guilty of social media sins?

ARE YOU GUILTY OF MARKETING SINS? Being messy in social media marketing is not an option

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Post on 20-Aug-2015




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Being messy in social media marketing is not an option

Are You guilty of Auto Posting?

• Did it happened to you to schedule your post for months in advance? Hoping that you will not need to open your Facebook or Twitter account unless you will have to post something again?!! You don’t really care if the posts are relevant!!! At least, it looks like you are very engaged in what you do, and your company is on the top with their tweeter feeds, even though you are talking about last year snow…

Did you linked your accounts?

• Did you linked your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pintrest…ufff… I am tired. Most of your Twitter followers are your Facebook followers – don’t make them angry with same posts. Put a bit of energy and create something new, or if you are too busy, just share an interesting article, or your friends content. It will pay off much better.

Do you put the same pictures everywhere and bore people to death?

• Even if your different social media accounts are not linked, still do not post same pictures, videos ect to your profiles, be inventive, show your followers that you are worth their time. Maybe share something about yourself.

You don’t want to like, share, comment…?

• You do not see a necessity to engage in your post. You think that your customers don’t care to know if there are real human behind the brand!!!!! muuuu, on top of this - it takes too much time to answer questions and share cool stuff on Twitter and Facebook- this kind of thinking can drag you down

Am I the donkey to follow you!?!?

• You want people to follow you, you want to be in the center of attention, be the most popular kid on the block – but reciprocation can pay you much higher dividend. Don’t be so egoistic. Be nice, share and follow – people will like you more for that.

Bla, Bla, Bla…. Blogging

• Do you know that companies that blog more than 20 times a month get 5 times more traffic - than companies that blog only 1 a week?

• Big difference hah!!!! But you think, who has the time to research, schedule, create so much content?!? Definitely it is not you.!!

• My advise for you - stop watching TV and start creating content, even better a Video Blog.

Are guys in suits really not worth the suit that they are wearing?

• Are you too cool for LinkedIn and Google+??? Think twice. The suits are not as boring and they really make the work done.

• I would advice you to join the crowd on those platforms and start networking.

Me, me, me, …

• We live in a very narcissistic era, but it still does not explain to continuously post pictures of you, you company, your food, your everything. Think – “others” !!! What others want, need, like, dislike, desire – do that for few weeks and you will see change in your social media stats and as well in your life.

Tubeadict ??

• YouTube is a place to watch videos when you’re stressed out about how much social media work you’ve done lately. There’s no need to use it for your own marketing needs – you might never been so more wrong – YouTube is almost the center of the world – forget the sleep and get to work.

“Commentachcke” ??

• Even a single bad comment on your blog or other social media can ruin your day or a week. Develop thick skin. World is full of egoistic and bad wishing people. Ignore it. Be strong. Focus on the good. For sure you have tons of positive feedback, think how that makes you feel and stick with it.

Stealing pictures ?!?! Me either…

• How many times, mom told you to not touch things that don’t belong to you?? 100, 1000? And you still didn’t listen… it was shiny, fun, exciting – you wanted to show it to your friends and dad….

• But when you do it, be aware of the consequences, I am guilty too the crime as well.

Who’s Real??

• Who is hiding behind the brands names, are they real people or just robots?! You officially follow them, but you don’t pay attention. You might be loosing an opportunity for something big. Don’t’ be blindfolded. You never know who is watching.

Why not me…

• Have you ever heard about avatar? Do you have one for your business? You don’t? You think you are so cool that people will be running to buy from you? If yes, don’t expect Christmas coming earlier this year.


• Do you love Newsjacking? I do. It is the easiest way to create a new content and it spreads like a flue in the winter. Such an easy source of fast traffic. But be careful flue can lead to pneumonia. Remember to research the newsjaking hastags and make sure the news are really news and not a whistle blowing. Just saying…

I am here!!!

• If you feel like people aren’t paying attention, tweet something every fifteen minutes. Doesn’t matter what, about food, brushing your teeth, recent trip to CVS. No one can ignore you then! There are 7 billion people in the world, don’t be such a pain in the butt chicks . Slow down.

Hate Math??

• Mathematics is for gigs! It is a stereotype like blonds are stupid. If you still want to keep having fun in the social media scene and hang out with your online folks better figure out the math things, and see what things and games that you play are increasing the balance of your bank account.

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