handwriting and spelling€¦ · handwriting and spelling year 4 – week 1 day 1 c c c c cc cc cc...

Handwriting and Spelling Year 4 – Week 1 Day 1 c c c c cc cc cc cc ccc ccc ccc ccc a a a a aa aa aa aa aaa aaa aaa aaa d d d d dd dd dd dd ddd ddd ddd ddd g g g g gg gg gg gg ggg ggg ggg ggg q q q q qq qq qq qq qqq qqq qqq qqq Day 2 forgetting beginning prefer accident forgotten beginner preferred accidently Day 3 I keep forgetting my P.E. kit. Today I have forgotten my reading book. We are at the beginning of a new year and I’m quite excited. I am a beginner at swimming, but I will improve. Day 4 Do you prefer red or blue? My preferred sport is tennis although I do like football. If you continue to swing on your chair you are likely to have an accident. I accidently hit my brother when I was swinging my arms about. Year 4 – Week 2 Day 1 o o o o oo oo oo oo ooo ooo ooo ooo e e e e ee ee ee ee eee eee eee eee s s s s ss ss ss ss sss sss sss sss f f f f ff ff ff ff fff fff fff fff Day 2 gardening gardened limitation actual gardener limited limiting actually Day 3 I like to go out with Mrs Faulkner to do some gardening. Do you think you would like to be a gardener when you are older? We gardened yesterday; it was hard work digging the soil. There is a limited time to finish our work.

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Page 1: Handwriting and Spelling€¦ · Handwriting and Spelling Year 4 – Week 1 Day 1 c c c c cc cc cc cc ccc ccc ccc ccc a a a a aa aa aa aa aaa aaa aaa aaa d d d d dd dd dd dd ddd ddd

Handwriting and Spelling

Year 4 – Week 1 Day 1

c c c c cc cc cc cc ccc ccc ccc ccc

a a a a aa aa aa aa aaa aaa aaa aaa

d d d d dd dd dd dd ddd ddd ddd ddd

g g g g gg gg gg gg ggg ggg ggg ggg

q q q q qq qq qq qq qqq qqq qqq qqq Day 2

forgetting beginning prefer accident

forgotten beginner preferred accidently

Day 3

I keep forgetting my P.E. kit.

Today I have forgotten my reading book.

We are at the beginning of a new year and I’m quite excited.

I am a beginner at swimming, but I will improve.

Day 4

Do you prefer red or blue?

My preferred sport is tennis although I do like football.

If you continue to swing on your chair you are likely to have an accident.

I accidently hit my brother when I was swinging my arms about.

Year 4 – Week 2

Day 1

o o o o oo oo oo oo ooo ooo ooo ooo

e e e e ee ee ee ee eee eee eee eee

s s s s ss ss ss ss sss sss sss sss

f f f f ff ff ff ff fff fff fff fff Day 2

gardening gardened limitation actual

gardener limited limiting actually

Day 3

I like to go out with Mrs Faulkner to do some gardening.

Do you think you would like to be a gardener when you are older?

We gardened yesterday; it was hard work digging the soil.

There is a limited time to finish our work.

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Day 4

There is no limitation to what you can achieve if you just put your mind to it.

I am limiting myself to half an hour on my X box after school while the weather is good.

The actual cost of the toy was less than the ticket said.

I actually quite like vegetables.

Year 4 – Week 3

Day 1

l l l l ll ll ll ll lll lll lll lll

i i i i ii ii ii ii iii iii iii iii

u u u u uu uu uu uu uuu uuu uuu uuu

t t t t tt tt tt tt ttt ttt ttt ttt

y y y y yy yy yy yy yyy yyy yyy yyy Day 2

myth Egypt mystery address

gym pyramid mysterious answer

Day 3

My favourite myth is about Pegasus a winged horse.

Some people go to the gym to get fit.

In Ancient Egypt the ruler was called the Pharaoh.

The pharaoh would have a special pyramid built to be buried in.

Day 4

It is a mystery where that cake has gone

There was a mysterious bump in the night.

Our school address is North Mead Academy, Leicester.

I was able to answer all my maths questions correctly.

Year 4 – Week 4

Day 1

r r r r rr rr rr rr rrr rrr rrr rrr

n n n n nn nn nn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn

m m m m mm mm mm mm mmm mmm mmm mmm

h h h h hh hh hh hh hhh hhh hhh hhh Day 2

young double country appear

touch trouble county arrive

Day 3

A young dog is called a puppy.

Do not touch things which do not belong to you.

If I double 4, I will get 8.

I will be in trouble if I forget my PE kit again.

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Day 4

The country we live in is England.

The county we live in is Leicestershire.

I appear to have arrived at school too early, I cannot get in.

If you arrive before 8:40 you can go and have breakfast.

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Year 4 – Week 5 Day 1

b b b b bb bb bb bb bbb bbb bbb bbb

k k k k kk kk kk kk kkk kkk kkk kkk

p p p p pp pp pp pp ppp ppp ppp ppp Day 2

disappointment disobey mislead believe

disagree misbehave misspell bicycle

Day 3

It was a huge disappointment when we couldn’t go outside because it was raining too fast.

I would only disagree with someone if I was 100% certain I was right.

If I disobey my parents, I am not allowed to use my tablet for a whole week!

If we misbehave in class, we miss play time.

Day 4

It is wrong to give someone incorrect information to mislead them.

It would be silly to misspell this word.

I believe I am doing the very best that I can.

We can ride a bicycle to school but must wheel it in the playground.

Year 4 – Week 6

Day 1

z z z z zz zz zz zz zzz zzz zzz zzz

x x x x xx xx xx xx xxx xxx xxx xxx

v v v v vv vv vv vv vvv vvv vvv vvv

w w w w ww ww ww ww www www www www

y y y y yy yy yy yy yyy yyy yyy yyy Day 2

inactive incredible illegible breathe

incorrect illegal illiterate breath

Day 3

To get healthy we must be active not inactive.

It is incorrect to use speech marks in a speech bubble.

We are going to do some incredible work before Christmas.

It is illegal to play X box games that are 18 when you are only 9.

Day 4

My handwriting was illegible but now it can be read more easily.

Someone who is illiterate cannot read.

A fish can breathe underwater, but we can’t.

If you try to take a breath underwater you will swallow water.

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Year 4 – Week 7 Day 1

c cc ccc cccc cat cap cot cod

a aa aaa aaaa ant act amp apt

d dd ddd ddd dog dip dig den

g gg ggg gggg gap get gob got

q qq qqq qqqq quad quit quiet quite Day 2

immature impossible irrelevant build

immortal irregular irresponsible business

Day 3

My brother does not act his age, he is quite immature.

If we could live forever, we would be immortal.

It is impossible for some of our class to work silently.

An irregular pentagon still has five sides.

Day 4

Some children think coming to school is irrelevant.

It is irresponsible to leave your toys out in the rain.

I like to build megastructures with Lego.

I must learn to mind my own business and not listen to other people’s conversations.

Year 4 – Week 8 Day 1

o oo ooo ooo oat oak opt out

e ee eee eeee ear eat ere ewe

s ss sss ssss sat sun son sit

f ff fff ffff fob fat fit fab Day 2

redo return submarine busy

refresh subheading submerge calendar

Day 3

If my handwriting is not neat, I will have to redo my work.

I need to refresh my memory on some of my tables.

Don’t forget to return your reading book to the right place.

We include a subheading when we are writing a report.

Day 4

A submarine has gone down to more than 35,000 metres.

When a submarine wants to submerge it has to fill its tanks with water.

I will be too busy riding my bike to read my book tonight.

My calendar has a different unicorn for each month of the year.

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Year 4 – Week 9 Day 1

l ll lll llll lit lip lad lid

i ii iii iiii ice iced into igloo

u uu uuu uuuu undo bun run pun

t tt ttt tttt tat tap top tip

y yy yyy yyyy you yew yoyo yeah Day 2

interact interrelated superman caught

international supermarket superstar centre

Day 3

My baby sister is beginning to interact with us, she looks and smiles.

We are contacting a school in Nepal on an international schools’ programme.

Your mood and whether you ate breakfast this morning might be interrelated.

Sainsbury’s supermarket has bright orange bags.

Day 4

Superman wears his pants on the outside.

I am going to be a TT rock star superstar.

When Tim threw the ball to me, I caught it in one hand.

I love chocolates with a caramel centre.

Year 4 – Week 10

Day 1

r rr rrr rrrr red rod rip rap

n nn nnn nnnn nip nap nit not

m mm mmm mmm mid map mop mud

h hh hhh hhhh hip hop had hid Day 2

autobiography antisocial autograph century

anticlockwise automobile antiseptic certain

Day 3

An autobiography is written by an author about themselves.

If your clock hands go anticlockwise, you need to get it fixed.

It is antisocial behaviour to disturb your neighbours.

An automobile is another word for a car.

Day 4

My autograph book has been signed by lots of famous people.

Mum put antiseptic on my cut, and it stung.

The batsman was on 99, he only needed one more run for his first century.

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I am certain I have got 10 out of 10 in my test.

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Year 4 – Week 11 Day 1

b bb bbb bbbb bit but bop bet

k kk kkk kkkk kit kip kin kid

p pp ppp pppp pop pip pod pad Day 2

information sensation admiration circle

adoration preparation inspiration complete

Day 3

I like finding information about our topic work using the internet.

The adoration of the magi is a famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci.

I have a prickly sensation in my feet because I have been sitting on them.

I have chopped up some vegetables in preparation for making soup.

Day 4

I am full of admiration for anyone who can run more than a mile.

Queen Elizabeth II is an inspiration to all her people.

It is difficult to draw a circle freehand.

I will complete all of my work before I go out to play.

Year 4 – Week 12

Day 1

z zz zzz zzzz zed zip zap zag

x xx xxx xxxx ex axis axe ox

v vv vvv vvvv van vat vet vex

w ww www wwww wad web wag war

y yy yyy yyyy yep yap you yes Day 2

sadly usually comically consider

completely finally suddenly continue

Day 3

My friend is leaving and will be sadly missed.

It is completely wrong to be cheeky to your teacher.

I usually have toast for my breakfast.

I have finally finished my reading book.

Day 4

James walked across the room comically, we all laughed.

The music suddenly got louder, and we all jumped.

I consider Ellen and Mary to be my best friends.

I want to continue reading books by Roald Dahl.

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Year 4 – Week 13 Day 1

cc ccc cocoa occur accept

aa aaa naan aargh bazaar

dd ddd add buddy daddy

gg ggg baggy beggar dagger

qq qqq quick quack quibble Day 2

happily gently frantically decide

angrily simply dramatically describe

Day 3

I came to school very happily this morning.

My mother picked up the pieces of the broken pot angrily, it was her favourite one.

I gently wiped the tears away from my baby’s cheek.

I was able to explain the problem to my friend quite simply.

Day 4

Joe waved his arms frantically for me to pass him the ball.

Matthew fell over dramatically when he mis kicked the ball.

I need to decide which after school club to go to on Tuesday.

Can you describe how you come to school?

Year 4 – Week 14

Day 1

oo ooo boot doodle balloon

ee eee feet beet heel

ss sss doss hiss pass

ff fff affect baffle muffle Day 2

pleasure furniture nature different

enclosure picture adventure difficult

Day 3

It was a pleasure to go to the park on Saturday.

Buzz and Woody like being outside in their enclosure.

The furniture in the classroom takes up too much space, we need less tables.

I am going to draw a picture using my new pencils.

Day 4

The colours of nature in Autumn are beautiful bronzes, yellows and reds.

The adventure stories of Harry Potter are very good.

I like different flavours of ice cream, but chocolate is my favourite.

Sometimes I find writing a little bit difficult.

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Year 4 – Week 15 Day 1

ll lll still bill filled walled

ii iii icing invite icicle

uu uuu guru usual duff

tt ttt better bitter litter

yy yyy yoyo shyly yucky Day 2

division confusion collision disappear

invasion decision television early

Day 3

The inverse of division is multiplication.

William the Conqueror led the Norman invasion of Britain in 1066.

There was some confusion about the dates for our holiday.

The decision was made to have sausages for tea instead of pizza.

Day 4

The two cars that were involved in the collision at the lights are now in the garage.

My favourite programme on the television is Newsround.

The magician made the rabbit disappear.

The early morning is a good time to listen to birdsong.

Year 4 – Week 16

Day 1

rr rrr barred stirred carried

nn nnn banned annoy dinner

mm mmm mummy comma rammed

hh hhh hah high hip-hop Day 2

poisonous mountainous tremendous earth

dangerous famous glamorous eight

Day 3

The most poisonous snake is the Inland taipan.

Do you think a bear is more dangerous than a lion?

It is very mountainous in parts of Scotland.

Leicester City were famous for winning the league in 2016.

Day 4

I had a tremendous time at my friend’s party.

The girls looked very glamorous in their party dresses.

Venus is the planet between earth and the sun.

We thought there were eight planets but now astronomers think there are more.

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Year 4 – Week 17 Day 1

bb bbb robber bobble cobble

kk kkk kick kicked kicking

pp ppp popped dropped stopped Day 2

courageous serious hideous eighth

outrageous obvious curious enough

Day 3

Oliver was very courageous when he fell and broke his leg.

The cost of a visit to a theme park is outrageous for a family.

It seems to me that some people are far too serious about football.

It is obvious to me that Leicester City have been a good football team.

Day 4

The scar on the zombie’s face was hideous.

Isn’t it curious how some twins are identical, and some aren’t?

Neptune is the eighth planet from the sun.

I have had enough chocolate for one day I think.

Year 4 – Week 18

Day 1

zz zzz grizzle fizzle drizzle

xx xxx boxes oxygen exciting

vv vvv revved savvy divvy

ww www wow wowed glow-worm

yy yyy yay slyly flyby Day 2

intervention action discussion exercise

injection expression confession experience

Day 3

An intervention group in phonics has helped me with my spelling.

I didn’t cry when I had my MMR injection.

I am going to take action and finish my homework.

He had such a strange expression on his face it made me laugh.

Day 4

We will have a discussion about whether we should stop using plastic straws.

I have a confession to make, I ate the last chocolate.

When we do the mile, we are getting our exercise for the day.

In my experience, it is a good idea to listen to your teacher.

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Year 4 – Week 19 Day 1

The cheating cat cheated.

The ant ate an apple.

The dog dug a ditch.

Green grapes and great.

The quiet quail quit. Day 2

expansion tension politician experiment

extension musician mathematician extreme

Day 3

The expansion of our Academy Trust means that there are now seven primary schools in it.

Our house extension means we will have a bigger kitchen and a new bedroom.

There has been some tension between me and Fran, but we are now friends again.

The musician played the guitar magnificently.

Day 4

My dad says you can never trust a politician.

I am becoming a very able mathematician.

We worked on an experiment in Science and found some strange results.

The extreme weather in the summer meant that the temperature got up to 36 degrees at one time.

Year 4 – Week 20

Day 1

The odd owl opened his eyes.

The excited elephant liked to eat.

A slippery snake slithered.

The fragile frog fainted. Day 2

scheme chemist character famous

chorus echo choral favourite

Day 3

I like the colour scheme of black and white.

The chorus of three little birds is quite repetitive.

We need to ask the chemist if she can recommend something to stop my hay fever.

If you shout loudly in a cave you can hear an echo coming back to you.

Day 4

My favourite book character is Harry Potter.

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A choral work is for a choir or a chorus.

A famous choral work is The Messiah by Handel.

My favourite football team is Leicester City.

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Year 4 – Week 21 Day 1

I like lovely lollipops.

The icy icicle was incredible.

Unusual umbrellas undo.

The tiny tiger tripped.

The yacht was yellow and yukky. Day 2

chef machine parachute February

chalet brochure moustache forward

Day 3

The chef made an amazing roast dinner.

The beach chalet was painted beautifully with colourful stripes.

A trip in a time machine would be an amazing adventure.

The colourful brochure made me want to buy the toys that were in it.

Day 4

The pilot’s parachute saved his life when he had to eject from his plane.

The Belgian detective Hercule Poirot has a most amazing moustache.

The month after January and before March is February.

A car has 5 or 6 forward gears.

Year 4 – Week 22

Day 1

The red robot roared.

The new newt was nice.

My mum met a mouse.

A happy horse hopped. Day 2

league antique analogue fruit

tongue unique colleague grammar

Day 3

Leicester City are in the Premier league.

The tongue is such an important part of the body, but such enormous harm can be done by it.

Grandma’s antique clock is worth a lot of money.

Being unique means there is no one else quite like me.

Day 4

I can tell the time on an analogue clock when the hands are at o’clock and half past..

My colleague and I work very well together.

Which fruit do you prefer, oranges or apples?

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During grammar lessons we learn about nouns, adjectives and other word types.

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Year 4 – Week 23 Day 1

A big ball bounced.

A kangaroo kicked a kind kid.

Purple people played pool. Day 2

science discipline crescent group

scene fascinate scenery guard

Day 3

In our science investigations we learn to study the natural world.

In a scene from Harry Potter he learns to play Quidditch.

Good discipline means that we learn how to behave.

Lots of facts fascinate me.

Day 4

The crescent moon is a powerful symbol of Islam.

Mr Jordan makes fantastic scenery for Year 6’s end of year productions.

My group worked co operatively on our role play about The Lion King.

They’re changing guard at Buckingham Palace, Christopher Robin went down with Alice.

Year 4 – Week 24

Day 1

The zebra zig-zagged.

The excited ox exited.

The vile vase was very ugly.

The worried woman wailed.

The yappy youth played with his yoyo. Day 2

vein eight they guide

weigh neighbour obey heard

Day 3

The largest vein in the body carries blood from the lower part of the body to the heart.

I must weigh my ingredients carefully for my cake.

Scientists now believe there are eight planets in our solar system, or maybe nine.

My neighbour looks after our cat when we go on holiday.

Day 4

Why are they talking about me? I thought they were my friends.

We should obey our parents and do as they ask.

The guide book for Leicester tells us about interesting sights and places to visit.

I have heard that my best friend is going to a new school.

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Year 4 – Week 25 Day 1





Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Day 2

girls' babies' men's heart

boys' children's women's height

Day 3

The girls' uniforms are looking very neat and tidy.

The boys' uniforms are also looking very neat and tidy.

The babies' bottles are warming ready for them to be fed.

The children's books have had new labels put on them.

Day 4

The men's beards have grown too long and need tidying up.

The women's bags were just dumped in a heap in the corner.

My heart was beating so fast because I had just run round the field.

Our height is measured in metres.

Year 4 – Week 26

Day 1




F F F F F F F F Day 2

accept affect ball history

except effect bawl imagine

Day 3

I would like you to accept my thanks for helping me out.

There is a spelling rule that says ‘i before e except after c’, but it is not always true.

Your mood can affect the people around you, try to be positive.

Putting a coloured filter over the lens of a camera can make a special effect.

Day 4

We like to take a ball out at playtime to kick around.

The sad film made me bawl my eyes out.

The history of the UK is very interesting.

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Can you imagine being around at the same time as the dinosaurs? It would be awesome.

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Year 4 – Week 27 Day 1





Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Day 2

berry brake fair increase

bury break fare important

Day 3

Do you like a fruit berry cooler?

The dog likes to bury his bone in the garden.

The front brake on my bike is too fierce and it made me go over the handlebars.

My Grandma will be very upset if I break another of her vases.

Day 4

It is only fair if we share the best footballers equally between the two teams.

The bus fare into town is quite reasonable.

My height will increase this year, I wonder how tall I’ll be at the end of the year?

This is an important message, how we should behave at school.

Year 4 – Week 28

Day 1




H H H H H H H H Day 2

groan here knot interest

grown hear not island

Day 3

Dad let out a large groan because he had eaten too much pizza.

I have grown more than 5cm since Christmas.

Bring your books to me over here please.

I hear you. “Yes, we can go out on the field today”.

Day 4

My sister’s hair is so long it got tangled in a knot when the wind blew.

I am not going to misbehave in class anymore.

I am beginning to develop an interest in cars.

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The pirates buried their treasure on the mysterious island

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Year 4 – Week 29 Day 1



P P P P P P P P Day 2

he'll heal reign knowledge

heel rain rein learn

Day 3

If he doesn’t get his own way, he'll scream the place down.

The rubber heel on my boot helps me keep my balance on the ice.

The doctor will be able to heal my earache.

It looks like rain; I must take an umbrella out with me.

Day 4

Queen Elizabeth II has had the longest reign of any British Monarch.

The rider on the horse uses a rein to control it.

My knowledge of the rules of cricket is quite hazy.

I can learn the rules of cricket for when I play.

Year 4 – Week 30

Day 1





Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Day 2

mail main meat length

male mane meet library

Day 3

The mail is delivered to my house about 10 o’clock in the morning.

A male sheep is called a ram.

The main course of a meal is usually the largest.

The horse’s mane looked magnificent when it was brushed.

Day 4

My favourite meat is chicken, but I do like beef sometimes.

I arranged to meet my friends in the park after school.

The length of a football pitch must be between 90 metres and 120 metres.

The library has some exciting books we may borrow.