handling errorstmyn1 handling errors up to this point we haven't worried much about errors or...

Handling Errors tMyn 1 Handling Errors Up to this point we haven't worried much about errors or exceptions. First, let's distinguish between errors and exceptions. An error typically refers to a problem that exists in a program when it is written and compiled. It could be a logic error that will result in incorrect results. In this case, the code is correct but the algorithm has an error. This type of error will only be found during program testing or during design reviews of the program.

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Page 1: Handling ErrorstMyn1 Handling Errors Up to this point we haven't worried much about errors or exceptions. First, let's distinguish between errors and exceptions

Handling Errors tMyn 1

Handling Errors

• Up to this point we haven't worried much about errors or exceptions.

• First, let's distinguish between errors and exceptions. • An error typically refers to a problem that exists in a

program when it is written and compiled. • It could be a logic error that will result in incorrect

results. In this case, the code is correct but the algorithm has an error.

• This type of error will only be found during program testing or during design reviews of the program.

Page 2: Handling ErrorstMyn1 Handling Errors Up to this point we haven't worried much about errors or exceptions. First, let's distinguish between errors and exceptions

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• Another type of error is a syntax error. • Typically, the compiler finds errors of this type and

they are corrected during the coding of the program. • Exceptions are errors or anomalies that occur during

the execution of a program. • They can be the result of unavailability of system

resources, such as memory, file space, channels or from data dependent conditions such as a divide by zero, or numerical overflow. Exceptions tend to be rare events but are predicable to some extent.

• Given that exceptions are somewhat predicable, how should our programs handle them?

Page 3: Handling ErrorstMyn1 Handling Errors Up to this point we haven't worried much about errors or exceptions. First, let's distinguish between errors and exceptions

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Broadly, there are three types of responses we can take:

1. Not handle the exception. Allow the program to die or core dump.

2. Issue a warning. Print out some type of error message, probably at the spot in the code where the exception occurred and then exit.

3. Handle the exception gracefully and continue executing.

Page 4: Handling ErrorstMyn1 Handling Errors Up to this point we haven't worried much about errors or exceptions. First, let's distinguish between errors and exceptions

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• Certainly, the first way, doing nothing is not acceptable if you want to remain employed or pass your courses.

• The second way is a little better. Information about the exception is written out, but this is still not ideal.

• Most real world programs need to be more robust than this.

• Exceptions need to be handled and corrected. Execution must continue. Your mission to reach Mars can't fail due to a divide by zero.

• Since we must handle exceptions, what features would assist us?

• Should the same section of code be raising the exception and handling the exception?

Page 5: Handling ErrorstMyn1 Handling Errors Up to this point we haven't worried much about errors or exceptions. First, let's distinguish between errors and exceptions

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• Suppose an exception occurs in allocating memory.• Should the function that attempted the allocation be

the one to handle it? Can it (obviously not!)? • Probably some other, higher level, section of code

will have the information necessary to decide how to handle the exception.

• Maybe different programs using the same classes and functions will handle exceptions differently.

• This points to a separation of the creation of an exception and its handling.

• The function in which an exception occurs could just alert its caller.

• This allows code that raises exceptions to be developed separately from code that handles them.

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• If we pass exceptions up to calling routines, it is necessary to have a way to bundle information and for the exception to have some methods to assist in its handling.

• The C++ exception mechanism handles both these features:

1. Exceptions may be raised and handled in different sections of code.

2. Any object, including class objects may be passed back to the handler of an exception. These objects can contain data and methods to assist in handling the exception.

Page 7: Handling ErrorstMyn1 Handling Errors Up to this point we haven't worried much about errors or exceptions. First, let's distinguish between errors and exceptions

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• The section of code that causes or detects a run-time abnormality (divide by zero, out of memory) will "throw" an exception.

• The exception is the object that is thrown. • It may be a simple object such as an int, or a class

object, including programmer defined class objects.• The exception is "caught" by another section of

code. • The exception object, itself, is used to convey

information from the section of code that throws the object to the section of code that catches the object.

• This separation of exception creation and exception handling is very significant.

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• Higher level sections of code can better handle exceptions in many cases.

• Suppose an exception occurs in a library routine.• That routine cannot know how to respond in a way

that is appropriate for your program. • In some cases the appropriate response might be to

terminate the program. • In other cases, the appropriate response might be a

warning message. • In others, maybe the exception can be caught and


Page 9: Handling ErrorstMyn1 Handling Errors Up to this point we haven't worried much about errors or exceptions. First, let's distinguish between errors and exceptions

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• Sections of code that can throw exceptions are surrounded in try blocks.

• Exceptions thrown from within try blocks are caught by a catch clause.

• Let's make this more concrete with a simple example.

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#include "stdafx.h"#include <iostream>

using namespace System;using namespace std;

int main(array<System::String ^> ^args){

int x,y; double result;

int exception=57;cout<<"Input integer: ";cin>>x;cin.get();cout<<"Input another integer: ";cin>>y;cin.get();

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try {

if(y==0) throw exception; result=static_cast<double>(x)/y;

cout<<"The division gives "<<result<<"."<<endl; }

catch(int eValue) { if(eValue==57)

cout <<"Divide by zero!"<<endl; else cout <<"Exception of unknown type!"<<endl;

cout<<"Goodbye!"<<endl; } return 0;}

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The output would be:


Page 13: Handling ErrorstMyn1 Handling Errors Up to this point we haven't worried much about errors or exceptions. First, let's distinguish between errors and exceptions

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• First, notice that the section of code that tests for an anomalous condition and throws an exception is within a try block.

• In this example the catch block immediately follows the try block, although, this is not a necessity.

• Let's trace through the execution of this program. • As execution enters the try block, the condition

"y == 0" is evaluated and is true. • The code in the "if" block is executed. • An exception is thrown and execution jumps to the

catch block that follows the try block. • Since the type of the exception is an "int" and the

catch clause matches "int", the clause is executed and an error message is printed.

Page 14: Handling ErrorstMyn1 Handling Errors Up to this point we haven't worried much about errors or exceptions. First, let's distinguish between errors and exceptions

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• Note that the code immediately following the "throw", " result=static_cast<double>(x)/y " is skipped.

• Also, note that after the exception is caught, execution continues with the code that follows that catch block.

• It does not return to the section of code following the throw. The variable "result" is never calculated.

• The exception thrown is of type int and the catch block contains logic to decode this value and print an appropriate error message.

• This is bad design because it requires the catch block and its programmer to implement possibly complex logic and to be aware of possible exception codes.

Page 15: Handling ErrorstMyn1 Handling Errors Up to this point we haven't worried much about errors or exceptions. First, let's distinguish between errors and exceptions

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• Let's see how to improve this code. Remember an exception can be any type of object.

• Let's try throwing the error message string itself, rather than an exception code.

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#include "stdafx.h"#include <iostream>#include <string>

using namespace System;using namespace std;

int main(array<System::String ^> ^args){

int x,y; double result;

cout<<"Input integer: ";cin>>x;cin.get();cout<<"Input another integer: ";cin>>y;cin.get();

Page 17: Handling ErrorstMyn1 Handling Errors Up to this point we haven't worried much about errors or exceptions. First, let's distinguish between errors and exceptions

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try {


string exception="Divide by zero!";throw exception;

} result=static_cast<double>(x)/y;

cout<<"The division gives "<<result<<"."<<endl; }

catch(string except) { cout<<except<<endl

<<"Goodbye!"<<endl; } return 0;}

...and the output is exactly as previously.

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• This is better. The catch block no longer needs detailed knowledge about the exception.

• The code that throws the exception is passing details, in this case an error message.

Page 19: Handling ErrorstMyn1 Handling Errors Up to this point we haven't worried much about errors or exceptions. First, let's distinguish between errors and exceptions

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• In C++, an exception is usually a class object. • This allows more information to be bundled into the

exception and also allows the exception to contain functions to assist the sections of code that handle or process the exception.

• An exception class is just a class.• What makes it an exception class is how it is used.• Let’s have a simple example:

Page 20: Handling ErrorstMyn1 Handling Errors Up to this point we haven't worried much about errors or exceptions. First, let's distinguish between errors and exceptions

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#include "stdafx.h"#include <iostream>

using namespace System;using namespace std;

class noMilk{public: noMilk(int); int getDonuts();private: int count;};noMilk::noMilk(int howMany){ count=howMany;}

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int noMilk::getDonuts(){ return count;}int main(array<System::String ^> ^args){

int donuts, milk; double result;

try { cout<<"Enter number of donuts: "; cin>>donuts;

cin.get(); cout<<"Enter number of glasses of milk: ";

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cin>>milk; cin.get(); if (milk==0) throw noMilk(donuts); result=donuts/static_cast<double>(milk); cout<<donuts<<" donuts."<<endl <<milk<<" glasses of milk."<<endl <<"You have "<<result <<" donuts for each glass of milk!"<<endl; }

catch (noMilk nMObject) { cout<<nMObject.getDonuts()

<<" donuts and no milk!"<<endl <<"Go and buy some milk!"<<endl; }

return 0;}

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…and the output is either or…

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• Notice the throw-statement:

throw noMilk(donuts);

• The part noMilk(donuts) is an invocation of a constructor for class noMilk.

• The constructor takes one int argument (in this case donuts) and creates an object of the class noMilk.

• The object is then “thrown”.

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• A try-block can potentially throw any number of exception values, and they can be of differing types.

• In any one exception of the try-block only one exception will be thrown (since a thrown exception ends the execution of the try-block), but different types of exception values can be thrown on different occasions when the try-block is executed.

• Each catch-block can only catch values of one type, but you can catch exception values of differing types by placing more than one catch-block after a try-block.

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• Let’s modify the last example so that the main part is more in line with the object oriented programming:

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#include "stdafx.h"#include <iostream>

using namespace System;using namespace std;class noMilk{public:

noMilk(); noMilk(int); int getDonuts();protected: int count;};noMilk::noMilk(){}

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noMilk::noMilk(int howMany){

count=howMany;}int noMilk::getDonuts(){ return count;}class Breakfast: public noMilk{public:

Breakfast();void recommendations();

private:int donuts, milk;


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cout<<"Enter number of donuts: "; cin>>donuts;

cin.get(); cout<<"Enter number of glasses of milk: "; cin>>milk; cin.get();}

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void Breakfast::recommendations(){

double result;try

{if (milk==0)

throw noMilk(donuts); result=donuts/static_cast<double>(milk); cout<<donuts<<" donuts."<<endl <<milk<<" glasses of milk."<<endl <<"You have "<<result <<" donuts for each glass of milk!"<<endl; }

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catch (noMilk nMObject) { cout<<nMObject.getDonuts()

<<" donuts and no milk!"<<endl <<"Go and buy some milk!"<<endl; }}

int main(array<System::String ^> ^args){

Breakfast first=Breakfast();first.recommendations();

return 0;}