hamlin-clarkson herald - february 15, 2015

February 15, 2015 Issue No. 7 www.westsidenewsny.com Front row: Terri Switzer, Laurie LoMonaco, Mary Guyette (holding floragraph of husband, Paul Guyette); back row: Emma Guyette, Jenna Guyette, Mitch Newman. Terri is Mary’s sister, Emma and Jenna are Mary and Paul’s daughters. Mitch is Laurie’s boyfriend. Provided photo. Tournament of Roses parade a ‘once in a lifetime’ experience Participants from this area part of Donate Life float by Kristina Gabalski Living kidney donor Laurie LoMonaco of Brockport describes her experience participating in the 2015 Tournament of Roses Parade in Pasadena, California, as “ ... a whirlwind of emotion.” LoMonaco traveled to Pasadena just after Christmas and walked with the Donate Life float in the parade on New Year’s Day. Also traveling to Pasadena were Laurie’s best friend, Mary Guyette, and Gates Orlando as well as their family members. Gates, a former Buffalo Sabres and Rochester Amerks hockey player, received the heart of Mary’s husband, Paul, when Paul died suddenly in early 2013 after suffering a brain hemorrhage. Laurie had just donated a kidney altruistically when Paul Guyette was stricken. Laurie’s generosity had in- spired Paul to mention to his family, shortly before his death, his desire to be an organ donor. Laurie and Mary have become good friends with Gates since meeting for the first time at the end of 2013. The Finger Lakes Donor Recovery Network sent the trio to represent upstate New York at the Tournament of Roses Parade. Laurie shared details of the trip to Pasadena with the Suburban News/The Herald. “I met so many tremendous people. Donate Life pretty much took over the Pasadena Sheraton,” she says. The Monday evening of the week of New Year’s, Gates and Laurie attended the Rider/Walker dinner. “The Gala was incredibly moving,” Laurie says. “It was the first time all of the floragraph families, walk- ers and riders were together in one room. There was not a dry eye.” The float featured floragraphs of the organ donors, including one of Paul Guyette. The theme of the 2015 Donate Life float was “The Never Ending Story,” and featured butterflies emerging from storybooks to sym- bolize the enduring power of organ, eye, and tissue do- nation and transplantation. Mary, Gates and Laurie at the Gala a few days prior to the Rose Parade on New Year’s Day. The event gathered together families who had a loved one depicted in a floragraph on the parade float, as well as walkers and float riders. Provided photo. Laurie says float judging took place on Wednesday, De- cember 31, and even that was a moving experience. Participants were assigned their float positions. “Imag- ine my surprise when they told me I was assigned ‘1CS,’” Laurie says. She found out that meant she was first per- son, camera side. “I was floored,” Laurie says. Participants were not allowed to speak to judges unless they were spoken to. One judge told Laurie she wished she had a button like the one Laurie was wearing. It was a “Living Donor-Rose Parade 2015” button. “The judge had donated a kidney to her father ten years prior. I took my button off and handed it to her and she completely broke down and hugged me,” Laurie says. Parade Day on January 1 started very early. Riders and walkers had to be in the Sheraton lobby at 5 a.m. They took a shuttle to Von’s Grocery, which sponsors a continental breakfast on pa- rade morning. Laurie says they enjoyed the meal, which included mimosas, before ar- riving for line-up at the float on Orange Grove. The parade stepped off at 8 a.m. Pacific time and Lau- rie says it took an hour and a half before the Donate Life float moved. The 5.3 mile long parade route was filled with emotion, she says. Laurie walked along side the float as a liv- ing donor and Gates rode on the float as a transplant recipient. “I never experienced anything like it,” Laurie says. “People love the Donate Life float. They stood and cheered and yelled and clapped and cried. I was fortu- nate as a walker to be able to interact with the crowd. I was high-5-ing and hugging people.” Laurie was very surprised when a woman asked for her autograph - an incident which resulted in some good-natured teasing from Gates Orlando and John Brockington - a Green Bay Packer Hall of Famer and Rookie of the Year in the 1970s. Brockington was riding on the float next to Gates. He received a kidney donated by his wife, Diane. Diane walked behind Laurie along- side the float. Laurie says Gates asked her, “... are you sure she didn’t want mine or John’s autograph?” I still take some ribbing from Gates over that autograph request. “The riders and walkers are known as the Class of 2015. We became very close with our groups,” Laurie continues. “I know for a fact that each of us connected with others, including floragraph families.” Laurie says she met a family from the Chicago area - Larry and Vivian Lefferts - who volunteer each year during parade week and who lost their son, John, very suddenly in 2004 to an aortic aneurysm when he was in his early 20s. Laurie wore a button which had John’s picture on it and Lefferts family members watching the parade saw Laurie wearing it on TV. “I promised I would wear it every time I spoke or at- tended an event for organ registration/donation,” Lau- rie says. She wore it recently for the unveiling of a new organ registration media campaign and it was again shown on TV. “The parade was a beautiful, once in a lifetime ex- perience,” Laurie says. She and her boyfriend, Mitch, hope to go back sometime in the future as volunteers for Donate Life during parade week. And Laurie says her organ donation odyssey will con- tinue. “Next up, Transplant Games 2016 in Cleveland,” she says. The Donate Life 2015 float in the line of march. Provided photo. 9 MAIN STREET, BROCKPORT, NY Kimberlie Donley Lic. R. E. Salesperson (585) 329-7848 C Mark Swanson Lic. Assoc. R. E. Broker (585) 750-2906 C for helping At Nothnagle Realtors achieve the Thank You 4 YEARS In A Row! DISTRIBUTED TO CLARKSON, HAMLIN AND KENDALL

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Page 1: Hamlin-Clarkson Herald - February 15, 2015

February 15, 2015 Issue No. 7 www.westsidenewsny.com

Front row: Terri Switzer, Laurie LoMonaco, Mary Guyette (holding fl oragraph of husband, Paul Guyette); back row: Emma Guyette, Jenna Guyette, Mitch Newman. Terri is Mary’s sister, Emma and Jenna are Mary and Paul’s daughters. Mitch is Laurie’s boyfriend. Provided photo.

Tournament of Roses parade a ‘once in a lifetime’ experience

Participants from this areapart of Donate Life fl oatby Kristina Gabalski

Living kidney donor Laurie LoMonaco of Brockport describes her experience participating in the 2015 Tournament of Roses Parade in Pasadena, California, as “ ... a whirlwind of emotion.”

LoMonaco traveled to Pasadena just after Christmas and walked with the Donate Life fl oat in the parade on New Year’s Day.

Also traveling to Pasadena were Laurie’s best friend, Mary Guyette, and Gates Orlando as well as their family members.

Gates, a former Buffalo Sabres and Rochester Amerks hockey player, received the heart of Mary’s husband, Paul, when Paul died suddenly in early 2013 after suffering a brain hemorrhage.

Laurie had just donated a kidney altruistically when Paul Guyette was stricken. Laurie’s generosity had in-spired Paul to mention to his family, shortly before his death, his desire to be an organ donor.

Laurie and Mary have become good friends with Gates since meeting for the fi rst time at the end of 2013.

The Finger Lakes Donor Recovery Network sent the trio to represent upstate New York at the Tournament of Roses Parade.

Laurie shared details of the trip to Pasadena with the Suburban News/The Herald.

“I met so many tremendous people. Donate Life pretty much took over the Pasadena Sheraton,” she says.

The Monday evening of the week of New Year’s, Gates and Laurie attended the Rider/Walker dinner.

“The Gala was incredibly moving,” Laurie says. “It was the fi rst time all of the fl oragraph families, walk-ers and riders were together in one room. There was not a dry eye.”

The fl oat featured fl oragraphs of the organ donors, including one of Paul Guyette. The theme of the 2015 Donate Life fl oat was “The Never Ending Story,” and featured butterfl ies emerging from storybooks to sym-bolize the enduring power of organ, eye, and tissue do-nation and transplantation.

Mary, Gates and Laurie at the Gala a few days prior to the Rose Parade on New Year’s Day. The event gathered together families who had a loved one depicted in a fl oragraph on the parade fl oat, as well as walkers and fl oat riders. Provided photo.

Laurie says fl oat judging took place on Wednesday, De-cember 31, and even that was a moving experience.

Participants were assigned their fl oat positions. “Imag-ine my surprise when they told me I was assigned ‘1CS,’” Laurie says. She found out that meant she was fi rst per-son, camera side. “I was fl oored,” Laurie says.

Participants were not allowed to speak to judges unless they were spoken to. One judge told Laurie she wished she had a button like the one Laurie was wearing. It was a “Living Donor-Rose Parade 2015” button.

“The judge had donated a kidney to her father ten years prior. I took my button off and handed it to her and she completely broke down and hugged me,” Laurie says.

Parade Day on January 1 started very early. Riders and walkers had to be in the Sheraton lobby at 5 a.m. They took a shuttle to Von’s Grocery, which sponsors a continental breakfast on pa-rade morning. Laurie says they enjoyed the meal, which included mimosas, before ar-riving for line-up at the fl oat on Orange Grove.

The parade stepped off at 8 a.m. Pacifi c time and Lau-rie says it took an hour and a half before the Donate Life fl oat moved.

The 5.3 mile long parade route was fi lled with emotion,

she says. Laurie walked along side the fl oat as a liv-ing donor and Gates rode on the fl oat as a transplant recipient.

“I never experienced anything like it,” Laurie says. “People love the Donate Life fl oat. They stood and cheered and yelled and clapped and cried. I was fortu-nate as a walker to be able to interact with the crowd. I was high-5-ing and hugging people.”

Laurie was very surprised when a woman asked for her autograph - an incident which resulted in some good-natured teasing from Gates Orlando and John Brockington - a Green Bay Packer Hall of Famer and Rookie of the Year in the 1970s. Brockington was riding on the fl oat next to Gates. He received a kidney donated by his wife, Diane. Diane walked behind Laurie along-side the fl oat.

Laurie says Gates asked her, “... are you sure she didn’t want mine or John’s autograph?” I still take some ribbing from Gates over that autograph request.

“The riders and walkers are known as the Class of 2015. We became very close with our groups,” Laurie continues. “I know for a fact that each of us connected with others, including fl oragraph families.”

Laurie says she met a family from the Chicago area - Larry and Vivian Lefferts - who volunteer each year during parade week and who lost their son, John, very suddenly in 2004 to an aortic aneurysm when he was in his early 20s.

Laurie wore a button which had John’s picture on it and Lefferts family members watching the parade saw Laurie wearing it on TV.

“I promised I would wear it every time I spoke or at-tended an event for organ registration/donation,” Lau-rie says. She wore it recently for the unveiling of a new organ registration media campaign and it was again shown on TV.

“The parade was a beautiful, once in a lifetime ex-perience,” Laurie says. She and her boyfriend, Mitch, hope to go back sometime in the future as volunteers for Donate Life during parade week.

And Laurie says her organ donation odyssey will con-tinue. “Next up, Transplant Games 2016 in Cleveland,” she says.

The Donate Life 2015 fl oat in the line of march. Provided photo.

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Page 2: Hamlin-Clarkson Herald - February 15, 2015

2 Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - February 15, 2015

Three honored for devoted contributions to the communityby Doug Hickerson

In 2012, the Monika W. Andrews Cre-ative Volunteer Leadership Award was established as a memorial by three mu-nicipalities “to encourage, recognize, and reward outstanding creative leadership by residents of the Towns of Sweden (in-cluding Brockport) and Clarkson who have served as volunteer leaders in improving the lives of their fellow citizens and the greater Brockport community.” During the February 2 Brockport Village Board meet-ing, the third annual award was presented to Norm Frisch. Mary Edwards and Sue Savard each received a Certificate of Mer-it. All three received a certificate and cash award.

The Selection Committee consists of a representative of each municipality par-ticipating: Kermit Mercer (chair) for the Town of Clarkson, Robert Westbrook for the Town of Sweden, and Linda Ketchum representing the Village of Brockport.

Norm Frisch With dedication to the wider Brockport community, graphic designer Norm Frisch has contributed his expert skills through several media. Located around Brockport are eight interpretive panels with his lay-out of photos, maps, and facts etched in metal depicting Brockport’s history. The brochures for the dedication of the eight panels were also Norm’s contribution.

The panels are produced by the Brock-port Community Museum on whose board Norm serves. He also created the muse-um’s web site with graphics and informa-tion (www.brockportcommunitymuseum.org).

For the Sweden Bicentennial Commit-tee he designed brochures for the Sweden home tours and barn tours, plus promo-tional materials for other Bicentennial events. For the Village of Brockport he cre-ated the brochure about the “Low Bridge High Water Festival.” He helped Village Clerk Leslie Morelli format the annual vil-lage events schedule in poster form on the web and in print. Norm designed the ad-vertising and brochure for the Village Old Home Weekend 2013 and 2014. For Walk! Bike! Brockport!, he created the group’s brochure and Sweden’s Community Walk-ing Park Trail brochure.

Norm is also a former member of the Emily L. Knapp Museum Board of Trust-ees and a current volunteer who provided

Those honored on February 2 by the Selection Committee for the Monika W. Andrews Creative Lead-ership Award are: Norm Frisch, award recipient; receiving Certificates of Merit are Sue Savard (left) and Mary Edwards. Photo by Dianne Hickerson

scanning and photography services for the museum’s renovation.

The Selection Committee’s unanimous vote for Norm Frisch included the state-ment:“Over a period of many years Norm Frisch has exemplified the spirit of the Monica An-drews Creative Volunteer Award by accept-ing and completing an enormous number of projects as creative consultant and as working manager. It is evident to the Selec-tion Committee…that our three communi-ties are fortunate to have Norm Frisch who brought us creativity, art, leadership and noble humility.”

Sue Savard Sue Savard led a team of volunteers in organizing the Emily L. Knapp Museum, reviving the collection over 18 months into a showcase of Brockport’s historic trea-sures. On a research visit to the museum at 49 State Street, she found the collection in disarray. With approval of the museum board, “Sue and her volunteers set off to transform the museum,” said Ann Frey, one of the volunteers. “To that end, mate-rial now fills eight filing cabinets, and is accessible. Closets were converted to mini-libraries with 1,500 catalogued books and shelves holding identifiable archival ma-terials. Rooms have been refurbished and displays have been rearranged in an ap-pealing way. Volunteers worked to build display racks, wash curtains, identify pieces of the collection, and clean rooms.” At home Sue typed labels for files and pic-tures and transcribed four long diaries written in script.

Volunteer Marjorie Lewis praises Sue’s leadership in allowing volunteers to use their individual strengths to choose their tasks and help solve problems. And, she said, “Sue fostered comradery with lunch-es for us and with a sense of humor as we worked.”

Sue held a grand open house for the refurbished museum on Old Home Week on July 5. She had local residents reen-act Brockport’s historical citizens and she baked cookies with recipes from the ar-chives. (Go to www.knappmuseum.word-press.com, a web site created by volunteer Sarah Cedeno. At the end is a link to a Westside News feature article on the mu-seum.)

Mary Edwards Mary Edwards is recognized for “out-

standing leadership and tireless efforts in opening the doors of the Clarkson School House to the Brockport Hill School 4th and 5th graders for the last two years,” as de-scribed in the nomination letter by Jackie Smith, a board member of the Clarkson Historical Society (CHS). Mary worked with the Brockport Hill School teachers in setting up field trips to transport stu-dents from their modern day classrooms to the historic Clarkson Academy classroom, returning to the early school days in the two-story Greek revival Academy building built in 1853. She brought CHS volunteers and teachers together to develop a curricu-lum of the period.

Mary’s same leadership and energy were demonstrated in reaching the com-munity’s students and teachers to raise their awareness of the importance of cursive writing. Deeply committed to the benefits of cursive writing which some say is disappearing from modern school curri-cula, Mary organized and coordinated the Summer Cursive Writing Camp and the Sunday Cursive Writing Workshops this

past fall at the Schoolhouse. In January she also initiated a handwriting contest in area schools as part of the “Campaign for Cursive” worldwide movement promot-ing cursive writing instruction in public schools. There was wide interest with 70 entries from various school districts. Nine participants received awards at the Clark-son Academy.

Mary Edwards is president of the Clark-son Historical Society. Her term in office and her leadership extend back to part of the 2003 – 2013 decade when the Clark-son Academy was being refurbished from near-ruin to a restored historic gem on the National Register of Historic Places.

(See the feature article in www.westside-newsny.com “Cursive writing revisits his-toric Clarkson Academy in Summer School Camp,” Aug. 3, 2014. On home page, click on features, archives August, 2014, p. 9. Also, see “Area school handwriting contest winners honored at Clarkson Academy,” Feb. 2, 2015. On home page, click on fea-tures.

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Page 3: Hamlin-Clarkson Herald - February 15, 2015

Hamlin-Clarkson Herald - February 15, 2015 3

Hilton IB students “Burp It On” to promote physical fitness

Hilton High School students in Michael Ellicott’s Sports, Exercise and Health Science class are challenging other students around Hilton and around the world to get 60 minutes of physical activity every day. The class is par-ticipating in the Burp It On challenge, which involves 50 burpees, 100 jumping jacks, 15 minutes of running/jump-ing and three minutes of wall sits. A burpee, also known as a squat thrust, is completed in four steps – dropping to the ground in a squat position, kicking the feet back with arms extended, back to the squat and them jumping up.

Burp It On originated on January 12 with grade five and six students at Deseronto Public School in Ontario, Canada. Their goal was to get schools around Canada and even the world to join them in getting the word out that “physical inactivity” is not okay. As of February 9, they have 61 schools on four continents, eight countries, five provinces and 15 states participating in the challenge. Hilton High School is number 43 in the world to Burp It On.

Hilton senior Sophia Rivituso, who works out every day and does CrossFit, knows the importance of exercise in her own life. “Exercise helps me focus on school and gets my frustrations out,” she said.

Junior Brian Wilkin is challenging himself with the In-ternational Baccalaureate level course because he wants to explore the field of health science in preparation for a possible career as a physical therapist. Senior Gabrielle Prince is also interested in a career in physical therapy. “Physical fitness is important for everyone’s health and longevity,” she said. Gabrielle works out three to five times a week either at the YMCA or at home.

The students are challenging a physical education class in each of the other four Hilton schools to Burp It On, in addition to Charlestown Community School in Manches-ter, England where Ellicott’s sister, Amy Hague, teaches. They even created a video to get the classes motivated: http://hilton.k12.ny.us/news/BurpItOn.htm

For other information on Burp It On, visit http://burpi-ton.weebly.com/

Provided information

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Page 4: Hamlin-Clarkson Herald - February 15, 2015

4 Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - February 15, 2015

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Events•Guest speaker Friday, February 20, from 11:15 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the College at Brockport, Liberal Arts Building Room 104A/B; Dr. Gerard A. Weber, Associate Professor from the Departments of Anthropology and Sociology at Bronx Com-munity College, will be speaking on The Wind is blowing in my Refrigerator: Stress and Strategies among Retired, Working Class People in Post-Socialist Moldavia, Romania. Sponsored by the Department of Anthropology as part of the Marjorie Helen Stewart Speaking Series. Parking passes ($5) may be purchased at The Welcome Center, New Campus Drive along with a campus map. Questions: contact Jackie Deats in the De-partment of Anthropology from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 395-2682.•Pancake Supper/Shrove Tuesday celebrating the beginning of the Lenten Season Tuesday, February 17. Hilton Baptist Church, Lloyd Hall, serving 5 to 7 p.m. Gluten Free pancakes available upon request. $5 adults, children 6 and under $2. Handicapped accessible; take outs available. Reservations not necessary. Pay at the door.•The Hilton United Methodist Church hosts its monthly Shar-ing Supper at 21 West Avenue, Hilton. Beef Stew dinner served Saturday, February 21 from 5 to 6:30 p.m. Free meal open to the public, donations optional. The church is handicap acces-sible. Call the church office at 392-8761 with questions.•Job Fair at Greece Community Learning Center located at the Mall at Greece Ridge. Thursday, February 19, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Fundraisers•Love Your Birds Birdseed Sale to benefit St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church, Hamlin. Pre-orders and payment due by Febru-ary 20. Pick up by February 28. 10 lb. Seed Blend for $10 or 25 lb. Sunflower Seed for $15. Call church office at 964-8627.•Morton Baptist Church Beef-on-Weck, Saturday, February 28, 4 to 6 p.m. Take outs only. 50/50 Raffle. $9. For tickets, call Dave or Sandy at 585-659-2527 by February 23.•Buttermilk and/or Potato Pancake Dinner to benefit Life Solutions of Hamlin Food Pantry sponsored by Hamlin Fire Exempts Club and Lions Club of Hamlin. Tuesday, February 17, 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at St. John Lutheran Church, 1107 West Fork Lake Road, Hamlin. A free will offering is appreciated to support the Food Pantry.•Spencerport Rotary Club 19th Annual Ziti Dinner Sunday, February 22, continuous serving noon to 5 p.m. American Legion Post, Trimmer Road, Spencerport. Adults $8, under 5 free. Proceeds go to handicapped children and community projects in Spencerport.

Government Meetings•Brockport: Village Board meets the first and third Monday of each month (None-February 16) at 7 p.m. Village Board work session meets the fourth Monday of the month at 7 p.m. Planning Board meets the second Monday of each month at 7 p.m. Zoning Board of Appeals meets the first Thursday of the month only upon application. Historic Preservation Board meets the third Thursday of the month (February 19) at 7:15 p.m. All meetings are held at the Village Hall unless otherwise noted.•Clarendon: Town Board meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Town Hall, 16385 Church Street, Clarendon. Planning Board meets every second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. at the Town Hall. Zoning Board of Appeals meets upon necessity, on the first Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m.•Clarkson: Town Board meets each second and fourth Tues-day at 6 p.m. at the Clarkson Town Hall, 3710 Lake Road, Clarkson. Planning Board meets the first and third Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. Zoning Board of Appeals meets the first and third Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. Conservation Board meets the second Wednesday of every month as needed. Architectural Review Board meets on the first Tuesday of the month as needed. All meetings are held in the Town Hall, 3710 Lake Road, Clarkson. The Library Board meets on the third Tuesday of every month at 6:30 p.m. at the Seymour Library, 161 East Avenue. Historical Society meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m. at the Clarkson Academy, 8343 Ridge Road. The Town Clerk’s Tuesday office hours have been extended to 6 p.m.•Hamlin: Planning Board meets the first Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m.; Town Board meets the second Monday of each month at 7 p.m.; Conservation Board meets fourth Monday of each month at 7 p.m.; Zoning Board of Appeals meets the third Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m.; Recreation Commission meets the second Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. All meetings held at the Hamlin Town Hall, 1658 Lake Road, Hamlin. For information, call 964-7222.•Holley: Planning Board meets the first Tuesday of the month

at 7 p.m. Board of Trustees meets the second Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. in the Offices of the Village Clerk, 72 Public Square, Holley. Regular monthly Supervisors Meetings are held prior to the Board of Trustees meetings, beginning at 6 p.m. •Kendall: Town Board meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. for regular meetings. The conference sessions (workshop) meets the second Monday of the month at 7 p.m. Meetings are held at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall. The Town Board has also scheduled additional work sessions to occur on each Monday evening from 6 to 9 p.m. excluding holidays, and on Saturdays prior to the third Tuesday of each month from 9 to 11:30 a.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall. Planning Board meets the fourth Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m., with optional work sessions held the second Tuesday at 7 p.m.; and the Zoning Board meets the second Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall. •Murray: Town Board meets the second Tuesday of each month beginning at 7 p.m. at the Murray Town Hall, 3840 Fancher Road, Holley.•Parma: Town Board will meet on the first and third Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. Conservation Board meets the first and third Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m.; Planning Board meets the first Thursday and third Monday of each month at 7 p.m.; Zoning Board of Appeals meets the third Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. All meetings held at the Parma Town Hall, 1300 Hilton-Parma Corners Road, and are open to the public. •Sweden: Town Board meets the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month (February 24) at 7 p.m. Town of Sweden offices are open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. For information, contact the Supervisor’s office at 637-7588.

Health/Help•Free seminar - at GrandeVille Senior Living Community, 555 Maiden Lane, Rochester. Session 2 - “Assistive Devices & Parkinsons Disease” presented by United Medical is February 25 at 6:15 p.m. RSVP for the latter session by February 24 as seating is limited. Refreshments will be served.

Library•Programs at the Hamlin Public Library: Munchkin Monday: Monday, February 16, 10:30 to 11:15 a.m. Stories and craft for ages 3 to 5 with caregiver. Movie Day: Monday, February 16, 2 to 3:30 p.m. for ages 5 and up. Popcorn and drinks pro-vided. Free program but registration required. Call 964-2320. Tuesdays at 2 Book Club: February 17 at 2 p.m. Discuss “The Ocean at the End of the Lane” by Neil Gaiman. Thursday Story Hour: Thursday, February 19, 6:45 to 7:30 p.m. Stories and craft for ages 5 to 10.

Meetings•Kendall Fire District Commissioner meetings will be held on the third Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m. at the Kendall Fire Hall, 1879 Kendall Road, Kendall.

Religion•Free coffee/doughnut-Drive Thru Prayer Mondays - Begin each week during Lent on a spiritual note. Follow signs to front door, tell your prayer request - problems or thanksgiving (nothing is too big or small). Free coffee and free doughnut delivered to your car. Group prays for all requests, after 9 a.m. at the altar. Concordia Lutheran Church, 6601 Fourth Section Road, Route 31 across from Wegmans, 585-637-5930.













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R B I T A L S17



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Page 5: Hamlin-Clarkson Herald - February 15, 2015

Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - February 15, 2015 5

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The Sweden/Clarkson Recreation Department is organizing a local concert to benefit the Wounded Warrior Project! The bands Way Ward Wynd and Brick

will be performing during the event along with special guest Woody Nicholson.Cody Coopenberg, a Wounded Warrior, will be telling his story at the event as well.

Along with the music there will be food available for purchase from Perri’s Pizzaof Brockport, kids activities and a Chinese style raffle with some great prizes!

All proceeds from the raffle will be donated to the Wounded Warrior Project! There will be a cover charge at the door for this event.

Families and people of all agesA local Concert to benefit the Wounded Warrior ProjectSweden/Clarkson Community Center (behind Aldi’s in Brockport)

To bring community together in the effort to raise money for a great cause, the Wounded Warrior Project!

Call The Westside News Team Today at352-3411


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Page 6: Hamlin-Clarkson Herald - February 15, 2015

6 Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - February 15, 2015

BR gymnastics resultsThe Bright Raven Gymnastics girl’s teams traveled to

New York City January 24-25 to compete in the Manhattan Classic where they made a fine showing earning several team banners and taking many top individual awards.

The Level 5 team finished second as a team just behind New England’s GTC of New Hampshire. In the Senior division Hannah Cuzzopoli of Spencerport earned first place on vault, second on the uneven parallel bars and third all around. In the same division, Kaylin Keenan of Caledonia was first on beam and Yasmeen Shabazz of Albion earned first place on floor exercise and second on vault. In the Junior B division, Madison Maas of Churchville was second on beam and third all around. In the Junior A division, Liliana Sack of Spencerport earned fourth all around.

The Level 3 Team earned the second place banner finishing just behind Bayshore Elite from California with McKenna Kiesel of Chili taking first place on vault and all around and placing second on bars and floor in the Senior

B division. Teammate Jessica Pelkey of Caledonia earned first on floor, second on beam and fourth all around. In the Senior A Division, Katrina Daly of Spencerport was first on floor and all around. Lucy Ray of Rochester was second on vault and Olivia Bieber of Albion was fourth all around. In the Junior C division McKenna Hussar of Spencerport took first place on vault and Sophia Daeschner of Spencerport earned second place on vault, beam and all around. In the Junior B division, Camryn Trybuskiewicz of Chili earned third all around.

The Level 4 team brought home the fourth place banner with Gracie Vieira of Churchville winning first place on vault and bars and finishing second all around in the Senior B age group. Katelyn Burtnick of Spencerport earned first place on floor.

In the Level 7 Senior A competition, Morgan Vanderhoof of Chili placed second on vault and, Emily Field of Greece earned fourth all around.

Level 5 Team: Kaylin Keenan, Yasmeen Shabazz, Rachel Leatt, Liliana Sack, Madison Maas, Hannah Cuzzupoli. Provided photo.

Level 3 Team: Front: Jessica Pelkey, McKenna Kiesel, Sophia Daeschner, Lucy Ray, Camryn Trybuskiewicz, Alyse Ahlstrom.Back: Katrina Daly, Olivia Bieber, Natalie Wood, McKenna Hussar, Vanessa Santiago, Aliyah Gibson. Provided photo.


Hilton alum earns All American men’s soccer honorsSUNY Cortland senior goalkeeper, and Red Dragons

team captain, Tim Beauvais (Hilton CSD class of 2011) was selected to the National Soccer Coaches Association of America (NSCAA) Men’s Soccer College Division Schol-ar All-America first team. The NSCAA’s College Division consists of schools in NCAA Division II and III as well as NAIA colleges.

NSCAA Scholar All-Americans must have at least a 3.30 cumulative grade point average, start more than 50 percent of their teams’ games and be a significant con-tributor on the field.

Beauvais is a sport management major who entered the fall semester with a 3.54 cumulative grade point average. He started all 22 games in goal for the Red Dragons this fall and posted 1.18 goals-against average, .761 save per-centage and 10 shutouts. Cortland finished the season 16-5-1 and advanced to the NCAA Division III “Sweet 16” for the first time since 1993.

Beauvais posted a school-record six consecutive shut-outs during the season, and his 10 shutouts were one shy of tying a school single-season mark. He finished his four-year career as Cortland’s career leader with 24 shutouts and 337 saves.

Other honors this season included: 2014 ECAC Divi-sion III Upstate New York first team, 2014 National Soccer Coaches Association of America (NSCAA)/Conti-nental Tire All-East Region men’s soccer first team, and 2014 Capital One Division III Men’s Soccer Academic All-District team for Dis-trict 3. The soccer team was recognized by the College Sports Information Directors of America (CoSIDA).

After completion of his fall semester, Beauvais was named to both the SUNY Cortland Dean’s and President’s lists.

Beauvais is spending his final semester at SUNY Cort-land completing a Sports Management Internship with the SUNY Cortland Athletic Department’s sports infor-mation directors.

Provided information

Tim Beauvais

Two Hilton Cadets sign to play Division II sportsHilton High School seniors, Jessica Pignato and Reide

Metzger, recently signed letters of intent to play Division II sports.

Jessica is headed to LeMoyne College in the fall where she will join the Dolphin’s women’s soccer team. The daughter of Mary Pignato, Jessica played with the Syra-cuse Development Academy, a top level team, in the U.S. Youth Soccer National League. As a Cadet, she and her team won states three times and regionals twice. A stu-dent in the New Visions Health Careers Program, Jessica plans to study science at LeMoyne.

Reide is headed to Seton Hill University to play football for the Griffins. The tight end will major in biology. The highlight of his career as a Cadet was winning the Home-coming game against Webster Schroeder, which propelled the team to sectionals. Reide is the son of Ken and Julie Metzger.

Provided information

Hilton High School seniors Jessica Pignato and Reide Metzger will go on to play Division II collegiate sports. Provided photo.

On November 24th, my daughter Heather Figlow lost her husband Michael. Heather and her 3 young sons are finally getting settled in Batavia. The out-pouring she received was amazing. I would like to thank:Pat Dishaw and Lisa Lanni, Jen Read and the band Cherry Bomb, Spencerport Key Bank, Sue at Per-forming Hair, Dawn at Cafémacchiato, Brooke at All American Barber Shop, Steve (7) and Jodi Coburn, Pastor Les and Laura McClelland, Donna Otto, Ste-phen Caudle, Mary Profetta, Steve (6) and Naomi Fichter, The Ogden Bears families, Mark and Kathy Gerringer, Mark & Robin Zakzek, John Dietz, Chris Oaks, Don and Candice Kykendall, Cristy Rooney, Mary Kay and John Appleby, Becky Burrow, Dan Valentine, Spencerport Wesleyan Church, neighbors on Village Trail, Martha Street and Pinecrest Drive, John and Charlotte Caudle. I apologize to anyone I’ve forgotten but again everyone’s generosity and prayers were very much appreciated. God Bless You All!

Dick Caudle

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November 4, 2014 my husband Lee Henhawk, a native of Hilton passed, at the age of 49.I have to say that Thomas E. Burger Funeral Home has helped me and others a lot. They have a candlelight service in December for the ones who lost someone.And, in February they have a lun-cheon for the ladies who have lost their loved ones.I feel that they deserve recognition for this, because other funeral homes do not do this.

Thank You,Michele Henhawk

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Page 7: Hamlin-Clarkson Herald - February 15, 2015

Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - February 15, 2015 7

DOT presents plans for Route 531 terminus improvementscomment period ends Feb. 27by Kristina Gabalski

The public has until February 27 to make any addition-al comments regarding the Rt. 531 Terminus and Rt. 31 Highway Improvement project planned by the New York State Department of Transportation.

About fifty people attended a public hearing on the pro-posed improvements held by the NYSDOT on Thursday, February 5 at Spencerport High School.

Bryce Walker of Stantec Consulting presented an over-view of the alternatives the DOT is continuing to consider to help improve safety and traffic flow in the area.

He explained the DOT’s preferred alternative includes an at-grade conventional signalized intersection at Rts. 531/36 as well as modifications to Rt. 31 west to near Salmon Creek Road. Those modifications include a widen-ing of Rt. 31 with the addition of a center median, curves designed to reduce speeds along Rt. 31 at Hubbell and Gallup Roads, as well as dedicated turn lanes with a me-dian at those intersections, and a two-way center turn lane between Gallup and Salmon Creek Roads.

Under the preferred alternative, Rt. 531 would connect directly to Rt. 31 past the Rt. 36 intersection, transition-ing from a four-lane expressway to a two lane rural arte-rial.

According to DOT officials, the preferred alternative would provide more direct movement between Rt. 531 and Rt. 31, as well as provide a viable speed transition area, and reduce rear-end and intersection accidents as a result of reduced congestion.

Walker said the factors in considering the preferred alternative included, “... accident reductions, reducing congestion, best cost/benefit value, construction costs and minimizing environmental impact.”

Additionally, Rt. 31 would be severed approximately 2,000 ft. west of Rt. 36 and end in a cul-de-sac. The hill on Rt. 36 south of Rt. 531 would be cut down approximately two feet to allow for improved sight distance at the Rt. 531 intersection, Walker explained. The cost of the pre-ferred alternative is approximately $15 million.

The DOT is still considering two other alternatives which include a Rt. 531/Rt. 36 at-grade signalized su-perstreet median crossover combined with the Rt. 31 im-provements. This alternative controls right-only turns by way of raised medians and would prohibit motorists on Rt. 36 from proceeding straight through the intersection with Rt. 531. Instead, an indirect maneuver by way of a u-turn in the Rt. 531 median approximately 600 ft. from the intersection would be used. Motorists on Rt. 36 would also be prohibited from turning left onto Rt. 531 and mo-torists on Rt. 531 would be prohibited from turning left onto Rt. 36. The cost of this alternative is approximately $15 million.

The final alternative is a full diamond interchange at Rts. 531 and 36 with on-off ramps and Rt. 531 going un-der Rt. 36, eliminating the traffic signal. This alternative includes the improvements to Rt. 31. The final alterna-tive comes with a higher price tag - approximately $25.6 million.

All three alternatives include right-of-way acquisi-tion of private property along the north side of Rt. 531 between the Rt. 531 tie-in and Gallup Rd. This would

create a “right-of-way-without-access.” The DOT says six residences would be purchased and current residents re-located. Property acquisition costs add $2 million to the cost of each alternative.

Mary Beth Bell, acting director of the Office of Right of Way, said that the DOT believes, “... all occupants could be successfully re-located in 12-18 months.”

Four people spoke during the public hearing, with most saying they preferred the full diamond interchange.

Three of the speakers said the improvements might help congestion at the Rts. 531/36 intersection, but back-ups would continue to occur heading west through the Town of Sweden to Rt. 19 and beyond.

“It kicks the can down the road,” Hamlin resident Mark Glogowski said. Gloglow-ski, who ran for the New York State Assembly last fall, said Rt. 531 was intended to serve six communities to the west including Albion, Me-dina and Lockport.

“The lack of infrastructure has impacted the area,” Glogowski said. He added he would like, “... to see the state take an aggressive approach to meeting infrastruc-ture needs.”

The DOT is accepting written comments until February 27 addressed to:

Mr. Kevin Bush, Regional Director; NYS Dept. of Trans-portation; 1530 Jefferson Rd.; Rochester, NY 14623; Attn: Wesley Alden.

DOT officials say all officially recorded comments will be carefully reviewed before final decision plans are ap-proved. That decision is expected to come this spring with property acquisition to follow and construction starting as early as the fall of 2016.

1593 Hamlin Parma TL Rd.Hilton, NY


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continued on pages 8 & 9

Find out more about “Rochester’s Transportation Heritage” - Local historian and author Donovan Shilling provides a look back over Rochester’s early transportation history, through slides and photographs Sunday, February 22 at 1 p.m. at the New York Museum of Transportation, 6393 East River Road, West Henrietta. Shilling will be signing his book, “Rochester’s Transportation Heritage” which will be available for sale. $5 adults and $4 under age 12. For a complete listing of the museum’s winter event line-up, visit www.RochesterTrainRides.com.

Provided photo Rochester’s Main Street 1920.

“Garden Talk” focuses on new plants for 2015Genesee County Master Gardeners offer

a lunchtime garden series called “Garden Talk.” On the first Tuesday of each month from 12:15 to 12:45 p.m., Master Garrden-ers hold an informational workshop focus-ing on a specific gardening topic. Attendees are encouraged to bring hteir own lunch for the talk held at the CCE office, 420 E. Main Street, Batavia.

The next session will take place on March 3 and the topic will be “New Plants for 2015.” Find out more about sampling of the new annuals, perennials, vegetables

and shrubs that will be hitting the market this year. This program is free and open to the public. Registration is not required. Contact Brandie at 585-343-3040 ext. 101 for information.

Future topics and other Master Gar-dener events will be posted on the Cornell Cooperative Extension of Genesee County website at http://genesee.cce.cornell/edu/ and on the Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/CCEofGenesee.

Provided information


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Make your big day unique(BPT) - Plenty of brides search for ways to make their special day as unique as they are. Here are some ways to put your own special spin on this classic tradition.•A guest book you’ll use. Signing the guest book is a common tradition at most weddings; you’ve probably signed a few in your lifetime. Creating a true keepsake guest book with a coffee table book that reflects the bride’s and groom’s interests. Wedding guests can sign their names in the margins and afterwards you’ll be left with a permanent, functional guest book to display for visitors and friends.•Dance under the stars. Host your recep-tion outdoors. Rent a dance floor from a local rental facility and you’ll dance on a traditional wood floor while looking up at the stars - what could be more original than that? Don’t forget to rent a tent so that weather doesn’t dampen the mood. You can find more unique flooring ideas at RentalHQ.com.•Get your guests involved in the event by placing blank cards and pens at each seat location. Ask your guests to write about their favorite memory of you and/or your spouse. Collect all of these cards and turn them into a scrap-book for a treasured keepsake.•Prepare a menu that is unique-ly you. If you’re getting married in the blistering heat, rent a snow cone machine to offer your guests some sweet relief. If you and your spouse are big movie

buffs or your wedding has a Hollywood theme, rent a popcorn machine to com-plete the look. And for the bride who’s still a kid at heart, nothing captures that better than renting an authentic cotton candy machine.•Find the color that suits you. Maybe wearing something blue doesn’t suit you, but perhaps you’re not too wild about black and white either. At many venues, though, these colors are the only choices you have when it comes to tablecloths and napkins. You can provide your own materials simply by renting them. This opens up a color palette of limitless op-tions. If you are planning a fall wedding, look for napkins that reflect the colors of the leaves. Did you meet in college? Choose linens in your school’s colors. Keep the tradition, but be uniquely you with options limited only by your own imagination.

Page 9: Hamlin-Clarkson Herald - February 15, 2015

Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - February 15, 2015 9

Wedding Planner


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Our new banquet facility has historic charm and elegance with seating up to 250.

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Our spacious grounds, gazebo, brook and gardens are a perfect back drop for pictures or ceremony on your special day.

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Finally, our cuisine’s quality, presentation, and value are second to none. After all, that’s why you’re here.

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Wedding smarts: Before the ‘I do’s’ remember the important insurance to do’s(BPT) - Congratulations, you’re engaged. Once the excitement of sharing the news with your loved ones and Facebook friends dies down, there are several im-portant issues to consider. This includes building your guest list, setting a budget, picking a venue, DJ versus band and oth-er to do’s. However, there are also some vital details pertaining to insurance that many prospective newlyweds overlook. True, it’s not the most exciting topic, but it is, nonetheless, something that should be considered before marriage.

Before you tie the knot, make sure you consider these options:•Get your engagement ring appraised and insured. An engagement ring is no small investment. Even if the ring is a family heirloom that didn’t cost anything, be protected against the unthinkable circumstance of losing your ring by docu-menting and having it insured.

“Most renters or homeowner’s insur-ance policies offer riders for special or expensive items like engagement rings, costing on average $1 to $2 for every $100 to replace the ring,” says Doug Menges, chief claims officer for Mercury Insurance Group. “Show your insurance agent a re-ceipt for the ring, as well as an appraisal, to assure you get sufficient coverage.”•Compare your existing auto insurance providers. Many couples don’t have the same carrier for auto insurance when they marry, but keep in mind marriage can impact how much you pay for your premium.

Be sure to talk about accidents, out-standing tickets, coverage lapses and similar issues while you’re deciding if a joint policy is right for you. And don’t be afraid to reach out to a local insurance agent for advice on how to best proceed.

If you opt to combine policies, consider what’s most important to you when choos-ing a provider. Is it the cost of your policy or having a local agent with whom to build a relationship? What about insur-ance bundling options and the discount types offered? When you agree upon what you’re both seeking, you can choose to stay with one of your current providers or find a new company. Regardless of what you decide, however, it’s a good idea to shop around to see if you are getting the most for your money.•Create and merge itemized household inventories. An important insurance les-son is to keep a detailed record of every-thing you own.

When you move in together, be sure to combine your respective inventories into one master list, and remember to add all of the gifts you receive at your engagement party, bridal shower and the wedding.

Page 10: Hamlin-Clarkson Herald - February 15, 2015

10 Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - February 15, 2015


67 N. Main St. Behind Pizza Hut

Brockport • 637-2296Sun. 12pm-4pm; Mon.-Sat. 10am-9pm

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Learn about heirloomgardening at GCVM

On Saturday, February 21, Genesee Country Village and Museum in Mumford will host a one-day seminiar on heirloom gardening.

The day-long (8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.) program will include sessions on growing and using herbs, cooking with heir-loom vegetables, seed saving and an insider’s look at Cor-nell University’s heirloom seed catalog collection.

Session speakers include Marty Schlabach, Cornell’s Food & Agriculture librarian; Emily Conable, historic gardening interpreter at Kennett Square, PA’s Longwood Gardens; and John Adams, GCVM master gardener.

Those attending the seminar will have the chance to win heirloom gardening books and heirloom seed packets; and purchase redware flower pots made by the museum’s master potter.

Cost for the seminar is $55/$50 museum members and includes lunch. Registration is available online. For infor-mation, visit www.gcv or call (585) 294-8218.

Provided information

New happenings planned by Hamlin RecreationThe Hamlin Recreation Department hosts a variety

of vendor fairs this year. They will give local small busi-nesses a themed platform as well as offer an entertain-ing pastime for the surrounding communities. The first is Outdoor Sportsmanship event on Saturday, February 21 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. The second upcoming event is Winter Wellness Day on Saturday, March 14, from 12 to 3 p.m. In addition, plans have begun for the annual sum-

mer Junk Jamboree, when members of the community gather to sell their unwanted items in a large community yard sale. New things will be brought to this event includ-ing musical entertainment and food trucks.

It is the department’s hope that it will be able to bring more such events to the Hamlin community in the future since providing a diverse selection of recreational oppor-tunities will help bring the community closer together.

The Hamlin Recreation Department is looking for new vendors for these events. If interested, contact them by calling the Recreation office at (585)964-7222 or by send-ing us an email to [email protected]

Provided information

Free RPO “Around the Town” Concert performed at C-C PAC

The Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra will be giving a free performance on Friday, February 27, at 7:30 p.m. as part of their “Around the Town” Community Performance Series. This event will be held at the Churchville-Chili Performing Arts Center (C-C PAC) at Churchville-Chili High School.

Matthew Kraemer is the guest conductor. The orches-tral program, “Opera’s Greatest Hits,” includes favorites from the world’s most beloved operas.

The free event is general admission and open to all community members. Doors will open at 6:45 p.m.

Provided information

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Page 11: Hamlin-Clarkson Herald - February 15, 2015

Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - February 15, 2015 11

• Handyman• Kitchen & Bath Makeovers

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Adam Solutions, LLCJames Adam Sr.

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Basement Restora-tion & Waterproofing. Walls spray painted. Seals make walls look new! Cracks, bowed walls repaired. Drain tile for wet yards. Since 1950, Don York, Inc. 716-688-6111.[TFN]

linoleum, ceramic, hardwood, laminate and VCT tile. Sales and service

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New Winter Hours: Mon. 9-6; Tues. & Fri. 9-5; Wed. & Thurs. 9-8; Sat. 10-4; Sun. 12-44590 Lake Rd. South, Brockport, NY 14420 • 637-7551


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Reynolds Plumb-ing - Kitchen & Bath Remodeling, new homes, sewer & drain cleaning, gas lines, water heat-ers. Plumbing Re-pair Service. Call Joe 585-637-6879, cell 737-6016. [TFN]



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Clean-Outs, Clean-Ups, Junk Removal, Demolitions, Garage and Basement Orga-nization. Chinappi En-terprises. Call Mike, 585-469-6334.[2-22]


Fence Installations, Fence Repairs, Vinyl Railings, experienced, reliable, references. Call Mike Chinappi, 585-469-6334.[2-22]

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PaIntIng, Interior/Ex-terior, Staining. Residen-tial and Commercial, 22 years experience. Free estimates. References. Fully insured. Comp. and liability. $100 Room Specials. Rob, 585-738-9239.[TFN]

JIM CERVInI Paint-ing and Paperhang-ing, remodeling, dry-wall hanging, textured ceilings, gutter clean-ing and replacement,and power washing. 585-392-4138.[TFN]

a+ Whelehan Painting- 37 years experience. Father/son business. In-terior/exterior. Painting/staining, powerwashing, deck refinishing, wallpa-per removal. EPA Lead Certified. Fully-insured. - Credit Cards Accepted. Pat (585) 317-6654 pw-painting.com [TFN]__________________PaIntIng: Interior/Ex-terior, Powerwashing, Deck Restore, neat, de-pendable and nightly ski l led. Reasonablerates, 30 yrs. Experi-ence. Call Phil 585-659-8366.[TFN]

ELECTRICIANSElectrical Work - all phases. In business for 30 years. Master’s license, insured. Qual-ity Job at Reason-able Prices! 585-637-8321.[2-15]




Complete Home Im-provement including interior and exterior work. 35 years experi-ence. Free estimates. Locally owned and operated by S&G Re-modeling. Call Cory, 585-352-0747. [TFN]



D&K Handyman Ser-vice - Deck, Remodel-ing, Painting, Flooring, Electrical, Plumbing, Power Washing & more! Fully insured. Call Dave Inclema, 585-455-2593.[3-1-15]


★★★★★★trade In Your goodOil or Gas Furnace towards a super 90+ high efficiency. Uni-versal Heating Co. 585-328-1423.[TFN]

R e c o n d i t i o n e d Furnaces. $480 caninstall with warran-tee. Universal Heat-ing Co. 585-328-1423.[TFN]

gas Furnace Clean or Service Special. $20 Off! Universal Heating Co. 585-328-1423.[TFN]

Furnace Safe ty Check, 1/2 off! Reg. $80 now $40 in-cludes adjustments as needed. Universal Heating Co. 585-328-1423.[TFN]


Thedeadlinefor next week’s

edition is Thursdayat 4 p.m.


& The HeraldThis is

Suburban News & The

Herald.Thank you for




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TRUCKS2003 LeSabre Cus-tom - PS, PW, PL, tilt, cruise, air, CD excel-lent condition. 61,000 miles. $5,500. 585-415-5141.[2-15]__________________2007 Honda Civic EX auto, 4 door, power sunroof, PL, PW, tilt, cruise, air, 105,000 miles, $7,900. 585-415-5141.[2-15]

AUTOS WANTEDCa$H FOR CaR$: $70 - $1,000 for your junk car. More for 1999 and newer. 585-482-9988.[TFN]


Harley Davidson DynaSuper Glide, 2005 FXD, red, mileage is 23,900. Clear title, engine size is 1450 cc. Includes spoked wheels, saddle bags with keys to lock bags to the bike. Small bag in front on forks. Screaming Eagle kit in-stalled and oil changed every 3,000 miles. New tires. Excellent condi-tion. $8,000. Photos available on craigslist. 585-392-1919.[TFN]


2011 Jay Feather X23J hybrid, only used for 6 nights. Double slide, tons of storage. A must see! $16,900. Call Pat, 703-1427.[TFN]

The Right Blend...News Consumer information Community events coverage

Suburban News and The Herald


Bauer app l iance Service - All makes & models Refrigerators, Freezers, Washers, Dryers, Dishwashers, Ranges. Committed to Quality. 585-314-9115.[TFN]__________________appliance Repair: Call Lou Borrelli. Washers, dryers, refrigerators, ranges-ovens, micro-waves. 585-352-3440.


attorney: Bankruptcy, Divorce, Wills, Fam-ily Court, Real Estate. Free initial consulta-tion. Jennie M. Cooper, 2255 Lyell Ave., 585-325-7792. A Debt Re-lief Agency.[2-15-15]


gravesite care when you can’t get there! Wreath and flower bouquet placement for holidays or special occa-sions, Head stone clean-ing, Detailed and person-alized plot maintenance. Call 585-352-7476 or visit www.personal-gravesitemaintenance.com. Locally owned and operated.[TFN]


INSTRUCTIONPrivate Piano/Voice Instructions in a well-established studio. Children, adults, flex-ible scheduling. Afford-able. 585-225-7027.[7-26]


★★★★★★Childcare avail-able; Over 25 years experience and li-censed. Children are incredibly inspir-ing and I would love to help your child experience life’s joys and challenges. My home is smoke/pet-free. CPR/First aid certified, 585-352-2038.[2-15]




tax Preparation - Individual, Payroll, Sales, Estates. Authorized E-file provider. Book-keeping services available. Over 38 years experience. Accepting new cli-ents. Call Thomas Michielsen, 585-455-1559, for ap-pointment. Office now located at 409 South Union Street (rear entrance).[4-12]

WEDDINGS/SPECIAL OCCASIONSP r o f e s s i o n a l l y trained soloist, avail-able to add a touch of elegance to your wedding, meeting or social event. Call 585-352-8730.[TFN]


giggle Bugs: Par-ent/child program. Ages 15 months - 2-1/2 years. Tues. and/or Thurs. 10 to 10:45 a.m. Giggle Bugs 2’s & 3’s: Wed., 10 - 11 a.m. 67 Main Street, Brockport. Songs, games, small and large motor activities and fun. New ses-sion begins Feb. 24. Now celebrating 25 yrs.! New members receive $5 discount. Call Barb at 585-637-2271 for more infor-mation. Run, hop, sing and play - with us![2-22]

Page 12: Hamlin-Clarkson Herald - February 15, 2015

12 Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - February 15, 2015

The Carriage Place Co-op.com

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NOTICEThe following inserts should befound inside your edition of theSuburban News or Hamlin Clarkson Herald this week.

• GATES BIG MInside all papers

in Ogden and Spencerport.

• TOPSInside all papers in Bergen, Holley,

Clarendon, Hamlin, Murray, and Kendall.

• ANG MARKETInside all papers in Churchville, North Chili (partial) and Bergen.

• PEEBLESInside all papers in Brockport. Sweden, Holley, Murray, and Bergen (partial).


Inside all papers in Brockport, Sweden, Clarkson, Clarendon, Ogden (partial), Bergen (partial) and Hamlin (partial).

• BROCKPORT VILLAGENEwSLETTERInside all papers in Village walking and partial motor routes.



Look onour website for items for sale under $50.


Email your ads [email protected]



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APPLIANCESMaytag-Washer - Model MVWX700WXI. New, was over $800, 2 yrs. old - $350. Call 585-392-9554 or 585-739-6900.[TFN]_________________Whirlpool duet sport front loader with bot-tom drawer. 4-1/2 years old. $350. Pat, 585-703-1427.[TFN]

ART WORKO r i g i n a l a c r y l i c paintings ... seasonal, landscapes, portraits, modern folk images, various sizes. Afford-able & very interest-ing. For more infor-mation contact Nils R. Caspersson, 585-924-7868.[TFN]

COMPUTER/TV/VIDEO EQUIPMENTSONY - TV 36” Mod-el No. KV-34HS510. Good working condi-tion. Asking $50. 585-392-9554 or 585-739-6900.[TFN]_________________Zenith - 25” TV, woodconsole, good working condition. Asking $50. 585-392-9554 or 585-739-6900.[TFN]



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HOME FURNISHINgSKitchen, oak solid wood recessed panel doors, white counters, sink, faucet, stove. $950. 585-469-8939.[3-29]

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The deadline for next week’s

edition is Thursdayat 4 p.m.!

MAPLE SYRUP - 100% Pure and Natural. Ma-ple Grove Farm - a 5th generation family farm. 4394 South Holley Road, Holley (north of Rt. 31A); 6 miles west of Brockport. 585-638-6245.[TFN]


Wanted: Snowblowers,like new or slightly used or older in good condi-tion. Call for purchase info of your machine. 585-415-5141.[2-15]

FIREWOOD/FUELSeasoned hardwood, delivered and dumped. Call Mike 585-750-2487 for pricing.[2-22]_________________Alternative Fuels - Bagged Coals and Envi-blocks. Hendel Farms, 3451 North Main St., Holley. 585-638-6042.[3-29]_________________Top Quality seasoned hardwood. Ready to burn $95/facecord. Deliverable locally. 585-303-1845.[2-15]_________________Put your super val-ue ad here for only $14.50 for 15 words and 50 cents for each addi t ional . Buy 1 week and we give you two more Free!Call 585-352-3411 for details on the Super Value Ad. Single items only on this special and not available to bus inesses. $500 maximum.[TFN]

Brockport Food Shelf (Clarkson, Sweden) provides for the hungry. Call 585-637-8169 for information.[TFN]__________________Kendall Community Food Cupboard, 1808 Kendall Road (located in the United Method-ist Church). Services people in the Kend-al l School System. Call 659-4073 for an appointment.[TFN]__________________Hilton Community Emergency Help to those in dire need: Hil-ton Food Shelf: 585-234-2090, leave mes-sage. Hilton Clothes Closet: only open on Tuesdays. General Help call 585-234-2700, leave message. [TFN]__________________American Heart Asso-ciation. Memorial gifts honoring a friend or relative help future re-search in fighting this nation’s number one health problem. Please mail memorial gifts to American Heart Associa-tion, 2113 Chili Avenue, Rochester, N.Y. 14624. [TFN]__________________Hamlin Residents in need of food - call 585-964-7420. Leave a message and someone will get back to you as soon as possible. The Hamlin Life Solutions Food Pantry. [TFN]__________________If you have been laidoff recently or experi-enced a cut in hours or pay, you may be eligible for free or re-duced lunches for your children in your school district. Please call your school district for more information. [TFN]__________________Rates For Advertis-ing in the Suburban News and the Ham-lin-Clarkson Herald classified section are as follows: 12.50 for 15 words and 25 cents for each additional word. Phone numbers count as one word. Garage sale ads are 10.50 for 20 words and 30 cents for each addit ional word. All ads must be prepaid. Deadline is Thursday at 4 p.m. For your convenience we have drop-off locationsat Dwayne’s Barber Shop, 24 South Main St., Churchville (dead-line noon Tuesday); Haml in Town Ha l l (deadline Wednesday 10 a.m.). All ads must be prepaid. Call 585-352-3411 for more in-formation. [TFN]__________________Area Lions Clubs provide Free Medical Loan Closet Service to area residents. Hospi-tal beds, wheelchairs, crutches, canes, and sick room equipment is available. In Churchville call 585-594-2103 or 585-293-3345; in Hilton call 585-392-4144 dur-ing the day; in Spencer-port call 585-352-4742; in Chili call 585-594-9606; 585-594-8512 in Hamlin call 585-733-8459, 585-964-5442, 585-964-5231, 585-636-4636. This ad is a public service of Subur-ban News.[TFN]__________________The Spencerport Ecu-menical Food Shelf serves those in need of food and personal care supplies in the Spen-cerport School District. Please call 585-277-4917, call anytime. [TFN]

Spencerport Volunteer Ambulance, help us help you. Call 585-352-4742. [TFN]__________________The Spencerport Ec-umenical Food Shelf serves those in need of food and personal care supplies in the Spen-cerport School District. Please call 585-277-4917, cal l anyt ime. [TFN]__________________Advertise in the West-side’s only publications with saturation cover-age... AND a profession-al editorial staff. That spells readership and response. To advertise in Suburban News andThe Hamlin-Clarkson Herald call 585-352-3411 for details.[TFN]__________________Court Judgments have been rendered against the following people in favor of Westside News Inc.: •Scott Curtis, dba Bugz Pest Control, 25 Scenic Circle, Roches-ter, NY 14624;•Nathan Lenz, dba Lenz Mechan-ical, 16 Rose Circle, Hamlin, NY 14464; •Ron Vales, dba Dewey Av-enue Diner, 2811 Dewey Avenue, Rochester, NY 14616; •Jason Caliri, dba Tooty’s, 60 Union Hill Drive, Spencerport, NY 14559; •William Walsh, dba Chianti’s, 39 Els-worth Drive, Rochester, NY 14615 •Tim Post, dba H.E.L.P. Services, 29 Rose Circle, Hamlin, NY 14464. •Stephen Moore, dba Moore Home Im-provements, 9192 War-saw Road, LeRoy, NY 14482 •Phil McMurdy, dba Evolution Bowling products, 185 Fisher-man’s Cove, Rochester, NY 14626; •Ken Murray, dba Murray’s Auto Cen-ter, 2438 South Union Street, Spencerport, NY 14559; •Jim Condoluci, formerly dba Oak Or-chard Lanes, 3291 Oak Orchard Road, Albion, NY 14411; •Mike Barco, dba Natural Hardwood Floors, formerly of 14 Silver Fox Circle, Roch-ester 14612; •Bernie Dates, 25 Locust Drive, Hamlin; •John Dooley & John’s Barber Shop, formerly at 11 Main St., Hilton; •Colleen Farrard dba Colleen’s Clippings, formerly of Close Hollow Drive, Hamlin; •Frank Frassetto dba Ma’s Farm Market, 45 Kay-mar Drive, Rochester, NY 14616; •Ron Garner, 535 Washington St., Spencerport; •John Ger-zease, dba Hess Mart, 995 Transit Way, Brock-port; •John Gulisano and Sharon Miele, dba Core Deli, 444 North Ave., Hilton; •Donald Janish, dba Travel-N-Style, 117 Seymour Rd., Roches-ter, 14609; •Gary Lee, dba Gary Lee Asphalt, 14 Sigel St., Rochester 14605; •James Moon, dba Sunset Lanes, 40 South Avenue, Hilton; •Trish Perry, 20 East Avenue, Hilton; •Lori Pfenninger, dba D & L Cleaning Service, 228 Whittier Road, Roches-ter, 14624 [TFN]

Spencerport/Greece. Studio/1 BR apart -ments, 2 BR House, 2 BR Mobile homes. Great location on W. Ridge near Manitou. 585-381-3672.[TFN]__________________Hilton: Cedar Hill Town-houses - The Space your family needs to grow ... away from the crowded city. Affordable two and three bedroom town-houses with 1.5 baths, finished base-ment family rooms, stor-age/laundry rooms with w/d hookups, central air, 24-hour emergency service, and playground for the kids. Cats are welcome. Rates from $850-$875 + security. Call for details 585-392-6015. Professionally managed by Landsman. Hours: Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Equal Housing Opportunity. We do not participate in Section 8 or DSS programs. [TFN]__________________Brockpor t -Wil low-brooke Manor. Spa-cious two bedroom apts. Appliances, carpeting, 24 hr. emergency ser-vice, free cable TV, recreation and laun-dry facilities. 585-637-3400.[TFN]

Persons placing ads that discriminate contrary to Federal Law can be liable for fines of $10,000 and more per offense. DON’T DISCRIMI-NATE. If you feel that you have been discriminated against please call the Fair Housing Enforce-ment Project at 585-325-2500.[TFN]


Welcome Home! Sun-flower Landing, 500 East Avenue, Brockport, NY. Distinctive Crafts-man style patio, Villas and Townhomes in a maintenance free 55+ community located on the Erie Canal. Zero Lot Line = Lower Tax-es. Call 585-737-3476. www.sunflowerlanding.com[3-29]


Reach almost 5,500,000homes in the New York state classified Network available through this newspaper. Only $490 for 15 words. $15 each additional word. Call 585-352-3411 and place your ad today![TFN]


Hamlin: Senior 55+ Du-plex Rental, Everything on 1st Fl., 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, laundry room, full basement, 2 car garage, central air, snow removal & lawn mowing included. $900/month + utilities, Hamlin Meadows, 585-392-2979.[3-1]

HOMES FOR SALEKendall Schools - Low$90s. 3 bedroom Ranch. Call for details. Early Sunrise Realty (585) 638-0020.[2-15]__________________Seller Anxious - 3 bed-room, 2 bath available quickly. Must see - Make Offer! Early Sunrise Re-alty (585) 638-0020.[2-15]

Albion - Country split level, 4 bedroom, 2 half-baths, 1 full bath, garage & playhouse. Seller will do land contract or sell out right. Must do credit check and have down payment. $118,000. Call for details, Early Sunrise Realty, 585-638-0020.[2-15]


Harper Park Hamlin: New and pre-owned manufactured homes for sale in lovely com-munity. Yard with 2 car asphalt driveway. Short drive to Hamlin Beach State Park. Moderately priced, single floor liv-ing. Take a tour today. 4000 Brick Schoolhouse Rd., Hamlin, NY. Call 585-964-2434 or visit us at www.harperhomes.net. [TFN]


1.7 acres, $10,000 or B.O. Two car garage and bonus house (not liveable). Call for details Early Sunrise Realty 585-638-0020.[2-15]


Three bedroom, 2 bath home in North Cape May, N.J. (10 minutes to the ocean, beaches). Call Keith at 585-352-8730. [TFN]

Be sure to ask your realtor to advertise your home in The Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Subur-ban News. The only two publications on the west side with saturation coverage ... and a professional editorial staff. That spells readership ... and that spells re-sults. Have them call us at 585-352-3411 for all the details. [TFN]

YOU’VE GOT IT.Somebody

elsewants it!

1776 Hilton-Parma Corners Rd.Spencerport, NY 14559


Got something special you no longer use?

Sell it in the Classifieds.It may just be the perfect item to fill somebody else’s need.

Find details about placing an ad on the first page of the Classifieds.

Page 13: Hamlin-Clarkson Herald - February 15, 2015

Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - February 15, 2015 13

Visit our website or apply in person:4343 Buffalo Rd., N. Chili, NY 14514

www.onesteptreeandlawn.com to apply today!

ONE STEPTree & Lawn Care


FuLL & PaRT TimE POSiTiONSLawn & Tree Care Technicians

• Competitive Wages• Paid Training• Health Care

job fairseasonal agribusiness positions available

18 Class a + b Drivers

Deliver dry+/or liquid bulk fertilizer & other products.

Tanker endorsement a plus.

8 plant laborersMix dry and liquid fertilizer, some lifting. Must be proficient with an articulating

loader and be experienced on a forklift.

Carolina eastern-Crocker, llCwww.cecrocker.com

Tues., Feb 24th8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.

All applicants must pass pre-employment drug screen & have a clean license. Spring start. All local deliveries. Must be flexible and a team player. Competitive pay plus

bonus. Applicants are welcome to fill out an application prior to Job Fair.

apply in person at our new office location:

8610 route 237,stafford, nY 14143



aMEricaN jObs!PrODUcE LOcaL... shOP LOcaL... hirE LOcaL...

contact Tami for help with your employment needs • 352-3411 ext. 129 • or [email protected]

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★EvErY




Lakeland Equipment

Lakeland EquipmentAttn: David Perry

3237 North Union Street,North Chili, New York 14514

Fax -585-594-1175e-mail –

[email protected] Complete Details Visit

www.lakelandequipment.com(No Phone Calls Please)

Lakeland Equipment

Is Hiring!

Please stop in and fill out an application or fax,

e-mail or mail your resume to :

Service Writer/Parts Counter

Compensation and Benefits Lakeland Equipment offers competitive

We are looking for a team player to fill the following position at our Chili location:

Service Writer/Parts Counter Duties will include customer service, process-ing of work order’s and selling parts and service. The ideal candidate should have a two year business degree or equivalent experience and be detail orientated. Additionally they should be computer literate and able to type proficiently. They should also be knowledge-able of Lawn and Garden Equipment and mechanically inclined.

Compensation and Benefits Lakeland Equipment offers competitive compensation and a great benefits package that includes health, dental, vision, life insurance and 401k with company matching offered after 1 year of employment.

Please stop in and fill out an

Service Writer/Parts Counter

Compensation & Benefits

Lakeland Equipment is a premier John Deere Equipment dealer with six locations, over 160 full time employees and over $80million in sales. Come work for a company that was recently named as one of top 100 best places to work.


BROCKPORT(585) 637-3150

NORTH CHILI(585) 594-5065

SPENCERPORT(585) 349-7838

• All Positions

• All Shifts

Must be 18 years old

Full Time/ParT Time

Dump Truck Driverswith Clean CD license - Work mostly within 50 mile radius of Roches-ter, NY in construction industry. Work week is Monday through Friday, Saturday with some nights and overtime required. Benefits such as vacation, health/dental insurance and retirement program available. Business is located in Brockport. Please send resume to [email protected] or stop by 50 Owens Road, Brock-port, NY to pick up an application.[TFN]


Please apply online at www.lakesidehealth.org

Or apply in person Mon.-Fri. between 9am-4pm at

170 West Ave., Brockport, NY 14420 585-395-6095 ext. 4318 EOE

‘Offers long term nursing care and short term comprehensive

rehabilitation services’

MDS Coordinator/Case Manager:Full time days, NYS Registered

Nurse with a minimum of 2 years LTC experience with MDS

completion and PPS knowledge. This position manages the Medicare

Part A & B certification process which includes regular communication with health insurance companies. Must have computer experience,

including MDS computer programs.

NATIONwIde AdverTIsers

PREGNANT? CONSIDERING ADOP-TION? FFTA, licensed adoption agency, can help you choose the right loving fam-ily. Call Joy to discuss financialassistance/options. 1-914-939-1180 or 1-866-922-3678. www.ForeverFamilies-ThroughAdoption.org

Reach as many as 2 MILLION POTEN-TIAL BUYERS in central and western New York with your classified ad for just $349 for a 25-word ad. Call 1-877-275-2726 for details or visit AdNetworkNY.com

AVIATION Grads work with JetBlue, Boeing, Delta and others - start here with hands on training for FAA certification. Financial aid if qualified. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance. 1-866-296-7093.

WELDING CAREERS - Hands on train-ing for career opportunities in aviation, automotive, manufacturing and more. Financial aid for qualified students. Job placement assistance. CALL AIM 1-855-325-0399

RN’s NEEDED, FT for home healthcare assessments. Great Pay & Benefits! Must be UAS certified. Call 1-718-387-8181 ext. 202 OR email resume to [email protected].

SUPPORT OUR SERVICE MEMBERS, veterans and their families in their time of need. For more information visit the Fisher House website at www.fisher-house.org

PLAY WHERE THE WINNERS GO!LakeSide Entertainment, Route 90 Union Springs 13160. The friendliest electronic gaming in the Finger Lakes. Not the big-gest but the best! Open daily 10AM. 1-315-889-5416

CASH FOR CARS and TRUCKS. GetA Top Dollar INSTANT Offer! Running or Not! 1-888-416-2208

GUN SHOW - Springville Fire Hall, 405 W. Main, Springville, Saturday, February 21, 9-4, Sunday, February 22, 9-3, www.nfgshows.com

DO YOU HAVE PRODUCTS OR SER-VICES TO PROMOTE? Reach as many as 3.3 million households and 4.5 million potential buyers quickly and inexpen-sively! Only $489 for a 25-word ad. Place your ad online at AdNetworkNY.com or call 1-877-275-2726

CANADA DRUG CENTER is your choice for safe and affordable medications. Our licensed Canadian mail order pharmacy will provide you with savings of up to 75 percent on all your medication needs. Call today 1-800-413-1940 for $10.00 off your first prescription and free shipping.

ABANDONED FARMLAND! 6 acres - $24,900. Beautiful Xmas tree plantation, Babbling brook, Nice views, Gorgeous country setting! Less than 3.5 hrs from NYC. Call 1-888-650 -8166 or NewYork-LandandLakes.com

VIAGRA 100MG and CIALIS 20mg! 40 Pills + 4/FREE for only $99.00! No Pre-scription needed. 1-888-796-8878

DIVORCE $550* Covers Children, etc. Only One Signature Required! *Excludes govt. fees*. CALL in Buffalo: 1-716-708-4519; Rochester; 1-585-360-0028; Syra-cuse: 1-315-679-4549. For other offices, call 1-607-391-2961, ext 700. BAYCOR & ASSOCIATES.

FORECLOSED LAND! 5 acres-$14,325, 7 acres-$16,415, 9 acres- $19,100. Prime upstate NY location just off the NY State Thruway! Buy all 3 for less than $49,000! Woods, dramatic views, town rd, utils, clear title, EZ terms! Call 1-888-701-1864 NOW!

Switch & Save Event from DirecTV!Packages starting at $19.99/mo. Free 3-Months of HBO, STARZ, SHOWTIME & CINEMAX FREE GENIE HD/DVR Upgrade! 2015 NFL Sunday Ticket Included with select Packages. New Customers Only. IV Support Holdings LLC - An authorized DirecTV Dealer. Some exclusions apply- Call for details 1-800-931-4807

DO YOU HAVE VACATION PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT? With promotion to nearly 3.4 million households and over 4.6 million potential buyers, a statewide classified ad can’t be beat! Promote your property for just $489 for a 25-word ad. Place your ad online at AdNetworkNY.com or call 1-877-275-2726

Reader Advisory: The National Trade Association we belong to has purchased the above classifieds. Determining the value of their service or product is advised by this publication. In order to avoid misunderstandings, some advertisers do not offer employment but rather supply the readers with manuals, directories and other materials designed to help their clients establish mail order selling and other businesses at home. Under NO circumstance should you send any money in advance or give the client your checking, license ID, or credit card numbers. Also beware of ads that claim to guarantee loans regardless of credit and note that if a credit repair company does business only over the phone it is illegal to request any money before delivering its service. All funds are based in US dollars. Toll free numbers may or may not reach Canada.

Need Car Insurance Now? Lowest Down Payment - Canceled? State Letter? Accidents? Tickets? DUI? Instant Coverage! INSUREDIRECT.COM 1-800-231-3603

TOP CASH FOR CARS, Any Car/Truck, Running or Not. Call for INSTANT offer: 1-800-454-6951

VIAGRA 100MG and CIALIS 20mg! 50 Pills $99.00 FREE Shipping! 100% guar-anteed. CALL NOW! 1-866-312-6061

VIAGRA 100mg, CIALIS 20mg. 40 tabs +10 FREE, $99 includes FREE SHIPPING. 1-888-836-0780 or Metro-Meds.net

DISH TV Retailer. Starting at $19.99/month (for 12 mos.) & High Speed In-ternet starting at $14.95/month (where available.) SAVE! Ask About SAME DAY Installation! CALL Now! 1-800-615-4064

CASH FOR CARS, Any Make or Model! Free Towing. Sell it TODAY. Instant offer: 1-800-864-5784

DISH TV Starting at $19.99/month (for 12 mos.) SAVE! Regular Price $34.99 Ask About FREE SAME DAY Installation! CALL Now! 877-477-9659

AIRLINE CAREERS. Get FAA approved maintenance training at campuses coast to coast. Job placement assistance. Financial Aid for qualifying students. Mili-tary friendly. Call AIM 866-453-6204

Make a Connection. Real People, Flirty Chat. Meet singles right now! Call LiveLinks. Try it FREE. Call NOW: 1-888-909-9905 18+.

CASH PAID - up to $25/Box for unex-pired, sealed DIABETIC TEST STRIPS. 1-DAYPAYMENT.1-800-371-1136

Wants to purchase minerals and other oil and gas interests. Send details to P.O. Box 13557 Denver, Co. 80201

ADVERTISE to 10 Million Homesacross the USA! Place your ad in over 140 community newspapers, with cir-culation totaling over 10 million homes. Contact Independent Free Papers of America IFPA at [email protected] or visit our website cadnetads.com for more information.

sTATewIde AdverTIsers


★★★★★★Orleans County Cornell Cooperative Extension is seek-ing a half-time Hor-ticulture Educator to facilitate consumer horticulture programs (including the Master Gardener and Master Food Preservation Programs) and pro-vide training, techni-cal assistance, and educational resourc-es to the commu-nity. Requirements: bachelor degree & relevant volunteer/work experience. Pay: $17-$18/hour with full benefits. Apply by 2/26/2015. See cceorleans.org for details. Cornell Cooperative Exten-sion provides equal program and em-ployment opportu-nitites.[2-15]


Over-the-road experi-enced tank driver, based out of Hornell, NY. Usu-ally home weekends. 35¢ per mile. Call 607-324-2306.[2-22]__________________House Cleaner - Days, M-F. Can earn over $500/wk. with perfor-mance & attendance rewards. Must be at least 21 years old & have own car. 585-247-4650.[TFN]


Persons placing ads that discriminate con-trary to Federal Law can be liable for fines of $10,000 and more per offense. DON’T DIS-CRIMINATE. [TFN]


Shelby Transportation, LLC, a subsidiary of Western New York Energy, LLC, located near

Medina, NY is now hiring drivers for round trip, mostly regional runs in the Western New York area to support grain procurement, feed and

liquid sales from our ethanol plant.On farm/agricultural tractor trailer driving

experience strongly preferred. Tank endorsements a plus.

Must have a minimum of 3+ yrs. exp., Good MVR, No DUI/DWI

Excellent Benefits Package available.

Email [email protected] Box 718, Medina, NY 14103

Shelby Transportation, LLC


Self-starter needed for unlimited income opportunity in Real Es-tate Sales. Call Mary for details, 585-638-0020.[2-15]

[email protected]


ad runs onlinE

for frEE!

Reach over

70,000 Potential Applicantswith your

Westside News Employment Ad.

352-3411ext. 129

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The deadline for next week’s

edition is Thursdayat 4 p.m.!

Persons placing ads that discriminate contrary to Federal Law can be liable for fines of $10,000 and more per offense. DON’T DISCRIMINATE.



Hometown Community

Directoryfor business





Prepared by Westside News


Page 14: Hamlin-Clarkson Herald - February 15, 2015

14 Hamlin-Clarkson Herald - February 15, 2015

Legal NoticeTown of Hamlin

A public hearing will be held by the Hamlin Town Board at the Town Hall, 1658 Lake Road, Hamlin New York on February 25, 2015 at 6:40 p.m. to consider “A Local Law to Amend the Side Setback Requirement in the Shoreline Residential (SR) District in the Town of Hamlin”.

This Local Law amends Section 520-21(C)(2)(b)(1) of the Town of Hamlin Zoning Law of 1991 to clarify that the minimum side setback in the SR District is 15 feet for any lot 150 feet or greater in width, but 10 percent of the lot width, but not less than 6 feet, for any lot less than 150 feet in width.

The complete text of the Local law is available for inspection at the Office of the Hamlin Town Clerk during normal business hours of Monday-Friday 8am-4pm.

By Order of the Hamlin Town Board

Kathi A. Rickman, MMCHamlin Town Clerk

Legal NoticeTown of Hamlin

A public hearing will be held by the Hamlin Town Board at the Town Hall, 1658 Lake Road, Hamlin New York on February 25, 2015 at 6:30p.m. to consider Local Law entitled “A Local Law Amending Section 520-41 of the Town of Hamlin Zoning Law of 1991 to Eliminate Provisions for issuing Harboring of Dogs Accessory Permits”.

This Local Law eliminates provisions for the issuance of accessory permits to harbor more than three adult dogs or more than two pups for a period exceeding six months in residential buildings containing a single dwelling unit, or harboring more than one adult dog or more than two pups in any residential building containing more than one dwelling unit or in any dwelling unit located in a trailer park.

The complete text of the Local law is available for inspection at the Office of the Hamlin Town Clerk during normal Office hours of Monday-Friday 8am-4pm.

By Order of the Hamlin Town Board

Kathi A. Rickman, MMCHamlin Town Clerk

Legal NoticeTown of Hamlin

A public hearing will be held by the Hamlin Town Board at the Town Hall, 1658 Lake Road, Hamlin New York on February 25, 2015 at 6:45 p.m. to consider a Local Law entitled “A Local Law to Amend the Definition of “Dwelling” in section 520-9 of the Town of Hamlin Zoning Law of 1991”.

This Local Law defines “Dwelling” as “any building or portion thereof containing one or more dwelling units”.

The complete text of the Local law is available for inspection at the Office of the Hamlin Town Clerk during normal office hours of Monday-Friday 8am-4pm.

By Order of the Hamlin Town Board

Kathi A. Rickman, MMCHamlin Town Clerk

Cornerstone ChurCh3426 Hulberton Road (Old St. Rocco’s Church)

Holley, NY 14470(585) 967-6985

www.cornerstonechurchny.comRev. Alex M. True, Pastor

Sundays 9:00AMAdult Bible Connection Group

Sundays 10:00AM Weekly Worship Gathering & Children’s Sunday School

CrossPoInt Free MethoDIst ChurCh1021 Hilton Parma Corners Road

Hilton, NY 14468(585) 392-4178

www.crosspointfmc.orgLoving God, Loving People Growing Together.

Pastor Darlene MieneySunday Service at 10:00am,

Sunday Sermon Series - Simple Successful StartEvery Wednesday

Spark Youth Group, 6:45-8:15pm @ Crosspoint Every Thursday

Prayer Group, 11am @ CrosspointFireside Chat starts at 7pm @ Crosspoint

(Series will be: Book of Joshua)Every Second & Fourth Tuesday of the MonthLadies Heart to Heart meet at 7pm @ Crosspoint

Mountain Top - a time of prayer and praiseEvery 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month 6pm-7:30pm

hILton BAPtIst ChurCh50 Lake Avenue, Hilton, NY 14468

(585) 392-7990Rev. Denise P. Logan, Interim Pastor

www.hiltonbaptist.orgE-mail: [email protected] Service: 8:30am

Traditional Service: 10:30am ~ Fellowship: 11:30amChildren’s Sunday School: 10:45-11:45am

Adult Bible Study: Sunday 9:30am - Thursday 9:00amHandicap Accessible

Child Care available during 10:30am service

hILton unIteD MethoDIst ChurChMaking desciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation

of the world by Following Christ; Connecting Generations; Transforming Communities.

21 West Avenue, Hilton, NY 14468(585) 392-8761

Rev. Jennifer Green, pastorwww.humcny.org

E-mail: [email protected]: 10am Fellowship: 11am

Sunday School: 11:30amChild care available 9:30am to 12:30pm

Adult Bible Study: Monday 7pm & Thursday 1pmHandicap Accessible

LAKeVIeW CoMMunItY ChurChReformed Church in America

Our Life, Ministry, and Mission: To Have Hearts Centered on Christ And Hearts Open to Our Neighbors30 Long Pond Road (near Edgemere Drive in Greece)

Rochester, NY 14612(585) 227-4910

www.lakeviewcommunitychurch.netSUNDAY SERVICES:

Morning Prayer at 8:45am • Sunday School at 9amPraise & Worship at 10am (Nursery Care Available)

OTHER ACTIVITIES: Monday: Boy Scout Troop #18 (7pm)Tuesday: Community Cards (1-3pm)

Wednesday: Women’s Prayer & Share Group (10am) • Bible Study (7pm)

Band Rehearsal (6pm) • Choir Rehearsal (7pm)Visit our website or call for additional info.

Handicapped accessible.

reLIGIous serVICes DIreCtorYsPenCerPort BIBLe ChurCh

1948 N. Union Street, Spencerport(585) 352-1241

www.spencerportbiblechurch.orgPastor Tom BalentineSundays at 9:30AMAdult Sunday SchoolSundays at 10:45AM

Worship Service

st. GeorGe’s ePIsCoPAL ChurCh635 Old Wilder Road (across from Kelly’s Apple Farm)

Hilton, NY 14468(585) 392-4099

www.stgeorgehilton.orgPlease join us for

Worship and Sunday School for all ages at 10am

st. John LutherAn ChurCh1107 Lake Road West Fork, Hamlin, NY 14464

(585) 964-2550Vacancy Pastors:Rev. David TriplettRev. Roger KimmelSunday Worship8:30 & 11:15AM

Sunday School & Bible Class9:45AM

NYS Licensed Child Care Mon.-Fri., 6AM-6PM, 964-5859

st. Leo’s CAthoLIC ChurCh167 Lake Avenue, Hilton

(585) 392-2710Father Catanise

WorshipSaturday 4pm • Sunday 9:30am • Lifeteen Mass 6pm

What is Lifeteen Mass?Our teens are important to us and we at St. Leo’s are proud

to offer a Mass that engages a drum set, electric guitars, and a host of teen musicians to celebrate the Mass.

Afterwards on Sunday nights there is Religious Education for grades 7-12 that involves a lesson, fun and food.

Everyone is welcome! Please share the experience with us and bring a friend!

Handicap accessible.Second Time Treasures

Resale Ministry at St. Leo’sIt’s getting cold... Winter Coats & Jackets

Bargains available on clothing and decorations.Open Tues. & Sat. 10am-4pm, Thurs. Noon-6pm

st. MArY’s ChurCh13 South Main Street, Holleyst. MArK’s ChurCh

16789 Kenmore Road, KendallParish Center - Holley 638-6718

www.stmarystmark.orgFather Mark Noonan

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday - 7:30AM St. Mary’sThursday - 7:00PM St. Mary’sFriday - 11:30AM St. Mark’s

Saturday Vigil - 5:00PM St. Mary’sSunday - 8:30AM St. Mark’s, 10:30AM St. Mary’s

to have Your services Listed Please Call 352-3411

Page 15: Hamlin-Clarkson Herald - February 15, 2015

Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - February 15, 2015 15

Legal NoticeTown of Sweden

Permissive ReferendumAuthorize Dog Park Construction

from Park Reserve Fund

WHEREAS, a Parks and Recreation Reserve Fund was estab-lished on December 29, 2004 for the purpose of making improve-ments to town-owned parks and recreation facilities; and

WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Sweden wishes to con-struct a dog park within the Sweden Town Park, 4745 Redman Road;

WHEREAS, the costs will include engineering, site work, fence installation.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED:Sec. 1. That the Town Board of the Town of Sweden does hereby authorize expenditures for engineering, site work and fence in-stallation from the Parks and Recreation Reserve Fund for Type capital improvements; namely the construction of a dog park.

Sec. 2. That pursuant to Section 6-C of the General Municipal Law, this expenditure is subject to permissive referendum.

By Order of the Sweden Town BoardKaren M. Sweeting, Town ClerkFebruary 11, 2015

death notices

Antique & Art Auctionsaturday, feb. 21, 2015

Preview 10:00 AM • Auction 12:00 PMAlso, on-line Bidding

Held at 99 S. Main St., Churchville, NY 14428Patrick Kenny, auctioneer

Terms 10% Buyers Premium for cash & good NYS check, 13% Buyers Premium for debit & credit cards

ONe sOurCe auCtIONCall aaron at 585-261-8506


quAlityon site

Legal NoticeBrockport Fire District

2015 Meeting Dates


Please take notice that the Brockport Fire District will hold its regular meetings as listed for the year 2015 at the Brockport Fire District Station 3 located at 191 West Avenue, Brockport, NY.

Meetings will be held on the first and third Monday of the month, at 6:30 pm, unless otherwise noted. All meetings are open to the public.

January 19February 2February 16March 2March 16April 6April 20May 4May 18June 1June 15July 6July 20August 3August 17September 8 (Tuesday)September 21October 5October 19October 20 (Tuesday – Budget Hearing – 7 pm)November 2November 16December 7December 8 (Tuesday – Elections – 5-9 pm)December 21

Debra L. BaxCommissioner/SecretaryBrockport Fire District

albion•Budynski, Adam J., age 94, died January 31, 2015 in The Villages of Orleans following a brief illness. He was born September 6, 1920 in Caledonia, Ontario, Canada to Thomas and Mary (Yurkoski) Budynski and had lived in this area most of his life. Adam was a former member of St. Mary’s Assumption Church and a member of the St. Mary’s Holy Name Society. He was also a former member of the Medina Moose Lodge. Mr. Budynski was predeceased by several siblings, Adolf, Rudolph, Edward and Ralph Budynski, Florence Southworth, as well as brothers-in-law, Lindwood Southworth and Edward Fuellemann. He is survived by his wife of 62 years, Carolyn; his children, Diane (Bill) Cox of Batavia, Richard of Albion, Adam John (Colleen) of Orlando, Florida; his sister, Eva Fuellemann of Canajoharie, NY; several nieces and nephews.

His Memorial Mass will be announced at a later date. Contributions can be made to Hospice of Orleans or charity of one’s choice in his memory.

•Manning, Isabel “Izzy” L., age 94, died February 9, 2015 at the Martin-Linsin Residence after a short illness. She was born in Rochester, the daughter of Albert and Laura Schultz and has been a lifetime resident of Albion. She was predeceased by her husband, George in 1995. She is survived by four children, Dotty Wilson, George Manning Jr. both of Albion, Eddy Manning of Lyndonville, Bonnie (Walter) Grabowski of Waterport; nine grandchildren, Debby, Bill Jr., Glen, Erin, George III, Walter Jr., Shawn, Edward Jr., Cassandra; 21 great-grandchildren; sister, Norma Miko of California; nieces and nephews.

Per Isabel’s wishes, there will be no calling hours. Con-tributions can be made to Hospice of Orleans, 14080 State Highway 31, Albion, NY 14411 in her memory.

•Ugorek, Barbara J., age 79, died February 8, 2015 in the Hildebrandt Hospice Care Center. She was born July 15, 1935 in Buffalo to Francis and Victoria Janus and had lived in this area most of her life. Barb was a member of Holy Family Parish-St. Joseph’s Church and worked for many years at Dale’s Super Duper, as well as at Fisher Price in Medina and in later years as a greeter at Wal-Mart in Brockport. Mrs. Ugorek was predeceased by her brother Herman Janus, her sisters-in-law, Frances Ugorek and Margo Janus, and her brother-in-law, Stanley Ugorek. She is survived by her husband of 40 years John; her daughter, Elissa (Chad) Weeden of North Chili; her sisters-in-law, Diane Janus, Jeanette Ugorek, Geraldine Janus, Arlene Burlock; her grandchildren, Deven and Trever; several aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and cousins.

Her Mass of Christian Burial was held February 14 at Holy Family Parish-St. Joseph’s Church. Interment in old St. Joseph’s Cemetery. Donations can be made to a charity of one’s choice in her memory.

brockport•Nasca, Betty Jane, on February 11, 2015 at age 83.Predeceased by her daughter Betsy Rojas and sister Maxine Tillotson. She is survived by her children David (Lynette) Nasca; step grandchildren Stacey (Ronald) Smith and Rick (Kristie) Hinkson; step great-grandchildren Dylan Smith, Conner Smith and Luna Hinkson.

Her Mass of Christian Burial was held February 14 in Nativity Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Brockport. Donations can be made to the SUNY Brockport Alumni Association in her memory. •Petersen, Rosemarie Jensen, on January 30, 2015. She was born June 8, 1947 in Rochester, and was a 1965 graduate of Benjamin Franklin High School. Rosemarie was predeceased by her parents, Christian and Luella Jensen. She is survived by her loving companion, Paul Oldfield; her children Todd Peek, Justin Peek, Chad (Jill) Peek, and Tiffany Peterson Kota; her grandchildren, Sean Peek, Cassandra Peek, Devan Peek, Brendan Peek, Spen-cer Peek, and Brielle Kota; sister Judith (Roger) Staubes; brother Richard Jensen; nieces and nephews, friends, and her beloved pups Chloe and Gambler.

There will be a Memorial Gathering at a later date. Do-nations can be made to The Mia Foundation, 3177 Latta Road #188, Rochester 14612 in her memory.

•Salomone, Rocco Puchalla, February 4, 2015. Prede-ceased by his adoring mother, Carole A. Salomone. Rocco is survived by his loving wife of 24 years, Kelly (O’Brien) Salomone; three beautiful children, Cecilia Marie, Victo-ria Frances, Joseph Rocco; his devoted father William K. Salomone; brother and teammate, Blase (Tina), children Dominic, Anthony and Vincent; brother and friend, Frank (Cassie), children Sophia and Salvatore; mother-in-law and father-in-law, Mary Ellen and William F. O’Brien; sister-in-law, Kathy Armella, children Jonathan and Nathan; sister-in-law, Kim O’Brien; brother-in-law, Kevin O’Brien; many close friends, coaches and players. To light a candle of remembrance and read more about Rocco’s life, please visit www.aliferemembered.com.

His Funeral Mass was celebrated February 10 at The Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Brock-port. Interment in Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Brockport.

•Ziegler, Jacob Paul, Suddenly, February 4, 2015 at age 25. Predeceased by grandfather, Glenn Ziegler. Survived by his parents, Paul and Kimberly Ziegler; brother, Caleb; sister, Leah; grandparents, Ronald and Faith Tryon and Louise Ziegler; aunts and uncles, Keith and Karen Tryon, Kevin Tryon, Kristen and Eric Smith, Virginia and Harold Scott, Beverly and Michael Faro; Ronald and Christine Ziegler; Barbara and Dirk Sipes; 33 cousins.

His Funeral Service was celebrated February 8 at Pearce Memorial Free Methodist Church, North Chili. Interment is private. Donations can be made to Restoration Counsel-ing, 95 Allens Creek Road, Building 1 Suite 323, Rochester, NY 14618 in his memory.

SpEncErport•Mahan, William J. (Bill), formerly of Spencerport, died January 10, 2015 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Survived by his wife of 58 years, Joanne (Richardson) Mahan; children Maureen (Michael) Oliveri, Peter (Kelly), Timothy (Jenni-fer), Mary (Matthew) Petrina; grandchildren, Joseph and Gina, Bryana (Nick), David (Megan), Jonathan (Reagan) and Stephen and Lauren and Madison; two great-grand-sons; brother Thomas (Dolores) Mahan. Bill served in the US Navy (Korean Conflict). He taught over 30 years in the Hilton Middle School and volunteered in many activities in the Spencerport community.

Since 1935

8975 Wortendyke Rd., Batavia, NY 14020Auction Center Office • (585)343-4529

AT BonTrAger’s AucTion cenTer4 miles west of Batavia, 1/2 mile south of Rt. 33

8975 Wortendyke rd., BataviaMany items photographed & on our website

w/a complete listing atwww.bontragerauction.comFridAy, FeBruAry 20 • 6PM

Preview Friday, 4 PM. Auction of Apparel, Gloves, Helmets & H-D collectibles.sATurdAy, FeBruAry 21 • 9:30AM

Auction to include new & custom stock from Redline Cycle Shop of Corfu, NY. Vintage Harley items to include: Gas tanks, chrome trim items; H/D manuals; lenses; 40+/- new & used motorcycle tires; gaskets; hoses; mirrors; swing arms; cylinder blocks; mufflers; chrome cov-ers; old carburetors; seats; AMF Ski Daddler snowmobile. TOOLS: Bridgeport vertical mill; 2 machinist lathes; various organizers of chrome, s/s & Harden fasteners; wall mounted bolt bin; Southworth motorcycle lift table; Lincoln weld-er; Thermal Dynamics Pak Master 50 plasma cutter; Hobart Tigwave welder; various power tools. Lg. lot of items for pan head & shovel head bikes.TERMS: 13% BP, 3% Discount for cash or good check.

two day



Since 1935

8975 Wortendyke Rd., Batavia, NY 14020Auction Center Office • (585)343-4529

AT BonTrAger’s AucTion cenTer4 miles west of Batavia, 1/2 mile south of Rt. 33

8975 Wortendyke rd., Batavia

WednesdAy, FeBruAry 18 • 4:30PMSee our website:

www.bontragerauction.comfor additional information & pictures.

Auction to include: Retro Zenith stereo; maple bedroom set; pine chest of drawers (2); maple side tables; mahog-any drop leaf table; occasional tables; maple kneehole desk; Gov. Winthrop mahogany claw ft. desk; flat top trunk; bookcases; elegant glassware; collectible kitch-enware; enamelware; vintage children’s books; vintage Rexair vacuum; dress form mannequin; lanterns; vintage clothing; prints & photos; sewing/craft items; 1950’s lighting; metal stands; tins; vintage Christmas; pinbacks; bottles; country collectibles; plastic models; wooden ski’s; more still coming in.Preview after 3:00 PM. Refreshments are available.TERMS: Cash, Approved check w/ID, MC/VISA, 13% B/P.


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