h davis chemicalsllitbflold tow c:o..cll for bolp to aet tbe dooop olto cloidod up. stroaa odoro aro...

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Post on 16-Jul-2020




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Page 1: h DAVIS CHEMICALSllitbflold Tow C:O..cll for bolp to aet tbe dooop olto cloiDod up. Stroaa odoro aro oo.1q frca Latb.. lrook ..,lab ortalaatoo la .._y aroao nrroadla& tbe DaYI.o olto

bull bull



~ -orbull bull h o~ ~

I ~~DAVIS ~lt

ili d




6 lrltf Bietory of tbt Deyit Qttampsel DyF

in 9lthfltld lbodt Itkpd

Ao bullbullrlJ bullbull 1975 out of otete tuk trucko bullbullbull 101111 to the Dorio propartJ oo the euterlJ olde of TerklfD IDad

71377 aithfleld middotreolduto COIIPlafDed to the pollee departMDt Coooervatloa -ooloo ud the State alth hpartMDt of barob odoro froe the Devb olte icb eauoed lllamplDJ bull-bullbull of eao ud throat ad DOll blMdo

72377 1be aithfleld Coooervetioo COluloa eoko the State alth Depart-t to otop the diiiiPlDamp of toxic cbbullleah

72577 Derio del the diiiiPlDI of toxic cb-cale deopite the fact that three or four trucko par It an bull- IDtlrlDamp the lite Be N71 tbat the trucka au canytoa road oil It b aoted that tbe trucko hal- to the 0-cal Cootrol Co IDe of IUukth - JerHJ Plartber it bullbullbull loaned that thb woo -bull bJ tha IPA froe diiiiPfDamp PCI1o pbbulleh bullthJl ad ethJl- cblorideo ad ea-tetrebull chloride at bull diiiiP olte 1D ldiooa - JerHJbullJoolpb De Aqe6b (aitbfleld1 o Aoobtat r- Solicitor) oeid be woo -bulln of the report - would welt for the rshyCoomcU to kt

72577 Leo loucberd of the Coooervatloo Co-ooloo flho bull nqueot wlth the amptate alth hpartMDt to fDveotipte the diiiiPfDampmiddot Jcollll Qla1aD of the departMDt fDotlpteo the COIIPlafDt

72677 llllU CorracfDo pnoideDt of 0-cal Cootrol Co ID~bullbull deDleo that bb trucko an earrJfDamp toalc cb-eale lloi

that ell tbe cb-cah the baDdlao ere fDcfDareted

72777 CorlatOD llafDe (Oief of the Dirioloo of lloter lllpplJ -PollutlOD for tbe State of IolaDd) fDdlcated that efter rioltfDamp the oltbull be bad aotld oU (au- to be bUsbull oU froe Crotoo Coaa) ad oolveato icb bad- dallped fDto opbull -h Be fDdicated that there Wire DO pUao to ectuellJ aalyee tbe 111b1tGCI Moreover ht 1ald that there wo11ld haw to be proof of air or vattr poll11tioa bfort tht ltate could act


~ II

--- 2 -- shy

72777 Paul Jacobi a 1avyer for tbe IPA ID - York oald tbat atcal Cootrol Co IDe budlao ftr) toaic oubotaaceo Ha rae-dod tbat tbe oubotuceo d-od at tbe DeYlo olte

be ampDamplyoedAerial pbotoarapbo record four oaparato ~IDa araao at

tba oltellcbard Poirier a local coaoorYatlbulllot oald tbat Federal

lawo a-mfDa oolld vaota baft IDtarprated cbealcal oubotaacao

- luld ao oolld ota Ha felt tbat tba State lealtb

Dapa-c obould do tbe -middotJallll QulDD (llultb Dapart-t) oald tbat tbe DaYlo laadflll located tbo otarly oldamp of Tarkilll -1 lo DOt

u-oed to taka toaic oubotaacao Tbue if bullbull ~ tbara tbl lealtb Dapa-c could otop bS but oiDca be lo ~IDa it oa laad tbat lo aot 11-Hd for ~IDa at all

tbe lealtb Dapa-c -ot do a tbfDa

72777 Carlatoa llaiDI oald tba-t if tbe _laiDto of barob odooo

could be proftd Davlo could be proHcutad for YlolatfDaode lolaado air pollutlbull trol lawo -r llaiDI

DO avidaDca of IDY Ylalatibull of tbe otateo tor

pollutibull lawo Ha aoted tbat tbe olta dry aDd middot shytbe bulltar tabla hrtbar be IDdicated tbat tbe DaYlo

d-IDI lite bullbullbull probably a lot better tbaa bull- of tbe

lit~middot be middotmiddot-middot 72877 Stuley DaYleo (State rtre llarobel o Offlea) declared tbat

cbealcal bullaoteo are bullbullmiddot-otibla

72877 Judae lie IUerDampD rao-diDa to a raquaot by Tba CoooorYatloav

Y r-datloe ordered a belt to tbe oU d-lDIbull JoHpb De Aapllo ( AeolotampDt _ Solicitor) oald be wao

otlll lamptbamprfDa facto tbHCIII aDd tbat DO dacloibull bad beaD Mda about aofDa to court

81077 Caacar cautiDI oubotaaceo f-d ID -lao talcbull frooo tba DaYlo cbealcal d- Dr Hal Ward of bull~ IIDiftrllty oald tbat bull- of tbe cbaalcalo re volatile aad tbuo praoated bull dampDaar of alrbome taalDatioa

72877 121bullical Cootrol Co IDe bao told tba IPA tbat oaly Dlutralbed tlaltl cbnicalo Wire balDamp obippad to ode loland

- -


~ I I

--- 3 -- shy

1U77 WUliu Davia (tba tbaalcal d- operator) aald tbat bh taattDa waa abo coatiauilla t1lan an a lot of c--da tbat baft aot baa able to ldutlfJ c A lot of tbtDaa wra ~d out tban

11177 rrmk Stnnaoa (Dlvialoa of Solid Walta ~~aaaa-cgt aald tbat tba Dft nplatloaa caacentDa taotlc waataa tba balDamp wrlttbull ad tbat tba nplatloa-11 baft all tba tMtb tba Deparc-t of IDvi~tal _t aMda

middot 1ll77 t1la sltbflald T- Cocmcll -dad tba t- aaaill1 lna to pt ~illl of cbaalcala aa aDJ public or privatalad ill tba c-

IIU77 A taDk truck ddwr calla of d-lDamp a load of U4uid at tba Dnia alta

1U77 Drrla id tbat ba baa baa nceiYilll bullcbllle oll ad weter weltbull at bh alta for ab n

116177 tltera wlle -llDamp liluld weata fna tba Dawia alta ld tbaJ felt ill after taklDamp tba -loa

11777 Dlraa cbaalcala idatified fna -loa taka fna tba dbull alta t1laJ -- ca-tetncblortda ad cblorofon

11177 zt JUaaula of Loa load ill sltbfield teatified ill JUpertor Court tbat bJ JalJ U 1977 tbe -ll fna tba cbaalcal ~ alta bad _ ao bad tbat it _ bnatbilll difficult Ia alao auffered bull-middot liptbaadaduuad DOH blaeda a a a nalllt of tba odora 1artber be teattfied tbat 301 of bh b-J baaa ad a -r of birda bad died Dr lelaaa rauto of lrwD bulltftraltJ a profeaaor of patboloaJ td tbat IIUaabulllaa c wn- nactloaa of alula ad b-bull U apoaed to cacer caaatDa 11bullca

12377 VllU Dawia aald tbat cbaalcala bad baa _ at bh alta for four n Ia aaid tbat CJiaalcal Coutrol Co IDe wea tbe aal7 llev Jane f in tbat ~d cbODical waata at bh alta

) 82477 Tba Town Cocmcll of Soaitbfiald authorhaa the Town Solicitor to file an injunction agalnet durt~plng at the Davl1 lite

--- 4 -- shy

92177 Judampo lourclor loouoo o rootrolalaamp ordor to prnat tbo doooplaamp of boraful aboalcolo tbo order lo loouod ao a reoult of a potltlOD by 1bo ColloorvatlOD Law POUDclatlOD

10177 be Stato Baoltb llopart-t qrooo to tilt for tlco at tbe olta tba ColloarvatlOD Law POUDclatlOD bullao ampr1Dtld tbo rlpt to do tbeoo teoto by Judampo lloarclor ODd Cll aokod tbo Stato to do tbo tlltlaamp for tbOD

678 A aroup of rooldnto frca tbe Loa load ana appoal to tbe Sllitbflold Tow COcll for bolp to aet tbe dooop olto cloiDod up Stroaa odoro aro oo1q frca Latb lrook lab ortalaatoo la _y aroao nrroadlaamp tbe DaYIo olto tbo rooldnto fbulll tbot tbo odoro ladlcota tbat cboalcolo boft otartod lllablaa frca tba DaYIo olte ad tbuo could coatalaampto tbeir drlaklaamp bulltor bull11bull la tba Latba lrook Ylclalty tba Colacll IDdlcot11 tbot -tlaao -ld be bold bull1tb Covaor Gamily to bullbull -t could be doao about tbe problOD

1071 saa Coffoa (Laaal Cooaul for __t of --tal _t) aayo tbot clo111 ap cooto ot tbo DaYIo cboalcol dooop olto oould fraa UOOOOO to UO aillloa

10671 Tbo To Colacll olpo 111 -twiab alt-o DaYIo to dooop tlroo oa top of tbo cboalcol dooop olto 1bo Pia load t

10S71 Tol-bull ad pbaol aro traced frca tbe dooop olta to Latba lrookbe llopore-t of IIIYI-tal _t flloo ouit to otop lilY furtbar doooplaamp ODd to clolll ap tbo olto

379 AIC producoo a ob atitlod lilllaamp Grolad tba Dmo aboaicol dooop olta bullo llotod u oaa of tbo 20 -It dudly dooopo la tbe -try

12610 A r of aboalcolo tbot aro corclaoa-1c ad -abullla bullro fOUDd la Latba lrook lab acoadod fadoral aafoty auiclallaao for drlaklaa bulltor - of tbaoo acoad tbo liait by tYIco ao oucb Tbo amp~~amplyolo ladlcoted -bulltntloao of abloroforo trlablorootbylODo trlablorootbiDo ad tatraablorootbylODe

tblo blotory bullao coopllod frca ProYIdnco Jounal ad llollotla articloo wlcb appoarad la tbo loouoo ao ladicotod by tbe clateo

la tbe MrJla




middotmiddotmiddot5-middot shyIllbull rood d Dna- AtUD1tzat1oa HDt bull iattu t~ 11 food proee1oDa -Iebull vanlq - of tba dallpn of lucblq baamparltlouo cbaleall froa tba Davio a-leal d- lllaaa buoiDaooao n aokad to taf- tba IDA of tbalr watu oourea If tbbullJ n ualq water otbar tbAII froa a -laipal IOUIaa tbaJ n told tbat tbalr water taotial proarbull obould ba upAIIdad to tacluda tbaoa pocbulltlal CODt--tobull IIlaH buotaaooao n n uPt to ba vitbta tba drataqa alta of tba Davia a-leal ~ Alld -It n f-d ta tba ldaDaa ana IIlli latter vaa alped bJ Jalm II Ea7lor dlltrlct -r



bull___ a~middot-=--=-J-~~-~~_ JIIJf

  1. barcode 566780
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 566780
Page 2: h DAVIS CHEMICALSllitbflold Tow C:O..cll for bolp to aet tbe dooop olto cloiDod up. Stroaa odoro aro oo.1q frca Latb.. lrook ..,lab ortalaatoo la .._y aroao nrroadla& tbe DaYI.o olto

6 lrltf Bietory of tbt Deyit Qttampsel DyF

in 9lthfltld lbodt Itkpd

Ao bullbullrlJ bullbull 1975 out of otete tuk trucko bullbullbull 101111 to the Dorio propartJ oo the euterlJ olde of TerklfD IDad

71377 aithfleld middotreolduto COIIPlafDed to the pollee departMDt Coooervatloa -ooloo ud the State alth hpartMDt of barob odoro froe the Devb olte icb eauoed lllamplDJ bull-bullbull of eao ud throat ad DOll blMdo

72377 1be aithfleld Coooervetioo COluloa eoko the State alth Depart-t to otop the diiiiPlDamp of toxic cbbullleah

72577 Derio del the diiiiPlDI of toxic cb-cale deopite the fact that three or four trucko par It an bull- IDtlrlDamp the lite Be N71 tbat the trucka au canytoa road oil It b aoted that tbe trucko hal- to the 0-cal Cootrol Co IDe of IUukth - JerHJ Plartber it bullbullbull loaned that thb woo -bull bJ tha IPA froe diiiiPfDamp PCI1o pbbulleh bullthJl ad ethJl- cblorideo ad ea-tetrebull chloride at bull diiiiP olte 1D ldiooa - JerHJbullJoolpb De Aqe6b (aitbfleld1 o Aoobtat r- Solicitor) oeid be woo -bulln of the report - would welt for the rshyCoomcU to kt

72577 Leo loucberd of the Coooervatloo Co-ooloo flho bull nqueot wlth the amptate alth hpartMDt to fDveotipte the diiiiPfDampmiddot Jcollll Qla1aD of the departMDt fDotlpteo the COIIPlafDt

72677 llllU CorracfDo pnoideDt of 0-cal Cootrol Co ID~bullbull deDleo that bb trucko an earrJfDamp toalc cb-eale lloi

that ell tbe cb-cah the baDdlao ere fDcfDareted

72777 CorlatOD llafDe (Oief of the Dirioloo of lloter lllpplJ -PollutlOD for tbe State of IolaDd) fDdlcated that efter rioltfDamp the oltbull be bad aotld oU (au- to be bUsbull oU froe Crotoo Coaa) ad oolveato icb bad- dallped fDto opbull -h Be fDdicated that there Wire DO pUao to ectuellJ aalyee tbe 111b1tGCI Moreover ht 1ald that there wo11ld haw to be proof of air or vattr poll11tioa bfort tht ltate could act


~ II

--- 2 -- shy

72777 Paul Jacobi a 1avyer for tbe IPA ID - York oald tbat atcal Cootrol Co IDe budlao ftr) toaic oubotaaceo Ha rae-dod tbat tbe oubotuceo d-od at tbe DeYlo olte

be ampDamplyoedAerial pbotoarapbo record four oaparato ~IDa araao at

tba oltellcbard Poirier a local coaoorYatlbulllot oald tbat Federal

lawo a-mfDa oolld vaota baft IDtarprated cbealcal oubotaacao

- luld ao oolld ota Ha felt tbat tba State lealtb

Dapa-c obould do tbe -middotJallll QulDD (llultb Dapart-t) oald tbat tbe DaYlo laadflll located tbo otarly oldamp of Tarkilll -1 lo DOt

u-oed to taka toaic oubotaacao Tbue if bullbull ~ tbara tbl lealtb Dapa-c could otop bS but oiDca be lo ~IDa it oa laad tbat lo aot 11-Hd for ~IDa at all

tbe lealtb Dapa-c -ot do a tbfDa

72777 Carlatoa llaiDI oald tba-t if tbe _laiDto of barob odooo

could be proftd Davlo could be proHcutad for YlolatfDaode lolaado air pollutlbull trol lawo -r llaiDI

DO avidaDca of IDY Ylalatibull of tbe otateo tor

pollutibull lawo Ha aoted tbat tbe olta dry aDd middot shytbe bulltar tabla hrtbar be IDdicated tbat tbe DaYlo

d-IDI lite bullbullbull probably a lot better tbaa bull- of tbe

lit~middot be middotmiddot-middot 72877 Stuley DaYleo (State rtre llarobel o Offlea) declared tbat

cbealcal bullaoteo are bullbullmiddot-otibla

72877 Judae lie IUerDampD rao-diDa to a raquaot by Tba CoooorYatloav

Y r-datloe ordered a belt to tbe oU d-lDIbull JoHpb De Aapllo ( AeolotampDt _ Solicitor) oald be wao

otlll lamptbamprfDa facto tbHCIII aDd tbat DO dacloibull bad beaD Mda about aofDa to court

81077 Caacar cautiDI oubotaaceo f-d ID -lao talcbull frooo tba DaYlo cbealcal d- Dr Hal Ward of bull~ IIDiftrllty oald tbat bull- of tbe cbaalcalo re volatile aad tbuo praoated bull dampDaar of alrbome taalDatioa

72877 121bullical Cootrol Co IDe bao told tba IPA tbat oaly Dlutralbed tlaltl cbnicalo Wire balDamp obippad to ode loland

- -


~ I I

--- 3 -- shy

1U77 WUliu Davia (tba tbaalcal d- operator) aald tbat bh taattDa waa abo coatiauilla t1lan an a lot of c--da tbat baft aot baa able to ldutlfJ c A lot of tbtDaa wra ~d out tban

11177 rrmk Stnnaoa (Dlvialoa of Solid Walta ~~aaaa-cgt aald tbat tba Dft nplatloaa caacentDa taotlc waataa tba balDamp wrlttbull ad tbat tba nplatloa-11 baft all tba tMtb tba Deparc-t of IDvi~tal _t aMda

middot 1ll77 t1la sltbflald T- Cocmcll -dad tba t- aaaill1 lna to pt ~illl of cbaalcala aa aDJ public or privatalad ill tba c-

IIU77 A taDk truck ddwr calla of d-lDamp a load of U4uid at tba Dnia alta

1U77 Drrla id tbat ba baa baa nceiYilll bullcbllle oll ad weter weltbull at bh alta for ab n

116177 tltera wlle -llDamp liluld weata fna tba Dawia alta ld tbaJ felt ill after taklDamp tba -loa

11777 Dlraa cbaalcala idatified fna -loa taka fna tba dbull alta t1laJ -- ca-tetncblortda ad cblorofon

11177 zt JUaaula of Loa load ill sltbfield teatified ill JUpertor Court tbat bJ JalJ U 1977 tbe -ll fna tba cbaalcal ~ alta bad _ ao bad tbat it _ bnatbilll difficult Ia alao auffered bull-middot liptbaadaduuad DOH blaeda a a a nalllt of tba odora 1artber be teattfied tbat 301 of bh b-J baaa ad a -r of birda bad died Dr lelaaa rauto of lrwD bulltftraltJ a profeaaor of patboloaJ td tbat IIUaabulllaa c wn- nactloaa of alula ad b-bull U apoaed to cacer caaatDa 11bullca

12377 VllU Dawia aald tbat cbaalcala bad baa _ at bh alta for four n Ia aaid tbat CJiaalcal Coutrol Co IDe wea tbe aal7 llev Jane f in tbat ~d cbODical waata at bh alta

) 82477 Tba Town Cocmcll of Soaitbfiald authorhaa the Town Solicitor to file an injunction agalnet durt~plng at the Davl1 lite

--- 4 -- shy

92177 Judampo lourclor loouoo o rootrolalaamp ordor to prnat tbo doooplaamp of boraful aboalcolo tbo order lo loouod ao a reoult of a potltlOD by 1bo ColloorvatlOD Law POUDclatlOD

10177 be Stato Baoltb llopart-t qrooo to tilt for tlco at tbe olta tba ColloarvatlOD Law POUDclatlOD bullao ampr1Dtld tbo rlpt to do tbeoo teoto by Judampo lloarclor ODd Cll aokod tbo Stato to do tbo tlltlaamp for tbOD

678 A aroup of rooldnto frca tbe Loa load ana appoal to tbe Sllitbflold Tow COcll for bolp to aet tbe dooop olto cloiDod up Stroaa odoro aro oo1q frca Latb lrook lab ortalaatoo la _y aroao nrroadlaamp tbe DaYIo olto tbo rooldnto fbulll tbot tbo odoro ladlcota tbat cboalcolo boft otartod lllablaa frca tba DaYIo olte ad tbuo could coatalaampto tbeir drlaklaamp bulltor bull11bull la tba Latba lrook Ylclalty tba Colacll IDdlcot11 tbot -tlaao -ld be bold bull1tb Covaor Gamily to bullbull -t could be doao about tbe problOD

1071 saa Coffoa (Laaal Cooaul for __t of --tal _t) aayo tbot clo111 ap cooto ot tbo DaYIo cboalcol dooop olto oould fraa UOOOOO to UO aillloa

10671 Tbo To Colacll olpo 111 -twiab alt-o DaYIo to dooop tlroo oa top of tbo cboalcol dooop olto 1bo Pia load t

10S71 Tol-bull ad pbaol aro traced frca tbe dooop olta to Latba lrookbe llopore-t of IIIYI-tal _t flloo ouit to otop lilY furtbar doooplaamp ODd to clolll ap tbo olto

379 AIC producoo a ob atitlod lilllaamp Grolad tba Dmo aboaicol dooop olta bullo llotod u oaa of tbo 20 -It dudly dooopo la tbe -try

12610 A r of aboalcolo tbot aro corclaoa-1c ad -abullla bullro fOUDd la Latba lrook lab acoadod fadoral aafoty auiclallaao for drlaklaa bulltor - of tbaoo acoad tbo liait by tYIco ao oucb Tbo amp~~amplyolo ladlcoted -bulltntloao of abloroforo trlablorootbylODo trlablorootbiDo ad tatraablorootbylODe

tblo blotory bullao coopllod frca ProYIdnco Jounal ad llollotla articloo wlcb appoarad la tbo loouoo ao ladicotod by tbe clateo

la tbe MrJla




middotmiddotmiddot5-middot shyIllbull rood d Dna- AtUD1tzat1oa HDt bull iattu t~ 11 food proee1oDa -Iebull vanlq - of tba dallpn of lucblq baamparltlouo cbaleall froa tba Davio a-leal d- lllaaa buoiDaooao n aokad to taf- tba IDA of tbalr watu oourea If tbbullJ n ualq water otbar tbAII froa a -laipal IOUIaa tbaJ n told tbat tbalr water taotial proarbull obould ba upAIIdad to tacluda tbaoa pocbulltlal CODt--tobull IIlaH buotaaooao n n uPt to ba vitbta tba drataqa alta of tba Davia a-leal ~ Alld -It n f-d ta tba ldaDaa ana IIlli latter vaa alped bJ Jalm II Ea7lor dlltrlct -r



bull___ a~middot-=--=-J-~~-~~_ JIIJf

  1. barcode 566780
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 566780
Page 3: h DAVIS CHEMICALSllitbflold Tow C:O..cll for bolp to aet tbe dooop olto cloiDod up. Stroaa odoro aro oo.1q frca Latb.. lrook ..,lab ortalaatoo la .._y aroao nrroadla& tbe DaYI.o olto


~ II

--- 2 -- shy

72777 Paul Jacobi a 1avyer for tbe IPA ID - York oald tbat atcal Cootrol Co IDe budlao ftr) toaic oubotaaceo Ha rae-dod tbat tbe oubotuceo d-od at tbe DeYlo olte

be ampDamplyoedAerial pbotoarapbo record four oaparato ~IDa araao at

tba oltellcbard Poirier a local coaoorYatlbulllot oald tbat Federal

lawo a-mfDa oolld vaota baft IDtarprated cbealcal oubotaacao

- luld ao oolld ota Ha felt tbat tba State lealtb

Dapa-c obould do tbe -middotJallll QulDD (llultb Dapart-t) oald tbat tbe DaYlo laadflll located tbo otarly oldamp of Tarkilll -1 lo DOt

u-oed to taka toaic oubotaacao Tbue if bullbull ~ tbara tbl lealtb Dapa-c could otop bS but oiDca be lo ~IDa it oa laad tbat lo aot 11-Hd for ~IDa at all

tbe lealtb Dapa-c -ot do a tbfDa

72777 Carlatoa llaiDI oald tba-t if tbe _laiDto of barob odooo

could be proftd Davlo could be proHcutad for YlolatfDaode lolaado air pollutlbull trol lawo -r llaiDI

DO avidaDca of IDY Ylalatibull of tbe otateo tor

pollutibull lawo Ha aoted tbat tbe olta dry aDd middot shytbe bulltar tabla hrtbar be IDdicated tbat tbe DaYlo

d-IDI lite bullbullbull probably a lot better tbaa bull- of tbe

lit~middot be middotmiddot-middot 72877 Stuley DaYleo (State rtre llarobel o Offlea) declared tbat

cbealcal bullaoteo are bullbullmiddot-otibla

72877 Judae lie IUerDampD rao-diDa to a raquaot by Tba CoooorYatloav

Y r-datloe ordered a belt to tbe oU d-lDIbull JoHpb De Aapllo ( AeolotampDt _ Solicitor) oald be wao

otlll lamptbamprfDa facto tbHCIII aDd tbat DO dacloibull bad beaD Mda about aofDa to court

81077 Caacar cautiDI oubotaaceo f-d ID -lao talcbull frooo tba DaYlo cbealcal d- Dr Hal Ward of bull~ IIDiftrllty oald tbat bull- of tbe cbaalcalo re volatile aad tbuo praoated bull dampDaar of alrbome taalDatioa

72877 121bullical Cootrol Co IDe bao told tba IPA tbat oaly Dlutralbed tlaltl cbnicalo Wire balDamp obippad to ode loland

- -


~ I I

--- 3 -- shy

1U77 WUliu Davia (tba tbaalcal d- operator) aald tbat bh taattDa waa abo coatiauilla t1lan an a lot of c--da tbat baft aot baa able to ldutlfJ c A lot of tbtDaa wra ~d out tban

11177 rrmk Stnnaoa (Dlvialoa of Solid Walta ~~aaaa-cgt aald tbat tba Dft nplatloaa caacentDa taotlc waataa tba balDamp wrlttbull ad tbat tba nplatloa-11 baft all tba tMtb tba Deparc-t of IDvi~tal _t aMda

middot 1ll77 t1la sltbflald T- Cocmcll -dad tba t- aaaill1 lna to pt ~illl of cbaalcala aa aDJ public or privatalad ill tba c-

IIU77 A taDk truck ddwr calla of d-lDamp a load of U4uid at tba Dnia alta

1U77 Drrla id tbat ba baa baa nceiYilll bullcbllle oll ad weter weltbull at bh alta for ab n

116177 tltera wlle -llDamp liluld weata fna tba Dawia alta ld tbaJ felt ill after taklDamp tba -loa

11777 Dlraa cbaalcala idatified fna -loa taka fna tba dbull alta t1laJ -- ca-tetncblortda ad cblorofon

11177 zt JUaaula of Loa load ill sltbfield teatified ill JUpertor Court tbat bJ JalJ U 1977 tbe -ll fna tba cbaalcal ~ alta bad _ ao bad tbat it _ bnatbilll difficult Ia alao auffered bull-middot liptbaadaduuad DOH blaeda a a a nalllt of tba odora 1artber be teattfied tbat 301 of bh b-J baaa ad a -r of birda bad died Dr lelaaa rauto of lrwD bulltftraltJ a profeaaor of patboloaJ td tbat IIUaabulllaa c wn- nactloaa of alula ad b-bull U apoaed to cacer caaatDa 11bullca

12377 VllU Dawia aald tbat cbaalcala bad baa _ at bh alta for four n Ia aaid tbat CJiaalcal Coutrol Co IDe wea tbe aal7 llev Jane f in tbat ~d cbODical waata at bh alta

) 82477 Tba Town Cocmcll of Soaitbfiald authorhaa the Town Solicitor to file an injunction agalnet durt~plng at the Davl1 lite

--- 4 -- shy

92177 Judampo lourclor loouoo o rootrolalaamp ordor to prnat tbo doooplaamp of boraful aboalcolo tbo order lo loouod ao a reoult of a potltlOD by 1bo ColloorvatlOD Law POUDclatlOD

10177 be Stato Baoltb llopart-t qrooo to tilt for tlco at tbe olta tba ColloarvatlOD Law POUDclatlOD bullao ampr1Dtld tbo rlpt to do tbeoo teoto by Judampo lloarclor ODd Cll aokod tbo Stato to do tbo tlltlaamp for tbOD

678 A aroup of rooldnto frca tbe Loa load ana appoal to tbe Sllitbflold Tow COcll for bolp to aet tbe dooop olto cloiDod up Stroaa odoro aro oo1q frca Latb lrook lab ortalaatoo la _y aroao nrroadlaamp tbe DaYIo olto tbo rooldnto fbulll tbot tbo odoro ladlcota tbat cboalcolo boft otartod lllablaa frca tba DaYIo olte ad tbuo could coatalaampto tbeir drlaklaamp bulltor bull11bull la tba Latba lrook Ylclalty tba Colacll IDdlcot11 tbot -tlaao -ld be bold bull1tb Covaor Gamily to bullbull -t could be doao about tbe problOD

1071 saa Coffoa (Laaal Cooaul for __t of --tal _t) aayo tbot clo111 ap cooto ot tbo DaYIo cboalcol dooop olto oould fraa UOOOOO to UO aillloa

10671 Tbo To Colacll olpo 111 -twiab alt-o DaYIo to dooop tlroo oa top of tbo cboalcol dooop olto 1bo Pia load t

10S71 Tol-bull ad pbaol aro traced frca tbe dooop olta to Latba lrookbe llopore-t of IIIYI-tal _t flloo ouit to otop lilY furtbar doooplaamp ODd to clolll ap tbo olto

379 AIC producoo a ob atitlod lilllaamp Grolad tba Dmo aboaicol dooop olta bullo llotod u oaa of tbo 20 -It dudly dooopo la tbe -try

12610 A r of aboalcolo tbot aro corclaoa-1c ad -abullla bullro fOUDd la Latba lrook lab acoadod fadoral aafoty auiclallaao for drlaklaa bulltor - of tbaoo acoad tbo liait by tYIco ao oucb Tbo amp~~amplyolo ladlcoted -bulltntloao of abloroforo trlablorootbylODo trlablorootbiDo ad tatraablorootbylODe

tblo blotory bullao coopllod frca ProYIdnco Jounal ad llollotla articloo wlcb appoarad la tbo loouoo ao ladicotod by tbe clateo

la tbe MrJla




middotmiddotmiddot5-middot shyIllbull rood d Dna- AtUD1tzat1oa HDt bull iattu t~ 11 food proee1oDa -Iebull vanlq - of tba dallpn of lucblq baamparltlouo cbaleall froa tba Davio a-leal d- lllaaa buoiDaooao n aokad to taf- tba IDA of tbalr watu oourea If tbbullJ n ualq water otbar tbAII froa a -laipal IOUIaa tbaJ n told tbat tbalr water taotial proarbull obould ba upAIIdad to tacluda tbaoa pocbulltlal CODt--tobull IIlaH buotaaooao n n uPt to ba vitbta tba drataqa alta of tba Davia a-leal ~ Alld -It n f-d ta tba ldaDaa ana IIlli latter vaa alped bJ Jalm II Ea7lor dlltrlct -r



bull___ a~middot-=--=-J-~~-~~_ JIIJf

  1. barcode 566780
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 566780
Page 4: h DAVIS CHEMICALSllitbflold Tow C:O..cll for bolp to aet tbe dooop olto cloiDod up. Stroaa odoro aro oo.1q frca Latb.. lrook ..,lab ortalaatoo la .._y aroao nrroadla& tbe DaYI.o olto

- -


~ I I

--- 3 -- shy

1U77 WUliu Davia (tba tbaalcal d- operator) aald tbat bh taattDa waa abo coatiauilla t1lan an a lot of c--da tbat baft aot baa able to ldutlfJ c A lot of tbtDaa wra ~d out tban

11177 rrmk Stnnaoa (Dlvialoa of Solid Walta ~~aaaa-cgt aald tbat tba Dft nplatloaa caacentDa taotlc waataa tba balDamp wrlttbull ad tbat tba nplatloa-11 baft all tba tMtb tba Deparc-t of IDvi~tal _t aMda

middot 1ll77 t1la sltbflald T- Cocmcll -dad tba t- aaaill1 lna to pt ~illl of cbaalcala aa aDJ public or privatalad ill tba c-

IIU77 A taDk truck ddwr calla of d-lDamp a load of U4uid at tba Dnia alta

1U77 Drrla id tbat ba baa baa nceiYilll bullcbllle oll ad weter weltbull at bh alta for ab n

116177 tltera wlle -llDamp liluld weata fna tba Dawia alta ld tbaJ felt ill after taklDamp tba -loa

11777 Dlraa cbaalcala idatified fna -loa taka fna tba dbull alta t1laJ -- ca-tetncblortda ad cblorofon

11177 zt JUaaula of Loa load ill sltbfield teatified ill JUpertor Court tbat bJ JalJ U 1977 tbe -ll fna tba cbaalcal ~ alta bad _ ao bad tbat it _ bnatbilll difficult Ia alao auffered bull-middot liptbaadaduuad DOH blaeda a a a nalllt of tba odora 1artber be teattfied tbat 301 of bh b-J baaa ad a -r of birda bad died Dr lelaaa rauto of lrwD bulltftraltJ a profeaaor of patboloaJ td tbat IIUaabulllaa c wn- nactloaa of alula ad b-bull U apoaed to cacer caaatDa 11bullca

12377 VllU Dawia aald tbat cbaalcala bad baa _ at bh alta for four n Ia aaid tbat CJiaalcal Coutrol Co IDe wea tbe aal7 llev Jane f in tbat ~d cbODical waata at bh alta

) 82477 Tba Town Cocmcll of Soaitbfiald authorhaa the Town Solicitor to file an injunction agalnet durt~plng at the Davl1 lite

--- 4 -- shy

92177 Judampo lourclor loouoo o rootrolalaamp ordor to prnat tbo doooplaamp of boraful aboalcolo tbo order lo loouod ao a reoult of a potltlOD by 1bo ColloorvatlOD Law POUDclatlOD

10177 be Stato Baoltb llopart-t qrooo to tilt for tlco at tbe olta tba ColloarvatlOD Law POUDclatlOD bullao ampr1Dtld tbo rlpt to do tbeoo teoto by Judampo lloarclor ODd Cll aokod tbo Stato to do tbo tlltlaamp for tbOD

678 A aroup of rooldnto frca tbe Loa load ana appoal to tbe Sllitbflold Tow COcll for bolp to aet tbe dooop olto cloiDod up Stroaa odoro aro oo1q frca Latb lrook lab ortalaatoo la _y aroao nrroadlaamp tbe DaYIo olto tbo rooldnto fbulll tbot tbo odoro ladlcota tbat cboalcolo boft otartod lllablaa frca tba DaYIo olte ad tbuo could coatalaampto tbeir drlaklaamp bulltor bull11bull la tba Latba lrook Ylclalty tba Colacll IDdlcot11 tbot -tlaao -ld be bold bull1tb Covaor Gamily to bullbull -t could be doao about tbe problOD

1071 saa Coffoa (Laaal Cooaul for __t of --tal _t) aayo tbot clo111 ap cooto ot tbo DaYIo cboalcol dooop olto oould fraa UOOOOO to UO aillloa

10671 Tbo To Colacll olpo 111 -twiab alt-o DaYIo to dooop tlroo oa top of tbo cboalcol dooop olto 1bo Pia load t

10S71 Tol-bull ad pbaol aro traced frca tbe dooop olta to Latba lrookbe llopore-t of IIIYI-tal _t flloo ouit to otop lilY furtbar doooplaamp ODd to clolll ap tbo olto

379 AIC producoo a ob atitlod lilllaamp Grolad tba Dmo aboaicol dooop olta bullo llotod u oaa of tbo 20 -It dudly dooopo la tbe -try

12610 A r of aboalcolo tbot aro corclaoa-1c ad -abullla bullro fOUDd la Latba lrook lab acoadod fadoral aafoty auiclallaao for drlaklaa bulltor - of tbaoo acoad tbo liait by tYIco ao oucb Tbo amp~~amplyolo ladlcoted -bulltntloao of abloroforo trlablorootbylODo trlablorootbiDo ad tatraablorootbylODe

tblo blotory bullao coopllod frca ProYIdnco Jounal ad llollotla articloo wlcb appoarad la tbo loouoo ao ladicotod by tbe clateo

la tbe MrJla




middotmiddotmiddot5-middot shyIllbull rood d Dna- AtUD1tzat1oa HDt bull iattu t~ 11 food proee1oDa -Iebull vanlq - of tba dallpn of lucblq baamparltlouo cbaleall froa tba Davio a-leal d- lllaaa buoiDaooao n aokad to taf- tba IDA of tbalr watu oourea If tbbullJ n ualq water otbar tbAII froa a -laipal IOUIaa tbaJ n told tbat tbalr water taotial proarbull obould ba upAIIdad to tacluda tbaoa pocbulltlal CODt--tobull IIlaH buotaaooao n n uPt to ba vitbta tba drataqa alta of tba Davia a-leal ~ Alld -It n f-d ta tba ldaDaa ana IIlli latter vaa alped bJ Jalm II Ea7lor dlltrlct -r



bull___ a~middot-=--=-J-~~-~~_ JIIJf

  1. barcode 566780
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 566780
Page 5: h DAVIS CHEMICALSllitbflold Tow C:O..cll for bolp to aet tbe dooop olto cloiDod up. Stroaa odoro aro oo.1q frca Latb.. lrook ..,lab ortalaatoo la .._y aroao nrroadla& tbe DaYI.o olto

--- 4 -- shy

92177 Judampo lourclor loouoo o rootrolalaamp ordor to prnat tbo doooplaamp of boraful aboalcolo tbo order lo loouod ao a reoult of a potltlOD by 1bo ColloorvatlOD Law POUDclatlOD

10177 be Stato Baoltb llopart-t qrooo to tilt for tlco at tbe olta tba ColloarvatlOD Law POUDclatlOD bullao ampr1Dtld tbo rlpt to do tbeoo teoto by Judampo lloarclor ODd Cll aokod tbo Stato to do tbo tlltlaamp for tbOD

678 A aroup of rooldnto frca tbe Loa load ana appoal to tbe Sllitbflold Tow COcll for bolp to aet tbe dooop olto cloiDod up Stroaa odoro aro oo1q frca Latb lrook lab ortalaatoo la _y aroao nrroadlaamp tbe DaYIo olto tbo rooldnto fbulll tbot tbo odoro ladlcota tbat cboalcolo boft otartod lllablaa frca tba DaYIo olte ad tbuo could coatalaampto tbeir drlaklaamp bulltor bull11bull la tba Latba lrook Ylclalty tba Colacll IDdlcot11 tbot -tlaao -ld be bold bull1tb Covaor Gamily to bullbull -t could be doao about tbe problOD

1071 saa Coffoa (Laaal Cooaul for __t of --tal _t) aayo tbot clo111 ap cooto ot tbo DaYIo cboalcol dooop olto oould fraa UOOOOO to UO aillloa

10671 Tbo To Colacll olpo 111 -twiab alt-o DaYIo to dooop tlroo oa top of tbo cboalcol dooop olto 1bo Pia load t

10S71 Tol-bull ad pbaol aro traced frca tbe dooop olta to Latba lrookbe llopore-t of IIIYI-tal _t flloo ouit to otop lilY furtbar doooplaamp ODd to clolll ap tbo olto

379 AIC producoo a ob atitlod lilllaamp Grolad tba Dmo aboaicol dooop olta bullo llotod u oaa of tbo 20 -It dudly dooopo la tbe -try

12610 A r of aboalcolo tbot aro corclaoa-1c ad -abullla bullro fOUDd la Latba lrook lab acoadod fadoral aafoty auiclallaao for drlaklaa bulltor - of tbaoo acoad tbo liait by tYIco ao oucb Tbo amp~~amplyolo ladlcoted -bulltntloao of abloroforo trlablorootbylODo trlablorootbiDo ad tatraablorootbylODe

tblo blotory bullao coopllod frca ProYIdnco Jounal ad llollotla articloo wlcb appoarad la tbo loouoo ao ladicotod by tbe clateo

la tbe MrJla




middotmiddotmiddot5-middot shyIllbull rood d Dna- AtUD1tzat1oa HDt bull iattu t~ 11 food proee1oDa -Iebull vanlq - of tba dallpn of lucblq baamparltlouo cbaleall froa tba Davio a-leal d- lllaaa buoiDaooao n aokad to taf- tba IDA of tbalr watu oourea If tbbullJ n ualq water otbar tbAII froa a -laipal IOUIaa tbaJ n told tbat tbalr water taotial proarbull obould ba upAIIdad to tacluda tbaoa pocbulltlal CODt--tobull IIlaH buotaaooao n n uPt to ba vitbta tba drataqa alta of tba Davia a-leal ~ Alld -It n f-d ta tba ldaDaa ana IIlli latter vaa alped bJ Jalm II Ea7lor dlltrlct -r



bull___ a~middot-=--=-J-~~-~~_ JIIJf

  1. barcode 566780
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 566780
Page 6: h DAVIS CHEMICALSllitbflold Tow C:O..cll for bolp to aet tbe dooop olto cloiDod up. Stroaa odoro aro oo.1q frca Latb.. lrook ..,lab ortalaatoo la .._y aroao nrroadla& tbe DaYI.o olto




middotmiddotmiddot5-middot shyIllbull rood d Dna- AtUD1tzat1oa HDt bull iattu t~ 11 food proee1oDa -Iebull vanlq - of tba dallpn of lucblq baamparltlouo cbaleall froa tba Davio a-leal d- lllaaa buoiDaooao n aokad to taf- tba IDA of tbalr watu oourea If tbbullJ n ualq water otbar tbAII froa a -laipal IOUIaa tbaJ n told tbat tbalr water taotial proarbull obould ba upAIIdad to tacluda tbaoa pocbulltlal CODt--tobull IIlaH buotaaooao n n uPt to ba vitbta tba drataqa alta of tba Davia a-leal ~ Alld -It n f-d ta tba ldaDaa ana IIlli latter vaa alped bJ Jalm II Ea7lor dlltrlct -r



bull___ a~middot-=--=-J-~~-~~_ JIIJf

  1. barcode 566780
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 566780
Page 7: h DAVIS CHEMICALSllitbflold Tow C:O..cll for bolp to aet tbe dooop olto cloiDod up. Stroaa odoro aro oo.1q frca Latb.. lrook ..,lab ortalaatoo la .._y aroao nrroadla& tbe DaYI.o olto



bull___ a~middot-=--=-J-~~-~~_ JIIJf

  1. barcode 566780
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 566780