h p land law

Recruitment and Promotion Rules for the  post of Kanun- go Mohal, Kanun go Settle- ment, Kanungo Consolidation and Sadar Kanungo. Monthly Diary of Kanungo under settle - ment training Check ing of work of Kanun- go during settle- ment traning b y DLR.  T " ! ' : l t m f l ' ~ 1.1" Consolidation Servic e as equiv alent to Settlement field service. Field Kanungo for each circle. Field Kanungo in Settlement. .Field Kanungo in Consolida- tion. KANUNGOS 2.1. The Recrui tmentand Promoti on Rules for the post of Kanungo Mohal, Kanungo Sett lement . KanUllgo in Consolidation Depart ment and Sadar Kanungo are contained in Appendi ces II, IV, VI and VII respe,ct ivel y, which may be consulted. 2.1.A. The Seniorit y of the member s of the services shall be determined by the Depart mental Promoti on Committ ees of the respective depart ment s and shall be kept st rictly in accordance with the placement assi gned by the D. P.C. 2.2. The monthly diary of Kanungo under going settl ement trai ning shal l be submit ted. by Set tlement Officer  to the Director of l.andRecords; He shal l pass remarks and cOll vey them to the offi cial through Sett lement Officer. \ 2.3. Direct or of Land Records can check tIle work of Kanungo during settlement training. If he finds the work of tI le official is unsat isf actor y, he may recommend to t he concer ned autIlori ty to enhance tIl e peri od o f set tl emen t as h e d eems pro per. . 2.4. The consoli dati on service of an offici al shal l be treat ed as bei ng at par with set tlement service for t he foll owing purposes:- 1. Set tl enrntt rdi ning to be given to Kanungo . 2. Appointment as Sadar Kanungo. 2.5; There shall be a Fiel d Kanungo of each Kanungo circle. Ordinarily.there shall be one Fi eld Kanungo' for about 10 Patwaris. . . 2.6. There shal l be a Fiel d Kanungo for each Kanungo cirCle in set tlement who shall look after the work of  4 Patwar is. .. 2.7. There shall be a Fiel d Kanungo for each Kanungo circle in consol idat ion who shal l supervi se the work  o f 5Pat waris. . .

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and PromotionRules for the

 post of Kanun-go Mohal,

Kanungo Settle-ment, Kanungo


and Sadar Kanungo.

Monthly Diaryof Kanungo

under settle-ment training

Checking of 

work of Kanun-go during settle-

ment traning by


 T"!':ltmfl'~1 . 1 "


Service asequivalent to

Settlement field service.

Field Kanungofor each circle.

Field Kanungoin Settlement.

.Field Kanungo

in Consolida-tion.


2.1. The Recruitmentand Promotion Rules for the post of Kanungo Mohal, Kanungo Settlement. KanUllgo

in Consolidation Department and Sadar Kanungo are contained in Appendices II, IV, VI and VII respe,ctivel y,

which may be consulted.

2.1.A. The Seniority of the members of the services shall be determined by the Departmental PromotionCommittees of the respective departments and shall be kept strictly in accordance with the placement

assigned by the D.P.C.

2.2. The monthly diary of Kanungo under going settlement training shall be submitted. by Settlement Officer to the Director of l.andRecords; He shall pass remarks and cOllvey them to the official through Settlement

Officer. \

2.3. Director of Land Records can check tIle work of Kanungo during settlement training. If he finds the

work of tIle official is unsatisfactory, he may recommend to the concerned autIlority to enhance tIle period

of settlement as he deems proper. .

2.4. The consolidation service of an official shall be treated as being at par with settlement service for the

following purposes:-

1. Settlenrnttrdining to be given to Kanungo .2. Appointment as Sadar Kanungo.

2.5; There shall be a Field Kanungo of each Kanungo circle. Ordinarily.there shall be one Field Kanungo'

for about 10 Patwaris.

. .

2.6. There shall be a Field Kanungo for each Kanungo cirCle in settlement who shall look after the work of 4 Patwaris. ..

2.7. There shall be a Field Kanungo for each Kanungo circle in consolidation who shall supervise the work 

of 5Patwaris. . .

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Office Kanungo.


District Head-


Peons to Kanun-


Kanungo's Ser-

vice Book.

Annual Con-


Reports of 


Discipline,Punishment and.





AppUcatroaform for appear-


KanuDgos Ex-


2.9. There shall be Sadar Kanungo, Naib Sadar Kanungo andPatwariMoharrer (Kanungo) in the offDeputy Comrilissioner. The NaibSadar KanungolPatwari Moharrer shall help the Sadar Kanungo


2.10. Peon is allowed to every Field Kanungo Mohal, Settlement Kanungo, Consolidation Kanung

Sadar Kanungo.

2.11. A Service Book under S.R.-197 showing seniority, .qualifications, details of service, punislu

 pra ise , rew ard , etc. ab out each Kanu ngo in Mo hal, Se ttlem en t an d Co nso lid ati on mU st be m ainta ine d

concerned 0.0.0. in the form prescribed by Comptroller and Auditor General. The entries in this book s

 be kept ut- to- date by the 0.0 .0.

2.12. The Annual Confidential Report of the Kanungos shall be kept in the f~nngiven in para 3

'Patwaris' Chapter. In writing ACR's the instructions of the Govt. issued from time to lime in this and contained in Chapter  12 of the O ffice Ma nualofH .P . G ovt., shall be follow ed. .

2.13. In matters relating to discipline, penalties, appeals and conduct of tlle Kanungo in Mohal; Settland Consolidation shall be governed by the Central Civil Services C lassification, Control and Appeal

and Central Civil Services ConductRules as applied by the Himachal Pradesh Govenunent. The GOVC

may specify the nature of the penalties which may be inflicted, the authority empowered to impose

 penalties and the ap pella te au tho rity.

2.14. For leave, the Kanungos shall be governed by Central Civil Services Leave R ules, 1972 as amfrom time to time.

2.15. For pension and other matters, the Kanungos shall be governed by the mles applied by the H:P.to other class III Govt. servants.

2.16. The Oirector of Land Records shall hold Kanungo's Examination" at suitable intervals as he  pro per. Th e following categories of em plo yees are el igi ble to appear in the exam ina tio n.

(I) A Patwari of Mohal, Settlement, Consolidation, ColonisaHon, Rehabilitation, Land Acqui

Forest Settlement, with at least four years temporary/pel1l)3ncnt service who has qualified PatDepartmental Examination. .

(lI) The following categories of employees of the Revenue Department are also eligible forappe

in the Kanungo Examination:-

. Substantive/Officiating Kanungos ofColonisation, Rehabilitation, Land Acquisition, Forest Settle

Consolidation· of Holdings, .alld have passed the Patwari 's Examination. .

(III) Kanungo candidates who were acceptedbylhe accepting authorities under old executive and are eligible to appear inthe Examination under the rules.

2.17; TbePatwaris 3ndKanungo calldidateswho are eligible to appear in the Kanungos DepartmEXamination shall apply on the fonn given below.

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G o v er n m e n t o f H im a c h a l P ra d es h R ev e n u e D ep a r tm e n t(D ir ec t o r at e o f L a n d R e c o r d s , H .P .)

Roll No.(to be issued by the Deptt.)

2 . Name of the applicant

(In Block Letters)

3 . Fath er 's N ame

4 . D ate of B ir th

. s . Service/Cadre to which belongs.

6. Date of appointment to the service

7. Designation and place of postingH. Address on which the Roll. No. is

required to be sent.

9. Whether the appointment to the service is

on probation or on officiating or substantive capacity.

10. No. of chances already availed with session

(s) year(s) of examination and Roll. No.

Ses s i on Year

Affix Passport Size

Photogral>h here.

II. Papers already passed giving notification

(s) paper(s) and date(s)

12. Papers whic" are being offered for examinationSr. No. Paper(s)


2 .

3 .


4. Have you ever been disqualifted? If yes, Roll. No., Session,

 Name of autho rity and nature of disqualifteation.

 No tifi cat ion

 No . and date.

I solemnly declare that the infonnation given by me in this application fonn is correct and tnte and nothing has been cancealed

or suppressed and that in the event of any of the statement being found incorrect or false, I shall be liable to punishment as

envisaged under the Rules. I certify that I have read the Rules and theinstmctions very carefully before filling in the fonn.



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 , .

EIJI~~~1(For use In the o f f f C ' I " t o wnlcWthe°Otflclal belongs)

Certified that Shri/Miss/Mrs. . Pa

 bavinWears'servteeIS eligibletolppeario_' -----------exmriution uooerth

Deputy Commiss

SettJement O

DCHIColleetor (F

Head of tbe Dqlar

. 6~'·:;.C">.,;", . , . ~ t, . 'ITbis e e n it k :a te im.~ft5eS i g nC d by Deputy CommissionerlSettlemeot Offteel'tricH!Collcctor (Forest)/Head of the D

. -at only. __ c:aICmay be.

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Affix Passport Size

Photograph here.

Certified that a copy of the photograph affiXed above. in the right hand margin is that of the above named candidate and I

have signed the same over the seal of the stamp ormy office.

 N.B . Th is cer tif ica te ma y be issu ed by any Gazetted Officer of the concerned Department Viz. Tehsildar/Sub-

Divisional Officer (Civil)/Distrlct Revenue Officer/Deputy Conunissioner/Settlement Officer/D.C.H. etc.

Instructions forSubmission of Application.

i . The application for appearing in the Kanungo's Departrnental Examination shall only beaccepted on the above fonn duly ftlled in by the applicant in his own handwriting.

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v. No candidate shall be allowed to appear in the Examinatioll unless he produces Identity

certificatelRoli Number slip at the time of Examination.

vi. If the applicant is on deputation/transfer with the other Departments like P.W .DJ Industries/Cor-

 poration /Bo ard etc., the eli gib ilit y. certif ica te sha ll be sig ned by the paren t Head of Departm ent

of the applicant.

vii. The eligibility certificate of the eligible Patwaris and Kanungos of Forest Settlement shall be

signed by the Collector Forest.

2.19. (i) A Patwari who is eligibletoappearin the Examination can avail only 3 chances provided the state

Govemmenton the recommendations of Director of Land Records, in exceptional cases, m ay allow one more

chance for reasons· to be recor4ed in writing.(ii) The officials mentioned in Para2.1616(ii) and (iii} supra can avail only two chances to appear in the


Subjects for 




100Paper I

H.P. Land Records Manual

(Revised edition)


Settlement Manual &Patwari's Mensuration

(i) Sett lement Manual:

Chapters: 10, 1.2, 13, 14, 15, 16.

AppendicesVII,IX, XIV, XXI

(ii) PatwarisMensuration:

Paper - III

Arithmetic, upto Mattie Standard

Paper- IV

Report Writing, Caligraphy&H~ndi Essayupt9

Mattie Standard

( i) Report Writ ing on: (S O Marks)

1. Partition

2. Nautor 

3. Demarcation

4. Delivery of possession

5. Checking/attestation of Jarnabandi

6. Any other revenue matter.

(ii) Caligraphy and Hindi Essay upto Mattic Standard,.

(50 Marks)

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Percentagae of 

marks neces-

saryand Is-

suance or Certificates

Travelling Al-lowance ror at-



within their charge.

DisabUiUesor Kanung~

2.21. (a) Paper No. I (H.P. Land Records Manual) is compulsory to be passed and no candidate will be held

to have passed the Kanungo Examination unless he has passed Paper N o. I and has obtained 50 percent marksin each subject. .

(b) Subject to provisions contained in sub Para 2.21 (a), C~didates failing in any subject may reappear 

in the subject at the next examination but he will not be entitled to avail more than 3 chances in all allowed

to him.

(c) After declaration of the result of Examination, the Director of Land Records shall issue Detailed

Marks certificate to the candidate in the fonn appended in Annexure-A of this chapter.

(d) As soon as the candidate passes the Departmental Examination of Kanungo, the Director of Land

Records shall issue a certificate in the fonn appended in Annexure-B of this chapter.

2.22. Kanungo candidates and Patwaris already in Government service, may draw travelling allowance for  jou rneys to attend Kanun go exa minat ion s provid ed tha t in each cas e the candidate pas ses the exanl ina tion

in whole or in part, and that in no case can travelling allowance be drawn more than twice.

Travelling allowance bills should be supported by, and passed on the authority of a certificate to be

given by the .Deputy Commissioner and attached to the bill that the official has passed the KanungosExamination in 19 vide Director of Land Records,letter No. dated _  

was a Government official at the time of the eXanUnation and has not previously drawn travelling allowance

more than twice for the exanUnation.

2.23. Every Field Kanungo shall, under major penalty reside with his family within the limit'i of his charge

unless he shall receive the written pennission of the Deputy Commissioner to reside or to locate his fanlily

elsewhere, and he shall not leave his charge except on duty or with sanction.

2.24. (i) A Kanungo shall not engage in trade nor shall he lend money to agriculturists or have any interestdireet or indirect in such trcmsactions; either in his own charge or elsewhere; and he shall not acquire land

within his own charge otherwise than by inheritance. Nor shall he purchase land at auction sales in colonies

without the previous sanction of the Financial Commissioner. Such land shaU be deemed to iilcludeagricultural land and land in town sites auctioned for building sites or other purposes. Sanction as required

under the roles should also be previously obtained for the acquisition of any other kind of immovable property by a Kanungo . .

(ii) The tenure of any land or of any interest in land by a Kanungo whether within his charge or elsewhere

shall be notified by him to the Deputy Commissioner and may be made a reason for his dismissal, if not so

notified, or if it appears that he is thereby prejudiced in the perfonnance of his duties.

(Hi) A Kanungo who borrows money fronl an agriculturist of his charge or is in a condition of seriolls

 pec uni ary embarassment, may be dismissed.

(iv) No Kanungo shall write, attest, or witness any deed or agreement except as required in these rules,

unless he is personally or unavoidably interested therein.

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Kanungos to beemployed only

on their prior 


Kaungos in dis-

trict under set·tlement.

Making over 

records on


Pay and AI·lowances.

Submission of 

 pay by money



ofField Kanun·gos for the work 

and conduct of Patwaris. .

2.25. All Kanungos must be strictly confined to their own allotted work. It would for example be imprope

to allow the Sadar Kanungo to be used by the District Revenue Officer as a reader, nor should a Tehsil Offic

Kanungo be used for case work.

2.26. When a district is being re-assessed, the Kanungo staff works under the orders of the SettlemenOfficer. .

2.27. Each Field Kanungo is supplied, free of cost, with two steel rods adjusted to the length of the lockadam. These should be made locally according to the pattern supplied by the Director of Land Record

When not in use, these rods should be kept in hollow bamboos.

Deputy Commissioner shall supply a steel measuring tape to each Sadar Kanungo. This should be use

to check chains and 'addas'. Four sketching frames (tatis) will be supplied by Government to each OfficKanungo for the use ofPatwaris when preparing the shajra kishtwar.

2.28. On dismissal, resignation or transfer, a Kanungo is legally bound to make over his papers, records anequipment to his successor in office, who shall give him a receipt for the same. But this receipt shall not b

a valid discharge until endorsed by the Tehsildar, or, in the case of a Sadar Kanungo until endorsed by th

District Revenue Officer.

2.29. The pay and allowance of Kanungo establishment including settlement shall be governed by the Rule

framed and instructions issued by the Himachal Pradesh Government from time to time.

2.30. The pay and allowances shall be drawn on pay bill form No. STR-23/'R' 43 4 signed by Drawing an

Disbursing Officer. The amount for contingent expenditure should be drawn on bill foml T.R. 25 signed b

Drawing and Disbursing Officer. Contingent expenses includes charges of commission on money orderrepairs office expenses etc. etc.

2.31. In districts not under settlement, Deputy Commissioners are authorised to sanction the disbursemen

of Kanungos and their Peons pay, contingent charges and travelling allowance by money order, where th

Kanungos' head quarters are over 16 Kms. from Tehsil headquarter also are at liberty to disburse by moneorder, the pay of Kanungo under their control who are at work at a distance over 16 Kms. from the Tehsi

The Commission on the money orders should be met from government funds.

2.32 ..A Field Kanungo is responsible for the conduct and the ~ork of Patwaris in his charge and it is h

duty to report bad work, or neglect of duty, or misconduct on the part of any Patwari for the orders of thRevenue Officer to whom he is subordinate.

He will be he'ld personally responsible if the mutation work of any Patwari's circle is in arrears, unles

he is able to show that he has taken all measures in his own power to prevent it and has reported any Patwawho has failed to carry out his instructions. In particular, he will be called to account if the procedure, ladown in relevant paragraphs of Chapter 8 on Record-of-Rights is not properly carried out. Instructions f

the systematic inspection of the work of Field Kanungos are contained in Chapter 30 on Inspections, whicmay be consulted.

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Field Kanungos

go to report cer-

tain matters to


Supervision of 

the work of Pat-

waris during

the time of their 

inspections of crops and 

 preparation of 

 bachhand mutation and ai-


diluvion papers.

Field Kanungos

to visit each

Patwari's circle


Maintenance of 



Entry of chan-

ges in plot boun-dariesin

Patwari~ copies

of maps.


of amendments

in the part Teh-sil Maps.

Duties of Kanungos


demarcation of 


2.33. Wbenever a Field Kanungo visists a Patwari's circle he shall carefully read the entries in the Patwari' s

diary made since bis last visit; and make enquiries on the matters and he shall report to the Tehsildar any of

these matters which are important or require his orders.

2.34. During the time the Patwaris of his charge are inspecting the crops. and preparing the bachh and

mutation and alluvion papers of their villages. the Field Kanungo's whole attention shall be given to thesQpervision of their work. .

2.35. At other times of the year he will visit each Patwaris' circle once in the month and supervise the timely

and accurate completion of the jamabandis ~nd the statements.

2.36. The Field Kanungo shall s~ that all the village maps with the Patwaris are in good conditions. Whcll

the map of an estate becomes un-serviceable, he shall ensure that the fair copy is prepared in time. He shalmake a report after every six months to the Tehsildar in this behalf and get the copies prepared.

2.37. The Field K anungo must see that all changes in Patwaris copies (Latha) in plot boundaries made during

the last 5 years through tatima shajras in the case of those maps of estates of which quinquennial jamabandis bave been pre pared are carrie d out in accorda nce with the ins tnl cti ons.

2.38. It sball be the duty ofField Kanungo to see that all the effect oftatima sbajras prepared under Cbapter 6

'Surveys' bave been given in the fair copies of maps kept in the Tebsil (Momi). Tbe new lines of amended

fields in the first instance be sbowlI in pencil by the Patwari and then inked by the Field Kanungo in .Sangraf'after comparision with the tatimas concerned. He sball ensure that instreutions in tbis behalf prescribed. in

the Chapter ibid bave been followed strictly in letter and spirit.

2.39. The Kanungos posted in Consoldiation, Settlement and Mohal shail define the limits of any estate or

any holding, f ield or other portion of an estate strictly in accordance with the instructions issued by the

Financial Commissioner (Rev.) at repartition, or partit ion or on the orders passed by any Officer of these

 De pa rtm ent s comp ete nt to pa ss orders or on the ap plication of an y person interest ed.

Th~ Kanungo slullifollow the procedure prescribed for demarcation under Chopter  10 "DemarcO/ioll

of Boundaries" of Himachal Pradesh Land Records Manual.

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 In cas e, the Ka nungo intent ion ally or know ing ly giv es wr ong dem arcat ion so as to affect the rig hts and

interests o/the interested parties adversely, he shall be liable/or disciplinary action under the rules.

Kanungo's state- 2.40. To ensure that the touring of Field Kanungos is properly distributed, each Field Kanungo shouldment of tours. forward a statement in the form annexed for each quarter to the Sadar Kanungo, who should send it to th

District Revenue Officer.

This form shows the Par twari 's circle vis ited in each month, and dates of the Field Kanungo's

ir.spections, and a glance at it will enable the supervising officer to see whether all circles are duly visitedor whether some circles are being neglected, and also if the touring is being systematically and properlycarried out. '

Printed Forms will be supplied by the Director of Land Records on indent. The Sadar Kanungo should

submit a similar statement of his own touring to the District Revenue Officer for submission to the Deputy

Commissioner. These statements should be sent on the 10th of the month succeeding the conclusion of  eachquarter. '

Statement showing touring of Field.Kanungos. _  •for the quarter ending , tehsil district _  

Holidays sick and


Days spent Miscellaneous

with officersDays spent in the


Field Kanungo

to check 


Register of  work of pat-,


A t~ble for each circle in his charge should be given to e;Kh Fidd Kanungo, showing the arrangements

approved for the division oi .::irclest\)r the purpose of prepar;llilm of detailed jamahandis, et~~.this table being

so arranged that the work of each year shafl cover ahout a fifth of thl.' Kanungo's wholl.' l~irde

2.41. The jamabandis havi.ng been riled a1the end of August, the Field Kanungos will spend Sepleml~r a

Tehsil headquarters checking them in the manner prescribed in chapter "Record-or-Rights"

Patwaris shall not be detained at the Tehsil while this check work is going on. Any inquiries that arnecessary should also. as far as may be convenient, be reserved for the same occassion, or be made by th

. Field Kanungo in his return to the circle.

Field Kanungo shall not be detained at the TehsiJ for office checking later than the end of September

and if the state of the harvest so requires. they should be released sooner.

2.42. There shall be kept up by the Field Kanungo. a register, in form annexed, showing the character o

each Patwari's work. The Field Kanungo will send this register to every Tehsildar or other Revenue Office

who enters his cirCle for inspection duty, and that officer will, before leaving the Kanungo's circle ente

 bri efl y the res ult of his ins pecti on ag ain st each Patw ari ins pected, an d ret urn the reg ist er to the Field Ka nungo

The attendance of the Field Kanungo is not necessary.

(N.D.- There will be 6 pages for each Patwari's circle. On pages 1 and 2 of each circle will be entered by the Fie~Kallllll~l)

data of each year's ordinary work and on pages 3 and 4 will be shown the quinquennial return work of the years. on pages 5 an

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6 will be entered remarks by superior officers. Six pages are required instead of  3 in order that the register may last about 12 or 

.15 years. A Patwari may be allowed to take copies of the entires relating to his own work, if he so desires.)

Agricul- Patwari's Date by Date of Date of Date by Date by Date of Reports or Result andtural year  name and date whichkharif  completion completion whichRabi which extra filing com pliants final order 

of crop o f a nn ua l o fa ll uv io n crop R ab i s ta te - j am a ba nd is against by whoma pp oi nm en t, s ta te m en ts bachh papers and diluvioit statelnents mentwas Patwari given

with name of  were filed papers were filed filed during the

circle year 

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Form of pages 3 and 4

quinquennialattestation and petty survey works

Agricultural N am e H old in gsFeilds

A rea D ate of at- D ate of  D ate of D ate of  

Daie of Date of 


year testation of   completion Commence comple- comple- a tte sta · s ta tin gold of  ment by lion by lion of tion by particulras

 jam aba ndi s measurement pat- pawtari mun- Tehsildar and area o f  (Paragraph work wari gos final or Naib- lIIiyother 

.. 8.81) (Pafagraph attesta· Tehsildar  petty

6.25) lion survey

work necessitated

. byalluvion

ordiluvionor other 

.'. special


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Dates of visits of superior officers, including Sadar Kanungo Brief remarks of superior officers showing character of 

Patwaris work in each year. (N.B. Entries should be very brief .)

1. Register of Demarcation Applications (chapter-on 'Demarcation of Boundaries '.)2. Register of Warrants of Ejectment (Chapter on 'Prevention of Encroachments on Govenunent Land').

3. Register of Mode of partition (Chapter on 'Partition'.)

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4. Register of Delivery of possession of property allotted in partition (Chapter on 'Partition'.)

5. Register of Nautor Applications, in the following form:

Sr. No. Name of Village Details of Date of Brief Report Date of Remarks

applicant Land Receipt by F.K. despatch to

Tehsil office

6. Register of Crop Cutting Experiments by Random Sampling Method in the following form:-

Sr. No. Name of Tehsil Name of Village Kind of crop No. of experi-

ments allotted 

 No. of experi·


Date of exper-

iments done

Result of crop-

cutting experi-


7. Register of Warrants of possession

from civil courts. The form meant for Register of Warrant of ejectment shall be used for the Register a

8. Misalband Register: In this Register miscellaneous applicationslExecution of decrees from civil courts/orders fro

higher authorities etc. shall be entered. The form of the register shall be as under:-

 Name of applicant

with address

Contents of 



Date of 


5 .

Date of 


7 .

Diary of Field Kanungo

2.44. Every Field Kanungo shall keep a diary, in which he will state day by day the manner in which he

 been employed. The entry for each day shall be made not later than the following morning. A copy o

diary for the previous month shall be posted by the Field Kanungo to the Tehsildar on the 1stof each mo

and will be forwarded by the Tehsildar to the Sadar Kanungo. Each months's diary will close with an abs

of the month's work in such form as may be prescribed from time to time.

Diary books for Field Kanungo will be obtained from the Director of Land Records on indent. They are in the follow


Date and day of week and 

name of village visited and 

work in hand 

Date of previous

visit to circle

Abstract of entry in 'partal' diary and

other work of the day

If the work in hand, consists of the checking of girdawari, bachh or mutation entries, colWlUl I sh

show against each village the nwnber of fields, holdings and mu.tations checked, respectively. If rive

measurements or supplementary maps are being tested the number of fields inspected should be enteSimilarly, the preliminary attestation of the old, and the local attestation of the new jamabandi and sh

nasab (Paragraph 8.81 and 8.87) the Teh~il check of the new jamabandi (Paragraph 8.88) and the chec

annual and quinquennial statements should be noted. The above details should be given in red ink.

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Returns show-illg progrea'of 

Patwaris work to be prepared

 byOm ceKanungos.

2.45. Every Field Kanungo should keep with his diary or note-book a sketch map of his charge on smascale (I cms to a 2.5 kms/I or 2 inches to a mile as the measure system may be.) The map should show villag

sites and boundaries. main roads. canals and limits of Patwari' s circles. It should be drawn on paper of


2.46. The Off ice Kanungos shall submit to the Tehsildar. in such fonns and on such dates as may b pre scr ibe d. periodic al ret urn s sho wing agricult ura l data and the pro gre ss of the vario us bra nches of the wo r

of the Kanungos and Patwaris and the Tehsildar shall be responsible that such returns are forwarded to tl

Deputy Commissioner in due order. correctly and by due date.

Registers main- 2.47. The Office Kanungo of each Tehsil shall maintain: (a) note book for each estate for each assessmentalned by Omce circle. and for the Tehsil .Kanungo.

 b) any oth er reg isters especia lly pre scribed or ma de over to him by the ord er of the Fin an cia

Commissioner. The office Kanungo is also responsible for:

(v) the supply of any infomlation required by the Deputy Commissioner or Tehsildar respectinentries in records in his charge;

(vi) bringing to the immediate notice of the Tehsildar reports of calamaties subrilitted by Patwari order that they may be forwarded to the Deputy Commissioner.

Tehsil Registers. 2.48. In addition to village. Tehsil and circle Note-Books. the maintenance of the following registers b

tehsH Office Kanungo is obligatory:-

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Fonnof Register.

2.49. The Office Kanungo shall keep a register in Fonn R-t of all reports of Calamities made to him by



Register of all reports of Calamities

Sr. Date of Date of Nam c of village, Nature of Remarks as Date of   N ote by t he R emar ks No. rep ort occurrence of  number of  calamity tt)extent of  forwarding Tehsildar 

tlle calamity hadbast and calamity etc. report to showing theAssessment Circle headquarters action taken

etc. on the report

1. 2 . 3 . 4 . 5. 6. 7 . 8 . 9 .



Submission of reports.

Copy of report

to the Vateri-nary Assistant.

2.50. (1)The serial number will rull by months. If an epidemic disease is reported, the name of the disease

should be 8iven in column 5. IIl.column 6 any information should be entered that may be available on such

 points as the are as aff ected by floods or hai l, elc ., the am ount of dam age done, thc numb er of deaths amongstmen and cattle, and so 011.

(2)The entries should be as brief as possible. The register will be placed before the Tehsildar for record

of his remarks in wlumn 8.

2.51. TIle original reports must be transmitted wihtout delay through the Tehsildar to the Deputy Commis-


2.52. Wilen a report discloses an outbreak of reinderpest anthrax, haemorrhagic septicaemia, or black

wuarter in an area recently affected, the Office Kanungo shall, under the orders of the Tehsildar, send a copy

of it direct to the Veterinary Assistant by the most expeditious method that may be available.

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Monthly return. 2.53. (l) On the 25th of each month the Office Kanungo shall forward to the Sadar Kanungo a statement

summarising all the monthly reports of cattle disease received from Patwaris.

Printing of Form.


of Office Kanun-


Receipt of  forms and entryin stock books.

Preparation of  


Arrangementand submissionofindent.

2.54. The printing of Kanungo registers and forms will continue to be done alongwith Patwari forms by

Director of Land Records through Controller, Printing and Stationery, Himachal Pradesh.

2.55. The Office Kanungo is responsible for the custody and supply offorms for the use ofField Kallungosand Patwaris as well as for his own office. He is required to see that a sufficient stock of forms is kept in

hand; that the stocks are not un-necessarily large; and that forms are not wasted or allowed to be injured by

careless storage.

2.57. Forms received in the office shall be counted by the office Kanungo under the supervision of the

Tehsildar; ifthe amount supplied differs from the amount shown in the invoice; he shall at once report to the

Tehsildar, who should forward the report direct to the Deputy Commission's office. The number of fomls

received shall be entered in the stock book and the total of receipts and stock entered. The total issues shall

 be added up and the balan ce sto ck for eac h day on which form s hav e bee n issued .

2.58. (1) The issue of forms to Patwaris shall begin as soon as the forms have been received from the press,

and shall be completed by 31st July. Field Kanungo may obtain forms as they require them. The signatureofthe official to whom forms are issued shall be taken in the last column of stock-book. The official shallalso be required to initial each cutting of overwriting in respect of the number of forms issued to him.

(2) The Office Kanungo shall require the Patwari to bind in paper covers the forms of the Khasra and

Khatauni and shall stamp and page each volume as soon as bound. He shall also paste a piece of paper over

the stitches in the middle of each volume so bound and the piece of paper should then be duly stamped andsigned by the Office Kanungo.

2.59. Early -in November the Office Kanungo shall call on the Field Kanungos to report by the end o

December the number of forms required for each halka in which any variation from the previous year's indentis proposed, stating the circumstances which render the change desirable. Such circumstances would be

extensive alluvion or diluvion. At the same time he should request the Field Kanungos to report their ownneeds, and should consider what forms are required for his own office. From the facts so ascertained, the

indent for the current year, and the stock as shown by the register, he must calculate the number of each formto be supplied for the next year.

2.60. The rough indent for Patwari forms in prescribed Form must show separately the number of formsrequired for each Patwari' s halka. This will remain with the office Kanungo for use in distributing the forms.

From this rough indent he will prepare an abstract indent showing only the total number of fomls of each

kind required for the whole Tahsil, explaining in a foot note the reasons for any considerable increase over.the number supplied in the current year. This abstract shall be laid before the Tahsildar or the Naib- Tahsildar,

who will be responsible for the general reasonableness of the estimates and, after such changes as may be

ordered by the latter have been made over his signature, shall be forwarded to the Sadar Kanungo, so as toreach him not later than 15th January. The indent for Office Kanungo's and Field Kanungo's forms shall be

submitted to the Sadar Kanungo by the same date.

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Supply of~ks

of reference and Director of 

Land Records,

circulars etc.

Duties of Office

Kanungo in the



Maintenance of 


register at sub-divisional office:

month of July, when Patwaris attend the Tehsil for filing their aW lUalrecords, a standard of forms for ePatwari halka after getting the forms counted which have actually been used by each Patwari in his vari

records in the last year of the quinquennium

2.61. Sadar Kanungos, Tehsil Office Kanungo and sub-divisional Office Kanungo should be in possess

of a complete set of the revenue books of reference detailed below.

1. Himachal Pradesh Land Records Manual (Revised Edition).

2 . S ettle me nt M ~nu al.3 . L an d A dm in is tr at io n M an ual.

4. H .P . Land C ode.5. Financial Commissioner 's Standing Orders.

6 . Director of Land Records, Circulars .7 . M en su ra tio n M an ua l.

8. Central Civil Services classification, control and Appeal Rules.

9. Central Civil Services Conduct Rule, 1964.

10. Central Civil Services Leave Rules, 1972.11. H.P. Financial Hand Book I and II .

1 2. Fun dament al Ru les.13. Supplementary Rules.

These officials are responsible for keeping up-to-date of all the books of references and Standing Ord

They are also personally responsiblefor the loss of these publications. The Sadar and Office Kanungos sho

also keep separate files of instructions issued by the local officers and the Financial Commissioners.

2.62.(1). He shall maintain aLai Kitab (Note Book) for each tehsil in the sub-division.

(2). He shall maintain Lal Kitab (Note Book) for the sub-division.

(3). He shall deal with all cases of revenue matters, like transfer of land, pennission under section 118 of

H.P. Tenancy and Land Reforms Act, 1972, mutation, partition, demarcation, preparation of tatinta, nauallotment of land, ffiuafi etc.

(4). He shall aid and help the District/Assistant I>istrict Attorney in preparing replies of cases in wh

government is a party, concerning revenue matters, within the jurisdiction of a sub-division.(5). He shall bring to the immediate notice of the Sub-Divisional Officer (Civil) reports of natural calam a

submitted by Tahsildar lNaib- Tehsildar or any other government official. He shall also maintain Registernatural calamaties and submit report of calamaties in fornl R-1 as prescribed to O.K. of Tehsil as mentio

in Para 2.55.

(6). Any other revenue work assigned by the Deputy Comm issioner or Sub-Divisional Officers from tto time.

2.63. The Office Kanungo shall maintain a Misalband Register in the following fornl in whichmiscellaneous revenue ntatters, applications etc. shall be entered :-

Sr. N o. N am e of t he app li c-

ant with address

Date of receipt Date of  


Contents of 


3 .

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Duties of Sadar 

Kanungo.2.64. The Sadar Kanungo will receive in the Deputy Commissioner's office all retums due from Tehsil

offices relating to the work of Kanungos and Patwaris submitting them to the Deputy Commissioner for his

orders. And he shall issue all orders passed in connection with this work. He shall prepare in ventacular all

statistical statements connected with his department that may be required by the Deputy Commissioncr.

As regards his touring and duties relating to the inspection of Patwaris: Field Kanungos and officeKanungo's work, consult Chapter  30 .

Registers main- 2.65. A certain number of the 'registers maintained in district offices are under the charge of the Sadar 

tained by the Kanungo. The following registcrs must be kept by the Sadar Kanungo:-Sadar Kanungo.

Register of Pat-wari circle.



2 .

3 .

4 .

5 .

6 .

7 .

8 .

9 .



Register of accepted Patwari candidates.

Register of accepted Kanungo candidates.

Register ofPatwari circles.

Rainfall regi~ter.

Register of retail prices curren!.

Patwari's Character books.

Rcgister of Revenue-free tenures.

Register of estates, the property of Government.

Contingent register.

Register of permanent advance account.

Register of Revcnuc cases kept in FornI XIIl of paragraph 3 of Standing Order No. 14 should not be

kept by the Sadar Kanungo or his assist3l.t, but by a muharrir in the court of the officer deciding such cases.

The registers of the revenue free tenures (Muafi and Jagir registers) should be maintained by the Sadar 

Kanungo, bufin districts where owing to the fact that lillmber of Muafis and Jagirs is large, these registers.

are in the charge of a mllafi or jagir moharrir, who should work under the supervision of the Sadar Kanungo

and not under that of any other official.

He shall keep for each assessment drcle, for each Tehsil and for the total district a note-book in the sanleforms as those prescribed for Office Kanungo.at Tehsils, any other registers specially prescribed or madeover to him by orders of the Financial Commissioner and also all statistical retums furnished to the Deputy

Commissioner by the Kanungo and Patwari agency.

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·(2) The index will be followed by a page for each Field Kanungo's charge in the same foml as

rest of the register, except that colunm 2 wiII be left blank and in colunms 3 to 9 will he ente

the total figures of the charge. instead of the details of each Patwari 's circle.

(3) Then will follow the entries for each Patwari circle, a page for each circle. the circles be

arranged in·their serial order;

(5) The entries in column 3 will be kept up-to-date, those in columns 4-9, will be corrected for evillage whenever its quinquennial returns are received by draWing a line through the previ

data, of the village and entering its new data below the last village of the circle.

(6) Entries regarding the circle of a Field Kanungo will be amended quinquennially when jamabanof all the villages in that circle have been prepared and not annually.

 Name of  Number and  NlilUCof  MaUla Total Cul- Total Land  Number of Number of   Year  Special

lhrField  name of  Patwari. Area tivated  Revenue Khasra jama". ~mar\;:so"

Kammgo's Patwnri's father's An:a Assessment entries andi entries the ehaHK

circle eircle name and  orlhe wo

caste, native

village, dateof 


and dlltC of 


1. 2, 3 . 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.


Kanungo'sdiary to be sub-

~itted to Collec-


Duties withregard to the

Patwari school.

Arrears o rMutations.

With regard to

contingent ex-


2.67. On the day following the retums from tour of the Sadar Kanungo, he shall submit his diary to

Collector, through the Sub-Divisional Officer, ifhis inspections relate to the work ofPatwaris and Kanun

in a Sub-Division: otherwise through the District Revenue Officer. His diary should be in the same fom

that of a Field Kanungo.

2.69. In order to keep the Deputy Conmlissioner infomlCd ofthe state of mutation arrears, the Sadar Kanu

will be responsible for the preparation of an abstract showing the mutation pending in the circle of revenue officer and laying it before the District Revenue Officer and the Deputy Commissioner along

the diaries. To enable the Sadar Kanungo to get hold ofthis information the Patwaris will note in their mon

diaries, the number of mutations pending in their circles. When forwarding these diaries to the S

Kanungo's office, the Office Kanungo will attach a statement showing the number of mutations pendin

each revenue officier 's circle. Where arrears in any cirlce are heavy. the Deputy Commissioner sh

ascertain to which Patwaris, circle they relate and the reasons why the revenue officer concerned has

visited that circle recently.

2.70. The Sadar Kanungo will keep a register in form T.R. 29 given in the Central Govemment Treas

Rules Volume II in which he will enter all contigent expenditure under its proper heads. It is the duty o

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Advances for contingent ex-


Sadar Kanungo to see that the budget allotments are not exceeded and if necessary, extra allotments areapplied for in good time. .

2.71. The Deputy Commissioner apport ions pennanent advances to each Tehsildar and to the Sadar  

Kanungo from which pettyexpenses can be met. The accounts ofthese advances should be kept by the Sadar 

and Office Kanungos quite apart from the accounts of any other pennanent advance. Both Sadar and Office

Kanungos should from time to tUne report to the Deputy Commissioner all items paid from their pennanent

advances and obtain recoupment of the amount expended. The accounts are kept in the following fonn:

Register of co ntin gent expend iture m et from th e o ffice K anu ng o's pen nanent a dv an ce o f Rs. ,an d

subsequent adjustments, Tehsil ..•...................... District. .

Date Serial No. of Details of expenditure Receipts Expenditure Balance after 

each item of  or receipts each transaction


Rs. P. Rs. P. Rs. P.

.., Advance 30.00 30.00

5th July 1989 1. Freight of fonns

received from 3.25 26.75Government Press

10th July, 1989 2. Binding of Registers 1.75 25.00

12th July, 1989 3. Hire of coolie for 

carriage of blank paper  1.50 23.50

15th July, 1989 4 . Repairs of flags and

chains 1.25 22.25 '~

16ht July, 1989 5. Received on account of 

items 1 and 2 by cheque 5.00 27.25

 No . 15 of 1989

20th July, 1989 6. Hire of coolie for  carriage of note books

received from 0.50 26.75Government Press

Disease among


Duties and Functions of 

Kanungos in theSettlement and Consolidation


2.72. The Sadar Kanungo is responsible that the return showing the statistics of disease among animals is

received from each Patwarithrollgh the Field Kanungo with his diary, and he will send the returns whencomplete direct to the veterinary inspector concerned.

2.73. The Kanungos posted in Settlement and Consolidation Departments shall perfonn the duties andfunctions as prescribed from time to time by the Settlelllent Officer and the Director, Consolidation of 

Holdings in the instnlction books of the respective Departments.

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ANNE xuRe,<- A

(See para .2.21)

. '

Directorate of ,und-Records, H.P.

DetaIled M c i r k s CerUflcate

Sr. No. Subject

1. Ji.P. Land Records Manual.

2. Settlement Manual and Patwari'sMensuration.

3., Arithmetic;

4. Report Writing, Caligraphy andHindi Essay.





100 .





1. Failed in Subject(s) _. 'and is required to

reappear in subject(s) _  

2. Failed _  

3. Passed _  



Director of Land Reco


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~Directorate of1.and Recor4s;.


H.P. Lan(J R~ords Manual.

Settlement Manual andl»atwari's



100s o -

.....5& ,- ,-'.

3. Arithmetic.

4. ReponWritillg.Caligraphy and Hilldi Essay.


100 50

100 50,

400 200



~pared  by _ 

Checke4 by _ 

Director of Land RecordsHimachal Pradesh, Shimla -