hacknbeers sqli and cryptography

Information Security SQL Injec*on and Cryptography

Upload: miguel-ibarra

Post on 05-Sep-2014




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ì  Information  Security  SQL  Injec*on  and  Cryptography  

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About  me  

ì  Miguel  Ibarra  

ì  PHP  developer  since  2000  ì  Actually,  coding  since  1986  

ì  Projects  from  simple  web  pages  to  GRP’s  

ì  SoLware  Engineer  @  Tiempo  Development  

ì  Webservices,  security  and  cryptography  fan  

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ì  I  can  has  ur  data?    

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I  can  has  ur  data?    

ì  Today,  informa*on  assets  can  be  more  valuable  than  physical  assets…  ì  Lost  your  USB  s*ck  lately?  

ì  Data  theL  is  becoming  an  every-­‐day  issue  and  concern…  

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ì  Data  Dump  I  can  has  ur  data?    

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I  can  has  ur  data?    

ì  linkedin.com  ì  6th  June  2012  ì  More  than  6  million  


ì  eharmony.com  ì  6th  June  2012  ì  More  than  1.5  million  


ì  last.fm  ì  7th  June  2012  ì  ?  Million  passwords  

ì  yahoo.com  ì  12th  June  2012  ì  443K  passwords  ì  Sql  injec*on  ì  Passwords  in  plain  text…  

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I  can  has  ur  data?    

Hot  news!  

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2010  -­‐  2013  

World’s  biggest  data  breaches  

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2010  –  2013  (Web  only)  

World’s  biggest  data  breaches  

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I  can  has  ur  data?    

ì  Public  web  applica*ons  expose  an  authen,cated  and  authorized  connec,on  to  DBMS  servers  ì  DBMS  have  their  own  authen*ca*on  and  

authoriza*on  systems  ì  Applica*ons  that  use  such  DBMS  need  creden*als  to  

connect  to  DB  servers  ì  This  type  of  apps  can  have  their  own  auth  

procedures  ì  They  can  be  vulnerable  

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I  can  has  ur  data?    

ì  It  does  not  maeer  if  your  DBMS  is  behind  a  firewall  and/or  private  network  


Public  network  

Web  server  

Private  network  

DBMS  Server  

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ì  SQL  Injection  How  I  got  your  data  

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SQL  Injection  

ì  Golden  rule:  

ì  Filter/Validate  inputs,  escape  outputs  

ì  …many  ‘developers’  do  not  follow  this  rule…  

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SQL  Injection  

ì  Our  database  schema  



ì  Sample  resultset   WTF?  

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SQL  Injection  

ì  Live  demonstra*on  

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ì  Protecting  your  data  –  Password  Hashing  

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Protecting  your  data  –  Password  Hashing  

ì  Hash  ì  Algorithm  that  maps    data  of  variable  length  to  data  

of  fixed  length  ì  One  way  func*on  

ì  Output  cannot  be  reversed  using  an  efficient  algorithm  

ì  Also  called  ‘pseudo-­‐random  func*on’  ì  Output  indis*nguishable  from  true  random  data  

ì  Popular  hashing  algorithms  ì  md5  ì  sha1  

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Protecting  your  data  –  Password  Hashing  

ì  Hash  proper*es  ì  Output  yields  a  fixed  length  result  

ì  md5(‘1’)  =    ‘c4ca4238a0b923820dcc509a6f75849’  

ì  md5(‘Hello  world’)  =  ‘3e25960a79dbc69b674cd4ec67a72c62’  

ì  The  slightest  change,  totally  different  results  ì  md5(‘Hello  World’)  =  


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Protecting  your  data  –  Password  Hashing  

Message  space  Result  space  

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Protecting  your  data  –  Password  Hashing  


Hashing              encryp*ng  

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Protecting  your  data  –  Password  Hashing  

ì  Our  new  schema  

ì  Sample  resultset  

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Protecting  your  data  –  Password  Hashing  

ì  Again,  cannot  revert  a  hash  using  an  efficient  algorithm  

ì  …  but  can  be  cracked…  ì  Crack  <>  Hack  

Hash   Algorithm   Data  

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Protecting  your  data  –  Password  Hashing  

ì  Brute  force  aeack  ì  Generate  hashes  from  a  dic*onary  

ì  Common  words  ì  Generate  character  combina*ons  

ì  Exhaus*ve  search  ì  Generated  hash  =  target  hash?  

ì  Bingo  ì  Inneficient,  but…  

ì  CPU  power  is  growing  (mul*ple  cores)  ì  GPU  can  be  used  too  (thousands  of  cores)  ì  Cloud  systems  

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ì  ATI  HD  5970    String  consis*ng  of  a-­‐z|A-­‐Z|0-­‐9  

Algorithm   Speed   8  chars   9  chars   10  chars  md5   5600  

million  h/s  10  hours   27  days   4.5  years  

sha1   2300  million  h/s  

26  hours   68  days   11.5  years  

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Protecting  your  data  –  Password  Hashing  

ì  Hash  database  aeack  ì  Query  a  database  with  pregenerated  hashes  

ì  Several  sites  offer  this  service,  free  ì  Google.com  

ì  hep://bit.ly/15O4SLN  

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Protecting  your  data  –  Password  Hashing  

ì  Gesng  a  hash  through  sql  injec*on  ì  Live  demonstra*on  

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ì  Password  salting  

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Password  salting  

ì  Salt  ì  Random  character  string  

ì  f(password,  salt)  =  hash(password  +  salt)  

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Password  salting  




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Password  salting  

ì  Our  new  schema  

ì  Sample  resultset  

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Password  salting  

ì  Salt  has  to  be  stored  in  clear  text  as  to  authen*cate  a  user  

ì  if(  hash(<provided  password>  +  <salt  field>)  ==  <password  field>  )  then  ì  User  creden*als  are  valid  

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Password  salting  

ì  Hash  database  aeack  becomes  improbable  

ì  If  hash  remains  unknown,  brute  force  aeack  becomes  improbable  ì  Total  characters:  42  ì  Calcula*ons  per  second:  4  billion  ì  Possible  combina*ons:  522  duovigin*llion  ì  Total  *me  to  crack:  4  septendecillion  years*  

ì  According  to  heps://howsecureismypassword.net/  

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Password  salting  

ì  But  the  aeacker  could  modify  the  aeack  to  obtain  the  salt  field…  

ì  DEMO  

ì  The  aeacker  would  only  need  to  launch  a  brute  force  aeack  ì  Generate  some  character  combina*on  string  ì  Concatenate  salt  and  hash  ì  Compare  hashes  

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ì  Password  stretching  

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Password  stretching  

ì  To  mi,gate  men*oned  aeack,  use  password  stretching  technique  

ì  Create  a  recursive  /  itera*ve  algorithm  that  calculates  a  hash  value  over  itself  thousand  (or  more)  *mes  

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Salt  Password  Hash  

Salt  Password  Hash  

Salt  Password  

Hash  Algorithm  

Hash  Algorithm  

Thousands  of  *mes  

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Password  stretching  

ì  This  algorithm  should  iterate  enough  to  delay  each  calcula*on  by  1  second  

ì  In  order  to  crack  with  a  brute  force  aeack,  the  aeacker…  ì  Should  know  the  exact  itera*on  count  

ì  +/-­‐  1  itera*on  will  result  in  totally  different  hash  value  ì  Should  wait  1  second  between  each  aeemp  ì  This  makes  the  aeack  highly  improbable  

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Password  stretching  

ì  Several  standard  algorithms  for  password  stretching  

ì  PBKDF2  ì  Bcrypt  ì  Scrypt  ì  …  

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ì  I  can  still  has  ur  data…  

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I  can  still  has  ur  data…  

ì  We  give  it  away  freely…  ì  Facebook  ì  Twieer  ì  Foursquare  

ì  If  it  is  free,  you  are  the  product  

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I  can  still  has  ur  data…  

ì  We  uninten*onally  give  it  away…  ì  Phishing  scams  ì  Social  engineering  ì  Adware  /  Spyware  /  Browser  bars  /  Apps  ì  Weak  passwords  

ì  Names  ì  Birthdays  ì  Phone  numbers  ì  Common  passwords  

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I  can  still  has  ur  data…  

ì  It  is  forcibly/unlawfully  taken  from  us…  ì  Extor*ons  /  black  mail  ì  Unethical  prac*ces  

ì  banks  ì  Government  spy  programs  

ì  NSA’s  PRISM  ì  Communica*ons  Intercept  System  Mexico  

ì  Requested  by  USDoS  to  Mexican  Federal  Government  in  2007  

ì  Request  cancelled  in  2012…  ì  Unknown  sponsored  spy  programs  

ì  Rumored  FinFisher  program  probably  running  in  networks  belonging  to  Uninet,  Iusacell  and  Televisa  

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ì  Cryptography  101  

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Cryptography  101  

ì  Krypto  ì  Hidden  

ì  Graphos  ì  Script  

ì  Tecnique  to  modify  a  linguis*cal  or  caligrafical  presenta*on  of  a  message  

ì  Ruled  by  an  algorithm  ì  Must  allow  forward  and  backward  process  

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Cryptography  101  

ì  700BC  -­‐  Scytale  

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Cryptography  101  

ì  <40BC  –  Caesar  Cipher    

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Cryptography  101  

ì  1467  –  Alber*  Cipher  

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Cryptography  101  

ì  1797  –  Jefferson  Wheel  

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Cryptography  101  

ì  1943  –  Enigma  machine  

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Cryptography  101  

ì  Today,  cryptography  is  performed  by  an  automated  algorithm:  Cipher  

ì  Short  name  for  pseudo-­‐random  permuta*on  ì  Takes  an  input  ì  Applies  a  reversible  algorithm  ì  Outputs  data  indis*nguishable  from    a  truly  random  

data  stream  ì  Result  space  is  equal  to  message  space  

ì  No  collisions  

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Message  space  

Result  space  

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Cryptography  101  

ì  Modern  algorithms  use  a  ‘key’  

ì  They  key  is  used  to  transform  a  message  into  a  pseudo-­‐random  string  ì  This  is  called  ‘cipher’  

ì  This  pseudo-­‐random  string  can  be  transformed  back  to  the  original  message  only  with  this  key  ì  ‘decipher’  

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Cryptography  101  

ì  2  key  types  

ì  Symetric  

ì  Asymetric  

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ì  Symetric  ciphers  

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Symetric  ciphers  

ì  The  same  key  is  used  to  cipher  and  decipher  

ì  The  2  endpoints  must  agree  on  this  key  

ì  Security  relies  mainly  in  this  key  

ì  Key  must  be  improbably  guessed  ì  Key  space  has  to  be  large…  

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Symetric  ciphers  

ì  Simple  and  safest  symetric  key  chipher  algorithm  ì  XOR  

ì  1  ⊕  0  =  1  ì  1  ⊕  1  =  0  ì  0  ⊕  0  =  0  

ì  ‘a’  =  ascii(97)  

ì  9710  =  110000012  

ì  Random  key  =  01010000  

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1   1   0   0   0   0   0   1  

0   1   0   1   0   0   0   0  

1   0   0   1   0   0   0   1  

1   0   0   1   0   0   0   1  

0   1   0   1   0   0   0   0  

Data  to  cipher  

Random  key  

Ciphered  data  

Data  to  decipher  

Random  key  

Original  data  

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Symetric  ciphers  

ì  Ciphered  data  is  impossible  to  decipher  without  the  key  by  an  efficient  algorithm  ì  This  is,  no  exhaus*ve  search  for  the  key  

ì  Is  very  simple  

ì  Key  length  must  be  the  same  as  message  length  

ì  Security  measures  applied  while  securily  sharing  the  key  might  as  well  we  applied  to  the  unciphered  message  

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Symetric  ciphers  

ì  In  fact,  every  symetrical  cipher  weakest  link  is  the  key  ì  An  aeacker,  instead  of  brute  forcing  the  key,  might  

as  well  focus  on  incercep*ng  the  key  

ì  Popular  cipher  algorithms  ì  DES  ì  3DES  ì  AES  

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ì  Asymetric  ciphers  

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Asymetric  ciphers  

ì  Has  a  key  pair  ì  Private  key:  only  the  owner  can  know  it  ì  Public  key:  owner  can  share  it  freely  

ì  Message  ciphered  with  the  public  key  can  only  be  deciphered  with  the  private  key  

ì  Message  ciphered  with  the  private  key  can  be  deciphered  with  the  public  key  

ì  This  adds  a  message  authen*ca*on  mechanism  

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Asymetric  ciphers  

ì  Algorithms  are  based  on  prime  number  and  one  way  func*ons  ì  Way  too  easy  to  mul*ply  to  prime  numbers  ì  Factorizing  a  number  into  its  prime  factors  is  very  

difficult  ì  Usually  involves  very  large  prime  numbers  

ì  Hundreds  of  digits  

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Asymetric  ciphers  

ì  Asymetric  ciphers  require  more  processing  *me  

ì  Keys  are  required  to  be  large  ì  As  today’s  standards,  2048  bits  

ì  Ciphered  message  is  bigger  than  the  original  message  

ì  Popular  algorithms  ì  RSA  ì  Hybrid  symetric/asymetric  algorithms  


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ì  Just  encrypt  it  and  you  are  safe  …are  you?  

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Just  encrypt  it  and  you  are  safe…  are  you?  

ì  Weakest  links  in  cryptography  ì  Again,  the  key…  ì  …  and  how  it  is  implemented  

ì  Aircrack  anyone?  ì  WEP  algor*hm:  example  of  bad  crypto  


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Just  encrypt  it  and  you  are  safe…  are  you?  

ì  Common  cryptography  implementa*on  misconcep*on  

C  Message  


Cipher  Message  

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Just  encrypt  it  and  you  are  safe…  are  you?  

ì  Do  not…  ì  Use  a  short  key  ì  Use  weak  random  data  to  

generate  a  key  ì  Use  directly  the  generated  

key  ì  Try  to  derive  the  key  first  

ì  PBKDF2  ì  Pseudo-­‐random  

func*on  ì  Use  the  same  key  to  cipher  

iden*cal  messages  ì  Informa*on  leak  

ì  Use  the  same  key  to  cipher  mul*ple  messages  ì  WEP’s  Achilles’  heel  ì  If  you  need  to,  use  nonces  

ì  Nonce  ≃  salt  ì  Nonce  is  included  with  

the  message  ì  Cipher  and  send…  

ì  Always  add  signature  verifica*on  mechanism  ì  Hash-­‐mac  

ì  Hash  with  a  key  ì  Hash-­‐mac  signature  

included  in  message  

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ì  Do  not  use  weak  random  data  Random  data,  PHP  4’s  rand()  func*on  output  on  Windows  converted  to  bitmap  

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ì  Encryption  in  databases  

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Encryption  in  databases  

ì  We  have  the  following  schema  

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Encryption  in  databases  

ì  The  aeacker,  unable  to  get  login  details,  could  modify  the  aeack  to  get  personal  informa*on:  

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Encryption  in  databases  

ì  MySQL  supports  AES  cipher  algorithm,  then  we  could  modify  our  schema  

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Encryption  in  databases  

ì  If  the  aeacker  executes  the  injec*on  

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Encryption  in  databases  

ì  S*ll  informa*on  can  be  leaked  ì  Suppose  the  2  users  share  the  same  phone  number,  

the  aeacker  could  no*ce  this  since  data  was  ciphered  with  the  same  key  

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ì  Tweakable  encryption  

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Tweakable  encryption  

ì  Remember,  do  not  use  the  same  key  to  cipher  mul*ple  messages…  ì  Do  we  need  to  generate  a  new  key  for  each  record?  ì  Say,  we  have  thousands  of  records,  do  we  need  

thousand  keys?  

ì  NO  ì  Use  a  tweak  

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Tweakable  encryption  

ì  Every  table  should  have  a  primary  key  ì  So  the  values  inside  the  primary  key  must  be  unique  

to  every  record  

ì  Use  the  master  key  +  primary  key  value,  then  hash  ì  f(key,  pk  value)  =  hash(key  +  pk  value)  

ì  You’ll  have  an  unique  cipher  key  for  each  record  

ì  Now,  fields  with  the  same  plain  text  value  will  appear  to  be  completely  different  when  ciphered  

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Last  Words  

ì  Last  words…  ì  Informa*on  privacy  is  YOUR  RIGHT  ì  Do  you  consider  it  to  be  a  paranoid  idea…  

ì  …or  a  daily  life  concern?  ì  First  informa*on  privacy  law  from  1890  US  

ì  Laws  cannot  keep  up  with  technology  

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ì  QA  

ì  Thank  y’all!