hands on the gradle

Hands on the Gradle Painless Android builds © 2011 Matthias Käppler Qype GmbH

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A talk I did on the DroidCon 2011 barcamp, it's on Gradle and its Android plug-in


Page 1: Hands on the Gradle


Hands on the Gradle Painless Android builds

© 2011 Matthias Käppler Qype GmbH

Page 2: Hands on the Gradle

What is Gradle?

S  Gradle is a task based build system. From files and configuration it assembles build artifacts.

S  Gradle is flexible. It is not bound to any specific process or technology.

S  Gradle uses a Groovy based DSL to write configuration. This makes it easy to read and write Gradle scripts.

Page 3: Hands on the Gradle

The Gradle manifesto

S  „Build scripts are code.“

S  Don‘t expect, allow.

S  Don‘t re-invent, re-use.

S  Don‘t inherit, inject.

S  Scale to the complexity of a problem. – „Make the impossible possible, the possible easy, and the easy elegant.“

Page 4: Hands on the Gradle

Gradle vs. Maven

<build> <plugins> <plugin> <artifactId>maven-antrun-plugin</artifactId> <executions> <execution> <phase>install</phase> <goals> <goal>run</goal> </goals> <configuration> <tasks> <echo message="what’s with the bloat?" /> </tasks> </configuration> </execution> </executions> </plugin> </plugins> </build>

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Gradle vs. Maven (cont.)

println "dunno, must be a Maven thing."

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Gradle vs. Maven (cont.)

S  Maven is declarative. Gradle is imperative.

S  Maven is verbose. Gradle is concise.

S  Maven assumes Maven. Gradle doesn‘t.

S  Maven scales poorly to simple problems. Gradle scales with the complexity of a problem.

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Gradle vs. Maven (cont.)

S  Maven has a rich plug-in ecosystem. Gradle still needs to catch-up here.

S  Maven has very good IDE support. Gradle has... IDE support.

S  Maven has project archetypes. Gradle doesn‘t.

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How is Gradle used?

$ls build/ build.gradle ...


$gradle tasks

$gradle clean build

$gradle androidInstall androidInstrument

Page 9: Hands on the Gradle


env = System.getenv()


apply from: ‘shared.gradle'

allprojects { apply plugin: 'java' }

task hello << { println ‘hello from Gradle‘ }

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Move along, nothing to see here.

Page 11: Hands on the Gradle

More about tasks

S  There are different ways how tasks can be used or exposed in a build script: 1 – by writing them 2 – through project.ant 3 – by applying a plug-in

Page 12: Hands on the Gradle

Writing tasks

task hello << { 4.times { println ‘hello from Gradle‘ } } hello.dependsOn initLang hello.someProperty = 1

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Writing tasks (cont.)

project.task(‘hello‘, dependsOn: ‘initLang‘) greeter = { println it } hello.doLast greeter.curry(‘hello from Gradle‘)

Page 14: Hands on the Gradle

Ant tasks

S  Ant tasks are first class citizens in Gradle. You access them through Groovy‘s AntBuilder DSL.

myProp = ant.properties["my.prop"] ant.copy { from zipTree("/path/to/lib.jar") into "$buildDir/extracted-classes" exclude "com.example/**" }

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S  Most of Gradle‘s functionality comes from plug-ins. This helps in keeping the core Gradle APIs lean and clean.

apply plugin: 'java' apply plugin: 'maven' ... $gradle clean install

Page 16: Hands on the Gradle

Plug-ins (cont.)

S  Writing Gradle plug-ins is very simple. Check this out.

class MyPlugin implements Plugin<Project> { def apply(Project project) { project.task(‘hello‘) << { println ‘hello, people‘ } } }

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S  Gradle doesn‘t define ist own dependency management system. Instead, it builds on Apache Ivy.

repositories { mavenCentral() mavenRepo urls: "http://my.repo.com" flatDir dirs: "libs" }

Page 18: Hands on the Gradle

Dependencies (cont.)

S  Dependencies are grouped into configurations. A configuration is simply a set of files bound to a name.

dependencies { compile "commons-lang:commons-lang:2.5" compile fileTree(dir: "libs", include: "*.jar") testCompile "junit:junit:4.8.2" }

Page 19: Hands on the Gradle


S  There‘s a Gradle plug-in for Android.


Page 20: Hands on the Gradle

Setting it up

S  Now: buildscript { repositories { mavenRepo(urls: 'http://jvoegele.com/maven2/‘) } dependencies { classpath 'com.jvoegele.gradle.plugins:android-plugin:0.9.8‘ } } apply plugin: com.jvoegele.gradle.plugins.android.AndroidPlugin

S  Soon: apply plugin: 'android'

Page 21: Hands on the Gradle

What‘s in store

S  The plug-in adds the following tasks: S  :androidProcessResourcesS  :androidPackageS  :androidInstallS  :androidInstrumentS  [:proguard]$gradle clean andInstall :test-proj:andInstr

Page 22: Hands on the Gradle

Instrumentation tests

androidInstrument { runners { run testpackage: "unit", with: "com.my.UnitTestRunner",

name: "instrumentation-unit-tests" run annotation: "android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.Smoke" run with: "com.my.OtherTestRunner”, options: "…” } }

Page 23: Hands on the Gradle


Thanks for listening!

Page 24: Hands on the Gradle

Android in Practice

Charlie Collins, Michael Galpin, Matthias Käppler •  Real world practical recipes •  Focus on intermediate to professional developers •  Two chapters on testing and build automation

Summer 2011 MEAP edition available http://manning.com/collins