h2020 lce-11-2015 developing next generation technologies ... · waste2fuels pu deliverable 9.4...

Waste2Fuels PU Deliverable 9.4 This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 654623 H2020 – LCE-11-2015 – Developing next generation technologies for biofuels and sustainable alternative fuels Title: Sustainable production of next generation biofuels from waste streams Acronym: Waste2Fuels Grant Agreement No: 654623 Deliverable 9.4 Interim Communication Report Associated WP WP9 Innovation Impacts Associated Tasks Task 9.2 Networking and Dissemination of the project results Task 9.4 Communication activities to support stakeholder engagement Due Date 30/06/2017 Date Delivered 25/05/2018 (updated) Prepared by (Lead Partner) ENCO Partners involved All partners involved Authors ENCO Dissemination Level Public (PU) Ref. Ares(2018)2909997 - 04/06/2018

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Page 1: H2020 LCE-11-2015 Developing next generation technologies ... · Waste2Fuels PU Deliverable 9.4 This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research

Waste2Fuels PU Deliverable 9.4

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020

research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 654623

H2020 – LCE-11-2015 – Developing next

generation technologies for biofuels and

sustainable alternative fuels

Title: Sustainable production of next generation biofuels from waste streams

Acronym: Waste2Fuels

Grant Agreement No: 654623

Deliverable 9.4 Interim Communication Report

Associated WP WP9 Innovation Impacts

Associated Tasks Task 9.2 Networking and Dissemination of the project results

Task 9.4 Communication activities to support stakeholder engagement

Due Date 30/06/2017

Date Delivered 25/05/2018 (updated)

Prepared by (Lead

Partner) ENCO

Partners involved All partners involved

Authors ENCO

Dissemination Level Public (PU)

Ref. Ares(2018)2909997 - 04/06/2018

Page 2: H2020 LCE-11-2015 Developing next generation technologies ... · Waste2Fuels PU Deliverable 9.4 This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research

Waste2Fuels PU Deliverable 9.4

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020

research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 654623


© Waste2Fuels Consortium, 2016.

This deliverable contains original unpublished work except where clearly indicated otherwise. Acknowledgement of previously published material and of the work of others has been made through appropriate citation, quotation or both. Waste2Fuels Consortium (www.waste2fuels.eu) grants third parties the right to use and distribute all or parts of this document, provided that the Waste2Fuels project and the document are properly referenced. Creative Commons licensing level.

The authors are solely responsible for the content of this publication. The opinions expressed, do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) or the European Union and neither the INEA nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained herein.

This deliverable results from the Waste2Fuels project, which is supported by funding Framework Programme

Horizon2020 of the European Commission under grant agreement no. 654623.

Page 3: H2020 LCE-11-2015 Developing next generation technologies ... · Waste2Fuels PU Deliverable 9.4 This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research

Waste2Fuels PU Deliverable 9.4

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020

research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 654623

Table of Contents 1. Abbreviations and acronyms ........................................................................................................... 6

2. Executive summary ......................................................................................................................... 7

3. Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 9

4. Communication and dissemination strategy................................................................................. 10

4.1 Objectives .............................................................................................................................. 10

4.2 Target audiences .................................................................................................................... 10

5. Monitoring and reporting of dissemination and communication activities ................................. 11

5.1 Evaluation of effectiveness .................................................................................................... 11

5.2 Online activities ..................................................................................................................... 12

5.2.1 Website.......................................................................................................................... 12

5.2.2 Social/digital media channels ........................................................................................ 14

5.2.3 Project Newsletter ......................................................................................................... 24

5.2.4 Blog ................................................................................................................................ 27

5.3 Communication and promotional materials .......................................................................... 28

5.3.1 Brochure ........................................................................................................................ 28

5.3.2 Project factsheet ........................................................................................................... 30

5.3.3 Project poster, roll up and flag banner ......................................................................... 32

5.4 Participation in targeted non-project events ......................................................................... 37

5.4.1 Conferences ................................................................................................................... 37

5.4.2 Powerpoint Presentations ............................................................................................. 38

5.5 Publications............................................................................................................................ 39

5.5.1 Papers ............................................................................................................................ 39

5.5.2 Press releases ................................................................................................................ 40

5.6 Participation in media ............................................................................................................ 44

5.7 Synergies ................................................................................................................................ 44

6. Time scheduling ............................................................................................................................. 46

7. Conclusions .................................................................................................................................... 47

Page 4: H2020 LCE-11-2015 Developing next generation technologies ... · Waste2Fuels PU Deliverable 9.4 This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research

Waste2Fuels PU Deliverable 9.4

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020

research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 654623

Index of figures Figure 1. Waste2Fuels website .............................................................................................................. 13

Figure 2. Waste2Fuels website tracking ................................................................................................ 14

Figure 3. Waste2Fuels Twitter page ...................................................................................................... 16

Figure 4. Twitter analytics homepage ................................................................................................... 17

Figure 5. Twitter activities (M5-M6)...................................................................................................... 18

Figure 6. Twitter activities (M6-M8)...................................................................................................... 19

Figure 7. Twitter activities (M9-M11).................................................................................................... 20

Figure 8. Twitter activities (M12-M15).................................................................................................. 21

Figure 9. Twitter activities (M15-M18).................................................................................................. 22

Figure 10. Location of users .................................................................................................................. 22

Figure 11. Waste2Fuels LinkedIn page .................................................................................................. 23

Figure 12. Interaction with stakeholders on LinkedIn groups ............................................................... 24

Figure 13. Waste2Fuels newsletter - first issue .................................................................................... 25

Figure 14. Waste2Fuels newsletter - first issue. Mailchimp statistics .................................................. 26

Figure 15. Waste2Fuels newsletter - first issue. Top links clicked ........................................................ 27

Figure 16. Waste2Fuels blog ................................................................................................................. 28

Figure 17 Waste2Fuels brochure. Final version .................................................................................... 29

Figure 18. Waste2Fuels brochure (verso). Final version ....................................................................... 29

Figure 19. Waste2Fuels project factsheet - first version ....................................................................... 30

Figure 20. Waste2Fuels factsheet updated ........................................................................................... 31

Figure 21. Waste2Fuels poster .............................................................................................................. 33

Figure 22. Waste2Fuels poster at 10th National Congress Engineering Thermodynamics .................. 34

Figure 23. Waste2Fuels flag .................................................................................................................. 35

Figure 24. Waste2Fuels Roll up ............................................................................................................. 36

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Waste2Fuels PU Deliverable 9.4

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020

research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 654623

Index of Tables

Table 1 Abbreviations and acronyms ...................................................................................................... 6

Table 2 Objectives M18 against results achieved ................................................................................. 11

Table 3 Events attended ........................................................................................................................ 37

Table 4 Waste2Fuels- Powerpoint Presentations ................................................................................. 38

Table 5 Publications............................................................................................................................... 40

Table 6 Press releases ........................................................................................................................... 41

Table 7 Participation in media – interviews released ........................................................................... 44

Table 8 Future events ............................................................................................................................ 46

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Waste2Fuels PU Deliverable 9.4

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020

research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 654623

1. Abbreviations and acronyms

Table 1 Abbreviations and acronyms

Abbreviations/Acronyms Description D Deliverable DoW Description of work D&C Dissemination and Communication EU European Union G.A. Grant Agreement H2020 Horizon 2020 KPI Key Performance Indicators M Month N/a Not available URL Uniform resource Locator

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Waste2Fuels PU Deliverable 9.4

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020

research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 654623

2. Executive summary This document represents the Interim Communication Report of Waste2Fuels projects, which details

the monitoring of dissemination and communication activities (D&C) carried out from M1 to M18 by

project partners. The activities have been performed in the framework of the D9.2 Communication

Plan, which describes the communication strategy adopted to support the stakeholder engagement.

During this phase, project communication activities consisted in communicating with tailored and

diversified target groups, mainly linked to biofuels industry and research communities, in order to

convey information about the project scope, activities and results while raising awareness about

Waste2Fuels long-term benefits. Project partners employed different tools and different channels to

disseminate Waste2Fuels project.

In particular, partners contributed to the diffusion of the project in their specific network

participating in scientific conferences, symposiums, workshops or relevant targeted events not

organized by Waste2Fuels; their participation was one of the key dissemination and communication

activities as well as the publication of articles in specialized press.

Different communication tools have been designed to properly communicate the project scope,

objectives, outcomes and impacts to potential stakeholders. Communication materials (brochure and

posters) have been created to be distributed in conferences attended. All the promotional material

has to be uploaded on the website, which is operative since M3 and is updated with news about

project activities. Information about the project has also been conveyed through social media

(mainly Twitter and LinkedIn) through which a broader audience has been reached.

In addition, active contribution to the visibility of Waste2Fuels project has been ensured by

presentations, publishing of newsletter, blog and distribution of brochures. Specifically, Waste2Fuels

activities have been presented in several relevant events, such as the 5th International Scientific

Conference on Pervaporation, Vapor Permeation and Membrane Distillation at Torun in Poland; at

the 13th International Symposium on the Genetics of Industrial Microorganisms in Wuhan, China; at

the CISS7 - 7th Czech-Italian-Spanish Symposium on Catalysis in Prague, Czech Republic.

A fruitful collaboration with other projects which addresses similar topics has been established.

Currently, Waste2Fuels has a collaborative relationship with three EU funded projects: Photofuel

(Biocatalytic Solar Fuel for Sustainable Mobility in Europe), Butanext (Next generation Bio-butanol),

Biosurf (BIOmethane as SUstainable and Renewable Fuel). In addition, synergies have been

established with Kasav project, an Austrian national project aimed at developing a novel three-staged

process for the production of liquid and gaseous bio-fuels from municipal organic waste.

All partners contributed to the achievement of the Communication strategy through dissemination

and networking activities. Activities are mainly aligned to the KPIs established in the D&C plan, but

results performed during the concerned period need to be improved in order to achieve the

expected results. This is particularly relevant for social media which posts are modest compared to

the identified benchmark as well as for participation in the media, for which corrective measures are


Page 8: H2020 LCE-11-2015 Developing next generation technologies ... · Waste2Fuels PU Deliverable 9.4 This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research

Waste2Fuels PU Deliverable 9.4

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020

research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 654623

With the aim to reach foreseen objectives and give more visibility to the project activities and results,

for the next project lifetime specific actions will be implemented. This includes the publication of

news on the blog to which all partners will contribute, as set out in the D9.2, a more active social

media campaign as well as increase the newsletter feedback, giving more interesting insights on the

project activities.

Page 9: H2020 LCE-11-2015 Developing next generation technologies ... · Waste2Fuels PU Deliverable 9.4 This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research

Waste2Fuels PU Deliverable 9.4

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020

research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 654623

3. Introduction The deliverable 9.4 Interim Communication Report is intended to give evidence of the project

communication undertaken (M1-M18) and planned activities, as described in D9.2 Communication

Plan, which has been designed to raise awareness on non confidential results of Waste2Fuels project.

Results achieved so far will be presented in the document.

From M1 to M18 several activities have been performed. Waste2Fuels project partners adopted

different dissemination tools in order to increase the project visibility. Participation in conferences

was one on the most relevant actions aimed at maximizing the impact on the scientific communities

and raise awareness on project innovations and its scientific achievements. The evidence of scientific

advances was also ensured by submitting and publishing articles on relevant journals. Promotional

materials in combination with an updated website and online contents contributed to transmitting

ideas and information about the project scope.

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Waste2Fuels PU Deliverable 9.4

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020

research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 654623

4. Communication and dissemination strategy

4.1 Objectives

The main objective of Waste2Fuels communication activities is to effectively communicate and

spread the project scope, objectives, outcomes and impacts to the interested parties and targeted

stakeholders, in order to ensure their engagement to project activities. Waste2Fuels communication

action is intended to demonstrate the related project innovations to different stakeholders, aiming at

the higher penetration and ultimately exploitation of the underlying concepts and technologies to

these groups. To this aim, communication activities provides appropriate and reliable non –

confidential information to target groups about the project scope and desired results over the course

of the project and beyond.

Major goals of the strategy pursued in the D9.2 Communication Plan are:

• raising awareness and providing high visibility of the project among the target communities

and general public;

• gaining acceptance and trust of the audience with tailored and personalized messages;

• fostering synergic actions with similar or complementary initiatives and projects.

4.2 Target audiences

With the aim to reach a wide audience and to create a strong impact from the project

communication campaign, different types of ecosystem members have been identified. The

communication action has been strategically shaped according to the needs of the target group and

the list already shaped in D9.2 has been constantly updated.

Waste2Fuels target audiences are:

• Biofuel communities

• EU biofuel industry

• Research Communities

• Biofuels ministries, organisations and agencies

• Automotive industry

• Industrial heating stakeholders

• Media

• EU projects with similar focus

In addition, Waste2Fuels Communication strategy is committed to engage the general public, thus

contributing to develop an informed societal debate about biofuels production and to ensure that

consumers are brought into the innovation cycle by generate awareness about the project activities.

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Waste2Fuels PU Deliverable 9.4

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020

research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 654623

5. Monitoring and reporting of dissemination and communication activities In order to ensure all the activities are carried out in full accordance with the Communication Plan,

semi-structured grids for monitoring activities has been created to allow project partners to fulfill it

with all information about communication activities carried out. Partners were invited to provide

many details as possible.

This tool consists in an Excel file containing 7 different sheets:

• Articles and press releases

• Events (conferences, workshops, symposiums)

• Media (Tv and radio)

• Project presentations

• Synergies

• Type of dissemination and communication activities

• Number of attendance (audience reached)

5.1 Evaluation of effectiveness

In order to ensure the quality standard of dissemination and communication activities, a set of KPIs

has been identified in the Communication Plan (D9.2), allowing the monitoring and the assessment

of communication activities carried out by partners. Targets identified for M36 have been split in

order to provide the real targets to achieve by M18.

Table 2 Objectives M18 against results achieved

Tool/Method KPI identified Target Result [M18] Assessment

Website Number of visitors and views Number of downloads of the newsletter and project communication materials



Users 1444 New users 1452 Pageviews 2.933 none

Corrective measures need to be adopted to keep the website updated.

Social media channels

Number of posts Number of fans Number of comments by fans

>250 >375 >50

210 97 38 mentions on Twitter, 13 comments on LinkedIn

Corrective measures to be adopted in order to reach the defined targets.

Mass Media Campaign (TV, radio, written press)

Number of appearances Number of speeches/interviews released Number of press released Number of appearance of Waste2Fuels in stakeholders’ online content

>2/3 >5

>9 >15

2 4 speeches; 2 Interviews released 26 10

Corrective measures must be taken in order to improve the visibility of the project.

Informative Number of copies printed >750 350 brochure Corrective

Page 12: H2020 LCE-11-2015 Developing next generation technologies ... · Waste2Fuels PU Deliverable 9.4 This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research

Waste2Fuels PU Deliverable 9.4

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020

research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 654623

printable communication material: posters, roll-up banner, brochure, project factsheet

and distributed distributed plus 2 posters

measures needs to be adopted to raise awareness on the project objective and results

E-newsletter Number of subscriptions to the service Number of consultations



186 24.3% of subscriptions

Stakeholders list must be updated, also involving project partners.

Participation in relevant events

Number of conferences and workshops attended

>1/2 per partner

22 Good result

Synergies and collaboration

Number of new synergies established Number of joint events organised





Good result

Announcements on partners’ websites

Number of newsfeed published in the partner’s website

>1/2 per partner

10 Newsfeeds on partners’ website need to be improved.

In case of substantial differences between the planned targets, corrective actions will be undertaken

in order to ensure the good quality and the effectiveness of the communication activities.

5.2 Online activities

5.2.1 Website

The project website is the powerful tool for spreading Waste2Fuels activities and results. The project

website has been designed by Iris (Subtask 9.4.2) and delivered in M3 (March 2016) – Deliverable

9.1. The public site will present the project brand and will provide well-presented non-confidential

project information: project concept, its partners, its activities (workshops, presentations,

conferences) and its core objectives. The website hosts all the developed tools, such as

communication material and it is also linked to social media groups such as LinkedIn and Twitter,

which all are being used to promote the project concept and results. A section has been dedicated to

news and events in order to give an insight about partners’ attendance to events as well as to

provide information about events organized by Waste2Fuels consortium. A Blog section has been

created to increment visits and a direct link for subscription to the newsletter has been included in

the homepage.

The platform is easily accessible to users and it is hosted at the following URL www.waste2fuels.eu.

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Waste2Fuels PU Deliverable 9.4

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020

research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 654623

Figure 1. Waste2Fuels website

The website activity has been tracked by Google analytics tracking, in order to analyse the number of

visitors and views as well as traffic and contents usage. The tracking code has been included in March

2016. Here is reported the website tracking from M3 to M18, which analyses the number of new

users as well as returning visitors. At M18, Waste2Fuels website has been visited by 1.444 users;

while new users are 1452. New users represent the 88.8% while the returning visitors count for

11.2%. Pageviews are 2933.

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Waste2Fuels PU Deliverable 9.4

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020

research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 654623

Figure 2. Waste2Fuels website tracking

5.2.2 Social/digital media channels

Social media are the most powerful tool for targeting specific audience. As subtask 9.4.4, appropriate

pages have been designed and information streaming has been ensured in order to reach and

maintaining followers.

Community creation has been achieved via tools such as Reddit, Pininterest and other social media

networks such as Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube. At the early stage of the project schedule, social

media tools have been used primarily as a promotional channel for news, events, information about

Page 15: H2020 LCE-11-2015 Developing next generation technologies ... · Waste2Fuels PU Deliverable 9.4 This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research

Waste2Fuels PU Deliverable 9.4

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020

research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 654623

the project. As far as the project progresses, results and achievements have been communicated and

spread out.

Furthermore, as the current result is modest compared to the defined benchmark, improvements in

posting and corrective measures aimed at increasing project visibility to a wider audience will be

implemented. To this aim, also project partners will be invited to tag Waste2Fuels project on their

own social media pages, or to suggest possible information to be posted on Waste2Fuels pages.

Waste2Fuels social media are the following:

Twitter account: https://twitter.com/Waste2Fuels

LinkedIn group: www.linkedin.com/groups/8532692

Pinterest: https://fr.pinterest.com/Waste2Fuels/

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/Waste2Fuels/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA8KXbZCs3DaleqO3mFky-A


Twitter is the principal feed for giving evidence of the project’s news and highlighting project

activities. Partners have been invited to contribute adding links to announcements.

Activities on social media have been monitored with Twitter analytics. Since M18, Waste2Fuels

Twitter page has reached the following targets:

Twitter page has been opened on May 2016. Twitter analytics: 110 twitts, 59 followers, 80 following,

5 likes, 1.849 impressions and 38 mentions during M18, which includes also INEA (Innovation &

Network Executive Agency).

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Waste2Fuels PU Deliverable 9.4

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020

research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 654623

Figure 3. Waste2Fuels Twitter page

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Waste2Fuels PU Deliverable 9.4

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020

research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 654623

Figure 4. Twitter analytics homepage

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Waste2Fuels PU Deliverable 9.4

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020

research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 654623

Figure 5. Twitter activities (M5-M6)

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Waste2Fuels PU Deliverable 9.4

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020

research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 654623

Figure 6. Twitter activities (M6-M8)

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Waste2Fuels PU Deliverable 9.4

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020

research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 654623

Figure 7. Twitter activities (M9-M11)

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Waste2Fuels PU Deliverable 9.4

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020

research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 654623

Figure 8. Twitter activities (M12-M15)

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Waste2Fuels PU Deliverable 9.4

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020

research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 654623

Figure 9. Twitter activities (M15-M18)

Figure 10. Location of users

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Waste2Fuels PU Deliverable 9.4

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020

research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 654623


LinkedIn is a business oriented social networking service mostly used for professional scopes. The

aim of Waste2Fuels group on LinkedIn is to raise awareness about the project and to engage

stakeholders on the topic. So far the Waste2Fuels community consists in 39 members; however more

stakeholders can be reached by incentivizing conversation and promoting Waste2Fuels LinkedIn

group through partner’s contacts.

The Waste2Fuels LinkedIn group name is “Waste2Fuels Project”.

Figure 11. Waste2Fuels LinkedIn page

As stated in the Communication Plan (D9.2), information and news about Waste2Fuels project has

also been posted in LinkedIn group relevant for project purpose. So far, posts have been published

among the others, on Biofuel Digest, Biomass, bioenergy and biofuels, World Ethanol and Biofuels,

End waste & Bioenergy. Some of contact requests are still pending.

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Waste2Fuels PU Deliverable 9.4

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020

research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 654623

Figure 12. Interaction with stakeholders on LinkedIn groups

Simultaneously, Reddit, Pinterest and Youtube page are under development and will contribute to

spread the project activities and results among different targeted audiences.

5.2.3 Project Newsletter

According to the Communication Plan the Waste2Fuels newsletter will be delivered every nine

months to a mailing list of stakeholders, which has been constantly updated. The first issue has been

delivered on March 2017 (M15). The delay was mainly due to the fact that the first period was

focused on research activities, thus it has been preferred to wait for more concrete results in order

to stimulate the interest of stakeholders and readers.

The objective of this newsletter is also to drive traffic to the website and provide links to more

extensive material. The newsletter, which is linked to Waste2Fuels blog, has been provided in html

format and it will be uploaded to the project website as a PDF file in order to reach a wider audience.

The content of each newsletter has been accepted by partners, which provided contributions and


First issue (M15, March 2017). The content gives an insight on the biofuels world, with a focus on the

European biofuels policy and the new Renewable Energy Directive (REDII). Waste2Fuels work plan

and latest updates on activities have been also provided to offer to readers an overview on the

project progress. The newsletter also reported about the upcoming events listed for promoting

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Waste2Fuels PU Deliverable 9.4

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020

research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 654623

Waste2Fuels project and synergies established with other projects. In addition each member of the

consortium has been introduced with a direct link on its own webpage.

Second issue (M18, June 2017). The second issue has been designed to be delivered in M18;

furthermore, due to the lack of key updates on activities, the newsletter will be issued with a short


Figure 13. Waste2Fuels newsletter - first issue

The following images show the analytics related to the first issue of Waste2Fuels newsletter. 186

recipients have been reached. An open rate of 24.3% and a click rate of 3.9% have been reached. Due

the modest result, corrective measures need to be implemented in order to reach a broader

audience and to ensure more visibility of the project. To this aim, project partners will be invited to

contribute to the contents not only providing key project updates, but also delivering short insights

or comments on their activities within the project, in order to make the newsletter more attractive.

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Waste2Fuels PU Deliverable 9.4

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020

research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 654623

Figure 14. Waste2Fuels newsletter - first issue. Mailchimp statistics

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Waste2Fuels PU Deliverable 9.4

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020

research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 654623

Figure 15. Waste2Fuels newsletter - first issue. Top links clicked

5.2.4 Blog

The project blog has been designed in M15 with the scope to engage external stakeholders. This tool

has been mainly used to provide project updates, to posts about non-confidential developments,

observations, conclusions with light content, not highly scientific.

The blog is designed with Wordpress and it includes the homepage introducing Waste2Fuels project,

the direct link to the project website and a contact page to allow users to establish a direct contact

with project partners. It is directly linked to the newsletter, of which it holds the articles.

The blog is available at the following URL: https://waste2fuels.wordpress.com/

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Waste2Fuels PU Deliverable 9.4

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020

research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 654623

Figure 16. Waste2Fuels blog

Due the low rate of interactions on the blog, corrective measures must be implemented in order to

reach a broader target. To this aim, partners will be invited to contribute in feeding the blog with

brief articles and news from the project, such as activities updates and participation in events.

Insights on the project and comments on events participation can stimulate the interest of

stakeholders and readers and contribute to develop an interesting debate on the topic.

5.3 Communication and promotional materials Project communication and promotional materials have been also created in order to facilitate the

identification of Waste2Fuels identity. Brochures, posters, roll-up, flag banners, and fact sheets have

been designed for publicity use.

5.3.1 Brochure

The project brochure offers a rapid comprehension of the project’s aims, activities and expected

results. Beside a synthetic overview of the project action, it also provides information about the

consortium and the project coordinator contacts. The first digital version of the brochure has been

delivered in M6, in English and it has been shared with all the partners in order to be approved.

Furthermore, due to the leaving of Abengoa, which has been substituted by INSAT, an updated digital

version has been designed. The brochure circulated during conferences, workshops and project

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Waste2Fuels PU Deliverable 9.4

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020

research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 654623

events and it has been sent to the various stakeholders. The brochure is in A5 size with 4 pages

created using Adobe Indesign CS5 in standard PDF format for interoperability purposes. The

availability of both printed and electronic format enables the consortium partners to use (“Print-On-

The-Go”) it in communication events and workshops, as well as to circulate it through their

respective websites and networks of contacts.

The brochure will be uploaded on the Waste2Fuels website.

Figure 17 Waste2Fuels brochure. Final version

Figure 18. Waste2Fuels brochure (verso). Final version

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Waste2Fuels PU Deliverable 9.4

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020

research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 654623

5.3.2 Project factsheet

The project factsheet has been developed in M17. It in A4 size containing an overview of the project,

its objectives, the consortium as a whole, including the project ID card with all the information

related to the call, type of action, duration, status, QR code and website URL. The first version

presented the project and its main innovations. A new version has been designed and delivered in

M18. This updated factsheet included a brief description of the project, its objectives and milestones


The factsheet will be used by the EU for its own dissemination and awareness activities throughout

the project lifecycle, and will be published on EC and EC sponsored websites.

Figure 19. Waste2Fuels project factsheet - first version

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Waste2Fuels PU Deliverable 9.4

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020

research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 654623

Figure 20. Waste2Fuels factsheet updated

As stated in the Communication Plan (D9.2), both versions have been translated in partners’

languages. The first version of the factsheet is currently available in all the following languages:

• English

• French

• Spanish

• German

• Italian

• Greek

• Hebrew

The updated version of the factsheet is available in all the following languages:

• English

• French

• Spanish

• German

• Italian

• Greek

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Waste2Fuels PU Deliverable 9.4

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020

research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 654623

• Hebrew

5.3.3 Project poster, roll up and flag banner

The project poster, roll-up and flag banners have been be designed to be used at the events

organized by project partners and for external conferences, symposia, workshops,etc..The digital

version was created in M6.

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Waste2Fuels PU Deliverable 9.4

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020

research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 654623

Figure 21. Waste2Fuels poster

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Waste2Fuels PU Deliverable 9.4

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020

research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 654623

Figure 22. Waste2Fuels poster at 10th National Congress Engineering Thermodynamics

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Waste2Fuels PU Deliverable 9.4

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020

research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 654623

Figure 23. Waste2Fuels flag

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Waste2Fuels PU Deliverable 9.4

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020

research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 654623

Figure 24. Waste2Fuels Roll up

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Waste2Fuels PU Deliverable 9.4

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020

research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 654623

5.4 Participation in targeted non-project events

One of the key powerful communication channels is the promotion of the project during

international non-project events and conferences. This will increase the project’s visibility and will

help building a community of stakeholders around Waste2Fuels. Project partners participated in

several events, in which they also distributed communication material.

5.4.1 Conferences

The following grid illustrates the events attended by the project partners from M9 (September 2016)

to M18 (June 2017).

Table 3 Events attended

Event Place Date Size of the audience

Link (if applicable)

Networking Meeting Brussels

Brussels/Belgium 15 September, 2016

n/a n/a

13th International Symposium on the Genetics of Industrial Microorganisms

Wuhan, China 16-20 October, 2016

n/a n/a

International Conference on Metabolic Science (ICMS 2016),

Shanghai, China 20-23, October 2016

n/a n/a

Conference Lisbon Lisbon / Portugal November 2016 300 http://meeting-ist.wixsite.com/smartcats

Workshop on ABE production and CO2/H2 fermentation

Vienna / Austria 10-11 November, 2016

35 http://clostridia.boku.ac.at

Event at CEIP Blanco de Cela public school

Astora / Spain 28 April 2017 19 http://www.inmujer.gob.es/areasTematicas/SocInfo/Programas/Diana.htm

Biomolecules and Nanostructures 6

Podlesice, Poland May 10-14, 2017 n/a http://www.nanofun.edu.pl/bionano6/

CASA-SCAR NATIONAL MEETING at Spanish National Institute of Agricultural and Food Research (INIA)

Madrid / Spain 10-11 May, 2017 n/a n/a

Advanced Product Recovery Workshop

Mol / Belgium 11 May, 2017 50 www.butanext.eu

Workshop „Bioraffinerie von Speiseabfällen“

Vienna / Austria 22 May, 2017 30 http://www.codigestion.com/index.php?id=59

The First Workshop on Marine Offshore Biorefinery in Israel

Tel Aviv, Israel May 24, 2017 n/a n/a

VI Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores del I3A de la Universidad de Zaragoza

Zaragoza, Spain 2 June 2017 n/a n/a

Biofuels and Sustainability: decarbonising transport and fuelling food security

Brussels / Belgium 7 June 2017 60 http://events.euractiv.com/event/info/biofuels-and-sustainability-decarbonising-

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Waste2Fuels PU Deliverable 9.4

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020

research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 654623


40th meeting of the italian section of the combustion institute

Rome / Italy 7-9 June, 2017 n/a https://www.combustioninstitute.org/ci-event/40th-meeting-italian-section-of-the-combustion-institute/

CISS7 - 7th Czech-Italian-Spanish Symposium on Catalysis

Trest / Czech Republic

13-17 June, 2017 n/a http://www.jh-inst.cas.cz/cis7/

7th Czech-Swiss Symposium Prague, Czech Republic

13-17 June, 2017 n/a http://www.biotech2017.cz

2nd Workshop on ABE Fermentation and Recovery

Torun / Poland 19-20 June, 2017 n/a


5th International Scientific Conference on Pervaporation, Vapor Permeation and Membrane Distillation

Torun / Poland 20-23 June, 2017 n/a http://www.pv.chem.umk.pl/home5.html

REDII: can sustainable biofuels help decarbonise EU transport?

Brussels / Belgium 21 June 2017 30 http://eusew.eu/emmanuel-desplechin

Advanced biofuels - the voice of the industry

Brussels / Belgium 22 June 2017 150 http://eusew.eu/advanced-biofuels-%E2%80%94-voice-industry

10º Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Termodinámica. 10th National Congress Engineering Thermodymanics

Lleida/Spain 28 - 30 June, 2017 500 http://www.10cnit.udl.cat/en/index.php

5.4.2 Powerpoint Presentations

A powerpoint presentation template has been produced and included in the communication plan, in

order to facilitate the recognition of Waste2Fuels project. The template has been used by project

partners in events and meetings in which the project has been presented.

Below are listed the presentations conducted by partners and uploaded on Waste2Fuels website. All

meeting presentations are available on the project website under the Partners Area to the following

direct link http://projects.iris.cat/projects/waste2fuels/wiki.

Public presentations are available at the following links.

Table 4 Waste2Fuels-Powerpoint Presentations

Authors Title Event Date Venue Link Walter Wukovits, Florian Kirchbacher,

Waste2Fuels -Sustainable Production of Next

Workshop on ABE production and CO2/H2

10-11 November, 2016

Vienna / Austria


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Waste2Fuels PU Deliverable 9.4

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020

research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 654623

Martin Miltner, Sylvia Zibuschka, Anton Friedl

Generation Biofuels from Waste Streams


S. Romanucci, S. Cimino, L. Lisi

Catalytic Conversion of bio-ethanol into butanol

40 th Meeting of the Italian Section of the Combustion Institute

7-9 June, 2017

Rome, Italy


S. Cimino, L. Lisi, S. Romanucci

Catalysts for conversion of ethanol to butanol: effect of acid - base and redox properties

7th Czech-Italian-Spanish Symposium on Catalysis Třešť

13-17 June, 2017

Trest/Czech Republic


Anton Friedl, Walter Wukovits, Martin Miltner, Florian Kirchbacher, Antonio Marzocchella, Giuseppe Olivieri, Arnau Fatjó Brugueras


2nd Workshop on ABE Fermentation and Recovery

19-20 June, 2017

Torun / Poland


Martin MILTNER, Florian KIRCHBACHER, Antonia ROM, Walter WUKOVITS, Michael HARASEK, Anton FRIEDL

Solvent Recovery from ABE Solutions Applying Pervaporation under Realistic Process Conditions

5th International Scientific Conference on Pervaporation, Vapor Permeation and Membrane Distillation

20-23 June, 2017

Torun / Poland


5.5 Publications

5.5.1 Papers

Written publications are an important tool for disseminating Waste2Fuels results through the

scientific community. Dissemination opportunities have been also advertised via email by Enco.

Currently, publications have been submitted and partners are waiting for a confirmation.

All the publications are listed below in the sheet.

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Waste2Fuels PU Deliverable 9.4

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020

research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 654623

Table 5 Publications

Authors Title Journal Link (if available) Stefano Cimino, Luciana Lisi, Stella Romanucci - IRC-CNR / Lisi


Catalysis Today n/a

F. Viteria, S. Gracia, Á. Millera, R. Bilbao, M.U. Alzueta - UNIZAR / Alzueta

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and soot formation in the pyrolysis of butanol isomers

Fuel 197 n/a

Alessandra Procentese, Francesca Raganati, Giuseppe Olivieri, Maria Elena Russo, Lars Rehmann, Antonio Marzocchella / IRC-CNR / Russo

Deep Eutectic Solvents Pretreatment of Agro•-industrial Food Waste

Bioresource Technology n/a

Zhihang Zhang, Camila A. Perussello, Antonio Marzocchella, Brijesh K. Tiwari / TEAGASC / Perussello

Valorization of apple pomace by extraction of valuable compounds

Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety


María Hijosa-Valsero, Ana I. Paniagua-García, Rebeca Díez-Antolínez / ITACYL / Hijosa-Valsero

Biobutanol production from apple pomace: The importance of pretreatment methods on the hydrolysis of lignocellulosic agro-food wastes

Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology


Eduardo Royo Moros, Luis López, Ángela Millera, Rafael Bilbao, María U. Alzueta

Estudio experimental y modelado cinético de la oxidación de 1-butanol

Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores del I3A


5.5.2 Press releases

In order to ensure media interest and coverage from the outset of the project right through, and

beyond the project’s completion, selected platforms have been identified in the Communication Plan

with the scope to convey a high level coverage of the project results.

At the time of writing all platforms have been contacted in order to verify their willing to publish

press releases on the project concerning the project scope, including its activities, the results

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Waste2Fuels PU Deliverable 9.4

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020

research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 654623

achieved and the main events organised, but just few of them showed their interest and asked for

more details. In particular:

• Svebio

• European energy Innovation

• Teru Talk

• DG ENV magazine

• Bioenergy Insight

Waste2Fuels articles and press releases have also been prepared by project partners and addressed

to specialized press and online magazines. Below, press releases are listed.

Table 6 Press releases

Date Headline Portal Link 6/01/2017 Castilla y León

investiga cómo producir un combustible alternativo y sostenible a partir de los residuos de la industria agroalimentaria

Agronews Castilla y León http://www.agronewscastillayleon.com/castilla-y-leon-investiga-como-producir-un-combustible-alternativo-y-sostenible-partir-de-los

6/01/2017 Agricultura y Ganadería investiga cómo producir un combustible alternativo a partir de los residuos

Desde Soria http://www.desdesoria.es/?p=224556

6/01/2017 El Itacyl participa en una investigación europea sobre biocombustibles de residuos de industrias agroalimentarias

i-León http://www.ileon.com/ciencia/069779/el-itacyl-participa-en-una-investigacion-europea-sobre-biocombustibles-de-residuos-de-industrias-agroalimentarias


La Vanguardia (Barcelona)


6/01/2017 C. y León participa en proyecto UE para producir combustible desde residuos

Inversión & Finanzas (Madrid)


6/01/2017 El ITACyL participa en un proyecto europeo para la producción

La Información (Madrid) http://www.lainformacion.com/economia-negocios-y-finanzas/agricultura/ITACyL-participa-produccion-sostenible-biocombustibles_0_987801571.html

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Waste2Fuels PU Deliverable 9.4

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020

research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 654623

sostenible de biocombustibles

6/01/2017 El ITACyL participa en un proyecto europeo para la producción sostenible de biocombustibles

Europa Press (Madrid) http://www.europapress.es/castilla-y-leon/noticia-itacyl-participa-proyecto-europeo-produccion-sostenible-biocombustibles-20170106133134.html

6/01/2017 Investigan lograr combustible alternativo con los residuos de la industria agroalimentaria

Ávila Red http://avilared.com/not/24344/investigan-lograr-combustible-alternativo-con-los-residuos-de-la-industria-agroalimentaria/?platform=hootsuite

6/01/2017 C. y León participa en proyecto UE para producir combustible desde residuos

ABC (Madrid) http://agencias.abc.es/agencias/noticia.asp?noticia=2410043

6/01/2017 Proyecto para producir combustible con residuos de la industria agroalimentaria

Salamanca RTV al día http://salamancartvaldia.es/not/137532/junta-participa-proyecto-para-producir-combustible-residuos/

6/01/2017 La Junta investiga cómo producir un combustible alternativo y sostenible a partir de los residuos de la industria agroalimentaria

Salamanca 24 Horas http://www.salamanca24horas.com/articulo/campo/junta-investiga-producir-combustible-alternativo-partir-residuos-industria-agroalimentaria/20170106113511978100.html

6/01/2017 El ITACyL participa en un proyecto europeo para la producción sostenible de biocombustibles

Gente - Castilla y León http://www.gentedigital.es/castilla-y-leon/noticia/2059229/el-itacyl-participa-en-un-proyecto-europeo-para-la-produccion-sostenible-de-biocombustibles/

6/01/2017 El ITACyL participa en un proyecto europeo para la producción sostenible de biocombustibles

20 Minutos (Madrid) http://www.20minutos.es/noticia/2927875/0/itacyl-participa-proyecto-europeo-para-produccion-sostenible-biocombustibles/

7/01/2017 Patatas o manzanas como biocombustible

Diario de Ávila (Ávila, Spain)


7/01/2017 La Comunidad, en un proyecto europeo para biocombustibles desde residuos agroalimentarios

La Nueva Crónica (León, Spain)


7/01/2017 Investigan obtener combustibles a

Diario de León (León, Spain)


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Waste2Fuels PU Deliverable 9.4

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020

research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 654623

partir de residuos agroalimentarios

7/01/2017 La Junta participa en un programa para producir combustible a partir de los residuos agroalimentarios

El Adelantado de Segovia (Segovia, Spain)


7/01/2017 Investigan cómo producir combustible con residuos como restos de manzana

El Día de Soria (Soria, Spain)


7/01/2017 Castilla y León participa en un proyecto de producción de biocombustible

EL Mundo (Valladolid, Spain)


7/01/2017 Proyecto europeo para elaborar butanol como combustible alternativo

El Norte de Castilla (Valladolid, Spain)


7/01/2017 La Junta investiga cómo producir combustible a partir de residuos agroalimentarios

La Gaceta Regional de Salamanca (Salamanca, Spain)


7/01/2017 Estudian producir combustibles alternativos a partir de residuos de la industria agroalimentaria

La Razón (Madrid, Spain) n/a

8/01/2017 Investigan cómo producir un combustible alternativo y sostenible a partir de residuos de la industria agroalimentaria

Zamora 24 Horas http://www.zamora24horas.com/articulo/campo/08-01-2017-investigan-como-producir-un-combustible-alternativo-y-sostenible-partir-de-residuos-de-la-industria-agroalimentaria/20170108102007107010.html

9/01/2017 Waste2Fuels: cómo producir un combustible alternativo de los residuos agroalimentarios

RETEMA, Revista Técnica de Medio Ambiente (Madrid, Spain)


12/01/2017 Producir combustible a partir de los residuos agroalimentarios

Heraldo de Soria (Soria, Spain)


1/02/2017 Biocombustibles de última generación con residuos de la industria

AG Actualidad Rural - Castilla y León (Palencia, Spain)


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Waste2Fuels PU Deliverable 9.4

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020

research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 654623


Even if the number of press releases overcomes the foreseen KPI at M18, a broader effort must be

put in place in order to ensure a real widespread of project results throughout all the network of

project partners.

5.6 Participation in media

In order to amplify the visibility of the project, partner broadcasted interviews for local newspapers,

with the aim to reach a broader audience and to explain Waste2Fuels innovations. In the table


Table 7 Participation in media – interviews released

Mean Date Portal Link TV 30 march 2017 Heraldo TV http://videos.heraldo.es/aragon/que-


TV 25 April 2017 Heraldo TV http://videos.heraldo.es/aragon/la-ciencia-aragonesa-busca-disminuir-la-contaminacion-de-los-motores-JnGdkQ/

5.7 Synergies

At the time of writing, Waste2Fuels has established synergies and collaborative relationships with

other projects and initiatives in order to favor the reciprocal benefits in terms of:

• Knowledge exchange among projects and access to good practices.

• Bridging the gap amongst similar initiatives while avoiding overlapping.

• Maximising the projects impacts.

All the projects mentioned in the Communication Plan have been contacted in order to verify their

availability and willing to establish synergies with Waste2Fuels. So far, Waste2Fuels has created the

following liaisons:

• Butanext (Next generation bio-butanol) H2020 GA n. 640462

• Biosurf (BIOmethane as SUstainable and Renewable Fuel) H2020 GA 646533

• Photofuel (Biocatalytic solar fuels for sustainable mobility in Europe) H2020 GA 640720

• Kasav - Cascading utilisation of biowaste for generation of bio-butanol and bio-methane

Most relevant is the connection with Butanext, with which Waste2Fuels has strong similarities. The

type of cooperation has been focused on the exchange of list with upcoming events, invitation to

workshops and cooperation on fuel tests.

For what concerns other EU funded projects, at this stage, the synergy is related mostly to the

exchange of logos on websites and a mention on each other’s newsletters; but exchanging of

thoughts and best practices as well as sharing methodologies, are planned for the next future.

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Waste2Fuels PU Deliverable 9.4

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020

research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 654623

Finally, Kasav is an Austrian national project which is close to project Waste2Fuels in the field of ABE

from biowastes as it is aimed to generate liquid and gaseous biofuels from municipal organic waste.

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Waste2Fuels PU Deliverable 9.4

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020

research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 654623

6. Time scheduling The Waste2Fuels team has identified conferences and workshops in which disseminate project

objectives and results. Some of the events that will be attended by partners are listed below.

Table 8 Future events

Event Venue Date Link PRES / CHISA 2017 Tianjin, China 21-24 August 2017 http://pres17tianjin.hebut.edu.cn/dct/

page/1 9th Conference on Environmental Engineering and Management

Bologna, Italy 6-9 September 2017 http://iceem.ro/

10th World Congress on Chemical Engineering (WCCE10)

Barcelona, Spain 1-5 October 2017 https://eventegg.com/wcce-10/

EAEC 2017: 5th European Automotive Congress

Madrid/Leganés, Spain

3-5 October 2017 http://www.eaec2017.org/

15th International Conference on Renewable Mobility

Berlin, Germany 22-23 January 2018 http://www.fuels-of-the-future.com/


Venezia, Italy 15-18 April 2018 http://www.aidic.it/ibic2018/

European Biomass Conference and Exhibition (EUBCE) 2018

Aalborg, Denmark 14-18 May 2018 http://www.eubce.com/home.html


Bologna, Italy 17-20 June 2018 http://www.aidic.it/iconbm2018/

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Waste2Fuels PU Deliverable 9.4

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020

research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 654623

7. Conclusions

Communication activities carried out during these months (M1-M18) reached partially the foreseen

targets defined in the Communication Plan.

From the very beginning of the Waste2Fuels project, the team has been committed to engage

audience through social media, to update the website, to raise awareness in potential interested

stakeholders by publishing articles and releasing interviews, sending newsletters. In addition,

partners showed their proactive attitude to disseminate project results, attending meetings,

conferences and symposia, in which Waste2Fuels has been presented. Partners have provided

promptly information required on communication activities and events.

Furthermore, a greater and synergic effort is needed in order to reach a wider audience and to raise

awareness about project results both at public and private level. To this aim corrective actions will be

performed, specifically publishing constantly short news about the project updates on the project

blog and social media. At the same time smoother information among partners on communication

activities is needed in order to create a real interaction with stakeholders and to feed the debate

among the public.