handling objection sales script

1 For Internal Reference Only Handling Objection Sales Script By Azri Amin

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Handling Objection Sales Script

By Azri Amin

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Types of Objection….

No need No time No Interest

No MoneyNo ConfidenceNo Hurry

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Handling Objection Sales Script


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Family Maintenance – Handling Objection

CLIENT: I want to think it over

AGENT: If you turn to the obituary column or the accident reports, you will find a lot of people who taught they had plenty of time to think it over. It was too late for their families when they found they didn’t

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Family Maintenance – Handling Objection

CLIENT: I can rely on SOCSO if I get into an accident.” 

• AGENT: Most accidents that may cause long-term disabilities may not even happen at work, or are work-related. And if it’s not work-related, you can forget about SOCSO, as it only benefits employees who are involved in a work-related accident, commuting accident or has an occupational disease, where they will be entitled to free medical treatment at SOCSO panel clinics, government clinics and government hospitals.

• If you have your own medical insurance, you can choose from a wider range of hospitals and clinics, and most importantly, it covers non-work-related accidents (like getting injured in your nightly game of futsal!)

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Family Maintenance – Handling Objection

CLIENT: I want to talk it over with my wife/ husband

• AGENT: That is an excellent idea. Why don’t we both visit your wife/husband and talk about this. I can answer any additional questions your wife/husband might have. Would today be a good time or would tomorrow suits your better?

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Family Maintenance – Handling Objection

CLIENT: I want to see what my wife thinks about the plan

• AGENT: That is putting a lot of pressure on her. Your wife will hesitate to tell you to buy the protection for her and the children. After all, she feels that it’s her problem. But it isn’t, its your problem. It only becomes her problem after you’re gone.

• Muslim: faraid will take time

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Wife Insurance– Handling Objection

CLIENT: My wife will start working again/ My wife is working

• AGENT: She probably will /is, but she will need extra income for a period of time to allow her to retrain and become readjusted in her profession so that she will be able to compete

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Wife Insurance– Handling Objection

CLIENT: Don’t need it. My aunt/sister/cousin will help raise the children

• AGENT: Unfortunately that kind of tragedy is accompanied by economic problems. You could bring them to help but they are also concentrating on their lives and they might also have a tight budget and time consuming. With planning this can be avoided

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Wife Insurance– Handling Objection

CLIENT: I can’t afford insurance on her

• AGENT: Your income is pretty well tied up. That is why I am recommending that she should own the policy and pay the premium herself, with you and your daughter as the beneficiary.

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Wife Insurance– Handling Objection

CLIENT: We can’t afford it

• AGENT: You can’t afford not to have it. In addition to running the household, she brings in over third of your family’s earnings. You need this coverage on her for the same reason she is the beneficiary on your life insurance. Let’s take a look at your monthly expenses.

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Wife Insurance– Handling Objection

CLIENT: We don’t need more life insurance on me

• AGENT: You are a financial asset to the family. In addition to the RM…..a month it would cost to replace your service as the cook and housekeeper, your are bringing home a salary of RM……each month. Right now, you are worth a total of RM…….to your family each month. That will add up to about RM……in just the next 5 years. That’s a lot of money isn’t it.

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Wife Insurance– Handling Objection

CLIENT: Our budget is too tight. Can’t afford it

• AGENT: You said that your expenses are geared to the fact that you are two income family and that she would continue working until retirement. That is what we are talking about. Replacing her income if she can’t work because of illness or accident, and replacing her income to help you raise the children if she dies.

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Savings/ retirement– Handling Objection

CLIENT: I’m too young to worry about retirement

• AGENT: That is exactly the point. You don’t want to have to worry about it when it comes. In the meantime, your wife would have the money you set out to save if anything should happen to you…..

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Savings/ retirement– Handling Objection

CLIENT: Mutual fund is a better investment

• AGENT: How much money did you put in the last 5 years. Then you are already aware of 2 things:

• 1. the difficulty in putting money asie regularly • 2. the market fluctuates

A good investment means you always buy low and sell high and not even the professional investors have that track record. Let’s guarantee your security first and then you can buy funds. With our product, you do both (Elitelink)

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Savings/ retirement– Handling Objection

CLIENT: Mutual fund is a better investment

• AGENT: How much money did you put in the last 5 years. Then you are already aware of 2 things:

• 1. the difficulty in putting money asie regularly • 2. the market fluctuates

A good investment means you always buy low and sell high and not even the professional investors have that track record. Let’s guarantee your security first and then you can buy funds. With our product, you do both (Elitelink)

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Savings/ retirement– Handling Objection

CLIENT: Already have a savings plan. Not interested

• AGENT: Can you tell me how much money you have saved in the last 2 years? The plan I have in mind will help you lay money aside regularly and keep it saved until you need it the most. Let me show you how it work.

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Savings/ retirement– Handling Objection

CLIENT: I just can’t save money regularly

• AGENT: It sounds like you have the same trouble with your savings account as I do. It runs up and down like an elevator when the kids need school clothes or we decide to go out of town for and weekend and so on.

• Insurance is different, because you hesitate to draw it, it’s a continual and steady climb.

• And suppose you die after 10 years, from a savings account, your wife would only receive only what you had deposited plus interest. In the insurance plan, my company would pay your wife what originally set out to save.

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Savings/ retirement– Handling Objection

CLIENT: I ‘m putting our extra cash in the stock market

• AGENT: There is nothing wrong with investing. Let’s guarantee some cash for retirement and then put the rest in the market. Doesn’t that make sense?

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Savings/ retirement– Handling Objection

CLIENT: I ‘m putting our extra cash in the stock market

• AGENT: There is nothing wrong with investing. Let’s guarantee some cash for retirement and then put the rest in the market. Doesn’t that make sense?

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Juvenile– Handling Objection

CLIENT: Don’t need an educational plan- we have already started a college savings fund

• AGENT: I would like the opportunity to compare the features of our insured plans with the savings plan you have now (SSPN). If you lose your ability to continue savings, either through disability or death, the plan is terminated. An insured plan will cover both of those possibilities and the money will be ready when the child is ready for college

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Juvenile– Handling Objection

CLIENT: My children can work through college

• AGENT: That is tough. The cost of everything has double or tripled since your study day. Wouldn’t you like to make the burden on your children a little less heavy by making sure that they have some outside income not matter what happens

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Juvenile– Handling Objection

CLIENT: They probably won’t go to college

• AGENT: Many young men and women are attending trade and vocational schools. And many are starting their own business. But the requirements for these opportunities are just the same for college- intelligence and money. It will be much more easier if they have financial backing

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Juvenile– Handling Objection

CLIENT: The children can buy their own insurance later on

• AGENT: I agree. They will purchase but at a higher cost. Inflation and cost of living.

• But now and premium rate is flat

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Young People– Handling Objection

CLIENT: I’m young and healthy. I don’t NEED medical coverage?”

• AGENT: According to the Health Ministry’s statistics, 11.6 million of the 16 million adults in Malaysia are sick with a non-communicable disease like diabetes, hypertension or cancer.

• Malaysia also has the most overweight and obese people in Asia. 54% of the adult population is either obese or overweight, compared to only 24.1% 10 years ago. As a result, seven out of 10 Malaysian adults suffer from chronic diseases.

• With the daunting statistics, you just don’t know which side of that statistic you’ll end up on

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Young People– Handling Objection

• CLIENT: I have a stable income, why would I need to pay an insurance company to save money?” 

• AGENT: Your income may be able to cover your day-to-day expenses, but there are various things we need to save for as we go through different stages in life. One thing that everyone should save for as early as possible is their retirement.

• And if you are a parent, you may even need to save for your child’s education fund and it may not be able to get your child where he/she wants to be by just saving cash in your savings account.

• Historically, education inflation is at 5% rate, and if you are planning to send your child to the US, you will need to save about RM1,449 every month at 7% interest rate.

• Saving cash from your income every month in a savings account (0.25%), you will need to save RM2,479 a month to be able to save up RM484,832!

• With that large sum as an expense coming up, you definitely need to prepare for your retirement or if something were to happen to you before you are able to save this amount. This is where life insurance comes in.

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Young People– Handling Objection

CLIENT: I don’t have any dependents, so I don’t need life insurance

• AGENT: Just because you are single and no dependents, you are not single forever.

• You can’t escape old age and buy your future comforts now and guarantee independence for the old man who will be dependent on you ( yourself old)

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Young People– Handling Objection

CLIENT: I wait until I am married and have children

• AGENT: Advantage: your age. Premium is cheaper.

• Wait increase in premium, contracted disease, probably rejected

• Investment portion helps for your marriage

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Young People– Handling Objection

CLIENT: I’m too young for life insurance

• AGENT: Years go by, premium increase, and needs for insurance growing larger

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Young People– Handling Objection

CLIENT: I want to think it over

• AGENT: You have 15 days cooling off period

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Young People– Handling Objection

CLIENT: I have group insurance

• AGENT: Your group benefits are subject to the whims of your employer. They can be changed and if you resign, your coverage is gone.

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Young People– Handling Objection

CLIENT: No hurry, I’ll take in a month or two

• AGENT: No guarantee on your health tomorrow and any possibility of accident ( minor or major) happening to you

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Professionals– Handling Objection

CLIENT: My wife or children can take over

• AGENT: They are not professionals and no experience. Learning? Can , but it will take time. The logical answer to these problems is money from the company – that will buy her time

• * Are you equipment paid off / need upgrading in the future while you wife/children take over

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Professionals– Handling Objection

CLIENT: My wife could sell off the practice

• AGENT: The book value of your practice is the value of the furniture, equipment, cash and other property-minus the debts. Since you operate on a cash basis, uncollected accounts receivable will not be recognized nor the auditor recognize good will which is your most valuable asset. You spent years building a practice that would end up giving your family only 30% of what its really worth.

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Professionals– Handling Objection

CLIENT: No money, I invest in stock, funds

• AGENT You are a specialist in you field.• Investment is also a specialized field. It requires a great deal of time to make

profitable decisions, and even experts make lot of wrong ones. Let’s guarantee your financial security first and then you can invest knowing your risk appetite.

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Professionals– Handling Objection

CLIENT: Can’t afford, just started the business/practice

• AGENT You are in debt to yourself and to your creditors. In the future, you will have an excellent income.

• What we are doing is guaranteeing that your wife will have enough cash to pay debts you have accumulated.

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Health insurance– Handling Objection

CLIENT: Don’t need it. Never been seriously ill or injured

• AGENT: There is a first time to everything. If you wait till the last minute, too late.

• The only time to buy is before that first time.• If already flooded, too late to buy insurance for your car (example)

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Health insurance– Handling Objection

CLIENT: I don’t need disability income insurance/ critical illness

• AGENT: Who is you best friend?• -Ask client to call friend and ask if he can borrow money ( example:RM 600)

every month to pay for a broken back or coronary by pass for a year or two.• No friend would lend the money• Insurance helps

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Health insurance– Handling Objection

CLIENT: My employer will keep me on full salary for certain period for temporary disability

• AGENT: Want happens after that period ? What if the disability continues or affects you off and on.

• Your employer must stop paying you at certain period or jeopardize the jobs of other people.

• What you need is to have benefits that start when your employer is forced to lay you off

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Health insurance– Handling Objection

CLIENT:I can buy cheaper through my association

• AGENT: When you need heart surgery, is that covered? What is the limit?

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Health insurance– Handling Objection

CLIENT: I’m covered by a group plan

• AGENT: Your salary covers just about your current standard of living.• Even though your plan will continue your full salary every month, you will be

going in debt, because illness brings on expenses of doctors, drugs, hospital bills, an operation and possibly nursing care

• Such expenses greatly increase normal living expenses which you salary could not cover even though you may continue to collect it while you are disabled

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Health insurance– Handling Objection

CLIENT: Your plan is too expensive

• AGENT: If I could go to the hospitals, I could sell this plan to every single patient. And do you know that no one person would ask me “How much does this cost?” Instead, they would all ask “ How much of that can I get?”. You can’t buy this insurance with money; you must buy it with your past health history

• If you can’t afford these premiums, you certainly won’t be able to afford the hospital or the doctor

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Health insurance– Handling Objection

CLIENT: Can’t afford it. Right now, I’m having trouble paying all my bills.

• AGENT: If you can’t pay them while you’re healthy and working, how in the world would you be able to pay them when you’re sick and laid up with no pay check coming in

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Health insurance– Handling Objection

CLIENT: We can’t afford a medical expense plan

• AGENT: You can’t afford not to have medical expenses insurance.• Could you borrow RM 6,000 – in addition to the debts you already have on your

home and car? Better think about it. Each year, about one family in fifty has medical bills totaling half its annual income

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Health insurance– Handling Objection

CLIENT: I won’t get any money back unless I’m sick or hurt?

• AGENT: Do you carry fire insurance on your home? The chances are that you will never get back even a small part of what you put into fire insurance. Does that make you angry? It shouldn’t because it means you have never suffered the horrible experience of fire.

• In the same way, you’re lucky if you never get back all you put in health and accident insurance because that means you have never suffered the horrible experience of long sickness or hospitalization. On the other hand, just the fire insurance in case of unfortunate, you need health and accident coverage in case you should be unfortunate in your health

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Health insurance– Handling Objection

CLIENT: I can’t afford it

• AGENT: When we insure everything from our furniture to our cars, its just a little silly not to insure our earning power which makes all of those things possible.

• If your care is stolen or totally wrecked, it would be a severe blow to you. Although it is a blow to your billfold, it can still be repaired or replaced.

• If you have a cerebral hemorrhage this afternoon, or involved in a terrific wreck, can you replace your earning power?

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Sole proprietor– Handling Objection

CLIENT: I’m not interested

• AGENT: Your brains and your know how are the major factors in this operation. When you die the most valuable asset is lost, and the value of the business will drop. Let me show you how to replace that loss to yours heirs.

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Sole proprietor– Handling Objection

CLIENT: If I die, my family can sell the business if they have to

• AGENT: The only way they can sell it for the true value is to keep it operating until they can find the right buyer. This means they’ll have to have enough cash immediately to pay your business debts and hire a good temporary manager.

• Life insurance is the only certain way to provide that much cash at some uncertain time in the future.

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Sole proprietor– Handling Objection

CLIENT: I want to think it over

• AGENT: Could your wife leave her job or could your eldest child leave college tomorrow and immediately take over your business if you are no longer here, That’s exactly the possibility that your family faces until we put in your coverage

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Sole proprietor– Handling Objection

CLIENT: My children is going to take over the business when I am gone

• AGENT: No one can immediately step in and take over your position as the owner of this business. Your children has not had the training you’ve had, does not have the business contact and not had the time to build rapport with your customers.

• For a period of time, there’s going to be a drop in sales. And for period of time, he’s going to have hire some extra help.

• This plan will buy him the time he’ll need to take over successfully.

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Thank You……..