handbook of the ion todt 105

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  • 8/14/2019 Handbook of the ion TODT 105


    In addition to the above listed general divisions ofOT person nel, a l l members of that orga nisat ion are c la s s if ie daccording to the type of functions they f u l f i l l . These cl as sif ic at io n sare, at the same time, the ba sic pay c la ss if ic a ti o n s:Beatnte and Abgeordnete ( o f f i c i a l s )A n ge ste lit e (employees )Technische Angestellte (technical employees)Lohnempfanger (wage earners)

    Te ch nic ally a l l pay and allowances of OT personnel are al sodivid ed in to Frontbez&ge (fro nt pay) and Heimatbez&ge (home pay)in a manner sim ilar to the pay of the German Armed For ces,FrontbezQge include:OT Sold (re gu lar OT pay> - apparently the same as theeq uiva len t Army pay.Frontzulage (front line allowance)Allowance #for quarters and subsistence*I t should be noted, however, tha t a reg ulation o f December 1944*published in Nr. 35/36 of the Re ichs arb eitsb latt, esta blish eda d ef in it e rate of pay fo r the so -c al led Front-OT While i t i snot quite cl ea r whether that new regu lation a ffep ts a l l OT membersincluding the OT-eigenes Personal, it seems certain that them ajo rity .of OT personn el, in pa rtic ula r a l l employees and wage-earners,

    are now re ce ivi ng th ei r remuneration under that plan. The oldsystem of OT pay plu s Front zulage ay thereby have been renderedobsolete, except possibly in the case of the comparatively smallnucleus of OT-eigenes Per son al. In the succeeding paragraphsan attempt w i l l be made to present a se le c ti o n of the most importantpay reg ula tion s and cha rts without any claim to completeness i n asub ject which i s in no way cl ea rl y d efined in the co nven tionalmanner of pay computation* Since at th is time the vas t majorityof OT perso nnel must be regarded as Front-OT, p ar tic u la r emphasis w i l lbe placed on whatever information i s av ail ab le on th eir pay.Under the gen era l c l a s s i f i c a t i o n of Heimatbez&ge, OT personn elmay get the fo llo w in g:

    Base payPremiumsAllowancesSocial welfare benef i ts . While the Frontbezttge are paid out to OT personnel in the f i e l d ,the HelmatbezQge are t ra ns ferred to an account i n Germany which theGerman employee may de signa te or, in the case o f fo re ig ner s, to

    co l lec t ive accounts .0T-F8hrer (commissioned o f f ic e r s ) re ce ive a monthly sala ry anda f la t rat e for overtime. Pay of a l l other personnel i s based onhourly wages (stundenlohn), plus any of the additions in the form ofallowances and b e n e f it s . This procedure i s now comp letely in e ff e c tand supersedes any previously existing arrangement.In th is di scu ssio n of pay i t should always be cl ea r th at theterm Sold does not at any time mean ba se pay or tariff. Sold is anad ditio n to any wage, sal ar y, or t a r if f and i s derived from theGerman Armed Forces "Sold* which i s a sp e c ia l st ra ig h t payment tocompensate the so ld ie r for the hardships suffe red . I t i s an allowanceto cover the man's personal needs in the f i e l d . To avoid any erroron th is sco re, th is exp lanation w i l l be repeated whenever necessaryin the succeeding pages.

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    ff f^f(b) * OT-Eigenes Pe rso na l (OT Organic Pe rso nn el)

    138 . General Principles of PayAs in most oth er German or ga n isa tio n s reg ula r members in th eOT adm i n i s t r a ti on oan be c l a s s i f i e d as e i t h e r Beamte ( o f f i c i a l s ;

    or A n ge s t e l l t e (e mpl oye e s ) . P e r s onne l i n t hos e c a t e g or i e s ar epaid acco rdin g to two t a r i f f s , Tarifordnug A and B (TOA andTQB - t a r if f code A and B ) . Tarifordnung A fttr G efo lg sch aft sm itg l i e d e r im f lf fent lichen Die nst cov ers mainly the c l e r i c a loc cu pa tion s . Tarifordnung B f ftr G-efo lgsch aftsm itgl ieder imftffentlichen. Di en st take s in a l l those OT-organic per son ne l notcovered under Ta r i f f A . These t a r i f f s are id en t i ca l w i th thoseof the German C iv i l Se rv ice , (For ad di t io na l inform ation onC i v i l Se rv ic e pay, se e MrRS/AEFREC/63/44).A number of s p e c ia l t a r i f f s reg ula te wages fo r OT orga nic

    per son nel employed i n the m edic al, tr an sp or t, and comm unicationse rv ice * The most important o f th es e i s the Tarifordnung fftr d ieim unm it te lbaren Ar be i t sv erh al t n i s zur 0 T s tehenden Fro nta rbe i ter(T ar if f for Fr on tar bei ter d ir ec t l y employed by the OT). paymentso f such t a r i f f s are made throug h the Amt Bau-OTZ.In gen eral i t can be said tha t there has been an incr ea s in gtendency to equal ize "OT and Armed Forces pay. To a c e r ta in ex te n tth is has been accompl ished, but there are s t i l many ins tan ces ofwide d i scr epa nc ie s s in ce the pay of OT workers must ne ce ss a r i ly bebased on hour ly wages and ta r i f f s . In th i s conn ec t ion i t i s

    important to remember that pay according to accomplished work ratherthan f ix ed rat es tends to provide an in cen t iv e for gre ate r o utput .139 Pay Sc al es

    A il O T-eigenes Perso na l r ec ei v es Armed Fo rces pay (Wehrsold)corresponding to th ei r equ iva len t rank in the OT. In ad di t io nthey are given hourly wages based on a standard pay scale whichpro gres ses accord ing to rank in the OT. While au the nt icdocuments on t he t a r i f f s are no t av a i l ab l e , a r e l i a b l e r e por t l i s t sthe fol lo w in g wage sc a le s as of May 1944:Rank Hourly Wehrsold MonthlyWage (monthly) C l o t h i ngRM RM Allowance(Reichsmark)

    OT Mann Up to 18 y r s : 36above 18 yrs:H i l f s a r b e i t e r . 6 0 45 . 20 Facharbe i ter .80 Vorarbe i ter

    H i l f a a r b e i t e r 70Facharbe i ter 88 50.40 4M e i s t e r sH i l f s a r b e i t e r 90Facharbe i ter .99 5 4 . - -ObermeisterH i l f s a r b e i t e r 1 . Facharbeiter 1*10 58.20MonthlySalary Truppfllhrer 26 0. - 66. 22.50Obe rtrup pfah rer 310 86.10 30.00

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    Rank HourlyWagemWehrsold(Monthly) MonthlyClothingAllowanceiReiohsmark)

    Haupttruppffthrer ) 500. 123.40 30.00BaufUhrev )Baulei tor 5 8 0 . - 128.40 50.00Frontftlhrer

    (c ) FirmenangehBrige (OT-Fim Per son ne l)140. Pay Claasif lcationa

    Originally the relation between most firms ana the OT wereregulated by the Selbstkostenerstattungsvertrag (Cost reimbursementCo ntr act), se e HDb63-64. Under th is co ntr ac t, each firm wasallowed a fa ir amount of la ti tu d e in determining i t s own labourp o li c ie s . This res ulted in a number of discrep ancies in labourco nd ition s between various firms in the same area. Consequently, theOberbauleitungen was swamped with i nqu ir ie s by firm s, and ci rc u la rsand decrees had to be published rendering decisions on labour policyin an attempt to create some workable system out of the gen eralconfu sion. In May 1942 Dr. SCHMELTER was appointed Sender treuhanderder Arbeit fttr di e Organisa tion TCDT (S pec ia l Labour Commissioner forthe OT). He es ta b lis hed a number of t a r if f s c re at ing more uniformwage conditions for all workers*Eventually most pay for FirmenangehBrige (or Firmenangestellte)came to be reg ulate d by the follo w ing ta r if fs (Tarifordnungen)issued by the Reichstreuhander der Arbeit (Reich Commissioner ofLabour) and the Sondertreuhander der Arbeit der Organisation TODT(Special Labour Commissioner for the OT) for Reichsdeutsche (Germans)or by the Militarbefehlshaber (Military Commander) for workers ofoccupied countries:

    ( i ) Reichstarifordnung ftlr den L eistungslohn im Baugewerbecove rs German co ns tru ctio n workers in sid e the Reich.I t i s m odified by a number of Bezirkstarifordnu ngen(D ist ri ct T ar iff s) , each making allowances for regionallabour co nd itio n s. There are alto ge the r some 600occupations in the bu ilding and construction ind us trie s,each of which i s covered under the dif fer en t ta r if fsissued by the Reichstreuhander der Arbeit (ReichCommissioner of Labour).( i i ) The Tarifordnung fttr die reichsdeutschen G efolgsch aftsmitglieder der OT.- OT Frontarbeitertari f , ef fect ive20 Jan 19 43, covers German workers employed o utsi dethe Reich.

    ( i i i ) The Anordnung zur Regelung der Ar beitsv erh altniss e derb e i der OT ei nge se tz te n B etr ieb e des Baugewerbes undder Baunebengewerbe - OT Pirm enangestelljbentar if of20 Jan 1943 originally dealt with commercial andte ch n ic a l em ployees of the OT ser vin g out sid e Germanyand c la ss if ie d a l l such personnel as Frontarbeiter.( iv ) Among the most important ta ri ff s i s the OT Finnenanges te l l tent a r i f of 26 February 1943* While some pay re gu la tio nsof the OT were rev ise d in the pro vis ion s of the Front-OTTarif (no. (v) below), the important outlines have remained


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    OT Pirmenangesti .ivided into the followingwage groups:Group J l : Commercial and tec hnic al employees under 20 ye arsand without a completed pro fes sio na l education*Group J2s Commercial and tec hnic al employees under 20 yearswith a completed education and apprenticeship.Group Kl: Bnployees w ith a mechanical or schematic (sch em atische)occupa tion, such as correspondents, f i l e cl er k s,mimeograph experts, wage computators, and trainedoffice machine experts.Group K2: Bnployees with a simple occupation , such as t y p is ts ,

    assistant accountants, assistant cashiers, etc*Group K3: Employees handling d if f ic u lt Jobs wi th own re sp o n si b ili ty ,such as wage accountants, st a ti st ic ia n s, storeroom administrators, etc*Group K4: Leading employees w ith wide pro fes siona l and pr ac tic alknowledge, v/ho independently manage their sections,such as ch ie f accountants and ca sh ie rs , etc*Group Tl: Techn ical employees w ith a predominant mechanical

    or schematic occupation, such as plans and drawings,c lass i f iers , ass i s tant overlay experts , e tc*Group T2: Bnployees in simple tec hni ca l and drawing occ up ation s,working under supervision, such as elementarystat ist icians, est imators , supervisors , of s impleconstruct ions, etc*Group T3: Employees handling d i f f i c u l t jobs on th ei r own r es p o n si b il it y ,such as draftsmen*Group T4: Leading employees w ith wide pro fess iona l and pra ct ic alknowledge, who independently manage their sections,such as constr uction ch ie fs , who compute con struc tiona ldata, on th eir own re sp on sib ili ty and independentlynegotiate with the contractors and public au tho rit i es ,engineers and ch ief s of large construction po sts , et c.Group M : "F oliere" and exca vation foremen and oth er exp er ts,such as construction machine foremen.Group MO: "Oberpoliere", "Oberschachtmeister" (excavation foremen)

    and other expert craftsmen*The follow ing ta b le shows wage sc a le s fo r employeesof the OT arranged according to the Gehaltsgruppen (wage groups)explained above:

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    "IT "BT CTGefcaltsgruppe I. 2 Only for married- employees living 2Wage Group: 4) qj in towns with population ofover over over

    50 000 I 100 000 | 500 000H a 8 Hf t C 8H 451. Gonmercial EmployeesMonthly R atesKM. W L RM. KM.

    Jl TftiskilleaUp to 18 years 75. 79. 83.- 86. 90.Over 18 years 95. 100. 105. 110. 114.J2 SkilledUp to 18 years 100. 105. no. 115.- 120. -Over 18 years 120. 126. 1 3 2 . - 138.' 144."Kl Up to 23 years 130. 137 1 4 3 . - 150.. 156.Up to 26 ;years 340. 147. 154. 161.. 168.Over 26 years 155. 163. 171. 178.. 186.

    ss;:K2 Up to 23 years 145.

    Up to 26 years I65.Up to 30 years 190.Over 30 years 220.152. 160. 167.- 174.173. 182. 190.. 198.200. 209. 219.- 228.231. 242. 253.- 264.

    K3 Up to 23 yearsUp to 26 yearsUp to 30 yearsOver 30 yearsK4 Over 26 yearsOver 30 years

    Jl UnskilledUp to 18 yearsOver 18 yearsJ2 SkilledUp to 18 yearsOver 18 yearsTl Up to 23 yearsUp to 26 years

    Over 2$ yearsT2 Up to 23 yearsUp to 26 yearsUp to 30 yearsOver 30 yearsT3 Up to 23 yearsUp to 26 yearsUp to 30 yearsOve? 30 yearsT4 Over 26 yearsOver 30 years

    175. I84 . 1 9 3 . - 201..210. 221. 231. 242.255. 268. 281. 293.310. 3 2 7 . - 341. 35Q.330 . 347. 363." 380. .400.- 420. 440. 460*.

    2. Technical BnployeesMonthly Rates7595.

    110.130..130. -140.. .

    2 1 0 252.306.372.396. .480.

    9O.~1 1 4 . 1 3 2 . - .156 . - .1 5 6 . 1 6 8 . 1 8 6 . 1 9 2 . 2 1 6 . 2 5 2 . 2 8 8 .

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    A. B. E.Gehaltsgruppe I 9. toWage Group: Only for married employees living ua> P * in towns with population ofto . o c over over over50 000 100 000 500 000oo

    -S O2. Technical Employees (Contd)

    RM. RM* RM. RM. RM.M ( ,Schlachtmeistei) 260. 273. 286. 299. 3 1 2M0 (Oberpoliere,Oberschlacht 310. 325. 341. ~ 357. 3 7 2meister, etc)

    Changes of domicile -while on active service with the 0T are nottaken into account and therefore the employee remains in thesame pay group.0T Fir m en an ge ste llte, who have not been prev iously on ser vic ew ith the 0T rece ived th ei r former wages, i f they exceeded thepresent o nes. If t hei r former wages were lower , they are tobe adjusted to this regulation.Bonuses fo r ex ce ss output of work up to 10$ of wages may be pa id.Other additions and allowances which have been paid prior to

    the enforcement of these regulations were to be discontinued,un les s they had been s p ec ia ll y granted by the HSondertreuhftnderwof the 0T.142. Tariffs for Firmenangehflrige in Prance

    A3 pre viou sly pointed out, ta r if fs vary according to the variousco untr ie s in which the 0T was employed. I t i s , of cour se , far beyondthe scope of this book to illustrate the pay scales of all thosete r r it o r ie s . However, an example of such ta r if fs may be of in te re st .33ie fol low ing pages w i l l , therefo re , giv e a short summary of the mostimportant t a r if f reg ulatio ns operative in France.A ll employment and wages were regulated by a decree of the M ili ta ryCommander which became ef f e c t iv e on 15th Apr il 1944, and concerned i t s e l fes p ec ia ll y w ith the Building and Construction Industry. I t s ru ling sappl ied to a l l German firm s of the in dustry in France and to a l l non-German firms under co ntract to a German firm . I t covered a l l workerswhose residence was in France, with the exception of drivers, and includedalso workers from Belgium and Holland.French territory was divided into siat regions as follows:

    Region I. PARIS and sim ilar l o c a l i t i e sII . Cities of more than 500,000 populationIII. Cities of more than 100,000 populationIV. C it ie s of more than 20,000 populationV. C i t i e s of more than 5*000 pop ulation

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    untranslated and may be checked in the listing of AnnexeRate,WAGE REGIONWAGE GROUP: V VII I I III p.frs. P.frs.F.f rs, F.tfrs. F.f rs. F. frs .

    1. MEIS1ER:Boliere,Schachtraeister, u . a .Meister,Obermonteure fttr 30,60 17,60 16,40 15,20 13,60 12,60Heizungsmontagen 2 . HILFSMEISTER:Hi l f spo l i e re , H i l f s schach t mei s t e r , u . Obennonteure ffllrsanit&re u . Gasins ta l l a t ionen ,Ein r i ch te r , Dr i t t e l s f t th re r 1 9 , 4 0 1 6 , 6 015,40 14,20 1 2 , 8 0 1 1 , 8 0

    3 - PACHVORARBEITER:Fachvorarbei te r a l le r Art ,He i zungsmo nt eur e, S te inme t zeru. Terrazoarbei ter * 17,80 1 5 , 2 0 14,20 13,20 1 1 , 8 0 1 0 , 8 04 . SPEZIAIIPACJiAHBEITER:Feur ungs- , Ofen-, Sch orn stei n-Brunneribauer, Baggerftihrer ,Baggermaschinisten, Baumaschi

    nenftthrer, Verbaumineure,Dachdecker,Klempn8r,Konteure fttrsanitftre u . Gasins ta l l a t ionen ,Raramftthrer, V^erkstattsstukkat eu re , Gerateftihrer, Rohr-Kessel u . Schmiedescbv7eiseer,Schornste in-uKanalmaurer 16,60 1 4 , 2 0 13,20 12,20 1 0 , 3 0 1 0 , 0 05 . PACHAKBEITER:Maurer, Maler, Anstreicher,

    Zimrnerer, Beton-u.Kanalbauer,Schlosser, Rohrleger,Masohinis ten,Dampfwalztlhrer,SclTweisser,Gleiswerker, TeerBitumen-u. Betonstrassenwerker,Asphal t ierer ,Klebeabdichter, Iso l ie rer , Tapezierer ,Baustukkateure (Gipser), Schniiede,Pf las terer (Ste inse tzer) , Mineurer, Gartner 15 ,20 13,0012,20 11,20 10 ,00 9 ,406. ANGEIERNTE ARBEITER:Hoch-u. Tiefbauhelfer, E i n schaler , Sisenbieger, Eisenf lechter, Bau.u. Hilfsbauj]iaschinisten,Beton-u. Strassenbauhelfer,(Steinschl&gerO ? Drainierer, Gleisbauarbeiter, Kocher,Mischer, Planierer,u.Asphaltfuger iin Teer-u.Bitumenstrassenbau,Glaser,Verputzer, (Rabitzer) ,Heizer,3agger3chmierer 14 ,00 12,00 1 1 ,20 10 ,40 9 ,20 8 ,00

    7. HILFSARBEITER:Heifer und Hilfsarbei ter al le r Art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,40 10,80 10,20 9,40 3,40 8,00

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    p.frs, P.frs. F.frs. F.frs. F.frs. F.frs.8. SONSTIGE BERUFE:1. Koch 17,80 05,20 14,20 13,20 11,80 10,802. Koch 15,20 13 ,00 12,201,20 10,20 9 ,401. Kochin 14,00 12,00 11,200,40 9,20 8 , 6 02. Kflchin, KQchenhilfsarbeiter,War te r und W S ch te r . . . . . . . . 12 ,40 10,80 1 0 , 2 0 9 , 4 0 8 , 4 0 8 , 0 0 Kuechenhilsarbeiterinnen andPutzfraaen 8,60 7,80 7,20 6 , 6 0 6 , 0 0 5 ,60Sanit&ter 14*00 12,00 11,200,40 9 , 2 0 8 , 6 0

    WAGES OP MINORS:Workers under 20 years o f age r e c e i v e : Up to 15 years 5Qf0 )Prom 15 to 16 7Ofi> ) Of the regular wagesProm 18 to 20

    Special pay addit ions (Ausgleichszulage) might be given to workersfrom one wage region who are employed i n ano ther region* Such ad dit ion sappl ied to all male workers with the exception of some personnel employedin sosoe of the spe cia l co as ta l are as . The ra tes of these addit ions(hou r l y ) a r e i l l u s t r a t e d in the fol lowing table: Por wo rker s from: Being employed i n Wage Region:II I l l IV V V IF r 3 P r s . P r s . F r s . F r s .Wage Region I 8 14 20 26 30Wage R eg ion I I . . . . . - 7 13 2 1 24Wage Region III ...... - 6 1 2Wage Region IV ... - - 6 8Wage Region V............ - - - 3

    Workers who could not return to their residence because of thedistance from their place of employment, were given the following rentaland subsistence allowance (daily):

    When charters When "When su b s i s t - When q uar tersan d subsistence quarters ence not and subs is t -are furnished not furnished ence notfurnished furnishedP rs * F rs . prs. Pr3Married workers o rSingle withDependants 12 22 24 34Single workers - 10 12 22

    The sp ec ial co as ta l ta ri ff for the area of the Channel and AtlanticCoastal Zones up to 50 Rn inland, including the Channel Islands of Jersey,Guernsey and Alderney, as w el l as other is lan ds befor e the mainland, ruledthat the wage sc al e fo r Region VI was to be e f f e c t i v e . Workers whoseresidence i s on Chanml Islands of Jersey, Guernsey and Alderney receivedadditional pay of 60jZ> in excess of their respective local wages. All other workers of local residence or detailed for work in that coastal regionreceive d the follo w ing pay ad dition per workday, in excess of theirregular Wage Scale, under Region VI.Workers from: P.frs.Region I 45Region I I 35Region I I I . . . . . . 25 Transport Spani ards ( Transport span i er ) Re g io n IV . . . . . . . 10 i n th e NSKK no t ha vin g r e si d en c e i nRe g io n V 15 Prance r e c e i v e d a d d i t i o n a l p a y of 1 0 . - P . f r s . R egion V I . . . . . . . . none per day.

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    Up to t h i s p o i n t OT t a r i f f s a f f e c t i n g the F i r m e n a n g e s t e l l t e n o nly -h ave " b e e n d i s c u s s e d . A s o m e w h a t d i f f e r e n t w a g e s c a l e e x i s t s f o rO T - F r o n t a r b e i t e r and OT. -Le g i on f l r e , m os t o f whom are F i r m e n an ge h f i r i ge .F o l l o w i n g is the w a ge s c a l e w h i c h g o v e r n s t h e s e g r o u p s of OT p e r s o n n e l :Wage Category of Personnel HourlyG-roup Wages

    Hilfspoliere, Hilfsmeister, specialists( e . g . Baggerftthrer) O.96 RMNote: Pol iere and Schachtmeister are governedby the FirmenangestelltentarifB All Fachvorarbeiter (skilled workers) 0.92C All Spezialfacharbeiter (Skil led sp ec ia li st s) 0.85D All Facharbeiter and Vorarbeiter of wage group E 0.80E Angelernte Arbeiter (semi-skilled workers) and

    Vorarbeiter of wage group F 0.72Fa Heifer (helpers) 0.65Fb Hilfsarbeiter (hands) 0.60Wachpersonal (guard personnel);

    ) Wachftthrer (chief guards) 0.72b) Wachmanner (ordinary guards) 0.60

    H Unterkunftspersonal (service personnel in barracks)1. Koche (f irst cooks) 0.922 . K5che (second cooks) 0.80Hilfskdche (assis tant cooks) 0.72Barackenwarter and Kttchenhilfen (barracksorderlies and kitchen help) 0,60Gefolgschaftsmitglieder who have not completedtheir 18th year of age receive 80 percent of

    the appointed hourly wage.K Women receive 80 percent of the respectivehourly wage.

    A l l F r on t a r b e i t e r of Lohngruppe F who p r e v i o u s l y h av e r e c e i v e d an hour ly wage of 65 Rpf r e t a i n t h a t w a g e . S t s oa n a r b e it e r r e o e i v e ana d d i t i o n of 5 Rpf per tour.To render the p r o c e e d i n g t a b l e of h o u r l y w ag e t a r i f f s p r a c t i c a la n d u s e f u l , the f o l l o w i n g l i s t of o c c u p a t i o n s as i n c l u d e d in thev a r i o u s w a g e - g r o u p s m u s t be c o n s u l t e d . A l l o c c u p a t i o n s h a v e b e e n g i v e n i n t h e i r G e r m a n o r i g i n a l to a v o i d c o n f u s i o n and e r r o r . Fort r a n s l a t i o n s A n n e x e A s h o u l d be c o n s u l t e d .

    Wage-group A i n c l u d e s ;Hilfspoliere of all Rammhilfsmeisterbuilding crafts Hilf s sc hac htme is te rHilfsschachtmeister Senkkastenhilfsmeisterof all building Walzenhilfsmeistercrafts Hilf sbohrme isterohrftlhrerHilfsbaumaschinen- Hilfsrohrmeistermeister EinrichterBaggerftthrer DrittelsftthrerGrossbrunnenbsuerWage-group B includes;Vorarbeiter of all Vorschweisserbuilding crafts

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    Wage-group C includes:Bagge rm aschinistenBaumaschinenftihrerGer&teftthrerHilfsgerateftthrerRammfOhrerWalzenfflhrerSchmelzschweisserBaustukkateur

    Wage-group D includes:MaurerZinmererBetoribauerSchlosserMineureBet r ieb sschlo sse rMaschinenschlosse rMaschinenbauerGleiswerkerTeer- und BitumenwerkerBetonstrassenwerkerRohrleitungswerker

    Wage-group includes;EinschalerEisenbiegerEisenf lechterBaumaschinistWalzenmaschini s tPflasterer-RanunerSteinhauer (Steinschlagerim Strasseribau)MineurhelferLichtbogenschweisserWage-group Fa includes:HbcbbauhelferTiefbauhelferMBrtelbereiterHilf sbaumaschinistenHeizerKanalbauhelferRammhelferGleisbauarbeiterStein setzerhelfer SchalungssetzerFugenmacherAsphaltfuger

    ReiberBohrarbeiter Puger144# Miscellaneous Tariffs

    VerbaumineurWerkstattstukkateurKanalmaurerSpezialbohrarbeiter bei defchemisehen BodenverfestigungRohrschweisserKesselschweisserSchienenschweis serPf lasterer (Steinsetzer)KanalbauerFormschmiedKessel schmiedBrunnengerlis tbauerLe itergerttwtbauerKlebeabdichterAsphaltabdichterRohrlegerDruckluftwerkezwAsphaltierer

    VerputzerDrainiererRammarbeiterAngelernter BrunnenbauerKlebehelf er im KlebeabdichtungsfachAsphalt abd ic ht ungshelf rGasschweisserHilfsgasschweisser

    Asphalt und TeerkocherMischerPlaniererBetonabzieherAsphaltlegerAsphaltabdichtungskocherSpritzerBrunnenbauhelferSchlosser heife rBetonbauhelferRohrlege rhe lfe rDrucklufthelferBaggerschmiererRaster in RClstkolonnen

    The Tarifordnung fttr die Reichsdeutschen invalidenversicherungsp fl ic h ti ge n Gefblgschaf tsm itgli ed er der OT im Eins atz RuhrgebietO T-F ronta rbeiter tarif Ruhrgebiet of Sept 1943 was a sp ec ia l ta r if fg iv in g a l l OT workers in the Ruhr, fro nt li n e sta tus * I t gavethese workers extra money in the form of Frontzulage.For married workers from North Africa, Algiers, Morocco and Spain(Rotsp anier ) whose fam il ie s did not have resid en ce in France, theAusl&nder-Bautarif West i s ap pl ica bl e, ba t 6^ of th ei r gr oss wages nadto be transferred to the Familienausgleichskasse (Family SettlementSection of the pay Office for Foreign Workers) in PARIS.

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    a | t | j r ^ | | h l^fcers are paid according to the fol lowing circular,published by EGW."Wages for Jew ish workers may be granted acco rding to the"Arbeitsbedingungen des M ilitarb efeh lhab ers " (Terms fo r I*bor s e tdown by the M il it ary Commander). Obey may be employed in l in e w it nthe output pr inc iple whereby their ef fic ie nc y rating must be se ve re lycon side red . Only wages for work ac tu al ly performed are to begranted. No cla im s can be made fo r continuance of payments in c a seof i l l n e s s . Extra pay for overtime., nigh t work, work on Sundays orhol id ay s is not autho rized. Donations in form of premiums of anyde sc rip tio n are pro hibite d. Lodging in clo sed camps and messing arefree, but 12 francs per day are retained for costs of messing.In addition % of the wages are reta ined as tax es . Family allowances

    are not author ized. So cia l insurance s of any kind are not in e ff e c tfor Jewish workers, but pr iva te insurance i s pe rm issib le. For thedefrayal of personal needs, pocket money of 20 francs per day isdeducted from the wages and paid out in cash.In case of inferior outputof work, deduction of pocket money from the wages may be de nied .The balance of the wages is tran sfer red by the firm to the fa m ilyof the Jewish worker".15 percent of the gross wages of Jewish workers are r etain ed fo rthe so-called Judenabgabe (special tax on Jews)(d ) Zugewiesene Auslflnder (Forced Fo re ign Labour)

    145 Pay for Forced LaborA ll fo reig n workers - un less they have been give n s tat us ofOT-eigenes or FirmenangebBrige-are classified as Forced Labor(Son stige-zu gew iesen e Auslttnder). This inc lud es Forced Labor whichi s broken down in to two ty pe s, Hi If s w il l ige ("Volunteers") andZwangsarbeiter (Forced wor kers). The ba sic hourly wages li s t e d fo rthese workers show l i t t l e diff ere nc e from those of the German t a r i f f s .The "E insatz Pay" of married workers for the de fray al of the person al

    needs of the foreign worker corresponds roughly in amount to theAmy Sold of the German Frontarbeiter.Foreign workers are not covered by the S oc ial W elfare B en efi tsprovided through the German Government, but they belong to privateinsurance in st it u ti on s. Medical care i s provided through ce rt ainforeign Kfcankenkassen (hospital insurance) which are controlled bythe &T.Foreign personnel are chiefly employed as manual labourers,with some c la s s if ie d as sk il le d "workers (Fa ch arb eite r). No for eig ne r

    may be a commissioned o ff ic er (Ftthrer) in the 0T. The h ig ie s tassignments he may attain are Hilfspoliere and FachvorarbeiterWhile the "Einsatz Sold" was paid to the for eig n workers i n cash i nFrance, all other wages which supposedly were to go to hisfam ily, ac tu all y went to the "AuslAnderlohnzahlstelle" (Pay O fficefor Foreign Workers) in PARIS.Following are two tables showing "Einsatz Sold" for singleand married workers respectively:

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    Monthly Einsatz Pay Per Diemfor Single Workers in Lieuof Subsist

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    per diem inftfonthlv Einsatz Pav for l i e u o fMarried Workers si ibsistance

    (Re ich terr i tory inc l .B ia lys tok) RMFrance f r s 1 0 8 0 . 1 0 0 8 . 8 64 * 7 2 0 . . 7 2 . Belgium S e l . f r s 7 0 5 . - ^ 5 7 . - 5 6 4 . - 4 7 1 . - 4 8 . RM 56.40 52.56 45 .12 37.68 / 3-84Generalgouvernementi n c l . d i s t r i c t Zolty 1 3 5 . - 1 2 6 . - 1 0 8 . - 9 0 . - 9 .

    Galicia 67.50 63.- 5 4 . - 4 5 . - 4 . 5 0RMGuilders 5 2 . - 4 8 . - 4 2 . - 3 6 . - 3*60Holland RM 6 9 . - 63.70 55.73 47.77 4 . 7 7Nor.crowns 1 2 0 . - 1 1 1 . - 9 6 . - 8 1 . - 8.10Norway RM 57 .94 54.94 4 6. 98 39 .15 3 . 9 1

    Lei 450 0 . - 42 00 . - 360 0 . - 300.- 4 2 0 . -Roumania RM 75.15 70 .14 60 .12 50 .10 7 .01Lire 4 3 2 . - 4 0 2 . - 3 4 5 . - 2 8 8 . - 4 2 . I ta ly RM 56 .80 52.86 45 .36 37 .87 5 .52

    crowns 6 5 7 . - 6 1 2 . - 5 2 5 . - 4 3 8 . - 5 4 . Slovakia RM 56.50 52.63 4 5 . 1 5 37.67 4 . 6 4Fengoe 9 3 . - 8 7 . - 7 5 . - 6 3 . - 9 . -Hungaria RM 56.64 52.98 45.67 38.37 5 . 4 8

    K u n a 1125 . - 1 0 5 0 . - 9 0 0 . - 7 5 0 . - 9 0 . Croatia RM 56.25 52.50 4 5 . - 37.50 4 . 5 0L e w a 1845 . - 1722 . - 1476 . - 1230 . - 1 5 0 . Bulgaria RM 56.27 52.52 45.02 4.58Dinar 1125. - 1050. - 9 0 0 . - 7 5 0 . - 9 0 . Serbia-Yugoslavia RM 56.25 52.50 4 5 . - 37.50 4 . 5 0

    Drachm 33 75 .- 31 50 .- 27 00 .- 22 50 .- 2 7 0 . Greece RM 56.36 5 2 . 6 1 45.09 37.58 4 . 5 0Occupied USSR excl.

    d is tr ic ts Bialystok Ruble 5 6 4 . - 5 2 5 . - 4 5 0 . - 3 7 5 . - 3 0 . and Galicia RM 56.40 52.50 4 5 . - 37.50 3 . Finland Ruble Same as USSR eaoept per diem:Rubel 50 i6 5 , BM 5*07Finland Finnmark 1114 . - 1037 . - 8 8 8 . - 7 4 0 . - 1 0 0 . RM 56.42 52.52 44.98 37.48 5.06

    Russians, Ukranians, nyhite Russians, Lithuanians, e t c . a r egrouped together under the term nOstarbeiter" (Ea ster n wo rke rs).While working in France they received pay on the b a s i s of Frenchworkers9 gro ss wages. Add itional output pay was the same fo rboth French and Ostarbeiter . The Ostarbeiter, however, i s paidonly fo r work actually performed. He is not e n t i t l e d to overtimepay, For such time as he is unable to work because o f i l l n e s s o r- 3 5 5

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    inj ur y, the O starb eiter i s give n merely ra tion s and quar ters. Contractorsemploying Ostarbeiter must remit an Ostarbeiter-Abgabe (levy), butno tax es or so ci a l insurance f ee s are paid by the worker.A da ily deduction for ratio ns and quarters of RM 1.50 is made.Ujiis amount may be reduced down to RM 0.5 0 i f the worker conducts hiruselfex cep tion ally w e ll . In outstanding cases rations may be fre e.All Ostarbeiter are divided into 4 efficiency groups as follows:(In succeeding l i s t s and tab les these groups w i l l appear withoutfurther explanation):Group I Free r ation s and quarters are granted when work

    is exce l lent .Group II RM 1. i s deducted when h is work i s goodGroup III RM 0.50 i s deducted when hi s work is sa tis fa ct or yGroup IV The average Russian worker without any no tic ea blew illin gn ess to work. RM 1.50 is deducted forhis rations and quarters.O star beit er, who di sti ng ui sh themselves in th eir lo ya lty and goodwork rec eive upon com pletion of th ei r f i r s t year of employment a bonusof 20%, a ft er 2 yea rs 30/0> and after 3 years 50/0 of their wages.

    Example of wages paid to Ostarbeiterdaily gross wages ofFrench workers

    corresponding deductionsdaily amount for rationsand quartersac tualamountpaid

    Ostar^beiterLevy(paidby Contractor)

    RM 2 .1 04 . - RM 2,3.,05 RM 1.501.50 RM 0.551.50 RM 0.051.Male and female workers (Ostarbeiter) receive the full wages after

    completion of their 20th year of age. The following amounts of fullwages are paid for those under 20 years of age:

    of full wages for those who have completed their 15th year:l6th year17t& year18th year19th year20th yearPay for forced labour cannot, of course, be expected to have beenadhered to by the Germans, As prev iou sly po inted out, such arrangementswere often merely made on paper in order to preserve the semblance ofl e g a l i t y . Some inst an ces are , furthermore, av ail ab le in which completelyin su ff ic ie n t wages have been paid to forced labo rers. One Germandocument, for example, l i s t s the follo wing weekly wages paid to Russianforced labor:

    2.00 RM for ordinary workers3.00 RM for es p ec ia lly good workers300 RM for KolonnenfOhrer4.00 RM for Bereitschaftsftthrer5*00 RM for Abteilungsffthrer

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    IpecTaj regu la tio ns af fe ct in g OT pay146. List of Pay Additions

    The ac tu al pay receiv ed by OT employees is af fected by a numberof sp eci al reg ula tion s concerning compensations, extr a pay, allowancesand ded uct ions . Aside from taxes and pe na lti es for work of in fe ri o rqu al ity (Minderleistung) or for work not performed (I^ hn au sf all ) ,most of the regu latio ns affe ctin g the ba sic pay are ad dit ion s.The most frequent fa ctor s of th is kind are the following and w i l l bediscussed in b ri e f below:OT-Sold or WehrsoldFrontzulage (Front line allowance}Leistungslohn (Pay for output)Mehrarbeit (overtime)Erschwerniszulage (Allowance for dangerous work)Lohnausfallentsch&digung (compensation fo r time lo s t

    othe r than through wo rker's fa ul t)Leistungszulage (special premiums)Lotanebenkosten (allowances)147* OT Sold For Bnployees

    Sold, whether in the Armed Forces or in the OT, must not be confused,with ba si c pay. YHhile ba si c pay rep resent s the equ iva len t to the s o- ca lle dFriedensgebtthrnisse (peace-time pay), Sold is s t r i c t l y a war-time add itionto compensate for various hardships and sac ri fi ce s . At the same timeSold is designed to serve the soldier or, in the case of the OT, theworker, as h is perso nal allowarce in the fi el d.Al l German Firmenangehdrige who are cl as si fi ed as F ro nt ar be it errec eiv e OT Sold . The Soldgruppe (Sold group) to which a Fro nta rb ei te rbelongs i s determined by hi s respec tive rank or assignment. Orig in all ythere were seven OT Soldgruppen, bu t l a t e r , the Wehrsoldgruppen (ArmySold Groups) were ap pl ied. The OT Sold is payable in advance fo r each1/3 of the month on the 1st, 11th , and 21st and is paid in the currencyof the coun try in which the worker i s employed. The ra te of Sold foran OT Arbeite r is RM 1.44 per day whiGh corresponds to the Sold of aGefreiter (American: FFC, B r i ti sh : Lance Corporal) in the Army. If aworker absents himself without permission, his Sold is withheld.

    OT Sold i s not paid to fo reign workers who receive Ein satzgeld(pay for front line duty) for the defrayal of their personal expensesin foreign countries.In discus sing OT pay in general and Sold in pa rt ic u la r, it isimportant to know th at the ranks and rank ins ig ni a of OT-eigenes Personalalso apply to the Firme nan ges tellten. There are three rank sc ale s foreach pay sc al e. New employees are placed int o th e lowest rank sca leand in to th e corresponding Sold group. While no incre ase of wages isconnected with promotions, the OT Sold group changes.OT-Firmenangestellte are divided into the following Sola-gruppen

    as of May 1944*(for exp lanation of wage groups consult the proceedingtables) :Wage Groupunder OTFirm enangeste ll Rank OT Sold Groupten tar if ' ~

    J l OT-Mann b isO.T. Vbra rbei te r 1 6 - 1 5 - 1 4J2 0T-3tammarbeiter

    up to Meister 1 5 - 1 4 - 1 3

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    " ' J ' ' ""':"' " & '- v ? #

    Wage Groupunder OT Rank OT So ld gro upFirmenanges t e l l tentar i fO T - V o r a r b e i t e r upKL to OT-Obenneis te r 3Jf - 13 - 12OT-Vora rbe i t e r upK2 to OT-Obermeister 1 4 - 1 3 - 1 2

    T l 14 - 13 - 12T2 OT-Meister up toOT-Truppftlhrer 13 - 12U OT-Obenneis te r upto OT-Obertruppffthrer 12 - 11MO OT-TruppfOhrer up toHaupt t ruppfMirer 12 - 11K3 OT-ObertruppfOhrer upto OT-Frontft threr 11 - 10T3 OT-Haupttruppft threr upto OT-OberbaufOhrer 1 1 - 1 0 - 9K4 OT-Frontf l lhre r up toOT-Hauptfrontft ihrer 1 0 - 9 - 8T4 OT-Oberbauftthrer upto OT-Baule i te r 9 - 8 - ;m OT-Haupt bauftthrer upt o OT-Oberbau le i t e r 8 - 7 - 6F o l l o w i n g i s a t a b l e of OT Sold as p a i d i n Germany and in thev a r i o u s o c cu p ie d t e r r i t o r i e s * ( m o n t h ly ) :

    OT. S o l d (Wehrsold)Gruppe Re ichRM Hol landh f l Norwayn .K r . DenmarkA.Kr. I ta lyLire16 30 36 8 1 75 37515 36 42 96 90 45014 42 48 1 1 1 105 52513 45 52 1 2 0 1 1 1 56412 54 63 144 135 6751 1 60 69 159 147 75010 72 8 1 1 9 2 177 9009 81 93 216 2 0 1 10148 96 1 0 8 255 237 12007 1 0 8 123 285 267 13506 1 2 0 135 318 294 1500Daily rationallowance 3 3.6 8 . 1 7.5 60

    OT. Sold(Wehrsold) Or* G O U V , Ru ssia Slo va kia Hungary CroatiaGruppe Zlo tv Rub le Kr. Pengjtt Kuna16 90 375 438 63 75015 108 450 525 75 90014 126 525 612 87 1050

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    or.-soid(Wehrsold) G. Gouv. Russia Slovakia Hungary CroaGruppe Zlotar Ruble Kr. FengB Kun126 150011 180 750 873

    10 216 900 1047 150 18009 243 1014 1179 168 20258 288 1200 1398 198 24007 324 1350 1572 222 27006 360 1500 1746 249 3000Daily rationallowance 9 30 72 12 120148 OT-Sold for Workers

    While the above li s t e d OT.-Sold covers the OT.-Firmenanges t e l l ten,sp ec ia l regu lations ex is t also for OT.-workers. A ll OT.-Frontarbeiterre ce ive Sold corresponding to the Armed Forces Sold in the pa rt icu la rl o c a l i t y . Payment i s madLe as fo ll ow s:

    (a) for OT.-Frontarbeiter withan hourly tariff up toRM 0,72 and for OT.-Frontarbeiter who have not completedth ei r 20th year of age. according to Wehrsoldgruppe 16-14(b) for OT.-Frontarbeiter withan hourly t a r i f f of fromRM 0,80 to 0.92 15-13(c) for 0T-Front arbeiter w ithan hourly t a ri ff of morethan RM 0.92 14-12Frontzulage (Front Line Allowance) and Leistungslohn (Pay for Output)Frontzulage is granted as compensation for living under fieldconditions. The amount is R M 1 . daily for all ranks and is authorisedby the Chief of the Armed Forces High Command. A circular letterissued by the EGW, dated 31 March 1942, states that according to anorder of QKW the front line allowance was to be discontinued for EGW,

    with effect from 1 April 1944.At the beginning of 1944 a new regulation went into effectestablishing a new wage system called the Leistungslohn (pay for output).It is a revival of the old piece work principle (Akkordarbeit). A meanhourly wage (Mittellohn) of RM 0,90 for German and RM. 0.70 forFrench workers was used as a basis for the computation of the actual pay.The whole system of computing the Leistungslohn seems to be verycomplicated, and there is much room for discrepancies as to the variousmethods in calculating the Leistunglohn by the individual firm.

    150.OvertimeThe regular working hours for Angestellte is calculated on a weeklybasis of 46 hours and for workers on a daily basis of 8 hours.Exceptions to these rules are the following: the regular working timefor Maschinisten, Heizer, Kraftfahrer, Bei^ahrer, and Kutscher is10 hours and for guard personnel, barracks orderlies, and cooks 12 hoursper day. Certain classifications of mechanics may have to work a regularweek of 60 hours.In the case of all Angestellte who work on the basis of the 48 hourweek, overtime is to be paid only if increased working hours have beenordered for a period of more than a month and exceeding 52 hours per

    week. Overtime is paid in form of a lump sum and does not take intoconsideration hourly excess work. Thus all commercial and technicalemployees with the exception of Poliere and Schachtmeister receive.

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    15 per cen t of t a r i f f wage for 52 to SO hours30 percent of tariff wage for more than 60 hours.The per cen tag e i s computed from the ta r i f f inc lud ing theLeistungszulage (special premiums), but excluding all other pay

    a d d it io n s . The pe rc en tag e, however, must not be computed from ab a s is hig he r than 600 EM, and if the payee rece ive s a monthly s al ar yof le s s than 1000 RM., the t o t a l pay, in clu din g ove rtim e, must notexceed 1000 RM. On Sundays and h o li d a y s , 50 pe rce nt of there sp ec tiv e ho ur ly t a r i f f (1/48 of the weekly sa lar y or 1/200 of th emonthly salary) are paid as overtime addition for every tour of work.On special holidays the overtime pay is raised to 100 percent computedin the same manner.P o li er e and Sch achtm eister are governed by somewhat di ff er en t

    ru l in gs , but i t may be said th at , in ge ne ral , they receive a basicovertime allowance of 25 perc ent of the approximate hourly t a r i f f(1/ 48 of weekly s a la ry o r 1/200 of monthly sa la ry ) per excess tour.O T.- Fro nta rbe iter and Legionare rec eive an overtime ad ditio n of25 perc ent of hou rly wage t a r i f f per excess hour. 50 percen t ex tr ais granted for work performed on Sunday^ and holidays, and 100 percentex tra fo r sp ec ia l holida ys such as New Year, Ea ste r, Christinasand o th er s. If work i s performed in three s h i ft s , a paid re s t periodof h al f an hour is to be added to each s h if t.No overtim e allow ances are gran ted to Jews and forced lab ou r.

    151. Ersc hw ernis zula ge (Allowance for dangerous work)Erschwerniszulage was or iginal ly paid only in especial lyendangered a re a s, where an ad di tio n of 20 pe rce nt of bas e pay wasfre qu en tly gran ted . That allowance could be incre ased to 30 perce ntfor work performed under aerial bombardment, and a special addition of50 francs per day is known to have been given to workers employed onsome French si t e s -con tainin g unexploded bombs. In t h i s connection i tsfiould be noted that full payment is made for work not performed becauseof enemy bombing.In December 1944 however, i t was ord ere d th at E rsch wernis zulage i sto be paid only for the following categories of work.(a) for work performed, in tunne ls and sha f ts KM per hourunder construct ion with an inside lengthof 60 meters 0.15(b) fo r work performed in an unde r-water dep th

    of up to 5 meters10 4.006.0015 8.0020 11.0040 13.50

    (c) for work performed under the following airpressu res :up to 0.5 kg/qcm (in excess) 0.151.0 0.201.5 0.302.0 0.402.5 0.702.0 1.00

    152, Lo hna usfa llents cha digu ng (compensation fo r Time Lost Other ThanThrough Wo rice r s ' s F a u ltThe following co nd ition s permit a I^hn ausfa lientsch adigu ng, i . e .

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    or negligence:time lost because of adverse weather conditionstime lost because of enemy actiontime spent by worker on leave.

    In such instances the worker is entitled to payment of hourly tarifffor eight hours per day, even if he was able to work only for partof that time.In all instances of inability to work because of accident,injuries or illness sustained in the line of duty, payment of salaryor wages is continued for a period of up to 23 weeks. If inabilityfor a period exceeding 13 weeks is to be expected, an Sjumediate reportis to be made to Amt Bau-OTZ, Abt. Sozialversorgung. In specialinstances that bureau may order payments for a period exceeding the

    13 weeks. Similarly payment of salary and wages continues if theworker or employee has been ordered to undergo a special -medical cureor treatment or if he has been sent on sick-leave.153. Leistungszulage (special premiums)

    Special premiums may be granted to OT personnel for extraordinarywork performed by them, provided that they are not working under theregulations of the output principle. Such premiums may be granted upto 10 percent of the tariff. Only in special instances designatedby the Reichs- oder Sondertreuhander der Arbeit or in cases wherepersonnel have received such premiums regularly since before 16 October1939* may be the 10 percent be exceeded.154 Lohnnebonkesten (allowances)

    The following lohnneberikosten (allowances) are listed under theLeistungsvertrag (Efficiency Output Contract: see IIIDb63).Trennungszulage Allowance on travel or Bon-travel statuswhen subsistence and quarters are not,or only partly, furnished.Lohnausfalientschftdigung Compensation in case of illnessbei ErkrankungFrontzulage Front line Addition, see above.Wegegelder Travel allowance between residence and.place of workEnttfff*nungs zula ge Allowance for workers whose residence isdistant from place of work An-u .Rttckre isekosten Trave l money on l eaves & furloughsVe rpf legungs z use hlis s eb e i Nichtteilnabm e an Su bsis ten ce allowance when OT messingder Gemeinschafts f a c i l i t i e s are not availa ble,verpflegung

    155* Miscellaneous Deductions and AllotmentsDed uctions from OT pay may be made for vario us s o c i a l insurancepurposes, such as ordinary insurance (Versicherung), hospitalisation and

    he alt h insurance (Krankenkasse) and forced saving (Ei ser ne s Spareni.The amounts of th ese deductions are not li s t e d in the various t a r i f f s .They d if fe r wit h each ind ivid ua l cas e according to the sta tu s of theworker and his family and dependents.

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    German le g i s la t i o n prov ides for an elaborate system ofn a t i o n a l i s e d s o c i a l w e l f a r e d es ig n ed to a s s i s t the worker upondischarge from h is o r g a n i s a t i o n , as w e l l as to a l l e v i a t e h i sand h i s f a m i l y ^ h a r d s h i p s w h i l e he is s t i l l on a c t i v e s e r v i c e .The Reichsve rs icherung (Rat iona l insurance) is an informal term underw h ic h v a r i o u s w e l f a r e i n s t i t u t i o n s , i n c l u d in g the Krankenkassen, aregrouped together. All workers in the Reich and a l l OT.-e igenesP e r so n a l are members of the Reichsvers icherung . Whi le OTr e g u l a t i o n s and d i r e c t i v e s c a l l for f ree medica l care for all personnel ,those "benefits are actua l ly prov ided and f inanced through thev a r i o u s so c i a l i n su r a n c e and h o s p i t a l i s a t i o n i n s t i t u t i o n s of theR eich . Workers the re for e are subject to the r e g u l a t i o n s andb y - l a w s of the various Krankenkassen.OT-eigenes Personal are -members of the Betriebskrankenkassed e s R e i c h s , Zw e i g s t e l l e OT, BERLIN - SIEMENSSTADT. All German

    OT Ge fo lgsc haf t s m i tg l i ede r are members of the Deutsche Krankenkasse.W h i l e s e r v i n g w i t h i n the Re ich, German Gefolgschaf t sm itg l ie de r re ce ivet h e i r b e n e f i t s th ro ug h the Ortskrankenkassen ( local Krankenkassen)French Gefolgschaftsmitgl ieder were members of the equivalent Frenchagency, the Serv ice Reg iona l Des A ssu r a n c e s S o c i a l e s , or if married , theCaisse d f A l lo ca t io ns Fa m i l ia les . Be lg ian workers employed in Francer e c e i v e d b e n e f i t s t hr ou g h the Deutsche Zentralkrankenkasse in Belgium,w i t h the main o f f i ce at BRUSSELS and branches at ANTWERP, LIEGE,GHENT, and BRTJQSS.Many OT workers, e s p e c ia l l y in the Bu i l d i n g and Construct ion

    in du st r i es , rece ived h igher incomes before they became sub ject toOT t a r i f f s . In all such instances the worker may apply for a fami lya l lowance . Appl icat ions are d i r e c t e d to the OT Amt Bau-Zentra le ,H a u p t a b t e i l u n g A r b e i t s e i n sa t z und S o z i a l p o l i t i k . A f t e r the fami lya l lowance has been approved, i t i s se n t d i r e c t to the fami ly of theworker. An al lowance of t h i s k i n d i s c a l l e d F a m i l i e r i b e i h i l f e .P o l e s , O s t a r b e i t e r , . and forced labour are excluded from any suchprivileges.If a worker is k il le d or missing in action, his family receiveHinterbliebenen und Vermisstenbezttge.The following i s an i l lustr ative extract from a decree byReichsminister SFEER. dated 21 Dec 1942. (Soziale Betreuung derFrontarbeiter der OT)."Surviving dependents of OT Frontacbeiter, -k illed by accidentor in action or otherwise deceased, w i l l be granted allowancesequivalent to the wages of the current month and 3 monthsthereafter. The same payments wi l l continue beyond that perioduntil such time as the dependents claim of ben ef it s (Versorgungs.verfahren) i s settled. The maximum amount payable is RM 500.

    "In case of death not proven to have occurred in line of dutyno payments are to be made beyond a period of 3 months.ttIf a Frontarbeiter is captured to missing in acction, wagesare sent to his family retreactive to his disappearance.Moreover, the following payments wi l l be made in addition tobenefits derived from the Reichversicherung and from the Army:

    (a) For wives of Frontarbeiter RM 200.(b) For each child up to and

    including 18 years of age RM 50. ~(c) For the parents of unmarried

    Frontarbeiter RM 100.

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    ^r from service in the OT, the worker i s givenEnt las su n gs be ih ilf e (Discharge Allowance) provided that he hasbeen on ac ti v e se rv ic e with the OT fo r a minimum of 90 da ys,that he is honorably discharged, and is in possession of anOT-Dienstbuch (pay and Id en tit y boo k). The En tla ssu ng sb eih ilfeamounts to 10 RM for every month of service with the OT, but doesnot exceed a maximum of 50 RM.EjLsernes Sparen (fo rc ed or frozen savin gs ) i s a commonly adoptedform of deduction of savings from sa la r ie s and wages. It i s ca rr iedout and superv ised by tt e Reich au th o ri ti es . Only German employeeswho are su bjec t to Lohnsteuer (t ax on wages) are includ ed in thesystem of Eisern es Sparen. Under that plan the fol low ing ded uctionsmay be made from a worker's pay:Prom regular pay:

    RMper day per week per month0.5 to 1.0 3 to 6 13 to ziProm overtime pay:0 5 to 1.50 3 to 9 13 to 39Prom bonuses:up to 500 RM.The cr ed it in st it u ti o n at which the pa rticu lar savings account i sto be opened may be se le c te d by the employer. Dis cou nts on forcedsavings accounts are determined by the Reichsaufsichtsamt fttr dasKreditwesen (Reich Bureau for the Control of Credit Institutions).

    156. Rations, Lodging and Clothing AllowancesPood and lod gin g a re, as a ru le , provided fo r 0T perso nne l withoutcharge. Whenever regular b i l l e t s and messing f a c i l i t i e s are not

    provided for, a per diem allowance is paid in lieu of subsistence andqua rters. The rat es of t h is allowance have been ind icat ed in thepreceeding chart o f 0T So ld, but there may be v ar iat ion s according togroups of workers and according to local conditions.Clothing to o, i s furnished fr ee in most instan ces* When that i snot p os si b le , a d ai ly clo th ing allowance i s paid . A ll commissionedo ff ic er s must furnish th eir own uniforms, but they rec eive an allowanceup to RM 150. Officers1 candidates (Ftthreranw&rter) are issued withth e ir uniform, but must fu rn ish th e ir own shoes and underwear. Tocover their expenses, they receive, however, an allowance of RM 150*0T uniforms are issu ed by the OT.-A usrQ stungsstelle (0T*-equipmentdep ot)* The uniform remains the prop erty of the 0T, and every i ss u ei s recorded in the Dienstbuch. Female 0T.-P irm ena nge stellte re ce ivea uniform allowance of 10 percent of the value of the uniforms issuedto male employees*0T employees who for some special reason are not issued with anyuniforms, r ec ei ve an allowance i n the amount of the uniformm set downon the o f fi c ia l price l i s t . Bnployees who leave the organ isationbefore completion of 15 months of se rv ic e, must return the follo w ingrates of the uniform allowance they have received:80 percent of allowance i f l e s s than 3 months se rv ice6 0 " n t t t t g n nj, Q it it H it it n Q tt n

    n n H w2 0 11 it 2 2 M H n1 0 it tt it 2 5 *


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    Whenever a daily allowance for upkeep of uniforms is given,the following payments are made:Male employees of wage-groups tfl, J2, KL, Tl 050Male employees of wage-groups K2, T2 f M 075Al l other male employees l00Female employees of wage-groups Jl , J2, Kl , Tl 0 .50 Female employees of wage-groups K2, T2 0 .70 Al l other female employees 0*90

    157 Urlaub (leaves)Every 0T employee is entitled to leave. The number of daysgranted depends on the local rulings in the various territories

    within and outside the Reich. New members of the Front-OT mayget their first leave after 6 months of uninterrupted service.After that leaves may be given after 3 months of field service.Time and duration of leaves are determined by the local OT-Bauleiter.For the duration of leaves and travelling time salaries continue tobe paid. Travel from 0T station to the workers1 home is free.Sonderurlaub (special leaves) may be granted in case of deathor serious illness of parents, wife, or children of the 0T workeror employee. Such special or compassionate leaves may be givenfor a total of seven days per year, not counting.any possible travel


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    MANPOWERA. General Manpower Statistics and Occupational Percentages

    158. General Statistics*When the OT, under the administration of the Generalinspektion desDeutschen Strassenwesens, took over as its first task, the building ofthe West Wall from the Army Engineers in May 1938, it comprised roughly350,000 men. The greater part of these, approximately T$>> were the

    old construction hands who had worked on the Reichsautobahnen, theremainder was made up of Construction Firm employees consisting oftechnicians, skilled workers, and clerical assistants. In order tohurry things along, with prospects of war imminent the OT had beenlent additional help by the temporary attachment of about 100,000 RADpersonnel, and the Army Engineers who had begun the original constructionin 1936. The latter amounted likewise to approximately 100,000 men.The above figures, even though taken from German propaganda sources maybe accepted as reasonably accurate. Similar sources place the total0T personnel about the time of its greatest period of expansion,May 1943, at approximately a million and a half men (and women) outsidethe borders of the Reich. The latter figure, however, is not supportedby data compiled from captured German documents, unless it be understoodto include, (1) industrial labour working for 0T indirectly such asFrench cement plants and lumber mills; (2) manpower raised for 0T byshort-term levies for specific tasks; (3) supplementary manpower atone time attached to 0T, such as Rumanian and Hungarian Engineer battalions*

    German figures for OT personnel in the EGW alone, for example, reachas high as 600,000, but are reduced to less than half on the basis of thedocumentary sources available. (it should, however, be remembered inthis connection that manpower working for the 0Tv indirectly, such as wasmentioned above, has not been taken into account" here. The total 0Tmanpower in the Reich in Feb 1945* on the other hand, is estimated atapproximately one million.159 Occupational Percentages

    The proportion of Baufacharbeiter, (skilled construction workers)to unskilled labour in the EGW was as high as 2 to 3 In other areassuch as, for instance, Russia and the Balkans, it was considerably lower.There were several reasons for this: (1) French construction firms which,by placing themselves under the direction of German contractors, Joined0T as sub-contractors, brought along their own skilled employees; (2) theskilled workers belonged for the most part to the older generationand consequently had not been captured in 1940 as prisoners of war.Their age and family responsibilities similar^ provided a reason againsttheir siabsequent deportation to Germany for factory work; (3) Wagesfor skilled workers in 0T coupled with family benefits etc. attractedmany applicants; (4) The demands upon training and skill made by thecomplexity of installations in the West, such as V-sites, were higherthan in other sectors; (5) Next to Germany, France was the greatestpotential source in continental Europe of manpower with technical training.K For comparative Manpower Statistics see Tables VI a-e.

    For classification of 0T Personnel according to Nationalitysee Table V.

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    The proportion and composition of skilled OT personnelin Germany until Allied penetration in late winter and earlyspring of 1945* made all figures valueless, is discussed in3315-18 and 20. It can be said here in summary that thereexisted a great dearth of qualified German personnel in1 responsibleJobs, that the proportion of qualified foreigners although lowerthan in former German occupied territory, remained high, in rearareas especially, and that the picked German personnel was sent tothe aone called Pront-OT. Even in the latter zone, a proportion ofthree foreigners to one German was permitted by regulations, althoughin practice the number of foreigiers apparently did not reach thisproportion in the late autumn and winter of 1944/45.160. Women

    Women re gu larly working fo r the OT are est im ated to formapproximately 7% of the Organization. The proportion of femaleadministrative as sis tan ts such as ty p is ts , c lerk s, et c . , to themenial help, such as kitchen and cleaning women, is roughly 3 to 2.The on ly female OT-eigenes Personal (OT orga nic person nel) which canbe conside red as forming a Unit are the N achrichtenh elferinnen(Signals Communications assistants) more popularly known as Blitzmadel.They are part of the TO/WE in OT HQs on a l l l e v e l s . The menial helpi s recru ited l o c a ll y in the v ic in i t y of the OT camps and th eirre la tio nsh ip to the OT i s tenuous i f not inform al. In the Westapproximately ha lf of the c le r ic a l as sis ta nt s were likewise recruitedfrom lo c a l areas such as neighbouring towns and c i t i e s . (Regulationspr oh ibit the employment of German g i r l s under 21 i n the Front einsa tz,j?ront commitment A ro a^th in range of enemy ac ti o n) . The femaleZwangsarbeiter (Forced labour) for the greater part consisted ofBol ish and Russian women charged w ith Communist and Par tisan a c t i v i t i e s .Their number in the West where the need fo r manpower was greates t, didnot exceed 20,000 and was probably nearer to ha lf that fig ure .

    B Regional Manpower Recruitment and A llo ca tion(a) German Manpower

    l6 l In gen era l German personnel in the OT c la s i f ie d as Kriegsverwendungsf&hig (fit for combat duty) is extremely small even though theorg an ization s t i l con tains in div idu als deferred from army combatservice because of their essential occupations if not through theinfluence of th eir p o li ti c a l conn ections. But there i s an appreciablenumber of wounded and incapa cita ted Germans in ad m inis tra tive posi ti on s,In July 1944 for instance, the quota of the EGW fo r the army wasestablished at 500 men for whom i t rece ived in exchange 2500 Wehrmachtpersonnel inca pa cita ted for furth er combat service*. In fa ct OT'sefficiency was markedly lowered through the placing of Germans insupervisory assignments whose only qu ali fic at ion is the fa ct thatthey are over-age or incapacitated.At the presen t time the average age of German personnel in the rearzone, except that of the politically, morally unreliable elements,(convict so ld ie rs , homosexuals, et c .) i s over 50. . In the b a tt le zonethe 0T has. become so c lo s e ly int eg ra ted with the Army Engineers throu^ithe Festung spionierstKbe.(Fortress Engineers Sta ffs) that thedi ffe re n tia tio n between them has p ra ct ica lly vanished. Nor can i t besaid th at there are any age lim its at th is time; Ju ven iles are asacceptable as septuagenarians, as far as their physical condition permits.For a full discussion of recent developments in composition andd is tr ib u ti o n of 0T manpower, see IB 15 to 18# and IIIBbl2 3,


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    competent Ausenstelle (Branch) of the Wehrbezirkskonmando Aosland(Distr ict Recruit ing HQ fop Germans Abroad), The men so c a ll e d up ar e,however, to report to th e ir home Wehrbezirkskomnando. (For a ta bleof the vario us types of Serv ice Sta tus in the OT, see Table i ) .the OT first withdrew into the Reich in the summer of 1944*i t s entire personnel retained for a time it s status as front areapersonnel, exposed to enwy action, which it had enjoyed in the occupiedWest and which en ta ile d sp ec ia l pre te xt iv es and allowances (se e Table I ,no. 3 : Fr on ta rb eit er ). In the autumn of 1944 , however, two separa tezones were crea ted , a zone of the in te ri o r and a front zone, the l a t t e rbeing called Pront-OT (see IB20 & IIb 32 ). Front-OT personnelretained their special prerogatives, while the rear aone personnel lostthe sp e ci a l allowances i t had been rec eiv in g as w el l as some of i t smil i tary character in pract ice , i f not off ic ia l ly .

    Defining the respective spheres of Jurisdiction between the ReichReg iona l Manpower au th ori ti e s (Gau Labour Bureau ch ie fs and Ga uleit er )and the OT Manpower au th o rit ies (Dr. SCHMKLTKR, Sondertreuhander derAr beit fa r d ie OT: Spec ia l Labor Tru stee for the OT), bo th of whomde riv e th ei r au tho rity from F ri tz SAUCKEL as Ple nip ote nt iar y General fo rManpower A llo ca ti on , i t i s not ce rt ai n whether the l a t t e r have the samepowers over OT rear zone personne l as over Pront-OT person ne l, althoughthis i s be lie ve d to be the ca se. At any rat e, the OT au th or itie s(through the sec ti on A rb eitse ins atz un3 S o z ia lp o li ti t in Amt-Bau -OTZ)have the authority to transfer their personnel from zone to zone (frontand re a r ), without the consent of the competent Regional Manpowerau th or itie s in which these zones are loc ate d, although con sulta tion inth is conn ection is normally attempted* For th is purpose, there i sa Beaufragte (Deputy) of D r. SCHMELTER i n each Einsatzgruppe*165. Enlistment Procedure

    Until spring 1942, the procedure for enlistment in tha OT was nomore complicated than the procedure provided for applying for a Jobin any e s se n ti a l industry* When a con stru ction firm made a contractwith the OT, it was automatically placed in the category of warproduction industry and its employees were accordingly issuedD ienstv erp flich tung ssch eine (Labour Co nscriptio n Forms) which forbadethe po sse sso r to seek employment elsewhere* These forms were is su edby the local ArbeitsBmter (Labour Bureaux) competent in the employee'shome d is t r ic t s * A firm employee en ter in g the OT on th is ba si s wasdesignated a Stamnarbeitar (Permanent Bnployee) and the firm's entirepersonnel was designated as Stammpersonal (Permanent Staff)*The firm was processed for operation in occupied terriroty^as aunit and tra ve lled as such to i t s de stin atio n along wit h i t s equipment*A con stru ctio n firm already working for the OT in occupied te rr it o ryoould obtain additional personnel from Gennany through the medium of

    i t s home o f f ic e and the lo ca l Labour Bureau* I f the firm wasin fl u en ti a l enough, it obtained not only volunteer applicants in t h ismanner but also personnel withdrawn by the Arbeitsamt from firms whosework was c la s si fi e d on lower prio rity* (i n th is manner a sk il le dmechanic who would prefer to work near his home for comparativelylow wages rathe than Join the OT, could be put under comp ulsion ).Personnel recruited in this manner as a rule travelled directly tothe lo ca tio n of t h ei r new Job on tr av el au tho risat ion permits iss ue dby the competent OBL FrontfQhrung (Front Area Personnel Section)*On the other hand, personnel ente ring the OT d ir e ct ly , whethervolunteer or conscripted, was, with some possible exceptions, processedthrough the OT Haupterfassun^ sla^er (Main Ind uctio n Camps),in BERUN, FRANKFORT - ISENBURG- and INOWSLODZ i n the Gen* Gouvernement.


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    x , ~ ^ u u *^ of 1942, irregular and sur reptit io us methodsof recruit ing for the OT were o ff ic ia ll y done away with by theestablishm ent of (Branch Labour Bureaux) Neb ens tellen Arb eitspn tin those induction centres which henceforth were to process inductionpapers for a l l newly recr uite d OT perso nn el. (Bie OT re ta in s theauthority to change &toe st a tu s of Firmenanffehflrige, in clu di ngStammpersonal, who have become sub ject to m ili ta ry se rv ic e, toOT-Eigenes Personal by as sig ni ng them to OT adm inistrative p o si ti o n s; .However as lon g as a man has not been formally "d ien stv er pf lic ht ethe remains a "Freiangestellter" (Free Agent Employee) a status whichth eor etic ally allows the p o ss ib il it y o f resigning from the OT.At the pre sent ti m e, Dr. SCHMELTER's p r io r ity on German manpoweris exceeded only by that of the Wehrmacht proper* see proceedingparagraph166. Processing of Recruits

    The OT Haupterfasaungslager (Main Induction Camps), did auch tomake enlistment procedure more uniform, of which the labour recruitmentfa ct or touched upon above was on ly one aspec t* The StammlagerGRUNEWAID in Greater B er li n , opened earl y in 19 42 , fo r example, wasthe replacement pool fo r the en ti re West. m th is function i t conta inedfacil it ies not only for the induction, processing and training ofGerman per son nel, bu t al so for tr ansi t of lar ge masses of workerstransported for example from Poland to France or vice versa* GRWBffAIDwas o rig in al ly planned for a dai ly processing cap aoity of 4000 men*Th is camp may have been en larged si nce the camp IJEU ISENBOBG nearMtANKRJRT ON MAIN was evacuated because of air-raid damage early in 1944*

    U ntil the withdrawal of the OT in to the Reich (sunmer of 1944)intense competition between firms for manpower however, made OTZ's(now Amt Bau-OTZ) regu la tions for uniform en listm ent procedure on lyas effe cti ve as in flu en tia l f irms in c ollu sion with the GBL adm inistrationallowed them to be* Since then the po oling of OT manpower on a nationalb as is with in Germany has ef fe ct iv el y removed the p o ss ib il it y o f suchl oc a l c o l l u s i on .

    OB pro cessing procedure i s as fo llo w s:1* Pro cessin g of ind uctio n papers a t Ne be ns telle dee Arbeitsamtes*2* Preliminary medical examination (heart and kidneys) atNebenstelle des Arbeitsamtes*3* Medical examination and general assignments as to type of

    labour, (heavy, l ig h t) and as to loc ali ty*4 . Specific occupational assignment*5* Is su e of Dienstbuch and Erkonnungsmarke*6* Determination of the r ec ru it 's pay sc a le , according to OTtar i f f d i f ferent ia l*? Issu e o f c lot hin g and equipment at Bekleidungskamner( Clothin g O ffice )* (Those not e n ti tl e d to wear uniformreceived working clothes)l67 Discharge and Withdrawal from the OT

    Discharge to c i v i l i a n st a tu s can be recommended only by tfas EGstto ject to fi n a l approval by Amt Bau-OTZ. U to about mid-year 1942Individual discharges were granted fairly easily in cases considereddeserving, such as poor health, after a period of 3 to 4 years ofservice, and in serious cases of family complications.

    Since then, individual discharges for Dien stverpf l ich tete (con scripts )have become pr ao tiea lly no n-e xis ten t, except in cases of s erious in ju ry .Th eo reti ca lly , a man of stamnpersonal (Permanent Sta ff) sta tu s w i l l be disch arge*

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    in the event th at h i s firm withdraws from OT. In p ra ct ic e , however,'there is no record of any firm taking such a politically andeconom ically unwise s te p . Were i t to do so , i t s personnel and equipmentwould be withdrawn from i t and trans ferr ed to o ther OT firms on theground of e s s e n ti a l war production. At the present time, with the OTin control of all construction in Germany, the question of withdrawalhas become academic.

    Discharge from the OT to take up ac tiv e m ili ta ry se rv ice i s handledi n the same manner as are d ischarges from any es s en ti a l ind us try .Routine req ues ts f or S ic h er st e ll in g (Deferment) are made by the OTin the case of personnel considered tftiabkBmmlich (Uk: indispensable)us ua lly as aoon as such personn el are en ro lled in the OT. * No sta tu swhatsoever i n OT af fo rd s, however, immunity from be ing ev en tu al lycalled up for active service in the army.(b ) French Manpower.

    168 Integrati on of French Industry and Manpower intothe^ German SystemInasmuch as, at one time, fully ninety percent of OT's personnelconsisted of foreign manpower, recruiting methods employed by the Germansare disc uss ed below in some d e t a il . The system as se t up in Francewas the most elabo rate in German occupied te rr it ory . Theproblemof French manpower supply was the most complex of its type that the Germanshad to tackle in occupied Europe. The need to so lve i t was essentialboth from the st ra te gi c and ta c ti c a l standpoint. France was the only

    large country in Europe which bordered on Germany and possessed greates se nt ia l ind us trie s and ind ust rial resources which could therefore beexp lo it ed with a minimum of tra ff ic movement. The German war productiona u th o r it ie s , (Reichsminister ium fttr RtSsfcung und Kriegsprod uktion) at thehead of which i s SHEER, accordingly geared the French war indust ri es toGermany's war needs and integrated the allotment of French prioritymaterials and distribution of industrial manpower in France within thescheme of to ta l r at io na lis at io n of war resources at the disposal of theReich. Adm inistrative con tro l in France for th is purpose was est ab lish edby setting up German Control Couiaissions which derived their power fromthe parent adm inistration in the Reich. Thus the Reichsm inisterium fttrRtlstung und Krie-gsproduktion s e t up i t s de leg ate s ta f f in France, in PARIS,which in turn established liaison with the Wehrmacht economic controlcommissions (as provided by the terms of the Franco-German Armistice).Similar arrangements were made by separate o f fi c ia l bod ies with sp ec ifi cm is si ons. (The one which immediately concerns the OT, and which i stouched upon in some d e t a i l in para. 171: *Aktion Frankwkjh", i s theGerman Compulsory Labour Delegation in France representing thePle nipo ten tiary General for Manpower A llocation of a l l te r ri to ri e scontrolled by the Reich government, Fritz SAUCKSL).From the t a c t i c a l standpoint France was an outpo st to Germany's innerdefenses and as such i t s coa stl in e required adequate fo r ti fi ca ti o n s.

    This ta sk , ass igned to the OT, a ls o required manpower running into thehundreds of thousands. I t can be said here that in the Na zis1 c r i t i c a lhour of need, despite the frantic efforts of SAUCKEL's staff in Franceduring the latter half of 1943 and the first half of 19A4, the Frenchsuccessfully managed to resist SAlEKEL's efforts at mass impressment oftheir manpower for war production in Germany and for similarly essentialduties, including those of the OT, in France.Reports which, although based on German sources, are believed to bereasonably a ccur ate , place the French OT personn el in the West at J>Ofo ofOT's t o ta l manpower in the EGW in 1944* a l l but a very minor f racti on of

    which was employed in France, mainly along the Atlantic and Mediterraneanc o a s tl in e s . The backbone of the French sk ill ed and se m i-s ki lle dperson nel was sup plied by Fregch co ns tru ctio n gii^ is,-A ich had joine d the GT