handbook en evet2edu

Facilitator’s Handbook How to design and facilitate online courses in VET context | Authors: eVET2EDU Project Consor@um | Project: eVET2EDU Suppor@ng voca@onal teachers and trainers in elearning | hGp://evet2edu.eu/ eVET2EDU | Facilitator's Handbook | May 2014

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  • Facilitators Handbook

    How to design and facilitate online courses in VET context

    !| Authors: eVET2EDU Project Consor@um | Project: eVET2EDU Suppor@ng voca@onal teachers and trainers in e-learning | hGp://evet2edu.eu/

    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!eVET2EDU | Facilitator's Handbook | May 2014 " 1

  • Table of content



    Introductory Module 3 ............................................................................................................................

    Module 1. Introduc@on and warming-up 8 ..............................................................................................

    Module 2. Developing competences 12 ...................................................................................................

    Module 3. Exploring e-learning 17 ...........................................................................................................

    Module 4. Designing e-@vi@es 20 .............................................................................................................

    Module 5. Mo@va@on 22 .........................................................................................................................

    Module 6. Group work 25 ........................................................................................................................

    Module 7. Modera@ng online discussions 28 .........................................................................................

    Module 8. Developing e-learning resources 33 .......................................................................................

    Module 9. Re-using, sharing, evalua@ng online resources 35 .................................................................

    Module 10. The role of the facilitator 38.................................................................................................

    eVET2EDU | Facilitator's Handbook | May 2014 " 2

  • Introductory Module

    !1. Introduc,on: the course concept and organisa,on

    The course covers 10 modules divided into 3 main areas: pedagogy, technology and content. It is designed to cover 50 hours of learning, which is an equivalent o]o 3 ECTS. There are 3 main pedagogical pillars of the course, that is authen,c learning (Herrington et al. 2002) and reec,on (Moon, 1999) together with a por9olio-based competence development (Constan@no et al. 2009). The concept of e-,vi,es (Salmon 2008) is introduced and elaborated in most of the modules. If you are not familiar with those concepts you may wish to browse through the literature suggested in the course Reference list to feel more condent during the course.

    2. Course structure

    Module 1: Introduc@on and warming-up Module 2: Developing competences Module 3: Exploring e-learning Module 4: Designing e-@vi@es Module 5: Mo@va@on Module 6: Group work Module 7: Modera@ng onlinediscussion Module 8: Developing e-learning resources Module 9: Re-using, sharing, evalua@ng online resources Module 10: The role of the facilitator

    3. Competences and the table with evidence

    There are 7 competences that need to be mapped with digital evidence during the course (see Module

    2). The selec@on of evidence is autonomous and each par@cipant can focus on dierent modules or

    ac@vi@es according to their understanding and interpreta@on of the competences proposed. The table

    with evidence will be developed throughout the course. It is advaiced to encourage course par@cipants

    to ll in the table with evidence module by module during the course.

    eVET2EDU | Facilitator's Handbook | May 2014 " 3

    List of competences to be mapped in the table ! [Competence 1] Digital competence, using ICT tools for teaching and learning in VET context. [Competence 2] Work collabora@vely online synchonously and asynchronosly (e.g. sharing

    ideas, communica@ng). [Competence 3] Analyse competences in general and par@cipants own competences. [Competence 4] Cri@cally adop@ng general e-learning principles and par@cular solu@ons in in

    par@cular context. [Competence 5] Design engaging e-@vi@es for individual or group work in accordance with

    the learning outcomes [Competence 6] Create and manage (publish, select, re-use, share, and evaluate) audio-visual

    teaching /learning materials in accordance with the learning outcomes. [Competence 7] Facilitate, inspire and mo@vate par@cipants in an e-learning environment in

    order to achieve the learning outcomes. [Competence 8] Metacogni@on (awareness and cri@cal reec@on on own teaching and

    learning competences).

  • Example of the competence table developed by a learner during the course Competence 1 Competence 2 Competence 3 Competence 4 Competence 5 Competence 6 Competence 7 Competence 8

    Module 31) A link to the recording from a video-conference with a fragment of a discussion 2) A blog entry with a reec@on about a video-conference

    1) A link to the recording from a video-conference with a fragment of a discussion

    1) A forum post about e-learning courses analyzed in 3.1 2) A link to the recording from a video-conference with a fragment of a discission

    1) A reec@on a]er M3 in VET context

    Module 4

    1) A link to a designed learning outcome 2) A link to a designed e-@vity

    1) A link to a feedback given to a designed learning outcome by other par@cipant 2) A link to a feedback given to a designed learning e-@vity by other par@cipant

    1) A link to a reec@on a]er M4 about competences

    1) A link to a feedback given to a designed learning outcome by other par@cipant 2) A link to a feedback given to a designed learning e-@vity by other par@cipant

    1) A link to a designed e-@vity

    1) A Link to a reec@on a]er M4 about competences

    Module 5

    1) A link to YouTube with a par@cipants video 2) A link to a designed e-@vity with a video 3) A blog post with notes from the analysis of a video lectures

    1) A link to a reec@on a]er M5 about competences

    1) A link to a designed e-@vity with a video

    1) A link to YouTube with a par@cipants video

    1) A link to a reec@on a]er M5 about competences

    Module 6

    1) A link to an adapted video material !2) A blog post about rules of using online materials !3) A link to a forum post about sharing online materials

    1) A link to forum disussion about selec@ng online resources in a team

    1) A link to a reec@on a]er M6 about competences !2) A blog post about rules of using online materials

    1) A link to an adapted video material

    1) A link to an adapted video material

    1) A link to a forum post about use of Open Educa@onal Resources !2) A link to an adapted video material !3) A link to a forum post about sharing online materials !!!!!!

    1) A link to a forum disussion about selec@ng online resources in a team !2) A link to a forum post about OER in prac@ce

    1) A link to a reec@on a]er M6 about competences !2) A blog post about rules of using online materials

    eVET2EDU | Facilitator's Handbook | May 2014 " 4

  • ! !

    Module 7

    1) A link to a table on Google Docs with demo@va@ng factors and proposi@ons of solu@ons

    1) A link to a table on Google Docs with demo@va@ng factors and proposi@ons of solu@ons

    1) A link to a reec@on a]er M7 about competences

    1) A link to a reec@on a]er M7 about competences

    1) Links to the mo@va@ng discussion posts

    1) A link to a reec@on a]er M7 about competences !2) The ac@vity chart

    Module 8

    1) A link to a designer group e-@vity !2)A link to Google Docs with the guidelines for facilitator about a group work !3) A reec@on about a group work

    1) A link to Google Docs with the guidelines for facilitator about a group work !2) A link to the recording from a videoconference with a fragment of discussion !3) A link to the feedback given to an e-@vity designed by other par@cipants

    1) A link to a reec@on a]er M8 about competences

    1) A link to a reec@on a]er M8 about competences

    1) A link to a group e-@vity

    1) A link to Google Docs with the guidelines for facilitator about group work !2) Link to a designed group e-@vity

    1) A link to a reec@on a]er M8 about competences

    Module 9

    1) A link to a moderarated discussion !2) A link to a par@cular forum post from moderated discussion

    1) A link to a reec@on a]er M9 about competences

    1) Links to the forum posts about resolving problems

    1) A link to a reec@on a]er M9 about competences

    Module 10

    1) A chart illustra@ng development in the course

    1) A link to a forum post about @me management !2) A reec@on a]er M10

    1) A link to a forum post about @me management

    1) A reec@on a]er M10 !2) A link to a forum post about @me management !3) A chart illustra@ng development in the course

    Competence 1 Competence 2 Competence 3 Competence 4 Competence 5 Competence 6 Competence 7 Competence 8

    eVET2EDU | Facilitator's Handbook | May 2014 " 5

  • 4. Workload and modules dura,on

    !50 hours, approx. 4 hours per week 50 hours = 2,5 ECTS !5. Proposal for the tools

    The course was designed and piloted for Moodle- based learning environment. It is also expanded with

    various external services. However, it is up to you and your experience as the facilitator to dene the

    learning environment for your learners, taking into considera@on their needs and educa@onal context.

    Use this table to check whether you are familiar with the tools proposed and ll it in with alterna@ve

    solu@ons lng best your context. !

    Module Learners Workload Facilitators workload Suggested module dura,on

    0 0 5 NA1 2:30 5 one week2 3:30 2 + monitoring the table

    development and providing feedback to the ini@al work

    two weeks for ac@vi@es whole course for the table

    3 4 4 (depending on the number of the par@cipants)

    one week

    4 6 4 one week5 5:30 3 one week6 8:00 5 (depending on the number of the

    par@cipants)two weeks

    7 7:00 2 one week8 6:30 3 two weeks9 4:30 3 two weeks10 2:30 2 one week + one week for

    crea@ng a nal assigment (table)

    Total 50 38

    Purpose Tool I know/

    I dont know/ Alterna,ve solu,on Selec@ng the date of the


    Moodle poll !Discussions in the ac@vi@es

    News board

    Star@ng discussions by the learners

    Moodle Forum !Publishing the e-@vi@es, photos,

    diagrams etc

    Moodle Forum !Synchronous mee@ngs OpenMee@ngs

    Apache Moodle add-


    !Planning the course built-in Moodle

    calendarMul@ple pos@ng Padlet

    Crea@ng a collabora@ve documents Google docs, Etherpad

    eVET2EDU | Facilitator's Handbook | May 2014 " 6

  • !5. Miscellaneous ,ps Organisa,on Do it each @me the course is oered

    change the dates in course guide (for the whole course and for the modules) create new Padlet board and share it with the group change the dates of the polls for the dates of the videoconferences change the dates of the videoconferences create new Google Docs for group work and change the links in the ac@vi@es in Module 5 and

    Module 6 publish discussions threads in Module 7 and Module 9 open new threads in the discussion forum check out the proposed resources and update them if necessary check the internal and external links !

    Facilita,on When the learners are lagging behind instruct them to join the current ac@vity, and return to

    missed ac@vi@es later. This will help them keep up to date. Dura@on of the course and the modules is exible and depends on the local selng (holidays

    etc.) e.g. if the learners know each other, what is their ICT level, when the course starts. Clearly communicate the expecta@ons at the beginning of the course, especially your way of

    handling with the deadlines, feedback etc. Number of ac@vi@es in each module (and consequently par@cipant workload in each module)

    is only es@mated. If needed, adapt the @me for each ac@vity as well as the dura@on of

    modules/course locally, considering your context. Make some ac@vi@es op@onal. If your par@cipants do not feel very comfortable online set the groups for the group ac@vi@es

    yourself rather then let the par@cipants take over. !Discussions

    Depending on the number of the par@cipants and their ac@vi@es you may want to open new threads in the forums yourself to keep the forums @dy.

    When the learners publish their discussions in random places clean the forum by shi]ing threads to other forums and inform the par@cipants about it. !!!

    Publishing reec@on Blog (built-in Moodle

    or external)Crea@ng diagrams Spreadsheet

    Video making and publishing YouTube (recording

    from a webcam and


    eVET2EDU | Facilitator's Handbook | May 2014 " 7

  • Module 1. Introduc@on and warming-up

    !1. Module dura,on

    1 week !2. Aim To create the group, make people feel welcomed and comfortable, learn the plaporm !3. To do

    Send individual e-mails to all registered course par@cipants (F1.1)

    Fill in your personal prole on the plaporm

    Welcome each par@cipant on the forum a]er he/she publishes his/her gree@ng

    Fill in the monitoring table: !Name Login Intro

    Prole ll in

    Desk descrip,on

    Course map

    Learning strategy


    eVET2EDU | Facilitator's Handbook | May 2014 " 8

    Welcome to the e-learning course Designing and modera?on e-learning courses for


    The course starts [date] and ends [date]

    The exact dura?on of each module is indicated in the course agenda, on the course


    We planned approx. 5 hours a week but there are no xed working hours.

    How to access the course?

    If you dont have an account on the plaIorm please ll in the registra?on form available

    on hUp//:moodle......

    You can create your own login and password.

    It is advisable to use Firefox browser.

    Once you have registered go to the course hUp//: and enter a course code: [..........]

    The course is moderated by [name] who works at [name]

    If you have any ques?ons or doubts please do contact me.

  • ! Send individual e-mails for those who dont register or log-in a]er 7 days

    Send individual e-mails for those inac@ve in the warming-up ac@vi@es

    Send individual e-mails for those inac@ve a]er each module up to Module 4

    eVET2EDU | Facilitator's Handbook | May 2014 " 9

    Welcome to the e-learning course Designing and modera?on e-learning courses for


    The course started [date] and ends [date]

    The exact dura?on of each module is indicated in the course agenda, on the course


    We planned approx. 5 hours a week but there are no xed working hours.

    How to access the course?

    If you dont have an account on the plaIorm please ll in the registra?on form

    availiable on hUp//:moodle......

    You can create your own login and password.

    It is advisable to use Firefox browser.

    Once you have registered go to the course hUp//: and enter a course code: [..........]

    The course is moderated by [name] who works at [name]

    As the course has already started and Module [Number] is currently running it is

    important that you join the group and catch up with the ac?vi?es: introduce yourself,

    browse the informa?on about the course and par?cipate in the rst ac?vi?es. We are

    planning a videoconference soon, there are a few dates available for vo?ng now.

    If you have any ques?ons or doubts please do contact me.

    It is great that you managed to log in to the course plaIorm and [here check what this

    person did, e.g. lled in the prole, and write it down ]. The others could learn a bit

    about you. As a prac??oner and educator you are fully aware how important are those

    ini?al contacts and ac?vi?es. Share your experience, try out the ini?al ac?vi?es and get

    to know with other course par?cipants. Browse the course handbook where you will nd

    many prac?cal informa?on about the course schedule . And if you have any ques?ons

    just go ahead and ask!

    The rst module is completed now. Unfortunately you didnt par?cipate yet. We got to

    know each other, the proles are lled in, there are [number] posts published in the

    discussion forum [you can list here other ac?vi?es completed by the par?cipants so far,

    but not too many]. Module 3 has just started on [date]: we will analyse the examples of

    e-learning and discuss them during the videoconference on [date].

    I would like to invite you again to join the group. Although there are many ac?vi?es now

    in the course this is not too late to join in. If you have any problems with registra?on,

    log-in or nding the resources please do get in touch with me [give also phone number].

  • Publish Discussion board messages (minimum):

    Post 1 Opening the module in Forum news board

    Post 2 Introduce yourself

    Post 3 Describe your desk

    Post 4 Short summary and close of the module

    Read the self-evalua@on ques@onnaires. Monitor the lling in of ques@onnaire. !4. Possible problems

    links in the posts do not work/are not ac@ve

    posts in the new discussions threads instead of reply to...

    A]er students complete their proles, you can get an idea about the students you will facilitate. !You will also need to employ other facilita@ng skills, to encourage the par@cipants or solve technical

    problems. Depending on the par@cipants who may be more or less experienced in online learning and

    using ICT, you may nd that the communica@on processs is dierent. It is important, once you see the

    students proles, to let them know clearly how the work is going to be organized. !There are three important things to clarify with the par,cipants

    The way you are going to communicate with them (communica@on facilitator-learners). The way you provide feedback The way non-formal aspects of the course will be organized (e.g. in case of unexpected events). !

    Another important aspect is facilita@ng discussions and encouraging students to discuss and

    communicate (learner-learner communica@on). Here are 15 @ps by Edudemic for facilita@ng online


    start reading posts early give construc@ve feedback, public and private iden@fy wri@ng issues early par@cipate frequently follow the rubric s@mulate conversa@on make it real empower the students to share keep it alive

    eVET2EDU | Facilitator's Handbook | May 2014 " 10

    Welcome to the course!

    Some basic informa?on for you to start your work succesfuly. At rst read the short

    Course handbook - you will nd all the relevant informa?on about the schedules and

    organisa?on of the next 3 months work.

    The rst week is dedicated to gedng to know each others and for those not familiar with

    Moodle - also with the course environment. Ac?vi?es from Warm up will help you to

    achieve it.

    If you have any ques?ons or doubts please do contact me.

  • praise well wriGen arguments never cri@cize publicly never wait too long to s@mulate discussion never take one side never discount someones experience never let inaccurate informa@on go unno@ced !

    5. Some nal ,ps to help you facilitate Send periodic emails to students to inform about the process in each module (where we are in

    this moment and what you have to do).

    Encourage students who are less ac@ve (if possible in customized emails) to share knowledge with others.

    Provide local examples to help them in task they nd dicult. Share common ques@ons received from students (small FAQs). Ask students and adapt (if possible) the work process. !

    6. Extra-resources to help you facilitate online process Video. Eec@vely facilita@ng online discussions: hGps://www.youtube.com/watch?


    Document. Tools to help you facilitate your Moodle course: hGp://teaching.unsw.edu.au/moodle-tools-help-you-facilitate-your-course

    Document. Facilitator role and responsabili@es: hGp://www.exforsys.com/career-center/facilitator/[email protected] !

    !!!!!! !

    eVET2EDU | Facilitator's Handbook | May 2014 " 11

  • Module 2. Developing competences

    !1. Module dura,on

    This module lasts throughout the course. The module ac@vi@es should be done by the learner within 2

    weeks but the ac@vity with lling in the competence table is horizontal for the en@re course. !2. Aim

    The objec@ve of this module is to clarify the idea of competence as a global concept, behind the

    voca@onal training e-learning ac@vi@es, and make explicit the connec@on between evalua@on of

    competences and evidence. !3. To doGeneral

    Read some of the resources from bibliography referring to Module 2

    Watch the video [hGp://youtu.be/xStdJXfpU4Y] in order to be sure you understand the

    structure and nal goal of this resource.

    Review some educa@onal resources (available in the text of the module and references) about

    the competences from the educa@onal point of view.

    For opening the module - publish the post e.g.

    Ac,vity 2.1

    Read the introduc@on to ac@vity 2.1.

    Create Padlet (hGp://padlet.com). Dont forget to provide your group with the link to the Padelt

    wall and the password for accessing it. !eVET2EDU | Facilitator's Handbook | May 2014 " 12

    It is ?me for going into the topic. Welcome to the Module 2!

    As you surely know, one of the most challenging (and crucial) aspects of voca?onal

    training is helping our students become competent as professionals, and being

    competent includes many aspects working together. In an e-learning environment

    teaching competences becomes even more challenging. So in this module we want

    to explore the concept of competences, having in mind that we should provide

    evidence of competences.

    Apart from some small tasks you are going to work on, the main task of this module

    is your rst encounter with your assessment table for this course, where you have to

    include the competences you are developing during this course and the evidence

    that prove that you acquired them. Dont worry! We are going to guide you as

    best as possible, if you need any help.

    So now, just for star?ng, go into the introduc?on of the module and follow our


    Lets start!

  • Publish on forum

    At the end of the module, make a screenshot of the Padlet wall and publish it as a picture on

    the forum. !Ac,vity 2.2.

    Create a discussion thread in the Using ICT for acquiring competences forum and moderate a


    Start the discussion about ICT enhanced competences, your role is crucial as a facilitator here,

    try to suggest, provoke and foster the discussions.

    Read the Assessing competences - Digital evidence introduc@on and possibly review your

    understanding of the topic.

    eVET2EDU | Facilitator's Handbook | May 2014 " 13

    Thanks to everyone who has par?cipated in the ac?vi?es so far. Discussion in the

    forum [here place a remark if they have interacted, if they have par?cipated or not,

    focus on some discussion that has happened e.g. the discussion between XX and XX

    about XXX was ., we learnt that and try to mo?vate the par?cipants to con?nue

    with interac?ons. Dont forget that these kind of interchanges are a crucial part of this


    Now it is ?me you worked on the competence table and the evidence of your

    competences. Try to focus primarily on the competences and evidence, not on the

    technical aspects of adding them (which we are sure you could master by following

    the instruc?ons). Pudng competences and evidence into the table is the crucial part

    of your work in this ac?vity and in the ac?vi?es throughout the course.

    Instruc,on for se\ng up Padlet !Go to hGp://padlet.com/ This tool is available in dierent languages versions - if you

    access it in English you can change language in the top le] drop-down menu.

    Click on Build a wall. Add the rts entry with a @tle of the wall and a short

    intoductory text (it could be an extract from ac@vity 2.1).

    Next go to the Selng (Modify this wall icon), select Privacy and Password

    Protected. Set the password. Allow par@cipants To write on the wall. Then go to

    the course and paste the link to the wall and password to the ac@vity 2.1.

    The link and password to the Padlet here we are going to share our competences lists is

    published in ac?vity 2.2

    IMPORTANT: Read the list other learners have posted, replay to the comments and

    discuss. Your peers are an incredible source for your learning! If you have any ques?ons,

    comments or sugges?ons, dont hesitate to contact me or write the ques?on on the

    module forum!

  • Ac,vity 2.3

    Read the introduc@on of ac@vity 2.3

    In this ac@vity course par@cipants can use either Google Docs or Moodle blog for crea@ng

    competence table throught the course. !Pros and cons of using Google docs and Moodle blogs


    Feature Google Docs Moodle blog

    Giving access In order to have control and access to the

    course par@cipants work a facilitator has

    to create separate documents in Google

    Docs for each par@cipant and send the

    link individually

    Moodle built-in tool for each course par@cipants. No need to create a separate blog.

    Access to content A]er crea@ng a document on Google a

    facilitator becomes the owner of the

    document and has unlimited access to

    the content developed by the course


    To give other course par@cipant access to

    dierent table a facilitator has to collect

    URL of each document and share it with

    other course par@cipants.

    This requires crea@ng addi@onal place for publishing links to Google Docs (e.g. on course wiki, forum).

    A facilitator and par@cipants have access

    to each others blogs - there is no need for

    giving the rights to read and comment. !However, it is dicult for course

    par@cipants and facilitator to nd each

    others blogs on the course site as links to

    them are hidden in each par@cipants




    !Very usable - crea@ng a table with evidence and competences similar to text edi@ng tools.

    Dicult to create and format a table with evidence. It requires crea@ng one post for one competence and add the evidence to these posts a]er each module. Tags can be added to each post.

    Providing feedback In a form of addi@onal column or as a

    comment.The author of the table can

    see it immediately and receive an e-mail

    a]er the comment is added.

    As a comment below each post with competence. Author of the table doesnt receive any no@ca@ons about the comments.

    eVET2EDU | Facilitator's Handbook | May 2014 " 14

  • Create Google Docs for everyone [in case you decided to use Google Docs for the competence

    table. If you use Moodle blog go to the next point - create a course wiki.

    Repeate this ac@on for each par@cipants Then collect all the links and publish them on the

    courses wiki to let anyone in the course access to the table of competence developed by the


    Create a course wiki

    Op,onal ac,vity 2.4

    If you feel (based on the ques@ons the learners asked) that your group needs an addi@onal

    support with lling in the competence table you can oer a webinar on this topic.

    eVET2EDU | Facilitator's Handbook | May 2014 " 15

    Instruc,on how to set up a course Wiki with links to the documents with competence


    Go to the course site, turn edi@ng on and add Ac@vi@es > Wiki. Name it e.g. Links to

    competence tables. Set the wiki mode for Collabora@ve wiki. Name the rst wiki page

    and click on save. Click on the wiki on the main page of the course and create a new

    page. Paste links to all Google Docs/links to Moodle blogs of each par@cipants there and

    click on save. Done :)

    Instruc,on for se\ng up Google Docs

    As a facilitator you are responsible for crea@ng Google Docs for all the par@cipants in

    order to give them an environment for working on the competence table throghout the

    course. !If you dont have Google account, register on Google.com. When you are logged in,

    choose Google Drive from Applica@ons. Then click on Create buGon and select

    Document. Name it by a surname of a par@cipant and Competence Table (e.g.


    Go to the sharing selngs (buGon Share on the top right corner). Change the status

    from Private to Anyone with the link.

    You can nd more informa@on about Google Drive in Google Support Centre:

    - how to create documents: hGps://support.google.com/drive/topic/


    - how to share: hGps://support.google.com/drive/topic/2525251?


  • Set the poll with a date and publish info on a disussion forum

    Be prepared to give short life-presenta@on (sharing screen) on how to ll in the table in Google

    Docs/ Moodle blog.

    Be prepared to aswer ques@ons about evidence and how to match it with competences - read

    cerefully the instruc@ons from the ac@vity 2.3.

    eVET2EDU | Facilitator's Handbook | May 2014 " 16

    Instruc,on - how to set up a poll on Moodle

    Go to the course site, turn edi@ng on and add from Ac@vi@es > Choice. Name it e.g. Decide

    on the webinar date and copy this text: !In Ac@vity 2.4 we propose a webinar for par@cipants about the table of competence. This is an

    interes@ng way to get to know each other in a format other than that provided by the

    asynchronous discussion forum. This webinar will be a chance for you to ask ques@ons about

    table of competece.

    However, simultaneous communica@on poses new challenges. One of them will be to set a date

    of the mee@ng. Select one of the dates proposed for the webinar.

    The webinar is planned for max. 1 hour.

    Then set the dates and save the poll.

  • Module 3. Exploring e-learning

    !1. Module dura,on

    1 week !2. Aim

    The objec@ve of this module is to observe various forms of e-learning in the context of VET. !3. To do


    Possibly read some of the resources from Bibliography referring to M3.

    Check the links to the examples of the course. !Ac,vity 3.1

    1. Fill in the examples of various form of e-learning in Ac@vity 3.1. Examples of e-learning courses

    should meet some minimum criteria:

    to be open and accessible: the par@cipants can access the exemplary courses. If there are no

    open courses available, try to make available as much informa@on about them as possible

    through screenshots and explaining the main characteris@cs,

    to include the use of dierent e-learning tools,

    to include both good and bad examples, so that the par@cipants can understand what it

    advisable and what is not.

    2. Publish the opening post for the module on the courses Forum (news board).

    Vo,ng for the date of videoconference - post info on the courses Forum

    eVET2EDU | Facilitator's Handbook | May 2014 " 17

    The rst week of the course is completed. We got to know each other (and our desks as

    well), the course plaIorm is not that scary any more. Its ?me for the third module. We will

    tackle examples of various e-learning courses and we will discuss them during online

    mee?ng. Please read the Introduc?on to the module where you will nd leading ques?ons

    for the analysis of the courses. It is important that you look at the course examples before

    the videoconference.

    Finally the usual components, that is VET reec?on and evidence recording.

    Videoconference will give you plenty to think of but also it can be evidenced, so you can

    wait ?ll that event with the recording of your evidence for this module.

    [date+ hour] and [date+ hour] are proposed for our online mee?ng (1,5-2 hours). Chose the

    one that suits you best and vote [link to the moodle poll]. The number of par?cipants for

    each event is limited [10-12 max]

  • Ac,vity 3.3. Videoconference

    Set up a videoconference (provide a link, a room etc depending on the tool selected, make sure

    that there are several mee@ng dates to cover the cohort divided into 10-12 people groups).

    Set up Moodle poll for 3-5 choices for the dates of the videoconferencing immediately.

    If you are not familiar with videoconferences, get to know how to moderate it, test it a few days

    before the mee@ng and 15 minutes before the mee@ng, prepare and check headphones and a

    camera, ask for technical support for the dura@on of the videoconference (if possible).

    Learn how to record videoconferencing.

    Learn how to make screenshots (built-in, so]ware).

    Prepare the scenario for a discussion (view the courses, answer the ques@ons, prepare new

    ques@ons, list the most important features of the courses) to elicit:

    - a structure,

    - VET rela@on,

    - type of the course,

    - presence and roles of learners and moderators.

    Post summary of videconference:

    Ac,vity 3.4

    Check if the competences in the competence table match the structure of this course delivery

    (i.e. the modules).

    Make sure par@cipants understand that competence table is an example of a table they could

    use in their classrooms to assess/evaluate their students.

    Op@onal ac@vity - webinar:

    If you feel (based on ques@ons they asked) that your group needs addi@onal support with

    lling in competence table you can oer webinar on this topic.

    Set the poll with date and publish info on Disussion forum.

    eVET2EDU | Facilitator's Handbook | May 2014 " 18

    I would like to thank all the par?cipants for their input in the discussions we had during

    the videoconferencing. There were a lot of emo?ons and engagement, if you want to

    recall it you can access the recording here [link].

    The main aspects that emerged [list 2-3 most important point of discussion, but do not

    describe in details the courses, rather general issues. Also elici?ng some names and

    persons who said sth important is nice but is open dicult].

    Instruc,ons - how to set up a poll on Moodle

    Go on course site, turn edi@ng on and add from Ac@vi@es > Choice. Name it e.g. Decide

    on the webinar date and copy the following text:

    In Ac?vity 3.4 we propose a webinar for par?cipants about the table of competences. This

    is an interes?ng way to get to know each other in a format other than an asynchronous

    discussion forum. This webinar will be a chance for you to ask ques?ons about the table of

    competece. However, simultaneous communica?on poses new challenges. One of them will

    be to set a date of the mee?ng. Select one of the dates proposed for the webinar. The

    webinar is planned for max. 1 hour. Then set the dates and save the poll.

  • Ac,vity 3.5

    Check whether reec@on is published on a blog and try to give some feedback on the

    par@cipants tables.

    Make sure par@cipants understand that competence table is an example of a table they could

    use in their classrooms to assess/evaluate their students. !4. Possible problems

    videoconference not accessible,

    dicul@es in sharing the evidence,

    dicul@es in understanding evidence,

    diculty iden@fying evidence of specic competences to put into the competence table (be

    ready to help par@cipants iden@fy possible evidence of their competences, provide addi@onal

    explana@ons if necessary),

    problems with using a blog on Moodle (be prepared to provide support / link to the proper


    problems with lling out the competence table. ! !

    eVET2EDU | Facilitator's Handbook | May 2014 " 19

  • Module 4. Designing e-@vi@es

    !1. Module dura,on

    1 week !2. Aim

    The objec@ve of this module is to gain the skills necessary for designing e-@vi@es. !3. To do


    Possibly read some of the resources from Bibliography referring to M4.

    Read the introductory resources, and make sure you understand the learning outcomes and e-

    @vi@es in this module.

    Publish the opening post at the begining of the Module 4:

    Ac,vity 4.1 and 4.2

    Check if the outcomes are published and prompt par@cipants to comment and analyse each

    others outcomes.

    Help to correct outcomes if necessary and give exemplary feedback to the rst 2-3 outcomes.

    Use this checklist to provide feedback on the learning outcomes. !You may ll in this table according to the quality of learning outcomes of each par@cipant. !Learning outcomes +/-

    Do the learning outcomes have a specic purpose of achieving the dened goal of the course?

    Is the learning outcome specically and unambiguously dened and explicitly stated from the perspec@ve of students?

    Does the learning outcome includes more than one domain of learning (cogni@ve, aec@ve)?

    eVET2EDU | Facilitator's Handbook | May 2014 " 20

    Today we start working in Module 4: Designing e-?vi?es. This module is crucial part of the

    course as it shows how to design ecient and engaging learning ac?vity. Your main task is

    to design learning outcome for your e-?vity and, in the second part of the module, to design

    whole e-?vity. You will be also asked to comment on others work as this is very ecent way

    to learn.

    Design learning outcomes is not the simplest element in designing learning process, but the

    most important one. If you have any doubts, do not know where to start or which direc?on

    to go, write, ask. We are here to help you.

  • ! publish a post with a summary of designing learning outcomes

    !Ac,vity 4.3 and 4.4

    Moderate discussion forum on e-@vi@es towards e-@vi@es model + outcomes.

    Give exemplary feedback to the rst 2-3 e-@vi@es.

    Prompt par@cipants to comment and analyse each others e@vi@es.

    Publish a post with asummary of designing learning ac@vi@es:

    4. Possible problems

    learners/par@cipants have dicul@es in designing learning outcome,

    learners/par@cipants have dicul@es in designing learning structure,

    learners/par@cipants design very complex outcome,

    learners/par@cipants do not understand the spark,

    learners/par@cipants design very complex e-@vi@es.

    Does it belong to the outcomes of cogni@ve domains in mul@ple categories according to Bloom's taxonomy (knowledge, comprehension, applica@on, analysis, synthesis, evalua@on)?

    eVET2EDU | Facilitator's Handbook | May 2014 " 21

    You can write the summary of outcomes accordingly to these categories:

    - A general outcome vs a specic outcome. Try to start from designing a specic outcome.

    It would be easier for you to think of one outcome, one-two ac?ons and a result. When

    this is ready you can start to shape the general outcome. Such an approach should make it

    easier to maintain consistency of your projects.

    - Compa?bility of the learning outcomes and ac?vi?es. Do the ac?vi?es planned lead to

    achieving the learning outcome?

    - Compa?bility of the results and ac?vi?es. Do the ac?vi?es lead to results?

    - Assessment. Did the learners consider assessment criteria? Is there a plan for what and

    how it is going to be assessed?

    Also when wri?ng the summary based on the above points try to cite or elicit examples of

    the learning outcomes and refer to them.

    Write a feedback in which you analyse whether the structure of the e-?vity is coherent

    with the instruc?on for the learners. The table of the e-?vity is a good way for structuring

    the feedback for the e-?vi?es. You can use the elements as cathegories for evalua?on. Try

    to crosscheck informa?on in each category e.g. check if the learners are supposed to be

    familar with a tool, and if not, if they have ?me for learning it).

    Addi?onally, focus on the style of wri?ng the e-?vity:

    - the e-?vity should be directly adressed to the learner (Your task is to". not: The aim

    of this ac?vity is to).

    - the instruc?on should be wriUen in a logical order (taks, form of work, tools used, a

    place for publishing results, ?me frame).

  • Module 5. Mo@va@on

    !!1. Module dura,on

    1 week !2. Aim

    The aim of this module is to explain the complex mechanisms that mo@vate and demo@vate

    par@cipants of e-learning educa@on programs with the emphasis on the VET context. !3. To do


    Read resources about mo@va@on from the Module. Publish an opening message on the News forum.

    Create the poll for videoconference that will be organised in Module 6. !Ac,vity 5.1 !

    Prepare a graph/ sta@s@cs for each course par@cipant and send it by e-mail (Moodle sta@s@cs/

    log in) or set course selngs that par@cipants could see their own ac@vity reports (In

    Administra@on blog choose Edit se@ngs->Appearance->Show ac@vity repors->Yes) for the

    ac@vity 5.1.

    Create Google Document with an empty table, share it with the group, make sure that all the

    par@cipants have access to it. You can use the op@on anyone with the link can edit but

    double-check if it works well for ALL the par@cipants. Provide this link in Moodle [ac@vity 5.1].

    Check the completed table.

    eVET2EDU | Facilitator's Handbook | May 2014 " 22

    There is always something, isnt it? Before or aper Christmas, unexpected guests or sudden

    sorethroat that breaks your daily rou?ne. It is dicult to go back to the right track. How do

    you handle with such (or dierent) demo?vators? We will try to provide some solu?ons for

    us in Module 5.

    Two short text will shed some light on the nature of mo?va?on and will help you to deal

    with ac?vi?es. The text will not provide you with direct answers, but guidelines only.

    Consider also the sta?s?cs of your course ac?vi?es sent to you by e-mail.

    You task is twofold: to create a list of demo?vators and remedies, and mo?vate a

    hypote?cal course par?cipant expressing a problem in the discussion board.

  • Example of the lled-in table

    !Ac,vity 5.2

    Aadd example of a mo@va@ng message to the task descrip@on (if available).

    Ccreate separate threads for each character (named with the name of characters). Choose

    type of forum where the par@cipant cannot see the previous responses (Enter the forum and in

    Administra@on block choose Edit selngs->General->Forum type->Q and A forum).

    Mmake sure that students understand that they need to write mo@va@ng message as if they

    were a tutor of the course.

    Check the responses. Monitor the group work: use g-doc history revision, see how the

    individuals are working, if necessary give addi@onal help. You can use Table 5.1 as a reference

    Demo,vator Your ac,vi,es (what the course par,cipant suggest he/she can do)

    Ac,vi,es of the facilitator (what the course par,cipant suggest you can do)

    an issue/ factor that discouraged your par@cipa@on

    what can you do to handle with the demo@vator

    what could have the facilitator done to help you with handling with the demo@vator


    @me (lack of) beGer organisa@on, dedica@ng a @me slot every day for the course ac@vi@es, dening the priori@es in case of emergency, pos@ng info on a forum about non-availibility, dividing tasks into smaller ac@vi@es

    exibility of deadlines, individual contact with the par@cipant (e-mail)

    unclear instruc@ons (leading to frustra@on, disencouragement)

    write about the problem in the forum, ask for a specica@on, contact with other par@cipant to clarify, dont be shy

    encourage the par@cipants to write publicly about challanges and to seek informa@on from each other, more individual appraoch to the par@cipant

    technical problems report the problem ASAP to the administrator, describe precisely giving many informa@on and report back if the problem is solved

    learn all new tools beforehand, provide tutorials, react rapidly to the issues reported to avoid discouragment, careful introduc@on of new tool taking into account its complexity

    too slow pace of work seek advice of the facilitator, nd new challanges, nego@ate addi@onal ac@vi@es or individual pace

    propose new ac@vi@es, give more responsibili@es eg. to take over facilita@on where possible, to summarise modules

    completely new area of knowledge/ skills

    addi@onal eorts, ask facilitator immediately when any dicul@es arise

    giving support for those lagging behind the group, providing addi@onal informa@ons or guidelines

    various pace of dierent par@cipants (lack of systema@c work)

    trying to encourage for more contribu@ons, follow your own pace and s@ck to the deadlines

    individual contacts with the par@cipants, providing clear agenda of the course

    eVET2EDU | Facilitator's Handbook | May 2014 " 23

  • Summarize the ac@vity:

    Ac,vity 5.3

    Check the evidence recording. !Ac,vity 5.4

    Read reec@ons. !! !

    eVET2EDU | Facilitator's Handbook | May 2014 " 24

    Summarising the replies to the problema2c discussions

    Possible elements that can emerge during the group edi?ng of the list:

    Demo?vators can be grouped as: technical problems, issues related to the course content

    and organisa?on. Each element has two dimen?on: human factor and non-human

    factor. The human factor is however more challanging: you men?oned misunderstandings

    in communica?on, facing the fear of public expression. You emphasised the role of the

    facilitator but also the role of other course par?cipants. !In the ac?vity where the poten?al course par?cipants are involved you reacted with the

    empathy but consequently giving a direct advice. In par?cular you used:

    - enumera?ng what has already been achieved by the par?cipant (nega?ve experience is

    also important, theory is crucial for beUer understanding of the process)

    - redirect the more ac?ve par?cipants towards helping other course par?cipants, sharing

    experience or enhance the ac?vi?es by more intensive par?cipa?on.

    - individualised learning path, selec?on of relevant or addi?onal ac?vi?es or resources, or,

    on the contrary, elici?ng only the core of the topic.

  • Module 6. Group work

    !!1. Module dura,on 2 weeks !2. Aim The objec@ve of this Module is to achieve neccesary skills to design an e-@vity for a group work. !3. To do !Before the module

    Module 6 is about designing e-@vity for a group work, so it is essen@al to pay aGen@on to two main

    issues (1) designing of e-@vi@es (included in module 4) and (2) characteris@cs of a group work. Make

    sure you are familiar with those aspects of the content before star@ng. !General

    Read the introduc@on and make sure you understand the learning outcomes for this module.

    Revise the more important aspects included in Module 4 about the design of e-@vi@es.

    Revise the list of collabora@ve tools and try to be familiar with all of them.

    At the beginning of the module divide par@cipants into small work groups (ve people) for

    ac@vi@es 6.1, 6.3 (group members will be the same for both ac@vi@es). No@fy the par@cipants

    about the groups and what group they belong to on the discussion forum. !Ac,vity 6.1

    Help students choose the collabora@ve tool to start their group work:

    - decide with the par@cipants on the common collabora@ve space (e.g. Google Docs, Etherpad,

    Moodle wiki, independent wiki, Microso] one drive, etc.) where the results of all the groups

    will be posted,

    - create a common resource in the chosen collabora@ve tool and instruct the groups to post

    their results there.

    Publish the opening post:

    Check the group work in order to know what content was created/contributed by each group. !!!eVET2EDU | Facilitator's Handbook | May 2014 " 25

    This is a collabora?ve space created to include common guidelines for all groups in the

    course about the work done in ac?vity 6.1. Remember, the common document should

    answer the following ques?on: What elements of group work will the facilitator be

    absolutely responsible for and what elements can be delegated to the par?cipants?

    Please, try to contribute the consluions of your group in a way that will result in one

    common document for all.

  • Ac,vity 6.2

    Add dates of a videoconference to the poll for vo@ng.

    Publish a link to the videoconference in Moodle in the text for ac@vity 6.2. For this you will

    need edi@ng rights. If you dont have them, please no@fy Moodle administrator and ask for


    Publish informa@on about assignments before the conference

    Prepare for and par@cipate in the videoconference.

    Mo@vate the par@cipats during the videconference, try to ensure that everybody is engaged in a

    disusson. !Ac,vity 6.3

    Remind the students to revise the content from Module 4.

    Open a thread on e-@vity design for group work in the Module 6 forum in Moodle:

    Moderate the forum.

    Promote/s@mulate peer-assessment.

    If you decided to let the par@cipants assess each others ac@ve par@cipa@on in group work

    within their small groups, you can provide them with some or all of the following criteria for


    - a team member was ac@ve in group work (1-0),

    - during the group work, the team member encouraged and mo@vated others to par@cipate


    - during the group work, the team member collaborated with other members of the group


    Provide feedback for par@cipants on the group e-@vi@es. !!!eVET2EDU | Facilitator's Handbook | May 2014 " 26

    Before the videoconference, think when was the last ?me that you worked in a group.

    Try to think of the following ques?ons:

    - how would the group work process run in an online environment?

    - whether a new context could inuence the elements of success and failure which you

    have men?oned and, if so, how.

    Refer to your own experience, e.g. from this course. Which elements of the group work

    (at the planning and designing stage) are easier and which are more dicult to execute

    online? For which elements of the group work should the moderator be responsible,

    and which should be delegated to the par?cipants?

    On this forum you will share your group e-?vity. Choose a group representa?ve who

    will publish the nal results of your group work on the forum (making sure that they

    publish the names of all the group members as well). Then familiarise yourself with

    the sugges?ons of the par?cipants from other groups and comment on at least two

    that you nd par?cularly interes?ng or that carry a lot of risk of failure. Jus?fy your


  • Ac,vity 6.4 Check the reec@on in the learners blogs. Provide feedback for the par@cipants. !

    Ac,vity 6.5 Check the evidence in the competence table. !!

    4. Possible problems Aa common problem during the group work is a lack of par@cipa@on on the part of some group

    members, which can be demo@va@ng for the others. Consider assigning a small number of

    points. Moodle badges or other simple method of mo@va@on for ac@ve par@cipa@on in a group

    work and ask the group members to evaluate each other. You may use criteria such a:

    - a team member was ac@ve in group work (1-0),

    - during the group work, the team member encouraged and mo@vated others to

    par@cipate (1-0),

    - during the group work, the team member collaborated with other members of the

    group (1-0).

    Encourage/ask some of the par@cipants to go over the content in the common collabora@ve

    space in order to organize it. Make sure that the result is a common document created by all

    the groups in collabora@on, not simply a copy paste version of individual group results.

    Be careful with the technical part of the videconference. If possible, make learners test their

    audio (voice and sound) and video before the videconference. Get acquainted with the

    technical possibili@es of the system you are using. If possible, have technical support ready for

    the dura@on of the videoconference. ! !!

    eVET2EDU | Facilitator's Handbook | May 2014 " 27

  • Module 7. Modera@ng online discussions

    !!1. Module dura,on 1 week !2. Aim The objec@ve of this Module is to gain the skills required for planning and facilita@ng online discussions

    and reac@ng to certain problems in the context of VET. !3. To do !General

    Publish an opening message to the News forum:

    Read the resources about weaving and modera@ng discussions (add some local VET specic

    examples to the table, if available). !Ac,vity 7.1 and 7.2

    Add the exact date when par@cipants need to start the disscussion in Ac@vity 7.1.

    Take part in the discussions created by the par@cipants.

    Post a reminder about modera@ng of the par@cipants own discussions:


    eVET2EDU | Facilitator's Handbook | May 2014 " 28

    Welcome to Module 7. It will be open for [dura?on] weeks and it is divided into two parts,

    in both you are taking over the moderators role:

    - in the rst part you will start and moderate your own discussion, applying strategies and

    prac?cing what youve learnt in the previous modules. The success of this ac?vity depends

    on your ?mely contribu?on for both star?ng and par?cipa?ng in the discussions

    - in the second part you need to react to the message in the course forum.

    Good luck and keep wri?ng!

    Have in mind that this week is dedicated not only to launching your discussion but also


    - modera?ng it (have a look again at the introduc?on [link] to check the strategies and

    hints for modera?on),

    - par?cipa?ng in others discussions (to give your collegues the opportunity to moderate

    the discussions and prac?ce eec?ve wri?ng/ contribu?ng).

  • Post summary of ac@vity 7.1:

    !Ac,vity 7.3

    Create separate threads for each problem (Name: Discussion 1, Discussion 2) and add post

    (moderators and par@cipants messages should be in one post) to each thread. Choose type of

    forum where the par@cipant cannot see the previous responses (Enter the forum and in

    Administra@on blog choose Edit selngs->General->Forum type->Q and A forum). You can add

    some local examples, if available. !Discussion 1 (Moderator) Welcome everybody, the discussion is dedicated to Exercise 4. Select 2-3 examples of the courses (...) which are interes@ng to you - in both nega@ve and posi@ve sense. Would you take part in such a course? Why? What do you think would be the most dicult to you? Try to compare the selected courses with the resources available in this course. Publish your response as a reply to this post in the discussion board. !(Par?cipant 1) Na@onal Tourism Associa@on. I havent browse that yet but perhaps it would deal with the bicycle roads. I am very much interested in the route along the river from Gdansk to Krakow [two ci?es in PL, you can put here any touris?c route popular in your country]. Gree@ngs (MODERATOR) ......................... !Discussion 2 (Moderator) Welcome everybody, the discussion is dedicated to Exercise 4. Select 2-3 examples of the courses (...) which are interes@ng to you - in both nega@ve and posi@ve sense. Would you

    eVET2EDU | Facilitator's Handbook | May 2014 " 29

    Some categories for wri2ng a summary of discussions created by par2cipants

    The lack of dened topic and aim of the discussion: Open the aim is obscured and

    complicated, introduced by a lengthy intro with mul?ple threads and references. It is

    supposed to create the context, trigger the discussion (a spark for e-?vity). But do you

    think that the par?cipants wouldnt be able to do without it? Is that the informa?on that

    cannot be nd anywhere or just a common knowledge? It was not clear what the

    discussion should lead to eg. showing opinions, making statement, drawing conclusions,

    exchanging experience etc.

    Way of modera2ng (weaving and summarising): its hard to moderate without an aim.

    gathering many posts and making people wri?ng is not the aim, discussion board it is

    not a blog where the number of posts/ comments/ readers is essen?al. What is the value

    of a the ood of informa?on for the course par?cipants?

    Summary: lack of the post summarising (either by a moderator or encouragement for

    the par?cipant of the discussion), use of dierent colours, references to exact discussions

    or phrases needed

    Manner of wri2ng: too mentoring, too academic or patronising, trying to lead to your

    own point of view or convincing to the authors opinion

    Mo2va2ng: there were some statement about the lack of engagement from the

    par?cipants. What other steps did you take up to mo?vate the par?cipants: eg. e-mails

    to the individuals, paraphrasing the topic and looking at it from other perspec?ve?

    giving addi?onal ques?ons?

  • take part in such a course? Why? What do you think would be the most dicult to you? Try to compare the selected courses with the resources available in this course. Publish your response as a reply to this post in the discussion board. !(Par?cipant 2) Star@ng very generally... I am convinced that e-learning is a great opportunity to reach the knowledge. It is not about the courses only. If you are interested in a par@cular topic, with liGle pa@ence and willingness to get the knowledge is enough. I learnt a lot that way. Recently I got injured. I dig in the net [any colloquial for browsing the Internet] un@l I got enough informa@on. When I saw the doctor - I told him, using medical jargon, what was wrong with me. And you know what? I gured it out! No, not gured out, I learnt. !(MODERATOR) ......................... !!Discussion 3 (Par?cipant 1) Hi, and I wanna know if its only me or anybody else got the problem with opening the audio le from the mee@ng, and the presenta@on? Or maybe somebody can give a clue what is the problem????? Thanks a lot, bye! [any semi-colloquial bye bye and thanks] (Par?cipant 2) I didnt want to admit it my computer even broke down trying sooo hard to open this le. Maybe some girls had blocked it as her dress was not suitable for being recorded ocially? Bye (Par?cipant 3) Is there anybody rout there responsible to tell me why the hell the video doesnt work?????!!!!! I am trying to run this and big nothing!!!! Maybe its my comp is wrong [very colloquial but polite that the gear doesnt work] Greets! !(MODERATOR) ......................... !Discussion 4 !(Moderator) Iden@fy one characteris@cs of e-learning that is posi@ve in your opinion, and discuss it briey with reference to your context. (Par?cipant 1) I think that e-learning is very useful, it saves @me and above all dough and I dont have to commute, buy books. ![here make some minor spelling, typos, with no na?onal leUers for instance, sth. slightly wrong, some minor grammar and style that is very colloquial, more like one story told somebody on a phone then a piece of wri?ng] (Par?cipant 2) This must be @me. I can sit when I want, I print longer ar@cles and I read them in the bus, some@mes when I wake up I lurk on the forum, I do my exercises in the evening when it is quiet all around me. I really can work whenever I want to, but it is good to have some deadlines, it makes me more diciplined, if it wasnt for the deadlines I wouldnt sit and make those exercises. I like to read what the others wrote and its cool to meet so many interes@ng people there, from dierent ci@es. We work in dierent schools and we have dierent opinions but o]en we agree - I am happy with this! that we can nd an agreement. And whoooah! The others know sooo much! John [any local name] knows Moodle so well [any colloquial for knowing sth really in-depth] and he writes about it so interes@ngly, it is good he is here in this course. And this is the posi@ve side of e-learning!!! In fact there are also some nega@ves, for instance that there is so much to read, and I was expec@ng more mul@media images, anima@ons, lms - just to have some fun! On the other hand I dont have to worry about my equipment, that something doesnt open or works on my old gear, well.... eeeh, you know the teachers salaries.I absolutely love the links, although it takes so much @me but so many inspira@ons, texts and photos can be found that I later use during my classes. Its a pity its mostly in English, I am gelng beGer with this but s@ll... Thats it from me! !!!!

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  • Discussion 5 [This is very informal, on the verge of rude, full of anger and disapointment and nally plead for help] (Par?cipant 1) I log in and then - what the f...k!??? so what??? who needs that stu anyway? ???? %$# I recon wed chat and then MISTAKE!!! Man, dierent date of the videoconference :(((((( And me dont get what to doing now &^%@#!_=== please help i dont know how to pass this i dont wanna loose the grade! help please! (MODERATOR) ......................... !Discussion 6 [this is sarcas?c and angry, but polite and without any mistakes, not very formal but serious] (Par?cipant 1) I dont understand so perhaps somebody can enlighten me, please - what is the connec@on between this subject and wri@ng the reec@on? Isnt it important to learn how to use tools here rather then peruse the personal wri@ng (excuse me, reec@ons), that nobody reads as with this amount of work its hard to nd @me to ready ANYTHING. (MODERATOR) ......................... !Discussion 7 (Moderator) Welcome everybody, the discussion is dedicated to Exercise 4. Select 2-3 examples of the courses (...) which are interes@ng to you - in both nega@ve and posi@ve sense. Would you take part in such a course? Why? What do you think would be the most dicult to you? Try to compare the selected courses with the resources available in this course. Publish your response as a reply to this post in the discussion board. ![these include famous sayings, perhaps you already have equivalents in your language, you can place any from your context that are connected with learning, ?me, prac?ce and experience in life] (Par?cipant 4) A]er the e-course Na@onal Bank of Poland I have the following impressions: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe the world goes ahead only thans to those who object. John Updike The success can be also punished: you need to be acquainted with people whom you could have ignored before. Joseph Conrad From any great enemies @me is the greatest. Ceasar Prac@ce is a teacher of everything. Karel Capek Many has been invented so that one doesnt have to think. Karl Farkas A man prefers to look thorough the keyhole rather then through the telescope. (MODERATOR) ......................... !Discussion 8 (Moderator) Welcome everybody, the discussion is dedicated to Exercise 4. Select 2-3 examples of the courses (...) which are interes@ng to you - in both nega@ve and posi@ve sense. Would you take part in such a course? Why? What do you think would be the most dicult to you? Try to compare the selected courses with the resources available in this course. Publish your response as a reply to this post in the discussion board. ![rather formal style, too formal for the content and purpose, as if the person doesnt know how to use such formal language at ease but wants to be very polite and knowledgable] (Par?cipant 3) I would like to share my thoughts about e-learning courses. I have analysed 2 examples: 1. Na@onal Tourism Associa@on. and 2. Senior Learning. It reassured me that my decision about commencing e-learning course was just appropriate. I focused on two completely dierent areas included in the courses. The rst area is dedicated to young people, who are just about to enter their life , who want to explore their opportunites and challenges. Those are the people who can lead a fruipul life in the tourism sector. They are energe@c, and eager to move, mobile. The form of the course is suitable for them. If I were only younger I could benet from such a form of the course. With kind regards. (MODERATOR) ......................... !

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  • Monitor if modera@ng techniques are applied by par@cipants. If necessary, react and encourage

    the par@cipants to make use of them.

    Post summary of the ac@vity:

    Ac,vity 7.4

    Check the evidence recording. !Ac,vity 7.5

    Read reec@ons. !!!!! !!

    eVET2EDU | Facilitator's Handbook | May 2014 " 32

    Some categories for wri?ng a summary of the responses to cri?cal problems. Solu?ons


    - referring to the emo?ons and interests of the course par?cipant,

    - giving addi?onal ques?ons,

    - funny and not very serious tone of voice,

    - specic advice for specic problem, giving precise instruc?ons,

    - addi?onal ques?ons to learn about the problem more,

    - ignoring the grammar are solving the problem,

    - adequatly referring to the problem I agree with the post above and hyperac?ve


  • Module 8. Developing e-learning resources

    !!1. Module dura,on 2 weeks !2. Aim The objec@ve of this Module is to gain skills in developing basic learning resources for voca@onal

    subjects. !3. To do !Before the module

    Module 8 is very prac@cal and is based on collabora@ve tools. Make sure you are familiar with the tools

    for recording video/audio or/and you have contact to IT sta that provide you with a required support

    in this led. If you are not familiar with a publishing process on YouTube, try out the service before. It

    takes you about 45 minutes. !General

    Read the intro and familiarize yourself with the resources in this module.

    Publish the opening post of the module:

    Ac,vity 8.1

    Check if the links to the videos are ac@ve.

    Watch the examples of good and bad video lecture.

    Read learners' reec@ons on their blogs about good and bad lecture. !Ac,vity 8.2.2

    Be prepared for ques@ons about recording . !Ac,vity 8.2.3

    Be prepared for ques@ons about publishing online. !

    eVET2EDU | Facilitator's Handbook | May 2014 " 33

    Welcome to Module 8. which is very prac?cal in terms of tools. Your main task is to learn

    how to develop a video for the VET subject you teach. In the ac?vity 8.1 you will be

    watching video clips to iden?fy good and bad elements. In the ac?vity 8.2.1 you will plan

    and develop a video recording and publish it online. So a lot of prac?cal skills.

  • Ac,vity 8.2

    Write a summary of the e-@vi@es in the context of a video implementa@on:

    Ac,vity 8.3

    Check the evidence recording. !Ac,vity 8.4

    Rread reec@ons. !4. Possible problems

    Be prepared for technical ques@ons about video recording and the tools.

    Planning a video recording.

    YouTube videos may not play with sub@tles enabled by default. There should be some

    instruc@ons for the learners on how to turn them on. Click the cap@on buGon in the YouTube

    player window to turn cap@ons on. ! !

    eVET2EDU | Facilitator's Handbook | May 2014 " 34

    You may consider such elements in the summary:

    - how video/audio was implemented in learners ac?vity,

    - what is the purpose of implementa?on? You can list all the ideas,

    - does it lead to achieving outcome(s)?

    You can also go back to the Module 4 and use the components of the e-?vity structure as

    the criteria for wri?ng a feedback.

  • Module 9. Re-using, sharing, evalua@ng online resources !!1. Module dura,on 2 weeks !2. Aim The objec@ve of this Module is to gain skills in searching, selec@ng, re-using, sharing and evalua@ng

    online resources for your voca@onal subject(s) required to achieve selected learning objec@ves. !3. To do !General

    Read the introductory resources and familiarise yourself with the Open Educa@onal Resources

    (repositories and search engines)

    Publish opening post about the module

    Ac,vity 9.1

    Check if the link to the video works properly. !Ac,vity 9.2

    At the beginning of the module: assign par@cipants into the groups for the ac@vity 9.2. Note:

    par@cipants have to be assigned smartly. Consider connec@ng par@cipants with dierent

    working pace in one group (ac@ve and less ac@ve).

    Open a new thread for sharing online resources. Add link to interes@ng OER repositories for

    VET). !Title of the forum thread: Wiki for cooking (Group 1)/ Web 2.0 (Group 2)/ Webquest in learning

    (Group 3) !eVET2EDU | Facilitator's Handbook | May 2014 " 35

    Welcome to Module 9.

    This module is about online resources which can be used in you e-learning course. Your

    ac?vity mainly focuses on browsing the Internet and searching for useful resources for

    the e-?vity designed in Module 4, re-using resources and sharing them with others on

    the Internet.

    Assigning to the groups

    In the ac?vity 9.2 you will be working in four small groups. Your task is to suggest

    two resources for a selected subject or objec?ve (from the list) and to publish either

    the resources or links to them on the course forum in a separate thread (with a

    group number in ?tle).

  • At the end of the ac@vity post a feedback on a groups choice: you can write a summary of the

    groups choices in a following categories: the learning outcome, a target group, a licence,

    quality, usefulness, deversity of format, accessibility. Comment on the work of each group.

    Ac,vity 9.3

    Be prepared for explaning Crea@ve Commons licences to the par@cipants.

    Check if the par@cipants shared content under CC.

    Check if you have access to the links and the aGachement with resources.

    Moderate discussion: Par@cipants should publish their comments on re-using resources. You

    may moderate the discussion throguh the following aspects:

    - modica@on done by the par@cipant (what, why, can par@cipants name changes eg.

    dierent aim/target group),

    - how did they feel with localisa@on - is it a posi@ve feeling or nega@ve, why?

    - what benets from localisa@on and re-using do they see? !eVET2EDU | Facilitator's Handbook | May 2014 " 36

    Hello members of group N: {name, name, name, name}.

    You task is to nd and suggest two resources for . [copy the topic for a group N from

    the ac?vity here] and to publish them (or links) on the course forum in this thread.

    During your search use OER search engines and OER repositories about which you have

    learned in the previous exercise, search engines which you use everyday and the like

    (tested). Suggested resources should represent diverse formats.

    When you are ready with your proposi?on, jus?fy your choice with regards to the goal,

    licence, quality and usefulness for the topic.

    Example of a summary for the topic Web 2.0

    From your proposi?ons of resources, two approaches can be observed:

    - links to the resources with a theory, focusing on the concept of web 2.0,

    - examples of the tools that allow online users for collabora?on (according to the Web

    2.0 assump?ons that everyone can be a creator and a consumer). !Consider which aspect of the denio?on is the most important to you: technology, social

    dimension, interac?on or all at once? !From the resources you proposed on the forum, it appers that there are a lot of

    deni?on of We 2.0. But which of them suits you?

    In the discussion Wikipedia appeared as a valuable source of informa?on. Wikipedia

    has the poten?al not only as free resources. The largest world online encyclopedia,

    which everybody knows, is the realiza?on of the idea of web 2.0. Do you think that

    star?ng from Wikipedia as an example for learners to analyse the idea of web 2.0,

    allows them to achieve learning outcome dened in the task?

  • Ac,vity 9.4

    Be prepared to explain Crea@ve Commons licences to par@cipants.

    Help to choose online services for sharing resources on-line.

    Provide support in publishing resources in the Internet

    Summary of the ac@vity: comment on par@cpants' choice of CC license and placement of

    publishing their resources. You can consider short reec@on on their choices in the context of

    re-usability. !Ac,vity 9.5

    Read the reec@ons. !Ac,vity 9.6

    Evidence: check/support par@cipant in adding evidence to the competence table. !4. Possible problems

    Par@cipants may not be familiar with Crea@ve Commons license.

    Par@cipants may not be familiar with services for sharing and publishing.

    Par@cipants may not want to create addi@onal account(s) in services for sharing and publishing. !

    eVET2EDU | Facilitator's Handbook | May 2014 " 37

  • Module 10. The role of the facilitator !!1. Module dura,on 1 week !2. Aim The objec@ve of this Module is to gain skills in organising own work as a facilitator of an e-learning

    course on a voca@onal topic, as well as to develop skills in evalua@ng own skills. It is also the module in

    which the course is summarised. !3. To do General

    Read the resources from the module.

    Find a short text in your language about es@ma@ng @me for designing a course or facilita@ng the

    course, perhaps a blog entry of a facilitator or designer, an ar@cle. etc (op@onal).

    Publish an entry post reminding also that this is the last module:

    Ac,vity 10.1

    Publish a post about @me es@ma@on:

    Weave the discussion about @me es@ma@on:

    eVET2EDU | Facilitator's Handbook | May 2014 " 38

    Hello, its a nal module that starts today so a bit of retrospec?ve to conclude with. At

    rst think about the past three months and discuss the ?me and how you managed to

    cope with the tasks.

    Also you may want to ll in the ques?onnaire from Module 1 again [link] and compare

    your results. It is a good food for reec?on and also an opportunity to play with some

    edi?ng sopware.

    Its sad to me that we nally have to part but before - please stay ?ll the end, ac?ve.

    On designing the course wed es?mated 5 hours a week for the par?cipants to work.

    Also we tried to es?mate the ?me for each topic and each ac?vity. Did we do it

    right? Is there anything you could have done to make your work more ecient?

    Read also the posts of the other course par?cipants - why there are dierences and

    what they are related to?

    It is not possible to give the precise ?me measurement for each ac?vity. It is

    however important to iden?fy what requires more eort (which means ?me). You

    no?ced that ac?vi?es have dierent pace and organisa?on (eg. men?ons group

    work that depends on others ac?vi?es). You also no?ce that it is open possible to

    learn parallely to other ac?vi?es eg. you can think about your ac?vity while

    commu?ng, and then write down a solu?on in a free ?me slot later on.

  • As a reply to the discussion about @me es@ma@on you can write your own reec@on as the

    course facilitator. Usually it evokes some posi@ve replies. !Ac,vity 10.3

    Publish post about charts:

    Closing of the course

    Publish the post about organisa@onal issues related to the end of the course (reminder about the

    deadlines, cer@cates issuing, feedback form etc.). !!!!

    eVET2EDU | Facilitator's Handbook | May 2014 " 39

    Visualisa?ons are more and more popular nowadays. Play with the data and results

    and compare your answers in a chart. You can use various tools (eg. Spreadsheet

    charts) and dierent approaches (presenta?ons, poster, infographics). Share it with

    the others on a discussion forum.

  • This project has been funded with support from the European Commission under the Lifelong Learning Programme. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held

    responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. ! !

    !!!This publication is licencsed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Licence Unported

    http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ !!

    eVET2EDU | Facilitator's Handbook | May 2014 " 40