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Edward Neal Mills T HE H  A R M O NI C S O F H UMAN P ERCEPTION Understanding and Applying the Harmonics of Human  Awareness to Compose the Life You Desire

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Copyright 2008 - 2013 © Edward Mills



Understanding and Applying the Harmonics of Human

 Awareness to Compose the Life You Desire


This report that you are now reading was written five years ago. How fun for

me to go back to this now and find that it still holds true! This was written at

a time in my life when I was in a major transformation, a time when I was

discovering how to transform my understanding of manifestation and TRUE

 Abundance from mental concepts into an actualized expression in and

through my life.

The beautiful thing is that even now, when I have established a solidconnection to the art of manifestation and a profound relationship with

TRUE Abundance I still discovered powerful insights in this report.

So no matter where YOU are on your journey into abundance, this report

contains plenty of great material for you to learn and integrate into your

abundance practice, material you can immediately put into practice in your

life so that you can attract a lot more of what you want easily and gracefully.



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Copyright 2008 - 2013 © Edward Mills

The thing always happens

that you really believe in:

and the belief in a thing

makes it happen.

Frank Lloyd Wright


Have you jumped onto the Law of Attraction bandwagon? Have you gotten

caught up in the hype created by the movie The Secret? Are you wondering

why the Law of Attraction is not delivering on the promises of overflowing

abundance and a life of ease and grace?

If so, read on because I’m going to share some information with you in this

report that has the potential to restore your

belief in the Law of Attraction and help you

create a life that you truly desire!

But first I want to tell you a little story.

It starts in 2003 when a mother – of all

people – sends her son a book with the

inscription “Dear Edward, I hope this book

opens the door to great health, happiness and

wealth. Love Mom.”

The book was Lynn Grabhorn’s, Excuse Me Your Life Is Waiting . I was the

son. And it was my first exposure to the Law of Attraction. Well, that’s not

exactly true. It was my first exposure to the process of manifestation that has

been formally labeled “Law of Attraction.”

I had been studying manifestation tools for years, through books such as

Shakti Gawain’s Creative Visualization and Deepak Chopra’s The 7 Spiritual

Laws of Success. And while I understood and believed in the concepts of

manifestation, I was not doing so well with implementing them in the “real”


Then along comes Lynn’s book and this big old light bulb goes off in my head.

“This is it!” I thought to myself. “This is the missing piece!”

But was it?

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Was this “Law of Attraction” real? Did it work? Would it help me create a

truly abundant life?

I believed it would. And I jumped head-first into the Law of Attraction. I read

books by Esther and Jerry Hicks, Wayne Dyer and others. I listened to

recordings, took teleclasses, and went to seminars. And I did my best to put

the tools I was learning into practice in my own life. I “knew” that the Law of

 Attraction could work and should work. The potential of this concept had me

so enthralled that I even began teaching it to others.

Now, in retrospect, jumping in and teaching the Law of Attraction to others

when I had barely scratched the surface with it was perhaps just a bit

premature. But the crazy thing is that my students loved what I was

teaching. And, in fact, many of them had better results with the Law of

 Attraction than I did! I remember the first time I taught a 12-week Law of

 Attraction course and had students coming in with these amazing stories of

what they were attracting while I was just barely paying the bills!

Someone once said that “you teach what you most need to learn.” Obviously I

needed to learn the Law of Attraction. And, for me, teaching is a tool that

accelerates my learning process. Clearly, I understood the concepts and was

able to communicate them to my students. But even though my students

were “getting it” there was a pretty significant disconnect in my ability to

apply the Law of Attraction successfully in my own life.

Certainly there were brief glimpses of validation: moments when the

universe conspired to make it extremely clear that Law of Attraction was at

work in my life. But for much of that time, my life was still filled with a lot of


I continued to inch by financially. I inched toward the brink of bankruptcy.

My wife and I struggled to move through our core issues, and my business

saw flashes of success only to be followed by troughs of stagnation.

So much for the Law of Attraction being the missing piece!


While many aspects of my life did not experience quantum leaps forward, a

key aspect of my life did: Perhaps THE key aspect of my life.

I started feeling better about myself and my life.

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I believe in looking reality

straight in the eye and

denying it.

Garrison Keillor

Now you might say, “Great, Ed. You were feeling better about your life, but

your life still sucked.”

Well, if I had been focused on the parts of my life that were not “working” I

might have agreed with you that my life “sucked.” But because the Law of

 Attraction had taught me to focus my attention on the positive and see the

good in all of it, my life very rarely felt

“sucky” to me.

 Yes, there were definitely some moments

when I found myself staring the sucky parts

straight in the eye. And if you caught me in

one of those moments I probably would have

agreed with you.

But far more often, you would have caught me looking at all the good stuff in

my life and feeling blessed about the life I had created.

 At the point when I realized that I was spending more time focused on what

was good and positive and joyous in my life I also realized that there was

nothing standing between me and the life I truly wanted to live!

 You see, it’s important to remember that unlike with a chicken and an egg, in

the Law of Attraction game of “which came first,” there is definitely a correct


 A better life does not lead to a better feeling

Feeling better leads to a better life!

Now this better feeling about myself and my life didn’t happen overnight. I

didn’t wake up one morning and suddenly feel great. But over time, I started

to realize that I was excited about my life, and that I was happy more often

than not. And the most important thing I noticed is that I started to believe

in myself.

If I had looked just at the external world for validation, there’s no way I

would have begun to believe in myself. I had minimal savings, a pile of debt,

a marriage that was breaking up and string of potentially successful business

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ventures that had never come to fruition. Not much evidence for believing in


But even in the midst of the most difficult struggle, I never stopped believing

in the Law of Attraction. Even though it was not working in the way I might

have wanted it to, I knew that it was working. And I knew that if I kept at

it I could turn the Law of Attraction into a powerful ally. And I also knew

that the external world could and would change to reflect my belief.

 And somehow, because I never lost faith in the Law of Attraction, even when

the external evidence was pointing in the exact opposite direction, that faith,

slowly, and almost imperceptibly, seemed to turn itself inward, onto me. I

began to believe in myself. I began to trust that I could leverage the Law of

 Attraction to create an awesome life.

Because through all of it, I never lost sight of the fact that “It’s all good!” I

never let go of the truth that my life is exactly as it is supposed to be. Right

now. And the more I held to that belief, even in the face of seemingly

“negative” circumstances, the more I reclaimed my ability to attract ever

more exciting, positive, joyful, fulfilling and truly abundant experiences into

my life!

 And that’s what I want for you.

But hold on, I’m getting ahead of myself.

 You see, my story doesn’t end there, or here. Because our growth doesn’t end

here, there, or anywhere. We can’t stop growing. There is no neutral on our

evolutionary journey. We’re either growing or we’re dying.

Sounds a bit black and white, I know. But it is! But no matter where you are

on your personal journey, there is room to continue growing. In fact that’s all

there is… room to grow.

But like I said, my story is not over. I have a lot of room to grow. And I love

that! I love that I have debts to pay off even as I am focusing on the creationof financial freedom. I love that I have the sadness and confusion of an

ending marriage even as I am focusing on a more expanded vision of a truly

amazing relationship. I love that I am pulling together pieces from old

business projects to focus on the creation of one program that will provide

massive value for others and massive wealth for me.

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I love all of that! After all, it is the contrast in our lives that fuels our forward




If you’ve been studying Law of Attraction or pretty much any type of personal

development work, you are most likely familiar with the phrase “Power of

Positive Thinking.”

Napoleon Hill popularized that phrase in his book, Think and Grow Rich.

Unfortunately, when most people hear that simple phrase they assume that

they understand the full meaning of the concept.

For a long time I believed that Napoleon Hill was suggesting that the power

of positive thinking meant if you focused your thoughts on positive things you

would get positive things in your life. While that is a part of the concept, it is

really a tiny piece.

When you read Napoleon Hill’s book, you quickly realize that he is talking

about far more than thoughts. In fact, he addresses at least two other levels

of human perception in his exploration of success.

I believe that one of the major reasons that the Law of Attraction doesn’t

“work” for people is because they are attempting to attract their desires

through just one or two of the levels of perception and awareness.

That’s not enough!

It’s like performing a symphony with just the woodwinds or an opera with

 just the tenors. Some beautiful music will come out, but the missing parts

will be very obvious.

In order to effectively attract your desires, you must be consciously workingwith at least three, and preferably four of your perceptual levels. When you

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clearly articulate your desires and focus them at multiple perceptual levels,

you dramatically increase the ease and speed with which you can attract

those desires.

 You’ll see why a bit later. But for now let’s set the stage for our discussion

with a look at out physical senses.


For centuries it has been widely accepted that humans have 5 physical

senses. These are the five senses we were taught in elementary school:

•  Sight

•  Sound

•  Touch

•  Taste

•  Smell.

More recently, researchers have added several senses to the list including:

thermoception (perception of temperature), nociception (perception of pain),

equilibrioception (sense of balance) and proprioception (sense of our body inspace). Other researchers have subdivided some of the existing senses. For

instance, some divide the sense of taste into separate senses for sweet, sour,

salty, etc.

Unless we have a physical condition that impedes our ability to receive input

to one or more of our senses, we use all of them to perceive the world around

us. Sensory input is happening all the time on all levels.

Even if we are not aware of our sense of taste, those sense receptors are still

active, taking in information and passing data on to our brain.

Even when we are not actively exploring the texture of some object, our skin

is recording sensation of our clothing rubbing against it or the breeze blowing

across our face.

We may rely more heavily on one or two of our senses, but we have access to

and use all of them.

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Some 80 percent of the work

a child does in elementaryschool is built around visual

acuity within arm’s reach.

Teaching Health Science:

Elementary and Middle School.

Walter D. Sorochan, Selene Skonie-

Hardin, Stephen J. Bender


Often we become aware of our senses more acutely through their absence.

Most of us, unless you’re a chef or wine aficionado, don’t consciously use oursense of smell to access information about the world around us. However, if

you have a stuffed nose, you almost always notice the absence of smell and

sometimes taste.

When you swim underwater, you become very aware of how different your

sense of hearing is in the denser medium.

 And when the lights go out and it is truly and

completely dark, it becomes very clear how much

we do, in fact, rely on vision to perceive ourphysical world.

I think it’s safe to say that, unless you have a

condition that limited one of your physical senses,

you would probably not “turn off” one of your

senses. After all, the world is a much richer place

when perceived through all of our senses.

But when it comes to the full spectrum of

perceptions and awareness that are available,most of us have turned off one or more of them.

Let’s take a look at the full spectrum of awareness that is available to us and

some ways to begin accessing more that spectrum.

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Now before we jump into an exploration of the levels of human awareness, I

want to give you a very important disclaimer.

I am NOT a neurobiologist, or any other scientific research type. I don’t claim

to be and definitely don’t want to be! So my explanation of these levels may

not coincide with what the scientists say. But my purpose here is not to give

you a lecture on the latest scientific research into human perception and

awareness. Rather, my intention is to provide you with a basic understandingof the different levels of perception, awareness and response; an

understanding of these levels that will allow you to dramatically increase

your effectiveness when working with the Law of Attraction.

Ok. Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s move on and start

exploring the levels of human perception, awareness and response.

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But before we do that, how about something completely different?

Take a look at the two shapes below.

One of them is named Booba,

and the other one is named Kiki.

Can you guess which is which? You’ll find the answer a little further on.

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Between stimulus and

response, there is a space. In

that space lies our freedom

and power to choose our 

response. In our response lies

our growth and freedom.

 Victor Frankl



Our physical senses provide us with a rich and vibrant window onto our

world. But these senses are just one mechanism through which we perceive

our world around us.

In addition to our physical sensory mechanisms, humans are equipped with

quite an impressive array of tools for perceiving and responding to the world

around and within us.

 And just as we would not consciously choose to turn off any of those physical

senses, most of us would probably not consciously choose to turn off any ofour perceptual capabilities. But that is

exactly what most of us have done.

So let’s take a look at these five levels of

human awareness and explore how a deeper

understanding of these levels can help us

more effectively leverage the Law of

 Attraction to create an awesome life!

Our awareness of the world around andwithin us occurs at many different levels. As

we get to know these levels we discover how

our beliefs influence our perception at each level.

This exploration of the levels of Perception, Awareness and Response is not

an attempt to classify and qualify them in evolutionary or consciousness

terms. Nor is our purpose to create a hierarchy or encourage a

“transcendence” of emotion or physical sensations. Rather we are looking for

an enhanced understanding of our levels of awareness, perception and

response in order to accelerate our personal growth.

So what are the levels of Perception, Awareness and Response?

Before I list them, I’ll tell you that we’re entering very murky waters with

this discussion. There is little agreement on the definitions of these

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perceptual levels. But with that in mind, here is my take on the levels of

perception and Response.


In the model of Human Awareness that I work with in the Energetics of

 Attraction course there are 5 distinctive levels of awareness. These levels

follow a roughly evolutionary progression. Caroline Myss, John White, and,

I’m sure, others, have gone so far as to suggest that there is a new human

sub-species coming into being with the ability to access the higher,

energetic/intuitive levels of information and awareness. This new sub-species

is named Homo Noeticus.

I differ slightly in that I believe all human beings are born with the ability to

access this level of perception but during our early years we are taught to

suppress and deny that higher wisdom and intuitive awareness.

Now though, we seem to be reaching a critical mass where a significant

number of people have accessed this intuitive level and are now providing a

powerful role model for others to follow. The personal and cultural

transformations that we are witnessing will continue to accelerate as more

and more people make the shift into this space of vibrational awareness.

More to come on that. But for now, let’s look at the five levels of Human

perception, awareness and response. They are:

1.  Instinct – Pre-intellectual, innate sensory faculties.

2.  Sensation – Physical, body-based sensations.

3.  Emotion – A subjective bridge state that merges physical

sensations and thoughts. 

4.  Intellect – Mind/Thought. 

5.  Intuition – Trans-intellectual, non-linear, energetic or vibrational

perception and awareness. 

Now let’s look at each of these levels and the way that I use these terms

within the context of the Energetics of Attraction.

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Instincts are our basic, unlearned, inherited patterns of perceiving and

responding to the world around us. Instincts are the “hard wired” actions and

patterns that enable us to survive in the world. For many species lower on

the evolutionary ladder, instincts may be the only level of perception and

response to which they have access.

 As we move up the evolutionary ladder, other levels of perception begin to

kick in. But instinct remains an important perceptual level.

Human infants relate to their environment through instincts. But beyond

infancy and early childhood, the role of instinct becomes unclear in humans.

Some scientists, who apply a very strict definition of instinct, suggest thatthere are NO truly instinctual behaviors in adult humans. But for our

evolutionary ancestors, instinctual awareness was a critical component in

their ability to survive.

Instincts provided our precursors with important, sometimes life-saving

information about the world around them; information was not accessible

through their physical senses.

Instincts serve one purpose: Survival. That’s it.

Instinct is a powerful source of information about the world around you. But

it is filtered through the lens of survival: Survival of the individual but even

more so, survival of the species.

Instincts only kick in when we perceive a threat to our survival. When we’re

sitting on the beach sipping a pina colada, our instinctual awareness has no

reason to be active. But if someone yells, “Shark!” that fight or flight

mechanism kicks in immediately.

The problem comes when our instinct has nothing to do. It gets bored and

scared and begins to look for ways to justify its presence in our lives; it has to

stretch to find predators to warn us about. The predators it finds, tend to be

things that may, or may not, actually be threats to our survival. In many

cases, they are, in fact, doorways to evolution.

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The mind’s first step toself-awareness must be

through the body.

George Sheehan

Feelings/Physical Sensations:

Our physical sensory mechanism provides a

wonderful, tactile, sensual and powerful mode of

knowing the world around us. Feelings, as

distinct from emotions, are purely physical,

sensory experiences.

Our physical senses – sight, sound, touch, taste,

smell – fall into this level, but so too do the more

subtle, internally generated sensations.

For instance, if you drive by an accident on the highway, you perceive the

scene with your eyes, but that perception causes you to have some type of

internal feeling response. Perhaps your solar plexus constricts. Perhaps you

begin to have tightness in your chest, making it difficult to breathe. Or

perhaps you immediately enter into a state of prayer for those involved in the

accident and feel a wave of peace and expansiveness fill you. When working

with your feeling, keep in mind the importance of isolating the physical

sensation from the emotional overlay. Ask yourself, “What is the sensation?”

“Where is it located in my body?”

Here are some words you can use to clarify and quantify your physical

sensations. Some of the descriptions fall into a clearly defined continuumbetween two subjective experiences (hot/cold) while others fall into a

continuum defined by whether the sensation if on or off (itchy).

Transforming Continua: On/off Continua:

Hot – Cold Itchy

Slow – Fast Prickly

Painful – Pleasurable Numb

Soft – Hard Pressure

Constricting – Expansive Buzzy

Tense – Relaxed Dull

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Become aware of internal, subjective,

subverbal experiences, so that these

experiences can be brought into the world of

abstraction, of conversation, of naming, etc.,with the consequence that it immediately

becomes possible for a certain amount of

control to be exerted over these hitherto

unconscious and uncontrollable processes.

 Abraham Maslow


 At the level of emotions, we begin moving into high level perception. The

distinguishing mark of high-level perception is that it is semantic. In other

words, it involves drawing meaning out of situations.

Emotions are the bridge level between the purely physical sensations of the

body and the intellect.

Emotions are really just

combinations of thoughts

and feelings that have

become defined through

cultural immersion and

personal experience. For

example the physical

“symptom” of a rapidly

beating heart combined

with the thought “He is

such a jerk,” gets

translated into the

emotion of anger or

irritation or hatred.

But that same physical “symptom,” a rapidly beating heart, when combined

with the thought, “She is so beautiful,” gets translated into the emotion of

love, or lust, or passion.

Same physical symptom, very different emotional meaning.

Emotions have no existence without the feelings that animate them and the

thoughts that “charge” them

Let’s take a closer look at the emotion of anger. The word itself is neutral.

Even the physical sensations that are present in a state of anger have no

inherent “charge.” As we saw above, those physical sensations can be present

in many different situations.

It is with the overlaying of thoughts onto the physical sensation that

emotional meaning is born.

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Often when you are involved in an emotionally charged situation, shifting

your focus to the physical sensations can immediately and sometimes

dramatically shift the emotional content.

Rather than focusing on the thoughts – “Why did he do such a rotten thing?”

“That jerk cut me off.” “I hate it when she nags me!” – focus instead on the

sensations: Fast breathing, elevated heart rate, warmth or heat in the body,

constriction in the solar plexus or stomach area, etc.

It is at this emotional level that consciousness enters the equation. For it is

here, for the first time, that we can exert some control over our internal

response to an external situation.


 At the level of Mind we continue our evolutionary march up the ladder of

perception and awareness. It is at this level that the potential for full

consciousness arrives.

Within the Energetics of Attraction Model of Human Awareness, Mind

comprises the purely intellectual processes of thought, analysis, memory and,

to a certain extent, imagination. In this model, trans-intellectual levels of

perception and awareness such as intuition, inner knowing, etc, which aresometimes considered part of the mind are included in the next level.

Taking a look at our present culture, Mind is the perceptual level that is most

predominant. Just as vision provides more than 70 percent of our physical

sensory input, we rely on our mind for a comparable amount of our overall

perception and awareness of and response to our world.

 And in some ways that’s a good thing. For while consciousness begins to

trickle in at the emotional level, it pours in to the level of Mind. The

opportunity for full consciousness is present with every thought.

No exploration of the Mind would be complete without a look at the place of

ego. And while there is not space here for an exhaustive exploration, Mind is

the arena within which consciousness and ego dance.

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Often you have to

rely on intuition. 

Bill Gates

Think of ego as anything disconnected from your Source and consciousness

anything connected to that Source. With every thought you have the choice:

Will I choose the thought that will strengthen my connection to Source or

weaken that connection?

Consciousness | ego

When mind is in service to our Essence or Higher Self, it provides a

wonderful source of information and discernment. But all too frequently the

ego aspect of the mind has taken over command of the ship.

When your mind is held hostage by your ego, it is very difficult to attract the

experiences that you want. In fact, it is almost impossible to even know what

you want to attract because the ego is so identified with having things that

will increase your perceived sense of security and worth. And these things are

often not what you truly desire.

Begin to think of your mind as a tool rather than identifying yourself AS your

mind. You are not your mind. Your mind is just level of your Human

Perception, Awareness and Response. It is a powerful tool for you to use to

help you connect more fully with your Source.


The fifth level of human awareness is the intuitive level. Intuition is non-linear awareness; it is not restricted to perceiving and understanding things

within the confines of time and space. The dictionary defines intuition as:

“The act or faculty of knowing or sensing

without the use of rational processes;

immediate cognition.

The immediate apprehension of an object by

the mind without the intervention of any

reasoning process.”

Intuition directly access vibrational information to provide us with a higher

level of awareness. It is at this level that we begin to play with the concept

that “there is no time and space.” It is also here that we begin to perceive our

essential nature and our true place within the universe.

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Instinct and Intuition are often used interchangeably, but while they

sometimes provide similar information, they are very different. Where

Instinct is pre-intellectual, intuition is trans-intellectual. In other words,

instinct cannot be turned off by the mind. Your instincts function below your

mind’s radar screen.

Intuition on the other hand, can most definitely be turned off by the mind. In

fact, most people are taught at a very young age to turn off their intuitive


Fortunately, it is possible to reawaken your intuitive abilities. Intuition is an

innate ability present in all humans, but for those of us who have lost touch

with it, there are specific ways to reconnect.

Just as there are several physical senses, there are several, distinctive forms

of Intuitive perception. Here are the major forms of intuitive perceptions:

•  Clairvoyance: Energetic information that comes through the

visual sense.

•  Clairaudience: Energetic information that comes through the

auditory sense.

•  Clairsentience Energetic information that comes through

emotional awareness.

•  Psychometry: Energetic information that comes through the

sense of touch.

•  Claircognizance: Energetic information that comes through a

knowing sense.

Because this level of perception, awareness and response has such a

vibrational and “spiritual” feel, it is often considered to be the level at which

we fully connect to Source. And while we certainly can connect with Source

through our intuition, we should not make the mistake of believing that this

level is the end point of our evolutionary progression.

It is not. In fact, just as our mind is a tool, so too is our intuition. Any tool can

be used to create or to destroy. And our intuition can be used to bring us

closer to our Source or to disconnect us from that Source.

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The bottom line is that you are the conductor, not the different parts. Each

level of perception – Instinct, Sensation, Emotion, Mind, Intuition – is anindividual part in the symphony that is your life. You are not the parts. You

are certainly not just ONE part!

 You are the conductor. You bring the parts together. You bring out the best in

each of the parts and in doing so create a whole that is truly magnificent and

far more than the sum of the individual parts.

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What did you think? Which was Booba and Kiki? Well, if you’re like 98% of

the people on this planet, you thought/felt/intuited/knew that the one on the

left is Kiki and the one on the right is Booba. And if you didn’t… well, let’s

 just say that you’re special!

This is an example of Synesthaesia, a condition in which two or more

perceptual modalities overlap. In this example your visual and auditory

senses connected the sharp, angular sound of Kiki with the image on the left

and the soft, rounded sound of Booba with the image on the right.

This is just one example of how difficult it is to isolate perceptual processes

and why it is important to consider your perceptual and response

mechanisms in a holistic manner.

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Have you ever been to a symphony performance or watched one on TV? If

you’re like me, you’re most interested in watching the conductor. He or she

stands there, on a podium, surrounded by all of those musicians, nurturing

and guiding them to come together to create a whole that is far greater than

the sum of the individual parts.

The conductor reminds the sections when to be soft and when to be loud,

when to stop and when to start. The conductor keeps all of the parts together,

literally on the same page. Ultimately, it is the conductor who determines the

quality of the performance.

I want you to imagine, for a moment, that you are the conductor. Picture

yourself walking up to that podium, climbing the steps, bowing to the

audience and then turning to face the orchestra. Take a moment to look

around, to acknowledge the musicians. Look them in the eyes. Really see

them, each one of them. You know them all well from the hours of rehearsing.

 And now it is time for the performance.

Now you take your baton and tap it firmly and clearly on the music stand in

front of you. Quiet descends. The performers prepare their instruments. Theaudience is silent, waiting for you to signal the beginning of the performance.

Feel your arms lifting in front of you, pausing until complete silence fills the

hall. Then when the moment is right, you begin moving the baton up and

down, marking the tempo of the piece for the musicians

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 And with an almost imperceptible signal from you, the music begins. It is as

if you and the musicians are one: they each have a part to play, but you

weave those parts together into a symphony far more magnificent than any of

the individual parts alone.

There is joy in guiding the music. You

feel that joy as the fullness and

beauty of the symphony surrounds

you and fills you.

 You could be one of the musicians. In

fact you probably have been one of

them. You know what it’s like to be

playing just one of the parts: Fun,

exciting, even fulfilling. But when

you are in the seat of a musician, you

do not hear the fullness of the

symphony. You are focused on your

part, which is an important part, but

not the whole thing.

 As the conductor, you see, hear and

feel it all. You know when a section is

falling behind or speeding up. And you can bring them back into alignment

with the rest of the orchestra. You sense instantly when a section is too loudor not loud enough and you can modulate their volume with the tiniest


Soon, perhaps too soon for you, this piece comes to the end. Again, a signal

from you ensures that the entire orchestra finishes at the same time. And

when the last note has been played you stand there with your arms still up,

waiting, waiting, waiting, as the vibrations from that final note, sustain and

echo and move through the hall, continuing long after the musicians have

finished playing.

 You often wish you could stand there, holding your arms up forever, because

you still hear those notes playing. You hear the music ringing in your head.

But you know there is another piece to be played, another performance to

prepare. You know there is another audience waiting to be entertained.

To the sound itself the

conductor adds the italics

and punctuation of gesture,

of strained arms, of

startling tautness of the

shoulders, of brisk nod, of

hands flung apart in some

wild appeal to the


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So you lower your arms, acknowledge the performers with a nod and a smile,

and you welcome the applause of the audience.


There is a conductor of your life. There is a source, an intelligence, an

awareness conducting your life.

 And it is you!

 You are the person standing at that podium, looking over the music you know

so well, guiding the individual parts and creating a work of incredible beauty.

Most of us forget that we are the conductor, the co-creator of our masterpiece.

It often feels easier to be one of the musicians. When we sit in one of those

seats, we just have to play our part, follow the music and follow the


But there is always “someone” up there on that conductor’s podium. Part of

you is always there. You get to decide which part. That’s where consciousness

comes in.

Really, to be more accurate, you are

both: You are the conductor AND themusicians.

The question, and the choice for you,

is where will you put your attention.

 You can put most of your attention

into one of the musician’s seats. You

can choose to be a trumpet player or

the percussionist. You can even choose to be the first violinist. But no matter

which part you choose, even the soloist, that is still just one tiny piece of the


Until you choose to step up to that conductor’s podium, you will not be the

creator of your masterpiece: You will be following the direction of someone


The place where YOU belong

is on the conductor’s podium!

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The levels of human perception that we looked at in part 1 of this report, are

like the parts of your orchestra. Instinct, sensations, emotions, intellect and

intuition: Each of these levels has a role to play in your life symphony.

The place where You belong – the Big You – is on the conductor’s podium.

That is the part you came here to play! That is the place that is waiting for


Most people will never get to that podium, or will step up to it for just brief

moments, preferring instead to spend most of their lives playing just one of

the parts in the orchestra.

The fact that you are reading this report means that you are one of the few

people – very few! – who is either already standing at that podium or wants

to be!

This report and the Energetics of Attraction courses will make you even more

excited about stepping up to that podium and help you take the next steps to

becoming the conductor of your life!



Where is the dividing line between an

emotion and thought? How do you

distinguish a sensation from an

emotion? At what point does intellect

become intuition?

There are no clearly defined

boundaries between these perceptual

levels. Scientists can not clearly

determine the difference between

emotions, thoughts and intuition.

If the doors of perception

were cleansed, everythingwould appear as it is –


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They can tell you that a certain emotion “lights up” a certain part of the

brain. But beyond that, there is no clear distinction between them.

 All of our perceptions activate the brain in the exact same way. When we

perceive something, electrical activity – energy – fires in the brain.

The only difference between the perceptual levels is in the areas of the brain

that are activated. Researchers are becoming very good at “mapping” the

brain. They know which sections the emotion anger will light up. They can

chart the location of different tastes and smells. They can tell you where

language thoughts will be found and where mathematical formulas live. They

are even beginning to map intuitive perceptions.

But with all of this mapping, they can’t really say what the difference is

between a sensation, an emotion, a thought, or an intuitive awareness. The

mechanism, the physiological process is the same for all of these different


 And this makes sense. Most of us recognize that the difference between a

physical sensation and the thoughts and emotions that accompany that

feelings are very difficult to disentangle. Where does the feeling end and the

emotion begin? Where does the thought enter the equation.

There is a very thin boundary between the levels of awareness. And this

demarcation becomes even less clear when you consider that most of these

levels occur simultaneously. You very rarely have an isolated thought. It is

very difficult to have a physical sensation without some type of emotional or

intellectual response. And as we discussed in part one, emotions exist at the

intersection between feelings and thoughts. Even intuition rarely lives in a


So when we attempt to distinguish the different levels of perception,

awareness and response, the purpose is not to isolate the levels, but to

activate our ability to consciously focus our attention on one level at a time.

Ultimately though, we want to cultivate a holistic connection to our levels of

awareness. We want to become aware of all levels simultaneously yet


Just as the conductor of a symphony hears each individual part while also

hearing the wholeness of the entire performance, we want to be aware of all

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the levels of perception while observing the entirety of our awareness that is

far greater than the sum of the parts.

However, when beginning with the Energetics of Attraction, knowing what

perceptual level you are operating from in any given moment as well as your

primary perceptual level is very helpful.



When you know which perceptual level you primarily rely on, you can begin

to expand your range and consciously begin to bring in other perceptual


 You have probably done some work to determine your strengths and

weaknesses. You may have taken a formal assessment such as Myers-Briggs,

DISC, etc., to determine some aspect of your personality type or

communication style.

Determining your primary perceptual level is much simpler, and in some

ways may be more valuable than the complex and sometimes contradictory

information you receive from psychological assessments.

Keep in mind that you perceive at all levels of human awareness. So, while

you probably resonate more strongly with one or two of these perceptual

levels, you have a connection to

all of these levels.

 Also keep in mind that your

primary perceptual level can,

and often does change. You may

have spent part of your life at

one perceptual level and nowfind yourself shifting into a

different level.

For most of my life I considered

myself a fairly thick-skinned,

typical guy. Sensitive male role

It is one of the commonest of

mistakes to consider that the

limit of our power of perception

is also the limit of all there is to perceive.

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models were hard to find growing up in the seventies in a middle-class

Boston suburb. Back then emotional sensitivity was not a trait encouraged in

men. So I followed in the footsteps of the male role models I had; mostly stoic,

emotionally unavailable, intellectually focused men.

Intellect became my primary perceptual level. I thought, analyzed and

figured out the world around me. I believed that there was a logical answer to

everything and as long as I was working on discovering those answers I was


Emotional content was present, but suppressed. When it was expressed it

was most often in short, explosive bursts and quickly returned to the closet.

Physical feelings were also out, mainly because acknowledging what my body

was feeling was not possible without moving through the level of emotion.

 And intuition… you’ve got to be kidding! Back then it was “women’s

intuition,” and not a realm into which men ventured. Just as, back then, real

men didn’t eat quiche, real men didn’t play around with intuition!

But perceptual levels change, shift and expand. And in the past 18 or so

years during which I have been actively engaged in personal and spiritual

development, I have explored all of the perceptual levels and begun

integrating them into a holistic, harmonic state of awareness.

We’ll explore that in the next section on the Harmonics of Human Awareness.

For now, though, let’s help you determine your primary perceptual level.

 W HAT IS YOUR PRIMARY PERCEPTUAL LEVEL?Read the descriptions below, and see which level you resonate with. (The

Energetics of Attraction Course has a more complete diagnostic for

determining your primary perceptual level).

Sensation / Physical Feeling

•   You are very aware of your body.•   You may be very sensitive to pain.

•   You may have experienced “undiagnosable” medical conditions.

•  Textures and feelings are extremely important to you. You bask in the

feelings of sheets with high thread counts, silk scarves, etc.

•   You may be a “foodie.” Savoring the flavors of food and drinks gives

you great pleasure.

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•   You enjoy and often excel at physical games such as charades.

•   You may be very athletic and enjoy sports, and outdoor activities.

•  Touch is very important for you in relationships. Holding hands, giving

and receiving massage, physical intimacy are all important factors in

your relationships.


•   You “wear your heart on a string.”

•   You make decisions based on emotions.

•   You cry easily – at movies, weddings, funerals, when reading a book,

and sometimes for no apparent reason.

•  Natural beauty can move you to tears – a spectacular sunset, morning

mist rising from a field.

•  You may experience emotional highs and lows.

•   You feel a very strong pain of separation from loved ones when they

are gone.

•  In your relationships, romance, picnics, and all traditional expressions

of love are important.

•   You enjoy and may excel at creative games such as Pictionary.

•   You tend to respond to situations on an emotional level.

•   You gravitate towards creative and expressive careers – artist,

novelist, actor, etc.


•  Logic and thought are your primary mode of interacting with the


•   You make decisions based on analysis and logic.

•   You are usually even-tempered with few emotional highs and lows.

•   You gravitate to intellectual careers – lawyer, professor, researcher,


•   You enjoy relationships that include deep conversations, thought-

provoking films,•   You enjoy and often excel at games such as Scrabble, Chess, Poker, etc.

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•  Intuition is your primary mode of perceiving the world.

•   You make decisions based on information received during prayer,

meditation or contemplation.•   You are open to and may actively seek flashes of insight.

•   You are very interested in spiritual development.

•   You enjoy and may excel at games of “weighted chance” such as

Backgammon, Blackjack, etc.

•   You gravitate to careers that utilize your intuitive abilities – energy

healing, ministry, nursing, massage, etc.


So now that you have a better idea of the perceptual level that you use

engage with the world, let’s move into our exploration of the Harmonics of

Human Awareness.

Let’s start with a short lesson in music theory. If you’re a musician, this will

be a bit basic but it’s important to our discussion, so hang in there.

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Have you ever looked a piano keyboard? At first glance it just looks like a

random arrangement of white and black keys. But if you look closer, you

begin to recognize a pattern: white key, black key, white, black, white, white,

black, white, black, white, black, white and back to white again.

There’s a reason for this. Each set of 12 keys is one tone in the westernmusical scale. And when you arrive back at that first white key again, the

scale repeats at the next octave.

For instance if you push on middle C you activate a vibration of 261.626 hertz

or cycles per second. But the note, C, has a specific tonal quality that we

recognize as “the same” no matter what octave it is played in. So, you can

push the “C” key anywhere on the keyboard, and recognize the note as C even

though the frequency of the sound is very different.

Middle C sounds much different than a C down near the bottom of thekeyboard which sounds much different than a C up near the top of the


Every C key – the white keys just to the left of the set of two black keys - are

all C. They are all recognizable as C, our brains “hear” them as the same note

 – but they all have a different feeling to them.

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I want you to begin thinking of the levels of human perception, awareness

and response in terms of octaves. Beginning with Instinct and moving up the

scale through Sensation, Emotion, Intellect and Intuition, imagine that you

are moving up a scale. Imagine that you are playing the same scale, the same

notes, just higher up the keyboard.

Now if you were a piano player you would not call in a piano tuner and ask to

have a portion of the keyboard turned off. You wouldn’t say to the piano

tuner, “Can you just disconnect the strings and turn off this octave down

here? I don’t want to use these notes.”

Every note on that keyboard is used. Every key on the piano is valuable and

adds to the richness and possibilities in the music.

Likewise, you probably would not consciously call in a “human tuner” and ask

to have part of your scale turned off. You wouldn’t consciously say to

someone, “Can you just turn off these emotions? I don’t use them anyway!”

Well, maybe you would!

I know that’s what I did for a big chunk of my life. Emotions were just too

painful. And they sure did not seem to have many redeeming qualities. So,

while I don’t think I ever said or thought the words, “I’m going to just turn off

my emotions,” that’s exactly what I did. Or what I attempted to do.

But even though, most of us would not consciously turn off a part of ourperceptual system, that’s exactly what we do: We turn off big chunks of our

perceptual scale.

But, you can’t really turn them off. They’re

still there, and they still vibrate and

resonate with your experiences. So even

though you’re not consciously “playing” that

part of your scale, those notes are still being

activated. And eventually, those notes get

turned back on. And that can be a messy

scene, especially if those notes come back online while you’re playing a song

in a different key.

We turn off big chunks

of our perceptual

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I believe it is impossible to have a perception at one level without generating

some activity at all of the perceptual levels. In other words, every experience

we have must activate our senses, emotions, thoughts and intuition.

In most instances though, one of the perceptual levels is so fully activated

that it drowns out the other levels making it seem as if we are perceiving the

situation from just one perceptual level.

This will be an important point to remember in your work with the

Energetics of Attraction. The next time you experience an overpowering

emotion, remember that even though it appears to be the only level activated,

all of your perceptual levels are activated.

If you can remember that in the midst of that overpowering emotion, you are

one giant step closer to shifting your attention and defusing that emotion.

More about that a bit later.


We can’t go much further in our discussion without an exploration of the

energetic nature of our universe. By now, you have probably heard the

phrase, “it’s all energy,“ or “everything is energy.” That is not just a cliché. It

is true. Or, mostly true.

Of course, when we move into a discussion like this, TRUE becomes a very

fluid and flexible concept. We’re reaching the limits of our ability to know and

prove things with this discussion. For instance, physicists don’t know if light

is a wave or a particle. Turns out, it’s probably both. So they call it a wave-particle.

What we do know is that what we perceive as matter or form – the physical

“stuff” of our world – is actually made up of very little physical stuff. In fact,

when you move down to the atomic level, it turns out that an atom is more

than 99% empty space.

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One physicist made the analogy that

if you were to suspend a single

baseball in the center of large

baseball stadium, you would

approximate the amount of actual

matter in an atom!

But the rest of that space is not truly

empty. That space is filled with


David Bohm and Michael Talbot in their book, The Holographic Universe, 

say that:

When physicists calculate the minimum amount of energy a wave can

 possess, they find that every cubic centimeter of empty space contains

more energy than the total energy of all the matter in the known


Before you read any further, take a moment to see if you can wrap your brain

around that little fact. They are saying that within the “empty” space the size

of a small dice you would find more energy than the energy contained in ALL

of the matter in the known universe.

Why is this important?

It’s important because, the empty space within you contains far more energy

than all of the physical stuff we normally identify with.


So if we accept that we are more than 99% energy (most physicists do accept

that and it is one of the core principles of the Energetics of Attraction) then

spending time in a direct exploration of our human energy systems justmakes sense.

When we work with the human energy systems we discover a doorway into

all of the levels of human awareness. And once we have access to information

 – energy – on all of the levels we can then begin to manipulate that

information – energy – and move it into alignment with our desires.

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So what are the Human Energy Systems?

We humans are walking, talking, thinking, breathing electromagnetic

transmitters and receivers. Scientists have definitively proven that we emit

electromagnetic frequencies. The Law of Attraction tells us that it is these

frequencies that attract people, things and experiences into our life. It is our

vibrational frequency that determines the way that our physical reality


While modern science is just now acknowledging that we are electromagnetic

beings, wisdom traditions of many cultures have recognized this truth for

thousands of years.

The Energetics of Attraction explores these three basic human energy

systems in relationship to the Law of Attraction. These systems are

The Grounding System

The grounding system connects us to this physical world, the Earth. It

provides the energetic roots which anchor us firmly into this physical realm.

In order to attract your desires in the physical world, you must be fully

present in and connected to the physical Earth. It is very difficult to manifest

desires physically if you are not fully embodying your physical nature.

 And while the Law of Attraction encourages us to engage in the process of

visualization and the intentional activation of non-physical energy, it alsoencourages our full presence in and enjoyment of the physical world.

 Your Grounding System is the most powerful tool you have for anchoring

yourself into the physical world and translating your formless, vibrational

desires into tangible physical things and experiences.

The Auric System

This is our second skin or energy skin. Your Aura is a protective boundary

that completely surrounds your physical body and protects your personal

energetic space. It extends at least several inches out from your body in all


 A well-protected Aura has a strong grounding connection to the Earth. It

establishes the boundaries between our personal space and the space of

others and the wider universe. When our Aura is strong and healthy, we have

a sense of our self, we feel complete, whole and safe.

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The Chakra System

 Your Chakra System is your primary vibrational input/output system. The

Chakras are individual energy centers that receive, process and distribute

energy throughout the physical/energetic system and back out to the wider

world. The chakra system is most often perceived as a series of energy

centers rising from the base of the spine to the top of the head. Each

individual chakra has a specific function and processes a specific type of

physical/emotional/spiritual energy.


One thing I need to make very clear is that the Energetics of Attraction is not

a system that encourages you to “transcend” any of the perceptual levels. One

of the issues I’ve had with some spiritual development systems or practices is

the implicit or explicit sense that moving up and in some cases right out of

the perceptual scale is the goal.

When I studied at the Academy of Intuition Medicine, and ultimately

received the Master of Intuition Medicine certificate, I loved the work we

were doing. I knew there was great potential for growth, healing and deep


 And I also knew that there was something missing – at least for me. It’s

taken me nearly ten years since graduating from AIM to formulate, and now

articulate, what was missing for me.

The missing piece was a holistic approach to healing, growth and awareness.

There was a sense that the intuitive, energetic tools and systems being

taught in the school were somehow being presented as “better than” other

perceptual modalities.

The founder of the Academy has occasionally teased me, lovingly, about my

proclivity towards emotional release during our classes. The Academy had an

E.R. room, variously known as the Emergency Room or Emerging Reality

depending on your mood. It was a space where you could go for some extra

attention from a Teacher’s Assistant if “stuff” came up during the class.

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Copyright 2008 - 2013 © Edward Mills

I spent a lot of time in that room! Unlike many of the students who were

seemingly able to separate their emotional content from the intuitive

information, my perceptual levels seemed to be inherently entangled.

For at least the first year of my training, I thought I wasn’t “getting it”

because everyone else seemed to

be having these clear “pictures”

when they were doing intuitive

readings on themselves or others.

I very rarely got pictures. But

even without pictures, I usually

“knew” what was happening. The

information came to me in

different ways. I felt it in my

body, or I had an emotional hit, ora clear knowing sense just popped

into my head.

 At some point, when I let go of the belief that there was a “right way” to

access intuitive perception, I realized that all along I had been naturally

accessing the information through multiple perceptual levels.

Now, almost 10-years later, I finally understand the importance of embracing

the entire spectrum or scale of perception and awareness.



 You may be wondering why we have taken so much time exploring the levels

of human perception, awareness and response.

I’ve acknowledged that:

!  It’s nearly impossible to clearly delineate and distinguish between the

different levels.

!  All of our perceptions are energetic, and

!  ultimately, we are seeking a holistic state of perceptual awareness.

 Presence is more than just

‘being there.’

Malcolm Forbes

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Copyright 2008 - 2013 © Edward Mills

So why spend time focusing on the individual levels of perception and


Well here is the reason. Einstein accurately pointed out that it is difficult

solving problems at the level of their creation. And while I don’t want you to

begin thinking about your perceptions as “problems” I do want you to begin

thinking about changing or shifting them from a different level of awareness.

Have you ever had a limiting thought that you just can’t get rid of? No matter

what you try, it won’t go away?

For instance maybe you’ve had the thought “I’m not good enough.” You want

to replace that thought with, “I AM good enough.” So every time you hear

that limiting thought in your head you immediately replace it with “I am

good enough. “And for a while, that new thought stays. But later, maybe in

30-seconds or an hour, or the next day, or next week, that old, limiting

thought returns.

The reason it is so difficult to change that thought is because you are working

with it at the level of thought. You are attempting to change a “problem”

thought at the same level at which it was created.

With enough persistence and time, you could and probably will change that

thought. But there is a faster, more effective way to change that thought.

Move to another level and change it from there.

In our exploration of the Harmonics of Human Awareness we explored how

every experience has a thread that moves through each of the levels.

Remember that the perceptual level you are focused on is the melody and the

“notes” of the other levels flesh out the chord with notes that harmonize with

the melody. So in this case, the thought, “I’m not good enough” is the melody.

But that thought has notes playing at the level of feeling, emotion and


Shifting your focus from the melody – thought – to one of the harmony notes – feelings, emotions, intuition – will allow you to more easily shift the entire


 A thought is never JUST a thought. A feeling in your body is never JUST a

feeling. Every thought you have has harmonics on every other level.

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Copyright 2008 - 2013 © Edward Mills

 And when you attempt to shift that thought in isolation, all the harmonics

from the other levels are pulling against you, anchoring that old thought in


So you say, “Why can’t I shift this thought?” not realizing that you’re not just

shifting a thought, you’re attempting to shift an entire symphony of

perceptions, awareness and response.

Think of it this way: If an entire orchestra is playing a piece in the key of C

Major and the solo violinist attempts to play the solo in the key of D Minor,

what’s going to happen? Who is going to sound horrible, the orchestra or the


 You bet. That soloist, not matter how beautifully he or she is playing, is going

to sound pretty awful.

 And who is ultimately going to win that battle? Will the violinist end up

moving back into the key of C Major or will that entire orchestra, all the

sections, all the instruments, all the musicians, spontaneously join the

violinist in the key of D Minor?

Unless that violinist has some serious mojo,

that orchestra is going to win! And what’s the

easier solution: The orchestra moving to match

the soloist or the soloist moving to match the


In order to effectively and permanently change

your ability to attract your desires, you must

change the key from which you are attracting

on All conscious levels: sensation, emotion, intellect and intuition.

 A thought is

NEVER just athought!

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That is exactly what the Energetics of Attraction is all about.

This report has given you the two most important tools and insights you need

to begin attracting your desires at multiple levels of awareness.

First, you now have an understanding of the 5 levels of human perception,

awareness and response. You can begin to recognize what level you are

operating at. And you can begin consciously awakening your perception at

the other levels.

 And second, if you’ve read this far, you now most likely understand and have

a intention to attract your desires in a Harmonic manner. That intention will

guide you to the tools, insights and actions you need in order for that to


I’ll be very honest with you: The fact that you have read this report means

that you are now armed with the foundational knowledge that will enable

you to immediately begin attracting your life experiences in a more holistic,

harmonic and powerful manner!
