-relevant active and experiential learning opportunities?● As faculty make curricular changes to better align course assignments with program learning outcomes, how does the college support faculty to implement pedagogical changes

that better support learning outcomes success for underrepresented students (e.g., culturally responsive teaching)?● What opportunities exist for faculty or advisors to critically examine their role in advancing equity-minded teaching and advising practices at the college (e.g., critically

examining the role of unconscious bias in the classroom or advising that could affect student aspirations for a particular field and/or program selection)?● Is the college disaggregating program learning outcomes data, program retention and completion data, and other assessment measures by race, income, age, and gender to

examine equity gaps? How is this data disseminated and discussed among college staff, with students, and with the outside community? 4. ENSURING THAT STUDENTS ARE LEARNING

a. Program learning outcomes are aligned with the requirements for success in the further education and employment outcomes targeted by each program.

Place an X next to one: Not occurring Not systematic Planning to scale Scaling in progress X At scale

Progress to date: (2,500 character) ● While we have been at scale in all SLOs

assessment, we undertook a revision of our PSLOs to better reflect program pathways. As a result, transfer programs now mirror CTE programs in their PSLO design. All transfer programs have revised PSLOs that are tailored to the specific skills appropriate for that program. In the revisions, particular attention was paid to using language that is relevant and meaningful for students. In addition, many departments considered the PSLOs at their top transfer institutions and/or the skills identified for their field by the U.S. Department of Labor to facilitate alignment with further education and employment outcomes.

Term, if at scale or scaling: Spring 2019

Next steps: (1,000 character) ● Redesign PSLO assessment process to

better measure learning across programs.

● Map new PSLOs to course SLOs and Core Four (our ISLOs).

Timeline for implementing next steps: ● Fall 2019 - Spring 2020: Redesign

PSLO assessment process and take it through college governance processes.

● Spring - Fall 2020: Map CSLOs to PSLOs and ISLOs.

● Spring 2021: Implement new assessment process.

4. a. Support Needed? Type of Support - place an X next to one or more:

Policy guidance Connections with other GP teams Regional training On campus /individual training Technology Reporting/data Other

Support Needed – Detail: (1,000 character)

Challenge or barrier: (1,000 character)

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b. Instruction across programs (especially in program introductory courses) engages students in active and applied learning, encouraging them to think critically, solve meaningful problems, and work and communicate effectively with others. (Note: This practice was added to the SOAA in February 2019)

Place an X next to one: Not occurring X Not systematic Planning to scale Scaling in progress At scale

Progress to date: (2,500 character) ● Individual faculty across campus excel

at implementing active pedagogy in their courses.

● Occasional Flex activities and professional development supports (such as reading groups, consultation networks, and online resources) have facilitated some sharing of successful strategies with other faculty.

● In the past year, there has been a marked increase in engagement with culturally responsive methods, including Flex workshops, Faculty Senate discussions, and online modules.

● In Fall 2019, The College held a themed Flex Week: “Celebrating Excellence in Learning, Serving, and Teaching” that featured workshops where faculty and staff who currently excel in active and culturally responsive techniques modeled and discussed these methods with others.

● The college is in the process of defining our principles of learning, serving, and teaching--with an emphasis on how we help students learn both in and out of the classroom.

● The Office of Student Equity developed a Certificate of Equity and Inclusion for faculty and staff and is offering the training to participants during the 2019-2020 academic year. The certificate has been redesigned and expanded for continued implementation in the upcoming 2020-2021 year.

Term, if at scale or scaling:

Next steps: (1,000 character) ● Assess and modify the Certificate of

Equity and Inclusion training.● Develop an implementation team to

provide more extended professional development to train faculty and staff about effective means to engage students in active and applied learning.

Timeline for implementing next steps: ● Spring 2020: Assess and modify the

Certificate of Equity and Inclusion training.

● Fall 2020: Implement another cohort of the revised Certificate of Equity and Inclusion (re-named: Student Equity Certificate).

● Fall 2020: Develop an implementation team to provide more extended professional development to train faculty and staff about effective means to engage students in active and applied learning.

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4. b. Support Needed? Type of Support - place an X next to one or more:

X Policy guidance X Connections with other GP teams Regional training On campus /individual training Technology Reporting/data Other

Support Needed – Detail: (1,000 character) It would be very helpful to connect with other colleges to hear how they implement relevant professional development. We would also benefit from policy guidance related to incentivization of ongoing professional development among all faculty throughout their entire career.

Challenge or barrier: (1,000 character)

Some of our faculty are incredibly active in local, state, and national level professional development around these issues. However, it is often the same limited group of faculty who participate. It is often difficult to fully engage faculty beyond this group and keep all faculty current in the best teaching practices, particularly recent pedagogical methods to promote equity and inclusion.

c. Students have ample opportunity to apply and deepen knowledge and skills through projects, internships, co-ops, clinical placements, group projects outside of class, service learning, study abroad and other experiential learning activities that program faculty intentionally embed into coursework.

Place an X next to one: Not occurring X Not systematic Planning to scale Scaling in progress At scale

Progress to date: (2,500 character) ● This is continuing to happen through

some CTE programs, but it is not systematic.

● Some courses in transfer programs include service learning projects and group projects completed outside of class, but this is not systematic.

● The Internship and Work Experience Program on campus holds workshops and works with individual students to facilitate placement in internships and relevant employment.

● In Spring 2019, the Entering the Path workgroup submitted a first-year experience prototype that includes career information, group projects, and active learning as part of the pedagogy as a GP Redesign proposal. The FYE concept has been identified as a priority project for the 2020-2021 implementation year.

● In Spring 2019, the College received three additional GP Redesign proposals for projects that incorporate experiential learning and career preparation into the student experience. These proposals included: a designated Career Planning

Next steps: (1,000 character) ● As part of the Guided Pathways

Support project, employee roles will be identified on each CAP team to create and implement CAP-specific career events.

● The Guided Pathways Support team will devise professional development to train CAP team members for their new roles, including career event management.

● Two teams will be formed in the 2020-2021 implementation year: one that focuses on the development of a first-year experience and another that focuses on increasing embedded experiential learning across the College.

Timeline for implementing next steps: ● Spring 2020: Identify career event

roles for CAP teams and design professional development to prepare employees for this role.

● Fall 2020 - Spring 2021: Form new implementation teams to shepherd projects related to first-year experience and to train faculty in culturally

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Center, faculty advisors to provide career guidance and relevant training per CAP, and greater support for the existing internship and workforce development infrastructure. During Spring 2020, the Guided Pathways Support implementation team will outline the roles for future CAP team members, including planning and implementing career events by CAP.

● The Guided Pathways office has identified the expansion of contextualized coursework and experiential learning as priorities for the 2020-2021 implementation cycle. A cross component implementation team will be formed to lead this effort.

Term, if at scale or scaling:

responsive and experiential learning practices to then be intentional embedded into their courses.

4. c. Support Needed? Type of Support - place an X next to one or more: X Policy guidance X Connections with other GP teams Regional training On campus /individual training Technology Reporting/data Other

Support Needed – Detail: (1,000 character) It would be very helpful to connect with other colleges to hear how they implement relevant professional development. We would also benefit from policy guidance related to incentivization of ongoing professional development among all faculty throughout their entire career.

Challenge or barrier: (1,000 character)

Some of our faculty are incredibly active in local, state, and national level professional development around these issues. However, it is often the same limited group of faculty who participate. It is often difficult to fully engage faculty beyond this group and keep all faculty current in the best teaching practices, particularly recent pedagogical methods to promote equity and inclusion.

d. Faculty/programs assess whether students are mastering learning outcomes and building skills across each program, in both arts and sciences and career/technical programs.

Place an X next to one: Not occurring Not systematic Planning to scale Scaling in progress X At scale

Progress to date: (2,500 character) ● Cabrillo has a long history of regularly

assessing student learning outcomes at the course, program, and institution levels. These are assessed on a revolving 6-year cycle that coincides with program planning cycles. Because CTE departments have had program-

Next steps: (1,000 character) ● Redesign PSLO assessment process to

better measure learning across programs.

● Map new PSLOs to course SLOs and Core Four (our ISLOs).

● Recommend that the Outcomes Assessment Review Committee

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specific SLOs for some time, they have been regularly assessing their PSLOs as part of this cycle. The transfer-focused departments were using the institutional outcomes (ISLOs) for both the institution and program-level and assessed and reflected on them in this capacity. Because transfer programs now have revised PSLOs that are more program-specific, the new PSLOs are now being incorporated into the departments’ 6-year assessment cycles.

● Disaggregation of data is limited. Currently Cabrillo disaggregates SLO data only on instructional format (online versus in-person). Through the Planning and Research Office and the Data Dashboard tool, we do have the capacity to disaggregate success, completion, and retention data along multiple variables, but we do not currently do this for SLO assessment.

Term, if at scale or scaling: Spring 2019

(OARC) re-open the discussion of disaggregating data more systematically by race, gender, age, and/or income.

Timeline for implementing next steps: ● Fall 2019 - Spring 2020: Redesign

PSLO assessment process and take it through college governance processes.

● Spring 2020: Recommend that OARC re-open discussion of disaggregating data.

● Spring - Fall 2020: Map CSLOs to PSLOs and ISLOs.

● Spring 2021: Implement new assessment process.

4. d. Support Needed? Type of Support - place an X next to one or more:

Policy guidance Connections with other GP teams Regional training On campus /individual training Technology Reporting/data Other

Support Needed – Detail: (1,000 character)

Challenge or barrier: (1,000 character)

e. Results of learning outcomes assessments are used to improve teaching and learning through program review, professional development, and other intentional campus efforts.

Place an X next to one: Not occurring X Not systematic Planning to scale Scaling in progress At scale

Progress to date: (2,500 character) ● Every department follows our

assessment process which requires them to use SLO assessment results to improve teaching and learning. The quality of this work varies among departments, but all participate as required.

Next steps: (1,000 character) ● The new PSLO assessment process

currently being developed will provide an opportunity to improve assessment analysis for departments whose work is not of the highest quality. The process includes the steps noted in section #d above: if Faculty Senate approves,

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● OARC regularly schedules Flex workshops led by the SLO Coordinator to facilitate training on SLO assessment.

● Specific training has also been offered to department chairs who schedule and organize assessment activities for each department.

Term, if at scale or scaling:

OARC will help departments to map their PSLOs to CSLOs and ISLOs.

Timeline for implementing next steps: ● Fall 2019 - Spring 2020: Redesign

PSLO assessment process and take it through college governance processes.

● Spring - Fall 2020: Map CSLOs to PSLOs and ISLOs.

● Spring 2021: Implement new assessment process.

4. e. Support Needed? Type of Support - place an X next to one or more: Policy guidance Connections with other GP teams Regional training On campus /individual training Technology Reporting/data Other

Support Needed – Detail: (1,000 character)

Challenge or barrier: (1,000 character)

f. The college helps students document their learning for employers and universities through portfolios and other means beyond transcripts.

Place an X next to one: Not occurring X Not systematic Planning to scale Scaling in progress At scale

Progress to date: (2,500 character) ● Although a few programs include

classes where students produce portfolios or other capstone assignments for the program, these are not systematic across campus.

● In the PSLO revision process, departments were encouraged to write PSLOs using student-friendly language that students could understand and use to summarize their skillsets when applying to other academic and professional opportunities. This language was based on the World of Work 21st Century Skills framework. Use of this language was not universal, and only some departments wrote PSLOs with this in mind.

Term, if at scale or scaling:

Next steps: (1,000 character) ● As the revised PSLOs are assessed and

discussed in coming semesters, departments will be encouraged to continue modifying the PSLOs to stay current with the skills and needs of their discipline and changing language used to describe these skills. Regularly revising this language will help students to frame their skillsets as marketable to potential employers and transfer institutions.

● As the college revises department websites and makes PSLOs highly visible to students, departments will also be encouraged to revisit their PSLOs to edit for student-friendly and relevant language that will facilitate student marketing of their skills to potential employers.

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● OARC will consider ways to modify current assessment practices to better facilitate students’ documentation of their learning for employers and universities.

Timeline for implementing next steps: ● Fall 2019 onward: Departments will

continue to revise PSLOs as needed to stay current with their fields and the changing language of those fields.

● Fall 2019 - Spring 2020: While redesigning assessment practices, OARC will consider ways to facilitate students’ documentation of their learning.

4. f. Support Needed? Type of Support - place an X next to one or more: Policy guidance Connections with other GP teams Regional training On campus /individual training Technology Reporting/data Other

Support Needed – Detail: (1,000 character) Connections with other GP teams or individualized training that highlighted successful portfolio-style models from a wide range of disciplines (humanities, STEM, and so on) may help reignite the dialogue and openness to this option.

Challenge or barrier: (1,000 character) The biggest obstacle in implementing a portfolio approach was lack of awareness and understanding of the various options. Conversations among OARC and other faculty largely recognized that some disciplines (such as studio arts) were highlight conducive to portfolio structures. Other disciplines shied away from something unfamiliar.

g. The college assesses effectiveness of educational practice (e.g. using CCSSE or SENSE, etc.) and uses the results to create targeted professional development.

Place an X next to one: Not occurring X Not systematic Planning to scale Scaling in progress At scale

Progress to date: (2,500 character) ● The SENSE survey and equity student

focus groups were administered in Fall 2018. The results are being discussed at various levels of the GP implementation team, student services departments, Faculty Senate, Cabinet, and other college governance bodies.

● Numerous campus constituencies (including the Office of Student Equity, Counseling, Welcome Center, Student

Next steps: (1,000 character) ● Utilize SENSE data and CCEAL report

data to inform the three GP projects: Website Redesign, Student Onboarding and Pathways Support Teams.

● Assess and modify the Certificate of Equity and Inclusion training.

Timeline for implementing next steps:

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Services, and GP) are acting to follow recommendations made in the equity focus group (CCEAL) report. This includes: follow-up investigation of student experiences in the Welcome Center, additional professional development and an increase in cultural competency training for all faculty and staff.

● The Fall 2019 Flex week included sessions that promoted and trained faculty and staff on: culturally responsive teaching and service, ways to facilitate students’ sense of belonging on campus, and equity-minded practices.

● The Office of Student Equity developed a Certificate of Equity and Inclusion for faculty and staff and is offering the training to participants during the 2019-2020 academic year. The certificate has been redesigned and expanded for continued implementation in the upcoming 2020-2021 year.

Term, if at scale or scaling:

● Fall 2019- Spring 2020 - Utilize SENSE data and CCEAL report data to inform the three GP projects: Website Redesign, Student Onboarding and Pathways Support Teams.

● Spring 2020 - Assess and modify the Certificate of Equity and Inclusion training.

4. g. Support Needed? Type of Support - place an X next to one or more:

Policy guidance Connections with other GP teams Regional training On campus /individual training Technology Reporting/data Other

Support Needed – Detail: (1,000 character

Challenge or barrier: (1,000 character)

Additional REQUIRED questions:

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Student Engagement and Support

STUDENT ENGAGEMENT Guided Pathways legislation specifically asks for a report on progress in engaging students in the planning and implementation of the reforms. Your answers below will provide the Chancellor’s Office a system-wide qualitative measure of this effort.

In what ways are you continually engaging students in the planning and implementation of Guided Pathways on your campus? (Minimum of one required)

Place an X next to one or more: X Student survey(s) X Students serve on campus GP advisory committee(s) X Student focus groups

Other: Hired 8 GP Student Assistants (see below)

Engagement Efforts - Details: (1,000 character) Hired 8 student workers for Fall 2019-Spring 2020 to do canvassing and surveys on GP redesign projects (orientation, career services, program maps, new software, etc.). In addition to these job responsibilities, they also compile data and serve on committees.

COURSE ALIGNMENT How is the college exploring alignment of course offerings with student education plans? (To help answer this question, consider the college's answers to the following self-assessment questions 1.D., 2.A., 3.B., and 3.E.)

Course Alignment - Details: (1,000 character) Two separate task forces have been formed to a) implement year-round scheduling, so that students can register for classes in the Summer, Fall and Spring terms at the same time and b) use analytics to streamline scheduling and identify roadblocks to students completing their programs in as short a time as possible. The schedules will be, in part, based on program maps, student educational plans, and AB705 implementation.

Additional OPTIONAL questions:

Success Story

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SUCCESS STORY Optional: Please share a success story for collaborative purposes and to help establish best practices. Other NOVA users will be able to see this information as part of your submitted self-assessment, however the Chancellor’s Office will not share the information with outside parties without first obtaining your college’s consent. Note: All fields are required should you choose to include a success story.


Follow-up Contact Person(s):

Challenge: (1,000 character)

Success Story: (10,000 character)

Outcomes: (1,000 character)

Vision for Success Goals - Please select the goals that apply to this success story. Place an X next to one or more:

Increase by at least 20 percent the number of California Community College students annually who acquire associate degrees, credentials, certificates, or specific skill sets that prepare them for an in-demand job. Increase by 35 percent the number of California Community College students transferring annually to a UC or CSU Decrease the average number of units accumulated by California Community College students earning associate degrees

Increase the percent of exiting CTE students who report being employed in their field of study Reduce equity gaps across all of the above measures through faster improvements among traditionally underrepresented student groups Reduce regional achievement gaps across all of the above measures through faster improvements among colleges located in regions with the lowest educational attainment of adults