guru16 13 15

GURU 16 - Young Girl 200 The Young Girl There was an unmarried lady, who was trying to find a good husband. One day several distinguished men came to her father’s house to see the prospects of her being a worthy wife. Being poor, she had to cook for the guests herself. As she was making rotis (Indian bread) in the backroom, the bangles on her wrists were jingling. She thought to herself that if the guests would hear her bangles jingle, they would know that she did not have a cook and was thus poverty stricken. Thus they might not want to marry a poor lady. Thus, considering the noise of her bangles unfavourable, she took off all but two bangles off each hand and continued baking the rotis (Indian bread). Observing that her bangles were still making noise, she took one more bangle off each hand to leave only one bangle on each wrist and then there was no noise. She turned out to be the Avadhüta’s Guru because she had found a solution to noise. THE LESSON LEARNT BY THE AVADHUTA BRAHMANA In his purport, the Avadhüta explained that everyone in this world is thinking in terms of I and mine. Everyone has their opinions, their ego, their ideals, their identifications, their religions and philosophical convictions. Thus, whenever people group together there is conflict. There is conflict even with just two people living together. “Thus, I am an Avadhüta,” said he, “I am all-alone, without anybody to disturb my peace. As soon as I mix with any other human being, there is conflict.” The Theme – Just as two or more bracelets make noise, if even two people reside in the same place, what to speak of many, there is every chance of mutual quarrel (conflict resolution) and useless gossip. A higher purport to the story is that as long as there is the false ego, there is conflict. Since the girl was thinking in terms of “I need a husband”, the noise was creating a conflict. However, if she would get married to a prince and would become a princess, she would have dozens of golden bangles decorating both her wrists. Would the noise of these bangles create a conflict? Far from creating a conflict, the noise would now be charming to herself, her husband and to everyone who would hear it. Because of her connection to her husband and the love in her life, these sounds would be in harmony with one another. 1/3 60 mins 180 mins GURU 16 - Young Girl

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GURU 16 - Young GirlGURU 16 - Young Girl


The Young Girl There was an unmarried lady, who was trying to find a good husband. One day several distinguished men came to her father’s house to see the prospects of her being a worthy wife. Being poor, she had to cook for the guests herself. As she was making rotis (Indian bread) in the backroom, the bangles on her wrists were jingling. She

thought to herself that if the guests would hear her bangles jingle, they would know that she did not have a cook and was thus poverty stricken. Thus they might not want to marry a poor lady. Thus, considering the noise of her bangles unfavourable, she took off all but two bangles off each hand and continued baking the rotis (Indian bread). Observing that her bangles were still making noise,

she took one more bangle off each hand to leave only one bangle on each wrist and then there was no noise. She turned out to be the Avadhüta’s Guru because she had found a solution to noise.


In his purport, the Avadhüta explained that everyone in this world is thinking in terms of I and mine. Everyone has their opinions, their ego, their ideals, their identifications, their religions and philosophical convictions. Thus, whenever people group together there is conflict. There is conflict even with just two people living together. “Thus, I am an Avadhüta,” said he, “I am all-alone, without anybody to disturb my peace. As soon as I mix with any other human being, there is conflict.”

The Theme – Just as two or more bracelets make noise, if even two people reside in the same place, what to speak of many, there is every chance of mutual quarrel (confl ict

resolution) and useless gossip.

A higher purport to the story is that as long as there is the false ego, there is conflict. Since the girl was thinking in terms of “I need a husband”, the noise was creating a conflict. However, if she would get married to a prince and would become a princess, she would have dozens of golden bangles decorating both her wrists. Would the noise of these bangles create a conflict? Far from creating a conflict, the noise would now be charming to herself, her husband and to everyone who would hear it. Because of her connection to her husband and the love in her life, these sounds would be in harmony with one another.

1/3 60 mins 180 mins

baking the rotis (Indian bread). Observing that her bangles were still making noise,

GURU 16 - Young Girl


SLOKA RECITATION Let us learn a sloka from the Srimad Bhagavatam which teaches us something about the above theme. Before teaching the present verse, the teacher should begin the class by chanting all the verses of the 24 Gurus with the children all together. Chant the 16th verse of the 24 Gurus again. Learn the 16th verse. (The teacher recites the sloka line by line and makes the children repeat and memorize the sloka)

veëu-saìgharña-jo vahnirdagdhvä çämyati tad-vanam

evaà guëa-vyatyaya-jodehaù çämyati tat-kriyaù

SYNONYMSveëu—of bamboo; saìgharña-jaù—generated by the friction; vahniù—fire; dagdhvä—having burned; çämyati—is pacified; tat—of bamboo; vanam—the forest; evam—thus; guëa—of the modes of nature; vyatyaya-jaù-generated by interaction; dehaù—the material body; çämyati-is pacified; tat—as the fire; kriyaù-performing the same action.

TRANSLATIONIn a bamboo forest the wind sometimes rubs the bamboo stalks together, and such friction generates a blazing fire that consumes the very source of its birth, the bamboo forest. Thus, the fire is automatically calmed by its own action. Similarly, by the competition and interaction of the material modes of nature, the subtle and gross material bodies are generated. If one uses his mind and body to cultivate knowledge, then such enlightenment destroys the influence of the modes of nature that generated one’s body. Thus, like the fire, the body and mind are pacified by their own actions in destroying the source of their birth.

• Conflict is the basis of every major scripture• Gossip leads to failure – or when 2 people come together there is conflict • At every stage to resolve conflicts – an external source is needed • Conflict resolution is understanding that all methods lead to the same answer.– eg – 1+3=4 and 2+2 = 4 – which is right

GURU 16 - Young Girl


Let us learn a sloka from the Srimad Bhagavatam which teaches us something

Before teaching the present verse, the teacher should begin the class by chanting all the verses of the 24 Gurus with the children all together. Chant the 16th verse of the 24 Gurus again. Learn the 16th verse. (The teacher recites the sloka line by line and makes the

GURU 16 - Young GirlGURU 16 - Young Girl



We see even in the Mahabharat, Ramayan – conflict occurs because each one thinks that he himself is right – but the one who God thinks is right ultimately succeeds. A major problem in the world today is individual and collective conflicts. Is it possible to put an end to all conflicts in the world we live in? Historically speaking, it is simply not possible. According to the Vedic scriptures the three modes of material nature sattva guna, rajo guna and tamo guna: goodness, passion and ignorance are constantly in a conflict with one another for supremacy. Even the cells in our body are constantly dealing with conflict. Thus, the nature of the world is conflict.

The Supreme Personality of Godhead Krishna appeared in this world 5000 years ago, and even though He was personally present, there was conflict in the form of the battle of Kurukshetra. This is because God gives everyone a free will.



Jesus Christ appeared within this world as the son of God, to spread peace and love. Yet there was conflict. He was crucified and His disciples were persecuted.

The prophet Mohammad came to this world to teach the laws of God and a life based on harmony and still in his life there was so much war, persecution and conflict.



GURU 16 - Young GirlEXAMPLE 4

He taught that any religious system that teaches people to love God, to be compassionate to others, to be self satisfied within oneself, to be moral and live with integrity and character, is real religion. It is not

a matter of this ‘ism’ or that ‘ism’. It is a matter of transforming and changing hearts.

Srila Prabhupada gave his life to give love to the world, yet there was so much persecution and bigotry against him. This was simply because he was of a different color than the Americans and he was teaching a religion that appeared to be something different although the essence is the same, to love God.

persecution and bigotry against



I have the same realization. When I was living in Himalayan caves 33 years ago there were leopards, snakes, monkeys and so many other animals and actually there was no problem. But as soon as I came down to New Delhi I encountered several problems.

- HH Radhanath Swami


If six or seven hundred people in a Hare Kåñëa temple would be chanting and dancing together, would there be a conflict? NO, because they are all trying to show their love for God and thus for each other, even if there were more people in the temple, there would be harmony. This is because the centre is common- to glorify Kåñëa. If the same number of people would be in a political arena or stock exchange, they would all be arguing, debating, hitting and trying to defeat each other.


GURU 16 - Young GirlGURU 16 - Young Girl




If you throw a stone in a pond – it creates circles that expand to the end of the pond. If every stone is thrown in the same central place, all the circles will flow out harmoniously. If you throw many stones in different parts of the pond, each will have their center. Therefore all the circles will

collide. The water will become chaotic. Unless human beings understand our common relationship with one another there must be conflict – inevitable.

What is it that we all have in common? In every great religious scripture God is the father and the mother. ‘aham bija pradapita..’


flow out harmoniously. If you throw many stones in different parts of the pond, each will have their center. Therefore all the circles will

What is it that we all have

EXAMPLE 8The sun that arises on the eastern horizon has different names according to the location that we perceive it is rising from. Actually the sun is rising in the same way always. It is not that it is rising differently on different days. It is our relative perspective according to the season, and according to how we are relatively situated on this earth planet

that the sun appears to rise in different ways. In India some people call the sun ‘Surya’. In South America ‘Son’. In America

‘Sun’. Practically every language has a different name for the same planet. Similarly, the Absolute Truth has unlimited varigatedness but according to our perceptions, the false ego, pollutes our consciousness and creates conflict.



The false ego keeps our consciousness very narrow minded, in an isolated condition. So it is no wonder that historically there has always been conflict in this




GURU 16 - Young Girl


GURU 16 - Young Girl

If you are taught two plus two is four, and I am taught three plus one is four, we could declare war against each other on that basis. We could create systematic education for our children to hate and to despise the fanatics that think that you can get to four through two plus two. But if you have higher knowledge, you can understand that they are both ways of approaching four. Krishna says in the Bhagavad-Gita:

bhoktäraà yajïa-tapasäàsarva-loka-maheçvaram

suhådaà sarva-bhütänäàjïätvä mäà çäntim åcchati

A person in full consciousness of Me, knowing Me to be the ultimate beneficiary of all sacrifices and austerities, the Supreme Lord of all planets and demigods, and the benefactor and well-wisher of all living entities, attains peace from the pangs of material miseries. (B.G 5.29) If we simply accept this truth and become brothers and sisters, we c a n utilize God’s proper ty according to God’s will and there shall be no conflict.



GURU 16 - Young GirlGURU 16 - Young Girl


SLOKA RECITATION Let us learn a sloka from the Srimad Bhagavatam which teaches us something about the above theme. Before teaching the present verse, the teacher should begin the class by chanting all the verses of the 24 Gurus with the children all together. Chant the 16th verse of the 24 Gurus again.

veëu-saìgharña-jo vahnirdagdhvä çämyati tad-vanam

evaà guëa-vyatyaya-jodehaù çämyati tat-kriyaù

SYNONYMSveëu—of bamboo; saìgharña-jaù—generated by the friction; vahniù—fire; dagdhvä—having burned; çämyati—is pacified; tat—of bamboo; vanam—the forest; evam—thus; guëa—of the modes of nature; vyatyaya-jaù-generated by interaction; dehaù—the material body; çämyati-is pacified; tat—as the fire; kriyaù-performing the same action.

TRANSLATIONIn a bamboo forest the wind sometimes rubs the bamboo stalks together, and such friction generates a blazing fire that consumes the very source of its birth, the bamboo forest. Thus, the fire is automatically calmed by its own action. Similarly, by the competition and interaction of the material modes of nature, the subtle and gross material bodies are generated. If one uses his mind and body to cultivate knowledge, then such enlightenment destroys the influence of the modes of nature that generated one’s body. Thus, like the fire, the body and mind are pacified by their own actions in destroying the source of their birth.

2/2 60 mins 120 mins

Let us learn a sloka from the Srimad Bhagavatam which teaches us something

Before teaching the present verse, the teacher should begin the class by chanting all the verses of the 24 Gurus with the children all together. Chant the 16th verse of the 24 Gurus again.

GURU 16 - Young Girl



• Gossip – Ultimately leads to conflicts• Types of Conflict• Conflicts in the mind due to lack of communication.• Conflicts occur mostly due to bad association• Emptiness despite material progress• Krishna is ultimate conflict resolver.• Conflict among three modes.• Court houses, number of pending cases , number of judges – all this is result of conflicts.


First one must control his speaking power. Every one of us has the power of speech; as soon as we get an opportunity we begin to speak. If we do not speak about Kåñëa consciousness, we speak about all sorts of nonsense. A toad in a field speaks by croaking, and similarly everyone who has a tongue wants to speak, even if all he has to say is nonsense. The croaking of the toad, however, simply invites the snake: “Please come here and eat me.” Nevertheless, although it is inviting death, the toad goes on croaking. The talking of materialistic men and impersonalist. Mäyävädé philosophers may be compared to the croaking of frogs. They are always speaking nonsense and thus inviting death to catch them. Controlling speech, however, does not mean self-imposed silence (the external process of mauna), as Mäyävädé philosophers think. Silence may appear helpful for some time, but ultimately it proves a failure. The meaning of controlled speech conveyed by Çréla Rüpa Gosvämé advocates the positive process of kåñëa-kathä, engaging the speaking process in glorifying the Supreme Lord Çré Kåñëa. The tongue can thus glorify the name, form, qualities and pastimes of the Lord. The preacher of kåñëa-kathä is always beyond the clutches of death. This is the significance of controlling the urge to speak.

Gossip is actually very dangerous and distractive. Another impediment is prajalpa, unnecessary talking. When we mix with a few friends, we immediately begin unnecessary talking, sounding just like croaking toads. If we must talk, we should talk about the Kåñëa consciousness movement. Those outside of the Kåñëa consciousness movement are

interested in reading heaps of newspapers, magazines and novels, solving crossword puzzles and doing many other nonsensical things. In this fashion people simply waste their valuable time and energy. In the Western countries old men, retired from active life, play cards, fish, watch television and debate about useless socio-political schemes. All these and other frivolous activities are included in the prajalpa

GURU 16 - Young GirlGURU 16 - Young Girl


category. Intelligent persons interested in Kåñëa consciousness should never take part in such activities.• Gossip makes you focus on others bad or at best is not productive.• Someone who is busy does not have time for gossip – that means gossip is done when you have nothing better to do that means when you are not focused. • When you gossip, your mind space is occupied with things that are irrelevant to your life. • Gossip leads to conflict. There are different types of conflicts.


1) National conflictsThere have always been conflicts amongst nations. History shows that the world has been divided and re-divided

many times and is still being divided. The history of the world is a history of wars.

Eg: 1) The Peaceful Native Americans living in the United States were always at a war with each other. And then the British came and conquered the Native Americans, and sent them to reservation camps. Following was a war between the French and the British, and the British won. And when the Americans no longer wanted to be under the British, there was a revolutionary war in which tens and hundreds of people died. This

led to America’s declaration of independence. America was now an independent nation. But then there was the Spanish American war in which America emerged

victorious. Then there was a disagreement between North and South America on some sociological and ethical laws and economics as well. This led to the civil war, where hundreds and thousands were killed. Americans were now killing Americans, just based on which side of the Mason- Dickson line they happened to live. Brothers were fighting against brothers. This war went on for years. Then there was World War I, followed by World Was II – the war that ended all wars. Then there was the Korean War and then the Vietnam War. Then the Iraqi war and the Afghanistan war and then another Iraqi war…. and then next war These Nations have just been there for 200 years and have faced so many wars. And now the United States is the most powerful and leading countries in the world.

2) India was ruled by the Mughals for many centuries. Then came the British who conquered the Mughals and took over India. With the help of Mahatma Gandhi and Subhash Chandra Bose, the British were driven out of India. But still are we without conflict? Since independence, India has fought 3 wars with Pakistan and so many unofficial wars are going on ever since.

• Someone who is busy does not have time for gossip – that means gossip is

with each other. And then the British came and conquered the Native Americans, and sent them to reservation camps. Following was a war between the French and the British, and the British won. And when

led to America’s declaration of independence. America was now an independent nation. But then there was the Spanish American war in which America emerged

GURU 16 - Young Girl


GURU 16 - Young Girl2) conflicts among animals

ahastäni sahastänämapadäni catuñ-padäm

phalgüni tatra mahatäàjévo jévasya jévanam

Those who are devoid of hands are prey for those who have hands; those devoid of legs are prey for the four-legged. The weak are the subsistence of the strong, and the general rule holds that one living being is food for another. (S.B 1.13.48)

In this world whenever there is a struggle for survival, one being becomes food for another being. Darwin called it the ‘Survival of the Fittest’. ‘Might is Right’ is the dictum on which the animal kingdom runs. The spider eats the fly, the cat eats the spider, the dog eats the cat, the tiger eats the dog and man shoots the tiger.

Have we really evolved from the animal species? Evolution does not refer to the body. Real evolution is the evolution of values, character and of one’s human qualities. If we are not evolving in this way, we are no better than two legged sophisticated animals working on the principle of ‘Might is Right’.

Eg: 1) Alexander the great conquered so much of Europe and then a part of India based on his might.

2) Napoleon with his powerful army marched country after country, conquering lands and territories based on his might but ended up in exile in Cyprus, a little Island with practically nothing.

3) Hitler, with his powerful army and artillery marched one nation after another and conquered France, the biggest army in Europe in a matter of weeks, based on his might.

3) RACIAL Conflicts

1) During the civil rights movement, people with black color of skin were not allowed in the same schools as the whites. They were not allowed to use the same bathrooms or the same drinking fountains. They had to enter the

back of the bus and stay there simply because of the color of their skin. There was so much persecution and prejudice on the basis of ‘Might is Right’. Dr. Martin Luther King delivered the famous speech where he explained his dream- “A day will come when my children will not be judged by the colour of their skin but by the qualities of their character.”

GURU 16 - Young GirlGURU 16 - Young Girl


2) In India, we have the perverted concept of the caste system, which in many places is socially accepted as Indian tradition. It has nothing to do with Indian tradition. According to the Vedas, the Varnashrama system is a very sacred system, where every individual is encouraged to perform his duties according to his natural inclinations and is a part of the social body, working together for the welfare of everyone. But now if we are born in a certain caste, we are labeled that for life. It is not based on scriptures, but on the false ego.

4) FINANCIAL Conflicts

A professor of economics teaching in one of the reputed Colleges in America for 13 years told me that the whole subject of economics can be summed up in just one or two sentences and if we just understand this, the problems of Economics would be solved. The Economic problem is that every living being has unlimited desires and there are limited resources within the world to facilitate those desires. Thus people are always fighting and competing. A close examination of the business world today, shows how people with big positions are exploiting the very people who gave their lives to make them big. There is no conception of ethics, character and values.

Eg: That is what the Enron scandal was all about- the big people cheating the people who made them big. It shook America by its very roots. People are questioning what is the use of money? What is the use of power and prestige if you are just such an animal? There is so much corruption in politics all over the world and power has always been associated with exploitation.

5) FAMILIAL Conflicts

The highly competitive, materialistic, egocentric culture of the west has now spread widely everywhere. Even India is no exception. There is nothing wrong in taking the technology of the west as long as we can maintain our integrity and character. But the problem is – it is hard to separate one side of the coin from another. If we take technology from the west, we have to take everything, even their culture.

Federal statistics reveal that 67% marriages are divorced within three years of putting on the wedding ring. First there is the wedding ring, then there is the suffering; like -divorce. That is unthinkable in India. And what are the consequences of divorce? People suffer depression and even suicidal tendencies, going

A professor of economics teaching in one of the reputed Colleges in America for 13 years told me that the whole subject of economics can be summed up in just one or two sentences and if we just understand this, the problems of Economics would be solved. The Economic problem is that every living being has unlimited desires and there are limited resources within the world to facilitate those desires. Thus people are always fighting and competing. A close examination of

GURU 16 - Young Girl


GURU 16 - Young Girlthrough this terrible ordeal. The children go through such a trauma. The mother and the father whom they love and depend upon are fighting, separating, divorcing, and are getting remarried. The child goes through such confusion affecting his psychological condition.

Marriage is not simply meant to enjoy. It is responsibility toward each other as husband and wife and responsibility for the mental, physical and spiritual well being of the children. Federal statistics reveal that; 92% of juvenile delinquency in the United States of America is found in children coming from divorced parents and broken homes. 97% juveniles in prison are coming from broken marriages. But people politely try to protect their own desires and needs by saying, “We will do it smoothly, it won’t disturb the children.”

In the Bhagavad Gita, one of the primary arguments given by Arjuna for not fighting the war is that there will be varna-sankara, unwanted children. If all the men are killed, the women would be unprotected. Unscrupulous men will exploit them. What will happen to the children born out of such a relation? They are the future of the world.

6) mental Conflicts

The basis of all conflict is the conflict in an individual person’s mind. People’s minds are disturbed. There is always a conflict between good and evil. Conflict between what should be done and what shouldn’t be done. People are frustrated and no material solutions solve this frustration. The highest rate of suicide is in the upper classes not the lower classes.

Eg: 1) Hitler, was a troubled and abused child. When he grew up he did the same to the world. Power in wrong hands is very dangerous.

2) According to the World Health Organization, the number three worst disease that causes suffering and death is mental illness. Within the next 30 years, mental illness will be the number 1 disease causing pain, suffering and death in the world.

GURU 16 - Young GirlGURU 16 - Young Girl



A mother – in- law and a daughter –in-law squabble or fight or argument is nothing new. It is an eternal thing. It was there in the past, present and will be there in the future. One may never read too much into it. But in one particular household the daughter –in-law could no longer tolerate her mother-in-law’s’ constant nagging. So she went to her uncle who was a druggist and requested

him to give her poison so that she could feed her mother-in-law and kill her. Her uncle understanding her emotions

sympathized with her and advised her to give her slow poison. Thus she would have to every day feed her little by little and by the end of the month the poison would take its toll on her. So now the daughter-in-law started personally feeding the poison mixed in food and milk and serving it daily to the

mother-in– law. She also was nice to her as she knew that she was going to stay for a short while. After a month’s

time the mother in law was very pleased with her daughter in law and actually realized how nice she was. So she embraced her

and thanked her and was very nice to her. Now the daughter –in - law after her mother-in-law had changed her nature was feeling very guilty and afraid as the poison would anytime take effect on her mother-in- law. So she ran to her uncle and explained the entire situation to him, she told him that she did not want her mother-in -law to die. The uncle smiled and said that he had therefore not given her slow- poison but some kind of medicinal herb which was good for health. The daughter-in-law was happy and they lived happily ever after.


poison would anytime take effect on her

MORAL – Conflicts may also arise due to lack of communication. *Also in the mind there is constant fight of Sankalpa and Vikalpa. So to resolve this fight intelligence has to be used.


“In the Deccan there is a city called Golden-town, and a wealthy merchant lived there named Well-to-do. He had

abundant means, but as many of his relations were even yet richer, his mind was bent upon outdoing them by gaining more. Enough is never what we have— Moved by these reflections, Well-to-

do loaded a cart with wares of all kinds, yoked two bulls

to it, named Lusty-life and Roarer, and started for Kashmir to trade. He had not gone far upon his journey when in passing through a great forest called Bramble-wood; Lusty-life slipped down and broke his foreleg. At the sight of this disaster Well-to-do fell


to it, named Lusty-life and

to trade. He had not gone far upon his

GURU 16 - Young Girl


GURU 16 - Young Girla-thinking, and repeated— ‘Men their cunning schemes may spin— God knows who shall lose or win.’Comforting himself with such philosophy, Well-to-do left Lusty-life there, and went on his way. The Bull watched him depart, and stood mournfully on three legs, alone in the forest. ‘Well, well,’ he thought, ‘it is all destiny whether I live or die:— As the days passed by, and Lusty-life picked about in the tender forest grass, he grew wonderfully well, and fat of carcass, and happy, and bellowed about the wood as though it were his own.

Now, the reigning monarch of the forest was King Tawny-hide

the Lion, who ruled over the whole country absolutely,

b y right of having deposed everybody else. Is not might right?One morning, his Majesty, being exceedingly thirsty, had repaired to the bank of the Jumna to drink water, and just as he was about to lap it, the bellow of Lusty-life, awful as the thunder of the last day, reached the imperial ears. Upon catching the sound the King retreated in trepidation to his own lair, without drinking a drop, and stood there in silence and alarm, revolving what it could mean. In this position he was observed by the sons of his minister, two

jackals named Karataka and Damanaka, who began

to remark upon it. ‘Friend Karataka,’ said the last, ‘what makes our royal master slink away from the river when he was dying to drink?’ ‘Why should we care?’ replied Karataka. ‘It’s bad enough to serve him, and be neglected for our pains— ‘’I care not,’

replied Karataka; ‘we have nothing to do with it, and matters that don’t concern us are best left alone.

You know the story of the Monkey, don’t you?’— ‘The Monkey drew the sawyer’s wedge, and died:— Let meddlers mark it, and

be edified.’‘No!’ said Damanaka. ‘How was it?’‘How, indeed,’ concluded Damanaka, ‘should I judge of the Bull’s power, not knowing who supports him?’ ‘By what signs, then,’ asked the King, ‘may I conclude him a traitor?’ ‘If he comes into the presence with his horns lowered for goring, as one that expects the fight. That,’ replied the Jackal, ‘will convince your Majesty,’ ‘Thereupon Damanaka the Jackal withdrew, and betook himself towards the Bull, upon perceiving whom he approached slowly, with all the air of one greatly distressed. ‘Good master Jackal,’ said Lusty-life, ‘what goes amiss with thee?’ ‘All goes amiss with such as serve wicked masters,’ replied the Jackal. ‘But what ails thee?’ asked the Bull. ‘Alas!’ answered the Jackal, ‘what can I say in such a strait!— ‘And therewithal the Jackal heaved a deep sigh, and squatted down. ‘But, good friend,’ said the Bull, ‘at least tell me what is in thy mind.’ ‘Bull,’ began Damanaka, ‘it is a King’s secret, and should not be spoken; but thou didst come here upon my safeguard, and as I hope for the life to come I will tell thee of what touches thee so nearly. Listen!—the heart of the King is turned against thee! he hath sworn secretly that

Now, the reigning monarch of the forest was King Tawny-hide

the Lion, who ruled over the

observed by the sons of his minister, two jackals named Karataka

to remark upon it.

GURU 16 - Young GirlGURU 16 - Young Girl


he will kill thee and feast upon thy flesh.’ ‘Then Lusty-life the Bull was sorely troubled, ‘Can this be the Jackal’s doing?’ he reflected.Then he said aloud, ‘wherein can I have angered the King? Do kings hate without cause? I can tell nothing, except that there is no happiness which abides long— ‘Where the azure lotus blossoms, there the alligators hide; In the sandal-tree are serpents. Pain and pleasure live allied.’‘Bull,’ said Damanaka, ‘I knew the King of old for one whose tongue was honey and whose heart was poison.’ ‘But how very hard!’ said the Bull, ‘that he, being a lion, should attack me, an innocent eater of grass!’ ‘It is very hard!’ said the Jackal. ‘Who can have set him against me?’ asked the Bull. ‘Being so, it cannot be bettered,’ replied the Jackal, ‘whoever did it— ‘Yes,’ said the Bull, ‘and a king incensed is terrible— ‘It is so,’ said the Jackal. ‘Having weighed all this, Lusty-life inquired of the Jackal by what signs he might conclude the King’s hostile intentions.

‘If he glowers upon thee,’ answered Damanaka, ‘and awaits thee with ears pricked, tail stiffened, paw upraised, and muzzle agape, then thou mayest get thee to thy weapons like a Bull of spirit,‘Then Damanaka the Jackal returned to the Lion, and said to him:— ‘If it please your Majesty, the traitor is now coming; let your Majesty be on your guard, with ears pricked and paw upraised.’ ‘The Bull meanwhile approached, and observing the hostile attitude of King Tawny-hide, he also lowered his horns, and prepared for the combat. A terrible battle ensued, and at the last King Tawny-hide slew Lusty-life the Bull. Now when the Bull was dead, the Lion was very sorrowful, and as he sat on his throne lamenting, he said— ‘I repent me of this deed!—.’‘Sire,’ replied the Jackal, ‘a King over-merciful is like a Brahman that eats all things equally. May all your Majesty’s enemies perish as did this Bull.’ “We are gratified exceedingly thereby,” replied the Sons of the King. “Let me then close it thus,” said their Preceptor— Thus the lion left the place and the jackals feasted on the bull.

that there is no happiness which abides

lotus blossoms, there the alligators hide;

that there is no happiness which abides that there is no happiness which abides


Modern society has seen a rapid technological and scientific advancement compared to a generation back.0020

GURU 16 - Young Girl


GURU 16 - Young Girl

Some years back, there was only black and white TV with at the most 3 channels and you would have to get up and turn the channels.

Now there is colour TV with at least 100 or 200 channels. You can be just sitting

in the bed and changing channels. A wealthy lady had 8 television sets operated by one remote control, mounted in one of the marble walls of her huge mansion, so that she wasn’t missing anything.


EXAMPLE 2Just a few decades ago you had to mail letters. Some years ago, just to send an aerogramme would take at least 2 weeks to get to America. Now you can send a message to America in 2 seconds without postage.

In early 1970’s the son of the third wealthiest man in the world died and he said that he would never find another day of happiness in his life because his son was dead. What then was the use of his millions and billions of dollars, his power to control governments, his power to control industries, his power to control the lives of ten and millions of people.


So in spite of all technological progress, there is still a pinprick in society. Suicide, alcoholism, divorce, juvenile delinquency, mental illnesses are on a rise. Simply getting a good degree and a good job in America may solve a few problems. But the real problem that everyone is facing is we are looking for happiness, love, relationships and nothing could act as a substitute for it. One may decorate himself with diamonds and rubies; big degrees; big powerful positions in society; but inside he is simply a hollow, empty shell unless he has satisfaction and love.

GURU 16 - Young GirlGURU 16 - Young Girl




Arjuna had taken a vow that anyone who would ask him to drop his gandiva would have to face death at his hands. Like this he had taken many vows at various times. Arjuna was

famous for his vows. During the war, once, Yudhisthira was fighting with Karna and he was overpowered and injured. His charioteer retreated at the perfect time to help him recuperate and get some medical treatment for his wounds. In the meantime Arjuna had intervened to help Yudhisthira retreat. But Arjuna followed his chariot to the tent to see if all was well. On seeing Arjuna in the tent

Yudhisthira congratulated him for killing Karna. But Arjun said that he had not achieved that task yet. So Yudhisthira got angry and in a fit of rage, he told him to drop his gandiva and sit out. Arjuna was now in a fix. How could he keep his vow and not kill Maharaj Yudhisthira too. Krishna suggested an easy option, He said that to give bad words to ones elders is as good as killing them. Thus he could fulfill his vow of killing anyone who asks him to drop his gandiva and also not incur the sin of killing his elder brother. Thus Krishna saved the situation.


The word guna-vyatyaya-jo is significant in this verse. Vyatyaya indicates change or inversion in the normal order of things. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura has described the concept of vyatyaya by giving the Sanskrit synonym vaiyamya, which indicates inequality or disproportionate diversity. Thus, it is understood by the term guna-vyatyaya-jo that the body is generated by the unstable relationships of

the three modes of material nature, which exist everywhere in constantly changing proportions. There is constant strife among the modes of nature. A good person is sometimes torn by passion, and a passionate person sometimes wants to give up everything and rest. An ignorant person may sometimes become disgusted with his depraved life, and a passionate person may sometimes indulge in bad habits in the mode of ignorance. Due to the interactive conflict of the modes of nature, one wanders throughout material nature creating one body after another by one’s own work, karma. As it is said, variety is the mother of enjoyment, and the variety of material modes gives hope to the conditioned souls that by changing their material situation their unhappiness and frustration can be turned into happiness and satisfaction. But even if one acquires relative material happiness, that will soon be disturbed by the inevitable flux of the material modes.

the three modes of material nature, which exist everywhere in constantly changing

GURU 16 - Young Girl




India’s judicial system is made up of the Supreme Court of India at the apex of the hierarchy for the entire country and 21 High Courts at the top of the hierarchy in each State. These courts have jurisdiction over a state, a union territory or a group of states and union territories. Below the High Courts are a hierarchy of subordinate courts such as the civil courts, family courts, criminal courts and various other district courts.There are 21 high courts in India and to maintain law and order there are 792 judges in high courts.

KALI YUGA - THE AGE OF QUARREL AND HYPOCRISY.According to the CJI’s report, the arrears increased in the high courts from 27.5 lakh cases in 1999 to 36.5 lakh cases in 2006. In the subordinate courts, the arrears increased over the same seven-year period from 2 crore cases to 2.48 crore cases. Thus, the arrears grew by 33% in the high courts while they grew by 24% in the subordinate courts. Apart from this there are a host of policemen and army and the navy and the air force just to maintain law and order in the state, country. All this indicates that there is conflict at every level in this kali yuga. So to resolve this conflicts all these measures and departments have been formed.

Some more cases where there is conflict.1. God realization – personalism vs impersonalism.

Advise students that even though conflict is a normal part of working together, whether a problem gets solved or worsens depends in great part on how we react to it. Divide the class into small groups and ask each group to agree on four to six steps it thinks will help resolve most conflicts. Have someone from each group write the steps on newsprint and share them with the class. Work with the class to combine the groups’ steps into a process similar to the guidelines.

GURU 16 - Young GirlGURU 16 - Young Girl


Read the statements given below carefully and select those that would help you in mending a broken/strained relationship: Sending silent positive vibrations. Smiling at myself and at the other. Requesting the other to come over. Sitting with the other and speaking out the hurt, anger etc without blaming anyone. Expressing the need to remain connected. Saying “sorry” and learning to forgive each time the hurt is remembered. When others say “sorry” accept the other and forgive sincerely. Helping the other by foreseeing the need. Sending a card or a letter of apology. Asking a common friend to intervene. Deliberately making an effort to meet him/her at a public function.



(f) (g) (h)(i)(j)


How do we bring about this transformation in ourselves? Kali yuga naturally means an age where quarrel and hypocrisy is prominent. But in such an age can we ever think it possible that there be no conflicts. Is it practical? If we want to help resolve the conflicts on an individual and collective level, we must develop a sound, ethical, spiritual character, not based on blind faith or superstition, but based on a scientific understanding of our nature and the greatest need we have in our lives.

Conclusion The more we have, the more we could benefit the world, if we are motivated by love rather than envy, peace rather than greed, compassion rather than cruelty, selflessness rather than selfishness. Science began with religious and spiritual people. They wanted to glorify God through their scientific research. They didn’t want to try to understand if there was a God but they were discovering God’s incredible miraculous creative powers to glorify Him. All the sciences had their beginning with spiritual roots.

Originally, every major university in the Western world was founded by religious people. Practically all of them were started by Christian monks, and religious orders. The purpose of a University is to develop people’s internal integrity and to train them to have

GURU 16 - Young Girl


GURU 16 - Young Girlproper moral and spiritual character. Historically, this has been the foundation of every great college and University in the world. The technical training is to be built upon the foundation of spiritual ethical training. That would make the world a better place to live in. Secularism, in the true sense means the freedom to follow any religion, without imposing a particular religion. But when secularism competes with religion or undermines religion, it destroys the basic foundational substance of humanity.

If we want to actually help resolve the conflict within human society, we must develop a sound, ethical, spiritual character, not based on blind faith or superstition but based on a scientific understanding of our nature and the greatest need we have in our lives.

or undermines religion, it destroys the basic foundational substance of humanity.

GURU 16 - Young GirlGURU 16 - Young Girl


SLOKA RECITATION Let us learn a sloka from the Srimad Bhagavatam which teaches us something about the above theme. Before teaching the present verse, the teacher should begin the class by chanting all the verses of the 24 Gurus with the children all together. Chant the 16th verse of the 24 Gurus again.

veëu-saìgharña-jo vahnirdagdhvä çämyati tad-vanam

evaà guëa-vyatyaya-jodehaù çämyati tat-kriyaù

SYNONYMSveëu—of bamboo; saìgharña-jaù—generated by the friction; vahniù—fire; dagdhvä—having burned; çämyati—is pacified; tat—of bamboo; vanam—the forest; evam—thus; guëa—of the modes of nature; vyatyaya-jaù-generated by interaction; dehaù—the material body; çämyati-is pacified; tat—as the fire; kriyaù-performing the same action.

TRANSLATIONIn a bamboo forest the wind sometimes rubs the bamboo stalks together, and such friction generates a blazing fire that consumes the very source of its birth, the bamboo forest. Thus, the fire is automatically calmed by its own action. Similarly, by the competition and interaction of the material modes of nature, the subtle and gross material bodies are generated. If one uses his mind and body to cultivate knowledge, then such enlightenment destroys the influence of the modes of nature that generated one’s body. Thus, like the fire, the body and mind are pacified by their own actions in destroying the source of their birth.

MeaningConflict—struggle, disagreement, opposition, controversy—is a natural part of our lives and is likely to arise any time we work together. If a conflict is not resolved in a way both parties can accept, it can lead to a broken relationship and, even worse, to violence. For this reason, we must develop conflict resolution skills. Then, by increasing our sensitivity to the other person’s point of view and by learning more ways to respond positively in a conflict situation, we can go on to improve those skills.

2/2 60 mins 120 mins

Let us learn a sloka from the Srimad Bhagavatam which teaches us something

Before teaching the present verse, the teacher should begin the class by chanting all the verses of the 24 Gurus with the children all together. Chant the 16th verse of the 24 Gurus again.

GURU 16 - Young Girl


GURU 16 - Young Girl

Have students complete Part A of Handout ‘A’. Conflict Inventory and Grid, to analyze ways they usually respond to conflict. Then ask them to place a star (*) next to items 1.3,8, and 11; a circle (O) next to items 2, 4, 9, and 12: and a pound sign (#) next to items 5.6, 7, and 10. Explain what each mark represents-* = Avoidance. O = Confrontation/Aggression. # = Problem Solving.

Ask students to follow the directions for Part B of the handout to fill in the conflict grid, which will indicate how frequently they use avoidance, confrontation/aggression, and problem solving. Encourage students to consider what their grids indicate about the approaches they usually take to deal with conflict. Discuss situations when avoidance would be appropriate and inappropriate

and whether confrontation or aggression are ever appropriate. Explore what makes problem solving effective in resolving most conflicts.

Guidelines The key to resolving conflict is to find resolutions that meet the needs of everyone involved. The guidelines that follow will help us accomplish this.1. Listen as the other person explains the conflict.2. Describe the conflict from the other person’s point of view.3. Suggest ways to resolve the problem.4. Evaluate the options.5. Choose an option that meets both your needs and those of the other person.

Application Discuss the fact that while conflict is a normal part of working together, we can resolve conflict or make it worse by the way we react to it. On the board or on newsprint write the five guidelines for resolving conflicts, and ask students to copy them into their Learning Logs.Brainstorm examples of everyday conflicts. As a conflict is mentioned, write it on the board. Explore the negative consequences that can occur if these conflicts are not resolved peacefully.Then ask pairs of students to select a conflict from the board and use the five guidelines to resolve it. Invite volunteers to describe their resolutions for the class.

The key to resolving conflict is to find resolutions that meet the needs of everyone

5. Choose an option that meets both your needs and those of the other person.

GURU 16 - Young GirlGURU 16 - Young Girl



Organize the class into four groups and distribute Handout B, Case Studies. Assign two groups Case Study A, two groups Case Study B. Instruct the groups to apply the

guidelines they have learned or devised to resolve the conflict presented in their assigned case studies. Tell students how much time they will have to do this. Have each pair of groups present their case study and solutions to the rest of the class. Discuss similarities and differences between the two solutions and determine if both solutions could satisfy

everyone involved in the conflict

Ask two groups read the three quotations that follow and write a paragraph explaining how it relates to conflict resolution.

“The greatest test in golf and in life is not keeping out of the rough but getting out after we are in.”

—Anonymous“One should learn to sail in all winds.”

—Italian proverb

“The aim of argument or of discussion should not be victory, but progress.” —Joseph Jouber

GURU 16 - Young Girl