hal chase is now manager of new york yankees€¦ · the washington herald thursday september 22...

THE WASHINGTON HERALD THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 22 1910 HAL CHASE IS NOW MANAGER OF NEW YORK YANKEES I oJ 8 e I It I I r V JOHNSON JEFFRIES CONTEST PICTURES For White People Only RUPPERTS PARK BLADENSBURG ROAD How to Get There Take Trolley Line 35th and HN E di rect to City and Suburban Line Get Oft at Brentwood AUTOMOBILES- Will Ifcava 14th St Opposite Willard 7 EW TO Performance 3 8 and 10 P JL Dally AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY Apperson EMERSON OBME Temporary location rear of 1219 K U nw Phone Main 1686 Clarke F N Auto repairs used cars sold on commission Rear 135T K nw Phone M 2233 Elmore CHARLES E MYERS- 1C9 L et nw Tohphoce 362 WITH DIG POWER KRIT AUTO BALES CO 131 V t nw Phone worth SOW Merkel Light Motor CycJes Emblem Bicycles HARRY SEAMARK 6th and O Oldsmobile- M T POLLOCK Agent 1018 Conn nw Phone M T791 Pullman THEODORE EARNER 00 Phone Main 24T9 1222 H st nw Ranch Cf Lang Electric IMPERIAL MOTOR COMPANY 134 V st nw Phone N 388 Regal BMERSON ORME Temporary location rear of 1219 K ct nw Phone Main 7605 Reliance Motorcycles BICYCLES Supplies and Re- pairs OHAS S VERiULLlON fflW 14th st- ITiona North 1724 Velie MO- CHAS E MILLER BRO 1105 llth rt Tkotxi N moO WarrenDetroit 30 Auto repair shop and salesroom 1603 11th st Phone North 4158 NORMAN 2 BOWLES Agent HARLEYDAVIDSON MOTOR CYCLES JOHN S BERPYMAN Motorcycle Supplies and Repairing 912 9th st nw Phone M 4133 White STEAM AND GAS THE IMlKRIAL MOTOR CO 124 rw North S058 Secondhand Waverley Electric 400 POPE AUTO CO B19 14th st nir Phone M74S AUTOMOBILE NOTES- E B Geer Dr Griffith Jacob C Dlblrt and chauffeur arrived in Washington yes- terday on their way to Baltimore and Philadelphia then returning to their home at Johnstown Pa Loving Johns town Saturday they encountered very rough roads and going as far a Staun ton Va they returned to Washington They expect to arrive home next Wed nesday- R C Smith loaves today for a short trip South expecting to bo back during the week John S Berryman reports the sale of HarleyDavidson motorcycles to Mr Greer of Gray Greer druggists Mr Scheckler 3SS3 Georgia avenue and Mr C Iiuckel Two carloads of BuJcks will be unload ed today They are the new Buick Bug model No 14 price This is a new model which te Buick Company has been experimenting with the last two years and now is placing on the market lor the first time An exciting Incident occurred on the corner of Fourteenth and U streets when a grand old model 181 itype runabout crashed ir to a garbage wagon The car was not visibly damaged and its owner Joo Romania suffered nothing more than a long lecture from tlte po- liceman on the boat Stanley Horner has resigned tram tho Wilson Company and accepted a position with the Studebaker Company Tho Sims Motor Car Company received- a new Haynes 1S11 mOtler yesterday- L V Hyson Is now connected with the Studebaker Company as salesman and Navy vs Browns At Capital City Park today the Asbury Browns will meet the War and Navy team War and Navy will use their best bat- tery Johnson and Freeman ATHLETICS NOW ASSURED OF THE CHAMPIONSHIP- The Athletics arc champions of 1310 Because Even as you cant lost what you havent got so must you have what you havent lost Tho Athletics by virtue of yesterdays tie game in Cleve- land have not lost the ponnant nor is It possible for them so to do Therefore the Athletics must have the pennant Q E D As a matter of tact under present conditions tho Athletl6s cannot lose Tho worst that could happen if the Athletics lost yesterday would be an even break Here is the dope Athletics still had seventeen games to play at tho start of yesterdays proceedings New York also had seventeen Detroit fourteen and Boston seventeen New York lost to Chicago and the Athletics will not have a chance to play the tie off as they have finished the schoduled games against the Naps Heres the dope if New York wins every game and tile Ath letics lose every contest W L PC Athletics 96 59 617 New York 05 613 J orth KRI T ilIE UTTLE OAR e IVERJOH SON Vet COO 60 I AND f S Tel yes- terday Vat I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > HAL CHASE MADE YANKEES MANAGER Stallings Dropped by Owner of New York Team SAW HANDWRITING ON WALL Friction Cornea to Climax When Great Flmt Ilrmomnn Announced that lIe Will Lend Highlanders front Now On Present Manager to Hear Ills Disiulsul Today Special to Tho Washington Herald Chicago Sept Chase will be manager of the Now York Highlanders next season His contract as leader of the Yankees already has been signed and approved and Is In tho hands of Owner Frank Far- rell Chase gave out this news today It was not exactly news at that as the events of the last weak or two all pointed- to a conclusion byt It was tho first time a positive announcement of any kind has been made Hal probably would have maintained sl lonco If Manager George Stallings had re- mained here but tho latter was on Jits way to New York to confer with Owner Farrell No Surprise for Stalling Stallings will meet his employer to morrow morning and the tidings will be broken to him then However he wont be surprised either for hte perfectly good eyes have enabled him to rend the handwriting on tho wall tho bench and everywhere else The present managers contract does not expire until the end of this season but there Is a possibility that ho will be paid oft tomorrow and given a perma- nent vacation In that event Chase will continue the Job of managing which he started yesterday Chaio doos not believe he Is In wrong with his team mates Ho said today they knew as well as ho did that he was to manage thorn in 1011 and that nono of them had acted as If displeased by the knowledge In an interview Stallings said- I want to find out from Mr Farrell who Is running the Now York American League teem Chase or myself I will leave for Now York Immediately If Mr Farrell decides in favor of the first base- man I will quit at once If he upholds my regime Chase will have to step down and out There cant be two bosses and especially when one Is doublecrossing the other Chase has refused to obey orders and has tried to disrupt the team Farrell mugt give me a square answer to the question Who is rqnning your team Chase or I I am ready to show Mr Farrell that Chase has approached several players and tried to convince thorn that I am unfit for the position of manager He has taken days at a time ort when we needed his servlcae and on several of those occasions h was in splendid con dition- I think with the handicaps I have ac- complished wonders with the Hlghlandara- Wo should hays won the pennant and would have If the first baseman had put his heart Into the game Chase professed surprise and said Stallings and I have no differences to my knowledge and outside of baseball I believe that he Is a perfect gentleman But I hardly think that he Is a wonderful baseball manager He has always told me to play as I saw fit and has never di- rected one way or another In how to conduct my game How he could get It Into his head I was a disturbing element or even dream that I was trying to supplant him as manager I cannot tell I am perfectly satisfied to go about my business and do It conscientiously I am not desirous of 21Hal jUSL such r me ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ of assuming any managerial for I feel that my work around the first bag should occupy all my atten tion Naturally I want to refute any statement that might rofiect upon my reputation as an honest trying ball play er and If Stallings has accused me of any wrongdoing I am certainly going to see that he makes a retraction and that at an early date VIGILANTS PLAN FOR FOOTBALL Expect to Turn Out Fast Team This Season The Vigilant Athletic Club of South east Washington the Independent of this city In football and base ball held a meeting last night to talk football The Vlgllants expect to have the best eleven that ever represented the District and In order to give everybody- a fair trial have engaged as coaches Du gan of the Warwick A C and Seyford- of the Seamen Gunners The team will feel the loss of three of last years stars Lee Martin Milton Tur- ner and Harvey Hundley Among those who will try for the team are J McElfresh J Harding E Col C Connors S Ollverl S Allen J Holland G Ellis W Parker- E Dougherty J Gristle J Morgan P Hester A Sprlngman C Johnson A Brewer W McKenzie H Howe N Don brest J Geble P Cannon G Stelnmoyer R Coloman G Wldmeyer and S Green The team this year will play any team In the city regardless of weight Apache A O v Cardlnaln The newly organized Apache A C that tied the Yarmoutha In the opening game of the season will clash with the Alex- andria Cardinals next Saturday at the Southeast grounds Fifth and L streets at 530 DOWN THE ALLEYS COMMERCIAL DUCKPIN LEAGUE Wm DeJchers Son Law Reporter Co 1st U 3d 2d 3d Bishop 82 91 Branson 82 S3 n n 77 87 79 Crown S A Huge 79 OS EllUruoh 97 32 81 67 Alexander 79 82 6S Totals 43 117 435 Totals 333 430 400 Largest Morning1 Circulation Very Newest Patternsi- n fine imported Woolens are shown by us Your Inspection Is Invited CTArtlrtlff cutting wipcrlor workmanship prices are features of our service Frederic A Cochran Co Tailors eoeiatnsr Abor P weit side cham- pions lIng worth J I lit 8t campbell 95 9S 8G lIenrr jj i8 B3 moder- ate Importers responsi- bilities i 70 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ STORY OF HOW KAHOE LANDED AINSMITH READS LIKE A Nationals Scout Beats Out Three Others in of Young Gossip of Interest I NOVELl Capture PlayerOther By WILLIAM PEET If anybody can get Scout Mike Kahoe to tell the true story of how ha landed Catcher Alnsmlth from tho Lawrence club of the New England League baseball fans will read a tale that smacKs of Nick Carter Diamond Dick and other wild and woolly talon Whin It come to plotting scheming and crafty planning Kahoe has the other big league scouts tied to a tree and yell Ing for help The Nationals henchman during brief visit here last week let the writer In on a few Inside facts about the Aln smith deal Kahoe refused to reveal names and always weighed his words before speaking but from what he let slip the situation was as follows Three major league clubs were hot on the trail of Alnsmlth when Kahoo hit Lawrence Ptttsburg had a representative on the Job who was prepared to otter what Kahoe could not a couple of play- ers besides Lawrgnce was sadly in need of players Kahoe dis- covering that the Lawrence management had about agreed to let Alnsmlth go to Plttsburg camped on the trail of the Smoky City scout One night the two met outside their hotel and started ore to look over tho town Both were ball- players and they talked over old times The Plttsburg man had an unusually large thirst that night and every cafe In town was visited before tho hour for closing time Kalioe drank nothing stronger than sarsaparllla Scout Mike finally had to take charge of his friend and saw to It that he was safely tucked in bed On a small table was a letter ready to be malted but not sealed Mike glanced at It und the first few lines attracted his attention Close with Lawrence at once for Ainsmith as othor clubs are after him Kahoe put the letter in lib pocket and beat it for his room Needless to say the letter was never mailed and two days elapsed during which time Scout Mike raised the ante for Ainamlths services The Plttaburg scout waiting for final Instructions from the Smoky City believing that he had posted the letter Before he that Pittsburg had never received the epistle Kahou landed Ainsmith for Washington Bach night after the letter disappeared Kahoe took pains to hunt up the Pitta burg seout and they always made the rounds of the cafes Kahoe sticking to soft drinks while his friend drank al most anything he could lift This is only qno story of AInsmlths capture Kahoe In order to get on the good side of the Lawrence manager Join- ed a secret order of which the manager was a member and brought every pres- sure to bear Scout Mike said Ill never forget the week I spent in Lawrence It I live to be a million x The Chicago White Sox are now wtthln four points of thd Nationals and a victory over the Athletics today will shove McAleers team Into seventh place The fall from the top of the first down to next to last place has been rapid and only a big brace will recover the lost ground- A fan In talking with the writer last night said Have you noticed that just as soon as Wld Conroy was taken out of tho game the Nationals have not won a single contest Perhaps If McAleer shoves the Widow back into the lineup luck will change There Is only In which the Cubs according to the official av- erages excel the Athletics Yet when the time to play the world series comes the Chicago outfit will be the favorite HES SOON TO WED a cashand was dis- covered one department di- vision ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ CONNIE MACK JTanSECT of the Philadelphia Athlctt a in the betting at odds ranging from 2 to 1 to 5 to 3 according to where the bets are There has been but little betting so far and most of that has been confined to Philadelphia There one bet was made of JlWO against 2500 In New York the Cubs are looked upon by many as a 2to 1 chance These odds are all false The Cubs are picked to win by most of the experts but they have not shown enough- to warrant anything like 2 to 1 Six to five would be more like natural odds On the seasons play so far the Ath letics have outpltched outflelded and out batted the Cubs and have stolen more bases The Cubs are Justly accounted the brainiest ball players in the country once they get on the bases but they do not advance because they have more skill and speed than the Athletics They get around because they take better ad- vantage of openings offered in tho way of tardy or fumbling fielding The Cubs cannot begin to compare with tho slugging Mackmen in hitting nor do their pitchers show up as well in the records Miner Brown Ed RCulbach and Ed Pfolster have all gone back some- what since last year Brown was almost ruined by the extra work piled up on him by Frank Chance last year In a vain effort to catch thfl Pirates Will Hal Chase turn out to be a sec- ond Larry Lajoie as manager BOWLING SCORES The dark and draarjr day are fc apcrtteg seasons ahi t aaiMwt of all the year Bring sate us the scare The baseball tnuons almost dose Football is sow tho epwUag fad ThoHch BOCCW is but gloomy teen Tfe bowling scores that make us sad Whet man who is charged with life Who oer the uportine pores Is MX MwtMd almost te strife By Joofcteff at the bwH K Wl y are they i ri t l None can tM The s5bt of them CMK nan abhors Tk fre aH d with aaaw BB out tiM- CWeasa News Hoary Edwards of the Clovelnrifl Plain Dealer pays Harry Dents the following compliment Harry Bemls was disposed of to Co- lumbus yesterday and there are scores of Clevelamlors who will regret the pass Ing of this popular favorite For nine seasons Bemis has served Cleveland faithfully He saver was a quitter and he always tried to give the club the best he had He never was a Billy Sullivan nor a Klin behind the bat but neither over had anything on the Marlborough lad when It came to being a willing worker Particularly will the fans remember his grand work behind the bat and with the bat in the closing days of when with Clarke on the bench with a broken finger Bemis caught twentytwo straight games Naps winning the majority of them Bruised and spiked himself he caught game after game when he was a fit subject for the hospital but he never whimpered and went on working his head off in the hope that Cleveland would win the pennant That it failed was no fault of his Sporting Editor The Wtshtogtoa H p- It having become the custom for the ball teams of the various cities to settle their claims to superiority by series why not try it in Wash- ington and let the fans know which is the best club here by arranging a series between the Nationals and the Cornell team A FAN YANKEES BEATEN AGAIN Chicago AVJilte Sox Make It Three Straight Victories Chicago Sept 21 The White Sox came out victorious over the Highlanders for the third time this afternoon defeating the disorganized New Yorkers 6 to Todays game like thoso on the two pre ceding days was bitterly fought from start to finish Caldwell and Scott start ed out to do the pitching and neither proved much of a puzzle after the first two Innings Score New York AB II 0 A E t AR H OAE Danteb U 3 I 2 I MeCewieH a 4 1 0 2 Walter rf 3 2 Lead Jb 4 2 1 t Chase Ib 3261 Metoan rf 31000 Knight DmwkertSf If Laport 2b 4112 cf 3 02 00 e 4121 Zefafer s 31310 Austin 3t Mnta lb c l jme c 4 1 12 1 0 Mitchell c 20 3 Scott p 21130 p Wakfa p 1 1 A 1 I p Totals 31 SCTMl Totals 32 7 31M Xrw York 0009100004Chi- cago 00303000 x6- RunsDaaiob Chaw KnIght Cw McConneU Lord 2 Dougherty Payne Scott Threebase hit Scot Sacrifice MtsWcltir Chase Zcidrr Stolen baws Daniels fii Lord Meloan Strode out By Caldwell 3 by Warhop 3 by Scott 5 by Walsh 5 Bases on ballsOff CaMwH 1 off AVarhop 1 off Scott 1 Double playScott to Payno to Mnllia Left on basesNew York 4 Chicago 5 Umpire Jfessrs Egan and Sheridan Time of same 1 hour and 50 minutes GIVE BROWNS ANOTHER KICK Frank Smith Pitches Sox to Vic- tory In St Louis St Louis Sept 21 Frank Smith won the third and final game of the season here today for the Hostons from SL Louis 4 to 2 Malloy was hit hard in the pinches and also very wild Score Boston St Louis AH HO A E Gardner 2b 30240 Tniesdale 2b 3 0 5 3 1 rf 2 1 2 0 B C rrWon 3b 30331 Speaker cf 62260 Stone 4 0 3 0 i Ib 4 1 10 0 1 Norton cf 42101 Warner ss 30350 Ilartzcll rf 40100 Lewis If 31208 Wallace ss 40310I- nrteli 3b 20111 Grim Ib 31700ra- rriean c 41411 Killifer c 31430 p Malloy p Totals 23 62714 2 Totals 30 42713 3i Boston 6t Louts 20000000 02 Uuns Hooper Speaker Lewis F Smith Trues dAte Stone Twobase hit Origgs Sacrifice hits Corridon Lewis Purtell 2 Gardner Double play Tniesdale to Wallace to Griggs Stolen tues SUms Northen Hooper 2 Hit by pitcher By- Malloj Basra on balls Off Malloy 6 off Smith 2 Struck outBr Malloy 4 by Smith 1 Louts 4 Boston 9 OLouchlin and Connolly Time of came 1 hour and 54 minutes PREFERENCE OLD GLORY In rank among dark superiority s at the first taste Old Glory next time Case 2 doz 9175- C7BOTTLE REBATE 50- cAbncrDrury Brewing Co Si10 made I ere The e- rne bow jO pages Tue I 10 1 the 4 C1dca 8 It 1 2 1 1 3 1 0 0 t r 1 1 t Q 9 1 1 0 1 e aId welt 1 e 1 War 1 0 2 AR n 0 A E I 3 0 1 3 0 2 0 0 3 0 1 G4 L Left on basesSt UmpiresMessrs POPULAR I days soul wes see deggase werthlea bewKng caree post- season S 5 M 4 0 4 T I 2 3 0 a 0 2 O 2 Bed I 00 00021 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ The Balance of Our Mens Madras Neglige Shirts Left Over 150 200 and 250 J NOW Come Early for Size and Style 728 15th St N W PLAY WEIRD GAME Phillies Take Game from Cincinnati ly 1 to 11 Philadelphia Sept Phllllas won tho sokson8 series from Cincinnati to- day In a weird game 13 to 11 Twenty eight men participated In the contest which abounded with hitting loose fielding Score CUMti All IT O AE I Phil AB II O A H- n K 3 2 1 rf 4 2 Ixttxtn ft 1 1 0 K attt ft 62421IT- oWit U lbS 513 et it 6 f rf t U e U J 2 II1- aftwt ef 4 1 J 1 Ota e 4 2 4 2 I I- Ksaa 2b 3 I 7 I 4 1 1 4K l Dowsey BS S 2 2 4 1 Dt ta e Mil p 1 1 Ctetem p IMTp 1 I 0 I W fc Tetak 3f St 4 M- I TeUto 38 14 4 lot Iteeba la U tewmk- tlUtUd for B fM ta Ute iDalUd for Cbiksscs hi tlw ft Ok Halted for Scbrttfer ta the ifth- lotted for Dresses in the ihjfclf- cOocauiBH 1 4 1 A PhiLadelphia t- RmtkBtteher A Lofeert Clarke CD O- DAWMT Co ates McLean Z S Bates Mcgee Grist ltranaHd DeaNs S Darin VAbh Left on taae IMladrtla M- CtneteBati 9 FIrst n b U Off Conitafeie 3 eg Cbatawrt I oft Sbetlkr 1 off Jt 3 off 5 Suw ontDr Cbwledtk 3 Vr Chal lINn 2 Shtftkr I hr Itoctae L HOHM nw- McLwa TbraetMK h tMa Twobai Wfe- l nkrt C lMki BaM MWrtwll Dowaty seR flca biULobect Beadier Cwatedrt Ee DooMn Mora Stake buteBrarhtr Ubert Esan Balsa lilt l pHchcrIir Corakikir 1 Umpire MM0n ODay and Brcnww Ties bf carau i hours and 25 stontr f GIANTS ARE DEFEATED Cardinals Capture of Series liy Opportune HItting New York Sept 2L The Cardinals won the last game of the series today by Marquard at opportune times The Giants on the other hand couldnt hit in pinches although there was a lot of loose pitching by the Lor i boxmen Score St Louis AB H O A B New Yarlc AB H OA F- H ri 42412 Dew W 2 2- Bttv If 4 3 t Dfte 1 3 Mo 3b 3 1 3 S Swtdflraw cf 1 3 1 Ka MU4ur Ib 4 1 7 1 1 geese rf 3 1 1 9 bfidwU M l lps c 3 6 J Pfetehtraa 2 Oak cf MerMe Ik 3 HaitMr ss 2 1 1 MCTCTS e 4- Gofcten p 1 21 Scbfei e IjHh 01 2 Marqaard p 2 I I Barber I 1 ft Itcdwrt Harmon p 1 1 AMM p J Slaiil Totals 3t 9371l I Batted for TAlk tat Uw ifth- tBatted for Mamnard la the efchtb St IjOMk 1 2 1 00- X r Yurtc 9 t 1 RunsHondas KtM 2 PMDf Dtrore Doyle SocdmrnM Merkle heft on 3 Xw York Pint bate OB balhrOff Guides 3 off La 1 off Harem 1 Marqnaid 3 Stn4 k mtI OaMm 1 t Hannnn S bj Mar UMid f 1 T Ame 1 Ttewta WiaHuwjuw C Abbott Twobw hitMimwr SacrM Kanetekr Dww PWtrter MannarL Sa rtnee fir Mowicjr Stdec ba a AbbMt Drvwr Send tra Double ptayMiATir to lltcfe to Hauwr- Jcj rs to BrMmfi Wild pttchAiMa IViwed balk Ph K Mayr lIlt by Mar cptard 1 H ad Off Guides 1 ia 213 iantocf alt lJuA 3 in 123 toBiozi elf Mamaani j in S luuipg Urap r XCf r Ka nod Kkm Time of ga e 2 hour and 15 BROOKLYNS BEAT CUBS Early HiKiitR Gives Dodger Ad- vantage In Fnst Game New York Sept 21 Early hitting by the Brooklyns gave them a lead today that the Cubs couldnt overcome The game was a fast one with the Brooklyn doing the better work Score Chteaeo AB IT 0 AB Brookhra AB H 0 A K- Evers 2to 4241 Dandana ef 4 1 I- Sh ckard If Dantwrt lb Rise if 1 0 0 Wheat n 3 1 I 4- KHns Hnrand 2b Beaumont if 1 0 1 I rf helms cf MeBlvMa Sb Archer Ib 4 2 Smith t 3 1 1 3 0 c Schulte rf Racier p Tinker ss 4I23Nc- odhaiB c 4134 TOtals 3 82712 0 Mcintyre p 1 0 B 3 0 Wearer p 1 1 I I 0 10900n- icbi p 18000 Totals 34124M 1 Batted for Kane in the seventh matted for Wearer in the sereftth- tBatted for Richie in the ninth Clitagote 0000001001 01210000 x 1 Runs Sdiulte Wheat Humrael McBir on 2 Bases on balI Off McIntyre 1 off 3 off lOuder 4 Struck out By Mclntyre 1 by Wearer 2 by Rncker 9 Home ninSHumnwl Left on bass Chicago 10 Brooklyn 6 Twobase hits Needham Daubert Sacrifice hits MeElreen Ber- gen Stolen base Humrael Double play MeEI Teen to Hummel to Danbert Hit by pitcher By Mcintyre 2 Umpiree Messrs Johnston and Katon Time of same 1 hour and SO CHAMPIONSHIP RECORDS All to date i CO IjJJ 21The tree ant 1 Tit 8 1 BeaM I 1 i 1 8 3 1 G e aa I l 1 DteIIIIIi I I I- J litldl 1 1 1 1 JUr I 1 3 111 1 xD Bas I Th Kate hems I Last hit- ting St I SJ J I I J I 1 t 2 r t st t Totals 1S i tt j tAu 1S o bite pit JIMa tee fI 2 0 1 3 2 6 0 1 0 B 1 3 J oul J 1 3 2 0 2 0 0 I I 0 I 1 0 3 I e- RteinMdt Jib 2 1 1 00 3 1 Z 1 II 0 0 2 0 BrooklD Wearer AR H AVE Lajoie 543 201 370 Cobb 468 169 361 Speaker 478 171 358 Snodgrass t 329 110 334 games I 7 1 L RYAtC- 15rr 728 BRYAN 0 I S 0 0 t I 0 I art 0 0 1000 UIerp 16110ll- aras 0010 oea 0 II- Mmer III flatted I I I I n f hue Mage II I 4 4 II Decftn 40110 SIlOS S I IIII 0 I 1 IS S II Si ant 0 0 II 5 0 o 4 I 0 I 15 I I 4 2 I 36 4 2 I 0 0 Chance mInute- st Lt > > ¬ < < > ¬ ATHLETICS FAIL TO DEFEAT NAPS Contest Ends in No Score After Eleven Innings YESTERDAYS RESULTS Cleveland O Philadelphia 0 Called seventh darkMH Chicago 0 Xcvr York 4 Boston 4 St Lou 1 2 GAMES TODAY Philadelphia t Chicago New York nt Cleveland STANDING OF THE CLUBS W L Pet Win Lose PhIladelphia 42 601 603 033 Detroit 60 60 571 Jnl 5OT Boston 73 60 M 571 Wi New York 7J CO 586 858 651 63 75 456 4 IB Washington 69 60 43 423 42- Obkaco 55 80 4 425 US St Louis 43 97 T 3tt 305 Cleveland Sept 2L Cleveland and Piladelphia battled for eleven innings to a tie today sensational pitching by Coombs and Fanwoll and startling sup port by both Naps and Athletics fielders prevented scoring Twice double plays stopped the Athletics who clustered the bags frequently having men at third six times Cleveland advanced a man to third only once and their three hits were scattered In the first five innings Score ABHOABI CloieUwL ABHOAE- s 4 8 7 1 0 if 5 3 0 0 CoiliM 2b 4 1 1 3 cf 4 0410 Baker Jb 434101 52321U- nfa Jb 3 7 1 1 Eutedr Tf 3 0 0 I Lap e 3 I 8 3 1 Tunwr 3b I S iUC e 2 1 6 3 ToUJi 37 93112 2 I P wo p Ban oj J J I T tls 4 Ran toe Euferir ta tile ntaih CkffvfcMd 0000 0- Twotew MULwd lube Scri ce MteBtkerO- UriBg DUlL Stoles Collins t TWMT tt Lord Hues tm baUtrOff Coram I off Pswrell 2 Hk u piteherBr Ooowb 1 Left l rWMdpia 16 Ctewfcnd 9 Stuck ootBy Coombs 8 kgr FwrneM 6 DtvUe Ltfete t l fctap Mk to noteharM Json to tafch VftiA ptehCooBbs ltefrfKMee Per riM slid of buses And tt ANOTHER WORLDS RECORD Uplnn Trots Mile Over Allentown Track In 20 11 Allentown Pa Sept 21 The worlds trotting record of 20 over a halfmile track was beaten today by Uplan The great black gelding in an exhibition trotted the mile in 2 Vi Thorn were four other races on the programme NAVY VETERANS ARRIVE Last Football Stars Join S in nil for Practice Sal to Tb WMhtaetoe Resold Annapolis Md Sept H The advance guard of the veterans of last years Navy football team returned to Annapolis to day and were out on the field in togs prepared to buckle down to the real active work of the game realizing that in ten days time the seasons schedule- of games will be inaugurated the Initial contest ling with St Johns October 1 The early arrivals Included Red Er win brother of the famous tackle of the Army eleven of a few years ago who Is one of the leading candidates for quarter- back this season Loftln last years right tackle Roger Spencer substitute back Austin another back field candidate and Cobb who will make 8 strong bid for end Erwin has a good chance to land the pivotal position He played there during the latter part of last fall and he handled himself wltli credit Carey the Maryland lad who will make a bid for either quarter or end also got In today The players have Just returned from a months vacation and todays work was of a light order All of the last year men are nder orders to report theff return by tomorrow having gone on leave a week ahead of the rest of the midshipmen and by Saturday they will have settled down to stiff practice Inn J ft5 Cleveland Pllila 5 2 2 Oldri d 4 0 1 0 Callabas 0 Ja Ion I 1111CJ11Q rf 5 0 G if 1 a S 6 3 1 nkse 1 1 1 p t 1 1 0 3 I 3 4 e 3 0 35 33316 MIl 0 tOO 0 3- e e e tt aII arK Year Today Losdlf 0 I 0 0 2 draney 0 0 I as 0 344 S 31010 I ma plays Dice Ties gameS ¬ ¬ > School ShoesT- hat Wear Like Iron The makers of the famous TECK Shoes have spared- no pains in the designing and making of these TECK Shoes for olir boys They are made in shapes that give growing feet a chance to grow right and in leathers best cal- culated to stand up under the hardest kind of wear Boys Gun Metal and Patent Colt Blucher and Button styles to 350 HeadtoFoot Outfitters Ninth and the Avenue NATIONAL LEAGUE YESTERDAYS RESULTS Philadelphia 13 Cincinnati 11 Brooklyn 4 1 St Louis 5 New York GAMES TODAY PlttithnVg at Phllaclelplila Cincinnati nt Boston St Louis at Brooklyn Chicago at New York STANDING OF TUB CLOBC- V L Pet W L Pt- M Oadaaati 88 SB SI JM i K K Ml HruoTdJnU K S- 3IWkid bk n g Jt4 41 9Q ii Kendall Resecv ji Reorganize The Kendall Athletic Club Reserves football team has organised for the sea son with a strong lineup Several promising now man reported for practice yesterday together with last years veterans The Kendalls would like to arranp games with all teams averaging 1 pounds Address John F McCormack 1143 Fifth street northeast Those reporting for practice were J Fitzpatrick A Nell J PlaJwton W Clements F Ateop H Smallwood M Abraham J McCormack manager F Logan A Stoner E MeDonotigh J Fitzgerald and M Moran New Haven Sept 5L It was given cit here today that Philbin who captalnel the Yala nine Woddl captain of the varsity eight and Bob Taft th Presidents son will enter the Harvarl Law School this fall They graduate last June from Yale Philbin will be the gueat of young Taft at Beverly until th two go to Harvard Boys 2 11 Chicago I fit 9 N yeltiI 4 ten- or Yale Stars to Enter harvard varsity I a 4 ceam 1st iit I ¬ ¬ = TEN FREE i the First Two Games of he- AT PHILADELPHIA THE WASHINGTON HERALD I Has Completed Arrangements for a Personally Conducted Party CONTEST OPEN TO ALL Except Employe of The Herald and Members of Their Families CONTEST IS NOW ON i Last Coupon Appears October 2 Winners Be An- nounced Sunday October 9 j A coupon or ballot will appear on the second page every day from the start to the close of the contest Coupons cut from the daily edition will count TWO VOTES and coupons cut from the Sunday edition will count TEN VOTES The TEN candidates receiving the greatest number of votes J will be declared winners In case of tie similar trips will be awarded tying contestants Coupons must be sent direct to the Contest Editor For further information or particulars call on or address CONTEST EDITOR The Washington Herald f- H KH KH I i- To I Worlds Baseball Championship 5 I- It t THE Vill I r- H t 4 i o tt 10 Jr ft TRIPS u V I i k > + + + +

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How to Get ThereTake Trolley Line 35th and H N E di

rect to City and Suburban LineGet Oft at Brentwood

AUTOMOBILES-Will Ifcava 14th St Opposite Willard


Performance 3 8 and 10 P JL Dally



Temporary location rear of 1219 K U nwPhone Main 1686

Clarke F NAuto repairs used cars sold on commission

Rear 135T K nw Phone M 2233

ElmoreCHARLES E MYERS-1C9 L et nw Tohphoce 362


131 V t nw Phone worth SOW

Merkel Light Motor CycJesEmblem Bicycles


Oldsmobile-M T POLLOCK Agent1018 Conn nw Phone M T791


Phone Main 24T9 1222 H st nw


134 V st nw Phone N 388

Regal BMERSON ORMETemporary location rear of 1219 K ct nw

Phone Main 7605

Reliance MotorcyclesBICYCLES Supplies and Re-

pairs OHAS S VERiULLlON fflW 14th st-ITiona North 1724


1105 llth rt Tkotxi N moO

WarrenDetroit 30Auto repair shop and salesroom 1603 11th st

Phone North 4158 NORMAN 2 BOWLES Agent


Motorcycle Supplies and Repairing912 9th st nw Phone M 4133


124 rw North S058

Secondhand WaverleyElectric 400

POPE AUTO COB19 14th st nir

Phone M74S


E B Geer Dr Griffith Jacob C Dlblrtand chauffeur arrived in Washington yes-

terday on their way to Baltimore andPhiladelphia then returning to theirhome at Johnstown Pa Loving Johnstown Saturday they encountered veryrough roads and going as far a Staunton Va they returned to WashingtonThey expect to arrive home next Wednesday-

R C Smith loaves today for a shorttrip South expecting to bo back duringthe week

John S Berryman reports the saleof HarleyDavidson motorcycles to MrGreer of Gray Greer druggists MrScheckler 3SS3 Georgia avenue and MrC Iiuckel

Two carloads of BuJcks will be unloaded today They are the new Buick Bugmodel No 14 price This is a newmodel which te Buick Company hasbeen experimenting with the last twoyears and now is placing on the marketlor the first time

An exciting Incident occurred on thecorner of Fourteenth and U streets

when a grand old model 181 ityperunabout crashed ir to a garbage wagonThe car was not visibly damaged andits owner Joo Romania suffered nothingmore than a long lecture from tlte po-

liceman on the boat

Stanley Horner has resigned tram thoWilson Company and accepted a positionwith the Studebaker Company

Tho Sims Motor Car Company received-a new Haynes 1S11 mOtler yesterday-

L V Hyson Is now connected withthe Studebaker Company as salesman

and Navy vs BrownsAt Capital City Park today the Asbury

Browns will meet the War and Navyteam

War and Navy will use their best bat-tery Johnson and Freeman



The Athletics arc champions of1310

BecauseEven as you cant lost what

you havent got so must youhave what you havent lost

Tho Athletics by virtue ofyesterdays tie game in Cleve-land have not lost the ponnantnor is It possible for them so todo

Therefore the Athletics musthave the pennant Q E D

As a matter of tact underpresent conditions tho Athletl6scannot lose Tho worst thatcould happen if the Athleticslost yesterday would be an evenbreak

Here is the dopeAthletics still had seventeen

games to play at tho start ofyesterdays proceedings

New York also had seventeenDetroit fourteen and Bostonseventeen

New York lost to Chicago andthe Athletics will not have achance to play the tie off asthey have finished the schoduledgames against the Naps

Heres the dope if New Yorkwins every game and tile Athletics lose every contest

W L PCAthletics 96 59 617New York 05 613































Stallings Dropped by Ownerof New York Team


Friction Cornea to Climax WhenGreat Flmt Ilrmomnn Announcedthat lIe Will Lend Highlandersfront Now On Present Manager toHear Ills Disiulsul Today

Special to Tho Washington HeraldChicago Sept Chase will be

manager of the Now York Highlandersnext season

His contract as leader of the Yankeesalready has been signed and approvedand Is In tho hands of Owner Frank Far-rell Chase gave out this news today Itwas not exactly news at that as theevents of the last weak or two all pointed-to a conclusion byt It was thofirst time a positive announcement of anykind has been made

Hal probably would have maintained sllonco If Manager George Stallings had re-

mained here but tho latter was on Jitsway to New York to confer with OwnerFarrell

No Surprise for StallingStallings will meet his employer to

morrow morning and the tidings will bebroken to him then However he wontbe surprised either for hte perfectlygood eyes have enabled him to rend thehandwriting on tho wall tho bench andeverywhere else

The present managers contract doesnot expire until the end of this seasonbut there Is a possibility that ho will bepaid oft tomorrow and given a perma-nent vacation In that event Chase willcontinue the Job of managing which hestarted yesterday

Chaio doos not believe he Is In wrongwith his team mates Ho said todaythey knew as well as ho did that he wasto manage thorn in 1011 and that nonoof them had acted as If displeased bythe knowledge

In an interview Stallings said-I want to find out from Mr Farrell

who Is running the Now York AmericanLeague teem Chase or myself I willleave for Now York Immediately If MrFarrell decides in favor of the first base-man I will quit at once If he upholdsmy regime Chase will have to step downand out There cant be two bosses andespecially when one Is doublecrossingthe other

Chase has refused to obey orders andhas tried to disrupt the team Farrellmugt give me a square answer to thequestion Who is rqnning your teamChase or I

I am ready to show Mr Farrell thatChase has approached several playersand tried to convince thorn that I amunfit for the position of manager Hehas taken days at a time ort when weneeded his servlcae and on several ofthose occasions h was in splendid condition-

I think with the handicaps I have ac-

complished wonders with the Hlghlandara-Wo should hays won the pennant andwould have If the first baseman had puthis heart Into the game

Chase professed surprise and saidStallings and I have no differences

to my knowledge and outside of baseballI believe that he Is a perfect gentlemanBut I hardly think that he Is a wonderfulbaseball manager He has always toldme to play as I saw fit and has never di-

rected one way or another In how toconduct my game

How he could get It Into his head Iwas a disturbing element or even dreamthat I was trying to supplant him asmanager I cannot tell I am perfectlysatisfied to go about my business anddo It conscientiously I am not desirous



jUSL such









of assuming any managerialfor I feel that my work around

the first bag should occupy all my attention Naturally I want to refute anystatement that might rofiect upon myreputation as an honest trying ball player and If Stallings has accused me ofany wrongdoing I am certainly going tosee that he makes a retraction and thatat an early date


Expect to Turn Out Fast Team ThisSeason

The Vigilant Athletic Club of Southeast Washington the Independent

of this city In football and baseball held a meeting last night to talkfootball The Vlgllants expect to havethe best eleven that ever represented theDistrict and In order to give everybody-a fair trial have engaged as coaches Dugan of the Warwick A C and Seyford-

of the Seamen GunnersThe team will feel the loss of three of

last years stars Lee Martin Milton Tur-

ner and Harvey HundleyAmong those who will try for the team

are J McElfresh J Harding E ColC Connors S Ollverl S

Allen J Holland G Ellis W Parker-E Dougherty J Gristle J Morgan PHester A Sprlngman C Johnson ABrewer W McKenzie H Howe N Donbrest J Geble P Cannon G StelnmoyerR Coloman G Wldmeyer and S Green

The team this year will play any teamIn the city regardless of weight

Apache A O v CardlnalnThe newly organized Apache A C that

tied the Yarmoutha In the opening gameof the season will clash with the Alex-andria Cardinals next Saturday at theSoutheast grounds Fifth and L streetsat 530



1st U 3d 2d 3dBishop 82 91 Branson 82 S3

n n 77 87 79 Crown S AHuge 79 OS EllUruoh 97 32

81 67 Alexander 79 82 6S

Totals 43 117 435 Totals 333 430 400

Largest Morning1 Circulation

Very Newest Patternsi-n fine imported Woolens are

shown by us Your Inspection Is InvitedCTArtlrtlff cutting wipcrlor workmanship

prices are features of our service

Frederic A Cochran CoTailors eoeiatnsrAbor P weit side



lIng worth


I lit8t

campbell 95 9S 8G lIenrr jj i8 B3














Nationals Scout Beats Out Three Others in of Young

Gossip of Interest





If anybody can get Scout Mike Kahoeto tell the true story of how ha landedCatcher Alnsmlth from tho Lawrence clubof the New England League baseballfans will read a tale that smacKs of NickCarter Diamond Dick and other wildand woolly talon

Whin It come to plotting schemingand crafty planning Kahoe has the otherbig league scouts tied to a tree and yellIng for help

The Nationals henchman duringbrief visit here last week let the writerIn on a few Inside facts about the Alnsmith deal Kahoe refused to revealnames and always weighed his wordsbefore speaking but from what he letslip the situation was as follows

Three major league clubs were hot onthe trail of Alnsmlth when Kahoo hitLawrence Ptttsburg had a representativeon the Job who was prepared to otterwhat Kahoe could not a couple of play-ers besides Lawrgnce wassadly in need of players Kahoe dis-

covering that the Lawrence managementhad about agreed to let Alnsmlth go toPlttsburg camped on the trail of theSmoky City scout One night the twomet outside their hotel and started oreto look over tho town Both were ball-players and they talked over old timesThe Plttsburg man had an unusuallylarge thirst that night and every cafeIn town was visited before tho hour forclosing time Kalioe drank nothingstronger than sarsaparllla

Scout Mike finally had to take chargeof his friend and saw to It that he wassafely tucked in bed On a small tablewas a letter ready to be malted but notsealed Mike glanced at It und the firstfew lines attracted his attention Closewith Lawrence at once for Ainsmith asothor clubs are after him Kahoe putthe letter in lib pocket and beat it forhis room

Needless to say the letter was nevermailed and two days elapsed duringwhich time Scout Mike raised the antefor Ainamlths services The Plttaburgscout waiting for final Instructionsfrom the Smoky City believing that hehad posted the letter Before he

that Pittsburg had never receivedthe epistle Kahou landed Ainsmith forWashington

Bach night after the letter disappearedKahoe took pains to hunt up the Pittaburg seout and they always made therounds of the cafes Kahoe sticking tosoft drinks while his friend drank almost anything he could lift

This is only qno story of AInsmlthscapture Kahoe In order to get on thegood side of the Lawrence manager Join-

ed a secret order of which the managerwas a member and brought every pres-sure to bear

Scout Mike said Ill never forget theweek I spent in Lawrence It I live to bea million x

The Chicago White Sox are now wtthlnfour points of thd Nationals and avictory over the Athletics today willshove McAleers team Into seventh place

The fall from the top of the firstdown to next to last place has

been rapid and only a big brace willrecover the lost ground-

A fan In talking with the writer lastnight said Have you noticed that justas soon as Wld Conroy was taken outof tho game the Nationals have not wona single contest Perhaps If McAleershoves the Widow back into the lineupluck will change

There Is only In whichthe Cubs according to the official av-

erages excel the Athletics Yet whenthe time to play the world series comesthe Chicago outfit will be the favorite







one department











CONNIE MACKJTanSECT of the Philadelphia Athlctt


in the betting at odds ranging from 2 to1 to 5 to 3 according to where the betsare

There has been but little betting so farand most of that has been confined toPhiladelphia There one bet was made ofJlWO against 2500 In New York theCubs are looked upon by many as a 2to1 chance These odds are all false TheCubs are picked to win by most of theexperts but they have not shown enough-to warrant anything like 2 to 1 Six tofive would be more like natural odds

On the seasons play so far the Athletics have outpltched outflelded and outbatted the Cubs and have stolen morebases The Cubs are Justly accountedthe brainiest ball players in the countryonce they get on the bases but theydo not advance because they have moreskill and speed than the Athletics Theyget around because they take better ad-

vantage of openings offered in tho wayof tardy or fumbling fielding

The Cubs cannot begin to compare withtho slugging Mackmen in hitting nor dotheir pitchers show up as well in therecords Miner Brown Ed RCulbach andEd Pfolster have all gone back some-

what since last year Brown was almostruined by the extra work piled up onhim by Frank Chance last year In a vaineffort to catch thfl Pirates

Will Hal Chase turn out to be a sec-

ond Larry Lajoie as manager


The dark and draarjr day are fc

apcrtteg seasons ahi taaiMwt of all the year

Bring sate us the scare

The baseball tnuons almost doseFootball is sow tho epwUag fad

ThoHch BOCCW is but gloomy teen

Tfe bowling scores that make us sad

Whet man who is charged with lifeWho oer the uportine pores

Is MX MwtMd almost te strifeBy Joofcteff at the bwH K

Wl y are they i ri t l None can tMThe s5bt of them CMK nan abhors

Tk fre aH d with aaaw BB out tiM-

CWeasa News

Hoary Edwards of the Clovelnrifl PlainDealer pays Harry Dents the followingcompliment

Harry Bemls was disposed of to Co-

lumbus yesterday and there are scoresof Clevelamlors who will regret the passIng of this popular favorite For nineseasons Bemis has served Clevelandfaithfully He saver was a quitter andhe always tried to give the club the besthe had He never was a Billy Sullivannor a Klin behind the bat but neitherover had anything on the Marlboroughlad when It came to being a willingworker

Particularly will the fans rememberhis grand work behind the bat and withthe bat in the closing days of whenwith Clarke on the bench with a brokenfinger Bemis caught twentytwo straightgames Naps winning the majority ofthem Bruised and spiked himself hecaught game after game when he was afit subject for the hospital but he neverwhimpered and went on working his headoff in the hope that Cleveland would winthe pennant That it failed was no faultof his

Sporting Editor The Wtshtogtoa H p-

It having become the custom for theball teams of the various cities to settletheir claims to superiority by

series why not try it in Wash-ington and let the fans know which isthe best club here by arranging a seriesbetween the Nationals and the Cornellteam A FAN


Chicago AVJilte Sox Make It ThreeStraight Victories

Chicago Sept 21 The White Sox cameout victorious over the Highlanders forthe third time this afternoon defeatingthe disorganized New Yorkers 6 toTodays game like thoso on the two preceding days was bitterly fought fromstart to finish Caldwell and Scott started out to do the pitching and neitherproved much of a puzzle after the firsttwo Innings Score

New York AB II 0 A E t AR H O A EDanteb U 3 I 2 I MeCewieH a 4 1 0 2Walter rf 3 2 Lead Jb 4 2 1 tChase Ib 3261 Metoan rf 31000Knight DmwkertSf IfLaport 2b 4112 cf 3 0 2 0 0

e 4121 Zefafer s 31310Austin 3t Mnta lbc l jme c 4 1 12 1 0

Mitchell c 2 0 3 Scott p 21130p Wakfa p 1 1 A 1 Ip

Totals 31 SCTMlTotals 32 7 31M

Xrw York 0009100004Chi-cago 00303000 x6-RunsDaaiob Chaw KnIght Cw McConneU

Lord 2 Dougherty Payne Scott Threebase hitScot Sacrifice MtsWcltir Chase Zcidrr Stolenbaws Daniels fii Lord Meloan Strode out ByCaldwell 3 by Warhop 3 by Scott 5 by Walsh 5Bases on ballsOff CaMwH 1 off AVarhop 1 offScott 1 Double playScott to Payno to MnlliaLeft on basesNew York 4 Chicago 5 UmpireJfessrs Egan and Sheridan Time of same 1 hourand 50 minutes


Frank Smith Pitches Sox to Vic-tory In St Louis

St Louis Sept 21 Frank Smith wonthe third and final game of the seasonhere today for the Hostons from SLLouis 4 to 2 Malloy was hit hard in thepinches and also very wild Score

Boston St Louis AH HO A EGardner 2b 30240 Tniesdale 2b 3 0 5 3 1

rf 2 1 2 0 B C rrWon 3b 30331Speaker cf 62260 Stone 4 0 3 0 iIb 4 1 10 0 1 Norton cf 42101Warner ss 30350 Ilartzcll rf 40100Lewis If 31208 Wallace ss 40310I-

nrteli 3b 20111 Grim Ib 31700ra-rriean c 41411 Killifer c 31430p Malloy p

Totals 23 62714 2 Totals 30 42713 3iBoston6t Louts 20000000 02

Uuns Hooper Speaker Lewis F Smith TruesdAte Stone Twobase hit Origgs Sacrifice hitsCorridon Lewis Purtell 2 Gardner Doubleplay Tniesdale to Wallace to Griggs Stolen tuesSUms Northen Hooper 2 Hit by pitcher By-Malloj Basra on balls Off Malloy 6 off Smith2 Struck outBr Malloy 4 by Smith 1

Louts 4 Boston 9

OLouchlin and Connolly Time of came 1 hourand 54 minutes


superiority sat the first tasteOld Glory next

time Case 2 doz 9175-C7BOTTLE REBATE 50-

cAbncrDrury Brewing Co Si10



ereThe e-

rnebow jO




10 1




8 It

1 2 1 1 3 1 0 0

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M 4 0

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02 O 2



00 00021











The Balance of Our

Mens Madras

Neglige ShirtsLeft Over

150 200 and 250J


Come Early for Size andStyle

728 15th St N W


Phillies Take Game from Cincinnatil y 1 to 11

Philadelphia Sept Phllllas wontho sokson8 series from Cincinnati to-

day In a weird game 13 to 11 Twentyeight men participated In the contestwhich abounded with hittingloose fielding Score

CUMti All IT O A E I Phil AB II O A H-

n K 3 2 1 rf 4 2Ixttxtn ft 1 1 0 K attt ft 62421IT-oWit U lbS 513 et i t 6 f

rf t U e U J 2 II1-aftwt ef 4 1 J 1 Ota

e 4 2 4 2 I I-

Ksaa 2b 3 I 7 I

4 1 1

4KlDowsey BS S 2 2 4 1 Dt ta e Milp 1 1 Ctetem pIMTp 1 I 0 I W fc

Tetak 3f St 4 M-

I TeUto 38 14 4

lot Iteeba la U tewmk-

tlUtUd for B fM ta Ute

iDalUd for Cbiksscs hi tlw ft OkHalted for Scbrttfer ta the ifth-lotted for Dresses in the ihjfclf-

cOocauiBH 1 4 1 A

PhiLadelphia t-

RmtkBtteher A Lofeert Clarke CD O-

DAWMT Co ates McLean Z

S Bates Mcgee Grist ltranaHd DeaNs S

Darin VAbh Left on taae IMladrtla M-

CtneteBati 9 FIrst n b U Off Conitafeie3 eg Cbatawrt I oft Sbetlkr 1 off Jt 3 off

5 Suw ontDr Cbwledtk 3 Vr ChallINn 2 Shtftkr I hr Itoctae L HOHM nw-McLwa TbraetMK h tMa Twobai Wfe-

l nkrt C lMki BaM MWrtwll Dowaty seRflca biULobect Beadier Cwatedrt Ee DooMn

Mora Stake buteBrarhtr Ubert Esan Balsalilt l pHchcrIir Corakikir 1 Umpire

MM0n ODay and Brcnww Ties bf carau ihours and 25 stontr f


Cardinals Capture of Series liyOpportune HItting

New York Sept 2L The Cardinals wonthe last game of the series today by

Marquard at opportune times TheGiants on the other hand couldnt hitin pinches although there was a lot ofloose pitching by the Lor i boxmenScore

St Louis AB H O A B New Yarlc AB H O A F-H ri 42412 Dew W 2 2-

Bttv If 4 3 t Dfte 1 3Mo 3b 3 1 3 S Swtdflraw cf 1 3 1

Ka MU4ur Ib 4 1 7 1 1geese rf 3 1 1 9 bfidwU Ml lps c 3 6 J Pfetehtraa 2

Oak cf MerMe Ik 3HaitMr ss 2 1 1 MCTCTS e 4-

Gofcten p 1 21 Scbfei eIjHh 01 2 Marqaard p 2 I IBarber I 1 ft ItcdwrtHarmon p 1 1 AMM p J

Slaiil Totals 3t 9371l IBatted for TAlk tat Uw ifth-

tBatted for Mamnard la the efchtbSt IjOMk 1 2 1 00-X r Yurtc 9 t 1

RunsHondas KtM 2 PMDf DtroreDoyle SocdmrnM Merkle heft on3 Xw York Pint bate OB balhrOff Guides3 off La 1 off Harem 1 Marqnaid 3

Stn4 k mtI OaMm 1 t Hannnn S bj MarUMid f 1 T Ame 1 Ttewta WiaHuwjuw CAbbott Twobw hitMimwr SacrMKanetekr Dww PWtrter MannarL Sa rtnee fir

Mowicjr Stdec ba a AbbMt Drvwr Sendtra Double ptayMiATir to lltcfe to Hauwr-Jcj rs to BrMmfi Wild pttchAiMa IViwed

balk Ph K Mayr lIlt by Marcptard 1 H ad Off Guides 1 ia 213 iantocfalt lJuA 3 in 123 toBiozi elf Mamaani j in S

luuipg Urap r XCf r Ka nod Kkm Timeof ga e 2 hour and 15


Early HiKiitR Gives Dodger Ad-

vantage In Fnst GameNew York Sept 21 Early hitting by

the Brooklyns gave them a lead todaythat the Cubs couldnt overcome Thegame was a fast one with the Brooklyndoing the better work Score

Chteaeo AB IT 0 A B Brookhra AB H 0 A K-

Evers 2to 4241 Dandana ef 4 1 I-

Sh ckard If Dantwrt lbRise if 1 0 0 Wheat n 3 1 I 4-

KHns Hnrand 2bBeaumont if 1 0 1 I rfhelms cf MeBlvMa SbArcher Ib 4 2 Smith t

3 1 1 3 0 cSchulte rf Racier pTinker ss 4I23Nc-odhaiB c 4134 TOtals 3 82712 0Mcintyre p 1 0 B 3 0Wearer p 1 1 I I 0

10900n-icbi p

18000Totals 34124M 1

Batted for Kane in the seventhmatted for Wearer in the sereftth-tBatted for Richie in the ninth

Clitagote 000000100101210000 x 1

Runs Sdiulte Wheat Humrael McBir on 2Bases on balI Off McIntyre 1 off 3 offlOuder 4 Struck out By Mclntyre 1 by Wearer2 by Rncker 9 Home ninSHumnwl Left onbass Chicago 10 Brooklyn 6 Twobase hitsNeedham Daubert Sacrifice hits MeElreen Ber-gen Stolen base Humrael Double play MeEITeen to Hummel to Danbert Hit by pitcher ByMcintyre 2 Umpiree Messrs Johnston and KatonTime of same 1 hour and SO


All to date




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AR H AVELajoie 543 201 370Cobb 468 169 361Speaker 478 171 358Snodgrass t 329 110 334







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Contest Ends in No Score

After Eleven Innings


Cleveland O Philadelphia 0Called seventh darkMH

Chicago 0 Xcvr York 4Boston 4 St Lou 1 2


Philadelphia t ChicagoNew York nt Cleveland


W L Pet Win LosePhIladelphia 42 601 603 033

Detroit 60 60 571 Jnl 5OT

Boston 73 60 M 571 WiNew York 7J CO 586 858 651

63 75 456 4 IBWashington 69 60 43 423 42-

Obkaco 55 80 4 425 US

St Louis 43 97 T 3tt 305

Cleveland Sept 2L Cleveland andPiladelphia battled for eleven innings toa tie today sensational pitching byCoombs and Fanwoll and startling support by both Naps and Athletics fieldersprevented scoring Twice double playsstopped the Athletics who clustered thebags frequently having men at third sixtimes Cleveland advanced a man tothird only once and their three hits werescattered In the first five innings Score

ABHOABI CloieUwL ABHOAE-s 4 8 7 1 0

if 5 3 0 0CoiliM 2b 4 1 1 3 cf 4 0410Baker Jb 434101 52321U-nfa Jb 3 7 1 1 Eutedr Tf 3 0 0 I

Lap e 3 I 8 3 1 Tunwr 3b

I S iUC e 2 1 6 3ToUJi 37 93112 2 I P wo p

Ban oj J JI T tls 4

Ran toe Euferir ta tile ntaih

CkffvfcMd 0000 0-

Twotew MULwd lube Scri ce MteBtkerO-UriBg DUlL Stoles Collinst TWMT tt Lord Hues tm baUtrOff Coram

I off Pswrell 2 Hk u piteherBr Ooowb 1

Left l rWMdpia 16 Ctewfcnd 9 StuckootBy Coombs 8 kgr FwrneM 6 DtvUeLtfete t l fctap Mk to noteharM Json totafch VftiA ptehCooBbs ltefrfKMee PerriM slid of buses And tt


Uplnn Trots Mile Over AllentownTrack In 20 11

Allentown Pa Sept 21 The worldstrotting record of 20 over a halfmiletrack was beaten today by Uplan Thegreat black gelding in an exhibitiontrotted the mile in 2 Vi Thorn werefour other races on the programme


Last Football Stars JoinS in nil for Practice

Sal to Tb WMhtaetoe Resold

Annapolis Md Sept H The advanceguard of the veterans of last years Navyfootball team returned to Annapolis today and were out on the field in togsprepared to buckle down to the realactive work of the game realizing thatin ten days time the seasons schedule-of games will be inaugurated the Initialcontest ling with St Johns October 1

The early arrivals Included Red Erwin brother of the famous tackle of theArmy eleven of a few years ago who Isone of the leading candidates for quarter-back this season Loftln last years righttackle Roger Spencer substitute backAustin another back field candidate andCobb who will make 8 strong bid forend Erwin has a good chance to landthe pivotal position He played thereduring the latter part of last fall andhe handled himself wltli credit Careythe Maryland lad who will make a bidfor either quarter or end also got Intoday The players have Just returnedfrom a months vacation and todayswork was of a light order All of the lastyear men are nder orders to reporttheff return by tomorrow having goneon leave a week ahead of the rest of themidshipmen and by Saturday they willhave settled down to stiff practice

Inn J



Pllila5 2 2

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Dice Ties gameS





hat WearLike Iron

The makers of the famousTECK Shoes have spared-

no pains in the designing andmaking of these TECKShoes for olir boys They aremade in shapes that givegrowing feet a chance to growright and in leathers best cal-

culated to stand up underthe hardest kind of wearBoys Gun Metal and PatentColt Blucher and Buttonstyles

to 350

HeadtoFoot Outfitters

Ninth and the Avenue



Philadelphia 13 Cincinnati 11

Brooklyn 4 1

St Louis 5 New York


PlttithnVg at PhllaclelplilaCincinnati nt Boston

St Louis at BrooklynChicago at New York


K Ml HruoTdJnU K S-3IWkid bk n g Jt4 41 9Q ii

Kendall Resecv ji ReorganizeThe Kendall Athletic Club Reserves

football team has organised for the season with a strong lineup

Several promising now man reportedfor practice yesterday together with

last years veteransThe Kendalls would like to arranp

games with all teams averaging 1

pounds Address John F McCormack1143 Fifth street northeast

Those reporting for practice were JFitzpatrick A Nell J PlaJwton WClements F Ateop H Smallwood M

Abraham J McCormack manager FLogan A Stoner E MeDonotigh JFitzgerald and M Moran

New Haven Sept 5L It was given cithere today that Philbin who captalnelthe Yala nine Woddl captainof the varsity eight and Bob Taft thPresidents son will enter the HarvarlLaw School this fall They graduatelast June from Yale Philbin will be thegueat of young Taft at Beverly until thtwo go to Harvard







N yeltiI 4



Yale Stars to Enter harvard





ceam 1stiit





TEN FREEi the First Two Games

of he-



Has Completed Arrangements for a Personally

Conducted Party

CONTEST OPEN TO ALLExcept Employe of The Herald and Members of Their Families

CONTEST IS NOW ON iLast Coupon Appears October 2 Winners Be An-

nounced Sunday October 9j

A coupon or ballot will appear on the second page every dayfrom the start to the close of the contest Coupons cut from thedaily edition will count TWO VOTES and coupons cut from theSunday edition will count TEN VOTES

The TEN candidates receiving the greatest number of votes Jwill be declared winners In case of tie similar trips will beawarded tying contestants Coupons must be sent direct to theContest Editor

For further information or particulars call on or address

CONTEST EDITOR The Washington Herald f-



To I

Worlds Baseball Championship 5









o tt 10 Jr










