harmonic load pull of high-power microwave devices using

Harmonic Load Pull of High-Power Microwave Devices using Fundamental-Only Load Pull Tuners John Hoversten, Student Membe IEEE, Michael Roberg, Student Membe IEEE, Zoya Popovic, Fellow, IEEE Ahstract-This paper presents a high-power high-efficiency PA design method using traditional fundamental-frequency load pull tuners. Harmonic impedance control at the virtual drain is accomplished through the use of tunable pre-matching circuits and full-wave FEM modeling of package parasitics. A 10-mm gate periphery GaN transistor from TriQuint is characterized using the method, and load-pull contours are presented illustrating the dramatic impact of varying 2nd harmonic termination. A 3rd harmonic termination is added to satisfy conditions for class- F- 1 load pull, resulting in an 8 % efficiency improvement over the best-case 2nd harmonic termination. The method is verified by design and measurement of a 36-W class-F- 1 PA prototype at 2.14 GHz with 81 % drain efficiency and 14.5 dB gain (78 % PAE) in pulsed operation. Index Terms-harmonic load pull, class-F-inverse I. INTRODUCTION High-efficiency microwave power amplification is achieved by shaping transistor voltage and current waveforms across the active device [1]. For example, odd-harmonic open circuit and even-harmonic short circuit terminations result in squaring of the drain voltage waveform and peaking of the drain current waveform [2]. Class-F (voltage squaring) operation has been used to achieve more than 80 % PAE at 2 GHz with 16.5 W output power [3] by controlling impedance at the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th harmonic. [4] suggests that Class-F- 1 (current squaring) operation provides benefits including higher fundamental load impedance and reduced sensitivity to transistor on-resistance. Class-F- 1 also benefits from strong 3rd harmonic drain current components generated when the drain voltage descends below the knee voltage [5]. Most non-linear transistor models fail to accurately repro- duce transistor behavior at harmonic frequencies and under heavy gain compression. In other cases nonlinear models are not available. Therefore, load pull [6] is commonly used in conjunction with analytical methods in the design of high- power PAs. Traditional load pull makes use of mechanical tuners to vary drain and gate impedance. Transistor per- formance is measured over a constellation of fundamental frequency impedances while harmonic impedances are allowed to vary arbitrarily. Elaborate active and passive harmonic load pull techniques [7] are available but are less common and significantly more expensive. In this paper we describe a simple, low cost method for con- trol and systematic variation of harmonic impedances based on the block diagram of Fig. I. By convention, fundamental frequency output impedance is referenced to plane P3 and harmonic equency impedances are referenced to plane PI. This reference plane is intrinsic to the device at the output of 978-1-4244-6366-4/10/$26.00 ©2010 IEEE Drain Transition Analysis Harmonic Prematch Circuit Fundamental Power LoadPull Meas. Tuner Fig. I. Block diagram of the output side of a load-pull system. Transistor virtual drain (PI) is a critical reference plane for high-efficiency operation. The package reference plane (P3) is most frequently used for load pull and PA design. Finite element method (þM) transition analysis is used to model only the output half of the transistor. the transconductance, and is referred to as the virtual drain. Harmonic terminations must be referenced to this plane to achieve the high-efficiency modes described in the literature. Fig. 2 shows the position of reference planes P2 and P3 from Fig. I for two packaging configurations. Full-wave electro- magnetic analysis of these configurations, presented in Section 2, is used to calculate the impedance at the unmeasurable plane PI based on the measured impedance at P3. The harmonic load pull method and accuracy verification is described in Section 3. Results om load pull under varying harmonic conditions, presented in Section 4, are used to design a prototype PA which validates the method. (a) (b) Fig. 2. Photograph and þM model for the transformation incurred for a (a) microwave power transistor package (Zentrix RF70I) and (b) chip/wire construction for a typical 50 W GaN transistor. Both models include eight bond wires of 1.25-mil diameter.

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Page 1: Harmonic Load Pull of High-Power Microwave Devices using

Harmonic Load Pull of High-Power Microwave

Devices using Fundamental-Only Load Pull Tuners John Hoversten, Student Member, IEEE, Michael Roberg, Student Member, IEEE, Zoya Popovic, Fellow, IEEE

Ahstract-This paper presents a high-power high-efficiency PA design method using traditional fundamental-frequency load pull tuners. Harmonic impedance control at the virtual drain is accomplished through the use of tunable pre-matching circuits and full-wave FEM modeling of package parasitics. A 10-mm gate periphery GaN transistor from TriQuint is characterized using the method, and load-pull contours are presented illustrating the dramatic impact of varying 2nd harmonic termination. A 3rd harmonic termination is added to satisfy conditions for class­F-1 load pull, resulting in an 8 % efficiency improvement over the best-case 2nd harmonic termination. The method is verified by design and measurement of a 36-W class-F-1 PA prototype at 2.14 GHz with 81 % drain efficiency and 14.5 dB gain (78 % PAE) in pulsed operation.

Index Terms-harmonic load pull, class-F-inverse


High-efficiency microwave power amplification is achieved

by shaping transistor voltage and current waveforms across the

active device [1]. For example, odd-harmonic open circuit and

even-harmonic short circuit terminations result in squaring of

the drain voltage waveform and peaking of the drain current

waveform [2]. Class-F (voltage squaring) operation has been

used to achieve more than 80 % PAE at 2 GHz with 16.5 W

output power [3] by controlling impedance at the 2nd, 3rd, and

4th harmonic. [4] suggests that Class-F-1 (current squaring)

operation provides benefits including higher fundamental load

impedance and reduced sensitivity to transistor on-resistance.

Class-F-1 also benefits from strong 3rd harmonic drain current

components generated when the drain voltage descends below

the knee voltage [5].

Most non-linear transistor models fail to accurately repro­

duce transistor behavior at harmonic frequencies and under

heavy gain compression. In other cases nonlinear models are

not available. Therefore, load pull [6] is commonly used in

conjunction with analytical methods in the design of high­

power PAs. Traditional load pull makes use of mechanical

tuners to vary drain and gate impedance. Transistor per­

formance is measured over a constellation of fundamental

frequency impedances while harmonic impedances are allowed

to vary arbitrarily. Elaborate active and passive harmonic load

pull techniques [7] are available but are less common and

significantly more expensive.

In this paper we describe a simple, low cost method for con­

trol and systematic variation of harmonic impedances based

on the block diagram of Fig. I. By convention, fundamental

frequency output impedance is referenced to plane P3 and

harmonic frequency impedances are referenced to plane PI.

This reference plane is intrinsic to the device at the output of

978-1-4244-6366-4/10/$26.00 ©201 0 IEEE

Drain Transition Analysis

Harmonic Prematch


Fundamental Power LoadPull Meas.


Fig. I. Block diagram of the output side of a load-pull system. Transistor virtual drain (PI) is a critical reference plane for high-efficiency operation. The package reference plane (P3) is most frequently used for load pull and PA design. Finite element method (FEM) transition analysis is used to model only the output half of the transistor.

the transconductance, and is referred to as the virtual drain.

Harmonic terminations must be referenced to this plane to

achieve the high-efficiency modes described in the literature.

Fig. 2 shows the position of reference planes P2 and P3 from

Fig. I for two packaging configurations. Full-wave electro­

magnetic analysis of these configurations, presented in Section

2, is used to calculate the impedance at the unmeasurable plane

PI based on the measured impedance at P3.

The harmonic load pull method and accuracy verification is

described in Section 3. Results from load pull under varying

harmonic conditions, presented in Section 4, are used to design

a prototype PA which validates the method.



Fig. 2. Photograph and FEM model for the transformation incurred for a (a) microwave power transistor package (Zentrix RF70 I) and (b) chip/wire construction for a typical 50 W GaN transistor. Both models include eight bond wires of 1.25-mil diameter.

Page 2: Harmonic Load Pull of High-Power Microwave Devices using

• Plane P3 • Plane P I. No Package • Plane P I. Package • Plane PI. Chip and Wire



4 50 .------------------------------, Zo = RL =660

� 360 COUI = 2 7pF

Q) • Plane PI. No Package � • Plane PI, Chip and Wire

5: 270 • Plane PI, Package

� & 180 '­Q) o

u 90 c o :0

� 0 �&����-.---��==�= Q) E _ - - -0::



co Q) V) '"

..c 0...

C Q) 'u c '-Q) 0

u c o :0







90 180 270

Reflection Coefficient Phase at P3


al -180 • Plane PI, No Package Solid: 2f =4 28GHz Dashed: �fo=6 42GHz � • Plane PI, Chip and Wire


0:: • Plane PI, Package -270 '-'--'��������������'_'_'...J

o 90 180 270

Reflection Coefficient Phase at P3



Fig. 3. Impedance transformation from P3 to PI for DUTI (a, b) and DUT2 (c, d) for different package configurations represented by different colors. Rectangular plots are a clear indicator of phase sensitivity at PI relative to phase at P3. Sensitivity increases with Cout and package parasitics making harmonic termination at PI difficult. Red and green arcs (a,c) and bands (b,d) indicate regions of approximately short and open harmonic termination. Plots are normalized to the load line impedance of each device.


The abiLity to terminate harmonics at the virtuaL drain is

determined by device and package characteristics. In this sec­

tion two transistors are compared. The TGF-2023-1O (DUTl)

is a SO-W I O-mm-gate-periphery GaN HEMT from TriQuint

with up to 8 dB gain at 18 GHz [8]. DUTl has Gout = 2.7pF

output capacitance [9], and a theoreticaL Load Line impedance

of 6.6 n [S]. A non-Linear modeL is not currentLy avaiLabLe

for this device. DUT2 is a simiLar device intended for use at

S-band with Gout = 7.4 pF and a S.I n Load Line impedance.

DUTI and DUT2 are characterized in the two package

configurations shown in Fig. 2. The first is a standard pack­

age used for medium-power (SO W) S-band appLications [10]

(shown in Fig. 2(a)). The second is a chip/wire construction in

which the die is eutectic-attached to a IS-miL-thick goLd-pLated

copper-moLybdenum pedestaL, and the pedestaL soLdered to an

underlying copper block. The die pads are connected to the

input and output matching circuits (built with 30-miL Rogers

43S0B) by eight I.2S-miL-diameter wire bonds.

Both configurations are simulated using Ansoft's HFSS

FEM software. Ports are de-embedded to pLanes PI and P3

of Fig. 1. The goal of the analysis is to determine what

impedance must be presented by the prematch circuit at P3 to

achieve a harmonic short or open (reactive boundaries defined

by X < 0.3RL and X > 3RL [2]) at the virtuaL drain

(PI). A meaningfuL comparison between two devices in both

packaged and chip/wire configurations is shown by Fig. 3 with

the following conclusions:

• It is important to normalize these harmonic impedances to

the load line impedance. When presenting an approximate

open termination, a reactance of jSn is unimportant

compared to a son Load line, but unacceptably large

compared to a sn Load line. Plots of Fig. 3 are therefore

normalized to the load line impedance.

• Considering only the transformation of Gout (magenta),

both devices have a reasonable range of phase angle at

P3 which resuLt in an approximate short or open at PI

(indicated by red and green bands of Fig. 3(b,d).

• Addition of the chip/wire transformation to Gout (blue)

has a large impact for DUT2 angle sensitivity at the 3rd

harmonic. This corresponds to the significantly smaller

and more irregularLy spaced constellation of Fig. 3(c).

Also, the slope of the dashed blue line in Fig. 3(d) is

quite steep, indicating a narrower range of angles at P3

which result in an approximate short or open at Pl.

• The standard package with Gout (black) makes an ap­

proximate short or open termination impossible at the

3rd, and difficuLt at the 2nd harmonic for DUT2.

Page 3: Harmonic Load Pull of High-Power Microwave Devices using

Fig. 4. (top) Photograph of the load pull equipment: A-Agilent ESG4438C Synthesizer, B-Agilent PSA4440A VSA, C-Agilent 4419B Power Meter, D­Tektronix DS02023 Oscilloscope, E- Focus CCMT-1816 Mechanical Tuners, F-Custom MatIab instrument and tuner control software. (bottom) Photograph of the load pull fixture and detail of the harmonic tuning stub: G-Input prematch transformer to 5 n and bias network, H-Output prematch transformer to 5 n with bias network, I-Detail of 2nd harmonic tuning stub.

Conclusions of the analysis have clear implications for load

pull methodology. Package parasitics and Cout can clearly

restrict the ability to enforce harmonic terminations at the

virtual drain. The harmonic terminations of DUT2 in the

standard package are nearly fixed under traditional load pull

(fundamental frequency only) due to large parasitic reactances

at harmonic frequencies. In chip/wire configuration harmonic

impedance of DUn can be easily controlled at a 2.14 GHz

fundamental frequency.


High-power fundamental-frequency load pull [6] is carried

out with the addition of pulsed power measurement and

harmonic impedance tuning using the measurement setup

shown in Fig. 4. CW input and output power is measured

using an average power sensor and an offset is calculated to

calibrate a spectrum analyzer in zero-span mode. The zero­

span measurement requires no offset when transitioning to

pulsed measurements. The RF power measurement is calcu­

lated as the average power over the pulse duration. RMS drain

voltage and current are measured over the whole pulse using

an oscilloscope. The pulse duty cycle is S % and the period is

I msec.

In the block diagram of Fig. I the harmonic prematch circuit

[II] performs the following functions:

• Transforms the son fundamental constellation to a lower

impedance (in this case Sn),

Fig. 5. Small-signal gain contours for six prematch harmonic terminations are used for validating load pull calibration. Disagreement of dashed red contour indicates a calibration error.

• Supplies DC bias near the device drain to avoid large

signal oscillation,

• Constrains 2nd harmonic impedance to a single high re­

flection coefficient for the whole fundamental impedance

constellation, and

• Increases the angle of the 2nd harmonic termination by

decreasing length of a tuning stub, labeled "I" in Fig. 4,

with only a small impact on the fundamental frequency

impedance transformation.

Two-port S-parameters of the output prematch, mechanical

tuner, and output attenuators are separately measured to allow

de-embedding of resistive and reflection loss at each funda­

mental impedance in the load pull constellation. The input

and output prematch blocks are built as break-apart fixtures

[II], allowing S-parameter measurement using a microstrip

TRL calibration kit.

Two identical prematch circuits are constructed, one for S­

parameter measurement (CKTA) and one to remain perma­

nently wire bonded to the device (CKTB) thus eliminating

parasitic variations and limiting potential for damage to the

device. Both circuits' 2nd harmonic stubs are tuned identically

so that S-parameters from CKTA can be de-embedded from

the load pull measurements using CKTB. The accuracy of this

method is verified after tuning the 2nd harmonic termination

by measuring small-signal gain contours as shown in Fig. S. Varying harmonic termination should change large-signal

transistor performance, but small-signal gain should remain

constant. Five of the contours are tightly grouped, indicat­

ing that the measured S-parameters of CKTA match the S­

parameters of CKTB, and power measurement error is accept­

ably small. The dashed-red curve shows an instance where the

calibration check failed, indicating that CKTA measurements

did not match that of CKTB and must be repeated.


DUn was biased at 28 V drain supply with a class-AB bias

of 300 rnA. Source pull was first performed to optimize small­

signal gain, followed by large-signal load pull measurements at

the six 2nd harmonic termination angles shown by colored dots

in Fig. 6, referenced to the virtual drain. At each impedance

point input power was increased until gate current measured

20 rnA, corresponding to an approximately consistent level of

gain compression. Fig. 6 shows power and drain efficiency

achieved at each harmonic termination. The figure also il­

lustrates the required modification to the prematch circuit

Page 4: Harmonic Load Pull of High-Power Microwave Devices using

Fig. 6. Fundamental frequency constant drain efficiency contours (referenced to P3) shown in colors that correspond to six 2nd harmonic terminations (dots, referenced to PI). Efficiency and maximum power of each contour is indicated next the corresponding harmonic termination dot.

Fig. 7. Power (dashed) and drain efficiency (solid) load pull contours with two different harmonic environments (red and blue, referenced to P3). Both sets of 2nd (0) and 3rd (x) harmonic terminations are shown referenced to plane PI.

to achieve each harmonic termination. The highest efficiency

region (77 %) is achieved with 2nd harmonic nearest an open

circuit (blue). In this case the 3rd harmonic was not explicitly

controlled, but was fixed at a capacitive impedance.

Next we investigate the impact of 3rd harmonic control.

Another output prematch circuit was designed to terminate 2nd

and 3rd harmonics in an open and short at PI, respectively

(the class-F-1 condition). Fig.7 compares results from this

measurement to the 2nd-harmonic-only measurement of Fig. 6.

Intentional termination of the 3rd harmonic increases transistor

drain efficiency by 8 % without reducing output power.

A prototype PA was designed using results of the measure­

ments in Fig. 7, shown in shown in Fig. 8. A fundamental

load impedance of 10.2 + j6.20 was presented at plane P3

Fig. 8. Photograph of the fabricated 36-W class-F-l PA prototype with 81 % drain efficiency at 2.14GHz.

with 0.27 dB insertion loss in the output matching circuit.

2nd and 3rd harmonic impedances approximate an open and

short at plane PI similar to those shown Fig. 7. Output power

of 36 W was measured with 14.5 dB gain and 81 % drain

efficiency, or 78 % PAE at 2.14 GHz, consistent with load pull

characterization results.


The analysis in Section 2 shows that harmonic termina­

tions of high-performance devices can be impacted by output

matching. In such cases the results of Section 4 indicate

that transistor performance will change significantly based on

the harmonic environment. A method has been presented to

systematically sweep harmonic termination, resulting in a very

high-efficiency class-F-1 PA prototype.


The authors are grateful for collaboration with Bill McCalpin and Bob Crispell of TriQuint Semiconductor.


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