haas social impact fund luncheon 9-25-2012

2012 HSIF Organizations

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2012 HSIF Organizations

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Alicia Chan (not pictured)

2012 HSIF Fellows

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HSIF Luncheon September 25, 2012


Social Impact Fund (HSIF) 2012

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640k new leaders in the nonprofit and public sector

will be needed by 2016

Nonprofit and public employers are increasingly

requiring MBAs for top positions

MBAs skills often in short supply

Leadership crisis in nonprofits

Source: 2009 Bridgespan Report

Top barriers to attracting top leadership talent:

(1) “fit” and (2) compensation

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The pay gap

Source: Class of 2012 and 2013 Employment Reports – Summer Internships (as of 3/31 in each respective year)


















Consulting Energy Technology Financial


Summer Internship Monthly Salaries

Class of 2013 Class of 2012 40% less than

average pay

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Provide social sector organizations access to

much-needed MBA talent

Support students to apply their MBA skills to solve

complex problems faced by these organizations

Allow students to determine role of social sector in

their personal and professional lives

Program mission

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Financial need


Quality of application


Award criteria

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54%: participation from 2013 class

>$25,000: total funds raised

8: HSIF Fellows

$3,134: average award value

2012 highlights

Created surplus to provide stability and

implemented more structure

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Improve marketing and communication efforts

>75% participation from 2014 class

Improve stability ($35k fundraising goal)

Pre-identify and promote internship opportunities

Engage network of program alumni

2012 – 2013 goals

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2012 HSIF Fellows

Project Summary Reports:

• Rakesh Apte • Marina Boleda • Alicia Chan • Kathryn Doyle • Samantha Henderson • Kota Fukasawa • Jerry Lee • Julie Lutz

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Rakesh Apte HSIA Recipient 2012


I was working on a project funded by the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID). DFID

has projects throughout Africa, parts of the Middle-east, and Asia. DFID is funding a project in Rwanda

focused on developing the agricultural sector, since approximately 80% of Rwanda’s economy comes

from agriculture. I took on a role as a development associate in Kigali, Rwanda partnered with H2O

Venture Partners to be focusing my entire project on developing the country of Rwanda.

Given my background in the technology, and my deep passion for base of the pyramid small holder

farming, I was put on a project to help bring critical agricultural services to the growing number of

farmers with mobile phones. Mobile phone growth has skyrocketed in Africa in the past decade. Many

who have extremely limited access to electricity (or no electricity) even have a mobile handset. Rwanda

is relatively nascent in its phone adoption (only 42% penetrated), but that number is quickly growing.

My role was to be the end-to-end project owner of delivering these kinds of services over the mobile

phone, which has never been done in Rwanda. One of the hardest challenges that farmers in the rural

communities face is access to information. This lack of information makes them susceptible to many

outside factors that could be controlled for or mitigated. The government was looking for a long term,

scalable solution to address this need.

I had to first do a robust, expansive set of research that would survey the farmers all over Rwanda about

their preferences for types of services they would prefer, and if they could pay for any services, how

much would they be willing to pay.

The types of services that I found that were most useful were:

1. 3-5 day weather forecasts to help farmers with their planning activities (when to dry crop, when

to plant seeds, etc..)

2. Crop road map – the government of Rwanda is pushing many farmers into cooperatives that

plant a certain type of crop, so being that many of the farmers are new to the crop, this mobile

phone service would tell them what they would need to do (i.e. put fertilizer on week 2).

3. Disease alerts – knowing about what diseases are affecting their regions and solutions on how

to better their plants

4. Market prices – the current prices of crops in different markets so they know where and when

to sell their crops

My initial goal in coming to business school was to use my skills toward social impact in the international

development sector. I had worked for the private sector in emerging markets, but never focusing on the

base of the pyramid, which became my passion after traveling extensively in developing markets. I

knew coming to Haas would allow me to refine my business skills toward this cause of using a private

sector type mentality in the international development sector. This would be my first foray into the

international development sector, helping change lives at the base of the pyramid, and I would get a

chance to see if this is the type of work that gets me fired up. I’ve never been more inspired and

reinvigorated to take on these challenges after this experience.

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Rakesh Apte HSIA Recipient 2012


Without HSIA, I wouldn’t have been able to take this risk and venture off to Rwanda to help develop the

agricultural sector of Rwanda. I am extremely grateful to have received the Haas Social Impact Award,

which allowed me to explore a field that is in much need for these type of business skills, but there is

little funding to support summer internships. I could not have had the social impact I achieved were it

not for HSIA.

This project I worked on for three months was the most personal impact I’ve been able to make in my

entire professional career. I was the lone ranger working on bringing these types of agricultural services

to farmers (via mobile handsets), and it was a gargantuan task. I would be humbled by even scratching

the services, and I was amazed by what I was able to accomplish. Key achievements and highlights


1. Conducting a robust set of research interviewing 600 farmers in 10 cooperatives in all 5

provinces of Rwanda. Research indicated mobile phone usage and attitudes, preferences

toward agricultural services, and ability to pay for services.

2. Building up key partnerships that would be needed to get this type of project up and running.

a. Government of Rwanda – Ministry of Agriculture & Ministry of Infrastructure

b. MTN – largest mobile phone services provider in Rwanda

c. Duterimbere – large microfinance institution

d. Rwanda Agro Dealer Development – large network of agrodealers

3. Sourcing service content that would be needed to deliver over the mobile handset

4. Building the model and financials that would allow this program to break-even

5. Review of entire work so far to bring project to proof of concept stage (final summer


Many skills I had been able to refine during my first year at Haas proved to be extremely useful. Being

mindful of diverging and converging helped me at the beginning phases when I was staring at a blank

sheet of paper. The public speaking presentation skills learned in the leadership class helped me think

about my cadence, stance, posture, and delivery of content. Both of my BILD experiences proved to be

valuable. The first one, Social Sector Solutions, gave me experience in building frameworks and

gathering data. The second, International Business Development, helped me learn about doing

development work in the agricultural sector internationally. I also learned quite a bit on the structure of

nonprofits through my strategic management of nonprofits class. In creating financial models and

project plans, I used everything from a business model canvas to templates received in the IBD class.

This summer experience has fueled my desire to continue work in this social impact sector. I’ve been

able to see first-hand now that there is a huge need for the types of skill sets I’ve been able to develop

here at Haas. I also have a strong desire to live and work in these developing markets, helping to build

and execute projects focused on the base of the pyramid. There are many ways to create social impact,

and the summer has helped guide me into knowing where I want to create that impact.

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Clinton Health Access Initiative  

Rural Initiative Implementation Intern  

Lesotho  Haas Social Impact Award 


Marina Boleda June ‐ August 2012 

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Section One | C o u n t r y   O v e r v i e w  ...................................................................................... 3 

Section Two | R u r a l   I n i t i a t i v e   P r o g r a m  .................................................................... 4 

Section Three | H I V ,   T B   A c c r e d i t a t i o n  ......................................................................... 5 

Section Four | W o r l d   F o o d   P r o g r a m   E n g a g e m e n t  ............................................... 7 

Section Five | L F D S   C a p a c i t y   A s s e s s m e n t  ................................................................. 9 

Section Six | C l i n i c   C o n s t r u c t i o n  .................................................................................. 10 

Section Six | M a t e r n a l   a n d   N e w b o r n   H e a l t h   P r o p o s a l  ............................... 10 

Section Seven | C o n c l u s i o n   a n d   A c k n o w l e d g m e n t  ............................................ 10 



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SectionOne|C o u n t r y O v e r v i e w  Due to limited education, high migration rates, challenging terrain, and scarce resources the healthcare 

system  in Lesotho has some of  the poorest health  rates  in  the world.   Lesotho suffers  from  the  third 

highest rate of HIV infection (23.4%) and one of the highest rates of tuberculosis in the world (634 new 

cases per 100,000 per year).1  Further, the majority of Basotho who are infected with TB are HIV‐positive 

and approximately 1,000 people each year contract strains of TB that are resistant to first‐line drugs.  In 

addition, Lesotho has an unacceptably high Maternal Mortality Ratio  (MMR) at 1,155 per 100,000  live 

births1, which  is almost twice as much as Sub Saharan Africa’s average of 640 per 100,000  live births.2  

The Under‐five Mortality Rate (UMR) is also very high at 117 per 1,000 live births.3 

Of  Lesotho’s  2.07 million  citizens,  76.2%  live  in  rural  areas.4    Approximately  59%  of  the  country  is 

covered by mountainous terrain, which poses a challenge 

for delivery of social services including healthcare.1  

The health system  in Lesotho  is divided  into three  levels: 

(1)  National  (Tertiary)  Level  which  includes  tertiary 

hospitals;  (2)  District  (Secondary)  Level  which  includes 

filter  clinics  and  district  hospitals;  (3)  and  Primary  Level 

which  includes  community  health  posts  and  health 

centers  (primary).  In  total,  there are 21 hospitals, 4  filter 

clinics and 188 health centers in the country. The majority 

of  these health centers are  located  in  rural areas. At  the 

national level, there are three tertiary hospitals. 


Currently  the  health  sector  is  going  through  a  decentralization  process  where  resources  and 

responsibilities  are  transferred  from  the  central  level  to  the  District  Health  Management  Teams 

(DHMTs)  in  order  to  empower  local  communities  and  ensure  effective management  of  healthcare 


The Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) aims to strengthen the health system in Lesotho by working 

to  improve the management of health services;  integrate services that are closely related to HIV/AIDS; 

strengthen  the supply and distribution system of ART commodities;  improve  lab services; and  recruit, 

deploy and retain healthcare workers. 


                                                            1 Lesotho Demographic Health Survey (LDHS) 2009 2 UNICEF. “Levels & Trends in Child Mortality”, 2011 3 Lesotho Demographic Health Survey (LDHS) 2009 4 Bureau of statistic (2006) Lesotho population census 

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SectionTwo|R u r a l I n i t i a t i v e P r o g r a m  The  Rural  Initiative  Program  aims  to  improve  the  services  provided  in  two  of  the  most  remote 

mountainous clinics  in Lesotho, Semenanyane and Kuebunyane clinic.   Both clinics are  inaccessible by 

road  and  are  thus  serviced  by  the  Lesotho  Flying 

Doctor  Service  (LFDS),  in  partnership  with Mission 

Aviation Fellowship (MAF). LFDS provides emergency 

medical  services  and  supplies  to  the  remote 

mountainous  areas  of  the  country.      In  search  of 

medical  attention,  patients  in  this  region  walk  an 

average of 4‐6 hours to a clinic. 

Prior  to  the  Rural  Initiative  Program,  the  nurses  in 

the  Semenanyane  and  Kuebunyane  Clinics  only 

provided  basic  primary  care  services.      The District 

Health Management  Teams  and  the Ministry of Health have  largely overlooked both  clinics.   During 

interviews with  the DHMTs  it was  reported  the  representatives  from  the DHMTs  had  not  visited  or 

provided any support to the clinics in over a year. 

As described  in  the Memorandum Of Understanding, “the Rural  Initiative Program was established  to 

support  the MOH  in  the decentralization of HIV/AIDS care and  treatment services  in order  to provide 

universal  access  as well  as  Primary Health Care  (PHC)  in  rural  areas of  Lesotho.    The Rural  Initiative 

program  addresses  two  strategic  areas  that  support  Priority  Area  3  above:  capacity  building  of  the 

Lesotho Flying Doctor Services (LFDS), and establishing a MOH nurse driven model for service at the two 

yet‐to‐be‐renovated LFDS sites.”  

My internship with CHAI focused on the implementation of four key components of the Rural Initiative: 

HIV, TB Accreditation 

World Food Program Engagement 

Lesotho Flying Doctor Service Capacity Assessment 

Health Center Construction  

The following sections provide an overview and update of each of the four components listed above.

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SectionThree|H I V , T B A c c r e d i t a t i o n   

Prior to the Rural Initiative, Semenanyane and 

Kuebunyane did not treat HIV or TB patients.  The 

objective of this initiative was to facilitate the HIV, TB 

accreditation process in order to initiate HIV and TB 

services in both clinics.  

Key stakeholders were engaged throughout the 

accreditation process, including: Lesotho Flying 

Doctor Service, Ministry of Health Disease Control 

Directorate, District Health Management Teams, 

EGPAF, and nursing officers from both of the clinics. 

The following requirements need to be fulfilled in order to receive ART accreditation: 

Community health volunteers required to complete HIV counselor training

Nurses required to complete ART training

Procurement of storage shelves

Sample transportation system 

Space management

The following requirements need to be fulfilled in order to receive TB accreditation: 


Nurses required to complete TB training 

Introduction of TB drugs and equipment  

Sample transportation 

During my internship I worked with various stakeholders to meet the requirements detailed above.  My 

primary focus in my first month was to work closely with LFDS, DHMTs, and the nurses in the clinics to 

coordinate the required trainings. This process proved more challenging than initially expected because 

(1) flights were cancelled due to severe weather and (2) the trainers cancelled, mainly because they 

needed to attend funerals in their community.  Further, neither clinic has cellular service, making it 

difficult to coordinate with the clinic’s staff.  Over the course of my internship all trainings were 

completed except for one, the TB training at Semenanyane.  I scheduled this training and booked flights 

three times but the TB Coordinator was not able to make the flight all three times.   

The following table details the various trainings I assisted to coordinate for both clinics: 



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Table 1:  Required Trainings for HV, TB Accreditation and WFP Commodities 

Training Kuebunyane Clinic Semenanyane Clinic

ART Training Completed 7/2 – 7/13 Completed 6/2012

HIV Counseling Training Completed 7/12 Completed 7/6

TB Training Completed 7/12 * Needs to be completed

World Food Program Training Completed 7/12 Completed 6/18

 Prior to leaving Lesotho, I worked closely with my co‐worked, ‘Ntate Hlalele, to train him on the process of coordinating the TB training in Semenanyane.  During my internship my boss and I were able to complete all of the accreditation requirements except for the TB accreditation for Semenanyane clinic.  With the completion of the accreditation process, we worked with the Ministry of Health to arrange for drugs to be administered.  The following table summarizes the accreditation progress and the schedule of when drugs will be administered.  Table 2:  Accreditation Summary 

Introducing ARTs

Accreditation Administration of Drugs

Kuebunyane Clinic  Complete Scheduled to be delivered in September

Semenanyane Clinic  Complete Scheduled to be delivered in September

Introducing TB Medication

Accreditation Administration of Drugs

Kuebunyane Clinic  Complete Schedule to be delivered August 20, 2012

Semenanyane Clinic  Need to complete TB training Will be administered during TB training 

Finally, it is worth noting that we have been collaborating with EGPAF and the DHMTs to ensure that 

mentors are onsite when TB and ART medications are administered.  The standard attachment is one 

week in length.  During this week the mentors work closely with the nurses to treat their first round of 

HIV‐positive and TB patients.   





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SectionFour|W o r l d F o o d P r o g r a m E n g a g e m e n t  


Malnutrition  continues  to pose  a  challenge  in  Lesotho’s development.   Malnutrition  in  Lesotho  is  the  result of 

complex socio‐economic and biological  interactions, which affects physical growth, 

as well as physical activity, resistance to infection, cognitive and social development.  

Stunting (height for age) amongst children below five years seems to be stable at an 

alarming rate of 39% as reported by DHS, 2009.3 Stunting, which is a chronic form of 

malnutrition,  is  highest  in  the mountain  districts  of  Lesotho  ranging  from  47%  in 

Qacha’s Nek to 51% in Thaba Tseka.  Stunting is associated with decreased survival, 

childhood and adult health, learning capacity and productivity.5   


In  collaboration  with  the  World  Food  Program  (WFP),  CHAI  is  providing 

nutritional support for HIV and TB patients, pregnant women, malnourished 

children and others who show clinical signs of malnutrition. Throughout my internship I managed CHAI’s 

engagement with WFP in order to secure food commodities for qualifying beneficiaries in the clinics.    

Figure 1: World Food Program Engagement Goal 


To  start  the  initiative,  I  finalized  the  Memorandum  of  Understanding  and  received  headquarters’ 

approval.    Following,  I  enrolled  in  and  completed  the  training  program  that WFP  requires  of  all  the 

doctors and nurses  in participating clinics.   The doctor and nurses  from Lesotho Flying Doctor Service 

completed the training with me.  With the completion of this training, I was certified to assess whether a 

patient qualified to be enrolled in the program and officially become a beneficiary. 


For both  clinics  it was  critical  that we  collect data on patients who qualified  to be beneficiaries  and 

determine a distribution plan.  The following outlines our progress in the clinics: 


                                                            5 AT&T Technical Brief, Issue 2: September 2010. 

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Semenanyane Clinic 

Data  –  I  travelled  to  Semenanyane  by  airplane  to  conduct  the  initial  assessment.    I worked 

closely with the nurse to complete the data collection process.  It was evident that our presence 

in  the clinic  facilitated  the process because  the nurses had received  the  trainings and had  the 

assessment  sheets  but  had  not  started  the  process.    I  delivered  a  scale,  stadiometer,  BMI 

calculator, and MUAC tape.  The equipment that I brought is essentially the only equipment the 

clinic has.  I trained the nurses to set up the equipment and we practiced how to accurately use 


Distribution plan – Currently WFP distributes food to primary schools in the same region as the 

clinic.  Thus,  WFP  is  familiar  with  the  roads,  weather,  etc.    A  distribution  assessment  was 

conducted  July 30th  through August 3rd and a storage unit was  identified at  the clinic  to store 

commodities prior to distributing it to beneficiaries. 

Challenges – Roads to Semenanyane are very unreliable and are not passable during the rainy season. 




Kuebunyane Clinic 

Data – WFP collected data on August 8, 2012 

Distribution plan – Since Kuebunyane clinic is not accessible by road, CHAI worked closely with 

WFP to identify a nearby community, Ha Ntoane, where food could be dropped off and stored in 

a warehouse.  Beneficiaries will be responsible for travelling to Ha Ntoane on a monthly basis to 

collect their rations.  

Challenges – Food distribution and data collection will be challenging because the road does not 

reach the clinic.    

In  conclusion,  both  clinics  are  currently  on‐track  for  a  late‐August  distribution.   During  the  last  two 

weeks  of  my  internship  I  partnered  closely  with  ‘Ntate  Hlalele  to  bring  him  up  to  speed  on  the 

engagement and ensure an August distribution.  



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SectionFive|L F D S C a p a c i t y A s s e s s m e n t  


The objective of the LFDS Capacity Assessment is to identify LFDS’s management capacity gaps and 

develop recommendations to address the 

identified weaknesses.  CHAI hired a consultant 

from PS Consulting to conduct a capacity 

assessment.  I worked and travelled with the 

consultant to conduct interviews and visit clinics.  

PS Consulting presented an initial report to the 

Ministry of Health and CHAI, detailing the needs of 

LFDS.  Following, my boss and I partnered with the 

Institute of Development Management (IDM) to 

develop customized trainings based on the current 

gaps in management capacity. 

We faced significant challenges in executing this engagement because the consultant failed to provide a 

final report, breaching the terms of his contract. To mitigate this issue the country director of CHAI 

advised that IDM conduct a rapid assessment.  My coworker will continue working with IDM in order to 

conduct this assessment and finalize customized trainings. 

During my internship I developed a strong relationship with the doctor at LFDS and worked on other 

efforts in support of the organization.  The main effort was an HIV/AIDS Counseling Assessment.  The 

assessment analyzed the HIV/AIDS services offered in four of LFDS’ clinics.  The 195‐point questionnaire 

covered five key units: Pharmacy Unit, Prevention Unit (HTC), Prevention Unit (STI), Prevention Unit 

(Condoms), and M&E Unit. The assessment was conducted to determine the critical needs of the four 

LFDS sites in order to improve the HIV/AIDS services in each clinic.  During the first phase of the 

assessment I analyzed the collected data and presented the data to LFDS.  Following, I worked closely 

with the doctor at LFDS to develop a formal report for LFDS to provide to the MOH. 




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10 | P a g e  


SectionSix|C l i n i c C o n s t r u c t i o n  

The  last  initiative  I  worked  on  was  the  construction  of  new  clinics  to  replace  Kuebunyane  and 

Semenanyane.  Infrastructure  improvements at Kuebunyane and  Semenanyane will be  inline with  the 

renovations being conducted by Millennium Challenge Accounts at 138 other health centers nationwide.  

As  a  member  of  the  CHAI,  Irish  Aid,  Procurement  and  Estate  Management  Departments  of  MOH 

taskforce, I attended weekly meetings and served as a project manager.  I worked with the architecture 

firm,  KTM,  to  prepare  the  tender  documents,  which  I  submitted  to  the  MOH.    After  the  bidding 

documents were finalized, a tendering announcement was published in the newspaper.  At the time my 

internship ended, we were receiving bids from contractors.   This means that we are currently on‐track 

to start construction in December 2012. 




SectionSix|M a t e r n a l a n d N e w b o r n H e a l t h P r o p o s a l  

In addition  to  the Rural  Initiative Program,  I  contributed  to  the development of a proposal aimed  to 

improve maternal  and  newborn  health  in  Lesotho.    The  proposal,  titled  Transforming Maternal  and 

Newborn  Health  in  Lesotho,  aims  to  significantly  reduce maternal  and  child mortality  by  increasing 

access to quality maternal and child healthcare services. CHAI plans to introduce systems that efficiently 

utilize  nurse  midwives  and  expand  access  to  emergency  obstetric  and  newborn  care  services  in 

underserved areas in order to address the leading causes of maternal and child mortality and morbidity, 

which primarily occur during the intra‐partum and newborn periods. 


SectionSeven|C o n c l u s i o n a n d A c k n o w l e d g m e n t  

Working  for  the  Clinton Health  Access  Initiative  in  Lesotho was  an  incredibly  rewarding  experience.  

Over  the  course  of  the  last  nine weeks  I  feel  that  I  achieved my  three main  goals:  (1)  sustainably 

contribute  to  Lesotho’s  healthcare  system  (2)  gain  an  understanding  of  the  complexities  of  solving 

health  issues  in the developing world and exposure to the challenges of healthcare delivery  in remote 

regions  (3)  develop  meaningful  relationships  with  my  coworkers  and  partner  organizations.  

Volunteering for CHAI would not have been a possibility without funding the Haas Social Impact Award.   

Semenanyane Clinic MCA Clinic

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AliciaChanHaasSocialImpactAwardEndofSummerReport IspentthissummeratKiva.orgasanimpactinvestmentsinternontheStrategicInitiativesteam.Kivacurrentlydisbursesthemajorityofitsmicroloansthroughmicrofinanceinstitution(MFI)partnerswhooperateonthegroundaroundtheworldtoserveindividualswhoareexcludedfromaccessfromcapital.TheStrategicInitiativesteamistaskedwithexpandingthemodelbeyondMFIsandestablishingpartnershipswithinnovativesocialventuresthatcanusetheKivaplatformtoscaleortoreachotherfinanciallyexcludedpopulations.Astheimpactinvestmentsintern,IsearchedforanddevelopedleadsforpromisingsocialventurepartnersandconductedduediligenceonafewpotentialpartnersoperatinginEastAfrica. Myprimarygoalintakingthisinternshipwastogainexperienceinthefieldofimpactinvesting.TheHaasSocialImpactAwardmadeitfinanciallylesspainfultotakeanunpaidinternshipatanorganizationthatcouldnotfundmyinternship.Throughmyinternship,Ihavedevelopedabetterunderstandingofthesocialventurespace,keyareasofinnovation,andelementsofasuccessfulbusinessmodeltoaddressneedsatthebaseofthepyramidthanIwouldnothaveotherwisedeveloped. Mymaindeliverablesthissummerincludedthreeduediligencereports,twoofwhichhavebeenreviewed,discussed,andapprovedbyKiva’sinvestmentcommitteeforcreditlinesthattotalmorethan$1million.Iamintheprocessoffinalizingthethirdduediligencereportforsubmissiontotheinvestmentcommitteesoon.IhavedecidedtoextendmyinternshipwithKivathroughthefallsemesteraswell. TheskillsIgainedatHaasthatIusedduringmyinternshipincludedmanyelementsofPFPS,includingintroducingpost‐itnotebrainstormingtomyteamtospurdiscussiononapplicationquestionsforpotentialpartnersandutilizingthebusinessmodelcanvasframeworktothinkabouthowwellintegratedelementsofanorganization’sbusinessmodelareandhowthataffectstheiroperations.CoreaccountingandstrategycoursesalsohelpedmetobetterevaluatethefinancialpositionandstrategicstrengthsandweaknessesoforganizationsthatIevaluatedduringduediligence. MyexperiencethissummermademerealizethatIthriveinanenvironmentwhereIcanseeclearlythesocialimpactandoutcomeofmywork.WhileIamnotcertainthatIwillreturntoKivafulltime,Iknownowthattheopportunitytoconstantlylearn,getexposuretoexcitinginnovationswithsocialimpact,anddoworkthattangiblyhelpstofurthertheseinnovationsareelementsthatIdesireinmynextjob.Iamfullycommittedtoworkinginthesocialsectoraftergraduation.

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HSIA End-of-summer report September 2012Kota Fukasawa A. Overview of my internship

I interned for Revolution Foods as a Graduate School Fellow of Education Pioneers for ten weeks this summer.

Education Pioneers is an educational nonprofit that recruits, trains and enlists graduate school students to schools,

school districts, corporations and organizations in education. Revolution Foods, founded by two Haas Alumni in

2006, is a for-profit company that provides healthy meals to schools in the U.S. I worked directly for Revolution

Foods, and also attended eight-days of training sessions provided by Education Pioneers.

At Revolution Foods, I mainly worked on competitive research and customer analysis with the CEO and the

Director of School Partnership.

B. My goal of taking this internship

I had two goals for my summer internship: 1) To gain working experience in an English-speaking environment and

2) To gain knowledge and build network in the U.S. education sector. To achieve these goals, I decided to turn

down the offer from Amazon and accept the offer from Education Pioneers. Amazon was very attractive in terms of

its job description and stipend, but the backup provided by The Haas Social Impact Award motivated me to stick to

the education sector which had always been my primary interest.

The award also supported my work financially – I purchased books and company reports related to the school food

industry at my own expense, to gain knowledge that was critical to perform my work. I also had to pay gas for

commutes to the office.

C. Key achievements/deliverables of my internship

I worked on three projects during the summer.

1. Competitive Analysis (45%)

Since Revolution Foods developed a new market of healthy school meals, there were no direct competitors in

the field. However, seeing Revolution Foods’s success, small catering companies have started entering the

market recently. In addition Revolution Foods has shifted into a mid-sized company, and has started

competing with some of the larger corporations, such as Sodexo, Aramark and Chartwells. Given such a

dynamic industry landscape, Revolution Foods asked me to work on gathering competitor information and

developing a framework and approach for competitive analysis. To gather competitor information, I conducted

web-based research, and interviews with schools, third-parties and consumers. In the end, I reported my

findings at an executive meeting and delivered a Competitor Catalog and Competitor Analysis Rubric.

2. Customer Analysis (45%)

The company also asked me to conduct customer analysis to understand how the company was winning or

losing against its competitors, and what the key decision factors for customer schools were. I executed analysis

on their Salesforce database, conducted web-based analysis and also did interviews with schools. In the end, I

delivered a Customer Analysis report and presented my findings at an executive meeting.

3. Swing District Analysis (10%)

In addition to the two projects described above, the company asked me to work on an additional project to

identify the Congressional Districts that Revolution Foods should collaborate with. The Federal/State

regulations mattered to Revolution Foods since the Federal/State reimbursement rates for school meals greatly

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HSIA End-of-summer report September 2012Kota Fukasawa

influence school’s decision on food vendor companies. During the House Representative race, the

congressmen in the Swing Districts are eager to take innovative policies into their public commitments. In line

with this, I screened the Congressional Districts that had potential to connect with Revolution Foods.

D. Skills utilized to my work

There are three skills/experiences I gained through Haas courses that were very helpful to my work. First, the

project experience in IBD class helped me effectively work and communicate with my supervisors and colleagues.

Though this was my first time to be employed in an English-speaking environment, I was not intimidated thanks to

the IBD experience. Second, the brainstorming approach that we learned in PFPS class worked very well when I

developed my final recommendation. Since my class-of-2013 classmate, Eric Desai was also interning for

Revolution Foods, we often did brainstorming together by using some PFPS skills. Finally, the excel trainings that

were conducted outside of class on Sundays were greatly helpful when I conducted excel analyses. Thanks to the

techniques that I learned in the trainings, I was able to run analysis in a productive manner.

E. Influence of summer experience on my future career

This summer internship experience changed the perception of my future career in many senses.

First, it gave me confidence in working in an English-speaking environment. Before coming to Haas, I had a

chance to work in international surroundings, but was intimidated due to the differences of language and culture.

Completing my summer internship, I am considering the option of staying and working in the U.S. upon graduation

or in the future.

Second, the internship experience helped me get familiar with the U.S. education system. Before the internship, my

knowledge of the U.S. education system was very fragmented. Attending the Education Pioneers’ trainings, I

gained a comprehensive picture of the U.S. education system which also helped me reflect on the Japanese

education system.

Last but not least, meeting and working with 50 Education Pioneers fellows who were also passionate in

transforming the education system encouraged me to pursue my future career in education. In Japan, I was always

hesitant to say that I was passionate about the education/social sector, since it is generally perceived that you

cannot earn money working in this sector and therefore nobody wants to pursue a career in education. The people I

met this summer were all determined and committed to make a change in the education/social sector, and their

words and attitudes inspired and motivated me to take actions. Now my future career goal is to realize a Education

Pioneers model in Japan. (I have already spoken to Morgan Scott, the founder/CEO of Education Pioneers about


Finally, I would like to extend my appreciation to all the people who contributed to this award. Without the effort

and generosity of these people, I would not have encountered this experience.

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Haas Social Impact Award (HSIA) – End‐Of‐Summer Report Jerry Lee – Education Pioneers / KIPP 

 Internship Description I had the privilege this summer of working as an Education Pioneers Graduate School Fellow placed at the KIPP Foundation in San Francisco, CA. KIPP (Knowledge Is Power Program) is the largest and most well‐known network of open enrollment charter schools in the U.S. and a leader in the education reform space. The 125 KIPP schools seek to provide a world‐class education to low‐income, minority students across the country.   I worked on the Knowledge Sharing team, which is a small group within the foundation that equips and encourages teachers and school leaders across the KIPP network to collaborate creatively with each other. The goal of this collaboration is to help staff share best practices within and between schools, spark innovation, and prevent them from reinventing the wheel every time a problem arises. To facilitate this sharing, KIPP recently rolled out two online collaboration platforms – referred to together as “KIPP Share”. As a Fellow, I helped drive adoption, develop training materials and make strategic improvements to KIPP Share. My project can be split into three main workstreams: 

 1. High‐level strategic planning and analysis around knowledge management as it relates to KIPP’s 

continued growth and plans for scale. 2. Operational, “roll‐up‐your‐sleeves” work around developing and giving KIPP Share training to teachers 

and school leaders, generating marketing collateral, and gathering feedback on and suggesting improvements to the two platforms. 

3. Helping plan, organize and staff all of the Knowledge Sharing outreach at the annual KIPP School Summit (KSS) in Orlando, FL. Bill Clinton was our gala keynote speaker at the summit this year! 

 Summer Goals and HSIA My goal this summer was to thoroughly explore the education reform sector, get a sense for the opportunities that matched my passions and core strengths, and begin to build my network in this space. The Haas Social Impact Award was critical in giving me the freedom to do all these things, in addition to bringing my skills to bear at KIPP, without having to worry about finances this summer.   The award was also valuable in two unexpected ways. First, it was a tremendous encouragement to know that my classmates were behind me in this quest to solve some of the “wicked” problems around education in the U.S. (and in the future, abroad). It sounds trite, but that encouragement matters when you’re working late in the office or grinding through a series of seven training presentations in one day. For my first‐generation immigrant parents to know that my classmates were supporting me financially in making this choice to step into a less financially lucrative industry really meant a lot.   Secondly, the Award required me to talk a lot about KIPP and education with classmates and peers, which naturally forced me to reflect a great deal on the issues that mattered most to me. Through a lot of reflection, I was able to weave together both a compelling and realistic narrative of why education reform is important and the role that MBAs can play in the movement. Put another way, HSIA really pushed me to gain clarity around why exactly I am passionate about social impact through education and what career paths I can potentially pursue.  Outcomes and Achievements I think my internship was a major success both for KIPP and for personal growth and development. I completed the following over the course of my 10‐week internship:  

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1. Developed and presented Strategic Recommendations deck to senior management across Knowledge Sharing, Research Design & Innovation and Information Technology functions at KIPP Foundation. My report included: 

a. A deep analysis of KIPP Share adoption to date b. A review of the latest academic research around building and incentivizing use of online 

collaboration platforms   c. Four strategies to help KIPP move from static to dynamic sharing d. A baseline study of online metrics that will meaningfully quantify how KIPP Share is helping users 

save time and improve their performance e. Lists of specific improvements that can be made to the platforms in ranked in order of priority   

2. Generated more than 20 unique pieces of training materials and marketing collateral for KIPP Share, ranging from postcards and one‐page primers to 60‐minute PowerPoint presentations and guided practice handouts.  

3. Trained more than 100 KIPP school leaders, administrators and teachers on the benefits and practical usage of KIPP Share platforms via WebEx, one‐on‐one meetings, phone calls and group presentations. 

4. Designed and staffed a table/kiosk at the annual KIPP Share Summit (KSS) that resulted in more than 1,100 two to three minute conversations and demos with key KIPP stakeholders (teachers, school staff, board members and funders) from across the country. 

 Leveraging Skills and Experiences from Haas I feel like virtually every aspect of my first‐year MBA experience, from core classes like Leading People, Marketing, Strategy and PFPS, to the leadership and consensus‐building skills I’ve developed in my extracurricular activities and through IBD, to the broad, global perspective I’ve gained from enjoying the talents and diversity of my classmates, all helped me add value at KIPP. Getting a strong background in ethnography, interviewing, and public speaking over my first two semesters, combined with an increased literacy with budgets and growing expertise organizing and presenting data all helped a great deal in my day‐to‐day work.  My participation in the Education Leadership Case Competition this past spring gave me the perfect head start on this internship: our student team worked on innovative solutions for sharing best practices within the San Francisco Unified School District.       Perhaps least tangible but most important, the culture and character of Haas and its students translated very well to my experience at KIPP. Both places hold values such as confident humility, lifelong learning, influence beyond authority, and creative collaboration in high regard. Both organizations do much more than pay lip service to these ideals – they are part of the DNA of the people that make up both Haas and KIPP. In some ways, the principles of Haas enabled me to integrate almost seamlessly with the culture at KIPP.   Future Career Plans My long term career vision remains unchanged, and if anything, was inspired and sharpened by my experience this summer: I want to start a sustainable social business that uses technology to bring high‐quality education to underserved urban youth here in the U.S. and across the developing world.  Besides giving me a great network of fellow education pioneers and ten very full weeks of firsthand experience and credibility in a leading education reform organization, I think this summer really grew my appetite for exploring education finance as a next step to starting my own venture. The funding of companies and organizations that support schools and enable education outside of the classroom is something I’m increasingly passionate about and interested in participating in. Haas is giving me a strong set of skills around social finance and impact investing and I want to both hone those skills and utilize them to change education here and abroad.   

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Julie Lutz 9/20/2012 

HSIA End‐of‐summer report  Internship company:  Tegu  Tegu is a start‐up toy company, founded to bring hope, purpose and opportunity to the people of the developing world through the creation of enduring commercial profit.  Tegu’s delightfully magnetic wooden blocks are creating jobs in Honduras and joy in playrooms across the US and Europe.  Internship role & summer work:  As a Senior Analyst, I was tasked with a few different projects but focused most of my summer on logistics.  I evaluated Tegu’s current transportation and distribution operations in light of strategic growth plans.  Based on all‐in cost structure of delivering product from Honduras to the end customer in the US and our future business needs, I identified and selected our new 3rd party logistics provide (3PL) to best fulfill individual customer and retailer orders while minimizing our overall cost structure.  Additionally, I managed the product development and sourcing process for a redesign of our felt tote and evaluated strategic growth options for expansion of European sales.  I also assisted at our booth at ASTRA Toy Fair, drove product from JFK airport to our warehouse, visited our factory in Honduras and generally supported the team however possible.   Goal of internship (& how HSIA helped):  The goal of the internship was to experience working at a start‐up social enterprise that matched my passion for impact in Central America.  I also wanted to see if working in the US on an internationally‐focused social enterprise would be rewarding enough, or if I prefer to be in‐country after graduation.  The Haas Social Impact Award made it possible for me to work at Tegu and live in New York City in order to experience both aspects.  I was also interested to experience the integration of faith and work, as much of the management team at Tegu shares my Christian beliefs.  While living in New York, I also had the opportunity to plug into Redeemer Presbyterian Church, which has a Center for Faith and Work.  Both Tegu and Redeemer allowed me to grow in my faith and explore how faith can be incorporated into work decisions, relationships and career plans.   Final outcome:  At the end of the summer, I conducted negotiations with our three final 3PL candidates and selected our new 3PL fulfillment partner.  The negotiations resulted in a projected savings of ~$500K over the next 3 years.  This semester, I’m continuing to work on our European operations and the sourcing of our redesigned tote, as the timeline for these projects did not fit within the summer timeframe.  

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As part of the logistics cost analysis, I also reviewed Tegu’s historical FedEx shipments.  While examining the file, I noticed an error by FedEx which resulted in an immediate $25K savings for Tegu.     Skills gained at Haas to add value to organization:  I was excited to apply learnings from Haas classes and experiences to help Tegu.  In support of Tegu’s Series B fundraise, I reviewed the list of potential investors and suggested others I’d come in contact with through Haas, GSVC, SOCAP, etc.  I also proposed a new innovative management structure based on Gary Hamel’s book What Matters Now and a company called Morning Star.  Gary had presented at our Haas@Work class last semester and the idea of non‐hierarchical self‐management seemed like a perfect fit for Tegu’s development of its employees.  In response to my suggestion, all of Tegu has now read a chapter of Gary’s book and written a personal mission statement for their work.  Furthermore, the co‐founders are pursuing a relationship with Morning Star.  On the flip side, I feel that my Tegu experience has strongly added to the skills I’m now gaining at Haas in my second year.  My classes in Supply Chain Management, Project Management, Corporate Finance and New Product Development seem much more relevant and valuable now that I’ve seen each of these aspects at a start‐up.  Future career plans:  After graduation, I’m tentatively planning to join Tegu full‐time.  While exact role and compensation still need to be addressed, the co‐founders have made it clear that they would like me to come back and are willing to discuss my future at Tegu whenever I’m ready.  I’m now evaluating what role best fits my career goals, passions and Tegu’s needs, while also debating the options of moving to Honduras or New York.  This year I am focusing on rounding out my management skills in a variety of technical areas to help me determine what role I might like best and ensure that I will be prepared to help Tegu in a variety of management functions.    I am also pursuing classes and activities that will prepare me to start my own social enterprise.  Specifically, I am interested in developing a solution for trash dumps, like those in Honduras and Nicaragua where thousands of people live in poverty.  I am currently pursuing an independent study focused on project management and emerging thermal waste conversion technologies.  I hope to continue this focus next semester as well, potentially working with a team of engineers as part of an independent study or the Design for Sustainable Communities class.   


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Presentation prepared by:

Aaron Perez, MBA 13

[email protected]

For more information contact:

Center for Nonprofit and Public Leadership

[email protected]
