half life and nuclear problems

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Post on 10-Oct-2015




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Half life of Radioactive elements


  • 1. Which equation represents the radioactive decay

    of 22688 Ra?

    1) 22688 Ra - 22286 Rn +


    2) 22688 Ra - 22689 Ac +


    3) 22688 Ra - 22687 Fr +


    4) 22688 Ra - 22588 Ra +


    2. The chart below shows the spontaneous nuclear

    decay of U-238 to Th-234 to Pa-234 to U-234.

    What is the correct order of nuclear decay

    modes for the change from U-238 to U-234?

    1) decay, decay, decay2) decay, decay, decay3) decay, decay, decay4) decay, decay, decay

    3. Which product of nuclear decay has mass but no


    1) alpha particles 3) gamma rays

    2) neutrons 4) beta positrons

    4. In the equation:

    23940 Th

    234 91 Pa + X

    The symbol X represents

    1) 0+1e

    2) 01e

    3) 10n

    4) 11H

    5. In the equation:

    23491 Pa

    234 92U + X

    The X represents a

    1) helium nucleus 3) proton

    2) beta particle 4) neutron

    6. According to the equation:

    X 20882 Pb +


    The nucleus correctly represented by X is

    1) 20480 Hg

    2) 21284 Po

    3) 20480 Bi

    4) 21284 Pb

    7. In the equation:

    23490 Th

    23491 Pa + X

    Which particle is represented by X?

    1) 01e

    2) 42He

    3) 11H

    4) 0+1e

    8. In the equation:

    226 88Ra

    222 86Rn + X

    X represents

    1) a neutron 3) a beta particle

    2) a proton 4) an alpha particle

    9. Given the reaction:

    23491 Pa X +


    When the equation is correctly balanced the

    nucleus represented by X is

    1) 23492 U

    2) 23592 U

    3) 23090 Th

    4) 23290 Th

  • 10. Given the equation:

    18 9F

    18 8O + X

    Which symbol, when substituted for X, correctly

    balances the equation?

    1) 11H

    2) 10n

    3) 01e

    4) 0+1e

    11. In the equation:

    X 226 88Ra +


    The symbol X represents

    1) 222 86Th

    2) 230 90Th

    3) 222 86Rn

    4) 230 90Rn

    12. A neutron has approximately the same mass as

    1) an alpha particle 3) an electron

    2) a beta particle 4) a proton

    13. What is the half-life of sodium-25 if 1.00 gram

    of a 16.00-gram sample of sodium-25 remains

    unchanged after 237 seconds?

    1) 47.4 s 3) 79.0 s

    2) 59.3 s 4) 118 s

    14. Based on Reference Table N, what is the

    fraction of a sample of potassium-42 that will

    remain unchanged after 62.0 hours?

    15. What is the half-life and decay mode of Rn-222?

    1) 1.91 days and alpha decay

    2) 1.91 days and beta decay

    3) 3.82 days and alpha decay

    4) 3.82 days and beta decay

    16. Based on Reference Table N, what fraction of a

    radioactive 90Sr sample would remain

    unchanged after 56.2 years?

    1) 1212

    2) 1414

    3) 1818

    4) 116116

    17. How many days are required for 200. grams of

    radon-222 to decay to 50.0 grams?

    1) 1.91 days 3) 7.64 days

    2) 3.82 days 4) 11.5 days

    18. Which radioisotope undergoes beta decay and

    has a half-life of less than 1 minute?

    1) Fr-220 3) N-16

    2) K-42 4) P-32

    19. Based on Reference Table N, what fraction of a

    sample of gold-198 remains radioactive after

    2.69 days?

    1) 1414

    2) 1212

    3) 3434

    4) 7878

    20. After 32 days, 5 milligrams of an 80-milligram

    sample of a radioactive isotope remains

    unchanged. What is the half-life of this element?

    1) 8 days 3) 16 days

    2) 2 days 4) 4 days

    21. According to Reference Table N, which

    radioactive isotope will retain only one-eighth (1818

    ) its original radioactive atoms after

    approximately 43 days?

    1) gold-198 3) phosphorus-32

    2) iodine-131 4) radon-222

    22. According to Table N, which radioactive isotope

    is best for determining the actual age of Earth?

    1) 238U

    2) 90Sr

    3) 60Co

    4) 14C

  • Base your answers to questions 23 through 26 on on

    the graph below. The graph represents the decay of

    radioactive material X into a stable decay product.

    23. If radioactive material X were heated, the length

    of its half-life period would

    1) decrease 3) remain the same

    2) increase

    24. Each of the objects below has different amounts

    remaining of the original radioactive material X.

    Which object is most likely the oldest?





  • 25. Which graph best represents the relative

    percentages of radioactive material X and its

    stable decay product after 15,000 years?(The

    shaded region represents radioactive material

    while the non-shaded region represents stable

    decay products.)





    26. What is the approximate half-life of radioactive

    material X?

    1) 5,000 yr 3) 50,000 yr

    2) 10,000 yr 4) 100,000 yr

    27. Exactly how much time must elapse before 16

    grams of potassium-42 decays, leaving 2 grams

    of the original isotope?

    1) 8 12.4 hours 3) 3 12.4 hours

    2) 2 12.4 hours 4) 4 12.4 hours

    28. As a sample of the radioactive isotope 131I

    decays, its half-life

    1) decreases 3) remains the same

    2) increases

    29. The half-life of a radioactive substance is 2.5

    minutes. What fraction of the original

    radioactive substance remains after 10 minutes?

    1) 1


    2) 1


    3) 1


    4) 1


    30. Approximately what fraction of an original

    Co60 sample remains after 21 years?

    1) 1


    2) 1


    3) 1


    4) 1


    31. The half-life of 131I is 8.07 days. What fraction

    of a sample of 131I remains after 24.21 days?

    1) 1


    2) 1


    3) 1


    4) 1


    32. What was the original mass of a radioactive

    sample that decayed to 25 grams in four half-life


    1) 50 g 3) 200 g

    2) 100 g 4) 400 g

    33. What is the total number of grams of a 32-gram

    sample of 32P remaining after 71.5 days of


    1) 1.0 g 3) 8.0 g

    2) 2.0 g 4) 4.0 g

    34. In how many days will a 12-gram sample of 13153 I

    decay, leaving a total of 1.5 grams of the

    original isotope?

    1) 8.0 3) 20.

    2) 16 4) 24

    35. What mass of a 60.0-gram sample of 16N will

    remain unchanged after 28.8 seconds?

    1) 3.75 g 3) 15.0 g

    2) 7.50 g 4) 30.0 g

  • 36. The half-life of 146 C is 5,730 years. What fraction

    of a 1 gram sample of 146 C would remain after

    17,190 years?

    1) 1


    2) 1


    3) 1


    4) 1


    37. What is the number of half-life periods required

    for a sample of a radioactive material to decay to

    one-sixteenth its original mass?

    1) 8 3) 3

    2) 16 4) 4

    38. A sample of 131I decays to 1.0 gram in 40. days.

    What was the mass of the original sample?

    1) 8.0 g 3) 32 g

    2) 16 g 4) 4.0 g

    39. Compared to 37K, the isotope 42K has a

    1) shorter half-life and the same decay mode

    2) shorter half-life and a different decay mode

    3) longer half-life and the same decay mode

    4) longer half-life and a different decay mode

    40. What total mass of a 16 gram sample of 60Co

    will remain unchanged after 15.9 years?

    1) 1.0 g 3) 8.0 g

    2) 2.0 g 4) 4.0 g

    41. A 40.0 milligram sample of 33P decays to 10.0

    milligrams in 50.0 days. What is the half-life of 33P?

    1) 12.5 days 3) 37.5 days

    2) 25.0 days 4) 75.0 days

    42. If 8.0 grams of a sample of 60Co existed in 1990,

    in which year will the remaining amount of 60Co

    in the sample be 0.50 gram?

    1) 1995 3) 2006

    2) 2000 4) 2011

    43. If 3.0 grams of 90Sr in a rock sample remained in

    1989, approximately how many grams of 90Sr

    were present in the original rock sample in 1933?

    1) 9.0 g 3) 3.0 g

    2) 6.0 g 4) 12. g

    44. As a sample of a radioactive element decays, its


    1) decreases 3) remains the same

    2) increases

    45. If 80 milligrams of a radioactive element decays

    to 10 milligrams in 30 minutes, what is the

    element's half-life in minutes?

    1) 10 3) 30

    2) 20 4) 40

    46. An 80 milligram sample of a radioactive isotope

    decays to 5 milligrams in 32 days. What is the

    half-life of this element?

    1) 8 days 3) 16 days

    2) 2 days 4) 4 days

    47. If a radioactive substance has a half-life of 9

    days what fraction of its original mass would

    remain after 27 days?

    1) 1


    2) 1


    3) 1


    4) 3


  • 48. The graph below represents the decay of a

    radioactive isotope.

    Based on Reference Table H, which

    radioisotope is best represented by the graph?

    1) 32P

    2) 131I

    3) 198Au

    4) 222Rn

    49. Which sample will decay least over a period of

    30 days?

    1) 10 g of Au-198 3) 10 g of P-32

    2) 10 g of I-131 4) 10 g of Rn-222

    50. As the temperature of a sample of a radioactive

    element decreases, the half-life of the element

    1) decreases 3) remains the same

    2) increases

    51. Which radioactive sample would contain the

    greatest remaining mass of the radioactive

    isotope after 10 years?

    1) 2.0 grams of 198Au

    2) 2.0 grams of 42K

    3) 4.0 grams of 32P

    4) 4.0 grams of 60Co

    52. The graph below represents the decay curve of a

    radioactive isotope. The half-life of this isotope


    1) 8 years 3) 45 years

    2) 30 years 4) 60 years

    53. After 30 days, 5.0 grams of a radioactive isotope

    remains from an original 40.-gram sample. What

    is the half-life of this element?

    1) 5 days 3) 15 days

    2) 10 days 4) 20 days

    54. Approximately how many grams of a 40-gram

    sample of 13153 I will remain unchanged after 24


    1) 5 3) 13

    2) 10 4) 20

    55. The half-life of a radioactive isotope is 20.0

    minutes. What is the total amount of a 1.00-

    gram sample of this isotope remaining after 1.00


    1) 0.500 g 3) 0.250 g

    2) 0.333 g 4) 0.125 g

    56. Which of the following radioisotopes has the

    shortest half-life?

    1) 14C

    2) 3H

    3) 37K

    4) 32P

  • 57. A radioactive element has a half-life of 2 days.

    Which fraction represents the amount of an

    original sample of this element remaining after 6


    1) 1


    2) 1


    3) 1


    4) 1


    58. Which of the following 10-gram samples of

    radioisotope will decay to the greatest extent in

    28 days?

    1) 3215P

    2) 8536Kr

    3) 22087 Fr

    4) 13153 I

    59. An original sample of a radioisotope had a mass

    of 10 grams. After 2 days, 5 grams of the

    radioisotope remains unchanged. What is the

    half-life of this radioisotope?

    1) 1 day 3) 5 days

    2) 2 days 4) 4 days

    60. The decay of which radioisotope can be used to

    estimate the age of the fossilized remains of an


    1) Rn-222 3) Co-60

    2) I-131 4) C-14

    61. Which isotope is most commonly used in the

    radioactive dating of the remains of organic


    1) 14C

    2) 16N

    3) 32P

    4) 37K

    62. Which isotopic ratio needs to be determined

    when the age of ancient wooden objects is


    1) uranium-235 to uranium-238

    2) hydrogen-2 to hydrogen-3

    3) nitrogen-16 to nitrogen-14

    4) carbon-14 to carbon-12

    63. Which procedure is based on the half-life of a


    1) accelerating to increase kinetic energy

    2) radiating to kill cancer cells

    3) counting to determine a level of radioactivity

    4) dating to determine age

    64. A radioactive-dating procedure to determine the

    age of a mineral compares the mineral's

    remaining amounts of isotope 238U and isotope

    1) 206Pb

    2) 206Bi

    3) 214Pb

    4) 214Bi

    65. The course of a chemical reaction can be traced

    by using a

    1) polar molecule 3) stable isotope

    2) diatomic molecule 4) radioisotope

    66. The radioisotope I-131 is used to

    1) control nuclear reactors

    2) determine the age of fossils

    3) diagnose thyroid disorders

    4) trigger fussion reactors

    67. Radioisotopes used for medical diagnosis must


    1) long half-lives and be quickly eliminated by

    the body

    2) long half-lives and be slowly eliminated by

    the body

    3) short half-lives and be quickly eliminated by

    the body

    4) short half-lives and be slowly eliminated by

    the body

  • 68. A radioisotope which is sometimes used by

    doctors to pinpoint a brain tumor is

    1) carbon-12 3) technetium-99

    2) lead-206 4) uranium-238

  • Reference Tables

  • Reference Tables

  • Reference Tables

  • Reference Tables

  • Answer KeyAnswer Key

    1. 1

    2. 4

    3. 2

    4. 2

    5. 2

    6. 2

    7. 1

    8. 4

    9. 1

    10. 4

    11. 2

    12. 4

    13. 2

    14. 132132 or 0.3125

    15. 3

    16. 2

    17. 3

    18. 3

    19. 2

    20. 1

    21. 3

    22. 1

    23. 3

    24. 1

    25. 3

    26. 1

    27. 3

    28. 3

    29. 4

    30. 4

    31. 3

    32. 4

    33. 1

    34. 4

    35. 1

    36. 3

    37. 4

    38. 3

    39. 4

    40. 2

    41. 2

    42. 4

    43. 4

    44. 3

    45. 1

    46. 1

    47. 1

    48. 2

  • Answer Key

    49. 3

    50. 3

    51. 4

    52. 2

    53. 2

    54. 1

    55. 4

    56. 3

    57. 1

    58. 3

    59. 2

    60. 4

    61. 1

    62. 4

    63. 4

    64. 1

    65. 4

    66. 3

    67. 3

    68. 3