hair, make-up & styling

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Post on 15-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. Hair, Makeup and Styling
  2. 2. Lead female role: Makeup In terms of deciding how to style those featuring in the video, we had to decide as a group what message the video was portraying (as it is important to express this in every aspect of the video. To do this, we had to look at each character featuring in out video separately. Firstly, we focused in the lead singer/ star; in the video, her role is concentrated on helping the people as the song title suggests. When discussing this, we decided it would then be important for attention to be drawn more to her actions rather than herself entirely, though at the same time, wed still have to find a way for her to stand out from the crowd expressing her leading role. This image fitted in perfectly with the look we were going for; very After brainstorming this notion, we thought the makeup plain-faced with bold eyes. should be bold but simplistic; an oxymoronic act which We also liked the colour blue when thinking about what colours would be hard to achieve. Though after some careful should be incorporated- it is a reflection of her sadness at the consideration, we thought, in terms of makeup, attention sorrow of others in the video whom she is helping. should be drawn to her eyes with the rest of her face looking fresh and innocent. More detailed close ups eyes are the gateway to the soul- bringing out the expression in her eyes, making them stand out, is the simplest way to make her more noticeable as this is generally the most striking aspect of a persons face (and the face is generally the first place we are drawn to when observing a person). When looking for inspiration, I came across a few images that were in line with our vision:
  3. 3. Lead female role: Hair As I mentioned before, the theme of the video is helping others, as the title suggests. We want our lead to stand out, but not over power the message being portrayed. The genre of music also plays a role in styling options; as the song is indie therefore it would correspond to the genre if our lead was styled in and urban/street manor, for example. After researching into indie culture, we came across an image we felt well suited the look we wanted to go for in terms of hair styling. A very simplistic look; wavy with a headband giving a relaxed/chilled out almost hippie look. In styling it is important for an overall look to interlink and correspond, therefore we agreed on the idea of having the headband matching the blue eye shadow.
  4. 4. Lead female role: Styling Within the video, our lead will be helping a number of people she comes across. This could be financially in some shots, but in others she will give them her own possessions. Our idea was that the lead would give certain items of clothing to the people she helped on her journey to her destination. Therefore, we plan to dress her in a simplistic dress which will be secluded buy a coat and scarf, and shed have a hat on her head to finish the look; example:The idea is that shed use each item (accept the dress of course) to fill a need i.e. she could offer her hat to a busker so people could put money in, or a cold individual could be offered her scarf/coat etc. The colour choices were based around the idea of purity; white being pure and black being tarnished. As the video progresses and she helps those in need, it portrays her character becoming more purified and virtuous. Though we have decided to use a red scarf- throughout the video we want all the main characters we film to have some kind of link between each other; this link is the colour red. As the colour seeps in from scene to scene, this red will be evident- we chose red because of its connotations with love, the leads actions an expression of love.
  5. 5. Dancers For the dancers, the look will be very simplistic. STYLING: - white, flowing attire (whether top and long skirt or dress as depicted in the images) HAIR: - tied or pulled back so hair doesnt disrupt dancers by getting in their face + tied back hair will accentuate dancers facial features and expressions captivated the viewer through the emotion of what they are portraying through movement. MAKEUP: - As mentioned before, we plan to use the colour red to link all our characters together. With the dancers, we are planning to have bold red lips (with a smokey eye look shown on the left). This will also create a nice contrast between the white outfits; their features and emotion in their faces will stand out, adding to the expression of their movements.
  6. 6. Plain white T shirtAfter doing image research for homeless man we saw a pattern very simplistic clothing often accompanied by a woolly hat and sleeping bag. The image on the left is an overview of these images; the image we have decided to get inspiration from. The items the arrows are pointing to are ones which we have decided to use, with inspiration from the image.Plain white T shirtBomber jacket (black) Sleeping bag (red) Sleeping bag (red)As mentioned previously, we are using the colour red to link all those in need together. This is why we have decided to use a red sleeping bag- it is a very prominent item within his possessions therefore we felt it made sense to use the sleeping bag as the attention drawer. We decided the bottom half of his body isnt that important as it wont be visible within the video. Despite this, we decided he should wear jogging bottoms for the comfort factor and if would complete the homeless look.
  7. 7. Image research into buskers brought about images surrounded by adequately dressed men; most wore shirts and trousers/jeans- a very casual look. Therefore, the outfit we decided to style our busker in (shown on the right), is very simplistic- shirt, jeans and comfortable shoes. Continuing with our connotation of red, we have decided to use a subtle red bow tie to make the link, and also finish the indie look.Research into our abandoned child was a lot more tricky- there wasnt really a specified look which could make it a hard appearance to portray. After image researching, we cam across these two images which helped us to decide- we thought the posture and expression our child would be giving off would be the major give away of her societal position. A saddened face accompanied by an oversized hoodie is the look we decided on. She will actively be showing signs of coldness i.e. shivering and rubbing her arms with her hands. We stumbled across the second image and thought to use this as inspiration in order to increase the prominence of the characters look. Having our character behind a gate/object that seems to lock them off from society denotes their isolation andalmost traps them in their own insufficiency.Hence, these two images are the inspiration for our abandoned childRED: to link characters CHIPPED: to show societal status