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Changing hearts, lives and nations

Our History

Capitol Commission began in 2009 with a burden to reach a highly select, fundamentally influential and Biblically commended people group – our nation’s leaders. Having spent years praying for and standing with government leaders, Jim Young, our president until 2017, and Brad Harbaugh, our current president, have seen the toll it takes on a person dedicated to representing the citizenry. Time away from family, long hours of study on complicated bills, wrestling with the right decision, committee and constituent meetings, knowing when compromise is necessary and when one must stand his ground - these are only a few of the costs paid by our servant leaders.

Certainly, some of them are followers of Christ. But many are not. Many do not know His saving grace, nor have any idea how they are called to govern as God’s chosen ministers. Their hearts are hardened, and yet some are searching for truth. Our State Ministers are present to proclaim it. They walk the halls of governance, stopping in these people’s offices giving them copies of Bible studies and offering to pray for any needs they share. Our men and women are there when the inevitable pressures of law-making arise. They are there to be the presence of Christ.

But we’re only about half way there. We have State Ministers embedded in 23 of our 50 states. We are pray-ing the Lord will raise up 27 more and, in God’s time, 2 additional State Ministers for our Nation’s capitol.

That’s why we’ve embarked on an ambitious campaign to ultimately expand our presence to all fifty capitol communities, in addition to our Nation’s capitol. That’s our desire, to see the gospel change the lives of thou-sands of legislators and government workers. We understand the enemy prowls about like a roaring lion spewing his lies into these dear hearts, telling them to succeed they need to shelve morality and decency in exchange for political expediency, popularity, power and position. Our heart’s desire is for these leaders to come to faith, believe the gospel and, by the power of the Holy Spirit, seek to govern righteously, all for God’s glory.

Dick Harris, Chairman of the Board of Directors

Capitol Commission Gathering

Indiana State Capitol

2015 PHOTO

1 Corinthians 15:1-5 - Now I would remind you, brothers, of the gospel I preached to you, … For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in ac-cordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accord-ance with the Scriptures ……


In obedience to the Great Commission, a Capitol Commission State Minister’s purpose is to bring honor and glory to Jesus Christ and to further His Kingdom. This is done by: Evangelizing those who have not yet experienced a personal relationship with Jesus

Christ (Romans1:16).

Establishing those who have a desire to grow in their faith and in their knowledge of the Scriptures (Colossians 2:6-7).

Equipping those who have been called to spiritual leadership (Ephesians 4:11-12).

Encouraging and Enabling the Church to participate in the process with us (1Timothy 2:1-4).

Enlisting individuals, businesses and churches to become strategic prayer and finan-cial partners (2Corinthians 8:3-6).

Engaging those who desire to participate in the ministry by offering their time and talents (Matthew 25:20).

Entreating God to bless all facets of the ministry as we look to Him for wisdom, guidance and ways to bring Him glory (1Chronicles 4:10).

Enjoying the opportunity to witness God move in miraculous ways (Psalm 37:4-6).

Michigan State Minister, Scott Hummel, meets with

a legislator to study the Bible.

The Mandate

Ephesians 4:18 - They are darkened in their understanding, alienated from the life of God because of

the ignorance that is in them, due to their hardness of heart.

Capitol Commission’s mandate is not an attempt to influence political decisions, but to faithfully

present the gospel as God’s means of changing hearts.

Through the gospel (Romans 1:16)

hearts are changed (Ezekiel 36:26)

with discipleship (Matthew 28:19-20)

minds are transformed (Romans 12:2)

transformed minds pursue God’s righteousness (Matthew 6:33)

righteousness exalts a nation (Proverbs 14:34)

God’s Kingdom advances (Luke 13:18-19)

God is glorified (John 15:8)

The Method

Provide a pastoral presence in the halls of State Capitol communities.


Provide a faithful Presence,

Boldly Proclaim the gospel

Your partnership with Capitol Commission will

help unleash the power of the gospel into the

halls of every center of power in the United

States. And one day, as God provides, into the

power centers of nations. Please join our


To God be the glory!

Dr. Brad Harbaugh, President and National Minister

Jim Young—President Emeritus

www.capitolcom.org 919-803-4646

2600 Fairview Road, Suite 200 Raleigh, NC 27608

ENDORSEMENTS When I was a state senator in NC we met on Wednesday mornings for Bible Study and then once a month for a Prayer Breakfast. The Bible studies were

extremely important to me and to those who attended because they gave us a grounding in the middle of the week that was very, very important to us. I want to commend Capitol Commission for its work in branching out across the Unit-

ed States to offer this wonderful ministry to elected officials in State Capitols.

United States House of Representatives Congresswoman Virginia Foxx

In our world, bringing the transforming influence of the gospel into the halls of power is no small thing. Especially in a political environment where chaos, rivalry and tactics of revenge hamper officials to do their work of bringing peace, safety and security to their citizens. Ultimately, the only way to bring effective change is by changing the lives of our leaders and supporting the officials that lead in the ways of Jesus. Thankfully the ministry of Capitol Commission is busy about changing our political climate, one life at a time! I'm a raving fan! President, Cornerstone University Dr. Joe Stowell

Scripture tells us to pray for our leaders and those in authority over us. In fact, the Apostle Paul goes even further to say that our prayers should be evangelistic because God our Savior desires all men to be saved and come to the knowledge

of the truth. If we are responsible to pray for the salvation and sanctification of our leaders, it follows that we should be engaged in every effort possible to im-pact them for the gospel. Capitol Commission does just that by placing trained men of God in the state capitols to be effective evangelists and edifiers. We at

Grace Community Church wholeheartedly endorse this effort.

Pastor Grace Community Church Dr. John MacArthur

Capitol Commission shares with government leaders and legislators of every political persuasion the love of God as proclaimed through the Gospel of Jesus Christ, challenging them to live a transformed life personally and professionally that is founded on Biblical truth. I commend this strategic and vital ministry to you. President – AnGel Ministries Anne Graham Lotz

Capitol Commission’s ministry in the CA State Capitol is absolutely necessary. As a former legislator, I know that the halls and offices of the Capitol can be the loneliest places around. Legislators often don’t share their pains or personal crisis because of fear. Pastor Frank Erb lets them know that Jesus is listening and loves them. The weekly Bible study offers legislators and staff a break from politics and an opportunity to focus on the eternal. I encourage everyone to support this ministry with their prayers and their resources. Senator Bill Leonard—CA

Believing that the Gospel is non-partisan, and needed by all, Capitol Commission has the vision of sharing the good news with all who are in government, no matter their political affiliation. Great idea!

And Biblical!

The Moody Church, Chicago Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer—Senior Pastor

Few doors have seen God open with more clarity of purpose and opportunity for im-pact than Capitol Commission. While God has ordained men and women to serve in our government's legislative branch, He has brought our leaders an opportunity for discipleship, prayer, and most importantly study of God's Word. Further, through Capitol Commission, every legislator can be covered in prayer, by name, through an organized daily prayer effort using the prayer ministry of thousands of concerned be-lievers. This significant ministry is not Republican, Democrat, Independent, nor ori-ented with any political party. We all praise God, and His Word is clear...He did not come to take sides, He came to take over! I heartily commend this ministry! Former President, Baptist State Convention of North Carolina Dr. Mark Harris

“I’m grateful for the work the Capitol Commission is doing to share the gospel with those who serve in our nation’s state capitols. As someone who has always taken an interest in the intersection of faith and politics, it’s encouraging to see evangeli-

cal Christians laboring among lobbyists and lawmakers of both parties that they might hear of Christ, believe in Christ, and be built up in Christ.”

Senior Pastor, Christ Covenant Church (Matthews, NC)

Kevin DeYoung

Capitol Commission provides Christian legislators like me with a theologically sound outlet to explore our faith in the context of our political service to our states and nation. Too many in today’s secularizing world would have us put our ‘faith in a box’ only on Sunday mornings. Brent, in a non-political way provides much needed reassurance that we can live our faith in the way that Jesus Christ taught us, while still participating in the political process. I am very grateful for this important work. Governor’s Chief of Staff, Chris Shank—MD

I participated in the Capitol Commission Bible Study for the past four years. It is a time of encouragement and biblical challenge that has helped me grow spiritually. I have found that the members who participate have a kinship that extends outside the walls of the study, offering support to one another during difficult times. I find this study to be priceless and one that I am thankful to be a part of each week. Representative Donna Oberlander—PA

“In this ideologically divided country in which we live, many people believe that one party is more in align-ment with Christian beliefs. However, Steve Weaver does a particularly good job of facilitating discussions where legislators of all parties come together in Christ and put aside party affiliations. It is very encouraging to see and be a part of, and I thank Steve for all his hard work.” Senator Julian Carroll, former Governor of Kentucky

Capitol Commission is moving forward with a plan to reach our nation’s leaders with the gospel, disciple them

and train them to be involved in the work of the Kingdom. Many lives are dependent on it.

We need you! and are asking for your prayers, your involvement and your financial investment. Your partner-

ship is critical if we are to reach and disciple government leaders and workers throughout our nation.

With your help, we will expand into additional states and inform others across this nation of this critical need!


Field Development

Recruit, Train, Launch State Ministers

Establish State Ministers


Radio / Media Development



Legislative Conferences


Leadership Conferences


Church Conferences

National Conference of State Legislatures


Establish a Development Team

2018 2019 2020




We thank God for you and for your careful consideration of this significant ministry! Together

let us build reliance upon the Lord into our nation’s leaders! Should you decide to make a

contribution, please go online to www.capitolcom.org/donate and select “National/

Expansion“ under “Choose an Active State Ministry.” Or you can mail your contribution to

Capitol Commission, 2600 Fairview Road, Suite 200, Raleigh, NC 27608.

For His Glory!

Dr. Brad Harbaugh, President and National Minister



Current events have struck a nerve in our nation. America is shouting out like never before for an-swers and solutions. Young and old are awakened to the pain caused by a fallen society. They search for and are presented more often than not with solutions that address the symptom but not the cure. Worse than that, the problem usually has many facets, but often the believed answer is simplistic or one action. Today, most often the pressure to “fix” the problem falls heavily on our political leaders. In the midst of the political leaders is our Capitol Commission Ministers serving at nearly half of our State Capitols. These ministers are teaching truth in expositional Bible studies, giving seminars on what God says about sexual harassment and giving God’s answers to why bad things happen to good people. They meet with governors and legislators to pray and give personal care. These men are chaplains in a market-place that sits against the frontal assault of God’s enemy, ministering to people heavily burdened. Satan is attacking God’s institutions, establishing strongholds and pretentious arguments that seem sensi-ble but fall short of the cure. The fact of the matter is this; government, the church, the family, and mar-riage are institutions that the Lord God established to organize civilization in His created world. C.S. Lewis stated it well, “Hell is a non-society.” The enemy is at work to create confusion in marriage, family, church and government. The battle for reliance on the God who established order is being fought every day. Our nation, as never before, stands at the crossroads of “IN GOD WE TRUST.” It is far more than what is printed on our currency, it is about our inner most reliance on God in this nation. This is why it is so im-portant to reach leaders and disciple them. A leader who leads for God’s sake makes decisions based upon the wisdom of the One who created order. It is our calling and quest in Capitol Commission to call all of our leaders to be what God has called them to be. The nerve to see God’s existence and to establish in our country His values and wisdom is screaming out in our nation. As Jesus spoke of the very rocks crying out, so our innermost cry is for the wisdom of the Wonderful Counselor and the exciting news is that the Lord offers far more than a “walk the line” set of rules. He offers grace. It is grace that sets apart the God of the Bible from all other gods, who are really no gods at all. Forgiveness and grace is a welcome relief to a society that struggles to cope with people that do bad things. How encouraging to know and share with others the good news, God forgives. God re-stores. Do you want to make a difference? Help us plant State Ministers in the remaining Capitals of our coun-try. This is front line work. The time to address the pain is now. Capitol Commission stands unique as non-political and non-lobbying ministers in the Capitol communities of our nation. We have a desire to add four new states this year, and I believe God will help us with this quest. Will you join with me in prayer for this and for our nation? Do you have the nerve to focus on the long term solution? Our men focus on presence, proclamation and prayer. Let us all work to that end bringing the presence of Christ into our circles of life. Let us all pro-claim to those around us the cure for man’s fallen condition that is found only in Christ. Let us pray for those in authority over us according to the priority command given to us in I Timothy 2:1. Let us address this nerve pain with nerve ourselves! God is calling you and me to live Christ out loud in our nation!

Let’s focus on the cure!

“For Such A Time As This” Dr. Brad Harbaugh

President, Capitol Commission and National Minister

“And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place.” “But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its be-half, for in its welfare you will find your welfare.” “First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior.”

Acts 17:26

Jerimiah 29:7

1 Timothy 2:1-3