happy mother’s day, mom!

Happy Mother’s Day, Mom! Mrs. Arnold’s Class

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Post on 03-Jul-2015




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Grade 1 students created pictures and wrote thoughts about their wonderful mothers for this writing porject. their o


Page 1: Happy Mother’s Day, Mom!

Happy Mother’s Day, Mom!

Mrs. Arnold’s Class

Page 2: Happy Mother’s Day, Mom!

My mommy takes care of me. She puts a band-aids on me. Happy Mother’s Day! I love my Mommy because she

makes me feel better when I’m sad. Love, Becca

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My mommy takes care of me and teaches me and buy me stuff. She helps me and feeds me and washes my clothes

and loves me. She kisses me and hugs me. Happy Mother’s Day!!! Grace

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Happy Mother’s Day Mom. Thanks for all the things you do for me, like cleaning up my room

and making me dinner and breakfast. Love, John

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Happy Mother’s Day! I love you because you pack my lunch. I love you cause you put me to bed. I love you

cause you clean my clothes and buy me food. Love, Jeffrey

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Happy Mother’s Day! What I love that my Mommy does is kissing me when I go on the bus. I must thank my mommy. And she buys me and Colin new clothes when we grow out. I love my

mommy a lot. When mommy packs my lunch, she leaves me a note and one at home. I love it! We made a garden together! Oh

boy, do I ever love my mother!!! Love, Meggie

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I love you because you take good care of me when I am sick. I love you because you cook meals for me. Mom says a bedtime prayer. Happy Mother’s Day.

Love, Ryan H.

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My mom lets me play Mario Party 9. She lets me play Wii. She lets me have french fries on Wednesday. It

is Book of Mormons on Monday. Tuesday is movie night. Thursday is dance party. Friday is game night. I love my mom because she takes good care of me.

From, Isaiah

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Happy Mother’s Day, Mommy. I love you because you help me send my clothes to other people. At night, Mommy reads me a night time story. And she gives

me a kiss and hug. Love, Zoe

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Dear Mommy, I want to thank you for all you do, like when I’m sick you always make me feel better. And

when I’m sad or lonely, you make me feel better. And when I’m happy you play with me. Happy Mother’s

Day. Love, Selah

Page 11: Happy Mother’s Day, Mom!

Dear Mom, I think that you’re the best mom in the world. I think that you’re the coolest mom in the

universe. I love you sooooooooooooooo much. Love, Mia. P.S. Happy Mother’s Day! I think that you are

the best at baking.

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I love my mom because my mom got me new shoes and socks. She helps me to do homework. My

mom is the best. She loves me. I love my mom. Thank you. Love, Luii

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Dear Mom, I love the way you buy me things I want at stores. Thank you for taking care of me. I love how you give me a hug and kiss at the bus stop.

From, Pearce

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Happy Mother’s Day! What I love about mom is almost every night she gives me and my sister candy. Every year, she buys me reds tickets. She helps me when I am sick. She makes me feel better when I am scared. I love her because she kisses me good

night. She kisses me before I get on the bus too. Love, Nick

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Happy Mother’s Day! What I love is that you buy me lots of clothes. I love that you make me

lunch, dinner, and also breakfast. I love that you put me to bed and read me a bedtime story.

Love, Shep

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Dear Mommy, I love you so much. Anyway, Happy Mother’s Day! Thank you for everything especially love. You are the best! Thank you for telling me very funny

stories at night about when you were little. Love, Sydney

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I love you Mommy because you do so much for me. I love you when you read to me. I love you when you teach me sports. I also love when you jump on the trampoline. Thank you Mommy! From, Elizabeth

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Happy Mother’s Day Mommy!I love you because you go shopping with me, you drive me

everywhere. You play with me. And you’re a magnificent, most lovable mommy in the solar system! You are my mommy, no

matter what! I love that you cook me dinner. By, Ryan K.

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Thank you for giving me hugs and lots of love. Thank you for helping me when I’m sick or hurt. Thank you for helping me when I need help learning new things. Thank you for checking my homework and reading me

bedtime stories. Love, Nicole

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Happy Mother’s Day. Thank you for all you have done. I love you very much. You are the best mom ever. I wish

you’ll last forever, same with our whole family. Thank you for making me pizza and cookies. Thanks for buying an

ipad and getting Gangster Rio. Love, Chase

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Thank you Mom for taking care of me when I am sick. Thank you for the kisses every day and all the love you give. By, Michael

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I love my mom so much because she takes me on awesome vacations. She also reads my favorite

stories. And she prepares me lunch and breakfast. You’re the best! Andrew