handling of item non-response in binary … anthony izuchukw… · [email protected] m ... and...


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This work embodied in this project is original and has not been in substance

for any other degrees in this or other Universities.

Supervisor…………………… Head of Department…...…………

Prof. F.C. Okafor Dr. F.I. Ugwuowo

Department of Statistics, Department of Statistics,

University of Nigeria, Nsukka. University of Nigeria, Nsukka.


External Examiner



This project is dedicated to my beloved parents Mr. Edwin and Mrs Eucharia ILO.



My profound gratitude goes to the Almighty for His divined providence

throughout this programme. I am thankful to my supervisor Prof. F.C. Okafor, for his

supervisory role in this work. I appreciate in no small measure the contributions of my

lecturers towards creating enabling environment for learning and research.

Worth acknowledging are my colleagues and friends – Jude, Chijindu, Adejoh

Friday, James, Jennifer, Elizabeth, Laurel, Evan, Nduka, Sunday. I also appreciate the

support and encouragement of my brothers and sisters – Godwin, Chukwudi, Mrs

Anthonia Nwosu, Mrs Oluchi Orah, Mrs Uchechukwu Mmaduabuchi and Miss

Chinazaekpere Ilo.

Finally, I am grateful to Prof. J.N Adichie and also to the management and staff

of Eye clinic of Enugu State University of Science and Technology (ESUT) Teaching

Hospital Park-lane Enugu, in particular Dr. Chukwurah, and Dr. Ezegweui – Chief

medical consultant-Eye Clinic of Park- Lane for providing data for this work.


[email protected]





Multiple imputation techniques is adopted in this study to compensate for the item

non-response encountered in the sample we collected. This paper described three specific

imputation methods and applied them to the sample of cataract patients data obtained

from Enugu State University of Science and Technology Teaching Hospital Park-Lane

Enugu. The imputation procedures considered are logistic regression imputation model,

random overall imputation and random imputation within classes. The results obtained

from the three imputation methods are similar; showing that analyses of different

imputation methods are consistent. The methods can be used to compensate for item non–

response in similar studies.



Title page ……………………….…………………………………….. i

Certification …………….………………………………………….ii

Dedication ……………………………………………………….iii

Acknowledgement ………………………………………….……. iv

Abstract ……………………………………………………….…….. v

Table of contents ………………………………………….……. vi


1.1 Introduction …………………………………………………1

1.2 Procedures for Creating Multiple Imputations…………. 3

1.3 Explicit and Implicit Models …………………………… 4

1.4 Ignorable and Non-Ignorable Models ……………….……. 4

1.5 Proper Imputation Methods …………………………….4

1.6 Response Mechanism ………………………………….. 5

1.7 Aims and Objectives ………………………………….. 5

1.8 Significance of the study ………………………………….. 5

1.9 Scope and Limitations ………………………………….. 6


2.1 Literature Review …………………………………………..… 7


3.1 Introduction………………………………………………..…..16


3.2 Missing Data of the Recovery State of Patients………….16

3.3 The Three Basic Imputation Methods Considered………17

3.4 Estimation of the Population Parameters ………………..19

3.5 The Logistic Regression Model…………………………….. 21

3.5.1 Model Specification …………….…………………………. 21


4.1 Introduction ………………………………………………..…. 23

4.2 The Data …………………………………………………..….. 23

4.3 Multiple Imputing for the Missing Values …………..…. 23

4.4 Analysing the Resultant Multiple Imputed Data Sets

for the Three Imputation Procedures………………….…. 27



5.1 Discussion of Result ………………………………………... 33

5.2 Conclusion …………………………………………………..... 34

References …………………………………………………………….. 35

Appendix I ………………………………………………………….... 37

Appendix II ………………………………………………………..…. 42




1.1 Introduction

Any statistician with experience in the field of survey knows that essentially every

survey suffers from some non response. That is, in practical surveys, some items in the

survey instrument are not answered by all units included in the survey. Commonly, the

items likely to be unanswered are the more sensitive ones, such as those concerning

personal income. An obvious desire of both the data collector and the data analyst is to

get rid of the missing values and thereby restore the ability to use standard complete-data

method to draw inferences. Item non-response may occur in a sample survey because, a

sample unit may refuse or be unable to answer a particular question, or the interviewer

may either fail to ask a particular question or record the answer, or a record is

inconsistent in the sense that it does not satisfy an editing check based on logical or

empirical grounds, etc. The Possible approaches to handling missing values includes: (i)

discarding incomplete cases, (ii) use of weighting adjustment and (iii) imputing the

missing values.

The first option, discarding of incomplete cases, is equivalent to eliminating all

sampled units with at least one value missing. The required estimators are then functions

of values for respondents with complete data only. Although this option is simple and

allows the use of complete file, it presents some risks. Indeed, this option may lead to

strongly biased estimators unless non-response is unrelated to all the variables of interest

(missing completely at random). In addition, by rejecting partial non-respondents,

valuable information from the incomplete responses is not utilized. The sampling weights

cannot be used for inference purpose (unless a weighting adjustment has been applied)

with the result that the inference must be conditional on the sample of complete

respondents. This option should not then be seriously considered other than for a brief

descriptive analysis of the complete respondents.

The second option, weighting adjustment methods may effectively compensate

for partial non-response. These are straight forward, and auxiliary information may be

used wisely to form adjustment classes. The main drawback of weighting adjustment


methods is that a new adjusted weight must be created for each variable of interest. In

addition, results obtained from different analysis may be inconsistent with each other, the

main reason why weighting adjustment methods are not commonly used to compensate

for partial non-response.

The third and our preferred option for handling non response is imputation.

Imputation simply means assigning one or more real values for each missing responses in

any given sample survey. It is a commonly used method and is a prior, an appealing

general purpose strategy. We chose imputation because it avoids the use of different

weights for estimation. It also reduces the risk of bias in survey estimates arising from

missing data, if it is carefully implemented. Again, by assigning values at the micro level

and thus allowing analyses to be conducted as if the data set were complete, imputation

therefore makes analysis easier to conduct and results easier to present.

Many different procedures have been proposed for imputation, for instance, The

overall mean imputation: this method involves the assigning to the missing response to an

item, the mean of all responses for that particular item obtained from all the other

respondent; The class mean method: this method assigns the average or means value of

the class or group to the missing item; Logical deductive or prior experience method:

here the missing response to an item is deduced with certainty from the pattern of

response to another related item. This method also uses the relationship between

variables to determine a value to be imputed. Other methods are: Random overall

imputation, Random imputation within classes, Sequential hot-deck imputation,

Regression imputation, Distance function matching, Modal imputation and Hierarchical

hot-deck imputation etc. For more details see Kalton and Kasprzyk (1986) and Okafor

(2002 p.348)

In addition to the obvious advantages of allowing complete-data methods of

analysis, imputation by the data collector (e. g the census bureau) also has the important

advantage of allowing the use of information available to the data collector but not

available to an external data analyst such as a university social scientist analyzing a

public use file. This information may involve detailed knowledge of interviewing

procedures and reasons for non-response that are too cumbersome to place on public use

files, or may be facts, such as street addresses of dwelling units, that cannot be placed on


public-used files because of confidentially constraints. This kind of information, even

though inaccessible to the user of a public-use file, can often improve the imputed values.

Just as there are obvious advantages to imputing one value for each missing value, there

are obvious disadvantages of this procedure arising from the fact, that the one imputed

value cannot itself represent any uncertainly about which value to impute. Hence,

analyses that treat imputed value just like observed values generally underestimate

uncertainty. Equally serious, single imputation cannot represent any additional

uncertainty that arises when the reasons for non response are not known.

In this study, handling of missing cataract data, we adopted the methods of

multiple imputation. Multiple imputation, first proposed in Rubin (1978, 1987), retains

the two major advantages of single imputation and rectifies its major disadvantage. As it

name suggests, multiple imputation replaces each missing value by a vector composed of

M≥2 possible values. The M values are ordered in the sense that the first components of

the vectors for the missing values are used to create one completed data set and so on.

The first advantage of single imputation is retained with multiple imputations, since

standard complete-data methods are used to analyse each completed data set. The second

advantage of imputation, that is, the ability to utilize data collector’s knowledge in

handling the missing values is not only retained but actually enhanced. In addition to

allowing data collectors to use their knowledge to make point estimates for imputed

values, multiple imputation allow data collectors to reflect their uncertainty as to which

value to impute. This uncertainty is of two types; sampling variability assuming the

reason for non response are known and variability due to uncertainty about the reasons

for non response. Under each posited model for non-response, two or more imputations

are created to reflect sampling variability under that model. Imputation under more than

one model for non response reflects uncertainty about the reason for non response.

1.2 Procedures for Creating Multiple Imputation

Multiple imputations ideally should be drawn according to the following general

scheme. For each method being considered, the M imputations of the missing values,

Ymis’ are M repetitions from the values of the respondents, each repetition being an

independent value drawn from the value of the respondent.


1.3 Explicit and Implicit Models

Explicit models are the ones usually used in mathematical statistics: normal linear

regression, binomial, poisson, multinomial, etc. Implicit models are the ones that can be

thought of as underlying procedures used to "fix up" specific data structures in practice;

often they have a "nonparametric", "locally linear", or "nearest neighbor" flavor to them.

Although explicit models are the theoretical ideal precisely justifying multiple imputation

techniques, often implicit models can be used in place of explicit models. Both types of

models can as well be used together in any study.

1.4 Ignorable and Non-ignorable Models

The models underlying imputation methods, whether implicit or explicit, can be

classified as assuming either ignorable reasons for missing data or non-ignorable reasons.

The term "ignorable" is coined in Rubin (1978) and is fully explicated in the context of

multiple imputation in Rubin (1987). The basic idea is conveyed by a simple example in

which X is observed for all units in the data base, and Y is missing for the non-

respondents but observed for the respondents. An ignorable model asserts that a non-

respondent is only randomly different from a respondent with the same value of X. A

non-ignorable model asserts that even though a respondent and non-respondent appear

identical with respect to X, their Y values systematically differ (e.g., the non-respondent's

Y is typically 20% larger than the respondent's Y with the same value of X). There is no

direct evidence in the data to address the veracity of any such assumption, which is a

good reason to consider several models and explore resultant sensitivity whenever


1.5 Proper Imputation Methods

Imputation procedures, whether based on explicit or implicit models, or ignorable

or non-ignorable models, that incorporate appropriate variability among the repetitions

within a model are called proper. The essential reason for using proper imputation

methods is that they properly reflect sampling variability when creating repeated

imputations under a model.


1.6 Response Mechanism

The theoretical developments in the analysis of incomplete data and their

practical applications have been greatly dealt with by Rubin (1967). Models for missing

data are based on the joint distribution of the outcomes Y, completely observed

(background) covariates X and the indicator of missingness R; R = 1. If Y, or its specific

component, is observed and R = 0 otherwise. Special cases of the model arise when R

depends neither on X nor on Y (missing completely at random (MCAR)). This implies

that the probability of response Pi = P (i Sr) = P i U;


Sr denotes the sample respondents for a given item.

U denotes the target population of size N,

and when R depends on X and Y, but on Y only through the observed values of Y

(Missing at random (MAR)) i.e., if Pi = P (i Sr) = P (xi).

In the complement of MAR, R depends on the missing values of Y (Missing not at

random (MNAR)). The advantage of MAR (and MCAR) is that the likelihood-based

analysis of the observed item is valid. In general, MAR cannot be confirmed empirically,

but it becomes a more plausible assumption when a richer set of explanatory variables X

is used.

1.7 Aims and Objectives

To impute the missing variables in the partially completed observational data

using three imputation procedures.

To analyze the observed and the imputed data in order to make valid statistical

inferences about the patients’ after their cataract operation.

To make comparison on the imputation procedures employed.

1.8 Significance of the Study

This work seeks to illustrate or show some methods of imputation that can be

used to fill in missing values in a survey, so as to eliminate the problem faced by the

survey analyst who encounters item non-response.


1.9 Scope and Limitations

This study focuses on handling of missing cataract data using multiple

imputation techniques, employing binary logistic regression imputation model, random

overall imputation method and random imputation within classes. We systematically

sampled 160 patients’ case files from the records obtained from Enugu State University

of Science and Technology (ESUT), Teaching Hospital Park-Lane Enugu, from January

1998 to December 2007. However, some of the findings, predictions and suggestions

from the analysis of data may be restricted to the affected area. In addition, the risk

factors were not exhausted as we considered only those that are the likelihood factors to

recovering. The main limitation of our methodology is the failure to account for the so

called non-ignorable non-response, which arise when the distribution of respondents and

non-respondents on an incomplete variable differs, even after conditioning on values of

observed variables. Another limitation is the lack of “correct” imputed values. This paper

is based on real data with real non response. It is not base on simulated data in which the

missing data mechanism is known.




Although imputation techniques have not been used widely, a number of

applications pertaining to demographic and health research has appeared in the statistical

literature. In this chapter we review some of the scholarly work done in the areas of


Greenless et al (1982) proposed a means of treating or handling missing response

in a case where the response mechanism is not ignorable, the case in which the

probability of non-respondent for the variable of interest depends upon values of that

variable. They show different ways in which missing values can be treated. The

approaches include:

(i) To ignore the non-response problem and use the complete observations as a


(ii) Finding the estimate with incomplete sample survey data.etc

Unfortunately, all these approaches are systematically in error, since the probability of

response varies with Y, a case that is very rarely considered explicitly but sometimes

seems reasonable. In this article, they propose to test on a particular data set the

usefulness of a “stochastic censoring model” similar to those referenced earlier, for

imputing when the probability of response depends on the variable being imputed, here

they imputed income when the probability of response depends upon income. In which

the data from the March 1973 current population survey (CPS) are matched with

administrative data from the social security Administration (SSA) and the internal

revenue service (IRS).

Based on the assumption that the variable of interest Yi is regressed on the vector of

auxiliary variable Xi, they applied the logistic regression model. The maximum likelihood

of the parameters of the model can be found by numerically maximizing the log of this

function with respect to the given parameters Yi, Zi and Xi. Given the estimated

parameters of the model, they impute individual non respondents’ Y values by assigning

the mean of the distribution of Y conditional on non-response values of Z and X for that

individual and the maximum likelihood parameter estimates. The result obtained from


this approach is consistent. They concluded that the stochastic censoring approach to

imputing missing values has potential for improving on commonly used imputation

procedure that rely on the assumption that the probability of non response does not

depend on the variable being imputed. Application of this method requires a model of the

determination of the variable of interest and a model of the non response mechanism.

Lepkowski et al (1987) analyzed imputed data from a sample survey: the National

Medical Care Utilization and Expenditure Survey (NMCUES) which was designated to

collect data about the United States civilian non institutionalized population in 1980’s.

Using a stratified multi-stage sample of households, information were obtained on health,

access to and use of medical service, associated charges and sources of payment, and

health insurance coverage through interviews. Individuals in a sampled household were

interviewed four to five times over one year period in 1980 and 1981. However, for the

key survey items such as health care expenditures, income and other sensitive topics, the

amount of item missing data for the responding persons was substantial, and this missing

data varied considerably across items. Since imputation for all items with missing data

would have been expensive, imputation were made on important demographic, economic

and expenditure items. The methods used to impute data for missing values were diverse

and tailored to measures requiring imputation. Three types of imputation predominated in

this paper they are: Deductive, Sequential hot-deck and weighted sequential hot-deck

imputation methods. Deductive or logical imputations were used to eliminate missing

data that could be determined readily from other data items that provided overlapping

information. (This might even be referred as edits). Details on how deductive imputation

assigns value to the missing values were stated in the article. The sequential hot-deck was

use primarily for small number of imputations on demographic items. In the sequential

hot-deck procedure, the data are grouped into within imputation classes and then sorted

within those classes by measures that are correlated with the item for which imputations

are to be made. The detailed procedures are also in the paper. Finally, the weighted

sequential hot deck imputation was used most extensively to provide impute values for a

variety of measures, many of which had substantial amount of missing data.

Since extensive imputations were made for missing values for a large number of

the key items in the NMCUES, they are expected to influence estimates made from the


survey in several ways. They presented a result which demonstrates the effect that

imputations have on the estimates. They recommend researchers on survey data with

imputation for substantially important survey items to select a strategy for handling

imputation in estimation. They presented four different strategies for handling imputed

survey data which the result of there paper allows. For a large complex survey like theirs,

they recommend that strategy, 1 which “use all the data, real as well as imputed, in all

analysis” be followed, with significant attention given to an investigation of the effect of

imputation on analysis.

Oshungade (1989) compares three methods of imputation of item non-response in

a survey with categorical data using subset of the original variables. This study centered

on patients in a psychiatric hospital and the subset of variables is selected by the use of

Log-linear model and by suitable redefinition of responses. It is regarded as a set of super

variables which are almost independent and are closely related to the variable of interest.

The log-linear model is used in the analysis of categorical data in a contingency table to

determine a parsimonious set of variable that will suitably describe or predict the data

with no loss of information.

The log-linear model is of the form.

Vijk = log U + logαiA + logαj

B + logαk


where Vijk is the logarithm of the probability that an individual is simultaneously in

category i for variable A, category j for variable B and category k for variable C.

The three methods of imputations compared are

(i) Bayesian method

(ii) The maximum likelihood of the auxiliary variables and

(iii) The class mode of the conditional frequency distribution of P(yi/xj).

where yi represents the variable of interest in category i and xj the jth

background or auxiliary variable.

The Bayesian formula is written as




1 1




ii j

xp y p


x xp y p



and the predicted category for a non-response will be that category with the largest values

of the three posterior probabilities.

The method of the maximum likelihood of the background variables is similar

to the Bayesian method except that it does not make use of any prior probability or an

equiprobable prior, instead the likelihoods. The probability of occurrence of any

independent variable xj in each of the categories i of the variable of interest yi is the

likelihood L of that particular independent variable given the category of the variable of

interest, ie,

L (xj/yi) = P (xj/yi)

The assumption of independence of xj enables them to take

L(xj/yi) = P(x1/yi) P(x2/yi) . . . P(xj/yi)

Since they are using xj in each category i of the variable y. They define W(yi) as being

dependent on the value of L(xj/yi)

W(yi) = K L(xj/yi)

where, K is the factor of relationship





xw y k p


, i = 1,2,3.

Then, the i category with the maximum value of W(yi) is the prediction.

The method of direct use of the modal category from the distribution of P(yi/xj)

starts by dividing the population of respondents into classes based on the item responses

x that are common to both the respondents and non respondents. Then a modal category

of the responses conditioned on x are assigned to the missing item. It was observed that

the Bayesian method is preferable although there is little or no difference from that of the

maximum likelihood method. The use of modal category is not as efficient as either of

these two methods.

Heitjan D. F and Little R. J. A. (1991) carried out an analysis on the fatal accident

reporting system (FARS). The methods of multiple imputations were employed on the

data collected, which contains a considerable number of non responses. The fatal accident

reporting system is a database for the US National Highway Traffic Safety

Administration (NHTSA) collected at the site of all fatal traffic accidents. Variables

include location and time of accident, number and position of vehicle, age, sex and


driving record of driver, seat-belt use and blood alcohol content of the driver. The last

two variables are of great interest but have substantial proportions of missing data. They

explores the use of multiple imputations based on predictive mean matching as a means

of achieving the aim of NHTSA which is to fill the missing data in order to obtain

reliable estimates. Predictive mean matching is an example of a hot-deck method, where

the values of the non-respondents are imputed using values of the respondents matched

with respect to some metric. However, since blood alcohol content (BAC) is of primary

analytical interest and has easily the highest level of non response, this paper therefore

focuses on BAC. The metric for matching the complete and incomplete cases is based on

regression of the following variables on non-missing predictors.

0 BAC if 0,

0 BAC if 1, 1Test

0 BAC if Missing,

0 BAC if BAC, 2Test

They embark on the estimation of the regression of Test 1 and Test 2 on all variables

except BAC. The method of multiple imputation, an extension of imputation proposed by

Rubin (1978, 1987) where M > 1 set of values are drawn from the predictive distribution

to the missing values. The method involves only standard regression software and a fairly

easily programmed matching algorithm, which makes good use of available information

on incomplete records to fill all the missing values and this largely met the goal of a good

imputation procedure. In particular, they provide the means for assessing the impact of

impute by presenting a set of five imputes for each missing value. An implementation on

a subsample of FARS data illustrates the fact that the observed covariate have some

predictive power for imputing missing BAC values, particularly when police reported

alcohol involvement, is available. Also a simulation study Monte Carlo results confirmed

that the method provided substantial improvement over single imputation methods.

Longford et al (2000) conducted an observational prospective survey study on the

subject born in the 3rd

to 9th

week of March, 1946. The outcomes studied are derived

from the entries in diaries of food and drink intake over seven designated days. Since

interest of the paper is to handle missing data in diaries of Alcohol Consumption. The

background variables and other variables related to alcohol consumption and associated


problems are used as collateral information. The objective of the study was to assess the

extent of problems with alcohol in the cohort of subject born in 1946 in Great Britain.

The amount of alcohol consumed is commonly regarded as a suitable scale for this. In

this perspective, the average amount consumed for various subpopulations and their

comparisons are the quantities of interest. On the assumption that the outcomes studied

are missing at random given the background variables. Multiple imputation technique is

used here as a tool for compensating for missing responses to outcome variables, which

are in turn used for generating the imputed values of the missing diary items. Values are

also imputed for body mass which is not available for some subjects; also the above

assumption is adopted for the body mass within the four categories defined by cross-

classification of sex and smoking status. The imputations are generated from a model

which relates the multivariate outcomes, the covariates and the incidence of missingness.

Since the outcome variables is a binary, the model is logistic regression model, which is

used to compensate for the missing variables. The main result obtained from this analysis

is an estimate of the proportion of the population who has consumed more than a given

amount of alcohol. In the estimation, the diary entries are regarded as valid and their

conversion to quantities of net alcohol as precise. In conclusion, they noticed a vast

difference between the prevalence of excessive alcohol consumption of men and women,

even when the criterion for excessive consumption is sex specific and taking account of

body mass.

Myunghee et al (2000) carried out a survey on the analysis of missing covariate

variables. The study is an on-going prospective population based incidence designated to

identify risk factors for strokes among white, blacks and hispanics in a survey called the

Northern Manhattan Stroke Study (NOMASS). Matched case-control data are used to

make for the missing covariates. In this case-control study of NOMASS, controls were

matched for each case based on age, race and sex. The goal of the study was to examine

the protective effect of physical activity on stroke after adjusting for already known risk

factor and whether physical activity remains protective after adjusting for the level of

High Density Lipoprotein (HDL). Analysis of the study faced difficulty because the HDL

level was not available for all subjects. The analysts tried four different methods of


handling missing HDL data and the resulting estimates are biased and some methods

cannot be applied in this type of survey.

In the study, they develop an imputation estimation approach motivated from an

approximated conditional likelihood. This proposed method is valid under the missing at

random (MAR) mechanism. The observation indicator for X is denoted by r;

otherwise 0,

observed is x if 1, r

The probability of the missingness may depend on observed data, (Y,W,Z) but not on X,


Pr(r = 1/X, W, Y, Z) = Pr ( r = 1/W, Y, Z)

In this case study, X is the HDL level and the components of Z are age, race and sex

which is the matching variables for matched set and Y is the case indicator for subjects in

the matched set. They assumed that the linear logistic disease prevalence model, given as

Logit [ Pr(Y = 1/W, X, Z) ] = + 1Tw + B2X + q(Z)

is valid in the population from which case and control are drawn. Coefficient = (1T


2)T is the log odd-ratio parameter of primary interest. The NOMASS data are analyzed

by using the method proposed, where the missing HDL values are replaced with a

function of the predicted values from a regression model for case and controls.

Winglee et al (2001) show-case some methods of handling item non-response in a

sample survey: the US component of IEA reading literacy study. The study was

coordinated by the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational

Achievement (IEA). The methods of imputation used to assign value to the missing

variables were the Hot-deck imputation and modal imputation methods. The most straight

forward way to analyse the complete data file is proceded as if the data were actually

reported. The study provides an empirical assessment of the impact of imputation on such

a secondary data analysis. In particular, regression analysis and Hierarchical linear

modeling (HTM) analysis were conducted on the data sets that used different methods for

handling missing data and the result were compared. The results from regression models

estimated from the data set completed by imputation, were compared with the

corresponding models estimated using three other methods of handling missing data.

These other methods were; the complete case (C.C) analysis (Case wise deletion


method); the Available case (A.C) analysis (Pair wise deletion method) and the

Estimation maximization E.M. algorithm. The study shows that data analysis using hot-

deck imputed data yielded similar results to those produced by A.C and E.M methods of

handling the missing data. The result however is different from those produced by C.C.

method. They recommend the use of hot-deck imputation for such likely studies, since

analysis with hot-deck imputed data is simple to implement.

Revicki et al (2001) discussed ways of compensating for the missing health

related quality of life (HRQOL) outcomes on physical health status, scores missing

owning to mortality. Having missing data complicates the statistical analysis of HRQOL

data and depending on the extent and nature of missing data, significant bias can be

introduced in the treatment comparisons. They evaluated the bias associated with 4

different imputation methods used in estimating physical health status (PHS), scores

missing as a result of mortality. The imputation methods were; last value carried forward

(LVCF); arbitrary substitution (ARBSUB); empirical Bayes (BAYES) and within subject

modeling (WSMOD). Simulation studies were conducted in which they systematically

varied mortality rates from 0% to 30% and change in PHS scores from –20 to 20 on a

100-point scale for a 2-group clinical trial with follow-up over 18 months. Pseudo-root

mean square residuals and difference between true and estimated slopes were used to

evaluate how well the imputation methods reproduced the true characteristic of the

simulated population data. The difference imputation methods produced comparable

results when there were few missing data. The BAYES approach most closely estimated

true population difference and change in PHS regardless of missing data rates.

Coen et al (2003) conducted an analysis on a cancer screening survey data with 2

continuous, 48 linkers scale items and 74 binary response items. This research team

conducted a randomized effectiveness trial of a quality improvement intervention, to

increase colorectal cancer (CRC) screening rate within providers’ organizations that

contract with large California health maintenance organizations that targets the primary

care providers, nurses and administrative staff to improve the rate at which enrolled

patients utilized CRC screening tests. This survey centered on the comparison of two

multiple imputation procedures by applying them to the survey, that is, the CRC

intervention study. For each multiple imputation strategy five complete data sets were


created. In the study 1340 questionnaires were mailed to potential respondents of which

891 returned the questionnaires. Of the 891 returned questionnaires, 9 from respondents

who indicated that they did not provide primary care were dropped from further analysis.

All returned questionnaires had at least 49 of 136 completed items. The missing data

mechanisms were known and no assumption was made about them. The methods they

used for multiple imputations consisted of:

(a) Hot-deck and regression methods and

(b) Multivariate normal multiple imputation.

For the hot-deck method, they drew one donor case at random from the complete

case, for the five donor cases. In the regression method, three separate regression models

were used for imputation, that is, linear, logistic and generalized linear regression. Here

the missing covariates were imputed using hot-deck procedure. They used one set of

covariates for all regression models. The advantage of this is that imputations are easier

to produce compared to building different regression models for different variables. The

model was estimated using all the observed response, and next, the missing responses

were imputed by predicting it through the observed covariate.

The second method which is imputations by assuming a multivariate normal

distribution on all variables jointly is a common method for multiple imputations.

Imputed data set are obtained in two steps. First the mean vector and the covariance

matrix are obtained using Estimation Maximization Algorithm. Second, with the obtained

estimates, data augmentation is carried out in order to obtain multiple imputed values.

They also illustrated how the point and interval estimates from the multiple imputed data

sets are obtained, which can also be found in Rubin (1986). The results of both methods

of imputation were found to be similar; either of the two methods is endorsed for surveys

similar to the data set.




3.1 Introduction

In this chapter, we make a general overview and description of the statistical

methods governing this research. We also describe our problem of missing data in greater

details, outlines the three basic multiple imputation procedures used in this situation and

also give the statistical formulas used in the imputation.

Since the interest of this work is on handling of item non-response in the recovery state

of patients’ after cataract operation, using the likely factors associated with recovery.

This recovery could be measured in terms of the probability of patients transiting from

one level of visual acuity (VA) to the other. Again since imputation is our preferred

option for treating item non response, we present an application of multiple imputation

using the data obtained from Eye clinic of Enugu State University of Science and

Technology (ESUT) Teaching Hospital, Park-Lane Enugu, from 1998 to 2007, to analyse

the recovery state of patients after the cataract operation. Multiple imputation is a

technique used for treating missing responses in a survey. In this approach rather than

assigning a single value to an incomplete observation, we replace each missing value

with four values. The value imputed is a binary indicator of whether the patient recovers

from the operation or not. Inferences are then made by using the full data set, and also

repeated for each distinct data file associated with each set of imputed values. Statistics

are computed by averaging over the set of complete-sample estimates.

3.2 Missing Data of the Recovery State of Patients

The data for this study was obtained from the Eye clinic of ESUT, Teaching

Hospital, Park-Lane Enugu, on the records of patients at the hospital from January 1998

to December 2007, who have been discharged by the end of the year 2007. One of the

objectives of the data was to record the number of admission and outcomes after a

cataract operation in the hospital. Items recorded for each patient admitted in the hospital

includes, year of admission, unit number, sex, age, marital status, date of operation,


haemoglobin content of the patient (Hb), plasma glucose, blood pressure, any other

ocular disease (AOOD), occupation, follow up dates and outcomes. Out of 800 patients’

case files, 20% were systematically sampled from the population within the period.

Throughout this study we considered only four of the variables which are considered here

as likelihood factors to recovery. The outcomes which is the state of recovery of the

patients after the operation, witnessed a number of non response and were to be predicted

using these four variables and the value of the respondents. It was observed that out of

the 160 selected records, that the outcomes of 16 patients were not recorded resulting in a

10% missing responses. We assume that the item responses for the respondent and the

non respondents are broadly similar, that is, the missing observations are missing at

random. Then the non respondents were assigned an appropriate value using the

procedure discussed below.

3.3 The Three Basic Imputation Methods Considered

In this study we will consider three multiple imputation models, one explicit and

two implicit imputation models. They are Logistic regression imputation model, Random

overall imputation and Random imputation within classes.

The explicit multiple imputation models consist of three basic steps. The first step, we

specify a model to predict the value of a missing variable, y. In this study the predicted

model is a binary logit regression model as given by Freedman and Douglas (1995)

yi =

otherwise 0,

μ βx if 1, j (3.1)

where x is a vector of observed variables, is a vector of parameters to be estimated, and

is a random variable that follows the extreme value distribution. The choice of binary

logistic regression stems principally on the dichotomous nature of the response

(dependent) variable. This model will also enable us predict a discrete outcome

(recovered or not recovered) from a set dichotomous, discrete and continuous

independent variables.

We estimate the parameter vector using the proportion of the sample with

complete data. Given an estimate of and value for x, y can be predicted with (3.1) by


drawing a value of from the extreme value distribution, equivalently, y can be predicted

using the relationship

yi =

otherwise 0,

μ )xβ(logit if 1, j (3.2)


Logit βx exp 1

βx exp xβ





and follows the Bernoulli (0, 1) distribution.

In the second step, we carry out several “rounds” of imputation; the number of

rounds is denoted as k. Each round of imputation produces a value of yik for each

incomplete observation. Each round uses a distinct value of kβ common across all

imputed cases and drawn independently from the multivariate distribution of the

estimated vector . Moreover, each imputed value of yik depends on an independently

drawn value of μ . The number of imputation rounds we carried out were 4, ie

k=1,2,3,4; which is considered adequate. The stochastic imputation procedure associated

with (3.2) occasionally assigns yi = 0 when pr(yi = 1) is high, and occasionally assigns yi

= 1 when the corresponding probability is low.

The multiple imputation procedure thus preserves one source of uncertainty about

the process underlying the observed y, conditional on the parameter vector .

Randomization of the parameter vector in the second step of the imputation process

reflects an additional source of uncertainty: although the observed values of y are

postulated to be generated by a process represented by (3.1), here we have only an

estimate based on sample data instead of the true value of the population parameter .

The second stage of the imputation process embodies our uncertainty about the value of


In the third and final step of the imputation process, we analyze the k distinct data

set of the observed and the imputed data, and combine the k alternatives estimates of the

statistics of interest. For the k completed data sets we first obtain the k point estimates of

the proportion of patients that recovered after the cataract operation. Since the state of


recovery of the patients is our variable of interest and also a dichotomous variable, it

should therefore be noted that proportion is the mean of a dichotomous variable.

The implicit multiple imputation method considered is: Random overall

imputation method; which assigns a value from the respondent selected at random to the

non-respondents. Each donor respondent is selected at random from the total respondents

in the sample. This method is the simplest form of hot-deck imputation, that is, an

imputation procedure in which the value assigned for a missing response is taken from a

respondent to the current survey.

Another implicit imputation method, is the Random imputation within classes: in

this hot-deck imputation method a respondent is chosen at random within an imputation

class, and the selected respondent’s value is assigned to the non respondent. That is the

total sample is first divided into classes, then the random imputation is carried out within

the classes. In this study we used gender to form the imputation classes.

3.4 Estimation of the Population Parameters

Considering a simple random sample of size n selected from N population units

without replacement. The estimator of the population proportion, P is given as

p* = cc*



1 iy


n y





p* is the sample proportion of patients that recovered after the operation with

imputed data.

n is the sample size

nc is the number of patients that recovered


iy is the observed and imputed values of the recovered patients

cy = p*

We also estimate the sampling variance of the proportion, kS , for the k complete data


q*p 1 -n

f - 1

1 -n



n - N Sk (3.5)


q = 1 – p*


N is the population units

f = n/N is the sampling fraction.

The under-listed estimates are as given by Rubin (1986) for multiple imputation

The final estimate of the proportion based on the combination of all the k completed data

sets of the proportion is




1 ip


1 p


where, p is the overall proportion of patients that recovered after the cataract operation

in the k rounds of imputation

The within imputation variance, W of the k completed data sets equals





1 W


The between imputation variance, B is the variance between the point estimates,



1 ip - p

1 -k

1 B


The combined estimate for the variance, based on both the within, W and the between,

B imputation variances forms what we called the total variance denoted as T,

T = W + (1 + k-1

) B (3.9)

where the factor (1 + k-1

) multiplying the unbiased estimate of between imputation

variance is an adjustment for using a finite number of imputations,

The relative increase in variance due to imputation, is defined as

= (1 + k-1

) B / W (3.10)

The tests and confidence interval are based on student t-approximation.

tTp ~ p -* (3.11)

with degree of freedom equal to

= (k-1) (1 + -1

)2 (3.12)

The fraction of missing information about p, due to non response is denoted as ,

= 1

3) (2



For single imputation, the estimate of the proportion of patients that recovers after the

cataract operation is given as

mrs mPrPn

P 1



Pr is the sample proportion of patient’s that recovered based on r respondents.

Pm is the sample proportion based on m missing values.

While the sample estimator of the variance for single imputation, ignoring the finite

population correction as given by Rao and Shao (1992) is










S* is the sample variance obtained from the complete data set with the

imputed values. It is conditional unbiased for S2, hence Ts is approximately


3.5 The Logistic Regression Model

3.5.1 Model Specification

Logistic regression is part of a category of statistical models called generalized

linear models. This broad class of models includes ordinary regression and ANOVA as

well as ANCOVA and log linear regression. Logistic regression allows one to predict a

discrete outcome, such as group membership, from a set of variables that may be

continuous, discrete, dichotomous, or a mix of any of these. Generally, the dependent or

response variable is dichotomous, such as presence/absence or success/failure. As

mentioned above, the independent or predictor variables in logistic regression can take

any form, that is, logistic regression makes no assumption about the distribution of the

independent variables.

Assuming that there are j explanatory variables x = {x1 x2,…xj}. The outcome

variable yi is a binary variable indicating whether a patient recovers (y=1) or not (y=0). If

the conditional probability that a patient recovered given the explanatory variables is

denoted by g(x)

g(x) = pr (yi = 1/xj)



1 – g(x) = Pr (yi = 0/xj)

is the conditional probability of not recovery given the explanatory variables.

Considering the representation of a patient recovering

g(x) = p(yi = 1/xj) = exp 1

1ijβx -


This implies that

g(x) = ij


βx exp 1

βx exp



1 – g(x) = ijβx exp 1




xij = 0 + ijj


1 xβ


, i = 1, 2,… 160

= {0, 1, … 4}

xj = {xi, x2;…x4}

A transformation which is important in the study of logistic regression is the logit

transform which is defined in terms of g(x). Thus the logit of g(x) is

(x) = ln

g(x) - 1

g(x) (3.19)

= 0 + ijj



+ ei (3.20)

here (x) is linearly related to x.

We note the following about the logistic regression model.

(i) The conditional expectation of the regression equation must be formulated to

be bounded between 0 and 1.

(ii) The error of observation ei is distributed as binomial with mean zero and

variance g(x) [(1 – g(x)]




4.1 Introduction

In this section, we multiple imputed the recovery state of cataract patients’ data

missing in the observed data, using the proportion of the sample patients that responded.

We fit a binary logistic regression model to the proportion of patients that responds from

which we employ our first imputation technique. For the other imputation procedures we

used the values of the respondents

4.2 The Data

The data for this study were obtained from 160 patient’s case files systematically

sampled from the records of eye clinic of ESUT Teaching Hospital Park-Lane Enugu,

from January 1998 to December 2007. Measurement of the best visual acuity of patients

taken after operation is based on the critical examination of the eye by the physician’s.

The parameters used to determine the state of recovery of a patient after operation upon

serious examinations were as follows.

A - Light perception

B - Hand movement

C - Counting of fingers

D - Direction of Objects

E - Use of figures etc.

In order to fit a logistic regression model, the response variables (outcomes of

patients’ vision) were taken through the check-up visits after the operation. Thus the

outcome is binary with codes 0 for “not recovered” and 1 for “recovered”. Recovery here

means that a patient satisfy all tests after operation. The explanatory variables include

factors that potentially influence the likelihood of recovery and were available in each

patients file. The variables obtained from each patient files are shown in the appendix.

4.3 Multiple Imputing for the Missing Values.

In order for us to impute the missing responses using logit regression model, we

first obtain the estimate of parameters of the model using the observed values of the


patients that responded. Recall, that the transform of our logistic regression model is of

the form.

(x) = 0 + 1xi1 + 2xi2 + 3xi3 + 4xi4 + ei

where ’s is the model parameters

x1 = gender, x2 = Haemoglobin content (Hb)

x3 = Glucose x4 = Any other ocular Disease (A.O.O.D)

ei = error in observation.

The table below displays the result obtained in fitting a binary logistic regression model,

using a statistical computer package called SPSS.

Table 1: The Estimates of the Parameter of the Logistic Regression Model Using the

Observed Values of Patients that Responded.


Gender -.206

Hb -.018

Glucose .005

A.O.O.D .235

Constant -1.070

Using (3.2) and following the second step of imputation for logit regression model, we

impute all the missing responses in the observed variables.

The tables below shows the result of the multiple imputed data sets, four, for each

of the 16 missing responses.

The result of multiple imputation for missing data in the observed variables applying the

logistic regression model predicted in section 3.3 using (3.2) are shown in Table 2

Here we illustrate how logit regression model yielded the results below.

For the first missing value

Logit ( jxβ ) = 13.5 0.018-

13.5 -0.018



= 0.93 > 0

So we impute 1


Table 2

The Result of Multiple Imputation for Missing Data in the Observed Variables

Applying the Logistic Regression Imputation Model

S/N Missing


Imputed Values


1 8 1 0 1 0

2 19 0 0 0 0

3 37 0 0 0 0

4 41 1 0 0 1

5 47 1 1 0 0

6 56 1 0 1 0

7 68 0 0 0 0

8 71 1 0 0 0

9 85 1 0 0 0

10 96 0 0 0 0

11 110 1 1 0 0

12 116 0 1 1 1

13 136 1 0 0 1

14 141 0 1 0 0

15 148 1 0 0 0

16 159 0 1 0 1



The Result of Multiple Imputation for the Missing Data in the Observed Variables

Applying Random Overall Imputation Method.

S/N Missing


Imputed Values


1 8 0 1 0 1

2 19 1 1 1 1

3 37 0 1 1 1

4 41 0 1 0 0

5 47 0 0 1 1

6 56 1 1 0 1

7 68 1 1 1 1

8 71 1 1 0 0

9 85 0 0 0 0

10 96 0 0 0 1

11 110 1 0 0 0

12 116 1 0 1 0

13 136 0 0 0 0

14 141 0 0 1 0

15 148 0 0 0 1

16 159 0 0 0 1



The Result of Multiple Imputation for the Missing Data in the Observed Variables

Applying Random Imputation within Classes Method.

S/N Missing


Imputed Values


1 8 1 0 1 1

2 19 1 1 0 1

3 37 0 0 0 1

4 41 1 1 0 1

5 47 1 0 1 1

6 56 1 1 0 0

7 68 1 0 0 0

8 71 1 1 0 0

9 85 0 0 0 0

10 96 1 1 0 0

11 110 0 1 0 0

12 116 0 1 0 1

13 136 0 1 0 1

14 141 0 0 1 0

15 148 1 1 1 1

16 159 0 1 0 1

4.4 Analysing the Resultant Multiple-Imputed Data Sets for the Three

Imputation Procedures.

Each set of imputations, that is, each column of Tables 2, 3 and 4 are used for the

incomplete data in Table 11, to create a complete data set. Since there are four sets of


imputations, four complete data sets are created for each imputation technique; these

tables are also displayed in the appendix.

Using (3.4), and (3.5) in each of the four completed data sets of the three

imputation methods, the estimates of the proportion and its variance, for the patients that

recovered after the cataract operation were

Table 5

Estimate of the Multiply Imputed Data Sets, of Tables 12-15 in the Appendix Using

Logit Regression Model

Proportions (*

ikp ) Variance of proportion ( kS )

1 0.3563 0.0012

2 0.3313 0.0011

3 0.3188 0.0011

4 0.3250 0.0011

Table 6

Estimate of the Multiply Imputed Data Sets, of Tables 16-19 in the Appendix Using

Random Overall Imputation Method

Proportions (*

ikp ) Variance of proportion ( kS )

1 0.3375 0.0011

2 0.3438 0.0011

3 0.3375 0.0011

4 0.3563 0.0012


Table 7

Estimate of the Multiply Imputed Data Sets, of Tables 20-23 in the Appendix Using

the Method of Random Imputation within Classes

Proportions (*

ikp ) Variance of proportion ( kS )

1 0.3563 0.0012

2 0.3625 0.0012

3 0.3250 0.0011

4 0.3563 0.0012

The combined estimates of the proportions, its variances and other estimates for

the multiply imputed data sets of Tables 5-7 are obtained using equations 3.6, 3.7, 3.8,

3.9, 3.10, 3.12 and 3.13, which are shown below in the Tables 8-10.

Illustration of how the combined estimate of the proportions and its variances

were obtained using equations 3.6, 3.7, 3.8 and 3.9 in Table 5. are

p = *4




= 4

1 (0.3563 + 0.3313 + 0.3188 + 0.3250)

= 4


= 0.3329








1 4





























Table 8

The Combined Estimates and Variances for Complete Data Sets of Table 5. (Logit

Regression Model).

Estimates Results

Single multiple

1 Proportion ( p ) 0.2756 0.3329

2 Within variance ( W ) - 0.0011

3 Between variance ( B ) - 0.0002

4 Total variance (T) 0.00001 0.0014

5 Relative increase in variance due to

imputation ()

- 0.2273

6 The degree of freedom for interval

estimates of p constructed using

t-distribution ()

- 87.46

7 Fraction of missing information about p


- 0.0201

Table 9

The Combined Estimates and Variances for Complete Data Sets of Table 6.

(Random Overall Imputation)

Estimates Results

Single multiple

1 Proportion ( p ) 0.2738 0.3438

2 Within variance ( W ) - 0.0011

3 Between variance ( B ) - 0.0001

4 Total variance (T) 0.00001 0.0012

5 Relative increase in variance due to

imputation ()

- 0.1136

6 The degree of freedom for interval

estimates of p constructed using

t-distribution ()

- 288.29

7 Fraction of missing information about p


- 0.0065


Table 10

The Combined Estimates and Variances for Complete Data Sets of Table 7.

(Random Imputation within Classes)

Estimates Results

Single multiple

1 Proportion ( p ) 0.2756 0.3500

2 Within variance ( W ) - 0.0012

3 Between variance ( B ) - 0.0003

4 Total variance (T) 0.00001 0.0016

5 Relative increase in variance due to

imputation ()

- 0.3125

6 The degree of freedom for interval

estimates of p constructed using

t-distribution ()

- 53.24

7 Fraction of missing information

about p ()

- 0.0313




5.1 Discussion of Result

Without knowing what the missing values exactly would be if they had been

observed, it is impossible to say if analysis from single or multiple imputed data set

equals the complete data set. Four sets of imputations were properly created under each

of the three imputation methods used to impute the missing cataract data, the results are

displayed in Tables 2, 3 and 4.

We observed from the estimates of proportion and variances for single and multiple

imputation, that imputation really makes analysis from different methods consistent. The

estimates of the proportion of patient’s that recovered after the operation under each

imputation methods were approximately, 28%, 27%, and 28% for single imputation and

33%, 34% and 35% for multiple imputation. The estimate of the proportion of patients’

that recovers, for single imputation procedures were obtained using (3.14).

For the estimates of the variance of proportion, the singly imputed data variances

obtained using (3.15) is typically too small to compare to the variances of multiple

imputed data sets. This is because single imputation is known to overstate precision.

Irrespective of the obvious advantages of multiple imputation to single imputation, this

small variance is as a result that single imputation does not reflect the between imputation

variance. Apart from the estimate of proportion and its variance single imputation cannot

produce any other valid inference for other estimates which multiple imputation does.

For the three multiple imputation methods, point estimates of the proportion, within

and between imputation variance, total variance, degree of freedom for interval estimates,

and fraction of missing information were computed.

For the estimate of variance, in multiple imputed data sets, though negligible

differences exist in the within and between imputation variances, it can generally be seen

that the total variance for the random overall imputation is smaller followed by logit

regression model imputation method and lastly the random imputation within classes.

The estimates for the degree of freedom, are all large, indicating that the student’s t-

approximation of (3.11) is essentially a normal one. Note that these degree of freedom


does not depend on the sample size but on the number of imputation K and the ratio of

the between imputation variance, B to within imputation variance, W .

For the estimated fractions of missing information, ƒ in each imputation method, we

notice that if Ymis carried no information about P, then the imputed-estimates *P would

be identical and T would be reduced to W .

5.2 Conclusion

In this study we performed a thorough and proper practical imputation analysis on

the content of missing cataract data. The imputation methods we considered are logistic

regression imputation model, random overall imputation and random imputation within

classes. Since the proportion of missing values is more than 5%, single imputation is not

quite reasonable, without special corrective measures, because single imputation

technique do not account for uncertainty about which value to impute and also do not

preserve the sampling variability. Following this shortcoming we recommend multiple

imputation for any survey researcher with missing survey data above 5% of the sample.

The great virtues of multiple imputation are its simplicity and generality. The user may

analyse the data by virtually any technique that would be appropriate if the data were

complete. The validity of the method, however, hinges on how the imputations


mismis YY ...,,)1( were generated. Clearly it is not possible to obtain valid inferences in general

if imputations are created arbitrarily. The imputations should on average, give reasonable

predictions for the missing data, and the variability among them must reflect an

appropriate degree of uncertainty.

We also recommend that for missing survey data similar to that presented in this paper,

either of the three imputation methods should be adopted.



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Table 11: The Observed Variables

Observation Outcome (y) Gender Hb Glucose A.O.O.D

1 0 1 18.0 180 1

2 0 1 17.5 101 0

3 0 1 13.5 170 1

4 1 1 16.5 113 1

5 0 0 16.5 120 1

6 0 1 17.5 60 1

7 0 1 16.5 74 0

8* . 0 11.5 105 1

9 0 0 11.5 160 0

10 0 1 18.0 60 0

11 0 1 16.5 116 1

12 0 1 17.5 90 1

13 0 0 14.5 89 1

14 0 1 12.5 95 1

15 0 0 16.5 90 0

16 1 0 12.0 140 0

17 0 1 13.0 70 1

18 0 0 14.5 134 1

19* . 0 13.0 110 1

20 1 0 11.5 113 1

21 0 1 13.0 68 0

22 0 0 13.0 109 1

23 1 1 16.5 100 0

24 0 0 13.0 70 0

25 0 1 13.0 75 1

26 0 0 16.5 89 1

27 0 1 16.5 175 0

28 0 1 16.5 110 1

29 0 0 16.5 170 0

30 0 0 11.5 68 0

31 0 1 12.0 75 0

32 0 1 12.5 120 0

33 1 1 12.5 110 0

34 0 0 13.5 59 0


35 1 0 16.5 101 1

36 1 1 16.5 180 1

37* . 1 13.0 74 1

38 1 1 13.5 140 0

39 0 1 12.0 60 0

40 0 1 18.0 125 1

41* . 1 14.0 130 0

42 0 1 12.5 90 1

43 1 0 11.5 95 0

44 0 0 14.0 160 1

45 0 1 13.0 90 1

46 1 1 12.5 140 1

47* . 1 17.5 60 0

48 0 0 14.0 90 1

49 0 0 11.5 150 1

50 1 0 14.0 150 1

51 0 0 16.5 138 0

52 0 1 15.5 110 0

53 0 1 18.0 96 1

54 0 1 16.5 100 0

55 0 1 17.5 119 1

56* . 0 12.0 124 1

57 0 1 14.5 160 0

58 1 0 12.0 100 0

59 0 1 12.5 90 1

60 1 0 12.0 90 0

61 0 1 12.5 140 1

62 1 1 16.5 96 0

63 1 1 12.5 114 1

64 0 0 11.5 180 0

65 1 1 13.5 160 1

66 0 1 16.0 74 0

67 1 1 16.0 120 0

68* . 0 15.0 180 1

69 0 1 17.5 130 1

70 0 1 13.0 58 0

71* . 1 13.5 100 1

72 0 1 13.0 77 0


73 0 1 14.5 89 1

74 1 1 18.0 180 1

75 0 1 12.0 70 1

76 0 0 14.0 74 1

77 0 1 12.5 79 1

78 0 0 15.5 98 0

79 1 1 16.0 120 1

80 0 0 12.5 100 1

81 0 1 13.0 120 0

82 0 1 16.5 140 0

83 1 1 16.5 72 1

84 1 0 12.0 110 0

85* . 1 15.5 130 1

86 0 1 16.5 70 0

87 0 0 16.5 155 0

88 1 0 16.5 82 1

89 1 0 16.5 100 1

90 1 0 13.5 124 0

91 0 0 13.5 190 0

92 0 1 15.5 70 1

93 1 0 16.5 120 1

94 0 0 12.0 190 0

95 0 1 11.5 70 0

96* . 0 12.0 80 1

97 0 0 13.0 120 1

98 1 0 11.5 180 1

99 0 1 17.5 65 0

100 0 0 13.0 70 1

101 0 1 18.0 95 1

102 1 1 16.0 170 1

103 1 1 16.5 65 1

104 0 0 13.5 134 0

105 0 1 13.0 100 0

106 0 0 15.5 74 1

107 0 1 12.5 160 1

108 0 0 12.0 204 1

109 1 1 12.5 110 1

110* . 1 12.5 84 1


111 1 1 15.0 125 0

112 1 1 16.5 74 1

113 0 0 14.0 134 0

114 1 0 15.0 130 0

115 0 0 12.0 100 1

116* . 0 11.5 60 0

117 1 1 13.5 110 1

118 0 1 14.5 122 1

119 0 0 16.5 80 1

120 0 1 13.5 180 0

121 1 0 16.0 120 1

122 1 1 12.5 100 0

123 1 0 11.5 160 1

124 0 1 13.5 124 1

125 1 1 13.5 90 0

126 1 0 16.5 134 0

127 0 1 15.5 190 1

128 1 0 12.0 65 0

129 0 1 17.5 84 1

130 1 0 16.5 135 1

131 0 0 14.0 120 1

132 0 1 16.5 84 1

133 0 0 11.5 100 1

134 0 1 15.5 120 0

135 0 0 15.5 165 1

136* . 1 16.5 65 0

137 0 1 14.0 200 1

138 1 1 17.5 190 1

139 0 1 15.5 100 0

140 1 1 14.5 60 1

141* . 0 16.5 119 0

142 1 0 12.0 65 1

143 0 0 11.5 70 1

144 0 1 13.5 160 0

145 1 0 11.5 130 1

146 1 1 15.0 100 1

147 0 0 16.5 70 1

148* . 0 12.5 90 1


149 0 1 12.5 170 1

150 0 1 17.5 160 0

151 0 0 13.0 167 1

152 0 1 13.5 71 0

153 0 1 17.5 90 0

154 1 1 16.0 163 0

155 0 1 17.0 60 0

156 1 0 11.5 110 1

157 1 1 12.5 160 0

158 0 0 12.5 66 0

159* . 0 11.5 98 1

160 0 0 15.5 80 0