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-------------------------------------------------------Guilty Gear: Judgment Story Dialogue FAQ By Blade Galewind a.k.a. "Mimeblade" Use with Permission. -------------------------------------------------------==Opening Notes== -------------------------------------------------------Please note that at the start of the game, the following characters are availabl e to you: Sol Badguy Ky Kiske May Millia Rage I-No The rest are unlocked in various stages by specific characters: Sol Badguy: Chipp Zanuff (Complete Stage 2-1 with Sol) Faust (Complete Stage 4-1 with Sol) Chipp Zanuff (Requires Sol cleared to play): Axl Low (Complete Stage 3-1 with Chipp) Axl Low (Requires Sol+Chipp cleared to play): Faust (Requires Sol cleared to play): Ky Kiske: Bridget (Complete Stage 2-1 with Ky) Bridget (Requires Ky cleared to play): Potemkin: (Complete Stage 3-2 with Bridget) Potemkin (Requires Ky+Bridget cleared to play): Kuradoberi Jam (Complete Stage 4-2 with Potemkin) Kuradoberi Jam (Requires Ky+Bridget+Potemkin cleared to play): May: Dizzy (Complete Stage 2-1 with May) Testament (Complete Stage 4-2 with May) Dizzy (Requires May cleared to play: Johnny (Complete Stage 2-2 with Dizzy) Johnny (Requires May+Dizzy cleared to play): Testament (Requires May cleared to play): Millia Rage: Baiken (Complete Stage 2-1 with Millia) Slayer (Complete Stage 2-2 with Millia)

Baiken (Requires Millia cleared to play): Slayer (Requires Millia cleared to play): Anji Mito (Complete Stage 3-2 with Slayer) Anji Mito (Requires Millia+Slayer cleared to play): I-No: Eddie (Complete Stage 2-1 with I-No) Zappa (Complete Stage 2-2 with I-No) Eddie (Requires I-No cleared to play): Venom (Complete Stage 3-1 with Eddie) Venom (Requires I-No+Eddie cleared to play): Zappa (Requires I-No cleared to play): To unlock Judgment you have to find the letters that spell his name in the Castl e Stage. J-U-D-G-M-E-N-T. You can find them in order in the locations within the Castle, if you miss any just go back to Character Select and check to see which letters are missing (also worth noting Judgment in this game is spelt without an "e" so it's NOT Jud gement, its simply "JUDGMENT"). Lastly, note that all the characters share an ending with another character, exc ept Judgment. Sol + Ky May + Johnny Millia + Venom I-No + Axl Chipp + Potemkin Faust + Zappa Bridget + Jam Dizzy + Testament Anji + Baiken Slayer + Eddie All story dialogue will be grouped as such. Also, worth noting that much of the dialogue is repetitive, and was originally VERY POORLY I tweaked a few things to make it more enjoyable/informative for your reading pleasure, so enjoy! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------==Main Story== -------------------------------------------------------It's been a week since the world has heard from the small Eastern European kingdom of Villtania. As scattered refugee reports surface, the world learns of monstrous devastation and biogeocenosis experiments summoned by Raymond, Villtania's leading sorcerer. The once beautiful Villtanian

countryside now runs red with the blood of its people. The United Nations declares an international emergency and offers a huge reward to any hot-shot mercenaries brave enough to restore order to Villtania. Warriors from around the world, some for the sake of justice, others for money, now gather in the Villtanian battlefield. A new war has begun. -------------------------------------------------------==Sol's Story== -------------------------------------------------------Isene, a small island in the Southern seas with less than a thousand inhabitants and a peaceful facade. An unnatural phenomenon occurred where villagers were disappearing at an alarming rate. The distance from neighboring countries made information slow to travel, and by the time anyone received information, the damage had spread beyond repair. The grim conditions are still spiraling out of control. Enter Sol Badguy, aka The Flame of Corruption. He hears the odd story about the disappearances while traveling to clear this world of the Gears, and decides to head to Isene. Feeling the presence of non-human forces behind the event, he moves on to Isene. LIBERIA: OLD HAMLET: Sol: Here it is... Monsters: Grr! Sol: What a pain in the ass. Out of my way. LIBERIA: THE OLD MANSION: Sol: ! Monsters: ... Sol: ...Bunch of beasts inside too. This is crazy. LIBERIA: THE HIDDEN CAVE: Sol: A hidden passage inside...This is no ordinary house... Let's see here. LIBERIA: THE WASTELAND: Sol: What the hell is this? Must be a demon from the Underworld! Hellraiser: Arrgh...Grr...!...Grr...Grr! Sol: ...I get it. Guess it's not as simple as being summoned by the master... POST-BOSS FIGHT: Sol: A fusion between three monsters from the Underworld?

Who the hell pulled off this crazy stuff? ASHNAY: THE SWAMP: Sol: Not a single person in sight. Better check out the entire island. SOL ENCOUNTERS CHIPP: Chipp: Damn, it's a trap! Monsters: Grrrg! Chipp: Ha! You won't beat me with those numbers! Sol: Why are you here? Chipp: Hey...back to you. Or...did you come here so I could teach you a lesson? Sol: Considering the predicament, I'm in stitches. Chipp: Says you. Wait your turn to get filleted. Sol: ...blah, blah... *begins to walk away* Chipp: Hey, you trying to ignore me? Hey, wait a sec. Sol: Eh...? Chipp: A little help never hurts karma! Sol: ...Oh well... *Volcanic Viper* ~Moments later~ Chipp: Hey, good work. Sol: ... Chipp: Hey, I did thank you, didn't I?...damn. ASHNAY: RIVERSIDE: Sol: Supposed to be an ancient ruin downstream. Don't tell me I have to get wet for this...Gimmie a break... ASHNAY: DOWN RIVER: Sol: So this is where the ruin is. Don't know if I'll find anything but I gotta keep going. ASHNAY: THE GARDEN RUIN: Sol: ! Is she a Gear? No, maybe not. Noel (Fairy Plant Hybrid): Arrgh! (It hurrrts!) Sol: A fusion between a human and a beast from the Underworld...!

POST-BOSS FIGHT: Noel: Thaaannnk youuuu...*withers and dies* Sol: Rest in peace. I guess that woman was guarding the entrance. Something's up. KSANAKA: UNDERGROUND MINESHAFT: Sol: A cave deep inside an ancient ruin with traces of supplies being transporte d. Guess I finally get to meet the big boss. KSANAKA: HIDDEN LABORATORY: Sol: So this is where it all happens. My hats off to whoever built this research lab. KSANAKA: CENTRAL CORE: Sol: This must be the deepest part. Did it take me a long time or what? KSANAKA: ABANDONED REACTOR: Sol: Another original bio war-machine. Whoever created all this is nuts. Marehound: Grrrr... Sol: You're giving me no choice... POST-BOSS FIGHT: Marehound: GRRRrrrrr...khhhhrrrg! Sol: Later dude! *Slashes Marehound* *walks forward and spots something* Sol: What's this? --------------------Experiment Log Book --------------------November 26th. Finally, I have found it. My calculations are true. With this, I shall become God. However, I will need cooperation. I will need a substantial level of cooperative subjects, but I must avoid attracting attention. That is when I found the inhabitants of Isene. Limited contact with the outside world, hence the solitary island.

And there are enough subjects. There are archeological remains on the island. What a fitting site for my laboratory. The Wind Tower is also close to the gate. It seems the island was made for me. They are going to cooperate with God. I suspect they will welcome me with open arms. --------------------On the cover, there's an inscription... "Raymond" --------------------Sol: ...Raymond. KSANAKA: ESCAPING THE LAVA PIT: Hell Marehound: *Howls* Sol: Damn...I better hurry. KSANAKA: LAVA PIT EXIT: Hell Marehound: GRRRrrrrr...khhhhrrrg! Sol: Sorry, man. See you later! *slashes Hell Marehound* TOWER OF WIND: ENTRANCE: Sol: The Wind Tower...Is he upstairs? SOL ENCOUNTERS FAUST: Faust: I hear the need of some 'patients' behind this thick wall...huh? Monsters: Ggg... Faust: I was right, all these patients. I can't guarantee my treatment will fix all your problems! Sol: What the hell are you doing here? Faust: Oh, you have perfect timing. Sol: Huh? Faust: I was thinking they should get some 'treatment.' Sol: They're all yours! Monsters: Screeetch!! Sol: Tsk..What an annoyance. *Volcanic Viper* ~Moments later~ Faust: I shall get going. My patients can't wait forever. *skitters away*

Sol: What the hell was that all about? TOWER OF WIND: BIG ELEVATOR: Sol: I guess they want me to go upstairs. *Sol gets surrounded by Ra-kis* Sol: I get it, now. TOWER OF WIND: TOP OF THE TOWER: Sol: ...So you're Raymond. Raymond: That's right, Sol. Quite an honor that you already know me. Sol: ... ... Raymond: I know all about you, too. Yes, the Gear Project...Interesting stuff. I would love to discuss this with you at length... Sol: Shut your trap. I didn't come all the way here to chat with you. Raymond: Oh, really? Then what is it that brings you here, my friend? Sol: I'm here to take you down and wipe out this crazy research of yours. Raymond: Ha, you think that's possible? Take a look... The gate to the Underworld has already started to open. *Gate Opens* Sol: ! Raymond: Ha! My research is now almost complete! Sol: You think I'm just gonna sit here and let you get away? Raymond: I expected you to say that so I've prepared a little something for you. It's all yours! *Summons S-Lord* Sol: This guy's really getting on my nerves. Raymond: I'm sure you'll enjoy the fruit of my research. If you're still alive, that is. Haha...Ha! *leaps into portal as it closes* POST-BOSS FIGHT: *Gate Re-Opens* Sol: An invitation to the Underworld? Bring it on. *Sol steps into the portal*

THE UNDERWORLD: CHAINS AND MIST: Sol: Terrible taste... *fights through a group of Goose slime creatures* ~Moments later~ Raymond: Good to see you again. Look here, this is Inus the king of the Underworld and cornerstone of m y research. You can feel his powerful presence even as he rests. Isn't it so spectacular? Sol: Now you plan to screw with this guy, eh? You're starting to get real predictable. Raymond: You shall regret those words soon. ...! What is going on? *Inus devours Raymond* Sol: That would be nice if you self destruct... Inus the Underworld King: Anyone... Who interrupts... My deep rest... Shall go to hell! Sol: So he leaves behind yet another parting gift. POST-FIGHT AFTER DESTROYING INUS: Sol: It's over. *The remains of Inus erupt and take the shape of a new entity* ????: No, it's only the beginning. Sol: !? How did you...? Formerly Raymond: My research is a success. I thank you. Sol: What...? Formerly Raymond: I've successfully taken over the powers of the king of the Und erworld. Sol: ... ...Right, I get it. Formerly Raymond: You catch on quickly, but that is to be expected from someone who took a major role in the GEAR Project. Sure I'll explain it all to you. I've put in endless hours of research to find a way to exceed the powers of Gears and one day I came up with the idea of using monsters from the Underworld...that fusing them would lead to immense power. Sol: But there's a problem...

Formerly Raymond: That's right. The overwhelming power of the monster makes it tough to mainta in one's identity. You risk being taken over by the host. I spent long hours trying to find a way to combat this problem , and came up with a solution. Sol: Right, I get it. Formerly Raymond: That's right. Integrating myself initially to the host's body, then removing the monster's identity would allow me to maintai n my own identity while taking over the monster's Powers. Sol: So you risked it all for this. You're nuts, man. Formerly Raymond: No way, this was all based on exact calculation. Leading you all the way here and using a bio war machine to measure your strength in the process. I used that info to save Inus' power from inside, since there's no point in killing Inus if it's after I had lost my own identity. Oh, I better also thank the people of this island, even though I'm sure they feel the sacrifices they made were for a great cause. Sol: You piece of... Formerly Raymond: Well, I guess I'm done here so I better get going. I'm a busy man now, as newly crowned ruler of both worlds. Sol: I'm not letting you get away. Formerly Raymond: Don't worry, son. I won't run and I won't hide. As one of the contributors to my research, I'd like to invite you to my party. Hahaha... *Disappears inside a newly formed castle* CASTLE: INTERIOR: Formerly Raymond: Welcome to my castle. The holy land begins here, and you are my very first guest. You deserve a very warm welcome. Enjoy the party! Sol: You piece of...You're going down! CASTLE: THRONE ROOM: Formerly Raymond: So how did you enjoy the hospitality? Sol: The circus ends now. Formerly Raymond: You're absolutely right. The main event starts now. Get a taste of my divine powers.

Sol: So the minute you acquire new power you think you're a God. What a joke. Formerly Raymond: The world today needs a leader. After 100 years of Holy War, the world looks to be at peace ag ain. But that is only on the surface. The Holy War still continues in the darkness. We need a powerful force to save us from the darkness of the H oly War. Sol: And you think you're that savior? Don't make me laugh. Formerly Raymond: So I guess you don't understand my sublime vision. Sol: All you want is power and a way to justify that. You're far from being a God. Formerly Raymond: A great feat like this comes at great cost. I call it more of a sin to sit there and do nothing. Sol: Go to hell! Formerly Raymond: There was once a 'man' who preached 'justice'. Sol: ... ... Formerly Raymond: But Justice failed and collapsed like a house of cards, unable to cast light upon the darkness. Sol: What the hell... Formerly Raymond: The one most suited to rule over the world is not Justice... It's the Judge! My name is...Judgment! Judgment: I shall bring all sinners to justice...!! POST-BATTLE WITH JUDGMENT: Judgment: Grr, what is going on? Sol: ...It's over. Judgment: What? Why? I thought I had acquired absolute power... Everything was supposed to go according to plan... Sol: You made an error. You didn't notice? Judgment: Wha, What? Sol: You've already been taken in by Inus. Did you actually think you can continue to exist without the host? Judgment: !...Ha, Haha! ... ... Sol: ... ... Judgment: I can't accept...such a result...

There's no way I'd make such a...mistake... *Judgment's body begins to sublimate* Judgment: ! What is this? My power!... My power! He, help... Sol: *Thumbs Down* You're the one who's going to be brought to justice. Judgment: Aagh!! *Breaks apart as the reactor in Ksanaka goes critical and destr oys the Castle* Sol: ...! Man, it's out of control. *runs out of the castle* -------------------------------------------------------==Ky's Story== -------------------------------------------------------Isene, a small island in the Southern seas with less than a thousand inhabitants and a peaceful facade. An unnatural phenomenon occurred where villagers were disappearing at an alarming rate. The distance from neighboring countries made information slow to travel, and by the time anyone received information, the damage had spread beyond repair. The grim conditions are still spiraling out of control. Former leader of the Sacred Order of Holy Knights, Ky, currently endeavors to ma intain law and order as a head figure in the International Police Force. As they start the investigation of the disappearances, they receive information about an eyewitness of a mysterious figure at Isene. Sensing the case will not be sol ved merely by any investigation, Ky heads to Isene, alone. LIBERIA: OLD HAMLET: Ky: So this is Isene...I see, supposed to be a vibrant island but there's not a single soul. Monsters: Grr! Ky: Gears?...No, there's too many of them. The village is full of them ...this calls for an investigation. LIBERIA: THE OLD MANSION: Ky: Anyone home? Monsters: ... Ky: Looks like there's no point talking to you. I'll have to take a look inside, alright? LIBERIA: THE HIDDEN CAVE:

Ky: A hidden passage. Smells fishy... LIBERIA: THE WASTELAND: Ky: ! What is this? Looks like a monster from the Underworld, but... There's something wrong with him. Hellraiser: Arrgh...Grr...!...Grr...Grr! Ky: This monster is a man-made creation! Who in the world could have done such a thing? POST-BOSS FIGHT: Ky: The problem is not yet resolved. I must find the person responsible for this before it's too late. ASHNAY: THE SWAMP: Ky: As anticipated, nobody here. Maybe the people of the island are already... No, I will save them! KY ENCOUNTERS BRIDGET: Bridget: Hmm, I think I'm lost. Monsters: Grrrg! Bridget: Uhh, excuse me, I'm looking for some bounties. Have you seen any around here? Monsters: Screeech! Bridget: Whoa! Can you at least listen to me? Ky: ! Bridget...why are you here? Bridget: Oh, hi sir. What a coincidence. Funny, we meet at such a place. Ky: That's a bit leisurely under the circumstance, don't you think? Bridget: Yes, it seems they don't want to listen to me. Ky: ...Obviously...You have my service. Bridget: You're a life-saver! Ky: *Stun Edge!* ~Moments later~ Ky: "What brings you to such an isolated land? Bridget: I'm looking for some bounties. Ky: I see. But, there is more than bounties roaming around here. Save yourself. I suggest you leave this dangerous land. Bridget: I understand. I'll leave when I find more bounties.

Ky: No. No, I meant you should leave now. Bridget: See ya! *runs away* ASHNAY: RIVERSIDE: Ky: I hear there's an ancient ruin downstream. Maybe I'll find something there. ASHNAY: DOWN RIVER: Ky: Found the ruin. I guess it's not being used anymore... ASHNAY: THE GARDEN RUIN: Ky: ! What is this? Noel (Fairy Plant Hybrid): Arrgh! (It hurrrts!) Ky: Great heavens! Someone fused an innocent woman with a monster! Do I have no choice but to fight? POST-BOSS FIGHT: Noel: Thaaannnk youuuu...*withers and dies* Ky: ...Please, rest in peace. I promise you I'll find the culprit, whoever's behind all this...! KSANAKA: UNDERGROUND MINESHAFT: Ky: There are traces of people recently being here in the depths of an ancient r uin... Maybe the culprit behind all this is inside? KSANAKA: HIDDEN LABORATORY: Ky: This must be a research facility for bio war machines! The island's people must have fallen victim to benefit the research... Who did this? KSANAKA: CENTRAL CORE: Ky: Looks like this is the end of the road. The culprit must be inside! KSANAKA: ABANDONED REACTOR: Ky: Damn, just missed him. I'm not letting you get away! Marehound: Grrrr... Ky: I guess the point is to slow me down, but I'm afraid it's not going to work. POST-BOSS FIGHT: Marehound: GRRRrrrrr...khhhhrrrg! Ky: It's over! *Slashes Marehound*

*walks forward and spots something* Ky: What's this? --------------------Experiment Log Book --------------------November 26th. Finally, I have found it. My calculations are true. With this, I shall become God. However, I will need cooperation. I will need a substantial level of cooperative subjects, but I must avoid attracting attention. That is when I found the inhabitants of Isene. Limited contact with the outside world, hence the solitary island. And there are enough subjects. There are archeological remains on the island. What a fitting site for my laboratory. The Wind Tower is also close to the gate. It seems the island was made for me. They are going to cooperate with God. I suspect they will welcome me with open arms. --------------------On the cover, there's an inscription... "Raymond" --------------------Ky: ...Raymond. KSANAKA: ESCAPING THE LAVA PIT: Hell Marehound: *Howls* Ky: Oh no, trouble...I better hurry... KSANAKA: LAVA PIT EXIT: Hell Marehound: GRRRrrrrr...khhhhrrrg! Ky: This is it for sure! *slashes Hell Marehound* TOWER OF WIND: ENTRANCE: Ky: The Wind Tower...Raymond, you have nowhere to hide. TOWER OF WIND: BIG ELEVATOR: Ky: An easy passage upstairs means something's up...but I'm not one to be fazed by a measly booby-trap! *Ky gets surrounded by Ra-kis* Ky: See, I knew it.

TOWER OF WIND: TOP OF THE TOWER: Ky: You're not going anywhere, Raymond. Raymond: Well, well... A warm welcome to my humble island, Mr. Ky Kiske. Ky: ... ... Raymond: I've heard a lot about you. Young hero of the Holy War. The youngest ever to lead the Sacred Order of Holy Knights, and a maste r swordsman. I'd love to see some of your artistic swordplay. Ky: ...If you insist, I can show you. Although it might not be in your best inte rest. Raymond: Okay, and what are you insinuating? Ky: Raymond, as the prime suspect for this case, you are under arrest. Should you resist, you leave me no choice but to use force against you. Raymond: Ha! You think you can pull that off? Take a look... The gate to the Underworld has already started to open. *Gate Opens* Ky: ! Raymond: Ha! My research is now almost complete! Ky: I'm not letting you get away! Raymond: I expected you to say that so I've prepared a little something for you. It's all yours! *Summons S-Lord* Ky: Damn little games! Raymond: I'm sure you'll enjoy the fruit of my research. If you're still alive, that is. Haha...Ha! *leaps into portal as it closes* POST-BOSS FIGHT: *Gate Re-Opens* Ky: Inviting me inside the Underworld? Perhaps another booby trap? Oh well. Bring it on! *Ky steps into the portal* THE UNDERWORLD: CHAINS AND MIST: Ky: ...This place is awfully spooky. *fights through a group of Goose slime crea tures* ~Moments later~

Raymond: Good to see you again. Look here, this is Inus the king of the Underworld and cornerstone of m y research. You can feel his powerful presence even as he rests. Isn't it so spectacular? Ky: You trying to use that guy next? What the hell are you trying to do? Raymond: Relax, my friend. You'll find out sooner or later. ...! What is going on? *Inus devours Raymond* Ky: ! Gifted individual takes the wrong evil path and fails miserably...How path etic. Inus the Underworld King: Anyone... Who interrupts... My deep rest... Shall go to hell! Ky: So this is the finale to this case... My apologies for stepping into your turf but I can't let you kill me! POST-FIGHT AFTER DESTROYING INUS: Ky: It's all over. *The remains of Inus erupt and take the shape of a new entity* ????: No, it's only the beginning. Ky: !? How did you...? Formerly Raymond: My research is a success. I thank you. Ky: What...? Formerly Raymond: I've successfully taken over the powers of the king of the Und erworld. Ky: I don't get it! What did you do? Formerly Raymond: You look quite surprised. You catch on quickly. Sure, I'll explain it all to you. I've put in endless hours of research to find a way to exceed the powers of Gears and one day I came up with the idea of using monsters from the Underworld...that fusing them would lead to immense power. Ky: How could you do such a terrifying thing? Formerly Raymond: But there was a huge problem. The overwhelming power of the monster makes it tough to mainta in one's identity. You risk being taken over by the host. I spent long hours trying to find a way to combat this problem ,

and came up with a solution. Ky: ... ... Formerly Raymond: Even a man as smart as you can't figure it out, huh? Integrating myself initially to the host's body, then removing the monster's identity would allow me to maintai n my own identity while taking over the monster's Powers. Ky: So you did this to use me...! Formerly Raymond: That's right, this was all based on exact calculation. Leading you all the way here and using a bio war machine to measure your strength in the process. I used that info to save Inus' power from inside, since there's no point in killing Inus if it's after I had lost my own identity. Oh, I better also thank the people of this island, even though I'm sure they feel the sacrifices they made were for a great cause. Ky: How dare you treat the lives of innocent people like dirt! Formerly Raymond: Well, I guess I'm done here so I better get going. I'm a busy man now, as newly crowned ruler of both worlds. Ky: You actually think I'll let you get away with this? I will destroy you with this sword! Formerly Raymond: Don't worry, son. I won't run and I won't hide. As one of the contributors to my research, I'd like to invite you to my party. Hahaha... *Disappears inside a newly formed castle* CASTLE: INTERIOR: Formerly Raymond: Welcome to my castle. The holy land begins here, and you are my very first guest. You deserve a very warm welcome. Enjoy the party! Ky: Your party's gonna end real soon, Raymond! CASTLE: THRONE ROOM: Formerly Raymond: So how did you enjoy the hospitality? Ky: Your party ends now, Raymond. Formerly Raymond: You're absolutely right. The main event starts now. Get a taste of my divine powers. Ky: Calling yourself a God? Please, give me a break! Formerly Raymond: The world today needs a leader. After 100 years of Holy War, the world looks to be at peace ag ain.

But that is only on the surface. The Holy War still continues in the darkness. We need a powerful force to save us from the darkness of the H oly War. Ky: You have no right to call yourself God! Plus, man doesn't need you to show them how to bring about peace! Formerly Raymond: So I guess you don't understand my sublime vision. Ky: You'll have to pay for defying peace and taking all those lives! Formerly Raymond: A great feat like this comes at great cost. I call it more of a sin to sit there and do nothing. Ky: ...There's no point in discussing this further with you. Are you ready? Formerly Raymond: There was once a 'man' who preached 'justice'. Ky: ... ... ! Formerly Raymond: But Justice failed and collapsed like a house of cards, unable to cast light upon the darkness. Ky: ... ... Formerly Raymond: The one most suited to rule over the world is not Justice... It's the Judge! My name is...Judgment! Judgment: I shall bring all sinners to justice...!! POST-BATTLE WITH JUDGMENT: Judgment: Grr, what is going on? Ky: ...I win. Judgment: What? Why? I thought I had acquired absolute power... Everything was supposed to go according to plan... Ky: Even a gifted mind like yours can make mistakes, I guess... Judgment: Wha, What? Ky: Your body didn't have a host. Did you actually think you can continue to exist without the host? Judgment: !...Ha, Haha! ... ... Ky: ... ... Judgment: I can't accept...such a result... There's no way I'd make such a...mistake... *Judgment's body begins to sublimate* Judgment: ! What is this? My power!... My power! He, help...

Ky: *Flicks sword back* A taste of your own medicine serves you right. Divine justice. Judgment: Aagh!! *Breaks apart as the reactor in Ksanaka goes critical and destr oys the Castle* Ky: ...! Man, it's out of control! I better get out of here...! *runs out of the castle* -------------------------------SOL AND KY ENDING: -------------------------------Ky: Sol! Sol: You again? Buzz off. Ky: Maintaining peace, law, and order. That is my duty. Sol: Whatever... Ky: You and I, we are cut from the same cloth. How long are you going to keep that facade? Sol: ... Ky: Answer me Sol! Sol: Not your problem, I said, buzz off. Ky: Gears...and now Raymond. Why do humans continue to repeat their mistakes? Sol: Never ending long as Gears exist. Ky: Is that why you continue to hunt Gears? Tell me what you know! Sol: I talked too much, forget it. *walks away* Ky: Wait, Sol! -------------------------------SOL AND KY ENDING COMPLETE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------==May's Story== -------------------------------------------------------Isene, a small island in the Southern seas with less than a thousand inhabitants and a peaceful facade. An unnatural phenomenon occurred where villagers were disappearing at an alarming rate. The distance from neighboring countries made information slow to travel, and by the time anyone received information, the damage had spread beyond repair. The grim conditions are still spiraling out of control. A girl with super human strength, May. The Jellyfish Pirates make an emergency landing on the island of Isene to search for food.

However, May soon realizes Johnny, whom she has special feelings for, has disapp eared. Worried about his late return, she rushes out to seek him. LIBERIA: OLD HAMLET: May: Johnny! Where are you? Monsters: Grr! May: Eww...What is this? LIBERIA: THE OLD MANSION: May: ! Monsters: ... May: All I wanna do is find Johnny... LIBERIA: THE HIDDEN CAVE: May: A hidden passage...Hmm... LIBERIA: THE WASTELAND: May: Don't tell me it's another weird monster? Hellraiser: Arrgh...Grr...!...Grr...Grr! May: Aagh! This guy's freaking me out! Johnny, help!... ... ... ...Where are you ? POST-BOSS FIGHT: May: What a weird island...Wait, could Johnny be caught up in something here? ASHNAY: THE SWAMP: May: Johnny...Not here either? MAY ENCOUNTERS DIZZY: Dizzy: Why isn't anybody here? I'd better hurry up and finish shopping or nobody will have dinner tonight. Monsters: Grrrg! Dizzy: ! You...! *Monster swipes at her* Ugh! May: ! Dizzy! Monsters: Ggg! Dizzy: Uh, umm, uh.......May...? May: Dizzy! Are you okay!

Dizzy: Yes, I'm fine. But, we'd better... May: Get rid of the enemy! Dizzy: Yes! May: *Mr. Dolphin~!* ~Moments later~ Dizzy: Wow May, you're awesome. May: Hehehe~...Oh by the way, have you seen Johnny? Dizzy: Hmm? Um...I haven't seen him. May: Argh, I wonder where he disappeared to? ASHNAY: RIVERSIDE: May: I guess I have to go down the river. Let's see. ASHNAY: DOWN RIVER: May: An old building...Maybe I'll find Johnny inside... ASHNAY: THE GARDEN RUIN: May: ! What's this? Noel (Fairy Plant Hybrid): Arrgh! (It hurrrts!) May: Looks kinda human...but I guess not. Kinda creepy. POST-BOSS FIGHT: Noel: Thaaannnk youuuu...*withers and dies* May: I'm sorry. Kinda in a hurry. KSANAKA: UNDERGROUND MINESHAFT: May: A cave inside...Hmm...Smells real fishy around here... KSANAKA: HIDDEN LABORATORY: May: Whoa! What's this? Cool...Kinda creepy here. Let's hurry up and find him. KSANAKA: CENTRAL CORE: May: Maybe this is the last room? KSANAKA: ABANDONED REACTOR: May: Johnny, are you in here? Aagh! Marehound: Grrrr... May: What's up with you guys? I said I'm only looking for Johnny!

POST-BOSS FIGHT: Marehound: GRRRrrrrr...khhhhrrrg! May: Geez...Just go to sleep! *whacks Marehound with her anchor* *walks forward and spots something* May: What's this? --------------------Experiment Log Book --------------------November 26th. Finally, I have found it. My calculations are true. With this, I shall become God. However, I will need cooperation. I will need a substantial level of cooperative subjects, but I must avoid attracting attention. That is when I found the inhabitants of Isene. Limited contact with the outside world, hence the solitary island. And there are enough subjects. There are archeological remains on the island. What a fitting site for my laboratory. The Wind Tower is also close to the gate. It seems the island was made for me. They are going to cooperate with God. I suspect they will welcome me with open arms. --------------------On the cover, there's an inscription... "Raymond" --------------------May: Raymond...Maybe he knows. KSANAKA: ESCAPING THE LAVA PIT: Hell Marehound: *Howls* May: Uh-oh, What's going on? KSANAKA: LAVA PIT EXIT: Hell Marehound: GRRRrrrrr...khhhhrrrg! May: The power of love! *Whacks Hell Marehound* TOWER OF WIND: ENTRANCE: May: The Wind Tower...Could Raymond be in here? MAY ENCOUNTERS TESTAMENT:

Testament: What! *gets bowled over by Ansect* Testament: A blunder by me. Embarassing. So you think you're prepared? You'll soon learn your pitiful plan was all for naught. Monsters: Gggi! Testament: Meet your death! May: Hey mister, aren't you Dizzy's... Testament:'re Dizzy's... May: What are you doing here? Testament: Can't you see? May: Yeah, let me help. *Applause for the Victim* ~Moments later~ May: Umm...have you seen Johnny? Testament: No, haven't seen him. May: Really? I wonder where he went. Testament: I must get going. My apologies for not being able to help more. May: No, no, don't worry. See ya! Oh hey, drob by the Jellyfish once in a while, won't ya? *walks away* TOWER OF WIND: BIG ELEVATOR: May: So high-tech! *May gets surrounded by Ra-kis* May: What is all this? TOWER OF WIND: TOP OF THE TOWER: May: ...Are you Raymond? Raymond: That's right, May. Quite an honor to be known by even you. May: ! Raymond: I know all about you. Member of the Jellyfish Pirates, Air Pirates who show human empathy. May: Hey, what's so funny? Raymond: Oops, excuse me. It's just that empathy is such nonsense... May: What did you say? Did you just make fun of us and insult Johnny's values? Raymond: You are still a naive child... Take a look, the gate to the Underworld is already opening.

*Gate Opens* May: ! Raymond: Ha! My research is now almost complete! May: I was only looking for Johnny, but...You're starting to tick me off! Raymond: I expected you to say that so I've prepared a little something for you. It's all yours! *Summons S-Lord* May: Damn it! Out of my way! Raymond: I'm sure you'll enjoy the fruit of my research. If you're still alive, that is. Haha...Ha! *leaps into portal as it closes* POST-BOSS FIGHT: *Gate Re-Opens* May: If I go through here maybe I can catch Raymond...Here I come! *May steps in to the portal* THE UNDERWORLD: CHAINS AND MIST: May: Oh no, another spooky place. *fights through a group of Goose slime creatur es* ~Moments later~ Raymond: Good to see you again. Look here, this is Inus the king of the Underworld and cornerstone of m y research. You can feel his powerful presence even as he rests. Isn't it so spectacular? May: Nope, not at all. The only thing that's spectacular is Johnny! Raymond: What a little squirt you are... Don't even see that you're in a tough situation right now, do you? ...! What is going on? *Inus devours Raymond* May: ! So much for the tough situation I'm in... It turns out you're the one in the tough situation. Inus the Underworld King: Anyone... Who interrupts... My deep rest... Shall go to hell! May: Oh, looks tough... POST-FIGHT AFTER DESTROYING INUS:

May: Phew, that was a close call. He was tough but not as tough as Johnny, of co urse. *The remains of Inus erupt and take the shape of a new entity* ????: Haha...You sure? Not so sure if you can let your guard down just yet. May: No way! Raymond!? Formerly Raymond: My research is a success. I thank you. May: Huh...? Formerly Raymond: I've successfully taken over the powers of the king of the Und erworld. May: The powers of the king of the Underworld...? Formerly Raymond: You look quite surprised. Sure, I'll explain it all to you. May: No thanks...I don't really care. Formerly Raymond: ..... I've put in endless hours of research to find a way to exceed the powers of Gears and one day I came up with the idea of using monsters from the Underworld, that fusing them would lead to immense power. But there was a huge problem. The overwhelming power of the monster makes it tough to mainta in one's identity. You risk being taken over by the host body. I spent long hours trying to find a way to combat this problem , and came up with a solution. May: ... ... (So long...) Formerly Raymond: Integrating myself initially to the host's body, then removing the monster's identity would allow me to maintai n my own identity while taking over the monster's Powers. May: Um, your explanation is taking forever... Formerly Raymond: ...Bottom line is, this was all based on accurate calculation. Leading you all the way here and using a bio war machine to measure your strength in the process. I used that info to save Inus' power from inside, since there's no point in killing Inus if it's after I had lost my own identity. Oh, I better also thank the people of this island, even though I'm sure they feel the sacrifices they made were for a great cause. May: What? Then that means it's because of you there's nobody at the village. Wait, you better not have hurt Johnny or you're dead!

Formerly Raymond: Well, I guess I'm done here so I better get going. I'm a busy man now, as newly crowned ruler of both worlds. May: Not letting you get away mister! Formerly Raymond: Don't worry. I won't run and I won't hide. As one of the contributors to my research, I'd like to invite you to my party. Hahaha... *Disappears inside a newly formed castle* CASTLE: INTERIOR: Formerly Raymond: Welcome to my castle. The holy land begins here, and you are my very first guest. You deserve a very warm welcome. Enjoy the party! May: Hey, why'd you take off? Coward! CASTLE: THRONE ROOM: Formerly Raymond: So how did you enjoy the hospitality? May: Didn't enjoy it one bit, loser! Where's Johnny? Just tell me where he is! Formerly Raymond: Johnny? Seems like you're eager to find him, but unfortunately he's not here. Perhaps he was killed by one of my guinea pigs on the way here . If that's the case I can take you there using my divine powers ! May: It'll take more than that to kill Johnny. And this divine power of yours ai n't so hot either... Formerly Raymond: You'll never understand...The world today needs a leader. After 100 years of Holy War, the world looks to be at peace ag ain. But that is only on the surface. The Holy War still continues in the darkness. We need a powerful force to save us from the darkness of the H oly War. May: The world doesn't need a dictator like you! Johnny says so too. We'll save the world from darkness ourselves. Formerly Raymond: What simpletons you people are. What can you do without power? Power influences everything, even a child knows that. The "empathy" that you speak of is meaningless if you have no power to back it up. May: But it's wrong to build power at the expense of the lives of innocent peopl e! Formerly Raymond: A great feat like this comes at great cost. I call it more of a sin to sit there and do nothing. May: Whatever Johnny says is always right! I'll believe what he believes as long

as I live! Formerly Raymond: There was once a 'man' who preached 'justice'. May: ! Formerly Raymond: But Justice failed and collapsed like a house of cards, unable to cast light upon the darkness. May: ... ... Formerly Raymond: The one most suited to rule over the world is not Justice... It's the Judge! My name is...Judgment! Judgment: I shall bring all sinners to justice...!! POST-BATTLE WITH JUDGMENT: Judgment: Grr, what is going on? May: You're not so great after all. Judgment: What? Why? I thought I had acquired absolute power... Everything was supposed to go according to...plan... May: *I won't lose* This is what Johnny taught me. We're never gonna lose out to corrupt power! Judgment: ...! I get it. Inus is already dead... I guess the mind cannot continue to survive long when the host's body has perished... How foolish of me. May: Huh? So you figured out what the problem was on your own? Judgment: I can't accept...such a result... There's no way I'd make such a...mistake... *Judgment's body begins to sublimate* Judgment: ! What is this? My power!... My power! He, help... May: Huh? Wait, what's going on? Judgment: Aagh!! *Breaks apart as the reactor in Ksanaka goes critical and destr oys the Castle* May: What!? *Johnny shows up in the nick of time* May: Johnny! Johnny: May! Why are you here!? May: I was looking for you! I was worried sick!

Johnny: Hey, thanks for worrying but I left you to take care of the crew... Whoa...let's hightail it out of this joint! We'll talk later. May: Okay! -------------------------------------------------------==Johnny's Story== -------------------------------------------------------Isene, a small island in the Southern seas with less than a thousand inhabitants and a peaceful facade. An unnatural phenomenon occurred where villagers were disappearing at an alarming rate. The distance from neighboring countries made information slow to travel, and by the time anyone received information, the damage had spread beyond repair. The grim conditions are still spiraling out of control. Johnny, the leader of the Jellyfish Air Pirates, learns of the disappearances on the island of Isene. He lands his ship, citing the need for provisions to his crew. "There may be people in need of my assistance." With that, he quietly leaves his ship behind. LIBERIA: OLD HAMLET: Johnny: Huh...? I didn't think this village was so quiet. Monsters: Grr! Johnny: What the...this is unexpected. You want to talk about this? What did you do to the villagers? LIBERIA: THE OLD MANSION: Johnny: Yo, anybody home? Monsters: ... Johnny: Here too... LIBERIA: THE HIDDEN CAVE: Johnny: Yo ho, a hidden passage. There's gotta be something down here. LIBERIA: THE WASTELAND: Johnny: ! Dan~ger~ous. Monsters from the Underworld, I don't expect you to reckon, but did ya'll destroy the village? Hellraiser: Arrgh...Grr...!...Grr...Grr! Johnny: Don't understand me, huh? Wait, something's not right.

You hurtin'...?...In pain? POST-BOSS FIGHT: Johnny: Case solved...right...I guess not. A bit of razzle-dazzle, mixing several monsters into one. ASHNAY: THE SWAMP: Johnny: I wouldn't mind this stroll in the woods... ...If I was with a fair lass, that is. ASHNAY: RIVERSIDE: Johnny: There should be an ancient ruin downstream. I reckon I'll find a clue or two. ASHNAY: DOWN RIVER: Johnny: Let's see what's waiting for me... ASHNAY: THE GARDEN RUIN: Johnny: ! What the...! Noel (Fairy Plant Hybrid): Arrgh! (It hurrrts!) Johnny: Un-flippin'-believeable! Humans and monsters fused together... POST-BOSS FIGHT: Noel: Thaaannnk youuuu...*withers and dies* Johnny: ...Sorry, ma'am. Rest in peace. Making me slash a lady like that... I don't reckon who did this...but he ain't gonna get away with this. KSANAKA: UNDERGROUND MINESHAFT: Johnny: Somebody's been using this ruin. Conniving son-of-a-gun, if I may say so, hiding in such a place. KSANAKA: HIDDEN LABORATORY: Johnny: ...! Biological Weaponry Lab! This could be hairier than I thought. KSANAKA: CENTRAL CORE: Johnny: This is it. Let's find out what's going on... KSANAKA: ABANDONED REACTOR: Johnny: I was hoping for a lass waitin' to be rescued! Marehound: Grrrr... Johnny: I reckon you're a bit more excited to see me than I am to see you.

POST-BOSS FIGHT: Marehound: GRRRrrrrr...khhhhrrrg! Johnny: Yo, hell doggy, heel! *Slashes Marehound* *walks forward and spots something* Johnny: What's this? --------------------Experiment Log Book --------------------November 26th. Finally, I have found it. My calculations are true. With this, I shall become God. However, I will need cooperation. I will need a substantial level of cooperative subjects, but I must avoid attracting attention. That is when I found the inhabitants of Isene. Limited contact with the outside world, hence the solitary island. And there are enough subjects. There are archeological remains on the island. What a fitting site for my laboratory. The Wind Tower is also close to the gate. It seems the island was made for me. They are going to cooperate with God. I suspect they will welcome me with open arms. --------------------On the cover, there's an inscription... "Raymond" --------------------Johnny: Raymond, huh...? KSANAKA: ESCAPING THE LAVA PIT: Hell Marehound: *Howls* Johnny: What the...!? KSANAKA: LAVA PIT EXIT: Hell Marehound: GRRRrrrrr...khhhhrrrg! Johnny: Die. *Slashes Hell Marehound* TOWER OF WIND: ENTRANCE: Johnny: So...this is the Wind Tower. TOWER OF WIND: BIG ELEVATOR:

Johnny: Much obliged for the lift...but... *Johnny gets surrounded by Ra-kis* Johnny: You're not going to let me enjoy the ride by my lonesome, are ya? TOWER OF WIND: TOP OF THE TOWER: Johnny: Raymond, I reckon. Raymond: Well, well... A warm welcome to my humble island, Mr. Sfondi. Johnny: The pleasure is mine... Raymond: I know you well. The Leader of the Jellyfish Air Pirates and master of the Eastern Sword fighting style, Genei Haku Bunmyaku Haen Getsuken. I heard your lightning sword is something to behold. I'd like to see it one day. Johnny: You don't hafta ask for that. But don't be so sure you'll be able to 'see' it. Raymond: ...Really? And what is that supposed to mean? Johnny: I gotta tell ya that I'm pissed off at you. I can't bring myself to forgive ya, killing all these innocents and all. Raymond: Ha! You think you can take me? Take a look, the gate to the Underworld is already opening. *Gate Opens* Johnny: ! Raymond: Ha! My research is now almost complete! Johnny: You think you can get away from me? Raymond: I expected you to say that so I've prepared a little something for you. It's all yours! *Summons S-Lord* Johnny: What is this? A joke? This won't even stop me from putting on my shades. Raymond: I'm sure you'll enjoy the fruit of my research. If you're still alive, that is. Haha...Ha! *leaps into portal as it closes* POST-BOSS FIGHT: *Gate Re-Opens* Johnny: Pretty ballsy, inviting me yourself. *Johnny steps into the portal* THE UNDERWORLD: CHAINS AND MIST:

Johnny: Well, I'm not pretty deep in this crap now. *fights through a group of G oose slime creatures* ~Moments later~ Raymond: Good to see you again. Look here, this is Inus the king of the Underworld and cornerstone of m y research. You can feel his powerful presence even as he rests. Isn't it so spectacular? Johnny: So my next victim is this thing? Give it up. Raymond: Not to worry. You'll find out soon enough. ...! What!? *Inus devours Raymond* Johnny: ! Well, I reckon he wasn't expecting that finale. Inus the Underworld King: Anyone... Who interrupts... My deep rest... Shall go to hell! Johnny: ...See you around, matey...Guess not... POST-FIGHT AFTER DESTROYING INUS: Johnny: Didn't I tell ya I'm perfect? Superb form and finish! I'll be going now... *The remains of Inus erupt and take the shape of a new entity* ????: No, it's only the beginning. Johnny: !? You're... Formerly Raymond: My research is a success. I thank you. Johnny: What the...? Formerly Raymond: I've successfully taken over the powers of the king of the Und erworld. Johnny: Un-flippin'believeable... Formerly Raymond: You look quite surprised. I've put in endless hours of research to find a way to exceed the powers of Gears and one day I came up with the idea of using monsters from the Underworld, that fusing them would lead to immense power. Johnny: ... Formerly Raymond: But there was a huge problem. The overwhelming power of the monster makes it tough to mainta in one's identity. You risk being taken over by the host body.

I spent long hours trying to find a way to combat this problem , and came up with a solution. Johnny: It can't be... Formerly Raymond: That's right. Integrating myself initially to the host's body, then removing the monster's identity would allow me to maintai n my own identity while taking over the monster's Powers. Johnny: I became part of your grand scheme... Formerly Raymond: That's right, this was all based on accurate calculation. Leading you all the way here and using a bio war machine to measure your strength in the process. I used that info to save Inus' power from inside, since there's no point in killing Inus if it's after I had lost my own identity. Oh, I better also thank the people of this island, even though I'm sure they feel the sacrifices they made were for a great cause. Johnny: Your 'calculations' will now fall apart! There's no turning back. Formerly Raymond: Well, I guess I'm done here so I better get going. I'm a busy man now, as newly crowned ruler of both worlds. Johnny: I'm not letting you go twice. Formerly Raymond: Don't worry. I won't run and I won't hide. As one of the contributors to my research, I'd like to invite you to my party. Hahaha... *Disappears inside a newly formed castle* CASTLE: INTERIOR: Formerly Raymond: Welcome to my castle. The holy land begins here, and you are my very first guest. You deserve a very warm welcome. Enjoy the party! Johnny: I've got babes awaiting my return. Thanks for the consideration but I'm gonna go quickly here. CASTLE: THRONE ROOM: Formerly Raymond: So how did you enjoy the hospitality? Johnny: I've got no interest in fooling around with monsters. Formerly Raymond: My apologies. Then your main event begins now. Get a taste of my divine powers! Johnny: ...right. I'm pretty blessed by the Goddess of Love. Of course, Lady Luck promises me victory. Formerly Raymond: The world today needs a leader.

After 100 years of Holy War, the world looks to be at peace ag ain. But that is only on the surface. The Holy War still continues in the darkness. We need a powerful force to save us from the darkness of the H oly War. Johnny: You don't need such powers. What you really need is... .... Well, you don't need to know that! Formerly Raymond: So I guess you don't understand my sublime vision. Johnny: Let's end this chit-chat. I have to stop you from taking more victims. Formerly Raymond: A great feat like this comes at great cost. I call it more of a sin to sit there and do nothing. Johnny: What you need is your own sacrifice of equal significance. If you can't understand that, you have no right to talk about sins. Formerly Raymond: There was once a 'man' who preached 'justice'. Johnny: ...! Formerly Raymond: But Justice failed and collapsed like a house of cards, unable to cast light upon the darkness. Johnny: ... Formerly Raymond: The one most suited to rule over the world is not Justice... It's the Judge! My name is...Judgment! Judgment: I shall bring all sinners to justice...!! POST-BATTLE WITH JUDGMENT: Judgment: Grr, what is going on? Johnny: Your mistake was...that you over trusted such powers. Judgment: What? Why? I thought I had acquired absolute power... Everything was supposed to go according to...plan... Johnny: You were only deceiving your own eyes. Ironic isn't it? Judgment: Wha, what? Johnny: Your plan fell apart when you died. You couldn't see the true nature, deceived by the remaining powers in the corpse. Judgment: !...Ha, Haha! ... ... Johnny: ... ... Judgment: I can't accept...such a result... There's no way I'd make such a...mistake... *Judgment's body begins to sublimate*

Judgment: ! What is this? My power!... My power! He, help... Johnny: *Flicks jacket, tips hat* (Giving up is fundamental!) This world...what it needs is salvation. Not power. Judgment: Aagh!! *Breaks apart as the reactor in Ksanaka goes critical and destr oys the Castle* Johnny: What the...!? May: Johnny! Johnny: May! Why are you here!? May: I was looking for you! I was worried sick! Johnny: Hey, thanks for worrying but I left you to take care of the crew... Whoa...let's hightail it out of this joint! We'll talk later. May: Okay! -------------------------------MAY AND JOHNNY ENDING: -------------------------------Johnny: Argh, that was close. May: Yeah, by the way, where the hell were you? Johnny: Hmm? Don't worry about it. May: You're hiding something...You're not getting grub tonight if you keep that up! Johnny: Hey, now, easy! May: Wha...hey! Where's Dizzy? Johnny: No problem, she escaped with the first family. May: Huh? Who? Johnny: You'll find out soon. Let's go pick them up. May: ...Yeah! -------------------------------MAY AND JOHNNY ENDING COMPLETE! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------==Millia's Story== -------------------------------------------------------Isene, a small island in the Southern seas with less than a thousand inhabitants and a peaceful facade. An unnatural phenomenon occurred where villagers were disappearing at an alarming rate. The distance from neighboring countries made information slow to travel, and by the time anyone received information, the

damage had spread beyond repair. The grim conditions are still spiraling out of control. Millia drove Zato, her former mentor, into a corner and eventually to his death. However, never at peace, she must now find Zato, who is now possessed by a shadow spirit, to eliminate him once and for all. Thinking Eddie may be somehow linked to the disappearances, she leaves for Isene . LIBERIA: OLD HAMLET: Millia: ...I guess this is it. Monsters: Grr! Millia: What is this? LIBERIA: THE OLD MANSION: Millia: ! Monsters: ... Millia: Nice to get such a warm welcome...Alright then. I'll take you on. LIBERIA: THE HIDDEN CAVE: Millia: A hidden passage here...Whoever built this has bizarre taste... LIBERIA: THE WASTELAND: Millia: A demon from the Underworld! Why...? Hellraiser: Arrgh...Grr...!...Grr...Grr! Millia: ...? That's strange... POST-BOSS FIGHT: Millia: Who would do such a strange thing like fusing three beasts from the Unde rworld? Bizarre taste, I must say... ASHNAY: THE SWAMP: Millia: That's odd...I come this far and I haven't seen a single soul. Where did they all go, I wonder? ASHNAY: RIVERSIDE: MILLIA ENCOUNTERS BAIKEN: Baiken: Man...bumping into a bunch of wierdos, on top of no booze. This sucks. Monsters: Screech! Baiken: Mm? You annoying guys again..

Monsters: Ggg! *More monsters arrive* Baiken: So....You brought some of your friends with you, did you? Millia: ! Baiken? What are you doing here? Baiken: Yo, gloomy face. Millia: Do you realize your situation? Baiken: What's this? You want some action? Baiken: ...Behind you! *A monster appears behind Millia* Monsters: Ggg! Millia: *dodges their attack* Ungh! Baiken: Hahaha, you'd better worry about yourself! Millia: *Attacks with Bad Moon* ~Moments later~ Millia: Nothing seems to go right when you're around. Baiken: I don't deny it, but look who's talking. Millia: Hmph! Stay out of each other's business I suppose. Baiken: I'm all for that. So long. *walks away* -------------------------------MILLIA ENCOUNTERS SLAYER Slayer: Hm...I can sense a more powerful being. It looks like I'll have some fun. *walks onwards* I see, it was you I was sensing. Monsters: Screech! Slayer: Don't bore me. Millia: ! You... Slayer: Hm? It's you. I was expecting to see a sideshow... But this may be worth my time. Millia: ... Slayer: Silence...again. You haven't changed. They seem to be targeting you though. Millia: ...Today is an evil day... *Uses Iron Savior* ~Moments later~

Slayer: Are you still thinking of him? Millia: ...It is of no concern to you. Slayer: I guess that is my cue. I must be going. Don't be reckless. *walks away* Millia: ...Mind your own business!! ASHNAY: DOWN RIVER: Millia: That was quite a pain in the neck. ASHNAY: THE GARDEN RUIN: Millia: ! What is that? Noel (Fairy Plant Hybrid): Arrgh! (It hurrrts!) Millia: Is that a woman? Or a fusion between human and beast? POST-BOSS FIGHT: Noel: Thaaannnk youuuu...*withers and dies* Millia: I'm sorry... I guess she was the woman guarding the gate. KSANAKA: UNDERGROUND MINESHAFT: Millia: I get it...The ruin was just to act as camouflage. KSANAKA: HIDDEN LABORATORY: Millia: I don't believe this...Terrible. KSANAKA: CENTRAL CORE: Millia: This must be the deepest part. Quite impressive. KSANAKA: ABANDONED REACTOR: Millia: ! Marehound: Grrrr... Millia: Are you trying to slow me down? You don't stand a chance, dear. POST-BOSS FIGHT: Marehound: GRRRrrrrr...khhhhrrrg! Millia: Let me put you out of your misery. *Slashes Marehound* *walks forward and spots something* Millia: What's this? --------------------Experiment Log Book ---------------------

November 26th. Finally, I have found it. My calculations are true. With this, I shall become God. However, I will need cooperation. I will need a substantial level of cooperative subjects, but I must avoid attracting attention. That is when I found the inhabitants of Isene. Limited contact with the outside world, hence the solitary island. And there are enough subjects. There are archeological remains on the island. What a fitting site for my laboratory. The Wind Tower is also close to the gate. It seems the island was made for me. They are going to cooperate with God. I suspect they will welcome me with open arms. --------------------On the cover, there's an inscription... "Raymond" --------------------Millia: ...Raymond... KSANAKA: ESCAPING THE LAVA PIT: Hell Marehound: *Howls* Millia: No, not now... KSANAKA: LAVA PIT EXIT: Hell Marehound: GRRRrrrrr...khhhhrrrg! Millia: It's not your fault, but... *Slashes Hell Marehound* TOWER OF WIND: ENTRANCE: Millia: The Wind Tower...Here it is. TOWER OF WIND: BIG ELEVATOR: Millia: I guess they want me to come upstairs. *Millia gets surrounded by Ra-kis* Millia: I knew it... TOWER OF WIND: TOP OF THE TOWER: Millia: ...So you're Raymond. Raymond: That's right, Ms. Millia Rage. Quite an honor that you already know me. Millia: !

Raymond: I know all about you too. Yes, Angra, the Sixth Forbidden Magic that is the source of your power. Your ability to handle such high caliber Occult Arts fascinates me a gr eat deal. Millia: I guess you want to die, then. Raymond: Think that's possible? Millia: That's why I'm here. Raymond: Ha, take a look, the gate to the Underworld has already started to open . *Gate Opens* Millia: ! Raymond: Ha! My research is now almost complete! Millia: I'm not letting you get away! Raymond: I expected you to say that so I've prepared a little something for you. It's all yours! *Summons S-Lord* Millia: Bastard! Raymond: I'm sure you'll enjoy the fruit of my research. If you're still alive, that is. Haha...Ha! *leaps into portal as it closes* POST-BOSS FIGHT: *Gate Re-Opens* Millia: First I get dumped and now I'm invited to the Underworld? Men... *Millia steps into the portal* THE UNDERWORLD: CHAINS AND MIST: Millia: What terrible hospitality. *fights through a group of Goose slime creatu res* ~Moments later~ Raymond: Good to see you again. Look here, this is Inus the king of the Underworld and cornerstone of m y research. You can feel his powerful presence even as he rests. Isn't it so spectacular? Millia: Planning to sacrifice more lives, aren't you? I'm not letting you do that! Raymond: Relax, it'll all be over soon. ...! What is going on?

*Inus devours Raymond* Millia: That's too funny. Tries to sacrifice other lives but he ends up sacrific ing his own life. Inus the Underworld King: Anyone... Who interrupts... My deep rest... Shall go to hell! Millia: Yeah right. I have no intention of giving myself up to you! POST-FIGHT AFTER DESTROYING INUS: Millia: It's over. *The remains of Inus erupt and take the shape of a new entity* ????: No, it's only the beginning. Millia: !? Raymond...! Formerly Raymond: My research is a success. I thank you. Millia: What did you say? Formerly Raymond: I've successfully taken over the powers of the king of the Und erworld. Millia: What? How? Formerly Raymond: You look quite surprised. You catch on quickly. Sure I'll explain it all to you. I've put in endless hours of research to find a way to exceed the powers of Gears and one day I came up with the idea of using monsters from the Underworld...that fusing them would lead to immense power. Millia: How could you... Formerly Raymond: But there was a huge problem. The overwhelming power of the monster makes it tough to mainta in one's identity. You risk being taken over by the host body. I spent long hours trying to find a way to combat this problem , and came up with a solution. Millia: Can't be! Formerly Raymond: That's right. Integrating myself initially to the host's body, then removing the monster's identity would allow me to maintai n my own identity while taking over the monster's Powers. Millia: So that's why you let me take down Inus... Formerly Raymond: That's right, this was all based on exact calculation.

Leading you all the way here and using a bio war machine to measure your strength in the process. I used that info to save Inus' power from inside, since there's no point in killing Inus if it's after I had lost my own identity. Oh, I better also thank the people of this island, even though I'm sure they feel the sacrifices they made were for a great cause. Millia: You bastard! Formerly Raymond: Well, I guess I'm done here so I better get going. I'm a busy man now, as newly crowned ruler of both worlds. Millia: You think you can get away from me? Formerly Raymond: Don't worry. I won't run and I won't hide. As one of the contributors to my research, I'd like to invite you to my party. Hahaha... *Disappears inside a newly formed castle* CASTLE: INTERIOR: Formerly Raymond: Welcome to my castle. The holy land begins here, and you are my very first guest. You deserve a very warm welcome. Enjoy the party! Millia: A castle? What kind of low budget production is this? CASTLE: THRONE ROOM: Formerly Raymond: So how did you enjoy the hospitality? Millia: I'm still enraged and I won't forgive you until I've killed you. Formerly Raymond: Fair enough. I'll let you get a taste of my divine powers. Millia: Divine power? Formerly Raymond: The world today needs a leader. After 100 years of Holy War, the world looks to be at peace ag ain. But that is only on the surface. The Holy War still continues in the darkness. We need a powerful force to save us from the darkness of the H oly War. Millia: There's no such thing as an 'absolute' being. Formerly Raymond: Yes, there is! I am the 'absolute' being! My theories are 'abs olute'! Millia: You're just a freak as far as I'm concerned. How dare you call yourself a God. Do you realize how many lives you've sacrificed? Formerly Raymond: A great feat like this comes at great cost. I call it more of a sin to sit there and do nothing.

Millia: You're hopeless. Formerly Raymond: There was once a 'man' who preached 'justice'. Millia: ... ... Formerly Raymond: But Justice failed and collapsed like a house of cards, unable to cast light upon the darkness. Millia: ... ... Formerly Raymond: The one most suited to rule over the world is not Justice... It's the Judge! My name is...Judgment! Judgment: I shall bring all sinners to justice...!! POST-BATTLE WITH JUDGMENT: Judgment: Grr, what is going on? Millia: ...It's over. Judgment: What? Why? I thought I had acquired absolute power... Everything was supposed to go according to...plan... Millia: How sad that a smart guy like you would make such a dumb mistake. Judgment: Wha, What? Millia: Inus is dead. Even if its mind is alive, there's no way you can continue to exist without a body. Judgment: !...Ha, Haha! ... ... Millia: Just like I told you...There's no such thing as an 'absolute' being. Judgment: I can't accept...such a result... There's no way I'd make such a...mistake... *Judgment's body begins to sublimate* Judgment: ! What is this? My power!... My power! He, help... Millia: Looks like you're the one who'se going to be brought to 'justice'. Judgment: Aagh!! *Breaks apart as the reactor in Ksanaka goes critical and destr oys the Castle* Millia: ...! Oh no! *runs out of the castle* -------------------------------------------------------==Venom's Story== -------------------------------------------------------Isene, a small island in the Southern seas with less than a thousand inhabitants and a peaceful facade. An unnatural phenomenon occurred where villagers were

disappearing at an alarming rate. The distance from neighboring countries made information slow to travel, and by the time anyone received information, the damage had spread beyond repair. The grim conditions are still spiraling out of control. Since the death of their leader Zato, Venom assumes the position as leader of th e group of assassins. He seeks Eddie, who absorbed Zato and now controls his dead body. It is then, when the disappearances and Venom's search cross paths at Isene. LIBERIA: OLD HAMLET: Venom: ...This is unexpected. This used to be a bustling little village. Monsters: Grr! Venom: I see...this is what happened. LIBERIA: THE OLD MANSION: Venom: Any soul...mulling about? Monsters: ... Venom: I am here to find Master Zato. Do not interfere! LIBERIA: THE HIDDEN CAVE: Venom: ...A hidden passage. LIBERIA: THE WASTELAND: Venom: ! What...are you? Hellraiser: Arrgh...Grr...!...Grr...Grr! Venom: It a creature from the Underworld...but... POST-BOSS FIGHT: Venom: I felt three souls. It must have been artificially fused. ASHNAY: THE SWAMP: Venom: It looks like I'm done with this area. ASHNAY: RIVERSIDE: Venom: I suppose, I could find something downstream. ASHNAY: DOWN RIVER: Venom: Why?...I can't feel a single soul? ASHNAY: THE GARDEN RUIN: Venom: ! What!

Noel (Fairy Plant Hybrid): Arrgh! (It hurrrts!) Venom: A fusion between human and a creature from the Underworld? POST-BOSS FIGHT: Noel: Thaaannnk youuuu...*withers and dies* Venom: My apologies...But...why? KSANAKA: UNDERGROUND MINESHAFT: Venom: This place must be deeper in the ancient ruins, but I see someone has been using this place. KSANAKA: HIDDEN LABORATORY: Venom: Biological Weaponry, research center. I'm not impressed. KSANAKA: CENTRAL CORE: Venom: This is the end. I wonder...what awaits me. KSANAKA: ABANDONED REACTOR: Venom: Ah...whoever it was is obviously done with this place. Short of... Marehound: Grrrr... Venom: ...a few ornaments. POST-BOSS FIGHT: Marehound: GRRRrrrrr...khhhhrrrg! Venom: Die! *Smashes Marehound* *walks forward and spots something* Venom: What's this? --------------------Experiment Log Book --------------------November 26th. Finally, I have found it. My calculations are true. With this, I shall become God. However, I will need cooperation. I will need a substantial level of cooperative subjects, but I must avoid attracting attention. That is when I found the inhabitants of Isene. Limited contact with the outside world, hence the solitary island. And there are enough subjects.

There are archeological remains on the island. What a fitting site for my laboratory. The Wind Tower is also close to the gate. It seems the island was made for me. They are going to cooperate with God. I suspect they will welcome me with open arms. --------------------On the cover, there's an inscription... "Raymond" --------------------Venom: ...Raymond...he must be one disturbed do such a thing. KSANAKA: ESCAPING THE LAVA PIT: Hell Marehound: *Howls* Venom: I suppose I don't have all day. KSANAKA: LAVA PIT EXIT: Hell Marehound: GRRRrrrrr...khhhhrrrg! Venom: Finish! *Smashes Hell Marehound* TOWER OF WIND: ENTRANCE: Venom: So this is the Wind Tower. TOWER OF WIND: BIG ELEVATOR: Venom: ...I see... *Venom gets surrounded by Ra-kis* Venom: Perhaps a practice round is in order. TOWER OF WIND: TOP OF THE TOWER: Venom: Raymond I presume. Raymond: Well, well... A warm welcome to my humble island, Mr. Venom. Venom: ... ... Raymond: I know all about you. Head of the Assassins' Guild, albeit temporarily. Your powers fall just short of first-rate. Interested in working for me by any chance? Venom: I thought you knew me well. Raymond: Okay, and what are you insinuating? Venom: I only answer to Master Zato. That will not change! Raymond: Ha! Your absurd level of loyalty is quite laughable. Take a look, the gate to the Underworld is already opening.

*Gate Opens* Venom: A passage to the Underworld? Raymond: Ha! My research is now almost complete! Venom: ...You will not get away. Raymond: I expected you to say that so I've prepared a little something for you. It's all yours! *Summons S-Lord* Venom: ...It's a waste of time. Raymond: I'm sure you'll enjoy the fruit of my research. If you're still alive, that is. Haha...Ha! *leaps into portal as it closes* POST-BOSS FIGHT: *Gate Re-Opens* Venom: So you want me to follow you to the Underworld. Very well, so be it. *Venom steps into the portal* THE UNDERWORLD: CHAINS AND MIST: Venom: ...This, is the Underworld... Strange how I feel at home. *fights through a group of Goose slime creatu res* ~Moments later~ Raymond: Good to see you again. Look here, this is Inus the king of the Underworld and cornerstone of m y research. You can feel his powerful presence even as he rests. Isn't it so spectacular? Venom: This is...Inus! So much potential power! But what do you want to do with it? Raymond: Not to worry. You'll find out soon enough. ...! What!? *Inus devours Raymond* Venom: Did the Lord of the Underworld awaken? Inus the Underworld King: Anyone... Who interrupts... My deep rest... Shall go to hell! Venom: You had nothing to do with this, yet here we are. It's a cheap way to be even, but I'll let you take the break shot. POST-FIGHT AFTER DESTROYING INUS:

Venom: Haaaah...!! ...Is that it? *The remains of Inus erupt and take the shape of a new entity* ????: No, it's only the beginning! Venom: !? Well, this is rather ridiculous! Formerly Raymond: My research is a success. I thank you. Venom: Thank me!? Formerly Raymond: I've successfully taken over the powers of the king of the Und erworld. Venom: You claim to have harnessed the power of Inus...the power of the Underwor ld? Formerly Raymond: You catch on quickly. Sure, I'll explain it all to you. I've put in endless hours of research to find a way to exceed the powers of Gears and one day I came up with the idea of using monsters from the Underworld...that fusing them would lead to immense power. Venom: ... Formerly Raymond: But there was a huge problem. The overwhelming power of the monster makes it tough to mainta in one's identity. You risk being taken over by the host body. I spent long hours trying to find a way to combat this problem , and came up with a solution. Venom: ... ...I see... Formerly Raymond: That's right. Integrating myself initially to the host's body, then removing the monster's identity would allow me to maintai n my own identity while taking over the monster's Powers. Venom: Is that why you went through that trouble to awaken Inus? Formerly Raymond: That's right! This was all based on exact calculation. Leading you all the way here and using a bio war machine to measure your strength in the process. I used that info to save Inus' power from inside, since there's no point in killing Inus if it's after I had lost my own identity. Oh, I better also thank the people of this island, even though I'm sure they feel the sacrifices they made were for a great cause. Venom: Sacrifice...the bigger the sacrifice the bigger the risk for the reward. Do you think a mere failed scientist can withstand that risk? Formerly Raymond: And this is what happened...

Well, I guess I'm done here so I better get going. I'm a busy man now, as newly crowned ruler of both worlds. Venom: You will not get far. Your powers are partially my doing. I must dispose of my mess. Formerly Raymond: Don't worry. I won't run and I won't hide. As one of the contributors to my research, I'd like to invite you to my party. Hahaha... *Disappears inside a newly formed castle* CASTLE: INTERIOR: Formerly Raymond: Welcome to my castle. The holy land begins here, and you are my very first guest. You deserve a very warm welcome. Enjoy the party! Venom: This castle will become your tomb. CASTLE: THRONE ROOM: Formerly Raymond: So how did you enjoy the hospitality? Venom: Did you imagine I would be satisfied with those hors d'oeuvres? Formerly Raymond: My apologies. Then your main event begins now. Get a taste of my divine powers. Venom: Your pettiness is transparent. You declare yourself a God after acquiring a small measure of power. Formerly Raymond: The world today needs an absolute leader. After 100 years of Holy War, the world looks to be at peace ag ain. But that is only on the surface. The Holy War still continues in the darkness. We need a powerful force to save us from the darkness of the H oly War. Venom: Light to shine in the claim. Only a delusional farce would think that... You truly do not have an understanding of the facts. Formerly Raymond: So I guess you don't understand my sublime vision. Venom: Did you think you could become the light after you acquired your powers b y killing so many? Formerly Raymond: A great feat like this comes at great cost. I call it more of a sin to sit there and do nothing. Venom: Not knowing your limitation is your sin. You shall learn the true weight of your sins. Formerly Raymond: There was once a 'man' who preached 'justice'. Venom: ...!

Formerly Raymond: But Justice failed and collapsed like a house of cards, unable to cast light upon the darkness. Venom: ... ... Formerly Raymond: The one most suited to rule over the world is not Justice... It's the Judge! My name is...Judgment! Judgment: I shall bring all sinners to justice...!! POST-BATTLE WITH JUDGMENT: Judgment: Grr, what is going on? Venom: It's over. Judgment: What? Why? I thought I had acquired absolute power... Everything was supposed to go according to...plan... Venom: Did you not hear me? You could not absorb the risk embodied in the form called Inus. Judgment: Wha, What? Venom: I eliminated Inus. You used its body, however without a spirit stronger t han Inus, the body will only decay and rot. Judgment: !...Ha, Haha! ... ... Venom: ... ... Judgment: I can't accept...such a result... There's no way I'd make such a...mistake... *Judgment's body begins to sublimate* Judgment: ! What is this? My power!... My power! He, help... Venom: *spins cue shaft* Game-set! I do not lend a helping hand to those who choose death. Judgment: Aagh!! *Breaks apart as the reactor in Ksanaka goes critical and destr oys the Castle* Venom: !? That must be my cue... *speeds out of the castle* -------------------------------MILLIA AND VENOM ENDING: -------------------------------Millia: ! You were his...aide, were you not...? Venom: I wasn't expecting to see you at such a place. One word if I may... He yearned for you...but why? Millia: I have no reason to tell you.

Resent me, if you have to. Venom: You... Millia: I must erase him!! He still disturbs me. Venom: It runs deep. Just like Master Zato... Millia: I'm not going to talk about this anymore. You should find your own freed om. Venom: My duty is to return Master Zato. I will not be lenient on anyone who get s in my way. Millia: ...I'm going now. We shall cross paths again. When that happens... -------------------------------MILLIA AND VENOM ENDING COMPLETE! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------==I-No's Story== -------------------------------------------------------Isene, a small island in the Southern seas with less than a thousand inhabitants and a peaceful facade. An unnatural phenomenon occurred where villagers were disappearing at an alarming rate. The distance from neighboring countries made information slow to travel, and by the time anyone received information, the damage had spread beyond repair. The grim conditions are still spiraling out of control. In order to eliminate any of those who obstruct the "Festival", I-No continues to engage in secret maneuvers beyond the realm of time. An entity suspected to be behind the disappearances surfaces every now and then. Sensing a possible obstruction, I-No descends upon the land of Isene. LIBERIA: OLD HAMLET: I-No: ...Look at this. There's really nobody here. Monsters: Grr! I-No: What a weird looking creature. I wonder what your cry sounds like. Here, let me find out. LIBERIA: THE OLD MANSION: I-No: Here we go. Monsters: ... I-No: What do we have now, a wooden doll? Boring...It'll probably break into pieces as soon as I touch it. LIBERIA: THE HIDDEN CAVE: I-No: Could this be a secret hideout? I just love checking out secret hideouts!

LIBERIA: THE WASTELAND: I-No: ! You don't look like you're from this world. Very interesting. Let's part y! Hellraiser: Arrgh...Grr...!...Grr...Grr! I-No: Why are you standing still? Fine, I'll make the first move. C'mon now, you better keep me entertained. POST-BOSS FIGHT: I-No: That wasn't so bad. But I wonder who would do such a thing like fusing mon sters? I'm starting to get curious. ASHNAY: THE SWAMP: I-No: I hate forests like this, so many little bugs. I won't be satisfied until I've destroyed all of them... -------------------------------I-NO ENCOUNTERS EDDIE: Eddie: UNGH...NO, I CANNOT DIE HERE... Monsters: Screeech! Eddie: ...YOU, I HAVE NO USE FOR YOU...DIE! *More monsters arrive* Monsters: Grrrg! Eddie: HAHAHA, YOU'LL DIE, NO MATTER HOW MANY YOU BRING. I-No: ! Eddie: INVITE HELL! *stuns monsters but doesn't kill them* I-No: Oh, my what black and thick drills. Can you show me more? Eddie: WHO ARE YOU? I-No: Mind what you're looking at, sexy, you might get hurt. Eddie: ... I-No: *Chemical Love* ~Moments later~ I-No: Man, I get exhausted just by looking at you. I'll catch you when you have more energy. See ya. *walks away* Eddie: ...

ASHNAY: RIVERSIDE: I-NO ENCOUNTERS ZAPPA: Zappa (S-ko):!? I curse make women cry...damn them all...! *Walks forwards* ...What did I see? ...They disappear? *Monsters arrive* Monsters: Ggg. Zappa: ! Bloody hell? Where am I? Eh, what's this? A party in my honor? Monsters: Screech! Zappa: Whoa! What did I do!? I-No: Wow, the way you're bent back, it seems you're sooo happy to see me. Zappa: Hey gorgeous, why are you upside down? Oh, it's me that's flipped over. I-No: Let me play too. *Sultry performance* ~Moments later~ I-No: I'm all wet and sticky. Gotta go. *walks away* Zappa: ... ASHNAY: DOWN RIVER: I-No: ... ASHNAY: THE GARDEN RUIN: I-No: ! What's this...Real flowers being fused? I'll bet you were fused cuz you were unsold goods at the flower shop. Noel (Fairy Plant Hybrid): Arrgh! (It hurrrts!) I-No: Ooh! I love that look of helplessness. It's starting to turn me on. C'mon, show me some more misery on your face. POST-BOSS FIGHT: Noel: Thaaannnk youuuu...*withers and dies* I-No: There's nothing more beautiful than a dying flower... That felt good. Whoever did this must be a hard worker, fusing it with hum ans... Might have the potential to pose a threat to my Lord though. KSANAKA: UNDERGROUND MINESHAFT: I-No: This is such an ideal place for secret missions.

KSANAKA: HIDDEN LABORATORY: I-No: So this is how they're creating these monsters. No wonder there's no human s in sight. KSANAKA: CENTRAL CORE: I-No: This must be it. Anyone home? Whoever's behind this is crossing the line and may have an effect on my Lo rd's plans. KSANAKA: ABANDONED REACTOR: I-No: How rude not to have anyone to greet such a beautiful woman. Not to mention making her fight all these beasts. Marehound: Grrrr... I-No: You getting excited or something? You're a beast in the true sense of the word, huh? I'll dice you up right now, man! POST-BOSS FIGHT: Marehound: GRRRrrrrr...khhhhrrrg! I-No: Piece of crap. Out of my face! *Smashes Marehound* *walks forward and spots something* I-No: What's this? --------------------Experiment Log Book --------------------November 26th. Finally, I have found it. My calculations are true. With this, I shall become God. However, I will need cooperation. I will need a substantial level of cooperative subjects, but I must avoid attracting attention. That is when I found the inhabitants of Isene. Limited contact with the outside world, hence the solitary island. And there are enough subjects. There are archeological remains on the island. What a fitting site for my laboratory. The Wind Tower is also close to the gate. It seems the island was made for me. They are going to cooperate with God. I suspect they will welcome me with open arms. --------------------On the cover, there's an inscription... "Raymond"

--------------------I-No: So this is Raymond... KSANAKA: ESCAPING THE LAVA PIT: Hell Marehound: *Howls* I-No: A moth flying into a flame? KSANAKA: LAVA PIT EXIT: Hell Marehound: GRRRrrrrr...khhhhrrrg! I-No: Get a load of this, Jackass! *Smashes Hell Marehound* TOWER OF WIND: ENTRANCE: I-No: The Wind Tower... TOWER OF WIND: BIG ELEVATOR: I-No: Nice stage...But I'm not so sure... *I-No gets surrounded by Ra-kis* I-No: You guys aren't even worth my time! TOWER OF WIND: TOP OF THE TOWER: I-No: You're Raymond? I was getting sick and tired of looking for you. Raymond: Well, well... A warm welcome to my humble island, or should I say to this era? Ms. INo. I-No: That's all you have to say after this endless cat and mouse game? You're dead, you know that? Raymond: You react just how I anticipated. I know all about you. Master of a special ability from a very young age, the ability to trave l through time... Very interesting. I'd love to have that ability for myself if I am to b ecome a divine power. Perhaps you are interested in assisting me? I-No: I got no respect for you, man. I probably won't even need to use my abilities on you, anyway. Raymond: Really? And what are you insinuating? I-No: That you're going to hell! Raymond: Ha! You think you can pull it off? Take a look, the gate to the Underworld is already opening. *Gate Opens* I-No: What's with the cocky look on your face?

Raymond: Ha! My research is now almost complete! I-No: You're getting on my nerves. I'll shut you up right now! Raymond: I expected you to say that so I've prepared a little something for you. It's all yours! *Summons S-Lord* I-No: You piece of...! Raymond: I'm sure you'll enjoy the fruit of my research. If you're still alive, that is. Haha...Ha! *leaps into portal as it closes* POST-BOSS FIGHT: *Gate Re-Opens* I-No: Not sure what your point is, but this sure does save me time. *I-No steps into the portal* THE UNDERWORLD: CHAINS AND MIST: I-No: So this is the Underworld... The smell of blood is getting me excited! *fights through a group of Goose slime creatures* ~Moments later~ Raymond: Good to see you again. Look here, this is Inus the king of the Underworld and cornerstone of m y research. You can feel his powerful presence even as he rests. Isn't it so spectacular? I-No: So you're gonna use this guy next? I don't really care, I feel good right now. Let's hurry up and get started! Raymond: Relax, no need to rush. You'll find out soon enough. ...! What is going on? *Inus devours Raymond* I-No: ! Right back at you, man. How tragic... Inus the Underworld King: Anyone... Who interrupts... My deep rest... Shall go to hell! I-No: So you're my next opponent? Better be careful, I'm not easy prey like the others. POST-FIGHT AFTER DESTROYING INUS: I-No: That was fun. You want me to think up a song for the epilogue or something ?

*The remains of Inus erupt and take the shape of a new entity* ????: No, I recommend you think up a song for the prologue instead. I-No: You're still alive? Why don't you just get out of my face! Formerly Raymond: My research is a success. I thank you. I-No: Huh? Formerly Raymond: I've successfully taken over the powers of the king of the Und erworld. I-No: What? Formerly Raymond: I've put in endless hours of research to find a way to exceed the powers of Gears and one day I came up with the idea of using monsters from the Underworld...that fusing them would lead to immense power. I-No: ... ... Formerly Raymond: But there was a huge problem. The overwhelming power of the monster makes it tough to mainta in one's identity. You risk being taken over by the host body. I spent long hours trying to find a way to combat this problem , and came up with a solution. I-No: To get your ass kicked instead? Formerly Raymond: Integrating myself initially to the host's body, then removing the monster's identity would allow me to maintai n my own identity while taking over the monster's Powers. I-No: So that's what you used me for! Formerly Raymond: That's right, this was all based on exact calculation. Leading you all the way here and using a bio war machine to measure your strength in the process. I used that info to save Inus' power from inside, since there's no point in killing Inus if it's after I had lost my own identity. Oh, I better also thank the people of this island, even though I'm sure they feel the sacrifices they made were for a great cause. I-No: It makes me puke just thinking I let you use me. You won't be dying a peaceful death! Formerly Raymond: Well, I guess I'm done here so I better get going. I'm a busy man now, as newly crowned ruler of both worlds. I-No: Not so fast! Formerly Raymond: Don't worry.

I won't run and I won't hide. As one of the contributors to my research, I'd like to invite you to my party. Hahaha... *Disappears inside a newly formed castle* CASTLE: INTERIOR: Formerly Raymond: Welcome to my castle. The holy land begins here, and you are my very first guest. You deserve a very warm welcome. Enjoy the party! I-No: You'll regret this. CASTLE: THRONE ROOM: Formerly Raymond: So how did you enjoy the hospitality? I-No: You're boring me to death with all your lame little foot soldiers! Formerly Raymond: My apologies...Let the main event begin now. Get a taste of my divine powers. I-No: Divine powers, did you say? Formerly Raymond: The world today needs a leader. After 100 years of Holy War, the world looks to be at peace ag ain. But that is only on the surface. The Holy War still continues in the darkness. We need a powerful force to save us from the darkness of the H oly War. I-No: You have no right to call yourself a God! I've had enough of your inflated ego. Formerly Raymond: So I guess you don't understand my sublime vision. I-No: Not interested in the least bit! Formerly Raymond: You'll regret having said that. As a matter of fact it's too late now even if you do feel remo rse for what you said. I-No: And the same goes for you. Formerly Raymond: There was once a 'man' who preached 'justice'. I-No: Huh? Formerly Raymond: But Justice failed and collapsed like a house of cards, unable to cast light upon the darkness. I-No: ... ... Formerly Raymond: The one most suited to rule over the world is not Justice... It's the Judge! My name is...Judgment!

Judgment: I shall bring all sinners to justice...!! POST-BATTLE WITH JUDGMENT: Judgment: Grr, what is going on? I-No: Ha! How feeble can you get? This is too funny! Judgment: What? Why? I thought I had acquired absolute power... Everything was supposed to go according to...plan... I-No: I didn't think you'd be stupid enough to try controlling a dead body! Judgment: Wha, What? I-No: You thought you could continue to control a dead body with just your soul? Judgment: !...Ha, Haha! ... ... I-No: ... ... Judgment: I can't accept...such a result... There's no way I'd make such a...mistake... *Judgment's body begins to sublimate* Judgment: ! What is this? My power!... My power! He, help... I-No: *strums a guitar riff* Haha! Begging for your life? Some God you are! Yeah, entertain me with your pitiful finale! Ha! What a joke you are. Judgment: Aagh!! *Breaks apart as the reactor in Ksanaka goes critical and destr oys the Castle* I-No: ... ... Phew. I guess this place is history. Where should I go now for my next source of entertainment? *disappears* -------------------------------------------------------==Axl's Story== -------------------------------------------------------Isene, a small island in the Southern seas with less than a thousand inhabitants and a peaceful facade. An unnatural phenomenon occurred where villagers were disappearing at an alarming rate. The distance from neighboring countries made information slow to travel, and by the time anyone received information, the damage had spread beyond repair. The grim conditions are still spiraling out of control. The time traveler, Axl Low, continues to roam and search for "That Man" who may hold key information that will allow Axl to return to the correct time. He hears the rumors of the disappearances and sees a connection to the time transferrence, and does not hesitate to head towards Isene. LIBERIA: OLD HAMLET:

Axl: Yo! Is anyone here? Monsters: Grr! Axl: Huh? Do beasts dwell in houses on this island? LIBERIA: THE OLD MANSION: Axl: ! Monsters: ... Axl: Ah, man...I think I came to the wrong place. LIBERIA: THE HIDDEN CAVE: Axl: A hidden passage underneath the house? LIBERIA: THE WASTELAND: Axl: !...You gotta be kidding me. What the hell is this? Hellraiser: Arrgh...Grr...!...Grr...Grr! Axl: ...? Man, this is crazy stuff. But I'm not gonna back down. POST-BOSS FIGHT: Axl: That felt weird. Someone must've forced them to fuse together like that...s o mean. ASHNAY: THE SWAMP: Axl: I have a bad feeling about this but I guess I have no other choice but to k eep going. ASHNAY: RIVERSIDE: Axl: Man, a dead end? Guess I'll have to go downstream. ASHNAY: DOWN RIVER: Axl: Whoa, an ancient ruin? Might be fun to trace the roots of this place, if I have the time. ASHNAY: THE GARDEN RUIN: Axl: What the? Noel (Fairy Plant Hybrid): Arrgh! (It hurrrts!) Axl: A human? Or is it half man and half beast? POST-BOSS FIGHT: Noel: Thaaannnk youuuu...*withers and dies* Axl: Don't get up, sweetie. Honestly, I don't know if I can take anymore...

An entrance? I guess that chick was the gatekeeper. KSANAKA: UNDERGROUND MINESHAFT: Axl: Damn, whoever made this mess needs to show some respect for historic sites like this. KSANAKA: HIDDEN LABORATORY: Axl: Could this be...a research lab? So this is where they create all these mons ters. KSANAKA: CENTRAL CORE: Axl: This must be the deepest part. KSANAKA: ABANDONED REACTOR: Axl: Anyone there? Marehound: Grrrr... Axl: Whoa, looks like someone's home after all. POST-BOSS FIGHT: Marehound: GRRRrrrrr...khhhhrrrg! Axl: Take a hike, dude. *Slashes Marehound* *walks forward and spots something* Axl: What's this? --------------------Experiment Log Book --------------------November 26th. Finally, I have found it. My calculations are true. With this, I shall become God. However, I will need cooperation. I will need a substantial level of cooperative subjects, but I must avoid attracting attention. That is when I found the inhabitants of Isene. Limited contact with the outside world, hence the solitary island. And there are enough subjects. There are archeological remains on the island. What a fitting site for my laboratory. The Wind Tower is also close to the gate. It seems the island was made for me. They are going to cooperate with God. I suspect they will welcome me with op