guidelines and recommendations

Guidelines and Recommendations Off-Book Experiential Learning Course Set-Up, Co獲le Richard S. Conley Assoclate Pro鰐sso工 Departme皿ofPolitical SclenCe Universlty Of FIorlda 234 A皿derson Hall Gainesville, FL 3261 1 (352) 317-1860 rco血ey@u皿edu

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Off-Book Experiential Learning Course Set-Up, Colege of Liberal Arts and ScieCeS
Richard S. Conley
ThlS memO detalls some key guidenes and recommendations for developmg a domestlC,
expenentia=eamng course in CLAS The guidelines are based on my expenences in
establlShlng a COurSe ( 1 credit hour) on Native Amencan Politics taught over Sprmg Break 20 1 7
n Wyommg, Montana, and South Dakota I, a graduate assistant, and eight undergraduate
students flew to Denver, CO, rented a 1 5-PaSSenger Van, and visltede Wind River Reservation
ln Wyoming (home tO the Eastcm Shoshone and Northem Arapaho), the Crow TrlbaI
Reservatlon near Little Blghom Battlefield in Montana, ande Pine Rdge Tnbal Reservat10n ln
South Dakota, home to the Oglala Lakota (Sioux). The course included visltS tO Cultural and
hlStOrlCal sites, including Fort Laramie, WY, Badlands National Park, SD, and MouRushmore,
SD, aS Wel as to tribal council oces and to the oces ofthe superlntendents ofthe Bureau of
Indian Airs (Department ofIntenor) on Wind Rjver and Pine Ridge We were asststed by
tnbal guides on the Crow and Pine Ridge Reservations. We also engaged in a sma11 service
leamng opportunity by providing elderly tribal members with fresh fr111t, Vegetables, and meat at
e Kyle, SD Elderly Center on the Pine Rldge Reservation where we met wlsemor citlZenS
The modaltres descrlbed in this meo, whieh as COmPhensive as posse, are
amed at facilltatmg faculty development of domestic programs that mvoIve travel, SPeakers,
fees, facty and graduate student salanes, and budgeting Unlike mtematlOnal programs that are
administered by the UnlVerSty Of Florida Intemational Center (UFIC), Jhere A±r "O Central ``cleamghoe ’’,r eStabllShlng domestlC, {sI/e and `book ’progγa. a/ UF.
In thlS endeavor’l grate1y acknowledge the remarkabe assistance and support ofmany
COlleagues, including my department chalr, Ido Oren, PrOgram aSSistant Garrett Mullee (Political
SclenCe), Assocjate Dean of CLAS Mary Watt, Associate Dean of CLAS Brian Harfe, EllZabeth
Lynch and Gena Valadez of CLAS Shared ServlCeS, Todd Morrone of UF Envirormental
Health, Safety and Protechon, and Brian Marchman, Charles Koeng, and Chris Newsome of
Distanee and Continuing Educatlon (DCE).
Course Sct-Up
A. C}edt Hoz“/Cose Deβ‘gra!,On. Obtain department chair approval for the course rf
e course lS less than 3 credit hours, lnSure that a course code with the proper number of
Credit houS “One books’’as early as possible (e.g., SPeCial topics). The Re
CannOt alter the credt hours of ay course unless it was orlgina11v set up as varial)le
Credit. Ideally, COurSeS tO be taught on a regular basis should go through the UnlVerSity
Curhculun Committee and recelVe a SPeClc course code deslgnation; prOVlde 4-6
mons for that process. Make sure adeqte time is provided m advance to insure the
COurSe is tisted on the Regstraris site fore tem m Which it is taught.
B.wcnt Reg′Strat10nsure that when the course is listed wlth the Regisar, the section
is “DEPX,” which requlreS departmental admmistrative approvaand manual registratlOn.
ThlS is critical to insue that students camot sign up fore course cn mmSSe without
knowmg the natllre Ofthe program additlOna] program fees, ctC
C. Deve’a CoSeolheFbrm (See attached). A course erm11mefom to obtam
Sdent infomatlOn lS Critical to reglSter and keep track of students.
D. Q#Book ProgrameFdg PJ.OSWhilee ReglStrar asSeSSes the standard
Per-Credit-hofee from students, any domestic program that invoIves travel must be
SelfLfundmg (i.e. , “Off book”, Students must pay for aH travel-related expenses) The
PrOgram must be selfrsustaining. The faculty member lS reSPOnslble for any expenses
beyonde fees that are coIected from students ine total travel budget.
a. Submit a Self-Fmdlng Proposal through Distance and Coung Education
(DCE) [see aached] The fom reires depa1ental, CLAS, DCEand Provost
aroVal Once approved, DCE wH] ccordinate with the Bur a∫ to collect the per-
student fees and asslgn a Chareld number that rs critical to the processlng Of
travel authonzatlOnS for facty/graduate assistants and receipts by CLAS Shared
Services (Or depanental sta Coordinate Wth DCE for the student fee
Payment deade aIrd withdrawal deane
b‘ Develop a lme-item budgct for DCE. (See attached example). Usecel or
another spreadsheet program to dooument hotel feels, rental car fees, and any
Other anticIPated expenses as closely as posslble. Additional fees camo/ be
COllec ed after students paye Bursar. Contact hotels we in advance and
negotiate room rates and possible dlScountS q Paired studes 2 per room by
gender1 some CaseS, I was able to have 3 students per fOOnger and unique
C. Obtain a hard copy ofUF’s sales tax exemption cefication For states w
recproclty, thlS Can SaVe Slgmficant aneunts ofmoney on hotefees We a UF
P-Card has the tax exemptlOn nLmber on it. make sllre to pomt it out to vendors
(hoteis, Car rental, etC. ) to lnSure that taxare not collected where appropriate.
The cecate lS aVailable at
http. www. purchasing. uf1 edu/foms/Consuer's%20Cecate%2 Oof%2 0En
RentaI Vehieles
A. Obtaln “ UFPurchcng Card Before reserving and rentlng any rental vehice m wch
Sdents will be trausported, lnSure that a UF Purchaslng Card i used to reserve the
Vehiclewhen the contTact is signed ate rental vehicle facty and the vehicle is
Plcked up. r%S CcaI m order for UnlVerSity liab=ity ProteCtions to attach to the
rental under the Enterprise state contract Uncumstances shod eer a
personal credlt Card or personal aut(mOblle iusurance coverage be used for the rental Vecle used for studetranspo
B- I5-PassengerIfrentms class ofvehlCle, We a CDL is nct requlred, UF
maates that dverS Ofthe van complete trang. The cost lS $15. Details arc at
http. ′′/www. ehs. ufl edprograus/hazard_eTgO/vanpol/
A et Consl(rt10nS Salary for faculty and gradte assistas is sect to fringe
benes Check with DCE one percentages when considering budgetmg for salary and
aust accordingly, aS apPrOPriate
B. Oγerload. (See attached). Ifthe course lS COnSldered an overload fore faculty and/or
graduate assIStant, Obtaln fom HR 600 from Shared Services/departmental staff HR 600 requlreS departmental approval
C ymen/. (See attached). Upon completlOn Ofe trlP, COntact Shared
Services/departmental staffto request that a SelfrFunded Program Payment Rcquest
(SFP) be processed The SFP requlreS departmental approval and wi!1 be sent to DCE for
TraveGuides/S pcakers/Hon ora ria
A. uncr Reqrement (See attached) Payments to any travel guldes, SPeakers, etC.,
must be processed as UnlVerSity vendorsough Shared Services/departmental staff
sure that ample time is provided to have the vendor Hll out the fom m advance for the
Check to be processed prior to the trlP.
A. Gro2p A/aod Meals and food are not elgibe for P-Card purchases.
B Ch Ad,anCe Contact Shared ServlCeS/departmental staffto obtaln a cash advance in
aCIPatlOn Of any food/meal purchases during the trip_ Ay unused funds from the cash
advance must be reconclled and remed promptly.
Travel Authorization
A. Obln a 7aVelA~‘thor‘Zat10n. Ai least a week prior to the tnp, mSure that you obtain a
travel authorization, nOng the approprlate Chartfield for the program, from CLAS
Shared Services/departmental staff Separate travel auonzations are requlred for the
facumembeT and the graduate assStant (lf applicable)
Student Liability Waiver
A. hre S/Z‘CCoJlete Wverγm. (See attached). The Student Llabillty Waiver
for domestC PrOgraS WaS dveloped usmg the UFIC waiver as a temp]ate The fom
must be completed by all students, and the orlgmas stored in a safe place.
B StudentAcowlement It was my preference to have students complete an additional
fom (sec attachcd) m whichey acknowledged the UF Student Code ofConduct and
Student Honor Code, m additlOn to PartlCus to the trip in tems of cultural sensitivity
and decolm related to mteactions with Native Americans, SeXl harassment polCy,
and the prohlbition of alcohol on NatlVe reServations Ofpartieular note was our amval
in Colorado (Denver), Where recreational marijuna was recently legalized at the state
leveL I made lt Clear to students that mariluana uSe Vio]ated UF policy. Moreover, I
elucldated that the transportatlOn Of marua tO aacent states where lt lS lllegal
constitutcs bostate and fedcral crimes and could eOPardize the trip
Travel Insurance
A. Grolp frranCe. (See attaChed). I recommend purchaslg grOuP traVel lnSance for
faculty, graduate assistants, and studes and bu11dmg the cost into the budget. See
attached policy, WhlCh was $4 1 per person and covered flight delays, deayed baggage’
1ost baggage, and retum to FIorlda due to medlCally-doounented ilness as well as
additioml medlCal insurance.
A. Ke,All Rece,tS Keep all receipts from P-Card and cash purchases duringe trip.
B.zcatlng Ionczlia/iOn- Upon retumis helpto ltem]Ze the recelPtS aongside a
copy of the budget spreadsheet when providing them to Shared Services/departmental
staff as soon as possible.
A. Coe A/r#ng. I developed a tri-fold brochure (See attaChed) that was made availabe
m Our departmental oce, On my Oce door’and e∞trOnlCally on my depanental
website. I also visited large lecture courses taught be oer faculty to p-tCh the course
Our mdergraduate coordinator sent several emnds to the undergraduate llSt-SerV to
advertise the course Finally, lf the course appeal lS multdjsciplinary, COnSider
contacting the chairs of other depa1eutS to distnbute course mfomation to those llS
servshad two of elght students who were fi’Om mqjors other than Poitical Science
enroll ln the course.
B. Pre-D’are ME:eting Have a meetmg With al students prior to depare to go over
theerary and any other detalls Some students are seasoned travelers, We others
have anxlety about travelmg. Obtaine students’ce11 phone nunbers for emergency
contact once they aITive on slte. Ifyou are not pICklng uPe students at the location
alxpOrt, PrOVlde details on how they are to amVe at the hotel or other slte.
C, Hlrlng C‘ Gradte AssIStant The hiring of a graduate assistant can facilltate tnP
plammg and coordmatlOn tO a great degree. Dng the Spring Break trip’my graduate
assIStant WaS mStrmental m teXting/emallmg/ca11ing students about logistlCS and
ensuring that they were ready to leave on time from the hotels for ou∫ Site visits.
Moreover, lt Can be especia11y helpto conslder an oppOSlte gender graduate assistant to
ensure balance for student concems that may devdop
I encourage any fhou]ty member consldemg the development of a domestlC expenentlal leaming
Program tO COntaCt me lfI may be offurther assistance. My email is rconley@ufl edu, Oce
Phone lS (352) 273-2385, and cell phone is (352) 317-1860. =ook forward to providing Whatever addltiorl insight I can.
Key Contacts’
Elizabeth Lymch, CLAS Shared Services. ealynch@ufl edu
Assoclate Provost-Teacng and TecoIogy: http://tnt.aa
Distance and Contmulng Education http://dce ufl edu/
Native American Politics (POS 4931)
Spring Break 2017
(le (prOg)
Undergraduate or Graduate:
If graduate, has the progran been approved by he Graduate School? Yes or No.
Total credit hous:
Cost pe year:
Percent Online:
(Ifless than lOO% online, list of the activities that prevent the program from being Oifered exclusively online):
SACS Accreditation Required:
If yes, eXPeCted date of approval:
Requires Physical PreseCe? Yes or No. If Yes, Where wiu the program be located?
Requires Intemship? Yes or No.
Proposed Launch Term:
1. What is the nature and size of the market?
2. WhO are the students?
3. What are the marketing pans?
4. Why is the demand not met already?
5. What ise competition and who is in the peer competitive group?
6. What wiIl be the program’s competitive advantages?
7. Wi11 the program iIlfringe on any oers served by the CoIlege/University?
8. Will the program have any impact on current ortue SCH production?
9. What is the totaexpected cost to the student (tuition and fees) and how does it compare
with the peer goup competition?
10. What is the basis for the cost? Cost recovery or Market Rate? Explain
1. How does this progran support/enhance the mission of the Cbege; the strategie p-an
Of the Unversi?
2. Who w bee faculty? Weir partieipation be inload or out"Of_Ioad?
3. What ise facty compensation pIan? Explathe compensation model for
4. Aree courses inIe PrOgram aIready in me currieulum? If not what are the
deveIopment pIans?
5. Hase proposed program been approved bye Graduate Council or University
Curriculum Committee?
Less than 25% remote, Off-CamPuS Physical iustruction
Between 25-49% remote’Off{amPuS Physical instruction
50% or more remote’OanPus Physical inston
7. What is the Ilatuue Of the platform that w be used to deHvere progran?
8. What are the student learning outcomes assaciated with the program?
9. How wil testing or student assessnlent be accomplished?
10 What is the program’s pan to authenticate students and ensure academic integrity
through proctoring?
11. At what location(s) wilIe col|rSeS be oered? (Maln UF Campus, OCampus, Online
12. Who w be lLe director. deDartmental contactoordinator respousible for acally
doinge work of setting up the course sections, and cotact for dailv interface with
Sdents? (include name, Phone, and emaiI)
1. Student fees:e′e arejse mnted md one hcaljbe !haJALLdem‘SJpap,
per cre(hour.
2. Student services and entitlements:
The student services that the distance student is entitled to are comparable to those of the
resident sdent and should include:
Eliglbility for financial aid and financial aid advising
' Student complamtS and coCemS
Student counseling and advising
Sdent organizations
Tec101ogy assistance
3. Every degree program must have specic and readily availabie information abou=he
fee obligations and service entitlements.
The entitlement informatlOn and how to exercise the entitlements will be included with the
Syllabi made available to each student.
(PlecISe Jee acheddget)
2. WiIl the program request start"uP funds?
3. What is the break even number of studetS?
4. Will the tuition be coIlected on calendar?
5. Budget Narrative
e S

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n n N
l qus ApoYaof
[AfncarLAmerlCan [HISPC []Asm/Hawa Nal)ve-Amer
womanowned [Non-Certlfied ECe'ed Certlfied by
2 #NoYes !fye§‘ W-1 the poposed workkervice be lhe same o sto the wokyou performed vwhlle
3 Doese work/ser`′“Ce lnVOive teaching|No1_Yes (lfyes, the couse lS1forced't | not for credt )
Today’s Date:
NewhiretoUF(papcrworkαoChed) CurrentUFEmpI°yee
ChalesKoeni PrintedName PrintedName
7 W'll UF provlde supplleS, equlPmentl matelaisl OrtOOIs to accomphe work′servICe?1NoLYes (Please desclbe )
8 Do you pefrorm slmllawork/ser‘′lCe forothers?NoYes
9 you be eursed fo any expenses tllat yOu 'nCu Whl-e perfermlng the poposed work/servlCeNo1Yes (Please desclbe )
easedemcation, Waive, and Holdal.mless Areement
tive Aerican Poiis Sg Break 2017
Plain§dian Tribesxperience
(CoIorado, Wyomjng,onana, South Dakota, Nebraska)
ln consideratlOn for bemg aowed to particIPate in Academic Workeseach in the above named
locatlOn (the Troganhereby PEASE and DISCHARGE The UnIVerSity of Ftorlda Board of
Trustees, The State oorida, their empyees, ageS anCi asslgnS (CO=ectiVelyJhe BELASEES)
from any and aaby, arising out of any loss, damage, Orrycluding death that may be
SuStained by me' Or t any ProPerty beionging to me, Or beth includlng but nomited to any claims,
demands' actions causes of actiOudgments, damages, eXPenSeS and costsnCiuding attomeys,
fees' WhlCh arise out of' reSult froOCCur dug or are connected in any manner with my
Participation ln the Progam or any related travel or activltleS, lnCfuding sucoss, damge, lnjuy o
deathat may resuit from RELEASEES' ow…eglgenCe. and =ueWAIVE any rigmigh-
Othense have and COVENANT NOT TO SUE sald REASS in connection w(th any such
1 am fy aware of risks and hazards comected wparticipatjon in the Progam, and eted
actieSCdlllg but not limited to exposue to infect-On and iectious diseases, ebeOn, POcal
InreSntemarmoIlc accidems, and clme, Which could esln seious or mortaless,
urieS and property damage’a=d am fu=y aware thahere may be risks a=C! hazads unknowo
me connected wsuch paciion, and l heeby voIuntarily elect to papate in {he Progam,
and related activitjesOWlng that condltions may be hazardous or dangeous to me and my
POPerty. I …derstand that l wbe subject to trlbaws and reguOnS On Native Ameican
reservations. in addOn tO State and locai laws and egulattons dng the Program.
i am fuaware thatwork associated wthe Program can be physicaily and mentaliy rlgOOuS, and
the possity ofess, aCCident o death is aiways a cnCen. Furthemoeam awae tha=he
Univeslty Of F!o,da strongly recommends thaeceive assurances from a physiCian regac!ing the
rigors of travei as they relate to any special condjtions and/or needs - may have.
RELEASS and each o=hem, from any loss =ability, damage or costs lncluding couri costs and
attoneyses they may jncur as a esult of any caims demands, actions, cauSeS Of actron
damages odgments Which arise out of, CCur durlng, O ae m any Way COmeCted wmy
ParciPation the progm ory elated travel o activjties.
ln slgnlnge elease l ACKNOWLEDGE and REPRESENT that:
ave read the foegolng release, understand jt and sign l!volltaas myown free act ancl
deedO Oral rresentations’StatementS O…ducements, aPaOm the foregoing witten
agreement, have been made;
m at least eIghteen (18) years f age and fycompetent;
. 1 executes release for fadequate and comptete consideratron fuending to be bound
bye same a=d intendlng (Od my heisuCCeSSOrS, asSlgnS, PerSOna- repesentative and
a∴ agree thahjs Releasedemnon’Wajver and Hoid Ham-ess Agreement i§ tO be
construed undethe laws of the State of Floida, ∪,S A. and thatvenue sha= be in Alachua
County, Ftoridafy potion hereof is heid invaijd, the baiance heeof §ha contlnue in fu=
oce and eect.
Student Code of Conduct
StudetS eurOlled in the Native AmerlCan Politics Spmg Break (1 credit hour) trip to CoIorado,
Wyong Montam, Nebraska, and SouDakota are bod by the UnlVerSity of Florida Student
Honor Code and Student Conduct Code (appended be10W).
Students must coPly not only wiUniversity of FIorida regulations, but also all federal, State,
and trib1 1aws, regulations and ordmances.
The U,S. Constitution provides that Native nations are sovereign entltleS On reServation lands.
AIcohol is prohibted one Wind River (Wyoming) and Pine REdge (SouDakota)
reservations per triba=aws" Under-age drig outside of tribal reservations is illegal per the
laws of CoIorado Wyong Montana Nebraska and South Dakota. Under-age drinking,
excessIVe alcohoI consumptlOn, drug use and/or indecent or disorderly conduct wi11 not be
Students are expected to exercise cultural sensitlVity and decorum in interact10nS With glleSt
SPeakers, triba=eaders, rePreSentatives, and residents, as We11 as wlth oe anOther and with
faculty and teaching assistants. Sexual harassment of any1d wllnot be tolerated.
Violations of the Student Honor Code and Conduct Code, Or Violations of federal, State, Orbal
laws regulations’and ordmances may result in immediate dismissal frome program.
Native American Pontics
,rint/egal Jlame)
acknowledge that [ have read and understande University of Florida Student Honor Code and
Code of Conduct. Fur[her, I acknowledge my responsibilies to follow a11 federal, State, and
tribal laws, regulations and ordinances during the Spg Break course (4 March - 12 March
2017). Iderstand that violations ofthe University of F]orida Student Honor Code, Code of
Conduct and/or federal’State Or triba=aws, regulations and ordinances may result in my
immediate dismlSSal from the program and potentlal academic and legal sanctions by goveming
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obtaln department char approval for course (and lnSapPrOPriate couuse designation/credit hours)
cSta gi
lf course is consided an overtoad ftIT faculty and/or graduate assistant, COmPe fom HR 600 and retum
to Shared Services or depaIental staff
complete process through University Cuniculum Committee for a sfic couse
Llst COurSe with Registrar; insure section number is ‘‘DEPX” for manenrollment
Dcop oouerOmen
frenting a 1 5-PasSenger Van, COmPlete training at http://www ehs.uflJ=du/progTamSthazardrgO/vanpol
complete Vendor Tax Fom to process payments to travel guides, SPeakers, etC. in advance oftrip

obtain travel authorization prior to trip from Shared Services or depamental staff
Hold “pre-depare meeting, wenrolled studts
sure students complete liability and other required foms prior to trip
obtaln grOuP traVel insnce, ifdesired
Shared Services or departmental staff
OfrBook ExperietiaLearning Course Planing Timne
-→ 12-I5ospor to tr
Develop syllabus, COnSult with departmt cr to obtain course approva1
2. Develop preimlIlary budget
2. Complete SelfLFunding Proposal through DIStanCe and Contmumg Education (DCE)
3. Complete process through University CumCulum Commlttee for specific course designation
1. Fme-tune COurSe line-item budget (hotes, Van rentals, SPeakers, entry fees, etC.)
2 Develop course brochure/Webslte infomation‘begin course marketmg
3, Develop course enrollment fo
4 Obtain UF purchasing card
5 Comp]ete training for 1 5-PaSSenger Van renta(ifapplicable)
6. Ihre graduate student assistant, if desired
→ 3-6 montpor io tr
l LISt COurse With Registrr lh secaS `DEPX’’for manual enroilment Gfstudem
following semester
2 Complete vendor tax foms to process paymentsadvance, aS apPlicable
3. In consultation wiDCE, detemine cutoff date for student payment of program fees to
3 Hold pre-departure meetmg wlth students
4 hsure studes complete llabllty and cther reqred foms
5. Obtain group travel mSuranCe, lf desred, OnCe Students are enro]led
→ee t(in lO
1 Itemize recelPtS and rem to Shared Services / deparental staff
2. Complete Selunded Program Payment Request (SFP) for faculty/gmd student salary
Payment aPPrOVal