haneda airport reception counter...haneda airport reception counter Ú > ² h - 4 z q | ¹ &...

ਸ਼ॱشॼঝ Terminal1 মఫ૬؞মॺছথ५ड़ش३কথఫ૬؞५ढ़ঐش؞५ॱشইছখ شJapan Airlines, Japan Transocean Air, SKYMARK, STARFLYER વक़থงାઠҩपงା Arrival at South Wing Arrival Gate 1,2 વक़থงାઠҩपงା Arrival at South Wing Arrival Gate 3,4 ਨक़থงାઠҩपงା Arrival at North Wing Arrival Gate 5,6 ਨक़থงାઠҩपงା Arrival at North Wing Arrival Gate 7,8 ਸ਼ॱشॼঝ Terminal2 $1$؞ग़ॻ؞९ছ३ॻग़؞५ॱشইছখ شANA, AIRDO, Solaseed Air, STARFLYER งାઠҩҩपงା Arrival at Arrival Gate 1,2,3 งାઠҩҩपงା Arrival at Arrival Gate 4,5,6 বॱشॼঝ International Terminal বदงା Arrival at International Terminal ढ़क़থॱشपथਭહଛಶपथಭি૬षउଛॉःञखऽघ ؛ଛಶभਚਏৎमীங২दःऽघऋଡ଼হੲपॉऔपৎऋऊऊॊ ॉऽघभदीओവഅऎटऔः ؛After making a reservation at reception counter,we will take you to Haneda Airport Shop by our pick-up car. Pick-up car usually takes about 15 minutes to the shop(depending on the traffic situation). ढ़क़থॱشषभନमदऌऽच؛भନमಭি૬ନढ़क़থॱشषउःಱखऽघ ؛ਢऌಭি૬ॱشॼঝषଛಶपथउଛॉःञखऽघ ؛ଛಶभਚਏৎमীங২दःऽघऋଡ଼হੲपॉऔपৎऋऊऊॊ ॉऽघभदीओവഅऎटऔः ؛Please return your car to the Haneda Airport Return Shop, not to Haneda Airport. We again take you to each Terminals by our pick-up car from the shop. Pick-up car usually takes about 15 minutes to the shop(depending on the traffic situation). ਠಭি૬বॱشॼঝఢఈदଡ଼হऋষॎोथःऽघ؛जभञीമ؞ଜরप ଡ଼ऋেखଛಶपৎऋऊऊढथउॉऽघ؛ीओവഅःञटऎधपउৎपमඥ ढथओਹ৷ःञटऎउःःञखऽघ ؛Currently, the roads near Terminal of international airlies are under construction. Due to the construction, pick-up takes more time than necessary at evening or weekends. Please take more time to be in time. ؼؼؼؼؼؼؼؼؼؼؼ3 3 ؼؼؼؼؼؼؼؼؼؼؼ ؼؼؼؼؼؼؼؼؼؼؼ3 3 ؼؼؼؼؼؼؼؼؼؼؼ ؼؼؼؼؼؼؼؼؼؼؼ፶ဋᆰลᆰลӖ˄ỽỸὅἑὊỉắకϋ HANEDA AIRPORT؟RECEPTION COUNTER งାলઠऊभঝشॺઌહऌदओ੧ःञखऽघ ؛งାऔोञলઠ৭උखथऎटऔः ؛Here are the routes with pictures to the counter. Please select your arrival exits. 3 ؼؼؼؼؼؼؼؼؼؼؼ ؼؼؼؼؼؼؼؼؼؼؼ3 3 3

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Post on 05-Jul-2020




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Page 1: HANEDA AIRPORT RECEPTION COUNTER...HANEDA AIRPORT RECEPTION COUNTER Ú > ² H - 4 z Q | ¹ & g Ô = > K ² Q í % Here are the routes with pictures to the counter. Please select your


Japan Airlines, Japan Transocean Air, SKYMARK, STARFLYER

Arrival at South Wing Arrival Gate 1,2

Arrival at South Wing Arrival Gate 3,4

Arrival at North Wing Arrival Gate 5,6

Arrival at North Wing Arrival Gate 7,8



Arrival at Arrival Gate 1,2,3

Arrival at Arrival Gate 4,5,6

International Terminal

Arrival at International Terminal

After making a reservation at reception counter,we will take you to Haneda Airport Shopby our pick-up car.Pick-up car usually takes about 15 minutes to the shop(depending on the traffic situation).

Please return your car to the Haneda Airport Return Shop, not to Haneda Airport.We again take you to each Terminals by our pick-up car from the shop.Pick-up car usually takes about 15 minutes to the shop(depending on the traffic situation).

Currently, the roads near Terminal of international airlies are under construction.Due to the construction, pick-up takes more time than necessary at evening or weekends.Please take more time to be in time.


Here are the routes with pictures to the counter. Please select your arrival exits.

Page 2: HANEDA AIRPORT RECEPTION COUNTER...HANEDA AIRPORT RECEPTION COUNTER Ú > ² H - 4 z Q | ¹ & g Ô = > K ² Q í % Here are the routes with pictures to the counter. Please select your
Page 3: HANEDA AIRPORT RECEPTION COUNTER...HANEDA AIRPORT RECEPTION COUNTER Ú > ² H - 4 z Q | ¹ & g Ô = > K ² Q í % Here are the routes with pictures to the counter. Please select your
Page 4: HANEDA AIRPORT RECEPTION COUNTER...HANEDA AIRPORT RECEPTION COUNTER Ú > ² H - 4 z Q | ¹ & g Ô = > K ² Q í % Here are the routes with pictures to the counter. Please select your
Page 5: HANEDA AIRPORT RECEPTION COUNTER...HANEDA AIRPORT RECEPTION COUNTER Ú > ² H - 4 z Q | ¹ & g Ô = > K ² Q í % Here are the routes with pictures to the counter. Please select your
Page 6: HANEDA AIRPORT RECEPTION COUNTER...HANEDA AIRPORT RECEPTION COUNTER Ú > ² H - 4 z Q | ¹ & g Ô = > K ² Q í % Here are the routes with pictures to the counter. Please select your
Page 7: HANEDA AIRPORT RECEPTION COUNTER...HANEDA AIRPORT RECEPTION COUNTER Ú > ² H - 4 z Q | ¹ & g Ô = > K ² Q í % Here are the routes with pictures to the counter. Please select your
Page 8: HANEDA AIRPORT RECEPTION COUNTER...HANEDA AIRPORT RECEPTION COUNTER Ú > ² H - 4 z Q | ¹ & g Ô = > K ² Q í % Here are the routes with pictures to the counter. Please select your
Page 9: HANEDA AIRPORT RECEPTION COUNTER...HANEDA AIRPORT RECEPTION COUNTER Ú > ² H - 4 z Q | ¹ & g Ô = > K ² Q í % Here are the routes with pictures to the counter. Please select your
Page 10: HANEDA AIRPORT RECEPTION COUNTER...HANEDA AIRPORT RECEPTION COUNTER Ú > ² H - 4 z Q | ¹ & g Ô = > K ² Q í % Here are the routes with pictures to the counter. Please select your