halva sa vlaknima

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  • 7/26/2019 Halva Sa Vlaknima


    Food Chemistry 145 (2014) 765771

    Contents lists available at ScienceDirect

    Food Chemistry

    o ! r n a l h o m e " a # e $ % % % & e l s e v i e r & c o m ' l o c a t e ' o o d c h e m

    m"rovin# halva *!ality %ith dietary ibres o sesame seed coats

    and date "!l"+ enriched %ith em!lsiier

    ,ohamed -lle!ch a+

    + Dorothea .edi#ianb+ .o!thaina ,aa/o!n c+ So!hail .esbes a+

    Christo"he .lecerd+amadi ttia


    aD3"artement de .iolo#ie+ nit3 nalyses limentaires+ -cole ationale dn#3nie!rs de Sa+ 8o!te de So!ra+ 909: Sa+;!nisia b8esearch ssociate+ ,isso!ri .otanical + ScConiserie ;8?@=e ,o!lin+ 8o!te de

  • 7/26/2019 Halva Sa Vlaknima


    (Sesam!m indic!m =&) seed coats (testae)

    and date (Ahoeni dactyliera =&) ibreconcentrates are amon# the ibre@rich by@

    "rod!cts %hich ehibit !se!l %ater and oilholdin# ca"acities thereore+ they can be

    !sed as in#redients that allo% or thestabilisation o oodst!s rich in %ater andat+ in "artic!lar+ halva (-lle!ch et al&+ 200:-lle!ch+ .edi#ian+ .esbes+ .lecer+ ttia+

    2012)& Sesame testae "rovide additionalmedicinal and n!tritional enrichment by




    s o"oly"henolantio


    dietary li#nans (.edi#ian+


  • 7/26/2019 Halva Sa Vlaknima


    766 ,& -lle!ch et al& ' Food Chemistry 145 (2014) 765771

    and soa"%ort (Sa"onaria oicinalis

    =&) root (.edi#ian+ 2004)& 8oastin#

    sesame seeds+ the most si#niicant

    ste" in halva "rocess@in# (.edi#ian+

    2004 .edi#ian+ 2011a+b)+ im"roves

    their !nctional "ro"erties+ and

    increasin# lavo!r and colo!r+

    im"roves their sen@sory *!ality(b!l!t Molar+ 200G)& Deh!llin#removes relatively lar#e amo!nts o

    anti@n!tritional oalic acid and ibre

    contained in the testae+ %hich res!lts

    in li#hter colo!red+ less bitter@tastin#


    Some man!act!rers add nat!ralin#redients to halva to boost lavo!r+

    colo!r and em!lsion stability+ e&+vanilla+ chocolate+ al@monds or

    "istachio n!ts& >thers occasionallyadd the %hitenin# a#ent titani!m

    dioide (-171) (-lle!ch+ .edi#ian+ Nito!n+ 2011) and "alm oil at the

    neadin# sta#e (

    ;he obective o this research %as

    to determine %hether incor@"oratin#deatted sesame testae+ date ibre

    concentrate and an em!lsiier

    im"roves the

    or#anole"tic+ "hysical and

    n!tritional "ro"erties o


    2& ,aterials and methods

    2&1& Sam"les

    2&1&1& Fibre "re"aration

    Sesame testae+ a

    %aste "rod!ct "rod!cedd!rin# the man!ac@t!re

    o the sesame conectionhalva+ %ere s!""lied by a

    ;!nisian conectioner+;8?@=e ,o!lin+ Sa&

    ;he testae are removedater deh!llin# the

    sesame seeds+ "rior tothe "re"aration o thesesame "aste (tahini)&

    ;he seed coats %eredried or 24 h at 40 =Cand milled in a 8-;SC

    S? 1 Centri!#al ,ill at2:G0 r"m to a "article

    si/e o less than 1 mm&Deattin# %as carried o!t

    !sin# a Sohleta""arat!s+ %ith n@heane

    as a solvent& ,illed testae%ere re@#ro!nd in a


  • 7/26/2019 Halva Sa Vlaknima


    the date ibre concentrate+ and stored

    at 1: =C or s!bse*!ent

    "hysicochemical analyses and

    incor"oration st!dies&

    2&1&2& alva "re"aration

    Sesame "aste (tahin) and the

    no!#at !sed to "rod!ce halva aremass@"rod!ced on an ind!strial scale

    at the ;8?@=e ,o!lin ac@tory+ assho%n in Fi#& 1& ;ahin %as "re"aredby #rindin# deh!lled roasted %hitesesame seeds im"orted rom S!dan&

    o!#at is an aerated blend o s!#ars(s!crose and #l!cose syr!")

    containin# cit@ric acid and soa"%ortroot etract& ;ahin at 55 =C and

    no!#at at G0 =C are blended in a?8AS Are" -"ert Series G000+ or

    1 min 50 s at s"eed settin# 1+ !sin# aneadin# hoo (these conditions

    %ere o"timised to a""roach the halva*!ality "rod!ced on the ind!strial

    scale)& Deatted sesame testae+ dateibre concentrate and em!lsiier -471

    (ind!strial mono@acyl#lycerols o attyacids+ characterised by a hi#h meltin#

    "oint+ :0 =C) %ere incor"orated !stater the addition o tahin and no!#at&;his ind!strially@"re"ared halva %as

    then transerred into 200 # "lasticcontainers& ;%o batches o t%oilo#rammes each %ere removed or

    each assay& ;he dierentorm!lations are ill!strated in;able 1&

    ;he "ercenta#e o dietary ibre %asdetermined in "reliminary


    2&2& ,ethods

    2&2&1& Chemical analysisDry matter %as determined by

    oven dryin# at 105 =C to a con@stant

    %ei#ht& sh %as *!antiied by

    comb!stion o the sam"le

    in the m!le !rnace at

    550 =C or : h& Fatcontent %as determined

    by a Sohlet etraction

    %ith heane or : h at the

    boilin# "oint o the solvent

    (6:70 =C)& ;he total

    nitro#en %as assessed

    !sin# the ?eldahlmethod "rotein %as

    calc!lated !sin# the

    standard conversionactor (6&25)& ;otal dietary

    ibres %ere determined

    accordin# to the >C


    method o Arosy+ s"+

    Sch%ei/er+ De Bries+ and

    F!rda (1G::)& S!#ar

    content in the clariied

    sam"le %as analysed %ith

    a "henol's!l"h!ric acid

    rea#ent (D!bois+ C&

    2&9&4& Colo!rmeas!rement

    Colo!r meas!rements%ere carried o!t !sin# a?onica ,inolta C8@900Chroma ,eter to

    determine =R+ a

    R and b


    val!es& ;he =R va@l!e

    indicates colo!r li#htness+i&e&+ on a scale o 0100+a hi#her n!mber indicates

    li#hter colo!r the aRval!e#ives the s"an o red#reen colo!r+ %ith a

    hi#her "ositive aR val!e

    si#niyin# more


    Citric acid

    and soapwort

    root added

    Compressed air

    ,& -lle!ch et al& ' Food Chemistry 145 (2014) 765771 767

    Sucrose and glucose syrup White sesame seeds introduced



    Syrup preparation

    Remove stones/dust by aspiration

    Storage of the syrup

    DehullingWater addition

    Heat treatment under vacuum:


    Sieving Sesame seed coats removed


    Wash with water

    NougatDrain and

  • 7/26/2019 Halva Sa Vlaknima


    Roast (120C)












    Sesame paste: Tahin

    EmulsifierDietary fire

    i! thoroughly

    Dispense into containers

    and seal


    Fi#& 1& alva "rod!ction at Coniserie ;rii =e ,o!lin (Sa+ ;!nisia)&



    val!eindicatesetent oyello%bl!ecolo!r+%itha









    ) test %as "erormed !sin# a ;1;et!re nalyser (==>D

    nstr!ments+ -n#land) e*!i""ed %ith

    a 1000 () load cell+ 0&05 ()detection ran#e& n acrylic cylin@drical "robe (diameter 0&9 mm) %as

    !sed to com"ress the sam"le to 50Oo its ori#inal hei#ht (25 mm) at a

    s"eed o 25 mm'min& ;he ;et!renalyser %as interaced %ith a

    com"!ter+ %hich con@trolled theinstr!ments and analysed the data+

    !sin# the sot%are s!""lied by;et!re ;echnolo#ies Cor"&ardness ("ea orce o irst

    com"ression cycle)+ cohesiveness(ratio o "ositive areas o secondcycle to area o irst cycle) and

    adhesiveness (ne#ative orce area othe irst byte re"resented the %or

    necessary to "!ll the com"ressin#"l!n#er a%ay rom the sam"le) %ere


    2&9&6& >il se"arationtest o halva

    alva (20 #) %as

    transerred tocentri!#e t!bes (50

    ml)+ heated to 95+ 45+

    50 or 55 =C in a %ater

    bath and centri!#ed

    at 2000# or 5 min&

    ;he se"arated oil %as

    removed %ith a

    Aaste!r "i"ette and

    the "ercent o oil

    released rom the total

    oil "resent in the halva

    %as calc!lated&

    2&4& Sensoryeval!ation

    ;he or#anole"tic

    characteristics o the

    "rod!cts %ere deter@

    mined by a ten@

    member e"ert taste

    "anel+ trained in the

    eamina@tion o halva&

    ;he "anellists %ere

    ased to eval!ate the"rod!cts or taste+

    si#ht+ smell and to!ch$

    colo!r+ hardness+ ease

    o c!t+ lavo!r and

    aroma+ on a 5@"ointhedonic scale ran#in#

    rom 5 (very avo!r@

    able) to 1 (very

    !navo!rable) or each

    sensory characteristic&

  • 7/26/2019 Halva Sa Vlaknima


    76: ,& -lle!ch et al& ' Food Chemistry 145 (2014) 765771

    ;able 1 ;able 2Dierent orm!lations o halva& Chemical and Ahysical characteristics o deatted sesame testae+ date ibre concen@

    trate and ra% halva&alva ;ahin o!#at -m!lsiier Date Sesame

    (O) (O) (O) ibre (O) testae (O) Date ibre Deatted alvaconcentrate sesame testae

    Form!las %itho!t em!lsiier G4&45 T 0&11b

    G9&4G T 0&1:aG6&54 T 0&17c

    Control 1 59 47 0 0 0 Dry matter (O)

    Date ibre S!#ars 0 T 0a 1&21 T 0&0:b 42&57 T 0&65c

    0&90O 52&:5 46&:5 0 0&9 0 ;otal dietary ibre

    :6&4 T 1&96c

    45&92 T 0&74b

    1&72 T 0&02a

    0&50O 52&75 46&75 0 0&5 0 >il

    1&56 T 0&0:b 0&60 T 0&01a 91&:G T 1&25 c

    0&:0O 52&6 46&6 0 0&: 0 sh

    2&54 T 0&06b

    22&9: T 0&5:c 1&70 T 0&05a

    1O 52&5 46&5 0 1 0 Arotein 10&56 T 0&42a 12&0: T 0&6:

    b 14&70 T 0&17c

    Sesame testae a% 0&1:4 T 0&009b

    0&945 T 0&015c 0&146 T 0&019a

    0&90O 52&:5 46&:5 0 0 0&9 Aarticle si/e distrib!tion

    0&50O 52&75 46&75 0 0 0&5 U40 lm 6&1 T 0&14aa :&9 T 0&12

    bb D

    0&:0O 52&6 46&6 0 0 0&: 40 to 71 22&2 T 0&96a 24&1 T 0&24 a D1O 52&5 46&5 0 0 1 71 to 100 17&6 T 0&69

    17&09T 0&70 D

    Form!las %ith em!lsiier 100 to 160 41&7a a

    DT 1&26 41&G T 0&G9

    Control 2 52&25 46&25 1&5 0 0 12&1b a D

    160 to 200 T 0&92 :&4 T 0&21

    Date ibre =R 44&:9 T 0&09 a 64&24 T 0&05

    b 77&15 T 0&G:c

    1O 51&75 45&75 1&5 1 0 aR 7&0: T 0&01c 2&45 T 0&01b 1&:5 T 0&05a

    2O 51&25 45&25 1&5 2 0 bR G&4 T 0&01 a 14&46 T 0&01

    b 17&:G T 1&07c

    Sesame testae ;aste e!tral .itter D

    1O 51&75 45&75 1&5 0 1 LC (# %ater'# sam"le) 4&61 T 0&19b 9&52 T 0&07a D

    2O 51&25 45&25 1&5 0 2 >C (# oil'# sam"le) 2&6G T 0&10b 2&15 T 0&09a D

    .!l density (#'ml) 0&672 T 0&01a

    0&766 T 0&01b


    ll #iven val!es are means o three determinations T standard deviation ece"t =R+

    2&5& Statistical analysis aR+ bRare means o si determinations& ,eans in a ro% ollo%ed by the same letters

    are not si#niicantly dierent (A V 0&05)&

    2 n O dry matter+ D$ not determined

    ll analytical determinations %ere re"licatedin tri"licate+ or #reater& Bal!es o each"arameter are e"ressed as the

    mean T standard deviation ( T SD)& D!ncansm!lti"le ran#e test "rovided mean com"arisons%ith the level o statistical si#nii@cance set at AU 0&05& Statistical analyses %ere "erormed!sin# SASS or Lindo%s (Bersion 19&0)&

    9& 8es!lts and disc!ssion

    9&1& Chemical characteristics o ibre and alva

    ;able 2 "resentsthe avera#e com"osition o

    deatted sesame testae+ date ibre concentrate

    and halva& s ill!strated+ sesame tes@tae and

    date ibre are #ood so!rces o dietary ibre+

    "rotein and ash& alva is rich in s!#ars

    (42&57O)+ at (91&:GO) and "rotein+ b!t lo% indietary ibre (1&72O)& Des"ite the addition o

    47O s!#ars (46&1O dry matter) rom no!#at

    added in the "rod!ction o halva+ only 42&57O

    %ere detected (;able 2)& ;his can be e"lainedby the caramelisa@tion reaction %hich occ!rs

    d!rin# the heat treatment o the carbo@hydrates

    in no!#at ormation+ res!ltin# in the de#radation

    o the s!#ars and the conversion to other

    com"o!nds e&+ 5@hydroy@methyl@!r!ral and

    or#anic acids (W!intas+ .randXo+ Silva+

    2007)& Date ibre+ sesame testae and halva

    sho%ed lo% %ater activ@ity (belo% 0&95)+ %hich

    "revents bacteria+ mo!ld and yeast devel@

    o"ment (-l#erisii+ 1GG:)&

    9&2& Ahysical characteristics o ibres

    Ahysical characteristics o date ibre andsesame testae are "re@sented in ;able 2&Date

    ibre sho%s

    si#niicantly (A U0&05) hi#her %aterand oil holdin#

    ca"acities thansesame testae&;hese val!es are

    m!ch lo%er than

    those re"orted in o!r"revio!s st!dy(LC$ 15 # %ater'#

    sam"le and >C$ G# oil'# sam"le)

    (-lle!ch et al&+200:)&;his can be

    attrib!ted to the orce!sed in the "resent

    st!dy to etract+ dryand mill the ibre

    com"ared to thetreatment !sed in o!r

    "revio!s st!dy&

    ndeed+ ibres %ereetracted %ith boilin#

    %ater or 15 minrather than 5 min+dried in an oven at

    65 =C or 24 h ratherthan ree/e@dryin#

    and %ere #ro!nd to a"article si/e o less

    than 0&2 mm ratherthan into coarse

    "articles& -lle!ch etal& (2012) sho%ed

    that a decreased"article si/e %as


    ;able 9

    -ect o addin# date ibre+

    deatted sesame testae

    and em!lsiier on

    em!lsion stability o halva&

    alva >il se"aration (# oil'100 # oil "resent in the initial sam"le) at

    95 =C 45 =C 50 =C 55 =C

    Litho!t em!lsiier

    Control 1 2&97 T 0&05b 11&92 T 0&64c 25&61 T 1&10b 25&74 T 1&06


    Date ibre

    0&9O 0 T 0a 2&2: T 0&07b 25&:1 T 0&G6b 25&62G T 0&G2a

    0&5O 0 T 0a 2&27 T 0&07b 25&09 T 1&21b 25&54 T 1&06


    0&:O 0 T 0a 2&2: T 0&04b 25&61 T 1&15b 25&5G T 1&10


    1O 0 T 0a 2&2: T 0&06b 26&12 T 1&19b 25&77 T 1&11


    Sesame testae

    0&9O 0 T 0a 2&27 T 0&0:b 24&G5 T 1&10b 25&4:9 T 1&06a

    0&5O 0 T 0a 2&26 T 0&05b 25&46 T 0&G2b 24&70G T 1&02a

    0&:O 0 T 0a 2&27 T 0&07b 25&51 T 1&05b 25&:0 T 0&G4a

    1O 0 T 0


    2&2: T 0&04


    25&77 T 1&10


    24&95 T 0&:G


    Lith em!lsiier

    Control 2 0 T 0a 0&51 T 0&04a 14&0: T 1&09a 24&741 T 0&G5a

    Date ibre

    1O 0 T 0a 0&59 T 0&02a 14&72 T 0&G:a 24&:5 T 1&10


    2O 0 T 0a 0&54 T 0&04a 15&21 T 0&G6a 25&45 T 1&06


    Sesame testae

    1O 0 T 0a 0&52 T 0&02a 14&71 T 1&20a 25&45 T 1&04


    2O 0 T 0a 0&54 T 0&06a 15&55 T 1&10a 25&42 T 0&G6


    ll #iven val!es aremeans o o!rdeterminations T standarddeviation&

    ,eans in a col!mn

    ollo%ed by the same

    letters are not si#niicantly

    dierent (A V 0&05)&

  • 7/26/2019 Halva Sa Vlaknima


    %ith a red!ction in the LC and >C and

    concl!ded that the de@#ree o #rindin# can

    dama#e the re#ions o "otential %ater and oilholdin# ca"acities and thereore+ decrease the

    "o%er to hold %ater and oil& C

    val!es or oran#e

    "eels as the air@

    dryin# tem"erat!reincreased&

  • 7/26/2019 Halva Sa Vlaknima


    ,& -lle!ch et al& ' Food Chemistry 145 (2014) 765771 76G

    s re#ards the sensory *!ality+sesame testae #ave a bitter taste and

    are characterised by hi#her =Rand b


    and lo%er aRval!es than is date ibre

    (;able 2)& ;hese val!es s!##est thattestae are li#hter in colo!r+ more

    yello% and less red& ;h!s+ the !se otestae as an in#redient mi#ht notaect the colo!r o the ood "rod!ctas m!ch as date ibres may+ b!t theyco!ld im"art a bitter taste&

    9&9& alva "ro"erties

    9&9&1& -m!lsion stability

    ;able 9 sho%sthe eect o addin#

    ibre and em!lsiier on em!l@sionstability o halva at 95 =C+ 45 =C+ 50

    =C and 55 =C& ;he addition o ibreminimised the oil se"aration and

    si#niicantly (A V 0&05) im"roved theem!lsion stability at 95 =C and 45 =Ccom"ared to control 1 (%itho!t ibreand em!lsiier) inde"endent o the

    "er@centa#e o the ibre added&o%ever+ ibre addition did not

    "revent oil se"aration at 50 =C and55 =C& ddition o 1&5O o em!lsiier

    !r@ther im"roved the em!lsionstability at 45 =C and 50 =C+ inde"en@

    dent o the added ibre& t 55 =C+ibre %ith em!lsiier added did not

    "revent oil se"aration& ll theseres!lts can be e"lained by the

    ca"acity o ibre to hold oil and by the"o%er o the em!lsiier to increase

    the viscosity o the oil "hase byca!sin# the solidiica@tion o the oil in

    halva+ since the em!lsiier "ossesseda hi#h melt@in# "oint (:0 =C)& -reie

    et al& (2005) st!died the eect oadded non@hydro#enated "alm oil onthe em!lsion stability o halva and

    sho%ed that the addition o 1O or2&5O o non@hydro#enated "alm oil(solid at room tem"erat!re) increased

    the viscosity o the oil "hase andcontrib!ted to the em!lsion stability o

    halva at 25 =C& ;hey concl!ded that

    the mechanism o "reventin# oil se"@aration %as related to an increase inthe viscosity o the oil "hase&

    9&9&2& ;et!re "roile analysis

    ;et!ral eval!ation o halva

    containin# date ibre+ sesame tes@tae

    and em!lsiier or hardness+

    adhesiveness and cohesiveness is

    "resented in ;able 4& ;here %as a

    statistical dierence bet%een the

    halva containin# ibre and em!lsiier+

    and the controls& ;he addition o date

    ibre+ sesame testae and em!lsiier tohalva led to an increase in hardness

    (9&0:G&9:@old) com"ared %ith

    Control 1& ;he hardness o halva

    containin# only ibre %as

    hi#her than the sam"les

    containin# both em!lsiier

    and ibre& ndeed+ there is

    a si#@niicant red!ction+ !"

    to 49&7O in the hardnessval!es o ibre@or@tiied

    halva s!""l ied %ithem!lsiier com"ared %ith

    halva containin# only 1O

    o ibre& ;he si#niicant

    chan#es in hardness

    that %ere recorded in at

    content and the "hysical"ro"erties o oil %ere d!e

    to the act that thesam"les s!""lemented

    %ith ibre and em!lsiiercontained less oil and'or

    contained em!lsiier& ;heem!lsiier+ com"osed o

    mono@acyl#lycerols oatty acids+ had a hi#hmeltin# "oint (:0 =C)& ;his

    e"lained the solidiicationo ses@ame oil+attrib!table to chan#es in

    the "hysical "ro"erties+s!ch as meltin# "oint and

    viscosity& ;he contact oem!lsiier+ %hich is !sed

    to bind to#ether normallynoncombinative

    s!bstances e&+ oil and

    %ater+ %ith sesame oil(li*!id at ambienttem"erat!re) in@creased

    viscosity and solidiied themit!re+ an observation

    also re@"orted by

    ddition o ibre and

    em!lsiier also res!lted ina si#niicant in@crease in

    adhesiveness (6&9:25&9:@old)+ %hich %asmore mared %hen the

    "ercenta#e o testae and

    date ibre %as increased(;able 4)& s or hardness+

    si#niicant chan#es inadhesiveness co!ld be

    related to the "hysical"ro"erties o the oil %hen

    ibre and em!lsiier %ereadded&

    ;he cohesiveness

    increased as testae+ date

    ibre and em!lsiier %ere

    added (1&:42&:@old) in

    com"arison to Control 1

    (;able 4)& ;h!s+ addition

    o ibre and em!lsiierim"roved the

    cohesiveness o the


    9&9&9& Colo!rmeas!rement

    ;he colo!r o halva isone o the main actors by%hich cons!m@ers !d#eits acce"tability in ;!nisia&t de"ends on vario!sactors+ incl!din# thec!ltivars o sesame !sed+

    concentrations o tahinand no!#at+ "i#ment@#rade o titani!m dioide+

  • 7/26/2019 Halva Sa Vlaknima


    a %hitenin# a#ent+ and additives+s!ch as chocolate& ;he eects odate ibre+ testae and em!lsiier !"on

    halva colo!r (li#htness =R+ redness a


    yello%ness bR) are sho%n in ;able 4&

    Si#niicant red!ctions in the li#htnessva@l!e %ere observed bet%een thecontrol halva+ sam"les s!""le@mented %ith date ibre (!" to

    11&::O)+ and testae@s!""lementedsam"les (!" to 7&16O) (A U 0&05)+ecl!din# the halva orm!lated %ith

    0&9O ibre (;able 4)&;he redness val!es

    %ere hi#her in

    com"arison to the

    controls as a res!lt o the

    ibre added+ and this

    increase %as more

    "rominent in the sam"les

    s!""lemented %ith date

    ibre (!" to 1&7@old)& otethat sam"les orm!lated

    %ith 0&9O date ibre and0&9O and 0&5O testae do

    not "resent a si#niicant

    dierence in the redness

    val!es+ com"ared %ith thecontrols& Si#niicant and

    hi#her red!ctions in the

    yello%ness val!es %ere

    observed in halva

    s!""lemented %ith date

    ibre (!" to 22&1O) than

    halva %ith testae added(!" to 6&2O)+ com"ared

    %ith the controls&

    ;able 4

    -ect o ibre and em!lsiieradditions on tet!ral"ro"erties (hardness+adhesion and cohesion) andcolo!r characteristics ohalva&

    ardness ()

    Litho!t em!lsiier

    Control 1 7+69Date ibre

    0&9O 92&01

    0&5O 42&1G0&:O 55&6:

    1O 67&24Sesame testae

    0&9O 99&140&5O 40&7:

    0&:O 52&::

    1O 71&62Lith em!lsiier

    Control 2 29&57Date ibre

    1O 41&56

    2O 4:&:2Sesame testae

    1O 40&2:

    2O 50+42

    ll #iven val!es are meanso si determinations Tstandard deviation& ,eans ina col!mn ollo%ed by thesame letters are notsi#niicantly dierent (A V0&05)&

  • 7/26/2019 Halva Sa Vlaknima


    770 ,& -lle!ch et al& ' Food Chemistry 145 (2014) 765771

  • 7/26/2019 Halva Sa Vlaknima


    ;able 5

    Sensory eval!ation o hal%a "re"ared by incor"oratin# date ibre+ deatted sesame testae and em!lsiier&

    Colo!r ardness -asiness to c!t >do!r ;aste >verall *!ality

    Litho!t em!lsiier

    Control 1 9&97 T0&51

    1+:1 T 0&54a

    1+:7 T 0&29a+b

    9&25 T 0&71a

    9+06 T 0&4Gb

    2&67 T 0&29b+c+dDate ibre

    0&9 9&25 T0&9:

    2&66 T 0&:6b+c+d+e 2&16 T 0&5Gb+c

    9&00 T 0&GGa

    9&12 T 0&:9b

    2&:0 T 0&50c+d+e

    0&5 2&56 T0&41d+e

    2&:7 T 0&:c+d+e 2&625 T 0&52c+d

    9&1: T 0+97a

    9&06 T 0&77b

    2&:6 T 0&25c+d+e

    0&: 1&62 T0&95b

    2&25 T 0&65a+b+c

    2&975 T 0&74b+c

    9&12 T 0&44a

    2&G9 T 0+56b

    2&46 T 0&2Ga+b

    1 1&91 T0&45a+b 2&12 T 0&44a+b 2&1: T 0&59b+c 2&G9 T 0&62a 2&:7 T 0&44b 2&2: T 0&12aSesame testae

    0&9O 9&2: T0&9G

    2&71 T 0&44b+c+d+e 2+7: T 0&6Gc+d

    2&G5 T 0&62a

    9&16 T 0&44b

    2&G: T 0&24e

    0&5O 2&G2 T0&49

    9&00 T 0&50d+e

    2&:5 T 0&55c+d

    9&14 T 0&62a

    2&G5 T 0&4Gb

    2&G4 T 0&25d+e

    0&:O 2&65 T0&99d+e

    2&99 T 0&52a+b+d

    2&16 T 0&75b+c

    9&15 T 0&41a

    2&:5 T 0&41b

    2&61 T 0&2Ga+b+c+d

    1O 2&1 T0&49c

    2&05 T 0&97a+b

    1&415 T 0&7a

    9&99 T 0&52a

    2&G9 T 0&67b

    2&2G T 0+12a

    Lith em!lsiier

    Control 2 9&:2 T0&56#

    9&99 T 0&:6e

    9&27 T 0&96d

    9&22 T 0&54a

    9&22 T 0&G4b

    9&97 T 0&97

    Date ibre

    1O 1&61 T0&41b

    9&15 T 0&46e

    9&16 T 0&66d

    9&11T 0&54a

    9&22 T 0&56b

    2&:5 T 0&25c+d+e

    2O 1&16 T0&25a

    2&GT 0&51c+d

    9&11T 0&60d

    9&05 T 0&69a

    9&55 T 0&41c

    2&72 T 0&17b+c+d+eSesame testae

    1O 2&25 T0&42c+d

    9&16 T 0&61e

    9&22 T 0&62d

    9&25 T 0&69a

    9&40 T 0&59b

    9&00 T 0&91e

    2O 2&05 T0&4Gc

    2&66 T 0&71b+c+d

    2&:9 T 0&G2c+d

    9&9T 0&4:a 1&:5 T 0&97a 2&56 T 0&97


    ,eans in a col!mn ollo%ed by the same letters are not si#niicantly dierent (A V 0&05)&

    9&9&4& Sensory characteristics

    ;he eects o date ibre+ testae andem!lsiier s!""lementation on the sensorycharacteristics o halva are "resented in ;able5& s re#ards colo!r intensity+ the o"inions"rovided by taste "anellists and those

    determined %ith instr!ments (=R) are in

    a#reement& n@deed+ %ith an increase in thelevel o ibre in the orm!lation+ the colo!rscores o halva decreased and this red!ction%as more "rominent in the sam"les %ith dateibre&

    8e#ardin# the hardness and ease to c!t

    halva+ sam"les %ith em!lsiier+ sam"les %ith

    em!lsiier H ibre (1O) and sam"les %ith ibre(!" to 0&5O) had hi#her scores& ;h!s+ the

    em!lsiier+ date ibre and testae im"roved both

    hardness and c!ttin# ease& >n the other hand+

    halva "rocessed %ith more ibre !sin# an

    em!lsiier that "ro@motes l!brication bet%een

    ibre com"onents+ red!ced the hardness&

    s re#ards lavo!r+ halva ortiied %ith 2O

    testae received the lo%est avo!rability ratin#rom the taste "anellists+ %hereas halva

    orm!lated %ith 2O date ibre %as the mosta""reciated& >ne inter@"retation o this res!lt is

    that testae may have a bitter taste it may also

    be d!e to dierences in the chemical nat!re oeach ibre so!rce (-lle!ch et al&+ 200:+ 2012)&;he other halva orm!lations did not sho% any

    si#niicant dierences in the lavo!r a""eal&

    For overall *!ality+ the most a""reciated

    sam"le %as halva "re@"ared %ith em!lsiier

    (9&97 on a 5@"oint hedonic scale)& alva or@

    m!lated %ith em!lsiier H1O date ibre or

    testae+ and halva containin# 0&9O and 0&5O

    date ibre or testae+ also received a hi#h ratin#&

    >verall acce"tability %as rated as "oor in the

    case o halva orm!lated %ith 1O ibre %itho!t

    added em!lsiier&

    4& Concl!sions

    Fibres rom date r!it "!l" and sesame

    testae can be recycled as val!e@added ood

    s!""lements that

    "rovide beneicialdietary ibre and


    com"o!nds& ;hese

    ibre@rich commercial


    combined %ith

    em!lsiier+ "rod!ce

    halva %ith im"roved

    "al@atability and

    technical "ro"erties

    s!ch as stability+

    homo#eneo!stet!re+ "hysiolo#ical

    !nctionalities+ and

    the s!""lemental

    medic@inal and

    n!tritional beneits o




    ;he a!thors

    than ;8?@=e

    ,o!lin (Sa+

    ;!nisia) or s!""lyin#

    all halva



    b!l!t+ ,&+ Molar+ &(200G)&Ahysicochemical andrheolo#ical "ro"ertieso sesame "astes(tahin) "rocessedrom h!l led and!nh!lled roastedsesame seeds andtheir blends at vario!slevels& Zo!rnal oFood Arocess-n#ineerin#+ 91+4::502&

    l"aslan+ ,&+ ayta+ ,&(2002)& 8heolo#icaland sensory"ro"erties o "eme/

    (#ra"emolasses)'tahin(sesame "aste)blends& Zo!rnal oFood -n#ineerin#+54+ :GG9&

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    sia& -conomic.otany+ 5:(9)+ 92G959&

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    Sesame$ the #en!sSesam!m&,edicinal andaromatic "lantsind!strial "roilesseries (""& 4294G0)&.oca8aton+ F=$ C8CAress+ ;aylor Francis

  • 7/26/2019 Halva Sa Vlaknima


    Francis &+ .esbes+ S&+.lecer+ C&+ ttia+ & (2011a)&Dietary ibre and ibre@rich by@"rod!cts o ood "rocessin#$ Characteri/ation+technolo#ical !nctionality and commercial a""lication$

    revie%& FoodChemistry+ 124+ 411421&-lle!ch+ ,&+ .esbes+ S&+ 8oise!+ >&+ .lecer+ C&+ ttia+

    & (2007)& W!ality characteristics o sesame seeds

    and by@"rod!cts&Food Chemistry+ 109+641650&

    -lle!ch+ ,&+ .esbes+ S&+8oise!+ >&+ .lecer+C&+ Deroanne+ C&+Drira+ &@-&+ et al&(200:)& Date lesh$Chemical com"ositionand characteristics othe dietary ibre& Food

    Chemistry+ 111+ 6766:2&-lle!ch+ ,&+ .edi#ian+ D&+

    Nito!n+ & (2011b)&Sesame (Sesam!mindic!m =&) seeds inood+ n!trition+ andhealth& n B& 8&Areedy+ 8& 8&Latson+ B& .& Aatel(-ds&)+ !ts seedsin health and disease"revention (1st ed&+""& 102G1096)&=ondon+ .!rlin#ton,+ San Die#o$


    -reie+ ?& &+ 8ababah+ ;&,&+ l@8ababah+ ,&

    & (2005)& W!alityattrib!tes o halva by!tilisation o "rotein+non@hydro#enated"alm oil+ em!lsiier+#!m arabic+ s!crose+and calci!m chloride&nternational Zo!rnal

    o Food Aro"erties+ :+415422&

  • 7/26/2019 Halva Sa Vlaknima


    ,& -lle!ch et al& ' Food Chemistry 145 (2014) 765771 771

    ,acConnell+ & &+ -ast%ood+ &+ ,itchell+ L& D&(1GG7)& Ahysical characterisation o ve#etableoodst!s that co!ld inl!ence bo%el !nction&Zo!rnal o theScience o Food and #ric!lt!re+

    25+ 14571464&

    ,a+ D& & F&+ Chi!+ A& &+ ?o+ ?&,& (2011 [2010\)& ntioidantand ant icarcino#enic"otentials o sesame li#nans&n D& .edi#ian (-d&)+ Sesame$the #en!s Sesam!m&,edicinal and aromatic "lantsind!strial "roiles series (""&111121)& .oca 8aton+F=$C8C Aress+ ;aylor Francis