guns. $moseys · 4tb. they unite, as a life-restoring scientific tonic, the greatest strength- the...

w J The Sooth to 4tocom« th» Great Iren . ... Hart of the World* Commenting on the xeoent shipments to England of Alabama .and Georgia pig iron, adverted to in these columns over a week ago, the United States Economist savs it has been the opinion of American iron masters for some time past that iron ore was destined to be- come an important article of commerce between the United States and Great Britain. This view was based on the superior mineral wealth of this country, and also on the surface character of the ores, which requires comparatively lit- tle mining. But the shipment* from Borne, Ga., indicate that the time has come a little sooner, and in a somewhat different shape than was expected. It will be found on examination, however, that the shipments are from the short eat or most direct line from the area of production. At present transp rtatian from the Pennsylvania iron field' is too much in the hands of monopolists, and is too oostly to permit it to be seriously thought of. The remarks of the Econ- omist upon the important results fore- shadowed by this initial movement,'are so apt and just that we transcribe them entire: The shipments already made consist of pig iron from Alabama and Georgia, constituting a portion of what is prob- ably the cheapest and richest mineral deposits in the world. From Tennessee to Alabama iron ore may be obtained With comparatively little labor an I cap- ital, and the only wonder is that the attention of capitalists had not long since been directed to it. Bat the country was almost sealed up to enter- 8 rise before the war, and it is only since ie recovery of produce that its import- ance has been folly demonstrated. It may not be generally known that dar- ing the last few years large amounts of northern capital, and the largest pro- portion from this city have been invested in southwestern mines. In this con- nection we may mention the names of Moses Taylor, Wm. B. Astor, John Jacob Astor, Thomas Dickson, and Le- roy Gannon among the heaviest invest- ors. Probably still larger investments have been made on account of English capitalists The merchants and capitalists who invested their money in these nndertak ings did not intend that it should be idle, and it is not improbable that the shipments of iron above alluded to may be the first fruits of the far greater tide that is to come. Onoe establish the fact that raw iron can be produced in this country as cheaply as it can be pro dneed in England, and we shall see the mineral regions of the southwest con verted into the centres of industry. But, apart even from all considera- tions of rivalry with England, we still have in the mineral resonrees of the southwest the bases of most flourishing industries, and of a mighty commerce. On the Kanawha mountains, on the line of the Chesapeake and Ohio railroad, the iron may be detached by crowbars, and placed on the railroad cars for transportation. It is nearly the same in the long mineral belt extending through Tennessee beyond Ohattanooga mountains to the southern spur of the Alleghaniee. The supply seems well- nigh inexhaustible. It will be hundreds of years before it will become necessary to resort to the deep mining the same as in England. With such advantages the United States should become the ohief iron producing country in the world. All that is required to accom- J lish this destiny is the removal of the urdens on labor which renders this the dearest produoing country in the world. With a moderately liberal com- mercial policy on the part of congress, should soon recover the markets in South and Oentral America, and also in the West Indies. It only remains to notice the facilities for transportation between the south- western coal aud iron fields and the Mormon MArrUges. The permute «l Polygamy at Salt Lake Within the same lnelosure, and about fifty feet from the tabernacle, is the en- dowment-house, where the members of the ehurch receive remissions for their manv sins, and blessings for tht ir good deeds ; this is calls 1 their endowment. This is also the place where the celes- tial marriages" are performed, and one may combine business with pleasure ana do both at the same time. Whether Common Sense Reasons why Dr. Walkers California Vinegar Bitters should be used. l*t. They are an entire Vegetable Bit- ters, free from all alcoholic stimulants. 2d. They are the result of careful study, experiment snd labor. 31. The greatest care is taken to se- cure Medicinal Virtues, and exclude everything objectionable. 4tb. They unite, as a life-restoring scientific tonic, the greatest strength- the orthodox go often or not, they must eni£ v^alizing principles, go early to seek their endowments and J*- J*0" °,f ^entary habits and wives. Mondays of each week are set j ““•* A*® R Rpp,cl,fi®^or j r the plebeians, aud Wedii6fe<lav6 appetite, palpivUwiOij, ufctmlj, AGENTSttjaaajsttav terms, loc. simpto j 6t Smith, Cortiandt st.. N.' VANTED AGENTSverywbere to cinTsn m nrg-ea* 'entennUU Book, worthy the apetlal noA t[ce of experlen ~ed agents. For particulars address' the publisher, B. a.EOS -ELL; Boston. Mass Q Ttie best. All colors Ooe wafer make* 3 ounces. Sample a- 4 circu- lars maU>d for 10 rents and stamp oy OKFIAnMc NnEDLE CJ.. 656 Broadway? Nei vork GUNS. apart for the plebeians, aud Wednesdays for the aristocracy. As early as half- past six oclock in the morning are seen women and menelastic youth and tot- tering ageall heading toward this Mecca of Mormonism, each carrying a little half-concealed parcel; this con- tains their t ndowment clothes, which, of coarse, they mast put on before they can receive their endowment blessings or get married. This endowment suit proper is what might be called a shirt and pants made into one garment, some- thing like what we used to wear when we were wicked little boys, excepting that these are not buttoned up at all. This straight jacket is made of cheap or coarse material, arc <rding to the pover- ty of the sinner. Emblems of the cross are worked over the heart and right, knee. A large flowirg robe of white mnalin is thrown over the endowmenter, and then he is pnt through the mill of Zion. But if he also wishes to marry, he must, before putting on his attenu- ated pants and night shirt, take a bath and be anointed with olive oil, a bottle of which every intended Benedict brings with him. Formerly the celestial mar- riage occupied several hours, and was very ceremonious; but since so much marrying is being done, it is rushed through in a more practical and busi- ness-like manner, thus affording an op- portunity to marry oftener. CELESTIAL MARRIAGES. I have been given an account of the celestial marriage,which I send you for what it is worth. I am loth to be- lieve that the ceremonies are eo revolt- ing as they are pictured by my inform- ant, and indeed I place little reliance on the story. Still it is valuable as showing how the people here look upon the peouliar institution, After being properly bathedwhich typioally washes away the sins of the worldthe victims are anointed from head to foot with olive oil, which the bjride and groom must furnish. This oil is poured over them from a small horn, called the horn of plenty. Thev then don their endowment clothes and ascension robes, and are led into a typ- ical garden of Eden, in the center of whioh is a shrubbery tree about three feet high, from the green boughs of whioh are suspended bunches of grapes; no apples are in sight. Reclining at the foot of this tree is his Satanic maj- esty, or the serpent, as the case may be, clad in blaok cloth tights. Tl is char- acter is generally assumed by Councilor Wells, because of his peculiar fitness for that rolepossessing a reddish and sharp face and large, hooked nose, re- sembling the make-upof Zamielin the Blaok Crook. This character- serpent immediately commences a flir- tation conversation with Eve.At first she slowly shakes her head ; finally she hesitates, and then, of coarse, Bhe is losttypically. The 1 Savior(Brig- ham Young) appears, and a sceneoccurs. Several have happened in fam- ilies since. Their robes are-taken off by a servant in waiting, (an extra char- acter rung in,) and aprons of genuine fig leaves are given them, which they rat on, and are driven from the garden >y the Savior(Brigham Young) into an ante-room, where they are married. They are then nnited for time and eter- nity-death is only a temporary separa- tion.&an Francisco Chronicle. constipation, and many o her nameless ailments. 6:h. The aged find in them guarantee of prolonged health and life, and weak and delicate.females and mothers find especial benefit from their use. 7th. They are the Master of Disease, Symptom* ot Liver Complaint, and ot Some, of the Disease* Produced by It A tallow or yellow color of skin, or yellowish brown spots on face and other parts of the body; dullness ana drowsiness with frequent Leadacbe; dizzinets. bitter or bad taste in month, dry.' ess of throat and internal heat palpitation; in many rases a dry, teasing cough, with sore throat; unsteady sppetite, raising food, choking sensation in throat; die ress. heaviness, bloated or fall feeling about stom- ach and sides, pains in tides, back or breast, and about shoulders; colic, pain and soreness through bowels, with heat; constipation al ternatiog with fieqnent attacks of diarrhoea, piles, flatulence, nervousness, coldness of ex- tremities ; rash of blood to head, with symp- toms of apoplexy, numbness of limbs, espec- ially at night; cold chills alternating with hot flashes, kidney and urinary difficulties; dull- ness, low spirits, nnsociability and gloomy forebodings. Only few of above symptoms likely to be present at one time. All who use Dr. Pierces Alt. Ext. or Golden Medical Dis- covery and Pleaeant Purgative Pellets for Liv er Complaint and its complications, are loud in their praiee of them. They are rold by all dealers in medicines. Still the cbv is for the Wilvon shuttle sewing machine. And why ? Because it is the most perfect and desirable eewing machine for family use and manufacturing yet invented, and is the cheapest. The constant demand for this valuable machine has made it almost impossible for the manufacturers to supply the demand. Machines will be delivered at any railroad station in this country, free of trans portation charges, if ordered through the com panys branch house at 189 Canal St., New Or- leans, La. They send an elegant catalogue and chromo circular free on application. This company want a few more good agents. In Only a Few Davs 31.00 May Se cube $10,000.A Farm, or a Residence in Houston. (Population 20,000.) . The Distribu- tionwhich is indorsed by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Houstonof 65,000 Acres of Choice Land, 15 Honees and over 300 Building Lots in Houston, and $25,000 in Gold Coin, takes place May 13th, during the State Fair. Tickets only one dollar. J. E. Foster, Houston, Texas. Mdxutd. The Che.,wake u,d Old, 1.^ «rra.poata,».<>f ,1!? "ft radioed iriil be eompleted to Norfolk! *- B*6 tat- and apart within a short time, thus affording a magnificent outlet for the mineral re- sources of the Virginias. In Tennessee and the states further south the exist- Chapped hands are very common with tboso who have their bands much in water. A few drops of Johnsons Anodyne Liniment rubbed over the hands two or three times a day, will keep them eoft and white. Fisher men, sailors, and others will do well to re- member IhiB._____________________ The Times says Dr. Walpole has lost his beautiful chestnut mare. She died sud- denly in harness, it is supposed from bots or pin wolms. If the Doctor had used Sheri- dan's Cavalry Condition Powders, he would, no doubt, have bad his mare to-daythey are death on worms. ExoeIiIsor Axle Grease and Anti-fric- tio:« Compound. Railroads, Coal Miners, Street Cars, Omnibus, and Manufacturing Companies pronounce it the best Axle Grease in use. Send orders to A. H. Cocssens & Co., wholesale druggists, Nashville, Tenn. Burnett's Cocoaine is the best and cheapest hair dressing in the world. Go to River Side Water Cure, Hamilton, 111. Tlie Properties of Tutts Expector* ant are demulcent balsamic healing and toothing. It bra:es the cervoaa fy-Um and cuies the worst cough. J^EW Tin article. ------seh® sight. Haidware dealers address Nos. 8 & 49 Marcellus. Mich. 1 O SEWING machine needles given away. Address,8. P. aNGEL, Knoxville,Tenn, ing facilities arc ample, and will be- come still more so on the completion of Oapt. Eadesjetty improvements at the month of toe Mississippi. In this view Charleston. Savannah. New Orleans, and even St, Louis will become, if there is any truth in the alleged economic relations between producers and con- sumers, the southwest seems destined, at no distant period, to resound to the jbtun ot important indnstries. mane and flank of the leaden equestrian statue of George III., torn down by the colonists at New York at the beginning of the revolutionary war, are lying half bnried in the ground at Wilton, Connecticut, whither the statue was carried to be ran into ballets for the nse of the continental soldiers. Whoever bays a Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Organ may be sure he has got the best instrument of the class in the world, and this at the lowest price at which it can be afforded by the makers having greatest facilities for manufac- ture. * OOIL C1IR0JI09 fob *1; two for 25c. Agents l fi wauled. F.W.McCieave AOo.Boston&Cblcago, catalogue Free Ku. Uolpti 6b co., ;oi8 N 5th street et Lnubi, Mo FOE AGENTS is c*ur ten New Va, elfieM .Juki. **im Vatt iri f,err , lieu e. Sample and circulars freiv by Util! H B WHITE dt co- Newark™ j r HIS paper is printed with Ink furnLdied by CharieaEoen Jefcusoj A Co. 509 So. loth *{. -------------------------------------- m. pop NEWS $ MOSEYS A MONTH.AGENT* wanted every where. Business honorable and drat-- class. Particulars sent free. Address WORTH A CO., St. Loots, Mo. ELASTIC JOINT piled, by any <5n»f^to,3rJiJ?* IDflU 0T1 rlwt through tht iron; iu practical use InUn 7 yean. Boxed t r shipment to any part DdflClUC of tbecountry. i.aLDWEtLA CO, ItUUnnO iso We*i Second direct. Cincinnati,O, AGRNTs Wanted Evertwhebb.The choicest lu the worldImporterspriceslargest company in A merlesstaple article peaae* everybodytrade Increasingbest In- incementsdont waste timesend for circular to Robert Wells, 41 Vesey St, jn. Y ; P. O. Box 1287. COKRBdPO<IDS!NCB INVITUD With persons desiring to exchange Southern or procured for investors in St. Louis property, and rail information as to value and titles Imparted to clients HffiKJUAN 6b 1UISKY, counsel- lors, are retained to prosecute all litigation pertain- ing to titles, corporations, etc. B. B. Waodrix, Investing Agent. 516 Pine Street, st. Louis Mo. BOOKS One Dollars Worth of Popular Brokd, or choice Musi \sent free. Inclo e'Mamp for Cata- logue- Address PHILA. N. Y. PUBLISHING F D ff c I f WO ,13»South Seventh IX Ei Es a l Street,Pfc{ladelphla. Pa. PORTABLE Soda Fountains. $10, $50, $75. & $!l)0. GOOD, DURABLE AND CHEAP- Shipped Ready for Use. Manufactured hy CH iPMaN<tCO., Madison Ind. BWSend for a Catalogue. •»¥af BOOK YOU CAN SELL MONEY IN IT SURE! Just out. Useful. H&Ddsome, Cheap. Hells verywhore. A rare chance Also, NEW MAPS, CHARTS, Etc. Our new chart, CHRISTIAN (4 RACES, Is a > pieudld success. Cin- cinnati prices same as New York, send for terms to E. V. Bridgman, 5 Barclay st.N.Y,<fc 179 W.4th st Cln.O. BROADBUSS 0REAT LIQUID COMPOUND Hue and Insect Destroyer and Fertilizer. ____ :rops may te saved by investing cue or twt dollars. Mend fur circular containing full particn lars. Agents wanted in tvery state and county. Address B. V. BROADDU4, 139 leugworth street, Cincinnati. Ohio. WATER DOES NOT AFFECT THE HANDLES Patent Irory or Celtaloii Me and.tboy never i/el iooie. always call for the trade mark MERIDEN i UTLERY COMPANY on the blade. Sold by all dealers io cutlery an 1 by MKKIOKN CU fLKRY C OMPAN Y, 49 Chambers street, New York. ersofall kinds of cutlery. Manufacture K. W. Pierce* Co.. Providence, l*R. I. say: We have used the lW8ea Foam a long time and con- sider it the best baking powder In use.Demoud, Hills * Nickerson, Grocers. Boston. Maas., say: Wherever we have sold your 4ea Foam it has given excellent latlsfuctlOQ, and it is pro- nounced superior to anykoown baking powder.Try it. Its economy Is wonder'ul; It saves milk, eggs, etc., aud sells like hot cakes.7Send for cir- cular to Geo F. Gant.: * Co., 178 Duane sireet, vew York. Free! Free! Free I THE PIONEER. 4 Agents. Chang inane seiis at sight. Necessary os soap. Samples35c, Chang Chang SITg Co.. Boston. E very family wants it. Mone, 'old by agents. Address w. w. Lovell ley in it. .Erie.Pa. $200 F OB VALUABLE INFORMATION address L. M. HARRIS, Box 5159, Boston, Mass. i to SB5 PER DAYSend for Chromocatalogue. J.H.Bcrvnaoasoxs,Boston. $72 Each week. Gold pencil free. Addre* PALMER. ALBERS * CO., St. Louis W =C9fl r day at borne. Terms free. Address hWU Geo. Stinson A Co.. Portland Maine. CORA s month to male and female agents every- ylvU where. Eureka Mfg.Co., Buchanan,Mich. handsome illust'aed newspaper containing ___ information fo everybody. Tells how and where to secure a home cheap. Sent free to all partt if the uorld. It contains the new Homestead and Timber , , whu other iiiitnea.iw matter fc!'* «"lv ! In tnis paper, SEND FOR IT AT ONCE! It will only cost you a Postal Card. New number for April Just out. Address, - o. F. DAVIS, Lani Commissioner, U. P. R. R.. Omaha. Neb. DO YOUR OWN PRINTING! PRINTING PRESS. JNor ProfeMionul and Amateur Printer*, School*, Societies, Man- ufneturers, Merchant*, and other, itt* the BEST ever Invented. 18.000 In use. Tea style*, Prices from S5.00 to $150.00 BEH J. O. WOODS & CO, Manufnand dealer. In all kinds of Print! " 99 Fed. 6cnd damp for Catalogue.) .is Material, oral Bt. Boston,

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Page 1: GUNS. $MOSEYS · 4tb. They unite, as a life-restoring scientific tonic, the greatest strength- the orthodox go often or not, they must eni“£ v^alizing principles, go early to seek

w J

The Sooth to 4tocom« th» Great Iren . ... ‘ Hart of the World*

Commenting on the xeoent shipments to England of Alabama .and Georgia pig iron, adverted to in these columns over a week ago, the United States Economist savs it has been the opinion of American iron masters for some time past that iron ore was destined to be­come an important article of commerce between the United States and Great Britain. This view was based on the superior mineral wealth of this country, and also on the surface character of the ores, which requires comparatively lit­tle mining. But the shipment* from Borne, Ga., indicate that the time has come a little sooner, and in a somewhat different shape than was expected. It will be found on examination, however, that the shipments are from the short eat or most direct line from the area of production. At present transp rtatian from the Pennsylvania iron field' is too much in the hands of monopolists, and is too oostly to permit it to be seriously thought of. The remarks of the Econ­omist upon the important results fore­shadowed by this initial movement,'are so apt and just that we transcribe them entire:

The shipments already made consist of pig iron from Alabama and Georgia, constituting a portion of what is prob­ably the cheapest and richest mineral deposits in the world. From Tennessee to Alabama iron ore may be obtained With comparatively little labor an I cap­ital, and the only wonder is that the attention of capitalists had not long since been directed to it. Bat the country was almost sealed up to enter-

8rise before the war, and it is only since ie recovery of produce that its import­ance has been folly demonstrated. It

may not be generally known that dar­ing the last few years large amounts of northern capital, and the largest pro­portion from this city have been invested in southwestern mines. In this con­nection we may mention the names of Moses Taylor, Wm. B. Astor, John Jacob Astor, Thomas Dickson, and Le­roy Gannon among the heaviest invest­ors. Probably still larger investments have been made on account of English capitalists

The merchants and capitalists who invested their money in these nndertak ings did not intend that it should be idle, and it is not improbable that the shipments of iron above alluded to may be the first fruits of the far greater tide that is to come. Onoe establish the fact that raw iron can be produced in this country as cheaply as it can be pro dneed in England, and we shall see the mineral regions of the southwest con verted into the centres of industry.

But, apart even from all considera­tions of rivalry with England, we still have in the mineral resonrees of the southwest the bases of most flourishing industries, and of a mighty commerce. On the Kanawha mountains, on the line of the Chesapeake and Ohio railroad, the iron may be detached by crowbars, and placed on the railroad cars for transportation. It is nearly the same in the long mineral belt extending through Tennessee beyond Ohattanooga mountains to the southern spur of the Alleghaniee. The supply seems well- nigh inexhaustible. It will be hundreds of years before it will become necessary to resort to the deep mining the same as in England. With such advantages the United States should become the ohief iron producing country in the world. All that is required to accom-

Jlish this destiny is the removal of the urdens on labor which renders this the dearest produoing country in the

world. With a moderately liberal com­mercial policy on the part of congress, should soon recover the markets in South and Oentral America, and also in the West Indies.

It only remains to notice the facilities for transportation between the south­western coal aud iron fields and the

Mormon MArrUges.The permute «l Polygamy at Salt Lake

Within the same lnelosure, and about fifty feet from the tabernacle, is the en­dowment-house, where the members of the ehurch receive remissions for their manv sins, and blessings for tht ir good deeds ; this is calls 1 their endowment. This is also the place where the “ celes­tial marriages" are performed, and one may combine business with pleasure ana do both at the same time. Whether

Common Sense Reasons why Dr. Walker’s California Vinegar Bitters should be used.

l*t. They are an entire Vegetable Bit­ters, free from all alcoholic stimulants.

2d. They are the result of careful study, experiment snd labor.

31. The greatest care is taken to se­cure Medicinal Virtues, and exclude everything objectionable.

4tb. They unite, as a life-restoring scientific tonic, the greatest strength-

the orthodox go often or not, they must eni“£ v^alizing principles, go early to seek their endowments and J*- J*”0" °,f ^entary habits and wives. Mondays of each week are set j ““•* A*® R Rpp,cl,fi®^or j

r the plebeians, aud Wedii6fe<lav6 appetite, palpivUwiOij, ufctmlj,

AGENTSttjaaajsttavterms, loc. simpto j 6t Smith, Cortiandt st.. N.'

VANTED AGENTS— verywbere to cinTsn m nrg-ea* 'entennUU Book, worthy the apetlal noA

t[ce of experlen ~ed agents. For particulars address' the publisher, B. a.EOS -ELL; Boston. Mass

Q Ttie best. All colors Ooe wafer make* 3 ounces. Sample a- 4 circu­

lars maU>d for 10 rents and stamp oy OKFIAnMc NnEDLE CJ.. 656 Broad way? Nei vork

GUNS.apart for the plebeians, aud Wednesdays for the aristocracy. As early as half- past six o’clock in the morning are seen women and men—elastic youth and tot­tering age—all heading toward this Mecca of Mormonism, each carrying a little half-concealed parcel; this con­tains their t ndowment clothes, which, of coarse, they mast put on before they can receive their endowment blessings or get married. This endowment suit proper is what might be called a shirt and pants made into one garment, some­thing like what we used to wear when we were wicked little boys, excepting that these are not buttoned up at all. This straight jacket is made of cheap or coarse material, arc <rding to the pover­ty of the sinner. Emblems of the cross are worked over the heart and right, knee. A large flowirg robe of white mnalin is thrown over the endowmenter, and then he is pnt through the mill of Zion. But if he also wishes to marry, he must, before putting on his attenu­ated pants and night shirt, take a bath and be anointed with olive oil, a bottle of which every intended Benedict brings with him. Formerly the celestial mar­riage occupied several hours, and was very ceremonious; but since so much marrying is being done, it is rushed through in a more practical and busi­ness-like manner, thus affording an op­portunity to marry oftener.

CELESTIAL MARRIAGES.I have been given an account of the

“ celestial marriage,” which I send you for what it is worth. I am loth to be­lieve that the ceremonies are eo revolt­ing as they are pictured by my inform­ant, and indeed I place little reliance on the story. Still it is valuable as showing how the people here look upon the peouliar institution,

After being properly bathed—which typioally washes away the sins of the world—the victims are anointed from head to foot with olive oil, which the bjride and groom must furnish. This oil is poured over them from a small horn, called the horn of plenty. Thev then don their endowment clothes and ascension robes, and are led into a typ­ical garden of Eden, in the center of whioh is a shrubbery tree about three feet high, from the green boughs of whioh are suspended bunches of grapes; no apples are in sight. Reclining at the foot of this tree is his Satanic maj­esty, or the serpent, as the case may be, clad in blaok cloth tights. Tl is char­acter is generally assumed by Councilor Wells, because of his peculiar fitness for that role—possessing a reddish and sharp face and large, hooked nose, re­sembling the “make-up” of “Zamiel” in the Blaok Crook. This character- serpent immediately commences a flir­tation conversation with “Eve.” At first she slowly shakes her head ; finally she hesitates, and then, of coarse, Bhe is lost—typically. The ‘1 Savior” (Brig­ham Young) appears, and a “scene” occurs. Several have happened in fam­ilies since. Their robes are-taken off by a servant in waiting, (an extra char­acter rung in,) and aprons of genuine fig leaves are given them, which they rat on, and are driven from the garden >y the “ Savior” (Brigham Young) into

an ante-room, where they are married. They are then nnited for time and eter­nity-death is only a temporary separa­tion.—&an Francisco Chronicle.

constipation, and many o her nameless ailments.

6:h. The aged find in them guarantee of prolonged health and life, and weak and delicate.females and mothers find especial benefit from their use.

7th. They are the Master of Disease,Symptom* ot Liver Complaint, and ot

Some, of the Disease* Produced by ItA tallow or yellow color of skin, or yellowish

brown spots on face and other parts of the body; dullness ana drowsiness with frequent Leadacbe; dizzinets. bitter or bad taste in month, dry.' ess of throat and internal heat palpitation; in many rases a dry, teasing cough, with sore throat; unsteady sppetite, raising food, choking sensation in throat; die ress. heaviness, bloated or fall feeling about stom­ach and sides, pains in tides, back or breast, and about shoulders; colic, pain and soreness through bowels, with heat; constipation al ternatiog with fieqnent attacks of diarrhoea, piles, flatulence, nervousness, coldness of ex­tremities ; rash of blood to head, with symp­toms of apoplexy, numbness of limbs, espec­ially at night; cold chills alternating with hot flashes, kidney and urinary difficulties; dull­ness, low spirits, nnsociability and gloomy forebodings. Only few of above symptoms likely to be present at one time. All who use Dr. Pierce’s Alt. Ext. or Golden Medical Dis­covery and Pleaeant Purgative Pellets for Liv er Complaint and its complications, are loud in their praiee of them. They are rold by all dealers in medicines.

Still the cbv is for the Wilvon shuttle sewing machine. And why ? Because it is the most perfect and desirable eewing machine for family use and manufacturing yet invented, and is the cheapest. The constant demand for this valuable machine has made it almost impossible for the manufacturers to supply the demand. Machines will be delivered at any railroad station in this country, free of trans portation charges, if ordered through the com pany’s branch house at 189 Canal St., New Or­leans, La. They send an elegant catalogue and chromo circular free on application. ’This company want a few more good agents.

In Only a Few Davs 31.00 May Se cube $10,000.—A Farm, or a Residence in Houston. (Population 20,000.) . The Distribu­tion—which is indorsed by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Houston—of 65,000 Acres of Choice Land, 15 Honees and over 300 Building Lots in Houston, and $25,000 in Gold Coin, takes place May 13th, during the State Fair. Tickets only one dollar.

J. E. Foster, Houston, Texas.

Mdxutd. The Che.,wake u,d Old, 1.^ «rra.poata,».<>f ,‘1!? "ft *» radioed iriil be eompleted to Norfolk! *- B*6 tat- and apartwithin a short time, thus affording a magnificent outlet for the mineral re­sources of the Virginias. In Tennessee and the states further south the exist-

Chapped hands are very common with tboso who have their bands much in water. A few drops of Johnson’s Anodyne Liniment rubbed over the hands two or three times a day, will keep them eoft and white. Fisher men, sailors, and others will do well to re­member IhiB._____________________

The Times says Dr. Walpole has lost his beautiful chestnut mare. She died sud­denly in harness, it is supposed from bots or pin wolms. If the Doctor had used Sheri- dan's Cavalry Condition Powders, he would, no doubt, have bad his mare to-day—they are death on worms.

ExoeIiIsor Axle Grease and Anti-fric- tio:« Compound. Railroads, Coal Miners, Street Cars, Omnibus, and Manufacturing Companies pronounce it the best Axle Grease in use. Send orders to A. H. Cocssens & Co., wholesale druggists, Nashville, Tenn.

Burnett's Cocoaine is the best and cheapest hair dressing in the world.

Go to River Side Water Cure, Hamilton, 111.

Tlie Properties of Tutt’s Expector*ant are demulcent balsamic healing and toothing. It bra:es the cervoaa fy-Um and cuies the worst cough.

J^EW Tin article.— ------„seh® sight. Haidwaredealers address Nos. 8 & 49 Marcellus. Mich.

1 O SEWING machine needles given away. -»Address,8. P. aNGEL, Knoxville,Tenn,

ing facilities arc ample, and will be­come still more so on the completion of Oapt. Eades’ jetty improvements at the month of toe Mississippi. In this view Charleston. Savannah. New Orleans, and even St, Louis will become, if there is any truth in the alleged economic relations between producers and con­sumers, the southwest seems destined, at no distant period, to resound to the jbtun ot important indnstries.

mane and flank of the leaden equestrian statue of George III., torn down by the colonists at New York at the beginning of the revolutionary war, are lying half bnried in the ground at Wilton, Connecticut, whither the statue was carried to be ran into ballets for the nse of the continental soldiers.

Whoever bays a Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Organ may be sure he has got the best instrument of the class in the world, and this at the lowest price at which it can be afforded by the makers having greatest facilities for manufac­ture. *

■ OOIL C1IR0JI09 fob *1; two for 25c. Agents l fi wauled. F.W.McCieave AOo.Boston&Cblcago,

catalogue Free Ku. Uolpti 6b co., ;oi8 N 5th street et Lnubi, Mo

FOE AGENTS is c*ur ten New Va,elfieM .Juki. **im Vatt iri f,—err

, lieu e. Sample and circulars freivby Util! H B WHITE dt co- Newark™ j

rHIS paper is printed with Ink furnLdied by CharieaEoen Jefcusoj A Co. 509 So. loth *{.

-------------------------------------- m. popNEWS


A MONTH.—AGENT* wanted every where. Business honorable and drat-- class. Particulars sent free. Address

WORTH A CO., St. Loots, Mo.

ELASTIC JOINT piled, by any <5n»f^to,3rJiJ?*IDflU 0T1 rlwt through tht iron; iu practical use InUn 7 yean. Boxed t r shipment to any part DdflClUC of tbecountry. i.aLDWEtLA CO, ItUUnnO iso We*i Second direct. Cincinnati,O,

AGRNTs Wanted Evertwhebb.—The choicest lu the world—Importers’ prices— largest company in A merles—staple article

—p’eaae* everybody—trade Increasing—best In- incements—don’t waste time—send for circular to Robert Wells, 41 Vesey St, jn. Y ; P. O. Box 1287.

COKRBdPO<IDS!NCB INVITUDWith persons desiring to exchange Southern or

procured for investors in St. Louis property, and rail information as to value and titles Imparted to clients HffiKJUAN 6b 1UISKY, counsel- lors, are retained to prosecute all litigation pertain­ing to titles, corporations, etc. B. B. Waodrix, Investing Agent. 516 Pine Street, st. Louis Mo.

BOOKSOne Dollar’s Worthof Popular Brokd, or choice Musi \sent free. Inclo e'Mamp for Cata­logue- Address PHILA. ‘ N. Y. PUBLISHING

FD ff c I f WO ,13»South Seventh IX Ei Es a l Street,Pfc{ladelphla. Pa.

PORTABLESoda Fountains.

$10, $50, $75. & $!l)0.GOOD, DURABLE AND CHEAP-

Shipped Ready for Use. Manufactured hy CH iPMaN<tCO.,

Madison Ind.BWSend for a Catalogue.




MONEY IN IT SURE! Just out. Useful. H&Ddsome, Cheap. Hells very whore. A rare chance Also,NEW MAPS, CHARTS, Etc.

Our new chart, CHRISTIAN (4 RACES, Is a > pieudld success. Cin­cinnati prices same as New York, send for terms to E. V. Bridgman, 5 Barclay st.N.Y,<fc 179 W.4th st Cln.O.


Destroyer and Fertilizer.____ :rops may te saved by investing cue or twtdollars. Mend fur circular containing full particnlars. Agents wanted in tvery state and county.

Address B. V. BROADDU4, 139 leugworth street, Cincinnati. Ohio.


Patent Irory or Celtaloii Meand.tboy never i/el iooie. always call for the trade mark “MERIDEN i UTLERY COMPANY ” on the blade. Sold by all dealers io cutlery an 1 by

MKKIOKN CU fLKRY C OMPAN Y, 49Chambers street, New York.ersofall kinds of cutlery.


K. W. Pierce* Co.. Providence, l*R. I. ■ say: ” We have used the lW8ea Foam a long time and con­

sider it the best baking powder In use.”

Demoud, Hills * Nickerson, Grocers. Boston. Maas., say: “Wherever we have sold your 4ea Foam it has given excellent latlsfuctlOQ, and it is pro­nounced superior to anykoown baking powder.’’ Try it.

‘ Its economy Is wonder'ul; It saves milk, eggs, etc., aud sells like hot cakes.7’ Send for cir­cular to Geo F. Gant.: * Co., 178 Duane sireet, vew York.

Free! Free! Free ITHE PIONEER.


Agents. Chang inane seiis at sight. Necessary os soap. Samples35c, Chang Chang SITg Co.. Boston.

Every family wants it. Mone,'old by agents. Address w. w. Lovell

ley in it. .Erie.Pa.


L. M. HARRIS, Box 5159, Boston, Mass.

i to SB5 PER DAY—Send for “Chromo” ’ catalogue. J.H.Bcrvnao’asoxs,Boston.

$72 Each week. Gold pencil free. Addre* PALMER. ALBERS * CO., St. Louis

W=C9fl P«r day at borne. Terms free. Address hWU Geo. Stinson A Co.. Portland Maine.

CORA s month to male and female agents every-ylvU where. Eureka Mfg.Co., Buchanan,Mich.

handsome illust'a’ed newspaper containing___ information fo everybody. Tells how andwhere to secure a home cheap. Sent free to all partt if the uorld.

It contains the new Homestead and Timber , , whu other iiiitnea.iw matter fc!”’'* «"lv! In tnis paper,

SEND FOR IT AT ONCE!It will only cost you a Postal Card.New number for April Just out.

Address, - o. F. DAVIS,Lani Commissioner, U. P. R. R.. Omaha. Neb.


PRINTING PRESS.JNor ProfeMionul and Amateur

Printer*, School*, Societies, Man- ufneturers, Merchant*, and other, itt* the BEST ever Invented. 18.000 In use. Tea style*, Prices from S5.00 to $150.00 BEH J. O. WOODS & CO, Manufnand dealer. In all kinds of Print! " ‘ ‘

99 Fed.6cnd damp for Catalogue.).is Material, oral Bt. Boston,