gullive's travels chapters 5


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An explanation of chapter 5 of Gulliver Travels including Vocabulary , translated text as well as translated questions


Page 1: Gullive's travels chapters 5


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Chapter (5)


giants ������ breathe ��� the public ا�����ر

drop ���� fresh air ����ز/ ���� a nut ه�اء �

surely ��آ!���� tiny ًا�� #�$% exhausted &��

lucky ظ�()� prepare *��� /��� at least �+ا ,-�.

blanket ��/�0� puppet (#آ��� ��د� hire #�!���

closely 3 �#ب� perform 5دي� skeleton ,�(� .6�ه

branches 9#وع guard س#)� Queen �6-�

handkerchief .��� nearby ;�#� bow ,)�

enormous <=> dolls ,د� Majesty ���=9 /��(�

size <�? inn #�$% ق�9 pieces A0�

rats ان#C9 advertise 3-�� clap DE�

The text with translation I was in a room full of giants and a baby giant had just dropped me some

ten metres from the ground. The fall would surely have broken my neck, but I

was lucky. I did not hit the hard floor but landed in a soft blanket which the

mother held around the baby. When I landed in the blanket, the children

laughed loudly again, and even the baby joined them. Only the farmer seemed

to realise I could have been killed. He picked me up and looked at me closely to

see if I was hurt. It was strange to see his face so close. When he smiled at me, I

could see great big lines in his skin and his hairs looked like the branches of

small trees. Did I look like this to the little people of Lilliput? The farmer then

said something to his wife and he went outside. The wife carefully picked me up

and carried me to a bed, where she put me down with a handkerchief over my

legs. When she left me, I suddenly realised how tired I was.

� أر���ع ��� ���ات ا����ات �� ارض، وه�� �� �� �� �� ���! �"���� وأ#$������� �%&�� �#�' �آ") # ��� و�,"� ه+*) �+�ا�6��� آ�3) ����>آ&0 ;�,:� ُ�"$�، و�,"� آ") ��5678ص ا3"� �2 أ1*0م ��.رض ا�-

�� ا�+*�3&��، و�"0�� ه+*) �����3� آ�3) ا.م ���?� <6ل ا�*� �، D8E ا!��ل �-6ت ��ٍل ��ة أ�Aى، �*�3& Fو�73 ا� �� N ،2?�� (,8E+0و ان ا�� ح #$L ادرك أI3 آ�ن �� ا���,� ان ُأ��G، ا��$*"�&Eا�� ��و<�� ا�*��� ��ب �&�ى اذا آ") �0 ُأ1+)، �$0 آ�ن '�N+ً� أن أرى وI?Q �� ��ب، #�"0�� ا��:2 ��، رأA (N*6ط آ+&�ة

���T وآ�ن I���� �# ��UE6ت و+&�&� V��� � N+0و �GY أ#�ع ا�XTر ا�-W&�ة، هG آ") ا�0و ه,�ا ���":+� ا�� ;��Nن "��� ��8ص و<�QوZا� �ا�-W&�؟ [2 ��ل ا�� ح T&%ً� �� ا�� زوI�Q وذهV ا�� ا��Uرج، ا��$*�"

� �F�0، و�"0�� ��آ�"�، أآ���) #X>ة ا�� أى �0ى آ") ���+ً��� GN0"� (�Eوو �"��Eو _&> .

Page 3: Gullive's travels chapters 5


I slept well but dreamt of my family, which made me feel very sad when I

woke up some hours later. I looked around me and found that I was alone on an

enormous bed in a giant room. The bed was perhaps eight metres high and I

did not know how to get down to the floor. I thought about calling out to the

farmer's wife, but my voice would be too quiet for anyone to hear through the

great thick door to the room. Suddenly I saw two rats, the size of two large

dogs, running across the floor and towards the bed. When they saw me, they

easily jumped up onto the bed and began to attack me. One succeeded in

holding onto my sleeve with its teeth, which were the size of swords. I held up

my knife to defend myself and succeeded in hurting the rat, which gave a loud

cry as it quickly let go and ran away. Its horrible friend looked surprised, then

worried, and followed it off the bed and then out of the room through some

hole that I could not see. � أZ8��� ��Tن ا��0N0 �"0�� ا;�&$7) ��0 ��� ا�:���ت، �73ت "��Q وه�ا ،���a��� (��> �Q (�3&0ًا �,""� أ���ر و�2 &3��] �ً+N�$� �N�:آ�ن أر���ع ا� ،�� �� �#�' �# 2UE �N�; ���6� وأدرآ) أ3"� آ") و<0ى �>

� ا�� ح �-6ت ��ٍلQان أ�3دى زو �، و�,� �61� ;6ف N,6ن أ��ف آ&b اZ3ل ا�� ارض، #,�ت #� ا�:�&0Q Dًا، و#X>ة رأN) #>ران، #� <2X آ�+�ن #�Wب ا��� �+� �"��:N أ<0 ;6ف أن �Q0ًا �0رQ �ًd�U"��6� و�0ءا ?:� �N�:ا� �� ا�:��N، �"0�� رأو3�، 0�1ا ا�&>�3 �&?X��و �#�Wا� �&Eون �+� ار�XN ،آ+&�ان

";<� �3�، fX3 أ<0ه�� أن D:�N أآ�����Q�?N �� g#أدا �,� ��I3 ا��� آ�3) #� <2X ا�:&6ف، أ�:,) �:,&"�� و;���ن �� ��آ��N IهV #?�ب أ�� I$N01 ا��6�Zر N0و� �A�1 h�� أ<0ه�� وا��ى ا!Nأذ �# (8X3و �:�3

� �� A ل 8�#� �� �2 أ;�*g أن أراه�#�Wرج ا��A 2] ��و �N�:6ق ا�# �� I�+وا� ،�ً$� . #$0 �0ا �"0ه�ً�، [2 � When the farmer's wife entered the room a few minutes later, she looked

very surprised to see me sitting on the bed with a knife. Through signs I tried to

explain what had happened. She seemed to understand, and took me outside

into the garden so I could breathe some fresh air. That evening, the farmer's

daughter, Glumdalclitch, who was nine years old, helped her mother to prepare

a tiny bed for me. They put the bed on a low shelf inside a cupboard, which was

to be my bedroom for the time I stayed with these people, a place that was safe

from any rats. The young girl loved sewing, and she made me clothes and

dressed me like a doll. Within a few days she had made me seven shirts and

four pairs of trousers. She also taught me her language by pointing to things

and telling me what they were called. She was very kind and called me Grildrig,

a name that all her family used for me. I later found out that the name means


�� ا�:��N و���� �ً:��Q �� ��gd� 0 د��ha، أ03ه�) 0Qًا �"0�� رأ�"#�Wا� �� ا�� ح ا�Qزو (�A0�� د"� D��� �$N08ا� �� ا�� ا��Uرج #"��A0و أ3?� #?�)، وا+N ،ح �� <0ث�Tرات <�و�) ان أ�Tل ا A ��و ،�"&,;

�6�0ا�,�&�l، وا��� آ�ن ���ه� ��,") �� أن أ�"�k ��� ا�?6اء ا�"$�، و#� ه�ا ا��:�ء ���) ا�"� اQ ،ح �� GAدا ��U"� رف ��� �N�:6ا ا��E2 و] ،��Qأ �0ًا �Q �&W1 �N�; Z&?X� ��:g ;"6ات، ��:��0ة أ�?� #� أ["�ء و�) �6ا0Qى �g هoء ا�"�س، وآ�ن �,�m �ً3�"ً� �� أى #%�ان، آ�3) �63 �دوب، وا��ى ;&,6ن '�#

�، و1"!�&Uا� V8� ة�&W-ا�+") ا� ��+; �� � �k وا�+:�"� �GY ا�0ُ�&�، وA ل �gd أ�Nم 1"�) �� (�� أ� 2?�W� �ًdN� A ل ا�Tرة ا�� اT&�ء واA+�رى ��ذا N:�36?2، آ�3) "�����36ت، �0$ �*"� gن وأر��-��

Page 4: Gullive's travels chapters 5


� ��"�دا��، أآ���) #&��aأ#�اد ا��� Gآ I�0U�;;2 ا��ى اوه6 ا ،pN0ر�N�Q �"N0ًا وآ�3) �"�دQ �� ��0 أن ه�ا !&+ �"�N 2;ا"� ". ُد�&

After a few weeks, all the farmer's neighbours had heard that he had found

a tiny human that could speak and walk and do what he was asked. One day, an

old man who was a friend of the farmer arrived and asked to see me. So the

farmer put me on his kitchen table and told me to talk to the farmer. "How

are you, sir?" I said to the old man. "I'm very pleased to meet you."

Then I did what he asked me to do: I walked up and down and named the

objects that he pointed to in their language: "That's a chair. This is a

table, and that's a window." V�*Nُ �� G�#و �و��gd� 0 أ;��&g، آ�ن آQ G&�ان ا�� ح �0 ;��6ا أI3 و0Q إ3:�ن I",�N �&W1 ا�, م وا��� s+*ة ا��Z&ا��� ��� ا�� ح �"�Eو D��� ،��� ح و!�V أن �Nا3� �ً$N01 6ز وآ�نX� GQر G16م وN ذات ،I"�

��6Xز� (�� أن أ�,�g� 2 ا�� ح، �"� V��) �� ." ا�3 �:�ور 0Qًا ��$�Daآ&�N ،D��> b ;&0ى؟: "و!�# Dو��0 ذ�I�� أن أ#�"� V�! :2?�W�ذ�D آ�;�، ه�� ��ا�&Zة، و��D : "��&) ذه��ً� وإ��Nً� و;�&) اT&�ء ا��� أ�Tر ا�&?� �

." �3#�ة The old man put on his glasses to see me better, but when I looked at him

I thought that his eyes look like two giant moons seen through two enormous

windows, and this made me laugh. The old man looked angry. "Why is this

little man laughing at me? Does he think he's being clever? He

shouldn't be so rude." he said to the farmer. Although the farmer tried to

explain why I was laughing, he did not look happy. "Well if he's so clever,

you should make him work so that you can earn some money from

him." The farmer thought about this. "How can I do that?" he asked.

"Why don't you take him to the market? There are plenty of people

there who would pay good money to see this little man walking

and talking." Unfortunately, the farmer agreed. "You know, that's a

really good idea. It's market day tomorrow. I'll take him there and

do what you suggest."

� �Nا3� وgE ا,� I6ز �73ر�X��] �N��� ان �&"�� ��+?�ن (""E I&"0�� �73ت ا�� �و�, ،Gd#أ �$N�!� أVd' ،D8E ا��6Xز و��ل ��� ح"��Q ، وه�ا�&�� �� �ل �3#��& A �� اه���� �&� ��" : �"� �U:N ذا���

�� �I أن N,6ن �?�� ا�6��<W+"N ه�ًا؟�� I:�3 �7N G؟ ه�&W-3:�ن ا�أن ا�� ح ."ه�ا ا �ا��'2 � �� و� ،�ًdN0و ;�&0ًا أ+N 2� ،D8Eح ���ذا آ") أ��N ول أن�>" �,� G��N I��X� أن VXN 0ًاQ ان آ�ن ��ه�ًا ،�ً":>

�� G ���A< ا�� ا�:6ق؟ 0Q6N " "آ&b أ#�G ه�ا؟: "#,� ا�� ح #� ه�ا، [2 �:�ءل." �,:V ��� ا���ل �� وراء��2آY&� �� ا�"�س ه"�ك ;6ف 0N#�6ن ,�Nو ���N �&W-3:�ن ا�وا ه�ا ا�N �و�:6ء ا�v8 وا#ً�� ". h Q&0ًا �,

�2 أن ه�� #,�ة Q&0ة <$ً�، '0ًا 6Nم ا�:6ق، ;6ف ءأ��A ه"�ك وأ#�G �� �$��ح: "ا�� ح�� Gه ".

When Glumdalclitch heard about these plans, she was very worried about

me. "Father, what if the people at the market are cruel to Grildrig?

They'll want to pick him up and play with him. They might break

his arms or drop him! I don't want him to perform to strangers."

"He'll be fine. Just think of the money we can get for him!" said the

farmer. "Let me come with you, then. I can be Grildrig's guard, to

check that people don't hurt him." "Very well." said the farmer.

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Glumdalclitch looked pleased to hear her father agree. The next day, the farmer

and Glumdalclitch put me in a small wooden box for the half-hour ride to the

market in a nearby town.

The box had three small holes in it for me to breathe, and also so I could look

out. Although Glumdalclitch had put some of her dolls' soft blankets on the

floor of the box, it was a very uncomfortable journey for me. The horse went

about fourteen metres with each step and the box moved so much that I felt as

if I was on a ship in a storm. �� 0Qًا ��>3�$��6�0ا�,�&�l �?�� ا�L*U أ8+1) �Q (��; ��0"�" : �&&;�� ا�:6ق �أ��، ��ذا �6 آ�ن ا�"�س #

��+6ن �I، ر��� N,:�ون ذرا�I أو I36*$:N، أ�3 أر�0N أن N$6م �?�ا N�6 و��8N 0ون أنN�N 6ف; ،pN0ر�N�Q g��I;&,6ن �L$# ،�&U #,�ى #�: "#$�ل ا�� ح" ه�ا أ��م ا����Wء�� �� I&"X"; ا���ل ا��ى " "! �د�"� إذًا ءأ�

� أ�>آ0 أن هoء ا�"�س oNذو��> ،pN0رN��X� أن أآ6ن <�رس �"",�N ،D�� "0ًا: "#$�ل ا�� حQ 0&Q " (3آ�� 1"0وق # l�&��6�0ا�,Qا�� ح و �"�Eو ،��6�0ا�,�&�l ;�&0ة �"0�� ;��) �6ا#$� وا�0ه�، و#� ا�&6م ا����Q

�� �&W1 �+�A ،k�"أ� �� ��Xورة، آ�ن ���-"0وق [ ث #��8ت �,"N0� �� رآ�6ً� ا�� ا�:6ق #��; b-3 0ة ��6�0ا�,�&�l و�E) ��� ا�+*�!&� ا�"���Q أن �ا��'2 � ��� أ��,� �� ا�"�7 ���Uرج، و�,� Dوآ��

�، آ�ن ا�8-�ن � �8� �����ة ���":+N�� �&' ��� ا�-"0وق، آ�3) ا��<&Eأر ��� ��0ُ��� �1�Uا� g*$N14 ًا��� �� أ["�ء ���1"&�; �� أ3"� ��Tت آ�� �6 أ3"� آ") #Qًا �0ر�&Y�8ك آ�N 6ة، وآ�ن ا�-"0وق*A Gآ �# .

Finally we arrived at an inn next to the market, where the farmer asked a

friend to advertise what he had inside the box: a tiny human who could say

things and perform for the public. I was put on a table in the largest room

inside the inn. Glumdalclitch sat on a low stool next to me, to look after me and

to tell me what to do. The farmer allowed thirty people at a time to come into

the room to see me. My job was to welcome the people when they came into the

room, and I walked up and down when I was asked. I answered Glumdalclitch's

questions using the words that I knew. "What's your name?" she said. "My

name's Gulliver, although my friends here call me Grildrig." The

Page 6: Gullive's travels chapters 5


people watching laughed at this. "How high can you jump?" asked

Glumdalclitch. "I can show you." I answered, and jumped as high as I could.

Again the people laughed. N01 �� ا�� ح V�� و1�"� ا�� Z3ُل �6Xار ا�:6ق، وه"�ك !N�?"ا� ��� ��� �IN0 داGA ا�-"0وقو#�N أن I� h :

GAدا �� ��ا�&Zة #� أآ+� '�#�� ��Eه&�، �2 و��Xء أ��م ا��&Tأ G��N ء و�&T6ل أ$N أن g&*�:N �&W1 GQر3� ��ذا أ#�G، آ�ن ا�� ح �+U� �� و�,� �"��� �8� �6Xارى، �,N�:� �� آ�;�� l�&��6�0ا�,Q (:�Q ،لZ"ُا�

�6ن Y� f�:N [6ن UT-ً� آG ��ة أA0N ��0"� س�"��� V>أن ار �� �&�و3�، آ�3) و5&��� ه#�W6ا ا��A0N ن�6�0ا�,�&�0U�:� l�ً� ا�,���ت Q ��� أ;%�� V&Qآ") ُأ ،Dذ� �"� V�*Nُ ��0"� �ً��Nذه��ً� وإ ��، وأن أ��#�Wا�

�� ه"� N"�دو3� " "�� أ;�D؟: "ا��� ا��� أ��#?�، ���) �a��01أن أ �ا��'2 � ��� ،���Q ��0رpNأ;�N�Q "l�&��6�0ا�,Q �: أQ+�?�" ا�� أى أر���ع D",�N أن �$�Z؟: "D8E ا�"�س ا��N� آ�63ا �N?�دو3� �� ه�ا، ;>��"

"DِNأن ُأر �"",�N "ى�Aا�"�س ��ة أ D8Eو ،g&*�;أ �� �� . و��Zت أ� "Now tell me, can you name the things in this room?" This I did,

pointing to the objects around the table. "Thank you. Finally, say

goodbye to the good people who have come to see you." "Goodbye

everyone, and thank you very much for your visit!" I cried, as the

people were shown from the room. People in the market soon heard all about

the amazing little human inside the inn, and more and more people wanted to

see me. Although the farmer stopped people from going too close to me, once a

school boy threw a nut at me. It was the size of a large rock and it nearly hit my

head. It would surely have killed me, and I was pleased to see that the boy was

sent out of the room.

�؟"#�Wا� ��?� �3�، هD",�N G أن ��آ� أ;��ء ا.T&�ء ا���+Aن اy6ل " وا> ��) ه�ا وأ�3 أT&� ا�� ا.;&�ء ا����#

� ُ�G ا�� ا��$�ء ��"�س ا�*&"ا���ا�&Zة، N�?"ا� �و�&"�� آ�ن ��YNر ��"�س " +&� ا��N� أ�6ا �&�وكT,�اص �D، و#

(�� ز�Nر�,�U���" :2وج ��� ًNZQ ًا�,Tو ،�ً�&�Q ء�$�و;���ن �� ;�g ا�"�س #� ا�:6ق آ� z&T �� " ا�� ا�

� ا��'2 �� أن ا�� ح �"g ا�"�س �� رؤI�N، و�# �Yوأآ �Yأ�3س أآ V'ل، ورZ"ُا� GAدا Gا���ه �&W-3:�ن ا�ا

0Qًا �"�، ذات ��ة ر��3� أ<0 أود ا��0ارس �6ا<0ة �� 6Qز ا�?"0، آ�3) #� <�U1 2Xة آ+&�ة، �� ا���اب

�#�Wا� �د ��*Nُ 0�6ا� (Nوآ") ;�&0ًا �"0�� رأ ،�"� . و�$�N+ً� أ1*0�) ��أ;�، �� ا��oآ0 أ3?� آ�3) ;�$�

Page 7: Gullive's travels chapters 5


During my time in that room, I was shown to twelve different groups of

people and did the same things for each group. When my work was finally

finished, I was exhausted. The farmer put up a sign saying that we would

return the next day, but I was so tired when I got back to the farmer’s house

that I had to rest for three days. However, even at the farmer’s home I could not

rest completely. All the farmer’s neighbours had now heard of me, and each

day, people paid the farmer to come and see me in his home. There were at

least thirty people in his house at any time, usually other farmers with their

wives and children of all ages.

k�"� (��ا�"�س و �� ����U� ��6�X� ��� �"]وض ا��م أ��� (�� ،�#�Wا� D�� �# I�&d� ) ا��ى�ا["�ء ا�6

� أA&�ًا، آ") ���+ً� 0Qا، وgE ا�� ح #�� �$6ل أ3"��� ��6�، و�"0�� أ�3?�X� Gء أ��م آ�&T.ا �� ;"�6د #

�� ا�� ا��ا<� ��0ة [ [Q�> �� أ3"� آ") #Qا�� ح �0ر (&� �ا�&6م ا�����، و�,""� آ") آ��+ً� 0Qًا �"0�� ��30 ا�

g#ن، ودyا �� �&) ا�� ح، g�; 0$# آQ G&�ان ا�� ح �"# ��> �ً���� fN��;أن أ g*�;ه�ا، �2 أ g�م، و�Nأ

،I�&� �# �� �&�I، ��دًة ا�"�س ��� ح �,� N>�6ا و�Nو3# �ً-UT 6ن] ] �� G$N �� 0Q6N ) آ�ن�اى و ��#

� آG ا���ر# 2?a�"2 وا�?��QوZ� �N�Am �&> # آ�63ا . The farmer was very happy because he was now getting a lot of money, and

he decided it would be a good idea to take me to all the cities in the land so he

could show me to even more people. He packed all the things necessary for a

long journey, and on 17th August 1703, the farmer, Glumdalclitch and I set off

for the capital city. It was about three thousand kilometres from the farm where

I had stayed to the capital, and I was carried in the box which Glumdalclitch

had now filled with many more of her dolls' soft blankets to make it more


�3� ا��A<N 0ة أن&Q ر أ3?� ;�,6ن #,�ة��ا���ل، و �� �&Y,ا� ��� G-8N نyا I3. 0ًاQ آ�ن ا�� ح ;�&0ًا

��� g��:ا� ��، و#�N6! ��� ا�� ر<Nور�dء ا��&T.ا Gآ Z?Q 0$# ،�Yأ�3س اآ �� �Nا3,� 2?Eار �آG ا��0ن #

�6�0ا�,&��l ا��1703� T?� أ':*k ��م Qأ�3 وا�� ح و �"$�� ا����1�، �$0 آ�3) ا��:�#� <6ا�� ، أ3*

3000 l�&��6�0ا�,Q I�%�� 1"0وق �# (� آ&�6��� �� ا��Zر�� ا��� آ") أ�&l #&?� ا�� ا����1�، و�0 ُ<�

�� �G�X ا�-"0وق أآ�Y را<,� ��0ُ��� �1�Uا� � . ه�� ا���ة �,0Q �&Yًا �� ا�+*�!&� ا�"���

The farmer planned to show me in all of the towns and some of the

villages that we passed on the way to the capital. We stopped at eighteen

large towns, many small villages and even some private houses. Perhaps

understanding that this was exhausting for me, Glumdalclitch often told her

father that she was tired and wanted to rest during the journey. Then she

would take me out of the box to give me some air, sometimes spending some

time teaching me more of their language. She also liked to show me where

we were travelling. I saw many enormous buildings and five or six rivers

that were wider than the Nile.

0$� ،�� آG ا��0ن و#� ��� ا�$�ى ا��� ��ر�3 �?� #� ا�*�hN ا�� ا����1# �"E��N ا�� ح ان L*A 0$��6�0اQ Gو�� ،�1�Uا�+&6ت ا� ��� �� آ+&�ة وا��0N0 �� ا�$�ى ا�-W&�ة و<�"N0� ��� �&3��] �# �"��6� l��&,�

Page 8: Gullive's travels chapters 5


�، [2 آ�3) �آ�3) ��?2 أن ه�ا آ�ن ��ه$ً� �� #,�3) ��ارًا �U+� وا�0ه� أ3?� ���+� و���8ج أن �:��fN أ["�ء ا��< ،2?�W� �� 0NZا�� �"��� ��� ا�6�) ��d$� (3ا�?6اء وأ<&�3ً� آ� ��� �"&*�� �� �� ا�-"0وق �,"Q�U�

�"N�� أن V8� �ًdNوآ�3) أ�Nأ �ون، 83�#�:� (Nا�, رأ�&Y �� �� ا��+�3�Udا� k�Aأ3?�ر ;) أو و � وا�� . ا�"&G 3?� �� او;g آ�3)

After ten weeks, we finally arrived in the capital city, which was called

Lorbrulgrud. The farmer found a hotel in the main street, not far from the

King’s palace, and put up signs to advertise what I could do. He hired a room in

the hotel with a huge table in the middle where I could perform. And so I

appeared every day before the people of the capital. Thanks to Glumdalclitch’s

language lessons, I could now understand everything the people said, and I

knew they were all amazed and happy to see me. The farmer continued to earn

lots of money, but unfortunately, the more he earned, the more he wanted

people to see me. He did not realize how tiring I found the work. After a few

weeks, I had lost a lot of weight and felt ill and tired. The farmer saw that I

looked like a skeleton and was worried I would die. But luck was with me,

because just when I thought I could not work another day, a servant arrived

from the palace and said that the farmer should go at once to show me to the


��0 ���ة أ;��&g، و1�"� أA&�ًا ا�� ا����1�، وآ�ن أ;�?� �6ر��و��Xد، و0Q ا�� ح #"0�ً� #� ا���رع

� ا��"0ق # �#�' �Q<�;ا ،I�� ان أ#�"",�N ��� ���، �&k ��&0ًا �� �-� ا���D، ووgE #��ت �&�:&aا��

� أن أ�6م ��.دوار، وه,�ا آ") أ5?�"",�N _&> �?*;و � آ6N Gم أ��م ;,�ن ا����1�، و��Gd ���ا�&Zة آ+&�ة #

�6�0ا�,�&�l، أ1+8) أ#?2 آI�6$N z&T G ا�"�س، و��#) أن �Q&�?2 آ�63ا ��ه�6&� و;�0اء Q �� �W�دروس ا�

��، ا;��� ا�� ح #� g�Q ا�,Y&� �� ا���ل، و�,� �:6ء ا�v8، آ��� g�Q أآ�Y آ��� اراد أآ�Y أن �Nا3�Nؤ��

ى آ") أ0Q ه�ا ا���G ���+ً�، و��gd� 0 أ;��&A ،g:�ت آY&�ًا �� وز3� و��Tت ا�"�س، #?0N 2� 6رك ا�� اى �0

������ض وا��� ،Vv> ا�� ح ا3"� أ1+8) أI+T ا�?&,G ا���7� وآ�ن ��$ً� أ3"� �0 أ�6ت، و�,� ا�v8 آ�ن #

VXN أن �1�، .I3 �"0�� 5"") أ3"� �� أ;�*&g أن ا��G �&6م �Am، و�A G1دم �� ا�$-� و��ل أن ا�� ح

�,�� أ��م ا��"E��&� ا��8ل �# Vه�N . It was a short journey to the enormous palace, where I bowed down to the

Queen of the country. "I'm very pleased to meet you." I cried. She smiled

when she saw me and then asked me some questions about my own land and

seemed very interested in my replies. "I see." she said. "You are clearly an

intelligent person despite your size. Perhaps you'd like to live here,

in the palace, with the King and my family?" "That's a very kind

offer." I said. "However, I belong to the farmer. I would be happy to

live with you, but only if the farmer agrees to it." The farmer, knowing

that I was ill and thinking that perhaps I would soon die, immediately said that

he would be happy to sell me for a thousand pieces of gold. The Queen clapped

Page 9: Gullive's travels chapters 5


her hands. "Go and get me the money he needs." she called, and soon

servants arrived carrying coins that the farmer happily took from them. I then

bowed down again. "I'm very happy now that you're my owner." I said.

"Can I ask one small request? Would you mind letting me keep

Glumdalclitch as my teacher? She's been very kind to me and has

taught me all I know about your country."

(�� ا�+ د، [2 �,�� �-&�ة ا�� ا�$-� ا�2Ud، <&_ ا83"&) ا��م ��" أ�3 ;�&0 ��$����D: "�$0 آ�3) ر<

� وآ�3) �+0و �?��� 0Qًا ��دودى، [2 ���)��0ى ا.1� �� ��� ��� ا.;%"��<; 2] �: ا��:�) �"0�� رأ�"

� ا�$-�، �g ا���D أ#?�D، �� ا�6اfE أUT D3| زآ� ����'� 2� D�X>، ر��� ��Gd ا��&l ه"�، "#

�؟��aو�� "�?� (��� ح، ;>آ6ن �:�ورًا أن أ�&l ��,2، و�,� : "�� D�ه�ا ��ض !&0Q Vًا، و�g ه�ا، #>�3 �

و.ن ا�� ح آ�ن 0Nرك أ3"� ���N و5� أ3"� ر��� أ�6ت ��N+ً�، ��ل #� ا��8ل أI3 ;&,6ن " #$L إذا وا#h ا�� ح

G��$� �"�&+N 1000;�&0ًا ان�� و�3دت, �*�� ذه+&,�" أذه+6ا وأ<�dوا �� ا���ل ا��*�6ب: "�1$) ا��

(��8�6ن ا����دن ا��� أ�Aه� ا�� ح �:��دة، [2 أ83"&) ا�3 ��ة ا�Aى و�N 20م وهUا� G1و �ً�N�;أ�3 ;�&0 : "و

l�&��6�0ا�,X� ظ���>�� �� ��3� أن �:�8��� G؟ ه�&W1 V�! V�� أن أ!"",�N Gه ،��,&�� Dِ3ن أy0ًا اQ

� آG �� أ��ف �� ��0آ2آ�"����؟ �$0 آ�3) !&+� 0Qًا ��� و�� ���� ".

The Queen asked the farmer if this was possible, and he agreed, happy that

his daughter had a good job in the palace. Glumdalclitch, too, was very excited

by this news. "Well, it's time I said goodbye to you." said the farmer,

looking at the big bag of money in his hand. "You're a lucky little man,

you'll be well looked after here." he said to me. I bowed as he left, but did

not say anything to him. "Why didn't you say goodbye to him?" the

Queen asked me when the farmer had gone. I told her how hard he had made

me work, how he had only wanted to make money from me, and that my health

had suffered because of this. "He's only sold me to you because he

thinks I'll soon die. But I'm sure you'll help me to get better and

that my life will be much improved."

� و5&�� Q&0ة #� ا�$-�، �� (�-> 0� I�"وآ�ن ;�&0ًا أن أ� h#ا�� ح �6 ان ه�ا ��,"ً�، #6ا �,�;>�) ا��

� ا���ل ا�,+&�ة+&$> �# �7"N 6ل ا�� ح وه�� ،�+Uورة �?�ا ا��:� �ًdNأ l�&��6�0ا�,Q (3�0آ�N �# " : 0$� ،�ً":>

� Q&0ة ه"�$N�*� D� �N�"2 ا���N 678ظ، ;6ف� �&W1 GQء، أ3) ر�$�ا83"&) �"0�� " <�ن ا�6�) .�6ل ا�� ا�

� �"0�� ذهV ا�� ح,�� ا��"��<; ،I� �ً%&T أى G�2 أ� �أA+��?� ا�� أى " ���ذا �G$� 2 ا�� ا��$�ء �I؟: "'�در، �,""

�� ا���G، وا�# �"+��N 0ى ��ن� V+:� ءت�; ��، وأن �81aورا �ا���ل � g�XN 0 أنN�N L$# اى �0ى آ�ن

� أن أ�8:� وأن <&��� : "ه�ا"N0��:� 6ف; Dِ3آ0 ا<�� �"",� ،�ً+N�� 6ف أ�6ت; �� #$I3. L 5� أ3""��� 0$�

." ;6ف ��8:� آY&�ًا

Although I could not speak her language very well, the Queen understood

all that I said and smiled. She picked me up and carried me carefully to the

King, who was in another room in the palace. When the King saw me, he looked

Page 10: Gullive's travels chapters 5


at me in surprise. "What's this? Why have you brought me a toy?" he

cried. So the Queen asked me to tell him all about my life, which I did. The

King had had a very good education and knew everything about mathematics

and the history and geography of his land. He could not believe that what I told

him was true. "I believe that clever farmer has tricked you into giving

him money." he said to the Queen. He looked at me angrily. Had I made an

enemy already?

�"���) وا��:�)، ا��$�*"� و<�� �� Gآ �,�����'2 �� ا3"� �2 ا;�*g أن ا�,��W� 2?� �-6رة Q&0ة 0Qًا، #?�) ا��

� ا�Aى #� ا�$#�' ��73 �� �0ه�� و�1ح��8ص ا�� ا���D ا��ى آ�ن # D�3� ا��mذا : "-�، و�"0�� ر���

�، وه�ا �� #���I، آ�ن ا���D ذو ���&2 " أ<�dت ��+� أ!��ل؟��&> �� z&T Gآ ��+Aأن أ �,�� ا��"� (+�! D���

�g*�:N 2� ،�0 أن N-0ق أن �� أI� I��+A آ�ن � �0Q 0&Qًا، وآ�ن ��Nف آz&T G �� رE�N&�ت و��رsN و�WQا#&

�� ،�ً&$&$>�,���1"�) �� �0وا �����G؟ . �73 ا�VdW� F" أ��$0 أن ا�� ح �I&*��� D�0A 0 ا���ل: "ل � Gه

QQuueessttiioonnss aanndd AAnnsswweerrss 1 – Why was not Gulliver hurt when he fell to the floor? or How was he

lucky? ��؟ ���ذا �� ��ذى ����� ����� ا��� ��� ا�رض؟ او آ�� آ�ن ���� !� �� ����Because he didn't hit the hard floor, but landed in a

soft blanket. "�� �*$�م %��ر+�" ا�*�'" و �(� ه'& ��� %$�#�" #��� "#� 2 – What did Gulliver see when the man looked at him closely?

؟ ) 3%�2/ ( ����� # � ا��" ا���0 �/ .�ب ��ذا راى ����� ����He saw big lines in his skin and his hairs looked like

branches of a tree. �'�و �0B أ?�ع ا�;@�ر ?� %<�=> وآ�ن ;�2: 9$�ط آ'��ة رأي

3 – Where did the farmer's wife take Gulliver? ح �����؟Dت زو�" ا��G9ا�/ ا ����She took him to the bed and put a handkerchief over his

legs. . ���Aو�"اI0 ��� .�� ا����� J2+و K�L ���M ا�� <

4 – What did Gulliver dream of? �� <% ��L ؟ ��ذا��� ����He dreamt of his family and he felt sad . ���IL و آ�ن "=�M�% ��L 5 – How big was the bed? ؟���Nا� �@L آ�ن � آ����It was about eight meters high. ��3ر ا8آ�ن ا ر=���" L�ا��

6 – Why didn't Gulliver know how to get down to the floor? ��ذا �� ��2ف ����� آ�� ��Iل ا�� ار+�" ا�!@�ة؟ �

Page 11: Gullive's travels chapters 5


����Because the bed was enormous (8 m) ��Q+ آ�ن ���Nا��3ر8(�ن ا� (

7 – What did Gulliver think of to get down? ل؟I�� �)� "�? �)? ىGا� �� ����He thought of calling out to the farmer's wife. ?(� ?� ان ���دى ��� زو�" ا��Dح 8 – Why didn't he call out for the woman? اة؟����ذا �� ���دى ��� ا�� ����Because his voice would be too quiet so no one would

hear him. =�S /)�2" و��N� ف�M �Lًا ��ر�" أن � أ�� �ًU�Q�� ن�ف �(�M < ا ً

9 – Why wouldn't anyone hear Gulliver's voice? �V �����؟ ���ذا N� ان �L� /)� �� ����Because the door was thick

��X آ�ن %�ب ا��W?"�ن M

10 – What did he see on the floor? ذا راى ����� ��� ار+�" ا�!@�ة؟�� ����He saw two rats of the size of two large dogs.

� ?� ،?Yران رأي@L ار+�" �'� �@�ون آ'��ان، آ�'�ن "?�Wو�3@]�/ ا� "�L�# ���Nا�

11 – What did the rats do? ر�/؟Yا�� D2? ذا�� ����They jumped on the bed and began to attack Gulliver.

��ن و%�ءا ا����N ا�� �2Sا��[������ ، ]@# �Lأ���XN أن ه� ����أآ 12 – What did the teeth of the rat look like? ����They were the size of swords <#��Mا��3 أ J#آ� �? �@L ��Nف ا�

13 – How did Gulliver defend himself? ؟"N�# /� ����� V?آ�� دا ����He used his knife and could hurt a rat then the two

rats escaped. "%�Sا /� /)�ا�Lه�� وه�ب ا�^��ن ) ��ح(ا�Q3Mم M(��3" و =

14 – Why was the farmer's wife surprised when she entered the room? ��ذا ده<J زو�" ا��Dح ����� دJ�9 ا�!@�ة؟ �

����Because she saw Gulliver sitting on the bed holding his

knife. رأت ����� ����� ���Nا� ��� �ًN��� ��)N��% �)N�"و �

15 – How did Gulliver try to explain what happened? ؟ آ�� �Lول ����� ان �<�ح �� �Lث

����He used signs. م ا�;�رات�Q3Mا 16 – Where did Gulliver get fresh air? اء ا�$�`؟�0 ����� ��� ا�]*L /ا� ����In the garden when the woman took him there."=G9ا�!���" ����� ا �? 17 – Who was Glumdalclitch ? ؟ �����ا�(��a3 �/ ه� ����She was the farmer's daughter and she was nine years

old. ه���� /� "2M�3ا� b�'= J#ح و آ�Dه� ا%�" ا�� 18 – What did the wife and her daughter make for Gulliver? ��ذا ?J�2 زو�" ا��Dح و ا%�3]� �@����؟ ����They made him a tiny bed . ا��WS ا���M <� �2�S 19 – Where did they put the bed? ؟���Nا�/ و+�2 ا� ����They put it on a low shelf inside a cupboard. و+�2: ��� رف ��c�Q دا09 دو�ب 20 – What was the girl's hobby? ا%�" ا��Dح ؟ ��ذا آ�#J ه�ا�" ����She loved sewing and made Gulliver clothes and dressed

him like a doll. <0 ا����B� "3N'و ا� ����@� d%D� J2�S و "e��Qا� f!= J#آ� 21 – How many clothes did the girl make Gulliver? 32]� ؟�S �3ا� d%D� آ� ��د ا�����She made him seven shirts and four pairs of trousers.

Page 12: Gullive's travels chapters 5


22 – What did the girl teach Gulliver? How? و آ�� ؟ ����� J�'ا� J� ��ذا ������She taught him their language by pointing to things and

their names. �[3W� "3��� �[g��Mرة ا�� ا�;��ء و ا�;��%

23 – What did the girl call Gulliver? ؟����� ��� J�'3" ا���eى اGا� �Mا� �� ����She called him " Grildrig" (it means puppet).

"��� J��e3"( ا�M (و آ�ن hا ����ر�Gه �Mُد��" "���2 ا�"

24 – What did the farmer's neighbours hear of? ح؟Dان ا����� "% V�M ىGا� �� ����They heard that the farmer had found a tiny human that

could speak , walk and do what he was asked to do.

<�� f�$�ُ �� 02?و �>��(�> ا�(Dم وا�� ��WS ن�N#ا أ#> و�� إ�2�M �. حDآ�ن آ0 ���ان ا�� 25 – Who came to the farmer's house to see Gulliver?

�/ ��ء ا�� ��Iل ا��Dح ��ؤ�" �����؟ ����An old man who was a friend of the farmer.حD��� ����S زا�@� Dر� 26 – What did Gulliver say to the visitor? �gاI�� ����� ز( ��ذا .�ل�؟ )ا���0 ا�2@ ����He said he was pleased to meet him and Gulliver did what

the man asked him to do. ��2> � أن> و%�2 ذ��N� <�� f�e �� 02? Xور ��ًا %���g#> ا.�ل �>

27 – How did Gulliver describe the man's eyes? ز؟�ا�2@ /�� ����� �Sآ�� و ����He said that they looked like two giant moons.

�D.�/ =�اه�� �/ D9ل #�?G .�ل ان� /����D.�3/ان ����: =<']�ن .� /�=

28 – Why was the farmer's friend angry? Um'�ن؟ ) ا�2@�ز( ���ذا آ�ن ��S` ا��Dح ����Because he thought that Gulliver was laughing at him.

<�� �QN� ����� ا���3 ان "#�

29 – What did the farmer's friend suggest concerning Gulliver? �� ��23` %@����؟ ) ا���0 ا�2@�ز ( �� ا�Gى ا.��S "L�3` ا��Dح �?

����He suggested that the farmer could make Gulliver work to

earn money for him. ل�� ا.�3ح ان �@02 ا��Dح ����� �2�0 ���%[ �> ا�30 – What could Gulliver do according to the man's ideas?

؟ )ا�2@�ز( ��ذا آ�ن �V$3N ����� ان ��02 و?�� �?(�ر ا���0����The farmer could take him to the market for people to

see him. ق �/ ا�0 ان ��ا: ا���س�N�� حDة ا��G9�� ان 31 – Did the farmer agreed to the suggestion? ا ا�.�3اح؟Gح ��� هDه0 وا?` ا�� ����Yes, he agreed and said it was a good idea.ا#]� ?(�ة ���ة ��. �2# 32 – How was Glumdalclitch's impression? ؟a3ةآ����D� آ�� آ�ن ا#$'�ع ����She was very worried. about Gulliver. ����� ��� "��. J#آ� 33 – What did she tell her father? وا��ه�؟ ��ذا ا9'�ت ����She was afraid that people might play with Gulliver and

break his arms or drop him :�$�N� وا ازر�> او ان�N)� ا���س %@���� و ان f2�� ل ان��3Lا /� <�g�9 �[#ا

34 – What did her father tell her? ذا ا9'�ه� وا��ه�؟�� ����He told her he would be fine and asked her to think of

the money they might get. #> �M(�ن %��Q و f�e ��]� ان =�(� ?� ا���ل ا��M �3!*0 ���]�ا

35 – What did she suggest ? ؟ ��ذا ا.JL�3 ��� وا��ه� ����She suggested going with them to be Gulliver's guard and

her father agreed. ����� و وا?` ا%�ه� ) =���(ا.JL�3 ا�Gه�ب �2]� �3!�س

Page 13: Gullive's travels chapters 5


36 – Where did the farmer put Gulliver on the way to the market? Dا�� V+ق؟ ا�/ و�Nا�� ا� �[���e �? ����� ح

����They put him in a small wooden box. ��WS �'>9 وق��S �? :�2+و 37 – How long did it take to go to the market?6ق؟:�� ا;��W�6ه� ���ه�ب �� �� ا��0ة ا������It was a half-hour ride. "��M �*# ا���L ا�رآ' 38 – Why did the box have three holes? ؟ )?3!�ت( ^��ب �3��ذا آ�ن ا�*��وق %> ����To help Gulliver breathe and to look out.

����N3 ����� ��� ا�d��3 و ا�� � ا�� ا��Qرج

39 – How did he feel when he was in the box? %�ا09 ا�*��وق ؟ �رة و ه�;2 �ه �� ����He felt as if he were on a ship in a storm because the

horse was fast. �2��M ن ا�!*�ن آ�ن� "�S�� ا^��ء "���M �? "#�2 آ�;

40 – What was the advertisement say? ن ���ل ا��Dن؟ ���ذا آ ����It said that there was a tiny human who could say things

and perform for the public. ا�;��ء و ��دى ��N� ان /)�� �ا#> ���� ر���WS 0 ا�!@ ا��م ا�@�]�ر41 – Where could people see Gulliver's show? ؟ ا�/ ا3M$�ع ا���س ان �<�ه�وا ��ض ����� ����In an inn next to the market. ق�Nار ا��@% ��WS ق��? �? 42 – How many people could see Gulliver at a time?

� �<�ه�ة ����� ?[�)�� /�Gد ا���س ا��� �؟ )آ0 ��ة(� ا���ة ا��ا�Lة آ ����About thirty people. ن�^D^ ا���L 43 – What was Gulliver's role in the show? ����� ?� ا��2ض) ا�Gى آ�ن ��د�>( ��ا��ور ����He welcomed people , walked up and down and answering

questions. � ) ا�@�]�ر( آ�ن ��fL %����س[3�qMا ��� �'�@� �q�@� ذه�%� و �>�

44 – Give examples of the questions that Glumdalclitch ask Gulliver. اذآ� ا��qMD� "�B" ا��3 آ�#��D� Jه(���N= a3]� �@����؟

����1 – What his name was. "�Mا �� ����2 – How high could he jump :I��� ان V�$3N� ىGا�ر=��ع ا� � آ����3 –if he could name things in the room. �� ا�;�N� ان V$3N� 0ء %��!@�ةه�

45 – What did the school boy throw on Gulliver? ؟����� ��� G�� �� ا�Gى ا���ة ا��3����He threw a nut. the size of a large rock and hit

Gulliver's head. � �QSة آ'��ة@L �? J#زة ا�]�� ا��3 آ��أس ����� ا��� %@�% J� و ار=$

46 – What happened to the boy? ؟���ث ���L ىGا� �� ����He was sent out of the room. د �9رج ا�!@�ة�e 47 – How many groups was Gulliver shown to? م ����� ��و+� ا���]�؟�."���@� � آ����He was shown to 12 different groups. ���" ���3Q"12ا��م.�م ��و+" @�

48 – Why didn't Gulliver and the farmer return to the market the next

day? م ا����3؟�ق ?� ا���N�� حDد ����� و ا���2� ���ذا �� ����Because Gulliver was too tired that he rested for three

days. ا��م X�G�3 ا�3Mاح ���ة �ن ����� آ�ن �23'� ��ا

49 – Why couldn't Gulliver completely rest at the farmer's house? ��ذا �� ��3Nح ����� =���� ?� %�J ا��Dح؟ �

����Because his neighbours paid to see Gulliver. �ن ���ا#" آ�#�ا �Iورو#> ��ؤ�" �����

Page 14: Gullive's travels chapters 5


50 – Why was the farmer very happy? ��ذا آ�ن ا��Dح ��2Mا؟ � ����Because he got a lot of money and decided to take

Gulliver to all cities. ن�� �#" L*0 ��� آ��Bا �/ ا���ل و .�ر ان ��G9 ����� �(0 ا�51 – What was the destination of the long journey?"؟���ا�$ "�L��� ل�S�ه� �]" ا� �� ����It was to the capital city, it was about three thousand

km from their city. �" و آ�#L J�ا�� S�2ا�� ا� J#3000آ� � آ���ا ��3ا �/ ����3]

52 – When did they start the journey to the capital? ؟"�S�2�� �[3�L�3 %�ؤا ر� ����On 17th August 1703. d$Nmا /� �>� V%�N1703ا�

53 – How did The girl help to make Gulliver rest ?�3ح؟N� ان ����� J�'ت ا����M آ�� ����She told her father that she was tired and sometimes

took him out to get some air.

ج �d��3 ا�]�اء���Qو =*$!'> آ�#J و ��ا �23'> ا#]� وا��ه� ا9'�ت 54 – How many rivers did he see on his journey? "3�Lد ا�#]�ر ا��3 ;�ه�ه� ?� ر�� �آ

����He saw five or six rivers that were wider than the Nile. ا3?�ر او;g �� 3?� ا�"&G 6 او 5راى

55 – When did they finally reach the capital city? ؟"�S�2ا ا�� ا���S�3 و� ����After ten weeks. �2%10 V�%�Mا

56 – What was the capital called? �"؟ S�2ا� �Mا �� ����It was called Lorbrulgrud. ر%�و�@�د�� �[�Mوآ�ن أ 57 – What did the farmer hire? ح؟D���3 ا��Mذا ا�� ����He hired a room in the hotel with a huge table.

"�Q+ ة�U�� �[% ة ?� ?��ق�@L ���3Mا

58 – What happened to Gulliver because of hard work? ��ذا �Lث �@���� %f'N ا�2�0 ا�<�ق؟ ����He lost a lot of weight and was tired and felt ill. ?�� ا�(��B �/ وز#> و آ�ن �23'� و ;�2 %����ض 59 – What did the farmer notice? ح؟Dا�� rL� ذا�� ����He saw that Gulliver looked like a skeleton and was

afraid that he would die. ��ت) �<'"(راى ان ����� آ�ن �'�و �M "#و �9ف ا ��آ]�(0 � 60 – What did the servant from the palace tell the farmer? ��ذا ا9'� ا�L �9م ا��*� ا��Dح؟ ����He asked him to go to the palace to show Gulliver to the

queen. ")�� f�e ��> ان �Gهf ���*� ���ى ����� ��61 – What did Gulliver do when he saw the queen? ��ذا ?02 ����� ����� راى ا���("؟

����He bowed to her and she smiled. �N3%ا#!�� �]� و ا 62 – What was the queen's offer to Gulliver? ؟����� ��� ")�� �� ا��2ض ا�Gى ��+3> ا�����She offered him to live in the palace. and the farmer

agreed for taking some gold coins. *� و وا?` ا��Dح ���c2% 0% ا�2�Dت ا�Gه'�" ��+J ���> ان �a�2 ?� ا��

63 – What was Gulliver's request from the queen? �� ا�$�f ا�Gى �e'> ����� �/ ا���("؟ ����He asked her to let him keep Glumdalclitch as his

teacher. <� "��2� f�e ��]� ان ='�� ��� ���Dاآ��a3 آ64 – What did the king think when he saw Gulliver?

Page 15: Gullive's travels chapters 5


��ذا آ�ن راى ا���X ����� راى �����؟ ����He thought he was a toy. <ا���3ة د�� 65 – What did the king say about the farmer? ح؟Dا�� /� X�� ��ذا .�ل ا�����He said that the farmer had tricked the queen. .�ل ان ا��Dح ��9]�

Quotations with answers

1 – " I was in a room full of giants and a baby giant."

1 – Who was the speaker?


2 – What did the baby do with Gulliver?

�The baby dropped him from ten meters to the ground.

3 – How was Gulliver lucky?

�He landed in a soft blanket which the mother held around

the baby.

2 – " The farmer then said something to his wife.."

1 – Who was the speaker ?


2 – In your opinion , what did he say to his wife?

�I think he told her to take Gulliver to another place.

3 – Where did the wife take him?

�She took him to a bed and put a handkerchief over his leg.

3 – " The bed was perhaps eight metres high."

1 – What was Gulliver's problem?

�He didn't know how to get down to the floor.

2 – What did he think of to get down?

�He thought of calling out to the farmer's wife.

3 – Why didn't he do that?

�Because his voice wouldn't be heard.

4 – " Suddenly I saw two rats."

1 – Who was the speaker?


2 – How did the rats look?

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�They were the size of large dogs.

3 – What did the rats do?

�They attacked Gulliver, but Gulliver used his knife to defend


5 – " She was very kind and called me Grildrig.."

1 – About whom was Gulliver speaking?

�He was speaking about The farmer's daughter "


2 – How was she helpful?

�She made him clothes and taught him their language.

3 – What does " Grildrig" mean?

�It means the " puppet".

6 – " How are you Sir? I am very pleased to meet you?"

1 – Who was the speaker and to Whom?

�Gulliver to the farmer's friend.

2 – What did the man ask Gulliver to do?

�He asked him to walk up and down and to name things.

3 – What did the man do?

�He put on his glasses to see Gulliver better.

7 – " Why is this little man laughing at me.? Does he

think he is being clever? He should not be so rude?

1 – Who was the speaker ?

�The farmer's friend .

2 – To whom was he speaking?

�He was speaking to the farmer.

3 – In the man's opinion how was Gulliver rude?

�He was rude when he saw the man's eyes and laughed.

8 – " Well if he is so clever, you should make him work ''

1 – Who was the speaker and to whom?

�The farmer's friend to the farmer.

2 – About whom was he talking?

�He was talking about Gulliver.

3 – Why should Gulliver work?

�He should work to earn money for the farmer.

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9 – " How can I do that?"

1 – Who asked that question?

�The farmer asked his friend.

2 – What did he mean ?

�He asked him how to make Gulliver work and earn money.

3 – What did the man suggest?

�He suggested taking Gulliver to the market. 10 – " Why don't you take him to the market?"

1 – Who was the speaker and to whom?

�The farmer's friend to The farmer.

2 – To whom was he referring to?

�He was referring to Gulliver.

3 – Why would Gulliver do there?

�He would walk and talk to make people pay money.

11 – " That is a really good idea , I will take him there and do what you suggest."

1 – Who was the speaker?

�The farmer.

2 – About whom was he speaking?

�He was speaking about Gulliver.

3 – Who suggested the idea?

�The farmer's friend.

12 – " Father , what if the people at the market are cruel to Grildrig."

1 – Who was the speaker and to Whom?

�The farmer's daughter Glumdalclitch to her father.

2 – Who was Grildrig?

�He was Gulliver.

3 – How would people be cruel according to her?

�They might pick him up and play with him , They might break

his arms or drop him.

13 – " He will be fine . Just think of the money we can get for him!!"

1 – Who was the speaker and to whom?

�The farmer to his daughter.

2 – Who will be fine?


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3 – How would they get money?

�By taking Gulliver to the market.

14 – " Let me come with you, I can be Grildrig's guard."

1 – Who was the speaker?

�The farmer's daughter

2 – To whom was she speaking?

�To her father.

3 – Why would she be a guard to Gulliver?

�To check that people wouldn't hurt him.

15 – " What is your name? How high can you jump? Can you name the things in this room?

1 – Who asked this question?

�Glumdalclitch .

2 – Who answered the questions?


3 – What did the people around them do?

�The people watched and laughed.

16 – " Thank you . Finally , say goodbye to the good people who come to see you.""

1 – Who was the speaker?

�Glumdalclitch to Gulliver.

2 – When did she say this ?

�at the end of the show.

3 – What did Gulliver say to the people?

�He said goodbye and thanked them all.

17 – " Goodbye everyone and thank you very much your visit."

1 – Who was the speaker ?


2 – To whom was he speaking?

�He was speaking to the people who attended the show?

3 – When did he say these words ?

�At the end of the show when the girl asked him.

18 – I am very pleased to meet you."

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1 – Who was the speaker?


2 – To whom was he speaking?

�He was speaking to the queen of the country.

3 – What was the queen's reaction?

�She smiled and asked him some asked him some questions

about him and his land.

19 – " You are clearly an intelligent person despite your size."

1 – Who was the speaker?

�The queen.

2 – To whom was she speaking?

�She was speaking to Gulliver.

3 – What did she offer him?

�She offered him to live in the palace with the king and her


20 – " That is a very kind offer However I belong to the farmer, I would be happy to live with you, but only if the farmer agrees. "

1 – Who said these words ?

�Gulliver. To the queen.

2 – What was that offer?

�To live with her and her family in the palace.

3 – What was the farmer's opinion?

�He agreed because he thought Gulliver was ill and would

die and sold him for a thousand pieces of gold.

21 – " Go and get the money he needs."

1 – Who was the speaker and to whom?

�The queen to the servants.

2 – Who took the coins ?

�The farmer took them .

3 – Why did she give him the money?

�As a price for selling Gulliver.

22 – " I am very happy now that you are my owner, can I ask one small request?"

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1 – Who was the speaker?

�Gulliver to the queen.

2 – Who was the previous owner ?

�The previous owner was the farmer.

3 – What was the request?

�Gulliver asked the queen to let him keep the girl

Glumdalclitch as his teacher as she was very kind to him.

23 – " It's time I said goodbye to you,"

1 – Who said these words?

�The farmer.

2 – To whom was he speaking?

�He was speaking to Gulliver.

3 – What did he say to Gulliver?

�He said that he was a lucky man who would be looked after

in the palace.

24 – " Why didn't you say goodbye to him?"

1 – Who said this and to whom?

�The queen to Gulliver.

2 – About whom was she talking ?

�About the farmer.

3 – Why didn't Gulliver say goodbye to him?

�Because he made him work hard for money only and he

suffered a lot and he only sold him because he thought he

would die.

25 – " He only sold me because he thinks I will soon die. But I am sure you will help me to get better and my life will be improved."

1 – Who was the speaker?


2 – To Whom was he speaking?

�To the queen .

3 – Did The queen understand him ?

�Yes, she understood although Gulliver couldn't speak her

language very well.

26 – " What is this? Why have you brought me a toy? "

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1 – Who was the speaker?

�The king to the queen.

2 – About whom was he speaking?

�He was speaking about Gulliver.

3 – What was the kings reaction ?

�He said that the farmer had tricked the queen.

27 – " I believe that clever farmer has tricked you."

1 – Who was the speaker?

�The king.

2 – To whom ?

�To the queen.

3 – How did the farmer trick her?

�By taking all that money for selling Gulliver.

Find the mistakes and write the sentences correctly :

1 – Gulliver was n’t injured because he was unlucky. 2 – Gulliver landed in a hard blanket. 3 – Gulliver didn't call out because everyone would hear him. 4 – Gulliver saw two dogs on the floor. 5 – Gulliver used his scissors to defend himself. 6 – The farmer's wife helped in preparing Gulliver a big bed. 7 – The girl taught Gulliver how to cook. 8 – The girl made Gulliver seven T-shirts and four pairs of trousers. 9 – Grildrig means theatre. 10 – The farmer's wife advised him to take Gulliver to the market. 11 – The farmer put Gulliver in a golden box. 12 – In the box Gulliver could breathe through three poles. 13 – The rivers that Gulliver saw were all narrower than the Nile. 14 – The king offered Gulliver to live in the palace. 15 – Gulliver asked the queen to keep Glumdalclitch as a wife. 16 – The king thought that the farmer was kind. 17 – The farmer's wife put Gulliver on a bed and covered his leg by a blanket. 18 – The rats didn't attack Gulliver. 19 – The farmer sold Gulliver for no money. 20 – The queen didn't smile at Gulliver. 1-lucky 2-soft 3-wouldn’t 4-rats 5-knife

6-daughter 7-speak 8-shirts 9-puppet 10-friend

11-wooden 12-holes 13-wider 14-queen 15-teacher