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Julie e Duncan

Copyright © 2014 Julie e Duncan

All rights reserved.

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Chapter 1

I didn’t believe in love at first sight until the day I met Dr Hank Wilson. I wasn’tlooking for love. I was just attending a training workshop at Smithtown GeneralHospital. That was all.

Ever since Dave, the love of my life, had died in a horrible car accident many yearsago, I’d pretty much been a full time mom to my beautiful daughter Maddy, and I didn’tdare hope I’d meet anyone like him ever again. I wasn’t even looking. My life was ascomplete as it could be, although I do admit that most evenings I missed the companyof a man. But the man I missed was Dave.

That morning, I was being picked up by Rosy Parker. Rosy worked with me at thetiny Riversleigh Hospital where I had just started work as a part-time nurse. Maddy hadstayed at her best friend’s place for the night, so I didn’t have to worry about getting herready as well. On the dot of six thirty, I heard the crunch of gravel on the lane-way. Ifigured it could only be Rosy at that time of the morning. I took one last look in themirror before I raced down the stairs, grabbed my coat, and flew out the door.

The chill of the early morning air took my breath away. It was still dark, althoughthe faint promise of dawn could be seen across the fields in the distance. Snow hadfallen overnight, and I was very thankful for the efficient heater in Rosy’s nice newSubaru, and very glad we weren’t taking my old Ford Focus.

“Hi there Sarah. How you doin?” Rosy leaned over and helped me remove myjacket before throwing it onto the back seat.

“Cold! But apart from that, great.” I rubbed my arms briskly, buckled up andadjusted the back of the seat. “Thanks for picking me up, Rosy. I really appreciate it.” Iturned and smiled at her.

“My pleasure, Sarah.” She looked down at her fancy reversing camera as she backedthe Subaru up and pointed it back down the lane the way she’d just come. “Have youhad breakfast?” She glanced over at me as she indicated to go left onto the A22.

“I grabbed a bagel, but that’s all I need at the moment.” I looked out the window aswe drove through town. It was just starting to wake up. “How about you?”

“Not really. I don’t usually have breakfast, but I could kill for a coffee,” Rosy said amoment or so later. She had a reputation at work for being the coffee queen, so it wasn’ta surprise when she pulled into Joe’s diner on the edge of town. “Can I get you one too?”

“Yes, that would be lovely, thanks.” I grabbed my purse and handed her a ten dollarbill. “Here, my shout.”

She waved it off. “No, I’ll get this one.” I walked into the diner with her, and we

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She waved it off. “No, I’ll get this one.” I walked into the diner with her, and weordered our coffees.

“So where are you two heading at this time of the morning?” The waitress wasfamiliar, but I couldn’t recall her name.

“We’re off to a Workshop at Smithtown Hospital,” I answered as we took our

steaming hot coffees from her. “It starts at 8.30, so we’re hoping the road will be clearafter that heavy fall last night.” I glanced out the window, but as it wasn’t yet light, therewas little to be seen.

“Just had a truck driver in. He came from that way, I think. Said it was clear, soyou should be right.” We handed her the money, thanked her, and headed back out intothe cold winter morning.

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Chapter 2

Long before we reached the outskirts of Smithtown, I was almost wishing I’d takenmy own car. Not that I didn’t like Rosy. It was just that she didn’t stop chatting thewhole way. By the time we’d arrived, there wasn’t much I didn’t know about her. Themain thing I discovered was that she was on the hunt for a man. She’d recentlyseparated from her partner of several years, and was desperately seeking another. Shecouldn’t understand why I wasn’t.

As well as chatting non stop the whole way, she also had the radio turned up, andmy head was spinning. As we climbed the long winding road to the hospital, I looked outthe window and saw the sun shining on the snow covered mountains in the distance,and I silently thanked God for such a beautiful morning, and also prayed for Maddy.Below, the city was waking up. The drone of the early morning traffic could just beheard over the radio. I tried to block the noise out, and wondered how people evermanaged to live in the city. Noise and bustle everywhere. Not like the peace and quiet ofmy little country town.

Rosy turned the radio off as we entered the car park. I breathed a sigh of relief.

“Thanks for the ride, Rosy.” I reached into the back and grabbed my coat, andquickly put it on as I climbed out of the car. “Do you know where we have to go?” I knewshe’d been here before, whereas it was all new to me.

“Yes. See that building over there?” She pointed to a fairly new three story buildingsitting at the side of the main hospital. “That’s the new training wing, and I think we’reon the second floor.” She pulled her long blond hair over her shoulder to stop it flyingin the wind before lighting up a cigarette. She offered me one but I shook my head andsaid thanks, but no thanks.

We both pulled our jackets tighter as we hurried across the car park to the entranceof the training center. The first thing I noticed was how warm it was inside. And then Inoticed the number of people waiting for the elevator. I suggested we take the stairsrather than waiting, but kicked myself immediately. I’d forgotten that one of the thingsRosy had told me in the car was that she hated exercise.

“It’s okay,” I said. “We can wait for the elevator.” She looked relieved, but when Istarted to look more closely at the other people waiting, a sudden wave of anxiety hitme. Not only was I a country girl, dressed in what I thought was appropriate clothing forthe occasion - my basic uniform of navy slacks and white striped shirt, but this was alsomy very first training session as a qualified nurse. Those around me looked way moresophisticated and experienced, and I felt inadequate before we’d even set foot in theroom.

Rosy seemed oblivious of my anxiety and continued chatting. I just nodded myhead and hoped I gave the right response. We followed the crowd into the elevator for

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head and hoped I gave the right response. We followed the crowd into the elevator forthe twenty second ride to the second floor, and then spilled out into the grandest foyerI’ve ever seen, which just goes to show how rarely I leave Riversleigh. I’m sure the foyerof a hospital training center would be nowhere near as impressive as a foyer in a fancyhotel in the city, but as I’d never been in one, I could only surmise.

“Would you like coffee?” I heard Rosy asking me as I stood there, gaping at mysurroundings. She must have wondered what I was doing.

I quickly pulled myself together. “Yes, that would be lovely, thanks Rosy.” I watchedhow skilfully she handled the coffee machine. Lots of practice, I laughed to myself.

We took our coffees into the training room and took a seat towards the front. Iwould much rather have sat at the back, but Rosy led the way and I didn’t want to makea fuss. There were three rows with six chairs in each, and it seemed they would be filledwith the number of people still mingling around outside.

Moments later, a severe looking woman walked in along with a good looking maledoctor. He immediately caught my attention.

“Good morning to you all, and thank you for coming.” The woman gazed aroundthe room as she spoke. “I’m Dr Andrews, Head of Emergency, and this is Dr Wilson,Deputy Head of Emergency.” He smiled and nodded his head. I couldn’t take my eyesoff him.

“Dr Wilson will be your trainer today. I hope you’ll give him your fullest attentionas he initially explains the changes that have been recently introduced here in theEmergency Department at Smithtown General Hospital. After that, the practical sessionwill begin.” She turned and looked at Dr Wilson. “I’ll now hand over to you,” she said,before looking back at the attendees. “You’ll be in good hands. Have a good day, andthank you once again for attending.” We clapped as she left, and turned our attention tothe handsome Dr Wilson.

I struggled to concentrate on what he was saying. The sparkle in his blue eyes andthe slight huskiness in his voice distracted me immensely. He must be very good at hisjob. He didn’t look old enough to be Deputy Head of Emergency. I was surprisingmyself. I’d never been so mesmerized by a man before. It was like I was under his spell.

My eyes were drawn to the fourth finger on his left hand. It was empty. Against mywill, my heart began to beat faster. As he spoke, his gaze shifted from person to personaround the room, until those hypnotic blue eyes settled on mine. Did I imagine it, or didhe hold his gaze a fraction longer? Why was I even thinking this?

I made myself focus on what he was saying. That’s what I was here for, after all. Bythe time he suggested we take a break, my head was spinning, and I believe I was inlove.

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Chapter 3

“He’s a bit of a dish, isn’t he?” Rosy walked beside me as we made our way to thecoffee machine, chatting away again, and unaware of my current emotional state.

I didn’t trust myself to reply, but knew I had to. “Yes, he’s very good looking,” Imanaged to say without giving myself away. Rosy was at the machine, waiting for hercup to be filled, when the intoxicating smell of aftershave wafted in the air from behindme. I immediately knew it was him.

My heart fluttered. I could almost feel him behind me. I imagined him reaching outand embracing me from behind. Where was this coming from! I tried to snap myselfout of this unusual behavior. Lord, please help me control my mind. I’m so sorry!

I took a deep breath, and moved forward to the coffee machine once Rosy wasfinished. She stopped to speak to Dr Wilson just behind me.

“Hello.” I saw out of the corner of my eye that she’d held out her spare hand for himto shake. She was so forward. I could never do that. “My name is Rosy Parker.”

“Nice to meet you,” I heard him say. “Where are you from, Rosy?”

“Riversleigh General Hospital. You’ve probably never heard of it.” She laughed.“We’re both from there, aren’t we, Sarah?” She nudged me with her elbow. I had nochoice but to turn and look at him otherwise he’d think I was rude. All I could do wasnod as our eyes connected briefly. I quickly turned my head back to the machine, andconcentrated on the job at hand, all the while knowing he was still behind me.

“I’ve never been there,” I heard him say, “but I have heard of it. A beautiful townfrom what I gather.”

“Yes, but it’s quite small. Not like Smithtown.”

Just then, I did the unthinkable, and accidentally knocked the cream jug, splashingcream all over my shirt. Before I knew it, Dr Wilson had grabbed some napkins and washanding them to me.

“Here, let me help you. Sarah, is it?” I looked up into his eyes. He was so close, Ialmost lost myself in the moment.

“Yes. Thank you,” I managed to say as I took the napkins from him and starteddabbing the front of my shirt. He stood there and watched, whilst wiping the table at thesame time. I saw Rosy standing behind him. It looked like she was wanting to help, butthere wasn’t enough room. I was kind of glad.

Once I was sorted and had my coffee cup in my hand, he led me away from the table

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Once I was sorted and had my coffee cup in my hand, he led me away from the tableto the side of the room where the large picture windows offered a breathtaking view ofthe mountains in the distance. We both gazed at the view for a moment, before he brokethe silence. “How have you found the morning so far, Sarah?” He turned and looked atme directly.

“It’s been very interesting.” I wrapped both hands around my cup to steady myself,took a sip of the hot liquid, and hoped he wouldn’t ask specific questions about thecontent of the morning’s session. He had a speckle of gray through his otherwise sandyhair, and his eyes unnerved me. I briefly wondered where Rosy had gone, but realizedshe was probably outside having a cigarette. I’m surprised he couldn’t hear my heartpounding. “I’m looking forward to the practical session.” I turned my head and lookedout the window. I couldn’t trust myself to hold his gaze any longer.

He also turned and looked out the window. He had just taken taking another sip ofcoffee when his beeper went off.

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Chapter 4

Dr Wilson excused himself and replied to the beeper. I watched his face as he spoketo the person on the other end of the line. It was as if he had entered another zone. Andindeed, it was another zone. We were about to find out first hand how a busy emergencydepartment handled a major trauma incident.

He gathered us all together, and began speaking in a loud, clear voice. Everyonestopped what they were doing, and looked at him.

“I hope you’ve all come prepared to work,” he said, running his hands through hishair. “We’re going to need all hands on board. There’s been a major traffic accident intown, and we’ll be receiving at least twenty injured patients in the next few minutes.We’ve called all of our staff in, but until they arrive, and possibly even after they’re here,we’re going to need you all to help.”

There was a general buzz amongst the group as we digested what he’d said. Iwondered if this was just part of the training, and it wasn’t a real situation after all.Either way, we had to get to work. No more time for day dreaming.

We followed Dr Wilson into the Emergency Department and were divided intoteams of three. Maybe it was because I’d had coffee with him and he knew my face, Ireally have no idea, but somehow I ended up being on his team. I didn’t complain. Thethird person was another woman, possibly in her late twenties. She seemed friendlyenough, and we chatted together whilst we waited for the injured to arrive. All the time Ikept an eye on Dr Wilson, who was still organizing the other teams, and hadn’t joined usyet.

She told me her name was Sharon, and that she’d just started work here in theEmergency Department. She was newly married, and she and her husband had movedto Smithtown because of his work.

“I thought I should brush up on my skills as it’s been a while since I worked in anEmergency Department. I wasn’t expecting this though,” she said as she looked around.

I didn’t want to tell her this would be my first experience in Emergency. To say Iwas feeling inadequate and nervous was an understatement. Here I was in a team withthe Deputy Head of Emergency. The man who had captured my heart in one briefmorning, and a bright young nurse. Neither had any idea I didn’t know what I wasdoing.

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Chapter 5

The ominous wail of approaching sirens sent a shiver of dread through my body. Allaround me doctors and nurses were busily preparing for the arrival of the injured.Unsure of what to do, I followed Sharon’s lead, all the while feeling inadequate for thetask at hand. During my short time at Riversleigh Hospital, we’d never had more than acouple of patients in the Emergency Department at one time. However, this is what Iwas trained to do, and now was the time to prove myself. Especially if I wanted toimpress a certain doctor.

Sharon and I worked together to start with, as Dr Wilson was overseeing thearrivals. She obviously knew what she was doing, and I just watched and supported herwhenever I could. My confidence grew with each patient that arrived, and so by the timeDr Wilson joined us, I was actively involved and not embarrassing myself as I thought Imight.

“How are you going, Nurse Richards?”

I hadn’t seen him approach, and jumped nervously as he spoke to me. His use ofmy last name surprised me a little. His voice was gentle and calm, and although he wasobviously under a lot of pressure, he still looked at me for a moment with thoseenthralling eyes of his before returning his attention to the young man he was assessing.

“I think I’m doing okay, thanks. Better than these poor souls.” My heart wasbleeding at the sorry state some of the injured were in, some so horrific they requiredimmediate surgery. Others weren’t expected to make it.

We worked non stop for what seemed hours. It was well past my normal lunch timewhen we were finally able to take a break, but to be honest, I wasn’t all that hungry.Working with such awful injuries had taken away any appetite I might have had. I justneeded some fresh air.

Dr Wilson removed his gloves. He glanced at Sharon and myself and brushed hishands through his hair. “You ladies take a break. I need to discuss a few things with DrAndrews, and then I’ll join you.” He still looked fresh and alert, despite the pressurewe’d all been under over the previous few hours. I certainly didn’t look as good.

“Thanks, Doctor. I think I need a break.” I pulled my shoulders back and rotatedmy head a little. The reality of the trauma we were experiencing had dampened myromantic notions, and placed me back on solid ground. I realized how foolish I’d been toeven contemplate that Dr Wilson was being any more attentive of me than any otherperson there. Besides, images of Dave had been floating through my mind, and I neededsome time alone. I was relieved when Sharon said she also had a few things to attend to.

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I wandered outside on my own. Leaning against a wall, I breathed in the cool freshair and closed my eyes for a moment. It hadn’t been a planned training exercise at all. Ithad been real. So real, I was struggling to deal with those images floating through mymind of the day of Dave’s accident.

I pictured him as one of the patients lying on the trolley being rushed in by theparamedics. Of being assessed, and then being rushed into theater. Of the panic thatwould have erupted when he stopped breathing. Of the defibrillator being applied in anattempt to resuscitate him. Of him being declared dead.

Tears streamed down my cheeks as I relived it. Nine years, and yet I still missedhim so much. I pulled a tissue out of my pocket and wiped my face. I’d blamed God forallowing the accident to happen, and for taking Dave away from me. I was angry, and Ihated Him. I stopped going to church, and for years I was bitter.

It was Maddy who kept me sane through those years. Maddy. A fresh wave of tears

rolled down my cheeks. My heart went out to her. So vibrant and fun loving, but shewould never know the father who loved and wanted her so much. She doesn’t evenremember him.

I dried my tears once again, and looked out into the distant mountains towardsRiversleigh. I was reminded of the incredible love and patience God had showed me. Ididn’t deserve either, but slowly and gently He’d brought me back to Himself. I stilldidn’t understand why Dave had been taken away from me, but I wasn’t angry at Godany longer.

It still hurt. Especially on days like this when it was all brought back. I closed myeyes and took a deep breath. Would I ever be ready to move on, to let go of Dave? Did Ieven want to?

As I stood there silently, I had a feeling God was talking to me. It’s time, Sarah. Lethim go. He’s with me now.

I wiped my face and headed back inside. I was needed here.

“Didn’t you take a break?” I’d quickly hurried over to rejoin Sharon and Dr Wilsonwhen I noticed they were preparing a young woman for surgery.

“A very short one.” The doctor looked up and smiled at me. I thought I’d put himbehind me, especially with those memories of Dave so fresh in my mind, but my bodyseemed to have other ideas. The effect he had on me was not one I could easily control.

The young woman had just been wheeled off to theater, and Sharon had walkedover to the desk, leaving me alone with the doctor for a moment.

“Not many more to go now.You’ve done well, today, Sarah.” His voice was sosincere and gentle, and his eyes so mesmerizing. “You seem to have a gift for making

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sincere and gentle, and his eyes so mesmerizing. “You seem to have a gift for makingpeople feel at ease, even if they’re in pain and distraught. That’s a sign of a good nurse.”He paused and looked at me directly. “And a nice person.”

I couldn’t help myself. I blushed. Heat rose from my neck upwards, and I started toperspire.

He smiled. I think he knew he’d embarrassed me.

“Thank you,” I managed to reply. I looked at the patient being wheeled away to givemyself a moment to recover. I was unsure whether he was flirting with me, or whetherhe was like this with everyone. One thing I knew for sure, my heart was racing and Iwasn’t able to control it.

It threw me even more when he asked if I’d like to go for a drink with him after we’dfinished.

Had I heard right? Dr Wilson was asking me out for a drink? I didn’t even know hisname.

My mind raced. What should I do? Maddy was going home with Hannah, so I didn’tneed to get back for her, but I was getting a lift back with Rosy. Plus, I didn’t know if Iwas really ready for this or not. The words God had spoken to me outside playedthrough my head. Time to move on…

“That would be lovely, but I don’t know that I can.” I looked up into his eyes, andalmost changed my mind. “I came with Rosy, and it’s a long drive back home.” Our eyesremained locked. I don’t think I was imagining the physical undercurrent that waspulling us together.

“Could I take you out for dinner instead?” He’d come closer, and was talking to mequietly. Intimately. “Not tonight.” He must have seen the quizzical look on my face.“Maybe on the weekend?”

I almost died there and then. He was actually asking me out. My heart pounded soloudly I’m sure he must have heard it.

“That would be wonderful.” I couldn’t tear my eyes away. “I’d love to go to dinnerwith you, Dr Wilson.”

He smiled. “Hank. Please call me Hank.” We both relaxed, and moved slightlyapart.

It was sorted, then. He was taking me out for dinner on Saturday night. It felt like adream.

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On the way home, Rosy quizzed me about my day, and couldn’t believe it when Itold her about being asked out by Dr Wilson. I still couldn’t believe it, either.

Maddy thought I’d gone crazy when we finally arrived home. She’d never seen medance around our tiny living room before as if I was floating on air.

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Chapter 6

Saturday seemed so far away. The rest of the week dragged by. I worried what Ishould wear, and changed my mind about a hundred times. I decided to buy a newoutfit, and I asked my best friend, Robyn, to come shopping with me. It had been such along time since I’d been on a date, and I had no idea what to wear. She helped mechoose a soft, knee length dress in pale blue. It was simple, but I felt comfortable in it. Ialso bought shoes and a purse to match.

Several times during the week I wondered if I’d dreamed it all up. That I was onlyimagining I was going out to dinner with Dr Wilson, Hank. But then he’d call me, and Iknew it was for real.

He hadn’t asked me where I’d liked to go. He said he’d sort it, so I just had to leaveit with him. There weren’t a lot of places in Riversleigh, and to be honest, I was a littleconcerned about what people would think if they saw us, although I knew it didn’t reallymatter. It was just that Riversleigh being so small, word would get around quickly, and Ididn’t want everyone knowing I was out on a date. What if we didn’t get on, and it wasjust a one off? I’d rather people didn’t know.

Maddy went ice-skating with her friends that afternoon. I stayed and watched for awhile, and even thought about joining her on the ice to help the afternoon go morequickly. Instead, I decided to take myself for a run along the river to burn off somenervous energy and to distract my mind.

I didn’t run as often as I had in the past, and the cold air hurt my lungs as Istruggled for breath. The path followed the river and passed through the park, whichwas covered in a layer of clean, fresh snow. The bare trees looked like skeletons, but stillhad a special, stark beauty about them.

I ran until I reached the white dogwood tree Dave and I used to sit under in thewarmer months. The tree where we’d planned our future together. Maybe it was foolishof me to have gone there, where memories were so real and tangible, but I wasinexplicably drawn to it. As much as I was excited to be going out with Hank, I stillcouldn’t get over my feelings of being disloyal to Dave. My rational mind told me I wasbeing stupid, but my emotional heart was in torment.

It was strange, contemplating a dinner date with a man I hardly knew. I couldn’tremember a time I didn’t know Dave. We’d been childhood sweethearts, and everyonejust knew we’d marry. It was that obvious. We were so in love, and we married young. IfI was truly honest with myself, I didn’t want to let go of Dave. I reached out and ran thetips of my fingers over the initials we’d carved in the trunk of that old tree so many yearsago. Somehow that simple act connected me with Dave. DW loves SJ. How young andinnocent we were back then. Our whole future stretched ahead of us, teasing us withpossibility.

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Could I ever let go of him? His hold on my heart was still so strong. Even though myattraction to Dr Wilson, Hank, was real, I knew nothing of him.

It’s time, Sarah. Let him go. He’s with me now. That still quiet voice again. But itwas easier to cling to the memories of the known. I knew nothing about Hank, exceptthat he was a successful doctor and he was ruggedly handsome. What would we talkabout? What if we didn’t get on?

I recalled my mother’s words when I’d visited during the week. “For goodness sake,Sarah, you’re only going on a date with the man - you’re not marrying him!” But I had asense that this was something more than just a date, and I wasn’t sure I was ready.

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Chapter 7

The simple act of dressing had a calming effect on me. I’d spent longer than usualin the shower. The warm water running through my hair and over my body helped relaxme, and I almost felt ready for whatever lay ahead by the time I was dry. I slipped mysoft blue dress over my head, and adjusted it until I felt comfortable.

I applied my make-up carefully. I didn’t want to over do it. Being a fairly simplegirl, I only ever wore the basics. In fact, often times I never wore any, but tonight Ithought I should wear some. I dried my hair and let it fall loosely over my shoulders. I’dthought about putting it up, but I liked the way it bounced gently when it was down, so Ileft it.

I looked at myself in the mirror. A little gray starting to show through the brown.Maybe I should color it more often. I’d managed to keep my figure, and thought I was inpretty good shape overall. I could easily have let myself go after Dave died, but insteadI’d gone the other way. I’d become a fitness fanatic for a time. While I was pounding thepavements or pumping iron, the physical pain helped me forget.

Finally I was ready. Maddy had gone to Hannah’s again, and was staying the night.She’d wanted to stay and see the mysterious doctor who had been the cause of myfrivolous antics just a few days earlier. I’d said no, maybe next time, if there was a nexttime.

I heard the crunch of tires on gravel, and knew it would be him. I peeked out thewindow. I didn’t know what car he’d be driving, but I certainly didn’t expect him toarrive for our first date in a pickup. I’d imagined he’d be driving a fancy sports car ofsome sort, reflecting his senior position at the hospital. But no, here he was in a bigwhite Ford pickup. I wondered why.

I didn’t want him to know I’d been looking out the window, so I carefully moved thecurtain back into place, and retreated to the kitchen, my haven. I pretended to potter,and acted surprised when I opened the front door to him moments later. I didn’t have toact much at all, as he presented me with a beautiful bunch of yellow roses. I certainlydidn’t expect that.

I bent down and inhaled the heady scent, then looked up into his eyes. “These arelovely, Hank. You shouldn’t have.”

“I wanted to.” He smiled engagingly.

I invited him in and took his coat, before leading him down the hallway towards thekitchen. I’m not sure why I headed for the kitchen instead of the living room, exceptthat’s where I’m most comfortable.

“This is a lovely home, Sarah.” He’d slowed down and was looking at the photos on

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“This is a lovely home, Sarah.” He’d slowed down and was looking at the photos onthe wall in the hallway. My heart fell as I realized that amongst them were photos ofDave.

“Thank you.” I stood in the entrance to the kitchen, looking back at him. He wasdressed smartly in black slacks and a dark striped shirt. My heart beat uncontrollablyagain as my body reacted to the physical presence of Dr Hank Wilson in my house. Iforced myself to act normally.

“Maddy and I like it. It’s only small, but it suits us.” I’d survived the first fewseconds of conversation. I remembered what my friend Robyn had said to me. “He’sasked you out for dinner. He’s a smart doctor. Let him lead the conversation.” Soundedlike a good plan at the time, but in reality?

We’d moved into the kitchen and I directed Hank to Maddy’s stool. At that momentI was conscious of how old and worn the kitchen looked. I stood at the bench, and restedmy hands on the top to steady myself.

“Can I get you a drink before we go?” I don’t really know why I asked that, it justcame out. Unfortunately he said yes. I took a moment to calm myself before trying toopen the bottle of red wine I’d bought just in case.

“Would you like me to open that?” He must have noticed my nervousness. I wasmore than happy to let him open the bottle and pour.

Once we had our drinks, we moved to the table. I let him lead the conversation ...such good advice from Robyn. It took the pressure off, and I started to relax. He told mehe’d booked a table at the Hillview Restaurant. I’d never been there, but had driven pastit plenty of times on the way to my parent’s farm. At least it was out of town.

The wine had started going to my head, even though I’d only had a few sips. It wasrare I had glass of wine, so I knew I couldn’t drink much. I had to stay in control. I didn’twant to embarrass myself.

Although I wasn’t one for small talk, I asked him what the road was like comingfrom Smithtown. There was always concern this time of the year that there’d be delaysbecause of the snow. He said it had been clear, and that he enjoyed driving in thecountry. He told me his family ran a dairy farm on the other side of Smithtown, but nowhe had this job at the hospital, he didn’t get out there often enough. At least I now knewwhy he drove a pickup.

I struggled to finish my glass of wine. I decided it was best to leave some in theglass. I noticed Hank had finished his.

“Would you like another?” I held up the bottle and caught his eye.

“No, best not.” He shook his head. “But thank you.” Our eyes were still locked. Ilooked away and busied myself. I had to.

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“What time is the restaurant booked for?” Safer to stick to mundane matters.

He looked at his watch. “Seven o’clock, so I guess we should make a move.” Hestood, and pushed the stool back under the bench. “After you, Sarah.” He indicated forme to take the lead down the hallway. He helped me put my coat on. The feel of hishands on my shoulders was electric. He opened the door for me. I didn’t know if he wasputting it all on just to impress me, or if he really was a gentleman. I hoped it was thelatter.

I’m sure it wasn’t the prettiest site, watching me climb into his pickup. But it wasreal. No pretense in any way. If he’d turned up in a snazzy sports car instead, maybe Iwould have been impressed, but I might also have wondered if he was a shallow person,just out for a bit of fun. We were only fifteen minutes or so into our date, and I alreadyknew quite a lot about him.

I wondered if I’d need to give him directions, but he’d done his research, and theaddress was already in his navigator. We drove in comfortable silence. Darkness hadalready fallen, so there was little to see as we drove along the quiet back road that led tothe restaurant. Being on an unfamiliar road, he was concentrating and I didn’t want todistract him with idle chatter.

I stole a sideways glance at him. I still couldn’t quite believe this was happening. Itook advantage of the silence and asked God to be with me. I was nervous, and I neededHis strength to maintain control over both my thoughts and my body.

The lights in the distance suggested we were almost there. I was relieved to see weweren’t the only guests as we pulled into the car park a few moments later. Three othercars were already parked, and more headlights were visible behind us. Hank opened thedoor and helped me climb down, which I tried to do as elegantly as possible, but I thinkI failed miserably.

We didn’t linger, as the night air was bitingly cold. We walked briskly towards thehomely looking restaurant and the open fire that could be seen flickering through thewindow. We were led to a table which Hank must have requested specifically, as itseemed to be the best in the restaurant.

I was thankful the menu offered a range of meals, from the simple to the moregourmet. At this point in time I felt more comfortable ordering simple. I could countthe number of times I’d eaten out on one hand and was unsure if my stomach couldhandle anything other than plain food, tempting though it was to try something new.Next time. If there is a next time, I reminded myself.

We placed our orders, and then sat in an awkward silence for a moment. I didn’twant to chatter. I’d rather our conversation be meaningful, but didn’t want to be the one

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want to chatter. I’d rather our conversation be meaningful, but didn’t want to be the oneto initiate it. Hank broke the silence. He looked directly at me with his mesmerizingeyes. They would be my undoing if I wasn’t careful.

“You look lovely tonight, Sarah,” he said. I couldn’t help myself. I blushed for thesecond time in a week.

I lowered my eyes, and gazed at the fire for a moment before turning my head backand locking eyes with him.

“Thank you.” I smiled. “I don’t often get dressed up, so it feels quite strange.”

“I think you would probably look good in anything, but the color of your dressmakes your eyes sparkle.”

“Now you’re teasing me!” I laughed nervously, feeling more than just a littleembarrassed. Another short silence followed, and then he asked me about myself. Itwasn’t a demand. He asked it in such a way I got the impression he really did want toknow about me.

What was there to say? I’d lost my husband nine years ago, I had an eleven year olddaughter, and I’d just started work as a part-time nurse after putting myself throughcollege. These were the obvious things, but I got the feeling he was more interested inwhat made me tick. How could I explain the turmoil I’d been in just hours ago? Or theanger I’d felt when Dave died. Or how God had reached out and gently brought me backto himself. No, I didn’t feel comfortable sharing these things with him yet. I hardly knewhim. Maybe another time.

“So, now you know about me, it’s your turn,” I said, but before he could reply, thewaiter arrived with our meals. They looked scrumptious, and the smell made me realizehow hungry I was. My nerves hadn’t allowed me to eat much during the day, but now Ifelt ready.

“Do you mind if we give thanks before we eat?” Hank reached out his hand towardsmine, as if he already knew what my answer would be.

My heart soared. I’d known there was something about him that made him special.He was a believer, just like me. Thank you God!

“No. I don’t mind at all,” I replied once I’d got my thoughts together. He took myhand and we both lowered our eyes. Hank then quietly thanked God for the meal, theday, and the lovely lady sitting opposite him.

We looked at each other again before starting our meals. Something was happeninghere. It was unspoken, but I’m sure he was as aware of it as I was. It was like there was aconnection between us, even though we still knew so little about each other. I feltcomfortable with him. And now I knew we shared a similar belief, I dared to think thatmaybe God had brought us together.

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The meal progressed in quiet conversation. Hank told me he was the eldest of three,and that he’d grown up on the farm not far from Smithtown. He’d always wanted to be adoctor, and had studied hard to fulfill his dream. His parents had wanted him to stayand run the farm, but when they realized how serious he was about medicine, theyagreed to support him. He’d never married, although he’d come close to it once. Hedidn’t say too much about that.

Knowing he was a believer allowed me to share with him my own struggles withGod. Like me, he said he’d known there was something special about me, and now heknew what it was. He was elated to find out I also was a Christian.

Our conversation flowed easily. I found myself sharing things with Hank I’d nevershared with anyone else. By the time we’d finished our meal, I felt we were soul mates,connected by our common faith, and the undeniable truth that we were attracted toeach other.

When he asked me if I’d like to dance, I hesitated. It’d been so long since I’d dancedwith a man, and I wasn’t sure if I could remember what to do. I didn’t want to make afool of myself. But when I looked up into his eyes as he stood above me, I reached outand took his hand.

He guided me to the dance floor, and held me close, but not so close to make meuncomfortable. He had obviously danced before, as he confidently led me slowly aroundthe floor, weaving his way between the other couples who had joined us. My heart beatso fast, and the touch of his hand on my back sent shivers down my spine. I breathed inthe heady aroma of his aftershave, and relaxed in his arms. I decided to just enjoy themoment, and not worry about where this could lead.

I was disappointed when the music stopped. Hank had carried me away to anotherworld, and I wanted to stay there with him forever. He must have felt the same, becausebefore he led me back to the table, he pulled me close and kissed me gently on the napeof my neck. It was so romantic.

Instead of sitting near the window on the way home, Hank asked me to sit besidehim in the middle seat. I didn’t hesitate. I just wanted to be close to him. We didn’t talkmuch, but it didn’t matter. When we arrived at my bungalow, I wasn’t sure if I shouldask him in for coffee, or if it would be wise, especially since Maddy wasn’t home. Idecided I should. I was both relieved and disappointed when he said he needed to getgoing, as he had commitments at church the following morning. He did, however, ask ifhe could see me again, and before he left, he looked into my eyes and gave me alingering kiss on my cheek.

Our relationship blossomed over the next few weeks. Despite the physical distancebetween us, we managed to see each other at least twice a week. It was mainly Hankwho came to Riversleigh. He met Maddy, who almost fell for his charms, but not quite.

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who came to Riversleigh. He met Maddy, who almost fell for his charms, but not quite.She told me she didn’t like sharing me with him. I guess that was reasonable as she’dnever had to share me with anyone until now. In some ways she’d been spoiled. I’dlavished all my love and attention on her, and we enjoyed each other’s company. Notonly was this a new experience for me, it also was for her. And I wasn’t sure she liked it.

I dared to believe that the ruggedly handsome, smart, caring doctor might just befalling in love with me. He hadn’t actually said the words, but I could sense it in the wayhe looked at me, the way he squeezed my hand when we walked along the river, and theway we laughed as we threw snow balls at each other.

But then, one day about a month after we’d started seeing each other, my world fellapart.

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Chapter 8

I was tired after a day at the hospital, and was looking forward to putting my feetup. I opened the mail box and was immediately drawn to the hand written envelope. Ididn’t know who it could be from. I was puzzled. The handwriting was unfamiliar, but itwas postmarked Smithtown. Surely it wasn’t from Hank? I tried to recall if I’d ever seenhis handwriting, but didn’t think I had. Maybe it was from him, and he was breaking upwith me. In writing. Nervously, I opened the envelope, and scanned to the bottom ofthe page. It didn’t seem to be from him, but it was unsigned, so I still wasn’t sure.

I started to read: I know who you are, and I’m warning you. The good Dr Hank Wilson is mine. You

don’t know what he gets up to when he’s not with you, but I bet you’d like to know. Ormaybe you wouldn’t. You probably don’t want to know that he goes out with girls,promises them the world, and then dumps them. Just like he’ll dump you. What makesyou think you’re special? You’re just like all the others. Caught up in his web. What yousee is not what you get. Be warned.

My heart fell and I had to sit. I couldn’t believe these words. They simply couldn’tbe true. I re-read the letter, slower this time. If what was written was true, how could Ihave made such a wrong judgment of character? He seemed so sincere and genuine.And I loved him. It was undeniable. I’d fallen head over heels in love. I looked down atmy shaking hands.

Maybe I’d jumped in too quickly. What did I really know about him? He alwayscame to Riversleigh, apart from the one time I’d been to Smithtown and he’d taken meout to dinner. I only knew what he’d told me. I hadn’t met his family. He’d only told methey owned a farm, but did I know that was really true? Yes, he was a doctor, but thatonly meant he was smart. He said he was a Christian, and I believed him. I’d had noreason to doubt that. He certainly sounded and acted like one. But since he was smart,that meant he could probably pretend anything and get away with it.

I pulled myself up and walked over to the swing Dave had hung from the tree in thebackyard many years ago. I was usually at peace in the garden, but not today. Peace hadbeen replaced by disbelief, dread and disillusionment. I felt totally crushed. I swungslowly, hoping the gentle movement of the swing might help calm my mind. I closed myeyes and breathed deeply. I cried my heart out to God.

When I could cry no more, I stopped the swing. What was I thinking? This letterwas obviously from someone who didn’t want me to be with Hank. Someone who wasjealous. A crazy person. I tried to convince myself this was true.

But whoever it was, they’d placed an element of doubt in my mind. Maybe, justmaybe, they were telling the truth.

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Chapter 9

The next time I saw Hank I looked at him in a different light. It was the day afterthe letter had arrived, and he’d come over for dinner. He greeted me with a kiss on mycheek, but I was immediately on alert.

I offered him a drink and we sat and chatted, but I couldn’t help wondering ifeverything he said was a fabrication. A lie. But if it was, what was his purpose? I had nomoney. He couldn’t be after that. He shouldn’t need it anyway. So what could he beafter? All the while we were chatting, I studied him carefully. He was extremely goodlooking. Maybe too good looking. With those eyes of his, he could get almost whateverhe wanted.

I tried to act as if nothing was wrong, but he must have sensed something, as heasked me that very question while we were walking along the river a little later. I knew Icouldn’t tell him about the letter. If it was true, he would deny it anyway. Best not sayanything about it, and instead just say that I was feeling a little off. That was the truth. Icertainly was feeling more than a little off. My whole world was crumbling around me.The dreams I’d had of spending the rest of my life with him now had a huge questionmark over them. I wondered at God’s wisdom of allowing our paths to cross if it wasonly to end like this. Why would He have done that?

Later, when Hank offered to cook dinner, I accepted gladly, and retreated to theliving room and closed my eyes. It was strange how an emotional shock can trigger aphysical reaction. Not only was my spirit sad, but my body felt sick. A cloud of darknesshad descended over me, and I needed to do something about it.

I really had wanted to put the contents of the letter out of my mind, but as much asI tried, lingering doubt overshadowed everything. I wanted so much to believe it wasn’ttrue, but even if it wasn’t, something had happened at some time, otherwise I wouldn’thave got the letter at all. And whoever had written it knew I was going out with Hank,and knew my address.

Hank and Maddy were chatting away quite happily in the kitchen. Once again, Ipoured my heart out to God, then my thoughts turned to Dave. Dave. My childhoodsweetheart. My lover and friend. There had been no secrets between us. No secrets atall. Our love had been so special, so simple. Maybe this was all a bad idea and I wasn’tready for a relationship. Maybe I’d misheard God before when I thought He’d told me itwas okay to move on.

No. I needed to give Hank the benefit of the doubt, and assume that the contents ofthe letter were not true unless I had concrete proof. I looked up as Hank entered theroom, and I felt a flutter in my heart. He really was so good looking.

“Are you feeling any better, Sarah?” He had a cup of tea in his hand, which heplaced on the side table.

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Concern for me was written all over his face. I was in two minds about telling himwhat had caused me to feel off, but I decided not to. I would put the letter out of mymind, and pull myself together.

“Yes, I think so. Thanks for the tea.” I smiled warmly at him, picked up the cup andtook a sip. “Dinner’s smelling good by the way. I’m looking forward to eating! Thanksfor cooking.”

“No problem. I enjoyed the time with Maddy.” He sat on the edge of the couch andlooked at me tenderly. “I’m glad you’re feeling better. I was worried about you.” Hereached over and gently took my hand. A wave of guilt swept over me.

I successfully pulled myself together and joined in the conversation around thedinner table. As usual, Hank gave thanks before we ate.

“I had no idea you could cook so well, Dr Wilson! This is scrumptious!” Thespaghetti bolognese tasted different, slightly spicy, and I wondered what he’d put in it.

“I just did what Maddy told me.” He winked at Maddy, and she smiled at him coyly.

The rest of the evening passed pleasantly enough. We played some games, and thenit was time for Hank to leave. I walked with him to his car. The night was still cold, but Ihad my warm jacket on, and I needed some fresh air. Although I’d mostly managed toforget about the letter, it was still there, lurking in the background of my mind.

Maybe it had been a bad decision to walk to the car, because instead of just kissingme on my cheek before he left, tonight he took me in his arms. He pulled me tight, and Imelted. He brushed my hair with his hand, and looked deep into my eyes before kissingmy neck. I lifted my face to him, seeking his lips. My mind was telling me to stop, butmy heart and body weren’t listening.

His kiss was soft and tender. Not demanding, but it held a promise of love. I wantedhim to continue, but he gently pulled away. “I love you, Sarah,” he whispered into myear, and then he hugged me tight. I didn’t want him to leave. I wanted to be wrapped inhis arms like this forever. They were safe arms. How could I ever have doubted him?

I put the letter to the back of my mind. Dr Hank Wilson had told me he loved me. Iwas floating on air. I couldn’t hide my elation from my best friend, Robyn. She noticed itstraight away. “Sarah, I’m so happy for you. He’s a wonderful man, and you so deserveto be happy,” she’d said when we were having coffee together the following day.

“Yes, I think I’ve finally come to terms with letting go of Dave. I think he wouldhave approved of Hank,” I replied. “Maddy’s not that keen, though. But I guess that willsort out in time. She’s just been so used to it being the two of us for as long as she canremember.”

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“God will work it out, Sarah. Just enjoy being in love for now.” I almost told herabout the letter, but somehow it didn’t seem right. I’d convinced myself there was notruth in it, and that Hank Wilson was who he said he was.

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Chapter 10

Hank was a very controlled person, and it frustrated me a little. I would gladly havegone with him if he’d suggested we elope, but I knew that wasn’t going to happen.Instead, he suggested Maddy and I visit his family on the farm. I readily agreed,knowing this would at least confirm that his family were in fact real.

Maddy and I drove into Smithtown one Saturday morning in late winter. I wasslightly concerned about whether my old car would make it, but we arrived at hisapartment without incident, and then joined him in his pickup for the twenty minutedrive to the farm. I was slightly nervous about meeting Jack and Hilary Wilson. Hankhad told me they were a hard working couple, and lived for their family. He said we’dget on really well, and there was nothing to worry about. He was right. They welcomedMaddy and me with open arms and hearts, and made us feel right at home from themoment we stepped out of the pickup.

I could see where Hank got his depth of character from. Jack and Hilary were solidChristian people who cared deeply for God, their family and the people around them.The day flew by, and we were sad to leave when the time came. Hilary made me promiseto visit often. I couldn’t have been happier.

Until another letter arrived a few days later.

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Chapter 11

I recognized the handwriting immediately. Dread swept through me, and I didn’twant to touch it. I closed my eyes and breathed deeply. Why was this happening? Isteeled myself and decided not to open it. It would only be full of lies, anyway. I placed itin a kitchen drawer, and tried to forget about it. I should have put it straight in the trash,as it sat there in the drawer, teasing me. Temptation finally got the better of me, and Igave in and opened it. My heart sunk as I read those spiteful, horrible words.

“You think you know him, but don’t deceive yourself, Sarah Richards. Just becauseyou’ve met his family, don’t think he’s safe to be around. If I were you, I’d watch yourdaughter. That pretty little girl might just be too pretty. Best thing you could do isbreak up with him. Or you never know what might happen. He’s not the man you thinkhe is.”

My heart pounded in anger. Whoever had written this knew about our visit toHank’s family, and about Maddy. That scared me. It scared me more than the wordswritten about Hank. I now truly believed this was some crackpot writing, who for somereason had it in for Hank. I had to tell him. Maybe he knew who was behind theseletters.

My main concern now was for Maddy. How dare they involve her! My heart raced,and anger grew inside me. I took a deep breath. I had to remain in control, especially infront of Maddy. She was due home any minute, and I didn’t want her to see me like this.I ran the letter up to my room, and hid it in my bedside drawer along with the first one.I didn’t want her seeing them.

I heard her bike pull up outside. I walked down the stairs as calmly as I could, anduttered a prayer of thanks that she was home, safe and sound.

“Hi sweetie! How was your day?” I gave her a hug as she came in the door. Maybe itwas just a little bigger than normal, because she looked at me with her big brown eyesand asked if everything was alright.

“Yes, fine, sweetie. I’ve just had a hard day. It’s good to see you.” I gave her anotherquick hug and kissed the top of her head. “Let me get you a snack. How’s your daybeen?”

“Good.” She put her bag on the floor and reached for one of the chocolate cookiesI’d just put out. “Hannah was sick today, so I hung around with the other girls.” Shepicked up her big ginger cat and sat on the stool with him. I looked at them both, and asudden wave of love flowed through me. She was my special girl. Nothing was going tohappen to her. Not if I could help it.

If only I could see Hank before the weekend, but he was busy and unable to getaway before then. The contents of the letter haunted me day and night despite my

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away before then. The contents of the letter haunted me day and night despite myconstant prayers. Much to Maddy’s surprise, I offered to drive her to and from school.She loved riding her bike, but I couldn’t handle her being out there on her own. For all Iknew, we were being watched by a crazy person. I was almost tempted to tell Hank overthe phone about the letters. But I needed to see his reaction, not just hear it. Just in casethe accusations were true.

Before I was able to tell him, however, his father had a major a heart attack. Jackwas raced to hospital, and it was uncertain as to whether he would pull through or not.The letters and my intention to talk to Hank about them were both pushed to thebackground as the urgency of Jack’s situation took over.

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Chapter 12

It wasn’t until I was driving into Smithtown the following week that it came to thefore again. Maddy had decided to spend the day with Hannah, instead of coming to thehospital with me. I wasn’t happy about leaving her behind, but I’d made her promiseshe’d stay near Hannah’s house and not go off riding on their own as they often did. Ihad to trust she’d be okay.

I didn’t like the drive into Smithtown. It was long and tedious, and I was never sureif my car would make it. Also, as much as I tried, I couldn’t get the letters out of mythoughts. Although I desperately wanted to talk to Hank about them, it would beinconsiderate of me to broach the topic whilst his father was still in a critical condition.In fact, there was a real possibility he might not survive the major heart surgery he wasundergoing that day.

To help while away the time while I drove, and in an effort to get my mind off thoseletters, I listened to my favorite Christian music. To be honest, I wasn’t reallyconcentrating on the road. In fact, I was almost driving on auto pilot. I guess that’s whyI didn’t notice the car sitting on my tail until it nudged me. That certainly got myattention. I had no idea what was happening. I grabbed the wheel tightly in an effort tostay on the road. I glanced in the rear view mirror, and was relieved to see the car haddropped back a little, but was still way too close for comfort.

I desperately hoped it wouldn’t nudge me again, because I didn’t know if I couldhandle it. I began to pray. There was nothing else I could do. The car moved forward,and I felt another nudge. I prayed harder. Lord, I have no idea what’s going on here,but I really need you to help me. I struggled to keep my mind focused on the roadahead. I needed to remain calm, despite the intimidation from behind.

I didn’t know my cars really well, so it was difficult to tell what type it was. I couldonly describe it as silver and medium sized, and I thought I could only see one person -the driver. I couldn’t see well enough to tell if they were male or female, and I couldn’tsee the license plate. One thing for sure, whoever it was, they were definitely trying tointimidate me.

Another nudge, and then all of a sudden, it disappeared. I didn’t notice where ithad gone, and I didn’t really care. I was just totally relieved it was no longer there. Ineeded to pull over, but I was shaking so much I could hardly drive. In the distance Ijust made out a road house, but I didn’t know if I would make it. Finally, with tearsstreaming down my cheeks, I pulled in, turned off the engine and sat with my head inmy hands for what seemed an age. I couldn’t move.

Slowly my shaking subsided, and my breathing eased. I began to think about whathad just happened. Had it been just a random act by some hooligan intent on havingsome fun, or, heaven forbid, was it the person behind the letters, trying to scare me off?The sudden realization that it was most likely the latter alerted me to the danger I was

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The sudden realization that it was most likely the latter alerted me to the danger I wasin. Whoever it was must have known my plans to drive to Smithtown today. Was I beingstalked? My next thought was for Maddy. If they knew I was alone, they most likely alsoknew where Maddy was.

Maddy! I had to check on her. I prayed for her, and then pulled out my cell phoneand called Shirley McDougall, Hannah’s mom. I hadn’t intended to break down on thephone, but when she answered and I heard her voice, I started crying.

“Sarah? Is that you?” I could hear her but struggled to answer. I nodded, andsomehow managed to make myself reply.

“Yes it is. Oh Shirley. Something bad has just happened.” I reached into my purseand grabbed a tissue. I wiped my nose and took a deep breath before telling her about it.

“Sarah! You need to call the Police.” She sounded very alarmed and concerned,causing a fresh wave of tears to cascade down my cheeks.

“I’ll talk to Hank first, but can you please keep the girls inside today? I don’t knowwhat this person might do next.” I looked out the window. Rain had just started to fall. Ibriefly thought the gray day reflected my mood.

Shirley promised to look after Maddy, and she made me promise to speak to Hankas soon as I saw him. I agreed, and hung up the phone. The rain was heavier, but Ineeded coffee before I continued, so I grabbed the umbrella I kept in the glovecompartment and ran.

The warmth inside the diner was welcoming. I ordered a coffee to go, but changedmy mind and sat at a table to drink it. I could hardly believe what had just happened. Itwas as if I’d been dreaming, but I hadn’t been. I needed to get to Smithtown. To seeHank. To tell him everything.

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Chapter 13

Feeling a little more human after the coffee, I braved the rain and hurried back tothe car. The last thing I wanted to do was return to the road, but I had no choice. Ineeded to get to Hank. I was tempted to call him, but his father would be going intotheater any time now, and he’d be with his mom. I was reluctant to interrupt them,despite the seriousness of the matter.

I would trust God to get me there safely. To say I was cautious and slightly nervousis an understatement. I checked my rear view mirror every few seconds to make sure thesilver car wasn’t sitting on my heels again. One could say I was being paranoid, but thefear I felt was real. It was another thirty minutes before I reached the outskirts ofSmithtown, and I sent up a prayer of thanks when I reached there safely.

I headed to the waiting room where Hank and Hilary would be. Despite havingmade up my mind to tell Hank what had been happening, I was reluctant to do so whenI arrived. His father had just gone into theater, and it was touch and go as to whetherhe’d pull through or not. I didn’t want to add to Hank’s worries, but I didn’t know howmuch longer I could sit there and say nothing.

He must have sensed something was wrong, as he squeezed my hand and looked atme quizzically when I sat beside him. “You’ve been crying.”

I thought I’d covered it up, but obviously not. The fact he’d noticed caused tears towell up in my eyes again.

He squeezed my hand even tighter. “Come and have a drink,” he said, ever sogently. He turned to Hilary. “Mom, Sarah and I are going to the cafeteria for a littlewhile. We won’t be long, but if you need me, you know where I’ll be.”

Hilary appeared to be unaware of my condition, which I was glad of. She said shedidn’t mind, so off we went to the cafeteria. Hank put his arm around me, as if he wasprotecting me from something. Little did he know that he was.

Hank ordered coffee for both of us, and we took a seat away from everyone else.

“What’s happened, darling?” He took my hand and looked at me tenderly. He’dnever called me darling before. It kind of threw me. But I liked it. I told him about theletters, and then about the events of the day. My voice quivered and I was close to tears.

He looked angry. “It will be Jane Harley. I’m sure of it. The one I almost married.”He brushed his hand through his hair. “I’m so sorry this has happened to you, Sarah.You should have told me as soon as the first letter arrived.” He looked away for amoment, as if he needed time to think, then he turned back at me and continued.

“She could never accept we’d broken up and it wasn’t going to happen between us,

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“She could never accept we’d broken up and it wasn’t going to happen between us,ever. That was five years ago. Since then, she’s caused problems for anyone I’ve takenout. Not that there’s been many,” he added. “She seems to think if she can’t have me,no-one can. But I didn’t think she’d stoop to this. She’s obviously stalking you. I’m sosorry you’ve had to go through this, Sarah.”

He sounded so sincere and apologetic. And I felt so relieved having finally toldhim, and being certain that nothing in the letters about Hank was true. I had tears in myeyes, and it was in that moment I realized how much I loved him. He was so strong anddetermined, but calm and comforting, all at the same time.

“I think we should go to the Police. What she did today was dangerous. She couldhave pushed you off the road.”

“Can’t you just talk to her?” The thought of reporting her to the Police seemed tooharsh, but then I recalled the fear I’d felt as her car nudged mine, and my concern forMaddy, and I finally agreed.

“We’ll go as soon as Dad’s out of surgery. I still can’t believe she did this.” Helooked agitated. “It sounds like she needs help. She was always a little unstable, but this…”

“Can’t you get someone to assess her? That might be the better option.” I looked upinto his eyes. “You obviously broke her heart.”

Hank shrugged. “Yes, it seems so. But it’s been such a long time. She should havemoved on by now.”

His words hit me like a ton of bricks. I suddenly knew how she felt. She’d lost thelove of her life. She was lost and lonely. At least in my case, I knew no-one else couldhave Dave. How could I judge her when I was still struggling to let go of Dave after nineyears?

“I think we should help her rather than report her,” I heard myself say.

“If you really feel that way, okay.” He leaned over and kissed me. “You’re veryspecial, Sarah Richards.”

We looked at each other for what would have only been a second, but in thatsecond, an understanding passed between us.

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Chapter 14

We walked back to the waiting area, arm in arm. His mom looked up and smiled atus.

“Have you heard anything?” I asked, taking the seat beside her.

“Not yet, love. Hopefully soon.”

“I’ll go and check. I won’t be long,” Hank said after bending down and planting akiss on his mom’s head. He disappeared into the area that was off limits to the generalpublic, leaving Hilary and myself sitting, waiting for his return.

“I’m so pleased to see you two getting on so well, love,” she said to me, patting myhand. “It’s been a long time since he’s been involved with anyone, and I’ve beenconcerned about him. He works so hard, just like his father, and it seems he hasn’t beeninterested in starting a relationship, until now. You’re good for him, Sarah. He seems tobe so much happier since he met you.”

My heart warmed at her words. She had a way of making you feel special, just likeher son did. A God given gift.

“Thank you, Hilary. He’s a wonderful man. You and Jack did a good job raisinghim.”

I realized straight away I shouldn’t have mentioned Jack. She fought back tears atthe mention of his name, and my heart went out to her. She and Jack were stillobviously very much in love, and the very real possibility she could lose him seemed tobe too much for her to bear. I reached out and took her hand.

We sat there in silence waiting for Hank’s return for what seemed an age, but inreality was less than five minutes. It was difficult to tell by his face how his dad was. Weboth looked at him quizzically, and were impatient to hear what he’d discovered. Isqueezed Hilary’s hand tighter as Hank told us was still in theater, but they werehopeful of a good outcome.

We continued to wait. We chatted, we prayed, we sat in silence. Hank held my handtightly, and from time to time he pulled me close and kissed my cheek gently.Uncertainty about the outcome of his dad’s operation, concern over Jane Harley, thestalker, and the tension of the physical undercurrent flowing between us combined tocreate a highly emotional state.

Finally the surgeon emerged. He looked directly at Hank and nodded. Hank’s bodyrelaxed. The surgeon then told Hilary the operation had been a success, and he believedJack would make a full recovery. Hilary couldn’t have looked more relieved or thankfulif she tried.

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We waited until Jack had recovered sufficiently to allow a short visit beforereturning to the farm. Hilary wanted to stay at the hospital, but Hank insisted she gohome and have a rest, promising he’d bring her back later. She reluctantly agreed tocome back with us.

The day had brightened considerably by the time we reached the farm. The rain hadstopped and the sun had made an appearance, transforming the cold dismal day intoone of hope and promise. Almost as if God was shining down on us, confirming He hadeverything under control.

When we arrived I put the kettle on and made tea, after which Hilary decided totake Hank’s advice and have a rest.

“Come out here, Sarah.” Hank took my hand and led me outside. I had no ideawhere he was taking me, but I was happy just to be with him. The memory of theincident earlier in the day had faded, and I was enjoying being outside in the fresh airwith the man I loved. Hank led me past the barn and up a small hill I’d seen, but hadnever been to. At the top was a large tree with a seat underneath its branches. We sat onthe seat and looked over the sprawling property, which was still mainly covered in snow.To the east was the river, flowing faster now the snow had started to melt. To the westlay Smithtown. The tips of the tallest buildings were just visible in the distance. But myfavorite was the view to the mountains in the south. Still covered in snow, they werehome.

“This is lovely.” I snuggled into the warmth of Hank’s body, and he placed his armaround my shoulder.

“Yes it is.” He turned and looked down at me and kissed the top of my head. At thatmoment, nothing else mattered. In my heart I thanked God for Hank, for the success ofJack’s operation, and for my wonderful daughter, Maddy. I felt very blessed.

Hank interrupted my thoughts when he twisted around and looked directly at me.He took my hand in his, and brought it to his lips and kissed it, sending a shiver downmy spine. I closed my eyes and breathed deeply, relishing the moment.

“Sarah. I love you.” I opened my eyes. His face was so close, and the day old growthon his face brushed against my skin. I waited for his kiss. My heart pounded. He movedfrom a seated position and knelt in front of me. My heart couldn’t take any more of this.He looked into my eyes.

“Sarah, from the moment I met you, I knew God had brought you into my life andthat you were someone very special. I’ve fallen in love with you. With your beauty, yoursincerity, your love of life. You fill my life with happiness, and I can’t imagine lifewithout you. Sarah Richards, will you marry me? Will you become my wife?”

Before I could answer, he surprised me by bringing out a beautiful white gold ring,

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Before I could answer, he surprised me by bringing out a beautiful white gold ring,the likes of which I’d never seen before. Although I wanted to look at the ring, I wantedto look at him. The man I’d fallen in love with. The man who had swept me off my feetand had helped me leave the hurt of the past behind. The man I knew I wanted tomarry.

“Yes! Hank, I would love to marry you and become your wife. I love you with all myheart.” I leaned down and threw my arms around him. He pulled me to my feet, andkissed me so tenderly I thought I would melt, just like the snow all around us. But Hankbeing Hank, exercised control, and pulled back ever so gently. He took my hand, andvery slowly slid the most beautiful ring I’d ever seen onto my finger. We looked intoeach other’s eyes, and kissed. A symbol of the love we shared, the love God had placed inour hearts for each other.

We returned to the seat, encased in love, looking out on the majestic panorama. Atthat moment, a rainbow appeared over the mountains, confirming that God indeed waswith us.

“What will we do about Maddy?” I sat up and looked at Hank, breaking the magicof the moment.

“Let’s leave that to God, shall we?” Hank, in his wisdom, replied.

Note from the Author

I hope you enjoyed this short story. Hank and Sarah’s story is continued in the firstbook in the Madeleine Richards Series, “Rebellion in Riversleigh”. Although the 3 bookseries is intended mainly for pre-teen/Tweenage girls, it’s been read and enjoyed bypeople of all ages. Here’s what one 72 year old had to say about it: I am 72 years of ageand thoroughly enjoyed this book. I am looking forward to Book 2 with excitement.Your book can be enjoyed by all ages 11-100. It brings back wonderful memories forthe young at heart. Thank you for sharing this book with me. Patricia Walters

Or check out all of my other books at www.julietteduncan.com

You can contact me via email: [email protected] via facebook:https://www.facebook.com/JulietteDuncanAuthor or on my blog: http://julietteduncan.com

All the best,

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The Madeleine Richards Series

Although the 3 book series is intended mainly for pre-teen/Tweenage girls, it’s been read and enjoyed bypeople of all ages. Here’s what one 72 year old had to say about it: I am 72 years of age and thoroughlyenjoyed this book. I am looking forward to Book 2 with excitement. Your book can be enjoyed by all ages11-100. It brings back wonderful memories for the young at heart. Thank you for sharing this book withme. Patricia Walters

Tender Love -Book 1 in “The True Love Series”

After her long-term relationship falls apart, Tessa Scott is left questioning God’s plan for her life, and isfeeling vulnerable and unsure of how to move forward. Ben Williams is struggling to keep the pieces of hislife together after his wife of fourteen years walks out on him and their teenage son. Stephanie, Tessa’s housemate, knows the pain both Tessa and Ben have suffered. When she inadvertentlysets up a meeting between them, there’s no denying that they are drawn to each other, but will that

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sets up a meeting between them, there’s no denying that they are drawn to each other, but will that

mutual attraction do more harm than good?Can Tessa and Ben let go of their leftover baggage and examine their feelings in order to follow a newpath? Are they prepared for the road ahead, regardless of the challenges? Will they trust God to equipthem with all they need for the journey ahead?

“Since reading the Shadows Trilogy, I've been hooked on Juliette Duncan's writing. Tender Love isanother example of her talent for bringing characters to life and weaving a story with all the elementsof superior storytelling. Totally clean, yet written with adult situations; the pain of breakups, brokenmarriages, rearing teenagers, job challenges, maintaining relationships with parents and friends. Andin the center of the story, we find two people who, while recuperating from painful situations in theirpersonal lives, find hope and love, looking forward into their future together. The scriptures andBiblical principles are so masterfully worked into the book, they complement the story, rather than pullus away, as some, less talented writers sometimes do. This is not a long read, but one which willsatisfy.” Amazon Customer

“The Shadows Trilogy”

“The Shadows Trilogy” is an inspirational romance, a story of passion and love, and of God'sinexplicable desire to free people from pasts that haunt them so they can live a life full of Hispeace, love and forgiveness, regardless of the circumstances. “Lingering Shadows” is set inEngland, and follows the story of Lizzy, a headstrong, impulsive young lady from a privilegedbackground, and Daniel, a roguish Irishman who sweeps her off her feet. But can Lizzy leave theshadows of her past behind and give Daniel the love he deserves, and will Daniel find freedomand release in God?