harassment and attacks on refugees in a park near the

Harassment and attacks on refugees in a park near the Faculty of Economics by the Police and officials of the Commissariat for Refugees of Serbia August 13 th and 14 th 2016 On August 13 th 2016, after several days of verbal persua- sion of refugees from the park in front of the Faculty of Economics by officials of the Commissariat for Refugees of Serbia that they “must” go to a refugee camp in Krn- jaca, there was a forcible removal of refugees from park to Krnjača. During the day I walked through the park and saw the usual situation, several dozens of refugees were resting in the park. When I was back around 7.30pm and passed through the park, I noticed that there was no refugees. I also noticed a larger group of police officers and officials of the Commis- sariat for Refugees, as well as people in civilian clothes who were probably plainclothes police officers and some civil servants. From the volunteers that I met in the park, I learned that at 7pm buses arrived in front of the park and that the po- lice and officials of the Commissariat began forcing the refugees on the buses that will take them in Krnjača. These were regular buses, which wwere coming in previous days at 7pm and drive refugees to Krnjača camp, but refugees were able to choose whether they want to go or to stay in the park. This time there was no choice. They were told that they had to leave or they would be arrested and de- ported from Serbia. Those who refused to go, were by physical force pushed into the buses.

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Page 1: Harassment and attacks on refugees in a park near the

Solidarnost sa azilantkinjama i azilantima u Srbiji: nastavak solidarnih aktivnosti protiv rasističkih napada koji su kulminirali krajem 2013 godine i od tada pa do sada Žene u crnom organizuju mnoštvo aktivnosti, o čemu možete naći informacije na sajtu Žena u crnom.

Solidarna pomoć azilantima i azilantkinjama – Obuhvata čitav niz aktivnosti: soli-darnu pomoć azilantima/kinjama u Beogradu (uglavnom u parku kod Ekonomskog fakulteta i oko autobuske i železničke stanice); ovo je nastavak izveštaja koje smo slale i u prethodnom periodu a sada donosimo izceštaje tokom avgusta i septembra:

Avgust – Septembar

Od početka avgusta pa do 20 avgusta, uglavnom subotom, odlazio sam u park kod stanice Lasta (Karađorđeva ulica). Sa drugim volonterima smo pripremali čaj, a ponekad se kuvala supa.

U parku je bilo izbeglica iz Sirije, Iraka, Avganistana, Eritreje, Somalije...Čini se da se mreža solidarnosti proširila. Broj ljudi koji su dolazili u park da kuvaju čaj, dele info materijale, čiste

park ili na bilo koji drugi način ukažu pomoć i iskažu solidarnost sa izbeglicama se znatno povećao.Često se dešavalo da se u nekom trenutku grupa muškaraca okupi oko nas igrajući i pevajući sve dok ne bi naišla

komunalna policija da ih utiša i prekine.Jedne od tih avgustovskih subota, desilo se nešto što nismo predvideli. Naime, u parku je donešeno puno odeće i

nešto hrane. Tada su ljudi počeli da nasrću na kese i kutije, pa smo jedva uspeli da rasporedimo hranu i odeću pre nego što to podelimo. U pomoć je pritekla grupa Sirijaca koja je napravila obruč, držeći se za ruke oko nas i ne dozvoljavajući nikome da nam priđe. Stajali su u krugu oko nas sve vreme, dok nismo rasporedili stvari i hranu i na kraju podelili.

Situacija u parku se tokom avgusta nešto poboljšala. Policija više nije terala azilante iz parka, postavljeni su javni toaleti u parkovima, a tokom perioda sa velikim vrućinama dolazile su cisterne sa vodom. Bilo je otvoreno i Miksalište - centar u blizini autobuske stanice u Beogradu, gde se donira odeća i obuća za izbeglice. Tamo su ljudi mogli da dođu i uzmu ono što im treba.

Violeta Đikanović i ja (Goran Lazin) smo u dva navrata nosili humanitarnu pomoć u park, kod autobuske stanice i podelili azilantima. 22 avgusta smo odneli odeću za muškarce, žene i malu decu, a 31 avgusta- hranu za izbeglice ( banane, keks, i vlažne maramice). Tog puta su prioritet imale žene i mala deca.

Početkom septembra, tačnije 4 septembra, dve aktivistkinje Žena u crnom (Ljiljana Radovanović i Violeta Đikanović su ponovo u pomenuti park odnele banane, keks i stvari za ličnu higijenu.

8. septembar – park kod Autobuske stanice i Ekonomskog fakulteta

Goran i ja (Staša) idemo u prodavnicu kod parka, da kupimo banane, vlažne maramice, vodu... Prodavac u obližnjoj samousluzi ’Idea’, kao pravi pokorni građanin-rasista i ksenofob, kaže onako, u poverenju, komšijski: „Samo neka što pre idu... sve će nas biti manje, mi smo ugroženi...“ Sve je to čuo i od ’rasnih’ akademika, od tabloidnih i mejstrim medija, pobornika etničke čistote, ideologije krvi i tla, ali kojima se nimalo ne gadi ’prljavi novac’. Naprotiv, svuda zajedno ko-habitiraju ideologija krvi i tla i novac, s tim da ovaj prodavac potlačene klase dobija beznačajni deo tog ’novca’. Valjda će jednog dana od ’Srbina’ (ili ma koje nacije bio, svejedno!) postati klasno svesni radnik! Koju pedagogiju primeniti

Harassment and attacks on refugees in a park near the Faculty of Economicsby the Police and officials of the Commissariat for Refugees of SerbiaAugust 13th and 14th 2016

On August 13th 2016, after several days of verbal persua-sion of refugees from the park in front of the Faculty of Economics by officials of the Commissariat for Refugees of Serbia that they “must” go to a refugee camp in Krn-jaca, there was a forcible removal of refugees from park to Krnjača.

During the day I walked through the park and saw the usual situation, several dozens of refugees were resting in the park. When I was back around 7.30pm and passed through the park, I noticed that there was no refugees. I also noticed a larger group of police officers and officials of the Commis-sariat for Refugees, as well as people in civilian clothes who were probably plainclothes police officers and some civil servants.

From the volunteers that I met in the park, I learned that at 7pm buses arrived in front of the park and that the po-lice and officials of the Commissariat began forcing the refugees on the buses that will take them in Krnjača. These were regular buses, which wwere coming in previous days at 7pm and drive refugees to Krnjača camp, but refugees were able to choose whether they want to go or to stay in the park. This time there was no choice. They were told that they had to leave or they would be arrested and de-ported from Serbia. Those who refused to go, were by physical force pushed into the buses.

Page 2: Harassment and attacks on refugees in a park near the

Solidarnost sa azilantkinjama i azilantima u Srbiji: nastavak solidarnih aktivnosti protiv rasističkih napada koji su kulminirali krajem 2013 godine i od tada pa do sada Žene u crnom organizuju mnoštvo aktivnosti, o čemu možete naći informacije na sajtu Žena u crnom.

Solidarna pomoć azilantima i azilantkinjama – Obuhvata čitav niz aktivnosti: soli-darnu pomoć azilantima/kinjama u Beogradu (uglavnom u parku kod Ekonomskog fakulteta i oko autobuske i železničke stanice); ovo je nastavak izveštaja koje smo slale i u prethodnom periodu a sada donosimo izceštaje tokom avgusta i septembra:

Avgust – Septembar

Od početka avgusta pa do 20 avgusta, uglavnom subotom, odlazio sam u park kod stanice Lasta (Karađorđeva ulica). Sa drugim volonterima smo pripremali čaj, a ponekad se kuvala supa.

U parku je bilo izbeglica iz Sirije, Iraka, Avganistana, Eritreje, Somalije...Čini se da se mreža solidarnosti proširila. Broj ljudi koji su dolazili u park da kuvaju čaj, dele info materijale, čiste

park ili na bilo koji drugi način ukažu pomoć i iskažu solidarnost sa izbeglicama se znatno povećao.Često se dešavalo da se u nekom trenutku grupa muškaraca okupi oko nas igrajući i pevajući sve dok ne bi naišla

komunalna policija da ih utiša i prekine.Jedne od tih avgustovskih subota, desilo se nešto što nismo predvideli. Naime, u parku je donešeno puno odeće i

nešto hrane. Tada su ljudi počeli da nasrću na kese i kutije, pa smo jedva uspeli da rasporedimo hranu i odeću pre nego što to podelimo. U pomoć je pritekla grupa Sirijaca koja je napravila obruč, držeći se za ruke oko nas i ne dozvoljavajući nikome da nam priđe. Stajali su u krugu oko nas sve vreme, dok nismo rasporedili stvari i hranu i na kraju podelili.

Situacija u parku se tokom avgusta nešto poboljšala. Policija više nije terala azilante iz parka, postavljeni su javni toaleti u parkovima, a tokom perioda sa velikim vrućinama dolazile su cisterne sa vodom. Bilo je otvoreno i Miksalište - centar u blizini autobuske stanice u Beogradu, gde se donira odeća i obuća za izbeglice. Tamo su ljudi mogli da dođu i uzmu ono što im treba.

Violeta Đikanović i ja (Goran Lazin) smo u dva navrata nosili humanitarnu pomoć u park, kod autobuske stanice i podelili azilantima. 22 avgusta smo odneli odeću za muškarce, žene i malu decu, a 31 avgusta- hranu za izbeglice ( banane, keks, i vlažne maramice). Tog puta su prioritet imale žene i mala deca.

Početkom septembra, tačnije 4 septembra, dve aktivistkinje Žena u crnom (Ljiljana Radovanović i Violeta Đikanović su ponovo u pomenuti park odnele banane, keks i stvari za ličnu higijenu.

8. septembar – park kod Autobuske stanice i Ekonomskog fakulteta

Goran i ja (Staša) idemo u prodavnicu kod parka, da kupimo banane, vlažne maramice, vodu... Prodavac u obližnjoj samousluzi ’Idea’, kao pravi pokorni građanin-rasista i ksenofob, kaže onako, u poverenju, komšijski: „Samo neka što pre idu... sve će nas biti manje, mi smo ugroženi...“ Sve je to čuo i od ’rasnih’ akademika, od tabloidnih i mejstrim medija, pobornika etničke čistote, ideologije krvi i tla, ali kojima se nimalo ne gadi ’prljavi novac’. Naprotiv, svuda zajedno ko-habitiraju ideologija krvi i tla i novac, s tim da ovaj prodavac potlačene klase dobija beznačajni deo tog ’novca’. Valjda će jednog dana od ’Srbina’ (ili ma koje nacije bio, svejedno!) postati klasno svesni radnik! Koju pedagogiju primeniti

On August 14th 2016 in a park near the Faculty of Econom-ics protest was organized with motto “Parks are for every-one.” The protest was organized by groups and volunteers who are helping refugees. There were about 60-70 people and approximately 150 refugees who have returned from Krnjača. About 10-15 policemen stood aside and watched.

In a talk with the refugees, I heard the details of the events of the previous day. They told me that the police beat them with batons, they were not allowed to pick up their belongings. One guy from Afghanistan told me that po-lice didn’t let him to pick up his laundry which was dried on the fence in the park. Another told me that policeman snatched from his hands two blankets and threw them. He was very sad about it, the blankets had great value for him. From a volunteer, I heard that one of the officers of the Commissariat, approach a group of refugees who ate from one large bowl, threw the dirt into food because they did not want to move.

Few of them mentioned a man who works for the Com-missariat and that he beat them, they keep repeating “very bad man ...” At one point they saw him and showed him to me. It was Goran Ristic, an official of the Commissariat who was already known for his mistreatment of refugees. The refugees on that day walk from Krnjača walk to park. Some have told me that it took 6 hours because they did not know the way. I asked them how are the conditions in Krnjača, they told me that when they arrived, there was no room for all, that they were then sent to the room in which there were 10 beds, and there was 30 of them in the room. There was only few blankets. They were in the camp until 11am and start walking back to Park. Until that time they still didn’t get any food.

And over the next few days, a larger groups of police of-ficers, plainclothes police, officers of the Commissariat came to the park. When they occur, the refugees would moved to the nearby streets, until they leave. Few times I saw members of the Gendarmerie in the Park. Many times I have photographed their presence in the park and every time, someone of them, mostly men in civilian clothes, who I assume that they are the police officers in plain clothes, photographed me.

Written by: Violeta, Sofija, Goran and Mirko