ha5 task 6 - production log

Salford City College Eccles Sixth Form Centre BTec Level 3 Extended Diploma in Creative Media Production Games Design Unit 66 – 3D Modelling HA5 – Sidekick Task 6 – Production Name Patryk Kleczkowski Date: 17/03/2014 I have started out my sidekick very simply, I just created a box out of the primitive shapes as a start for the main body of my sidekick, then I sub-patched it to get a more round shape that more resembles the main body of a humanoid character. It is important for me to note that before this I had tried many different options, such as leaving a non-sub-patched box as the main body, or even don’t create a humanoid but instead go for a more rover like robot. I had a lot of ideas going around but I have finally decided to create a humanoid combat mech that would have some resemblance to different historical units throughout our human history. Right after creating the main body I have used another primitive shape, a ball to create a starter for the head, I have made the ball quite wide but squished it in terms of its diameter making it more like a disc. At this point I only started creating my sidekick, so I didn’t much care for how it currently looks, I only kept on adding the primitive shapes in and stacking them in correct positions, later on, I would shape them so that my sidekick looked better and more humanoid, rather than looking like a put together sidekick made from boxes. It was also important for me to get the proportion right at this stage so that I would know what size the arms and legs would be. At this point I have started to play around with the shape of the body and the head. I have used the drag and drag net

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Salford City College

Eccles Sixth Form Centre

BTec Level 3

Extended Diploma in Creative Media Production

Games Design

Unit 66 – 3D ModellingHA5 – Sidekick Task 6 – Production

Name Patryk Kleczkowski

Date: 17/03/2014

I have started out my sidekick very simply, I just created a box out of the primitive shapes as a start for the main body of my sidekick, then I sub-patched it to get a more round shape that more resembles the main body of a humanoid character. It is important for me to note that before this I had tried many different options, such as leaving a non-sub-patched box as the main body, or even don’t create a humanoid but instead go for a more rover like robot. I had a lot of ideas going around but I have finally decided to create a humanoid combat mech that would have some resemblance to different historical units throughout our human history.

Right after creating the main body I have used another primitive shape, a ball to create a starter for the head, I have made the ball quite wide but squished it in terms of its diameter making it more like a disc. At this point I only started creating my sidekick, so I didn’t much care for how it currently looks, I only kept on adding the primitive shapes in and stacking them in correct positions, later on, I would shape them so that my sidekick looked better and more humanoid, rather than looking like a put together sidekick made from boxes. It was also important for me to get the proportion right at this stage so that I would know what size the arms and legs would be.

At this point I have started to play around with the shape of the body and the head. I have used the drag and drag net

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tools to modify the head and the body to start look more humanoid, I had a lot of experimentation with this and tried my best to create a good looking head (since in my previous studies and plans I had a lot of problems with that) eventually I made some progress but for now left it as it can be seen from the screenshot since I wanted to move on and just finish the head as I progress through my sidekick development.

Date: 18/03/2014

After having some practice with modifying the head and the chest of my sidekick, I made an arm for him. To do so, I first used a knife tool to add some polygons to the chest, then I used bevel to bevel one of the newly created polygons out to create an arm. I was quite happy how my sidekick was turning out so far.

Then I have deleted the other side of the model, since at this point I have thought of saving time

by just creating one side of the model and then

just mirroring it over the other side, and since

this was in concept, an artificial humanoid

mech, I could allow for him to be symmetrical.

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After that I have used the knife tool again to add some more polygons at the bottom of the main body part, and this time bevel out a leg and then a foot along with it. I had several tries on this, mainly because I wanted to make sure that this will be done right in terms of how it looks, it proportions etc. Eventually however I managed to create a very satisfying leg and then add a good foot to it as well.

At this point I have completed the basic look of my model, i.e. I had every basic thing created that would qualify him as a humanoid. And they all looked quite good, from those foundations I knew I

would be able to create something that looked to near professional standards.

Date: 19/03/2014

At this point I have started adding some other major details as well as minor details that would make my sidekick look interesting and not plain, using primitive shapes and drag tools I have created a vent on my sidekicks chest which would suggest to whoever looks at him in the future, that in fact he is robotic, next to the vent, using disc primitive shape I also created a sensor of sorts, which would only be treated as a sensor once I would colour and texture it.

On the shoulder I also created a rocket pod of sorts, first I created a simple box, sized it appropriately and then sub-patched it to make it round, then placed it on the robots arm, then I have created cones and extended their length by using the move tool, simply moving the back polygon of the cone

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for a longer distance. After that I have put the cones into the box to make it look like a rocket pod and for now I left it as it was.

Then for the final entry details I have made, I created something that for many at first glance would look like some kind of wing, in fact it is, as said before I have based my sidekick on some historical military units look and combined them together into a mix. The first one of these are the iconic wings of the Polish-Lithuanian Winged Hussars, an elite heavy cavalry of the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth which existed between the 15th and 17th century. I decided to include those because it gave my sidekick a very unique look, besides, those wings were not only for looks, but if my sidekick would ever be used in a game, they also had mechanical purpose. Historically they were used to make the hussar look bigger than he actually is and they also made a terrifying whistle noise while a hussar was charging on horseback. Identical mechanical uses could be applied here and more. To create the said wing, I have used a bevel tool to bevel out a shape out of my sidekicks back. Prior to this I also used a knife to split the polygons up at the back so that I would be able to create the wing properly. Then I just used the rotate and move tools to drag the shape upwards and around.

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Date: 21/03/2014

After that I have added said feathers to the wing. The feathers itself I made with creating but a single feather out of a box, then sub-patching the box and then using the drag and drag net tools to modify it and for it look like a feather, then I have just used the copy and size tools to paste the feather onto the frame, and making each feather a little bit bigger as it went up the frame to give a much better aesthetic feel and historical accuracy. Then I have copied all the feathers and pasted them and moved them right next to the others ones on the frame to fill the frame more and make it look better yet again.

Date: 22/03/2014

After creating and completing the wing I moved back onto the arm and decided to start adding things and detail to that place next. I have started out by creating a hand, since so far my

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feather onto the frame, and making each feather a little bit bigger as it went up the frame to give a much better aesthetic feel and historical accuracy. Then I have copied all the feathers and pasted them and moved them right next to the others ones on the frame to fill the frame more and make it look better yet again.

Date: 22/03/2014

After creating and completing the wing I moved back onto the arm and decided to start adding things and detail to that place next. I have started out by creating a hand, since so far my sidekick didn’t have a hand.

So I used the knife tool again to slice up the polygons at the end of my sidekicks arm, then I have used multishift (without polygon grouping) to expand the polygons out as the fingers of my sidekick. It looked pretty decent at first, but upon closer examination I found some weird problems with polygons which made the hand look really strange and so I didn’t really like it, I tried to fix it but to no avail, so I deleted it and started again.

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After the first hand, and creating it from already existing polygons, this time I decided to create the hand with primitive shapes, so I created a box and then added some polygons to it as I was creating it. Then I used the multishift again to create the fingers and the thumb, then I used the drag and drag net tool to modify the fingers and the hand in general, to make it look better and more humanoid like. I then used the size and move tools on the finger tips to modify the fingers yet again, modifying them until I was happy with them. Finally I moved the finished hand into the arm using the move tool.

Overall this hand looked much better than the previous one and I liked it as well, so I decided to stick with it.

Date: 24/03/2014

After the hand was done I moved onto creating some details on the arm itself, first I decided to create little miniguns on top of my sidekicks arm, inspired by the standard real life miniguns. I first created a stand for them, by simply creating a box, sub-patching it and them using the move tool to move it inside the arm itself, then I created the miniguns themselves, first I created another box, sub-patched it, then used the drag tool to modify it a little bit more. Then I used the disc primitive shapes, first I created the long discs, representing the barrels of the minigun, I did them by simply creating a disc and then pulling it out using

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bevel and move tools.Then I added discs at the start and in the mid of the barrels, which represented the connectors on the real life version of the mini gun.

Date: 25/03/2014

After the minigun’s were created I decided to create a sort of a shoulderpad for my sidekick next. I had a look through several images on the internet, looking at things like Roman armour and medieval armour, then looking at some sci fi armour, but ultimately I used my imagination to create this shoulderpad. And personally I think it came out pretty well. First I created a box, then sub-patched it. Then I used the bevel, move and size tools to create the slopes on the front and the back. Then I did a similar things by adding two smaller ‘stripes’ on top of the big one, and using identical techniques.

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Then I added a little circle on the front and middle of the shoulderpad for a little bit of extra detail. Overall I think this turned out well and I am happy with the result.

After the shoulderpad, I decided to add a little sensor to the arm as well, as sort of aiming module perhaps for the miniguns. I decided to place it on the side of the arm of my robot, First I created a stand for it, by creating and sub-patching a box then placing it into the arm of my sidekick. Then I created individual elements of the sensor. For it, I only used box and disc primitive shapes and then formed them, the main box is a non-sub-patched box, then on top of that there are various shapes, such as vents, made from modified boxes, turned into rectangles, then things like aiming apparatus, again made with modified boxes, where I used bevel and move tools to bend them. Then I used the sub-patched box as the iron sight of the sensor module, and finally the disc as an adjustment wheel. For the front of the sensor I used only discs, extending their length and size using move, rotate and size tools and then placing them in correct places accordingly.

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Date: 26/03/2014

Then I came back to the chest and decided to add something that I managed to think of that would be a very good looking addition, I added a screen with a sound wave which if animated, would display my sidekick sound waves when he talks, I’ve done this by creating a simple box, then putting it into the chest, then I created another box, sub-patched it, and then used the drag tool to create the sound wave out of it, the process took some time but at the end it was quite worth it since it looked very good. Then I just used the move tool and size tool to properly position the sound wave into the box.

Personally I liked this addition very much

After that I added another sub-patched box under the new addition to my sidekicks chest, but ultimately didn’t really knew what it was to become of it, so for the time being I just left it there as it can be seen on the screenshots and moved back onto the detailing of the arm.

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I came back to the arm once again, to add one more thing to it, a big cannon that would add to the firepower of my sidekick, I looked around the internet for examples of such a cannon and eventually found myself upon an aircraft cannon, that was attached to Japanese Naval Fighters

during WW2, the 37mm cannon.I really liked the look of it and decided to go with it and illustrate it onto my sidekick. I decided that the gun would be placed underneath the arm of my sidekick, the only place where there was any space left. I started off with a big, main box, then I modified it to be sloped from one side, meaning that the arm of my sidekick could still move around and bend freely. Then I started adding the details, the main tools I used was creating primitive shapes, and then using tools like modify,

size, bevel and move to do everything I needed. The hardest part of the creation of this cannon was tubes, it was really hard to get them right, I had to use a mix of bevelling, moving, bevelling,

moving and so forth, but eventually after some tries I got it right. The rest was things like sub-patched boxes, discs etc. For the main breach of the cannon I used the disc shape of various sizes and then for

the barrel I used the thin but long disc shape, and then bevelled it in at the end of the gun to make it look like a gun.

Then I added the smaller details, such as optics in form of discs at the front of the gun next to the breach etc. I made sure that everything was looking ok, nothing pointed out.Overall I am pretty happy how this gun turned out and I think it is a pretty good addition to my sidekick.

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Date: 27/03/2014

So after completing the arm completely, I moved around my model a bit, seeing what I can improve, the first idea I’ve got was trying to make the rocket pod look more interesting, because it looked a little bit plain. So I added another box on top of it, sub-patched it, then used the bevel and move tool to make the box bend backwards, I tried doing similar things on the sides and then adding something else but ultimately it looked too crowded on the model and I decided to just leave the cover on top and delete the rest.

After that I decided to move onto creating some details and armour on the legs of my sidekick. So I had a look on the internet again, at some medieval armour on the legs as well as some sci fi armour, and I found a quite good looking concept art model from a game designer. I decided to use it on my own sidekick and add some detailing of my own, So I created 2 boxes, sub-patched them and then placed them on the leg in the correct places, then I used the drag tool to modify them around. For the bottom box, I used the bevel tool at its bottom polygon to pull it down onto the foot, creating a little bit of armour on top of the foot. Then I used the side polygons of the boxes and used bevel once again to create the ‘spikes’, I experimented with them a little bit until I was happy how thick they were and how they looked overall.

Then I added a ball in between the boxes as sort of a knee cap. Modified its size and placed it in between.

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Date: 29/03/2014

After creating the detail on the legs, my model was pretty much complete in terms of things that I could do on one side only. So I started colouring individual parts of my sidekick, labelling them and picking colour for which. I decided to go for a dark colour compilation, colouring the main body completely black, and then colouring the other parts in different shades of red, yellow and grey. The exception of this colour scheme is the wing, I coloured the feathers white and then the frame is brown. After I coloured and labelled everything I prepared myself to mirror the other side over and then do the rest of the necessary work.

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Date: 30/04/2014

After mirroring my sidekick over it was time to do the final bits, i.e. add the final piece to the chest, the power core, that stretches across both halves of the model, as well as build the head of my sidekick, and then add little bits of details and modifications here and there.

I started with building the power core, first I deleted the mirrored screen with sound wave, since only one was appropriate, and then I started creating the core. First I had a look at the internet, seeing how I can create such a core. And I found a quite neat design. I took some inspiration from the following, then for the rest I used my imagination.

I started by creating a ball in the middle, which would be the centre, then I added 4 non-sub-patched boxes on all 4 sides, and then I created a donut shape around that. Finally, I added 2 balls at the sides. Later on I decided to also add the 4 triangles. So I created some boxes and then used the drag

tool to modify them so that they would look like triangles, finally I used the move, rotate and copy + paste tools to create 4 of these and place them onto the power core accordingly. I really liked how it turned out and it took the rest of the empty space on the chest which made my sidekick look complete.

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Date: 31/04/2014

Then came the time to add things and details to the head. I had a look around the internet yet again, and I came back to the Winged Hussars, and looked at their helmets, I liked the look of them and decided to use them. I decided to create the mask first.

After creating basic eyes with some discs, I added a big box, then I sub-patched it and started using the drag tool to modify it so that it would look appropriate according to the historic background.

I then created the beginning for the rest of the helmet, I put the disc above my sidekicks eyes and then another disc squished to a line across, this would be the basics for creating my helmet, using the line that runs up I then bevelled it to the sides to create the rest of the helmet.

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Date: 01/05/2014

After bevelling out from the first line, I bevelled again to pull the helmet downwards so that it would wrap around the head. Then I started adding details to the helmet, I added the rings onto the mask, then I added a little decoration on top of the helmet that kind of resembles some Chinese markings.

Date: 02/04/2014

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To finish the helmet off and make it more interesting, I added more decorations in form of rings, I textured and coloured the helmet in, but I also added the back bit of the helmet, using bevel and move + size tools. Then I used the multishift tool on top of the helmet to create the little ‘wings’. Then I used the drag tool to modify the helmet here and there so that it would look correctly across the board.

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Then I came back to the power core and coloured, labelled and textures that in as well.

Overall I am happy at how this design came out as, and I think I did pretty well.

Date: 05/04/2014

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I then moved onto the back, and saw that it was quite plain, so I decided to add some detail here as well, again I looked at the internet while trying to think what to add, for the legs I decided to add a little bit of a back armour, and that was done through pure imagination, I just used 2 discs, one inside the other, and bevelled out the bigger one to create the lines going out of it across the leg.

Then after that was done, I got an idea to add a couple of swords for my sidekick and place them at the back, from the internet research, I wanted to use katanas, but then decided to use a saber that Winged Hussars used, since my sidekick already has their wings and their helmet designs, it would be silly to suddenly turn to Asia for ideas. So I copied the design of this saber, I used a simple box, then used the knife tool to add additional polygons, then I bevelled out those polygons and used the move and rotate tools to create the handle, then using a disc I created the divider between the handle and the saber, and finally I bevelled out the saber itself. Then I turned around the entire model so that it would fit, adjust its size, then copy it over to create another saber. I was very happy with the results and thought that it really fills my sidekick in. Finally, I textured and coloured both of the additions.

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Date: 06/04/2014

At the end I added some modifications but that’s about it for this stage. This is my finished sidekick.

Overall I think it came out pretty well, I am very proud of how detailed and well thought out this is and if I were to do it again I would think that I would create a sidekick with much different settings, colour scheme and texturing.

All there was left to do was just to export this model out into layout and render it out in appropriate positions.