harness, … · ron, steel, powde r and fuse. b full a.suortnieiit nf m

VOL. II. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, F E B . 17,1872. NO. The Iron Era, PUBLISHED EY«T BATDBDAr n BENJ. H. VOGT. EDITOR A«D riKmiETOB. Offica Cor. Horria and BUcliw«U 8tn.U. TEIUM OF SUBSCRIPTION I IHVABIABLY IMAUVIH^E. Ono Tear, - - - - _ _ _ $2.00 Six Montha, - - _ _ _ _ _ 1.0O xbreo months, - - _ _ _ _ _ 50 BuNincss CnrdH. GEO. UICIIAllUS & Co., BELL TICKETH FOB TnE rjtINCIPAL LINES 1 OFSTEAHEHH TO AND FIIOU Queenstown and I,lvcr|iaol. ; . DJIAFTSON Ornt BriUln, Ireland, aormtny and Franco 85.50 to 85.45 per JC1. PASSAGE TICKETS TO AMD rBDK Liverpool and Quaenstown, on tliofollowingSteunslilp Hues: INAIAN, CUNAKD, NATIONAL., Liverpool and Circa t Wcstcri ind Royal Bauk of Irclnnd r, N. J. E.L1ND3LEY, Agent, -, I»U._.».-_UStr--t,E SEGUR'S BANK, f- DOVER, N, J., The'Union Bunk at Dover. Borah por coat Quid IJoiiili of Ilia Hum ton end TAIU Central ItiU^ey Company—Hun, Win. 13 DotlRo, rrcaiaont—for ulo «t 00c. nu<) nccnici iatoroal. Also, laven-tliirty Nor.liera l'acldi It&tlroid Bond* at par and accrued Interest. Circulars and partloulari furnished on applies tion. A. O. P. SEaUR, Banker. rob. lit, 1872. S ,. m MURPHY'S JL FASHIONABLE ; : HAlIt DltKSSINCx, Sharing *>uil tfhnmpoolng Krt«1j]|»linieii' Cor. Biackwcll and HIIBBOI 8tu., Dorai, H. 3. N. B.-P*rticular ttttontlon given to cutting »ud dremlng ladie*'.ud children's linir. RPMT> boned, sot and ground. I-lyr .HIM Foreign and Domestic Tobacco, BNUFF iwirl CIGAH8. AUo, oonntBiUlr oirluuid a cro»t rn.ri.ty of HUOKINQ «niI'Cin_WINCt -TOyACCO. Plain and fumy BHIAU «nd Jl^EllHCUAUM Hl'liS. 'BUikwcIl atroot, Sign i>r tlio IoiUat 1-lyr POVIilt. N. J. M' ANfllON HOUHE. ', Corner of Black well andfltiRBS);Fits. DOVEH, N. .J. B.?JOLLEY, Proprietor, Horjoa aud Carriage's to Lot. rj DOVKH, N. J. Uniy Btablos attacliod to tlio Hotel HorKS kept lij tlio daj, wcok or month. COB. * jv Licensed Auctioneer, s JDOVElt, N. J. dd t I t f th BUM it 1'rlTata _ _ commiinlon clinrgml VElt, N. J. dod to Inany part of tho country, llcctioui promptly nttenueu to. aud _i _» —1.^ upm, actual col Ice H "XWT JT*(I»KIMHW, ' ' " Counsellor at Law, AND MASTED IN OHANOEBY, Offlci next door to Quo. Wclnrds ACo's Utora, . ST., DOVER, N. J. VrjEIOIIBOVR « QHITII, Attorneys & Counsellors at Law, . , , , Cor. Blackwoll and SUBM. P',a. . DOVER, N. J. Dcooraberlitli, 1970. 1-lyr i.n. MEII "" OFFICE, UNION 1IAIX .IHI.DING, •4^1'!> -Dover, N. J. ..a-i?---. 7* A, OII1I1BK, ^jt Gtaiml Furnishing Undertaker LICENSED ArjnnoNEElt AKnCOjrMISU ™^j BIONEHOP DEEDS, ;}All ordors promptly attendedto: B 8 DoVrNJ Dr. S. II. Jolinstou, ^DENTIST, InWklllwV* ^_ Mortto,nci«iBI«(_wlliit. BoiuliMBots or tooth for $15,00. «ntli eitnelad nmtUmljr without twin, by tlio V Witrous Oitile, or Laughing Gas. D 11 Carriages and Sleighs *'-•••• orBrcry Dttcrlptlon. Cor. Blackball nnd Bcrgon 8ts, DOVER, ». J. N. H.\DiEBifA<r, GEO. KGOEACKEN. r&rtlciilar att-ntion pdd to repairing nnd painting. My Frank. V. Amsdcn, i Architect -• and y ENGINEER, Office onBlaokwoll 8troot, near SUBSOT,. Plsnn, SpociilcatlOQB and auporlntondcnco of build ingi of OTery daw. "^SarToyfc-LeTeii, Orados, Plans,&c. for public »nd^priT»tflinproT«merti. *.. 2-1? SAMSON MINING Co. CHESTER, Morria Co.. N. J. Miners and Shippers of Iron Ore. drm G. W. MILLER, Soc, S. \V. OKOnoE, Bup't., 20 llroad 8t. Now York, CIIUHUT, MurrJu Co an^il* N.J. A. TAYLOE, MAXUFM7TUIir.il JlKI) nsAX.Cn IN LlOHTAMU II^VTJ HARNESS, SADDLES, &o., BLACUWIXL STIIECT, , IIO^KK, N. J.,; Announces to tho public lliat ho has rccnlvud hi Winter atocliof O.HMIB. aud liivitca nu oiainiua tlun i>r Ida m-lcodiJ eoloction nf Btiffalo and "Wolf Skin Fancy Lap Robes, Horse Blankets,' Sleigh Bells, Whips, Brushes,, Combs, OILS for I.iibricnthiB llnim^ Oiiitiuon.g, Liniments, And i?i fact all tlinHD nrll.li's nWduu t»ya eooi irnonisn iu Uiuprnpor coxo uf that nu.ful iiiii al. Having bought an unusually Large Stock of Horse Blankets, I am nldo tu sell at much Below tho UBIIUI Prices. IMPAIRING nd axrnnluo Ducombur 31tli. 1870. Free Passage Tickets 1'JIOM Dover to Morristown AND lll-TLUN. On and nftnr Aug. Btli, 1871, thnmi line rI1>oi „.„ nay tliu i)aB8a«o, over thu i l . i t J2. II,ft.from Diivor to Murri-town and rulurn, or oil citizens ot Uovor nnd vfajnlty tvlio will jmrchnnu of hlir ~ •utt of clothe, of »nr tloamjitum. A .pleniliil and outiroly nniv ntaek of Iten_y- nindo Cliitliinf,' linn just been jmt In my noirstore Iu tlio old Iron JlutiTc JJuildiriL', fronting tho rark t aiurrlsloiTit. SAMUEL HAIL Blorrl-Uiwii, Aug. 5,1871. DO-y C. H. MOItltlSTOWN, N . J . Dcalur ia Drugs, Medicines, . Chemicals, •Dye Stuffs, ETC., ETC. GENUINE PATENT MEDICINES. ' MINERAL WATEBS of nil kin.ls, TOILET ARTICLES, Soaps, Brushes, Perfumery, anil ovorjtliing UBimlly TuiiDd ill a First Class Drug Store. Physicians' Prescriptions, pcranlinl attention will be given, Dtld till caro will Ijo liikcn tulumirotUo 1'1'KllI 1>» OFFICINAL CHAUAOTEU OF ALL J1E1HCISKS USEDIS DINPEXCIM1. O. H. DA1EV1IPLE, KnETWSTORB NEW GOODS ! ! BOUGHT AT CASH PRICES ! ! ! And o» I sunll SELL Foil CABII, I can AITOBD tojiELL CHEAP ! JUBl' llKOliUTD, A SPLENDID STOCK OF Dry Goods and potions Couiprifling tlie Tory latest Stylos of Dress Goods, Fancy Goods, SHAWLS, TRIMMINGS & iiADIESMVEAll Eror offorod In Dowr. Also nflnoAmiortmont of FRESH GROCERIES Cn noeh vorioty as tomoot Iho wan la of every '. Household. Crockery & Glass-ware Tho latest designs n*d flneat irorkroitttliip, - ta well an tho morosubatantial. nrticlcH in Oils lino. I havo jiwt <>l»no«l, noil invllo tho rlliionBof over to como nndcxamlno my good* «nd pricci. Un'Cor tho Inos EnA OCDcc, cornor of Blnckwcll and MorriB Strootd, Dover, H. J. . JOHN F. "WOOD. Ladies' and Children's Shoes CHEAPER than tho CHEAPEST, WHITLOCK &LEWIS, New Store! NEW GOODS ! V PRICES! Having receni aut oved to our Largo and Eto- New Store Iloom, Cor. or BlacKwell and Morris Streets, Wo Hliall l>o plunsed to w.lcunin our old iiuatun* era. and all others who may fcivur uu with a full ami t-huL-iTull)- HILIMY uiir NEW AND SELECT STOCK OF GOODS 1 Which for QDAI.1TY, QUANTITY and P1IICE, no fop. aHMircil cannot \m-iiniaw-.U liynny Htoro iu (I.o country. Our Nowllmmm fc-i,iB obu.it fuur limed thu aizv of tlioHuwn fimitcrly ocuuijicil, enable.us tutopn full nssurtm.nt (if oil arftclcH <.'itui]__U'(l iritb uur Luiuinc.., aud which -oiiui-ti Iu i>art ut Dry Goods &Fancy Goods, Kneli nu ladli't' fnnlijunablo ikons fjnrwls, all v_rie HUMand «radfn; culirm>_, UIUBIIIIH, uh(!Otlnt;H, tick iiius, uhirtitiKB, towdiii^s, liufliciy, cuttun thread, itilk uml kicl glove., dn«n and clunk triumiiiib'f, rlliljunii, In.cfl, bbawlu, -Io_kli.(,'ti, llnuufla, threui' TENT' 1 ' FURNISHING GOODS, fliidi as clollm, CQinlmercB, .utluutts, Jenus, JLT lim, iiii-n ami cuttun%ow\», eoltarn, crmatu, ncc tiuH, buclt, link', im.,], <:i>tton, HilU nud hill k-lovcf! >7(MJI nnd ciittuii half liosn, flilk nmllioGuliatilkiii elilcfs, Ac., &c. BOOTS and SHOES. la(lii:B' andcliildrcu-ii hiuli SIIUCH, (jailern,lmnl(ln», [irrit, mlilicrH,ftc,BlL-n'fi nndfjiiys' llcavy am IIOQIH, HIIIM'H, enitursAiid BUHIKTH. Groceries and Provisions Teas, cnlTcei, mignru, i no] as BOB QIII) Byrlipa, al graik'u, variotics and pricin. Canucd and <lric_ rruttn, t'saeiiti's and ilnvoriui; uxlrncta, i>urli, "lwli-d 1mm ami fthoiildi.ru, dri.d bc-of nndbucun. It mot-'kir-l, to(llin!i, ivhia-Unh nud herring. A'so, always on hand, a Choice Article ol Fresh Butter, Choose and Eggs. Crockery, Cutlery and Glass Ware. jlo and p w, parlor, haU, din HARDWARE AND EDGE TOOLS. I'ull Hctii orCiirii?iilorii' nnd other media toolu, ut Iho Ifuat uianufiivturo. ron, Steel, Powder and Fuse. B full a.suortnieiit nf M<nlmnt Iron and Hteol, In rods andbum, miitaMo forMncliHiuitliB' or minors UHO; also npurling nml tulniuji pinvdor, and safety fuse, gnu pipes nml litllnsB. homo Hhuen andnnilH, exploiters' nailH nud HniKcs, blm-kumithn' anvils, bolluws, vliats, taya and (lieu. FURNITURE, CARPETS AND OIL CLOTH. Iu this lirnnch of bimincBS, woIntend kccjiing n 'ami n full Bu|)pl,v of parlur HHilfi, liudrouiu noli iurblc-to]i UUIID, dining and cxtoiiHion tnblci iifsm, luuDguH, tutu-n-tJics, otluiiioiiB, elmiri ucliurH, unity clinlrs, burcaim, mtva, wnrdnibci •(isli-standd, iK'dHtciuld, tiiwel racks, kc; alno, 'rcuali riflto and Amcrk-au Mirruni aud Loutilufi llftBucH. Hitir, cotton, wool and wtraw niuttre^ <• nn.l lulloivK ; 1>.. (| Uhml.rH nndlln_It, all kludt Kit- Our lino of carpotH aro well nulectml^ nu conaittts of Kn"(,'lish nnd Aracnuaii Jfrufl-d., In grain, llt-inii and ling, l'ai lor Jlnls, iVc * Oil UI..11.B, nil widtlis. 5lost of our utnuli of (jooda havo liocn rocuntly E urelmscd nt tlio jircscitt reduced \mevn, nuil nvo been neleele,! from tlio best IIUIIHDH In Hew York, nithgnnt uirc, and wliieii wo inlonrl tndis- IIOHU of nt ]>rlwn no low ns cin 1m nllbrdwl.— ''Quick BnlcBOiid small prollts," huinn our moltu We linvo oiigagfil tli. nervit'es nl HOIUU vimu^guii •.lomcii n_ BaicBincn, WIIUHOrupiitntiuu for lioii.ul md inilifonorta nro woll-Uiiown, wlio will chcur nlly riihibit our stnelt (if JJOOIIB, nud inform yen ,i the prices, whether you purcliaBu or not. l'leaso glvo us a calL Mnrcli 18-ly ' " Morristown AdVortiseincnts I THOI^CAS BOLITHO, WholosalonuiUlctail. FltESH EVERY DAY, Dv tlio 100 or 1000, or liy tlio Quart, naif O Ion and G^liuii KugH, nt IUB SALOON, in Dliteltweil Hlroot, or dollvcrcd. jo-tf . _nnyi_n, N. J. Astonishing, yet TRUE FERINE THE HATTER 18 SELLING CHILDREN'S FURS AT $3 Per Set, Cull and look nt them. Tho beat ABsortmout of MINKS over offered in tliia City, VAL.UAB1.T. Mineral' Property POU SALE. Tlio Subscriber pitcra for snlu about Twenty Acres of Land With a vnlunblo mineral deposit, ultimtod In tlio itheni jiiirt uf Dover, near Cliryntul ulrcot. ,-j-omltiliortslmvobocn _nnk nnd coniildnrnlilo pro t&Ucn out. Tho property Is also vory desirn- FOB BiriLDmG PURPOSES, [tn Inctttinn linnithv and comranndinR n llnopmn- )ocl. Wluntcd within ten niinulcii walk of tlio uialncitH contro uf Uovor, it \a connldcrad, for inildtni; niton, equal toany other property in tho iciuity of tlio town, Tho prlco IN I'ITO Thousand Dollars, and tho eras ns libonl as eon bo ilcfttrcd. Also for BUIO aovcml building lotn in tho neieh- lorhood, " ' #crmMi» wishinjf tn view tho premtua may call nnon C. II. Sliiuanii, in Warrcu Blrerit, or MAHT.OX MUNBON, on tho rromlaoi- Dorer, K. J.. NOT. 33; 1871, -Mf. FURS! FURS!! LAWRENCE & Co. HATTERS & FURRIERS, PAIIKnow, MOllHISTOWN, N. .T. Tlio Larjot onii l'inunt STOCKof LADIES' FURS Ever offered in Morria County, nt I'ricoi us Lowas ttio Lowent. Alaska Sable, Mink, Seal, Ermine, r ' Otter, Astrican, Siberian Squirrel, River Mink A L « s o ABSortinoiit nf Gent's Fur Cupcs, Collars & Gloves. CniLDHEN'B RETS la cndlcm voriiily, very cliuap. Buffalo & Fanoy Robes And tho largoat and fincBt Stock of HATS and GAPS GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS Ever beforo offured by us. Call soon while tlio As3ortmmt iu large. OLD Furs Repaired. LAWRENCE & Co. MorrlBtnwn, N. .1^ 152-tr STILL SELLING- AT HOLIDAY PRICES ! Don't forwrt that ynn mtrjlil POHHIBL/!Jod ttU-U£THINU iliiHlrabip ami .UJL'EI'T- AllLEin our (STOCKor GOO1JH, ut HOLIDAY PRICES, Budi ns lilcgnut Piiislcy, Drocho. Xllsuii, Luu^ Itriuicli, Iton- itii, QiicciiNltuul, Siii'ntoga Kcversiblo Exti'ii, lSenga Stripes and otlier styles oi' SHAWLS. FURS, FURS, FURS, Russian Sable, Alaska Mink, River Mink, Siberian Squirrel, Furs for Children, &c Dress Goods! Dress Goods! SUITINGS, LYONS POPLINS, SAT TEENS, EMP11ESS CLOTHS, EPINGE- LINES, *o. ISI.ANKET8, FLANNELS, OASSI- MEUES, OOIlDnilOVS, 4o. nl tlun't furpot tlmt ono nf thoBo " Amorli.'! H(Iron Omfn Hllka" would innlio nil olcj,.n.. iTouiil lnHt tliu rcdplont fur joam, uml ctw bo had of tlio Agtmta, W. S, BABBITT _ Co. aiorrt.town, X .J. The Eeason KING & JOHNSON Aro IIUHV wliilo HOmany nro ITJUIK " dull buHiiiesB, hard ticica," kc, fs be- cause tliL'j- ii ru ecllhijf nearly nil thoir STOCK OF GOODS LAST YEAR'S PRICES Tho increnso of Halm in thoir Drosa Ooodn, lias couipuUctl Uiein In carry it - Larger and greater variety of Styles than heretofore, And iiro nnw rutuly willi n New & Splendid Stock. Tlio only llouno In v:liicli tlin SM.VL1 PROFIT SYSTEM Is stlally nilhcrod to. Morristown, N. J. THE ONLY HOUSE IN TOWS THAT SELLS Faircliild's Double &Twist Cas- simercs, Flannels & Yarns, KING & JOHNSON'S. IT WILL PAY All nlio ilcslro to purdinHO Domestics, Flannels, Shawls, loakings, Cloth Cassimeres, Under Garments, Gent's Fur- nishing Goods, &c, To call and oxiimitio tlio Stork of KING- & JOHNSON. A Rare Oliance. 4 Nuicellcnt IIn»ol rropvrty in oQu;t>il fpr "alo, A. Bltunto at Htanliope, Jimt over ttio BIISHPS yds, from the Irqn Worku nml within aucq of tlio (loiiot of ill? Dt.KLsvK, &. It. ' Tlio liniluiDg lins just lioi'iiriTpniroil n, no.ii conilitiau—[ilouly af J'niit Trees upon tlio IHI, aitlo norfaat. Terms unumtally good for sueli Tltlo orfa. rlnnirablojinifierty, Vorgunp doEiring t b lli n to view Vorgunp doEiring to vie thn property can do no by callinc upon Wn,LL\?i BltOWK, at Staiiliiipo, N. J.. nr \V. V. LKI'ORT, 33-tf Dover, N. J. A DMINISTU.VI'OU'S Sale of RE AL ESTATE IDE ){uWril>L'r, uilmiiiiittiatdr of IUL' EM tutu uf John J. Crutur, lati; vt tlio ountvr.f Murrii, J., il.'i-i-aiod, liv viriuu uf au oriUT uf tlio Onilians" Coui-t ut an id L'uuuty, uiad<i uu thu 'JnJ lUy _r _Ini*. A. U.J871, will null on tliu [.rcmim-ii, nil tlmt i.artuf tliollcnl i'tftntoof wliioli xatdJuliti J. Crnlor _LL-J in.-Ut.-d, in tli. uoimiy «f Morrin, ns TUESDAY, Mnrch lOfli, 1872, Jtwonn tlio liourHnf 12 noou and 0 o'clock In iift-miKm of Bnidduy. tinid ltoal Kslalu lieintf of thu Farm on wlilr-li hutd dec-us.id Hv.d, it.-d fn tin? townn!il]iH <>f I ;b eg tor find WAHII- i:igt<in, in s.iul wiinl.v. bfumacd mi tliu sou tli l.y '-- 1Hijf Itidinrd HtoijhrnH mul Kli-vllucliunliury, lit) went liv laiidB of I'nvld W. Tt«_r, on tin; Ii liy hints <JT Jwl Y'luntf, oil tiio cunt Ijy lands utNignwl antlutw r tn M_r}' Crater. Ou tho Imid mny I>u found A good TWO-STORY DWELLING HOUSE And all nccensai-y Ont-buildingD, n good spriu({ of wotor near tho Hoar. AlTLK OKCIIAUD AND AVAKILTlf OF1'llCITfl. Tholandi»iiiftBit(HlBlfttc of .nltivatlun, mid is wull nd-iitud fur «inzin« or fannlntf. 'i'lmru urrcoiiil luillwtlutiH of Iron Or- TU') Parm coutniuH 125 Acre., f timber hiid, (.'licblnut nnd Oak. Tim land IK lituattd nhonl HmilL-s from CliPfltur It:iilruad Ktiition, tut tho rond luading from _:oop- ur'n Mill to Uni'Hivillc. t'imilltlonB nmdo known tinilay «f Sole, Iijr PMILIIM.* It VH:H,A(liiiinihl 1 i. _l)!it'MUnii. IStli, 1H72._ .TEMPERANCE HOTEL, S. J. BEAHIXG, Proprietor, Sussex si., Dover, N. J. DoariUnR liy tlin Dny or W«t>k. Slcnirat nil lu'drd. Oynliis in ovcry Sljlo Conf-ttloiu ry, ..*. LIVEttY KTAUl.KS In connection with tlio STcaio. THE DOlflESTIC SEWING MACHINE Is the Best of all. ir.d try tho iioaEdi'IU liur.ru"liuyingany nolso IIIBQany icon Jthv It ninsr.asicrand nmkes lei either having n Khuttk'. L'BDS linen thr.ncl or placo no I ton.—Ton BII nro rushy nun a'{«••'], boiug oalf-atljUBtliig. Iiot found tn any othor. Cannot liu put out of limo—lias no cam. or KwrwluiuU. L'annut IIIIUB stiohRS—runs DO close—and prou- liur molinii of tio.dlo bar l'.mti linblu tu bmili needk. b^uxiH. it han round nlmttlo. Docfl not break tlirentla. lioi-nnsj of tuiii.rlor tou-loiiM-i_ Ions linl.k togc;t out or order—linn ono Immtrod Intm number of jiartn than most others— Iin_ 50jiuiutu uf uupuriurity ovct nil istrti.tta:>H ff-u. ... , ,.....;jnno of tlifinn mnuiiinos nml lioi-oinini,' (lisatiHll.'it Uieiwitii, cnii ciclmnyc, froti of cliargo, fir ony olliur nm:i_riictur_r. Tatie no daulur's wsird 11ml tlu-yaro iiut tlio best nulil youIitivo tried mm, roit H.VLE-HV G. ^X. GREENE, MOUIIISTOWN, N. J.. G. W. KENNEDY, DOVER, N. J. All Mtri. of 83wlns Maelilnn Needles for Silo. A Nabob's Visit to Now York. VX UAItK TWAIN. In Xcvndii tbero usnd to bi3 citrrcDt the Btory of nu ail%'eutnrc (if two uf her nnbuha which may or'inuy not Jmvo occurred. 1 give it fur v-Uat it is woilb ; Col. Jim Imd Koeu somowlmt vt the world and. know inure or Ions uf Us wuy» ; but Col, Jack was from tliu buck settlements of thu State, bnd led a life uf arduous toil nud Imd uover seen n city. IU two, blessed with middon wtaltli, d iit t N YkCl JV projected ft tarn the HigliU, itit it to New York—Col. JucV. (jimrd i ., „ , tl Col. Jim l< hiti untiopliisliciitcd companion fr< fuiiune. Thcno Loncliea Han Fraiiciecoin tho nifrht anil muled tu lh<; moruiuy. Ar- rived iu New York Col. Jnclt mid i "I've linurd tell otcairirtgatttill my Hfo uud now Xmenu to liavu u ride in ouc-; 1 do not cure whut it louin. Come ulony;." Tliov atepped ou tho Bidewulk ami Col. Jiiu cullutl u utylish barouche. But Col. Jock said. "No, eirl None of your clicnp John turn onta for urn. I'm hore t« linvo n Rood titue, and money niii't miy object. I menu to lmyj tlie lioLbioElri^thnt'Hgoing. Now heri) comc» ihovery trk-lt. Stitp thut y»l- lor mio, with theliiuttiros on it—don't you fret—I'll stand nil thuOSIIPHHU mystilf. So Col. Jim tttoppfd un pinjity omnibun, and thry «ot in. Htiiil Col. .luok : " AinHit guy, though V Oh. no, I rculion not. CusliioiiH, nndwinduwnnud jtietnvcH, till you cim't rest. What would thu buy"* iaiy ii'tliity cnulil sco its cutting tt swell lik<i tbi_in New YnrkV By Ocorffe Iwiali tllL-y COllltl liOL' US." 'I'hon lie put his head out of tho window And shouted to the driver : "Hiiy, Johnny, this units ina !—suits yours iriilVi you «ut you ! I wuiittliisi.'.lii;- bnng all dny. I'm on it, old limn! Let 'cm go 1 We'll luiiko it nil right to you Bonny." &~ Wo know but ana joitrnsl in this ft thut hu-i durcc! Ut i-uifo itw voii-o agninst tho Bnbjuct dkciiesed in tho fol- lowing article. As our rodders beldom hrar whnt the "other Hide" have to nay loefil optio of what c LOCAL OPTION. Miuiy of thu teuip-niiicit tacn of tho state arc ucf ' ' ' lV * pus It tu scctu'O ik<i igecfu liilf KiviiiK cucU tovrnahip .nl the rij;ht io dytiide by jioplar •-'-• vlietliur liqu thoir rcNprctivn d urc uclivi:iv ile, and SCIIIIH y pp lintl or n«t *KJ tu>ld within liniitu. 1'etitiowt to thirt eiiculatiid ttiroughout tin) of f bu fiiendii uf tunii>or- uuce nro niittupiUing Kim-Unit: results IEULX tho bill hho.il.1 it bpcoino u law. Wo rufeTet the time-6C'i-vii)g policy of this movr. If tho tt.'UiiJi i ruuco uii>u be- lC the tnifllu tobe utl..-rly and iudefeii- uibly wroiifi—us wrong tliaJ™ n-grtt any dihpoKltiuu to c it. with. BumaelliiiR is cilbor right or it is wronff- If riylit, <to coiuniiiuity nifty iutordict it. 1£ wrong no uuimjiuiiity can lcp.tlisc itnny mor» tlmu nlhcr wnnjg 1 *. The general I11W r,]iould oitber pronoujMiG l\ia Utitilo wrontf umlfoi-l.iditnsitfnibi.lK binuhiry, or it cliould citciid it>: iiri)ir..-ii')u U> it in eveiy uoi'iinitniiy. ]-'m- thu iHti-iih: ol the slntu, buvcriM-vii in lnw-iuakiuj.', leave to 11 riuyite cnunmnity hownvi'r tU-^nuluil, tho iuiii!lffd (jf drvWiiif,' fur it:* If ti]jon u mmit moi-iil :uul ]tliv;>icul qtu^tiuli, ia to mir mind 11 sliyekin-' i-lwunllty. " We, the in:oplo of tho st»U l ," nro the onlv i»o-,'ti- competent to gnimilo with urciil uml vital qucHtiuUB of jmbiic right or.vroug, we::l or yrr.a. Admit for iin in- Hliiiit'thu light nf u hingh; couimmiit;/ to decide such nuestious iu gcuurul, ftutl tho gi-ievous error of th« "locul optiou" policy ' ittl t Hw would tlio Xhcdriver pnRfied hinhnnd through thu i it, iuatuntiy uppurcnt. How woulU tlio strap lit,*.', mill tupped for his fmo—it wn:i Sixth ward of the city of New Yt>rl; vota buforu the gongs camu iuto cuuimou use. ou stonlinj^, or y.inib'liiig, or prizefighting Col. Jack took tholiauil uud shuokit cor- ( , r ropi'ittiug " within its liiniU V" Is *uy diully. He paid : 1 il!fi8 principle of public morals involved ii* Yon twig me, old pnrd ! All right be- j tlir liijuor ijiiiiiitinn than in ganiblU)g op twuen gents. Hmoll of that iind BUU lion | prize ilb'htuig ? Will the gcutl-meu. *Uo. you like it V" fuvor luunl option in liquor sollblg favor- And he put it twenty dullnr gold [riocr - iu thodriver's hand. After imminent tin; flrivor said he could Hot make change. JUothcr the vluince ! ltido it out. l»ut t it in your poekid." Then to Col. Jimwith asounding (ship on lib thigh: "Ain't it BtylP, though? linnged if I don't hire Una tiling every day fur a week. TUo omnibus stopped nud n young liidy got in. Col. Jauk fitaicd for 11 mumt>iit, then nudged Col. Jimwith his elbow. " Don't fjfly n word," he whispered "let lira* ride ifriircwants to, Qmciuus, UICI-C'H room cuuugli." Thu young liuly got oulucr|iortinonaif, and handed her farft to Col. Jack, " What'a Oiia for V" ho Biiid. "Give it to the driver, please." "Tulie back your money, jimdomc. M'i> cau't allow it. Yon arc welcome- to n vide hero us long nayou pica?* 1 , but thn sbo- shan't let you pay-11 Ijnn^ i_ chnrt-i Tho girl Bluauk inlo a corner cd. An oldlady with a basket clicjbed. in, uud profi.rL'iI ln>r fnv**, "Excusomp," said CoL Jack- u Tmt nrc perfectly welcome ltero s>y»c^_u^2 y ?^ V-ut wo caa't allow you to pny. fljitri«lvtdr.wn iinini, und don't you feel tlu* Lca-t mica.sy. Mnko yoursel. us freo as if- yon vrnro in your own turnout." AVithiu two mtnuAee. tkree Rentleinen AVitbiu ue two fat women, aud. a c e Renteinen ? of children ; ut." The ' don't along, frienit." earn Col. ia^DA. Tbd&iaalreobknsr DENTISTRY. Dr. w. H. MCDONALD Binnal calls with eliill, Dr. MCDOIIBM lias tho isjicrJ-nco of I jcul's'close nuiilitatlwi In the practlioorSc ry, oml frolii cotifldwil in Ku:nnulociuK t< [>nlilic ontirc>utiHrnution, uniug oil iho Intent im- provements Iu HID art anil Bdcnro of Dentistry, IK nbl. to iasorl tuclh riwnono tonacntfniBct itt Tcry tawjirlvoa and nn cliargo raailo for tt'ui- jicirury »cta. All aiEkMEiinof tiio niondi nnd ti tronlcd with tlio uti>m,it caio. Tootli cxirn vitlimtt pnin by tho nno tir nitrous oxlilo gnw ami Full not (if teeth,upjKr anil Inner, on tlio latest improved faco, ncknonlcgcd by tlnituniidH to bo liononrest toimhirc Mil tlio most nutural lift Immnn nystysn or Anything yet diauororcd, or ttiirty-flvo ddllnrn, partial fiul. in Jiroportion. L'ootli tilled with unh\ from ono dotlur and up; and silver EUly cents to one dollar. AU irork wnrrnutcd to glvo entire eatiofaction Oirinn to tlio ilinieully in getting finftablo rooais hnvo tnken npirlmonts at tlio Btichlo lippsc, W. II. Dover, Doc. 30,1371. SHinnfactnrcr of 'GIDER Pure Oider VINEGAR MILL imOOK, N. J. AIBD dealer in all kinds of 3I1X1XG TIMBER, PLASK, Ac.| tic, at Tory law 11rices. N. B.-0nlcrn loft at rierwon's Hat &Fnc Store OTcr, will rocfllvo prorapt tttention. ho wlusperetl to Col. Jim. " Now York uiu't uo Huviabla place-. I don't reckon, it idnt no nnmo for uto." He resisted every effort topass fares lo tlio Oliver, awl inado every body cordinlly welcome. The nituntion diuvuud ou the pooule, and thoy vuclw^tl tlxcir uiouey and delivered thomsclvrs up to a covert ciijoviiiciit of the ephodo. DiilE a Aozen raoie jjas6C.iRer£ got in. "On, theni ia plenty of roora,"«iidCo!. Jack. "Walk n»Ut iu and inukoyouv_oU to lionic. A blow-out nin't worth nny* tf» : iig nu a blow out^ unlesa a body h»s eow- •Jiuii3*," TIIPII iua whisper to Col. ,Tica, said : " But uiu't these New Yorkers fiiendly? And nin't tlmy cool about it, too ? Iccbpr(;«. nin't anywhere I reckon theyM tafl-ln a hearse, 'if it WAS going their way." Moro passengei 1 - got in: more yet ami Btill mow. I3oth HeaU were flllud, uiid n lUo of liiun were Btandingup holding on to tho cleat? overhead. Pnrtim with baskets it also in these ? Or does nny nja».l)clievi> lighting nnd gninblinpf deudlicc toea to- imblic laonility undvirtue Ojftu the trnflia which Jill« two-thirds of cur priwou cella id ficiiiUhixtylhoiiHiuidAmeiicnoHyearly into diKhouoroii and bppelcEa graves ? Does anyman l«lyjv.« ihh l*?fin iui|>or- tant tlututhu t.thi'i;., si; that u tlcimivcd ward mny have the >t'i^ siinijly liecaupo ward mny have UJ& they went it, wiljioul tltOOtllL'lHif tiu-J- Moreuvfi' " Hial right to, ^nnW/icw? oreover Mmjnieticnloywation of iho would. L'j: utterly vjiJiiqlo.HS.iu reducing kiUiovl u,'itiiwj'irAtyufl>lnce8. t.uwil*flMi> or ward vote iu&li j tfjiii oud thi=- nest ouo voto !•> ntl«,w ii:, itw butrtttop from one town- ahiyoJ,'wwdlo tho other,, andrneuwhq, want rum. veil! llnd 110 obstacle to gettu^t itk It will not riiduci: tbs R*«nd total 0? , dvnnkeuucsa, but will uimirly change iAie- locality-of 6undrv.grogf»bups ; for uu cit y 01; county iu thu titnto unu ount thq tr^fBa fn.Lj every ward nutl. tuwusliip.. Then too Ijjf.viitg wit their hoadifi this ngrecuitnt, viz :. Xlint in each, tppfn- hliii) or ward it (.•hull bo 00 tho peoplftwr, thu teuniorauco men iu-e bou«t\ to( abidQ by thyresult, whether l«o^ or «HJ». and if thoYotcbccgoiusf) them theii; Iwoda nro in iimwr, ;ui,j lMiRi.i]L>imuu.gu Vfld against auy cliV'r.t' &>i* a prohibit vi/t laj« and futuro^ lc*^latim>a will so regard it. \VB havo not RIHKB toaavwhat we -woultf ou tliis. subject, but we caution tcinperance- IUBU nguiiiKL Uiis Hi»ecit.Ui3device for secu- ring their guiiutcunuco tt. the rnra trr.fllo, uud would i'emir.d_t hem thnt good prim*!-' 1 plen iccltsdt'cletu will tiitimpli iu the rri^Vi" Btirly a u . i\ good God roiynt, whilaajtiy cuuiiiaj^e with wrong, though Bccjhiug* toyifliln,ii.i!.dv.iuliigo tor tlie ti^tj, will - bu found to pay poorly iu tbu loiig run.—, lih ' " ' JUASCISIO ISIOKY.—Two men liad .boon., fast 1'iicnds. In an evit.liuttr.they t[nnr-, d. Thoy did not sqi3ak,'ii!id lind not koii for ypiirR. 3\Uiiual frfeilda tried'. tiiliHHviu;"JCbyeroi" ieurtoirjco:iiiliiiHuiHn.vaiu owU eiu'Uiie» fi'ir'llft*.." O [•IMIHU a Miiaon r.ffl-ir'tbc Oh l h h aiu;JCbyi Orto bf theui. n r.ffl irant,'enjctiti:' d tlilit. the other reniaiucd'' t!\v.i. One CVi-niuglio too Id ii lodge. Almost tho,' ld>tiljtlft ml it happe noiiirit of Ih ilratvi.i irtii-iidotl ovoi* the ceremonies oE Ijlttlatapn and vrt«i •.•b'liyi-d, ilocordin^-.to 'uaago, to' Kidrcw.ltim by the tiUfot "brother.", Tin;: •••OA a ju-culiav -ii.tu.Uon, and n eorqrjj iril 1vr.f"K{i**bi)Mi, *.\ttev tho lodgo vru* . "'Uip Appiciitiee Bought tho Master, and bundles wcro climbing up on the roof. v;ithoiij. nny pr-hnnnannn, mid the follow Half sniipresBod laughter rippled np ftou all nides, " Well for clean, cool, out-auil-i>nl check if this don't- baugiinylhiiisthfitlevpi'snw,. I'm an Ingiin," whiwierod Col. Jnclt. A Chiuniuuu enimtcd his wayHi. " I weaken," Kuid Col. Jack. " IJ.oJ$tui| ilrivcr i Keep your seata,Indies aiviHtintn. Juat make yonrsclf free—cvi-iytliiii^'s laid for. Dnvnmistlethc»oI;>Hiaftroniul is long aa they'ro a mind tn go—frien.lsof Hire, you know. Take them everywhoro, md if you want more mouoy.'couii 1 Iu 11: oi* of thisLoilgo ?" In.m." ent when I wns elec- y p , cu>)lbipty-«nu>ued, coniiueueed by the, lipwly.-niitOo JltiKiiu : "Aro \v;it 11 liitu Tho nuBwrwu (l Wero you pr ted?" "Imis." 11 3r«y I nrfc ii you v^iei? ". "Idla." ' *" "Now will run Wi me how mtiny Totfi it iv,-piiri!« to'vcjt'rt- n'cundid;Uo ou Iri T!«e V^wliip ,.,„ ... . .. ... ....... :cr answered "ono.".. St. Nicholas, nm! wu'll rmikn it nil right. I Vl^Tfl V.';-JI iiullun;: r.imw toeay. The l»]c(isant journey to von, Indies nml (^ntMjlJuitiatCtl eWnuVd Ills band, wlu'eli wuj go it an lung as you please—it shunt ' you 11 tiont," The two comrades got out, and. Col. Jaokenid: '• -"' ' "Jimmy, it'u the FnomWuM. place lover saw. Tlio Chinaman wiljt-jb'fl in as eoinfoj-t- -•' •--" 1 " ]^w(|>ffltniilnwlii)o I T nblo na anyboily.t reckon wndhnvefl we'll hnyo to liarri f tfe d omiiriiggorH. J l y r c e yo to liarricado onr iloi>v.i to-nijflit r snmn of tfeae ducla will lie trying to 1C^\ with Tin." i tlio other,-and uttered• ccents, deep emotions'- "Friend! Urolher!; I III AuIrLslj.geijUcmaureHidinR.m Cnnadit, was desiYoW of perHuatlirig his sons ti> thisclM' work as "hnnlnvoodsmrn instead of friltei^ that n iugawav iheir conatttiitions andmoney w , in luxuries nnd plcasvuV^l an^ aa rlinm-; (j, nngue cuht soinelhiiiB n\up^ t^iui'^ve.MJI- ., lings a bottle, wheneyrj the'olH gontle- l mau saw bis nous rnfen the bright spark- ling mixture to thoir lip?, ho nned htnnor- ously toexclaim tothem, *'Ah I my hnya, them goes an acre of land, trees and all." At A social party, whoro humorous defi- tiliona wna ono of tho pames of the even liimiy .. . with, tlmliiujr yijit Ii'iyo tmi;;lit me n Iciison I BIUIII ucv«r; forj+ut. 1 " This is a little niybf'JJtnaiiliiS' ;litj;l)t-. "So lunjntfifjo is : sb"el0nuen."aii < 'thif Mleiit throbbing of ft henrt full : of jojfiil;' triiw. While this kind oi.v,fuient ia uted- in our moral liililicu, bUould it not bo en- "Ten gp-llinis gj.korosone, throepo.ur^^a of polafih, fiuo'ouuuc of ntryclinine, tnis;eff with soft wtitcr," It ...••••. - rful, not to ti of / ng viviil formula, 1 y', 1 . iuixed lust ivocifiu No' _, __ . . . __ t , refii'ipOiluiYiuf; RISO br-cu fouhil in thn iOHsiuu' of tho unfortunate dealer. If; yon want "(riu," mid ijnrtnlum eijfffciV pi oi! of jniiipi'i-! The mystery w that men wlm drink this diaUolh'iil (laid do not drop i W n stone dead at (iiici*. •' '•' ' A KIWI- in Qiu't^c r.ditvliswi "tho pe- iiilinr ilpH".ivlu_} or'tltn'Wf-oET India, aria Ixiiiff-lcofo! iu thq next world, {pr yi'l thqbc-t policy.". A large adyertiserfltjat oii^e, discontinued, create th-irame: t)in "•**''- ^""* A'.ln^ ! utl enriching wine, nf tho ModJ teiTnu-iin, and talt-currd anil brain-ro-- ii-wiiiH IIPII of our iran utitrmy gulf.** Ali-it 110 means tosr.yia, that ho sells tea,

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Page 1: HARNESS, … · ron, Steel, Powde r and Fuse. B full a.suortnieiit nf M


T h e Iron Era ,PUBLISHED E Y « T BATDBDAr n


Offica Cor. Horria a n d BUcliw«U 8 t n . U .



O n o T e a r , - - - - _ _ _ $ 2 . 0 0

S i x M o n t h a , - - _ _ _ _ _ 1 . 0 O

x b r e o m o n t h s , - - _ _ _ _ _ 5 0

BuNincss CnrdH.



Queenstown and I,lvcr|iaol.


Ornt BriUln, Ireland, aormtny and Franco

85.50 to 85.45 per JC1.


Liverpool and Quaenstown,on tlio following Steunslilp Hues:



L i v e r p o o l a n d Circa t Wcstcri

ind Royal Bauk of Irclnnd

r, N. J.E . L 1 N D 3 L E Y , A g e n t ,

- , I » U . _ . » . - _ U S t r - - t , E


The'Union Bunk at Dover.Borah por coat Quid IJoiiili of Ilia Hum ton end

T A I U Central ItiU^ey Company—Hun, Win. 13DotlRo, rrcaiaont—for ulo «t 00c. nu<) nccniciiatoroal. Also, laven-tliirty Nor.liera l'acldiIt&tlroid Bond* at par and accrued Interest.

Circulars and partloulari furnished on appliestion.

A. O. P. SEaUR, Banker.rob. l i t , 1872.


; : HAlIt DltKSSINCx,Sharing *>uil tfhnmpoolng Krt«1j]|»linieii'

Cor. Biackwcll and HIIBBOI 8tu., Dorai, H. 3.N. B.-P*rticular ttttontlon given to cutting

»ud dremlng ladie*'.ud children's linir. RPMT>boned, sot and ground. I-lyr

.HIM •

Foreign and Domestic Tobacco,BNUFF iwirl CIGAH8. AUo, oonntBiUlr oirluuid

a cro»t rn.ri.ty of HUOKINQ «niI'Cin_WINCt-TOyACCO. Plain and fumy

BHIAU «nd Jl^EllHCUAUM Hl'liS.'BUikwcIl atroot, Sign i>r tlio IoiUat

1-lyr POVIilt. N. J.


', Corner of Black well and fltiRBS); Fits.

DOVEH, N. .J.B.?JOLLEY, Proprietor,

Horjoa aud Carriage's to Lot.

rj DOVKH, N. J.Uniy Btablos attacliod to tlio Hotel HorKS

kept lij tlio daj, wcok or month.

C O B .* jv

Licensed Auctioneer,s JDOVElt, N. J.

d d t I t f thBUM i t1'rlTata _ _

commiinlon clinrgml

VElt, N. J.dod to In any part of tho country,llcctioui promptly nttenueu to. aud_i _» —1.^ upm, actual col Ice H


" Counsellor at Law,AND MASTED IN OHANOEBY,

Offlci next door to Quo. Wclnrds A Co's Utora,. ST. , DOVER, N. J.


Attorneys & Counsellors at Law,. , , , Cor. Blackwoll and SUBM. P',a.

. DOVER, N. J.Dcooraberlitli, 1970. 1-lyr

i .n. MEII ""


•4^1'!> -Dover , N. J .. .a-i?--- .

7* A, OII1I1BK,^jt Gtaiml

Furnishing UndertakerLICENSED ArjnnoNEElt AKn COjrMISU™^j BIONEH OP DEEDS,• ;} All ordors promptly attended to:B 8 D o V r N J

Dr. S. II. Jolinstou,


^ _ Mortto,nci«iBI«(_wlliit.BoiuliMBots or tooth for $15,00.

«ntli eitnelad nmtUmljr without twin, by tlioV Witrous Oitile, or Laughing Gas.


Carriages and Sleighs*'-•••• o r B r c r y Dt tcr lp t lon.

Cor. Blackball nnd Bcrgon 8ts, DOVER, » . J .N. H.\DiEBifA<r, GEO. KGOEACKEN.r&rtlciilar att-ntion pdd to repairing nnd

painting. MyFrank. V. Amsdcn,i Architect-• a n d

y ENGINEER,Office on Blaokwoll 8troot, near SUBSOT,.Plsnn, SpociilcatlOQB and auporlntondcnco of buildingi of OTery daw.

"^SarToyfc-LeTeii, Orados, Plans,&c. for public»nd^priT»tflinproT«merti. *.. 2-1?


Miners and Shippersof Iron Ore.

drmG. W. MILLER, Soc, S. \V. OKOnoE, Bup't.,

20 llroad 8t. Now York, CIIUHUT, MurrJu Coan^il* N.J.



H A R N E S S ,SADDLES, &o.,


, • I I O ^ K K , N . J . , ;

Announces to tho public lliat ho has rccnlvud hiWinter atocliof O.HMIB. aud liivitca nu oiainiuatlun i>r Ida m-lcodiJ eoloction nf

Btiffalo and "Wolf Skin

Fancy Lap Robes,Horse Blankets,'

Sleigh Bells, Whips,Brushes,, Combs,

OILS for I.iibricnthiB llnim^

Oiiitiuon.g, Liniments,

And i?i fact all tlinHD nrll.li's nWduu t»y a eooiirnonisn iu Uiu prnpor coxo uf that nu.ful iiiiial. Having bought an unusually

Large Stock of Horse Blankets,I am nldo tu sell at much

B e l o w tho UBIIUI Prices.


nd axrnnluoDucombur 31tli. 1870.

Free Passage Tickets1'JIOM

Dover to MorristownAND lll-TLUN.

On and nftnr Aug. Btli, 1871, thn mi line rI1>oi „.„nay tliu i)aB8a«o, over thu i l . i t J2. II, ft. fromDiivor to Murri-town and rulurn, or oil citizens otUovor nnd vfajnlty tvlio will jmrchnnu of hlir ~•utt of clothe, of »nr tloamjitum.

A .pleniliil and outiroly nniv ntaek of Iten_y-nindo Cliitliinf,' linn just been jmt In my noirstoreIu tlio old Iron JlutiTc JJuildiriL', fronting tho rark

t aiurrlsloiTit. SAMUEL HAILBlorrl-Uiwii, Aug. 5,1871. DO-y

C. H.

M O I t l t l S T O W N , N . J .

Dcalur ia


. Chemicals, ••Dye Stuffs,



of nil kin.ls,

TOILET ARTICLES,Soaps, Brushes, Perfumery,

anil ovorjtliing UBimlly TuiiDd ill a

First Class Drug Store.

Physicians' Prescriptions,

pcranlinl attention will be given, Dtld tillcaro will Ijo liikcn tu lumiro tUo






BOUGHT AT CASH PRICES ! ! !And o» I sunll SELL Foil CABII, I can



Dry Goods and potionsCouiprifling tlie Tory latest Stylos of

Dress Goods, Fancy Goods,S H A W L S ,

T R I M M I N G S & i i A D I E S M V E A l lEror offorod In Dowr.

Also n flno Amiortmont of

FRESH GROCERIESCn noeh vorioty as to moot Iho wan la of every

' . Household.

Crockery & Glass-wareTho latest designs n*d flneat irorkroitttliip, -

ta well an tho morosubatantial.nrticlcH in Oils lino.

I havo jiwt <>l»no«l, noil invllo tho rlliionB ofover to como nnd cxamlno my good* «nd pricci.Un'Cor tho Inos EnA OCDcc, cornor of Blnckwcll

and MorriB Strootd, Dover, H. J.

. JOHN F. "WOOD.Ladies' and Children's Shoes



New Store!NEW GOODS !

V PRICES!Having receniaut

oved to our Largo and Eto-

New Store Iloom,Cor. or BlacKwell and Morris Streets,

Wo Hliall l>o plunsed to w.lcunin our old iiuatun*era. and all others who may fcivur uu with a fullami t-huL-iTull)- HILIMY uiir


Which for QDAI.1TY, QUANTITY and P1IICE,no fop. aHMircil cannot \m -iiniaw-.U liy nny Htoroiu (I.o country. Our Now llmmm fc-i,iB obu.itfuur limed thu aizv of tlioHuwn fimitcrly ocuuijicil,enable.us tu top n full nssurtm.nt (if oil arftclcH<.'itui]__U'(l iritb uur Luiuinc.., aud which -oiiui-tiIu i>art ut

Dry Goods & Fancy Goods,Kneli nu ladli't' fnnlijunablo ikons fjnrwls, all v_rieHUM and «radfn; culirm>_, UIUBIIIIH, uh(!Otlnt;H, tickiiius, uhirtitiKB, towdiii^s, liufliciy, cuttun thread,itilk uml kicl glove., dn«n and clunk triumiiiib'f,rlliljunii, In.cfl, bbawlu, -Io_kli.(,'ti, llnuufla, threui'

TENT'1 ' FURNISHING GOODS,fliidi as clollm, CQinlmercB, .utluutts, Jenus, JLTlim, iiii-n ami cuttun%ow\», eoltarn, crmatu, ncctiuH, buclt, link', im.,], <:i>tton, HilU nud hill k-lovcf!>7(MJI nnd ciittuii half liosn, flilk nmllioGuliatilkiiielilcfs, Ac., &c.

BOOTS and SHOES.la(lii:B' andcliildrcu-ii hiuli SIIUCH, (jailern,lmnl(ln»,

[irrit, mlilicrH, ftc, BlL-n'fi nndfjiiys' llcavy amIIOQIH, HIIIM'H, enitursAiid BUHIKTH.

Groceries and ProvisionsTeas, cnlTcei, mignru, i no] as BOB QIII) Byrlipa, algraik'u, variotics and pricin. Canucd and <lric_rruttn, t'saeiiti's and ilnvoriui; uxlrncta, i>urli,"lwli-d 1mm ami fthoiildi.ru, dri.d bc-of nnd bucun.

It mot-'kir-l, to(llin!i, ivhia-Unh nud herring.A'so, always on hand, a Choice Article ol

Fresh Butter, Choose and Eggs.

Crockery, Cutlery and GlassWare.

jlo and pw, parlor, haU, din

HARDWARE AND EDGE TOOLS.I'ull Hctii orCiirii?iilorii' nnd other media

toolu, ut Iho Ifuat uianufiivturo.ron, Steel, Powder and Fuse.

B full a.suortnieiit nf M<nlmnt Iron and Hteol, Inrods and bum, miitaMo forMncliHiuitliB' or minorsUHO ; also npurling nml tulniuji pinvdor, and safetyfuse, gnu pipes nml litllnsB. homo Hhuen and nnilH,exploiters' nailH nud HniKcs, blm-kumithn' anvils,bolluws, vliats, taya and (lieu.


Iu this lirnnch of bimincBS, wo Intend kccjiing n'ami n full Bu|)pl,v of parlur HHilfi, liudrouiu noli

iurblc-to]i UUIID, dining and cxtoiiHion tnblciiifsm, luuDguH, tutu-n-tJics, otluiiioiiB, elmiriucliurH, unity clinlrs, burcaim, mtva, wnrdnibci•(isli-standd, iK'dHtciuld, tiiwel racks, kc; alno,'rcuali riflto and Amcrk-au Mirruni aud LoutilufillftBucH. Hitir, cotton, wool and wtraw niuttre^<• nn.l lulloivK ; 1>..(| Uhml.rH nnd lln_It, all kludt

Kit- Our lino of carpotH aro well nulectml^ nuconaittts of Kn"(,'lish nnd Aracnuaii Jfrufl-d., Ingrain, llt-inii and ling, l'ai lor Jlnls, iVc* Oil UI..11.B, nil widtlis.

5lost of our utnuli of (jooda havo liocn rocuntly

Eurelmscd nt tlio jircscitt reduced \mevn, nuilnvo been neleele,! from tlio best IIUIIHDH In Hew

York, n i thgnnt uirc, and wliieii wo inlonrl tndis-IIOHU of nt ]>rlwn no low ns cin 1m nllbrdwl.—''Quick BnlcBOiid small prollts," huinn our moltuWe linvo oiigagfil tli. nervit'es nl HOIUU vimu^guii•.lomcii n_ BaicBincn, WIIUHOrupiitntiuu for lioii.ulmd inilifonorta nro woll-Uiiown, wlio will chcurnlly riihibit our stnelt (if JJOOIIB, nud inform yen,i the prices, whether you purcliaBu or not.

l'leaso glvo us a calL

Mnrcli 18-ly ' "

Morristown AdVortiseincnts I

THOI^CAS BOLITHO,WholosalonuiUlctail.

FltESH EVERY DAY,Dv tlio 100 or 1000, or liy tlio Quart, naif O

Ion and G^liuii KugH, nt IUB

SALOON,in Dliteltweil Hlroot, or dollvcrcd.

jo-tf . _nnyi_n, N. J .

Astonishing, yet TRUE




• $3 Per Set,Cull and look nt them.

Tho beat ABsortmout of MINKS overoffered in tliia City,


Mineral' PropertyP O U S A L E .

Tlio Subscriber pitcra for snlu about

Twenty Acres of LandWith a vnlunblo mineral deposit, ultimtod In tlio

itheni jiiirt uf Dover, near Cliryntul ulrcot.,-j-omltiliortslmvobocn _nnk nnd coniildnrnlilopro t&Ucn out. Tho property Is also vory desirn-

FOB BiriLDmG PURPOSES,[tn Inctttinn linnithv and comranndinR n llnopmn-)ocl. Wluntcd within ten niinulcii walk of tliouialncitH contro uf Uovor, it \a connldcrad, forinildtni; niton, equal to any other property in thoiciuity of tlio town,Tho prlco IN I'ITO Thousand Dollars, and tho

eras ns libonl as eon bo ilcfttrcd.Also for BUIO aovcml building lotn in tho neieh-

lorhood, " '#crmMi» wishinjf tn view tho premtua may call

nnon C. II. Sliiuanii, in Warrcu Blrerit, orMAHT.OX MUNBON, on tho rromlaoi-Dorer, K. J.. NOT. 33; 1871, -Mf.




Tlio Larjot onii l'inunt STOCK of

LADIES' FURSEver offered in Morria County, nt I'ricoi

us Low as ttio Lowent.

Alaska Sable,Mink,

Seal,Ermine,r ' Otter,

Astrican,Siberian Squirrel,

River MinkA L « s o ABSortinoiit nf

Gent's Fur Cupcs, Collars &Gloves.

CniLDHEN'B RETS la cndlcm voriiily,very cliuap.

Buffalo & Fanoy RobesAnd tho largoat and fincBt Stock of


Ever beforo offured by us.Call soon while tlio As3ortmmt iu large.

OLD Furs Repaired.LAWRENCE & Co.

MorrlBtnwn, N. .1^ • 152-tr


Don't forwrt that ynn mtrjlil POHHIBL/!JodttU-U£THINU iliiHlrabip ami .UJL'EI'T-

AllLEin our (STOCK orGOO1JH, ut


lilcgnut Piiislcy, Drocho.Xllsuii, Luu^ Itriuicli, Iton-itii, QiicciiNltuul, Siii'ntogaKcversiblo Exti'ii, lSengaStripes and otlier styles oi'


Alaska Mink,River Mink,

Siberian Squirrel,Furs for Children, &cDress Goods! Dress Goods!



nl tlun't furpot tlmt ono nf thoBo " Amorli.'!H (Iron Omfn Hllka" would innlio nil olcj,.n..

iTouiil lnHt tliu rcdplont fur joam, uml ctw bo hadof tlio Agtmta,

W. S, BABBITT _ Co.aiorrt.town, X .J.


Aro IIUHV wliilo HO many nro ITJUIK " dullbuHiiiesB, hard ticica," kc, fs be-

cause tliL'j- ii ru ecllhijfnearly nil thoir



Tho increnso of Halm in thoir Drosa Ooodn,lias couipuUctl Uiein In carry it -

Larger and greater variety ofStyles than heretofore,

And iiro nnw rutuly willi n

New & Splendid Stock.Tlio only llouno In v:liicli tlin

SM.VL1 PROFIT SYSTEMIs stlally nilhcrod to.

Morristown, N. J.THE ONLY HOUSE


Faircliild's Double & Twist Cas-simercs, Flannels & Yarns,


All nlio ilcslro to purdinHO

Domestics, Flannels, Shawls,loakings, Cloth Cassimeres,

Under Garments, Gent's Fur-nishing Goods, &c,

To call and oxiimitio tlio Stork of

KING- & JOHNSON.A Rare Oliance.

4 N uicellcnt IIn»ol rropvrty in oQu;t>il fpr "alo,A . Bltunto at Htanliope, Jimt over ttio BIISHPS

— yds, from the Irqn Worku nml withinaucq of tlio (loiiot of ill? Dt.K LsvK, &.It. ' Tlio liniluiDg lins just lioi'iiriTpniroiln, no.ii conilitiau—[ilouly af J'niit Trees

upon tlio IHI,aitlo norfaat. Terms unumtally good for sueliTltlo o r f a .rlnnirablojinifierty,Vorgunp doEiring tb lli n

to viewVorgunp doEiring to vie thn property can dono by callinc upon Wn,LL\?i BltOWK, at

Staiiliiipo, N. J.. nr\V. V. LKI'ORT,

33-tf Dover, N. J.


Sale of RE AL ESTATEIDE ){uWril>L'r, uilmiiiiittiatdr of IUL' EM tutu uf

John J. Crutur, lati; vt tlio ountvr.f Murrii,J., il.'i-i-aiod, liv viriuu uf au oriUT uf tlio

Onilians" Coui-t ut an id L'uuuty, uiad<i uu thu 'JnJlUy _r _Ini*. A. U.J871, will null on tliu [.rcmim-ii,nil tlmt i.artuf tliollcnl i'tftntoof wliioli xatdJulitiJ. Crnlor _LL-J in.-Ut.-d, in tli . uoimiy «f Morrin, ns

TUESDAY, Mnrch lOfli, 1872,Jtwonn tlio liourH nf 12 noou and 0 o'clock Iniift-miKm of Bnidduy. tinid ltoal Kslalu lieintfof thu Farm on wlilr-li hutd dec-us.id Hv.d,it.-d fn tin? townn!il]iH <>f I ;b eg tor find WAHII-

i:igt<in, in s.iul wiinl.v. bfumacd mi tliu sou tli l.y' - - 1H ijf Itidinrd HtoijhrnH mul Kli-vllucliunliury,

lit) went liv laiidB of I'nvld W. Tt«_r, on tin;Ii liy hints <JT Jwl Y'luntf, oil tiio cunt Ijy

lands utNignwl an tlutw r tn M_r}' Crater.Ou tho Imid mny I>u found A good

TWO-STORY DWELLING HOUSEAnd all nccensai-y Ont-buildingD, n good spriu({

of wotor near tho Hoar.AlTLK OKCIIAUD AND A VAKILTlf OF 1'llCITfl.

Tholandi»iiiftBit(HlBlfttc of .nltivatlun, midis wull nd-iitud fur «inzin« or fannlntf. 'i'lmruurrcoiiil luillwtlutiH of Iron Or-TU') Parm coutniuH 125 Acre., ftimber hiid, (.'licblnut nnd Oak.

Tim land IK lituattd nhonl H milL-s from CliPflturIt:iilruad Ktiition, tut tho rond luading from _:oop-ur'n Mill to Uni'Hivillc.

t'imilltlonB nmdo known tin ilay «f Sole, IijrPMILIIM.* It VH:H,A(li i i inihl1 i ._l)!it'MUnii. IStli, 1H72._


Sussex si., Dover, N. J.

DoariUnR liy tlin Dny or W«t>k. Slcnirat nillu'drd. Oynliis in ovcry Sljlo

Conf-ttloiu ry, ..*.

LIVEttY KTAUl.KSIn connection with tlio STcaio.



Is the Best of all.

ir.d try tho iioaEdi'IU liur.ru"liuying any

nolso IIIBQ any


It ninsr.asicrand nmkes leieither having n Khuttk'.

L'BDS linen thr.ncl or placo no I ton.—Ton BIInro rushy nun a'{«••'], boiug oalf-atljUBtliig. Iiotfound tn any othor.

Cannot liu put out of limo—lias no cam. orKwrwluiuU.

L'annut IIIIUB stiohRS—runs DO close—and prou-liur molinii of tio.dlo bar l'.mti linblu tu bmilineedk. b^uxiH. it han round nlmttlo.

Docfl not break tlirentla. lioi-nnsj of tuiii.rlortou-loiiM-i_ Ions linl.k to gc;t out or order—linnono Immtrod Intm number of jiartn than mostothers— Iin_ 50 jiuiutu uf uupuriurity ovct nil

istrti.tta:>H ff-u.... , ,.....;jnno of tlifinn mnuiiinos nml

lioi-oinini,' (lisatiHll.'it Uieiwitii, cnii ciclmnyc,froti of cliargo, fir ony olliur nm:i_riictur_r.

Tatie no daulur's wsird 11ml tlu-yaro iiut tliobest nulil you Iitivo tried mm,

roit H.VLE-HV



All Mtri. of 83wlns Maelilnn Needles for Silo.

A Nabob's Visit to Now York.VX UAItK TWAIN.

In Xcvndii tbero usnd to bi3 citrrcDt theBtory of nu ail%'eutnrc (if two uf her nnbuhawhich may or'inuy not Jmvo occurred. 1give it fur v-Uat it is woilb ;

Col. Jim Imd Koeu somowlmt vt the worldand. know inure or Ions uf Us wuy» ; butCol, Jack was from tliu buck settlementsof thu State, bnd led a life uf arduous toilnud Imd uover seen n city.

I U two, blessed with middon wtaltli,d i i t t N Y k C l J Vprojected ft

U» tarn the HigliU,i t i t

it to New York—Col. JucV.(jimrd

i. , „ , tl Col. Jim l<

hiti untiopliisliciitcd companion fr<fuiiune. Thcno Loncliea Han Fraiiciecointho nifrht anil muled tu lh<; moruiuy. Ar-rived iu New York Col. Jnclt mid i

"I 've linurd tell otcairirtgatttill my Hfouud now X menu to liavu u ride in ouc-; 1do not cure whut it louin. Come ulony;."

Tliov atepped ou tho Bidewulk ami Col.Jiiu cullutl u utylish barouche. But Col.Jock said.

"No, eirl None of your clicnp Johnturn onta for urn. I'm hore t« linvo n Roodtitue, and money niii't miy object. I menuto lmyj tlie lioLbioElri^thnt'Hgoing. Nowheri) comc» iho very trk-lt. Stitp thut y»l-lor mio, with the liiuttiros on it—don't youfret—I'll stand nil thu OSIIPHHU mystilf.

So Col. Jim tttoppfd un pinjity omnibun,and thry «ot in. Htiiil Col. .luok :

" AinHit guy, though V Oh. no, I rculionnot. CusliioiiH, nnd winduwnnud jtietnvcH,till you cim't rest. What would thu buy"*iaiy ii'tliity cnulil sco its cutting tt swelllik<i tbi_in New YnrkV By Ocorffe IwialitllL-y COllltl liOL' US."

'I'hon lie put his head out of tho windowAnd shouted to the driver :

"Hiiy, Johnny, this units ina !—suitsyours iriilVi you «ut you ! I wuiittliisi.'.lii;-bnng all dny. I'm on it, old limn! Let'cm go 1 We'll luiiko it nil right to youBonny."

&~ Wo know but ana joitrnsl in thisft thut hu-i durcc! Ut i-uifo itw voii-o

agninst tho Bnbjuct dkciiesed in tho fol-lowing article. As our rodders beldomhrar whnt the "other Hide" have to nay

loefil optio

of what c


Miuiy of thu teuip-niiicit tacn of thostate arc ucf ' ' ' l V *pus

It tu scctu'O ik<iigecfu liilf KiviiiK t« cucU tovrnahip.nl the rij;ht io dytiide by jioplar • - ' - •

vlietliur liquthoir rcNprctivn

d urc uclivi:ivile, and SCIIIIH

y p plintl or n«t *KJ tu>ld withinliniitu. 1'etitiowt to thirteiiculatiid ttiroughout tin)of f bu fiiendii uf tunii>or-

uuce nro niittupiUing Kim-Unit: results IEULXtho bill hho.il.1 it bpcoino u law.

Wo rufeTet the time-6C'i-vii)g policy ofthis movr. If tho tt.'UiiJiiruuco uii>u be-l C the tnifllu to be utl..-rly and iudefeii-uibly wroiifi—us wrong t l i a J ™n-grtt any dihpoKltiuu to cit.


BumaelliiiR is cilbor right or it is wronff-If riylit, <to coiuniiiuity nifty iutordict it.1£ wrong no uuimjiuiiity can lcp.tlisc itnnymor» tlmu nlhcr wnnjg1*. The general I11Wr,]iould oitber pronoujMiG l\ia Utitilo wrontfumlfoi-l.iditnsitfnibi.lK binuhiry, or itcliould citciid it>: iiri)ir..-ii')u U> it in eveiyuoi'iinitniiy. ]-'m- thu iHti-iih: ol the slntu,buvcriM-vii in lnw-iuakiuj.', t» leave to 11riuyite cnunmnity hownvi'r tU-^nuluil, thoiuiii!lffd (jf drvWiiif,' fur it:* If ti]jon ummit moi-iil :uul ]tliv;>icul qtu^tiuli, ia tomir mind 11 sliyekin-' i-lwunllty.

" We, the in:oplo of tho st»Ul," nro theonlv i»o-,'ti- competent to gnimilo withurciil uml vital qucHtiuUB of jmbiic rightor.vroug, we::l or yrr.a. Admit for iin in-Hliiiit'thu light nf u hingh; couimmiit;/ todecide such nuestious iu gcuurul, ftutl thogi-ievous error of th« "locul optiou" policy' i t t l t H w would tlioXhcdriver pnRfied hinhnnd through thu i it, iuatuntiy uppurcnt. How woulU tlio

strap lit,*.', mill tupped for his fmo—it wn:i Sixth ward of the city of New Yt>rl; votabuforu the gongs camu iuto cuuimou use. ou stonlinj^, or y.inib'liiig, or prizefightingCol. Jack took tho liauil uud shuokit cor- ( , r ropi'ittiug " within its liiniU V" Is *uydiully. He paid : 1 il!fi8 principle of public morals involved ii*

Yon twig me, old pnrd ! All right be- j tlir liijuor ijiiiiiitinn than in ganiblU)g optwuen gents. Hmoll of that iind BUU lion | prize ilb'htuig ? Will the gcutl-meu. *Uo.you like it V" fuvor luunl option in liquor sollblg favor-

And he put it twenty dullnr gold [riocr -iu tho driver's hand. After imminent tin;flrivor said he could Hot make change.

JUothcr the vluince ! ltido it out. l»uttit in your poekid."

Then to Col. Jim with a sounding (shipon lib thigh:

"Ain't it BtylP, though? linnged if Idon't hire Una tiling every day fur a week.

TUo omnibus stopped nud n young liidygot in. Col. Jauk fitaicd for 11 mumt>iit,then nudged Col. Jim with his elbow.

" Don't fjfly n word," he whispered "letlira* ride if riirc wants to, Qmciuus, UICI-C'Hroom cuuugli."

Thu young liuly got oulucr|iortinonaif,and handed her farft to Col. Jack,

" What'a Oiia for V" ho Biiid."Give it to the driver, please.""Tulie back your money, jimdomc. M'i>

cau't allow it. Yon arc welcome- to n videhero us long na you pica?*1, but thn sbo-

shan't let you pay-11Ijnn^ i_ chnrt-i

Tho girl Bluauk inlo a cornercd.

An old lady with a basket clicjbed. in,uud profi.rL'iI ln>r fnv**,

"Excusomp," said CoL Jack- uTmtnrc perfectly welcome ltero s>y»c_u2y? V-utwo caa't allow you to pny. fljitri«lvtdr.wniinini, und don't you feel tlu* Lca-t mica.sy.Mnko yoursel. us freo as if- yon vrnro inyour own turnout."

AVithiu two mtnuAee. tkree RentleinenAVitbiu uetwo fat women, aud. a c

e Renteinen? of children


' don'talong, frienit." earn Col.ia^DA. Tbd&iaalreobknsr



Binnal calls with eliill,Dr. MCDOIIBM lias tho isjicrJ-nco of I

jcul's'close nuiilitatlwi In the practlioorScry, oml frolii cotifldwil in Ku:nnulociuK t<[>nlilic ontirc>utiHrnution, uniug oil iho Intent im-provements Iu HID art anil Bdcnro of Dentistry,IK nbl. to iasorl tuclh riwnono tonacntfniBctitt Tcry taw jirlvoa and nn cliargo raailo for tt'ui-jicirury »cta. All aiEkMEiinof tiio niondi nnd titronlcd with tlio uti>m,it caio. Tootli cxirnvitlimtt pnin by tho nno tir nitrous oxlilo gnw ami

Full not (if teeth,upjKr anil Inner, on tlio latestimproved faco, ncknonlcgcd by tlnituniidH to boliononrest to imhirc Mil tlio most nutural t«lift Immnn nystysn or Anything yet diauororcd,or ttiirty-flvo ddllnrn, partial fiul. in Jiroportion.L'ootli tilled with unh\ from ono dotlur and u p ;

and silver EUly cents to one dollar.

AU irork wnrrnutcd to glvo entire eatiofaction

Oirinn to tlio ilinieully in getting finftablo rooaishnvo tnken npirlmonts at tlio Btichlo lippsc,

W. II.Dover, Doc. 30,1371.

SHinnfactnrcr of



AIBD dealer in all kinds of

3I1X1XG TIMBER, PLASK,Ac.| tic, at Tory law 11 rices.

N. B.-0nlcrn loft at rierwon's Hat & Fnc StoreOTcr, will rocfllvo prorapt tttention.

ho wlusperetl to Col. Jim. " NowYork uiu't uo Huviabla place-. I don'treckon, it idnt no nnmo for uto."

He resisted every effort to pass fares lotlio Oliver, awl inado every body cordinllywelcome. The nituntion diuvuud ou thepooule, and thoy vuclw^tl tlxcir uioueyand delivered thomsclvrs up to a covertciijoviiiciit of the ephodo. DiilE a Aozenraoie jjas6C.iRer£ got in.

"On, theni ia plenty of roora,"«iidCo!.Jack. "Walk n»Ut iu and inukoyouv_oUto lionic. A blow-out nin't worth nny*tf»:iig nu a blow out unlesa a body h»s eow-•Jiuii3*,"

TIIPII iu a whisper to Col. ,Tica, said :" But uiu't these New Yorkers fiiendly?

And nin't tlmy cool about it, too ? Iccbpr(;«.nin't anywhere I reckon theyM tafl-ln ahearse, 'if it WAS going their way."

Moro passengei1- got i n : more yet amiBtill mow. I3oth HeaU were flllud, uiid nlUo of liiun were Btandingup holding onto tho cleat? overhead. Pnrtim with baskets

it also in these ? Or does nny nja».l)clievi>lighting nnd gninblinpf deudlicc toea to-imblic laonility und virtue Ojftu the trnfliawhich Jill« two-thirds of cur priwou cella

id ficiiiUhixtylhoiiHiuidAmeiicnoHyearlyinto diKhouoroii and bppelcEa graves ?

Does any man l«lyjv.« ihh l*?fin iui|>or-tant tlututhu t.thi'i;., si; that u tlcimivcdward mny have the >t'i^ siinijly liecaupoward mny have UJ&they went it, wiljioultltOOtllL'lHif tiu-J-

Moreuvfi' "

Hial right to,^nnW/icw?

oreover Mm jnieticnloywation of ihowould. L'j: utterly vjiJiiqlo.HS.iu reducingkiUiov lu,'itiiwj'irAtyufl>lnce8.

t.uwil*flMi> or ward voteiu&li j tfjiii oud thi=- nest ouo voto

!•> ntl«,w ii:, itw but rt ttop from one town-ahiyoJ,'wwdlo tho other,, and rneu whq,want rum. veil! llnd 110 obstacle to gettu^titk It will not riiduci: tbs R*«nd total 0? ,dvnnkeuucsa, but will uimirly change iAie-locality-of 6undrv.grogf»bups ; for u u c i ty01; county iu thu titnto unu ount thq tr^fBafn.Lj every ward nutl. tuwusliip..

Then too Ijjf.viitg wit their hoadifi 1»this ngrecuitnt, viz :. Xlint in each, tppfn-hliii) or ward it (.•hull bo 00 tho peoplftwr,thu teuniorauco men iu-e bou«t\ to( abidQby thy result, whether l«o^ or «HJ». and ifthoYotcbccgoiusf) them theii; Iwoda nroin iimwr, ;ui,j lMiRi.i]L>imuu.gu Vfld againstauy cliV'r.t' &>i* a prohibit vi/t laj« and futuro^lc*^latim>a will so regard it.

\VB havo not RIHKB to aavwhat we -woultfou tliis. subject, but we caution tcinperance-IUBU nguiiiKL Uiis Hi»ecit.Ui3 device for secu-ring their guiiutcunuco tt. the rnra trr.fllo,uud would i'emir.d_t hem thnt good prim*!-'1

plen iccltsdt'cletu will tiitimpli iu the rri Vi"Btirly au. i\ good God roiynt, whilaajtiy •

cuuiiiaj^e with wrong, though Bccjhiug*toyifliln,ii.i!.dv.iuliigo tor tlie ti^tj, will -bu found to pay poorly iu tbu loiig run.—,lih ' " '

JUASCISIO ISIOKY.—Two men liad .boon.,fast 1'iicnds. In an evit.liuttr.they t[nnr-,

d. Thoy did not sqi3ak,'ii!id lind notkoii for ypiirR. 3\Uiiual frfeilda tried'.

t i i l i H H v i u ; " J C b y e r o i "ieurtoirjco:iiiliiiHuiHn.vaiuowU eiu'Uiie» fi'ir'llft*.." O

[•IMIHU a Miiaon r.ffl-ir'tbc Ohl h h

a i u ; J C b y iOrto bf theui.

n r.ffl irant,'enjctiti:'d tlilit. the other reniaiucd''t!\v.i. One CVi-niuglio tooId ii lodge. Almost tho,'

l d > t i l j t l f t

ml it happenoiiirit of Ih


irtii-iidotl ovoi* the ceremonies oE Ijlttlatapnand vrt«i •.•b'liyi-d, ilocordin^-.to 'uaago, to'Kidrcw.ltim by the t iUfo t "brother.",Tin;: •••OA a ju-culiav -ii.tu.Uon, and n eorqrjjiril1vr.f"K{i**bi)Mi, * .\ttev tho lodgo vru* .

"'Uip Appiciitiee Bought tho Master, •and bundles wcro climbing up on the roof. v;ithoiij. nny pr-hnnnannn, mid the followHalf sniipresBod laughter rippled np ftouall nides,

" Well for clean, cool, out-auil-i>nl checkif this don't- baugiinylhiiisthfitlevpi'snw,.I'm an Ingiin," whiwierod Col. Jnclt.

A Chiuniuuu enimtcd his way Hi." I weaken," Kuid Col. Jack. " IJ.oJ$tui|

ilrivcr i Keep your seata,Indies aiviHtintn.Juat make yonrsclf free—cvi-iytliiii^'slaid for. Dnvnmistlethc»oI;>Hiaftroniulis long aa they'ro a mind tn go—frien.lsofHire, you know. Take them everywhoro,md if you want more mouoy.'couii1 Iu 11:

oi* of thisLoilgo ?"In.m."

ent when I wns elec-

y p ,cu>)lbipty-«nu>ued, coniiueueed by the,

lipwly.-niitOo JltiKiiu :"Aro \v;it 11 liitu

• Tho nuBwrwu(lWero you pr

ted?" •" I m i s . "11 3r«y I nrfc ii you v^iei? "." Id la . " ' *""Now will run Wi me how mtiny Totfi

it iv,-piiri!« to'vcjt'rt- n 'cundid;Uo ou Iri

T!«e V^wliip,.,„ ... . . . ... . . . . . . . :cr answered "ono."..St. Nicholas, nm! wu'll rmikn it nil right. I Vl^Tfl V.';-JI iiullun;: r.imw to eay. Thel»]c(isant journey to von, Indies nml (^ntMjlJuitiatCtl eWnuVd Ills band, wlu'eli wujgo it an lung as you please—it shunt 'you 11 tiont,"

The two comrades got out, and. Col.Jaokenid: '• - " ' '

"Jimmy, it'u the FnomWuM. place loversaw. Tlio Chinaman wiljt-jb'fl in as eoinfoj-t-- • ' •--"1" ]^w(|>ffltniilnwlii)o I

Tnblo na anyboily.treckon wndhnveflwe'll hnyo to liarri

f tfe d

omiiriiggorH. J l y r c eyo to liarricado onr iloi>v.i to-nijflit

r snmn of tfeae ducla will lie trying to1C^\ with Tin."

i tlio other,-and uttered•ccents, deep emotions'-

"Friend! Urolher!;I I I I

AuIrLslj.geijUcmaureHidinR.m Cnnadit,was desiYoW of perHuatlirig his sons ti> thisclM'work as "hnnlnvoodsmrn instead of friltei^ that niugawav iheir conatttiitions and money w ,in luxuries nnd plcasvuV^l an^ aa rlinm-; (j,nngue cuht soinelhiiiB n\up^ t^iui'^ve.MJI- .,lings a bottle, wheneyrj the'olH gontle- l

mau saw bis nous rnfen the bright spark-ling mixture to thoir lip?, ho nned htnnor-ously to exclaim to them, *'Ah I my hnya,them goes an acre of land, trees and all."

At A social party, whoro humorous defi-tiliona wna ono of tho pames of the even

liimiy .. .with, tlmliiujr

yijit Ii'iyo tmi;;lit me n Iciison I BIUIII ucv«r;forj+ut.1" This is a little niybf'JJtnaiiliiS';litj;l)t-. "So lunjntfifjo is:sb"el0nuen."aii<'thifMleiit throbbing of ft henrt full: of jojfiil;'triiw. While this kind oi.v,fuient ia uted-in our moral liililicu, bUould it not bo en-

"Ten gp-llinis gj.korosone, throepo.ur^^aof polafih, fiuo'ouuuc of ntryclinine, tnis;effwith soft wtitcr," I t ...••••. -

rful, not toti of /

n gviviil formula,1

y',1. iuixed lustivocifiu No' _, __ . . . __t ,

refii'ipOiluiYiuf; RISO br-cu fouhil in thniOHsiuu' of tho unfortunate dealer. If;

yon want "(riu," mid ijnrtnlum eijfffciV pioi! of jniiipi'i-! The mystery w that menwlm drink this diaUolh'iil (laid do not dropi W n stone dead at (iiici*. • • ' '•' '

A K I W I - in Qiu't^c r.ditvliswi " tho pe-iiilinr ilpH".ivlu_} or'tltn'Wf-oET India, aria


iu thq next world, {pr yi'lthqbc-t policy.".

A large adyertiserfltjat oii^e,discontinued, create th-irame:t)in "•**''- ^""* A' . ln^

• ! •

utl enriching wine, nf tho ModJteiTnu-iin, and talt-currd anil brain-ro--ii-wiiiH IIPII of our iran utitrmy gulf.**Ali-it 110 means to sr.yia, that ho sells tea,

Page 2: HARNESS, … · ron, Steel, Powde r and Fuse. B full a.suortnieiit nf M

THE IHOX ERA.I " Hiticstii A

BENJ. H. VOW, E liter r.r. 1 Prop'r.

Saturday, I>b. 17, 18*2.

! cry oi iiiicru-t w.~- iwoglit tu tin? rvtiivof tl ic S-irvty l.v E. P. I'oltor, uflMtfrp-vilii1, K'TOCWyt Ct.untT. The specimen.,spnt lit-hitii iMBic from O.rniaii VtiUt-v,near this HuntTl»:i t.'aimtT line.

Thn K*linjriiv.l ciinrm.-t.-T uf this \ullcyis very siuiii.ir It tJ.r.t of tl>f Museiutt-

Iron Ores and Mining in Morris and j ^ n ? Vulley, nn-l t* ilmt of tli-.> bru*ruadjoining Counties. ihca,f.;Hj Iw-lit i^ot Hu ton x>

unut>yivu-Iu th... R.1|>L.,,'io1Ll ivpoit mnilp in 1S<K »'*• XI"1 proWi-niil.* iu favor of tl:

ili-j •' U--t '/ .nii.r* </ ui »>•«..** iron i.re ;l

inriiuWd l i d FPIUU-.U* mined »iul trronpsof lair.'.-a. TIi'/. lif-.t a-; e->iT«ii\l in thonutiinm <>f JS7I, n ' i i t". j in 101 rnino^ am!Jpwh'tii'n, at wliich imniiitf ( . ' ^ ra t ions]nvcl)m;U iiu l.*!ir.l:on in l!ir;r cxAtniua-ti.m ur further <VVL>> .t-m-nt—on iuown-c

o SO t o 60 j)'Hf^rXr,»,n.ir^Kil;^:36 HORSES for SALEI*" HI- Murray. Ilrt-cn an.! M*piini ™>l into At tin

thn- pit-in Miimy ralkil fur a twtib of r,-l,isl;y.' * - • « - »"" " l ! ^ | i^a^SJ r J±^^ |uvory & E.«Iiaii50 Stables,"c iwt- j CHESTKU, X. J .M u m * , ^ clilj,ltcriln.r [» i-mif.tir.tlr citffHf,'"!


>ttlu. ITu'»v. Miirmv Him•lan potltjlil rf ic bottle around ;

ir BHII- of HiTStn, BB I guarantee

pr il ,]iti . i iialin:nil».T*i-i inrvil!iP to qui t


; Ciiutif. ' . In 3F.-.LVH C - i :h* lir.-a littlr (ii-swr-ry o;:t:i.le

l.;il!:"! (lil'-'li'ly III LlpLi^li'.'!).1 limit; i.f lliw?t!i:

eluii.w end Oi-i-mi.lni..r.> fiTi-iisir.yuiJiL-riiMiUMiiiic'i nt which

-Tint the luinci nru nii-ie vwtiroiisly.-.Ithii-ii-.t i-.i-.y ,»r.".-iou-. p.-1-io.l, ua.l a l -ill it Ih-ir ••a.).:»ty is n»t li*«i»ied n-i ili«v-vi a.«.'i.cr. K.-VT«1 a .mpamtivoly ucw. ; .» j i iy t l i : .voiv ' ! i f,ivwi Hi', mill some

:"i.v.; t!in!y lu-i]-; r.nd EH.-ips uf uiiiitv..r.,1 iho u J-ii-.iJ.ihj.l i..'.::-:y the wmi! iv;u-livj iiro^iiriioii of i; tliri_-o jvar-» flf«>. Thoi-'j.i;iinii!5 131 localities ciiU.-UL vt rr-iv->-:mi!^. minw tir.t are ulJi>. and (IK-SUth;it lire yi.:|.liUi,' taj.ill r.nimuilt nf on'.Mmyof I.:i2ci ja.i«t I)? i-o^iul.nl ii5 ;.fill inUu> ti.ttiire of lixplt.riitioa-i—t:n<J-:r*hp<-1.Of th -• mitii-'s i n t wiirkin>.', ui;i JT art' uar-

then; in too ni'.ich ruuk, K-mioriiig the es-tiiiotiim of the <ire uiiiirofitablc; othersnif too far from cuvr ami cliwip c->inaiim-icatlnn. Wwmt miiroa.1 or mnal j a fewt»r. IILKI l-y owners not iu ne.*«l of au ml-4l:tiitu»l supply of <ire ; and a v.ry few arcMle fi.r n w u i n known only to tho busi-

Iu riiintt-uliju Comity nearly all of thoIruii ore mined eoiaca from tlio Eothlohomttud nifc'h Sri.1gc niluw. Soaiu work inIjroi]>ct;tiiis has Xxtou itnuo iicnr Tjcbanonnnd nt Taious puints on the MuwoattcoiifjMountain, hut thu pro-Tact of theso dis-c jverio.j ha-s been i J considerable.

In Warren County there ha re boonHovernl new vpamngH niitJe on the moun-tain range running northeast In'in Wash-ingtuu to tho St:sses CVmntv lino. Orehu.% been iliacovereJ in workable qunctt-tit's a t (jcvcral jioints on (lie subordinateriilfjcfi of Jcany J iuup Moimtai'n. The*iiost t'xtcnsivt-Iy worked of theso nnwniinai is Uiat of tlio Pctpicat Mining Com-pnny, abo.it two miles northeast ofOxford Fttrnncc.

On Sehoolpy's mountain, ia Slorria Co.,(licro nru a few qiiilo recent discovcriua ofort-, but they arc not yet sufficiently ex-plored to uVtornn'iio their piobnblo value.Nwir Chc-.ter, thrco ntinci hnTo bconopened since 1868. Northeast f t those,tho mining operation!;, with forr excep-tions, are confined to tlio older localities.

In Sussex aud Possait; Couittwa theconstruction of the Midland Railroad. lift-.givou a fresh impetus to ecftithes fur ore,and brought to light Boma outerojia thatato. qtiito cnoourii ^Ing1. Tho vow plot ionof tliia road irill no doubt Icaxl to othi^rdiseworic-f, nnd tn tk» furtherdevelopment of oro bcifci uow knonn.Hitherto thrsohare L 'on nltaosi vahioless,in cansenueuco of the cast of carting theoro several miles tivor rough roadj tomtlroad and canal line-it

During the ])ast year there- t avo beenMime interesting discoveries of iron oro inthn north eastern part of Samoratt Coun-ty—fror-i tv.-o i;i tlireo uulf.4 vrest of Bor-rmrthville, but thn diggings nro ttill tooHinilcd in estont to speak vruh.inucli csr-t.iiuty concerning them.

Tlie pnulnet of t!»o iron tames of thoStntc for tho yonr ending Uiio. 31nt, 1871,may be apiinmmatel.v sot down at 450,000tfina. The data for thU estimata r.re aufi.llnwa ; tho oro toniiago w the DelawareLac!;p.Tv,-\n;in nnd Weffcm Rnilrond, Can-tiv.l Itailroad of Now Jersey, Morris Cunal;tho htatrnirnt". of the manjigptn oi Riug-wood, Oxford Furnace, rrnuiditii Funiauo,and the dstimr.ta for auionat* mined ntnow opening)*, nnd mine:; whence the oreha.i not lieon snipped. The as^regnto ofthe? Qiimmiti/r-'.rnod from stations in SowJersey ou the abovo tnontioucd Une3 isi l l ,G01 tons. T i m latter sum tnchidf»

, fionj-j h?^:nlite, but-tho nmonnt iu scarcelylnrye enough to warrant ti ilcdnetJau fromtiif! nhove rstinif.tcd wmlm-t . I n the an-niti l ropurt for 13i37, tho product of thoiron mines waa cstiianfcd r.t £75,00Q tona.I n 1864, the estimate w.ts 220,000 tons, sothnt there has boon an increoso of 100 jiercent in tbt> product of our i n m minesrinco thnt d a t e Ur . KUeholl ss£df inI65u, that tlio mines might yield 100,000tons for that year, or nnt one cruortor oftheir present -working.

Or this total, (450,009 tons,) uwwo thanfour-fiftlis, or about 37i),O0J tons, cnnififrom H o r m Couuty, lca\Hny but 80,000tons for Sussex, Warren, Poseiue and. Hun-ter doit counties.


Tho raining of this oro of iron in K"ewJrrpey is limited to a few locilitie?, ofwhich the roebuck ami Edsnll mines north-east of Hmaburg, the B-?attycstown mine,nnd that nrar Carjicntersviltp, on tho Dela-•jvarc, nro tho most importauL TheNchavenot been f-tendily worked sineo they vrcmopened, so that tlio toLil product of hem-ntito in thfltis very Email in comparison^7ith that of tho magnetic ore. I t ia occa-rionally found in email uia&ies on or nearthfi aurfnee, but uo far no ,Tery largo de-pnr.ita have been discovered outsido ofth(; aljovc-mentionedminca. Small qtinn

r.tiiU-s cimu-.iu "Ji ano-i.t. <>f ji]H..:pli.'-t** "f limp, nmlfifty slillliiii,'-. IT a!nul ei:)..T> ^ - r ton.Ti] Xawan, Gi--ti:...i:y. the niuiing of na-

' i-jni'i I'll nrin II

live ]ihoiph.vtv ' i hma na u -source of «u- | ii.-, aud ihoiroipt-rpW.-pliHta U.-J niUiiuoa lar^ri (Zimon-, ^ n , " ^ ' ^«o»-v In 1-W. i^ l-roiluet of tl.o Laha j 7 h ? ^ S ^ C.riuil,r u.tl ...M bim ,., u n i . B R^U]o j , ^ ^ e m ^ ^ami Dill d:-m-U-i.\ m that provinee,} } ^ ^ X ^ i ^ V ^ i T n ^

one*.1 <-f woi'kr.hliJ doj'O.nts of sufh ore-, S:l jior t.iii—i. *-, f^r snoli .is oontaiuud 1 cirnxur. «sTjr.Tno:iivnrK,iii viiili-y m e btronjj cnuugli to juitify i from *»J t,> 70 per f . 'n t of phosphate of j »l'f VB.a eiaailjng-c-ftJ and th.ir.i:i;;!i exiiminntiua of it^', Unie. I " o-.ir oivn cunntry tha phoai>ha(ie jft

a", ld»Uriclir'liiinle Mirfncc, and iis .v.tprifiLi.Tl beds.— ; ,lopo.siti of iyjuth C^roHua yield a lurgc

•n^irJly fnin-d near the innimust i>f rr*w matprial for the mnnufac- ,iin,t CHnd^r. tlrnVmnasr.-.jiHiu ou. -".•!>,), cither | tare of super;'h'jspii.ttes. *.a (or grey rook) of tht t As an ailditioaal source forsuehmator i -,!ul tha HiiK'-^Uiuo, or 1)0-• ul, tlii-'iiew :ind citraordinnrj- mine a\t-

j t\\ei:\ tht1 Litter ruck and th:.1 ovfriying • prtiM tu be wurtliy tho attention of tlioaeM»vh"-. 5iU'iiUl bo iv)!iiinp.l more iutorc-tod in aaJ conversant with tho bus-[jivly Ui siicl; line;; nf outcrop. Kx- j iuesa of nianitfiicturiuff superphosphates,iu~. should, lnnvcvir, ixtcnd ovt

He L.iJ

| fur tin1 iJtirrluBi -- -•• that tltrr nha!! !w auisfaciurilr ilrnll with.! l'irti'H wishing to uis;iosa of thtir HOTELS CIO'.i no tiirutiglt mo N*. a n.-ni[]|ia1ik' |t"rruntage.

•is wo.-t f•a of t!..- 1

• ri .1^31 l.lttlT

v there hasjl'•i t h e l.trfri- \!'V.'ithin the •t!ic *vlltl1'c '»i"'n-dth nf those vallt-yn, c i if

.f fo i i rw, lauch i iH ^ i n M i t n e s fn;;nd rt-:tinjj upon ' l ip lime-i they nre more S rt':'° 6 t r » { i l - c ' ^ r o . l b y .rnitc th ick bed-

1 * Hut thp u* ffn'tifjinoiis lo.iui, clay or o ther earl

T h e t"t :d p roduc t of these miuos for ; L

The Poi'l Horns Iflurder Trial.Tilt- trial i>£ Wii.intit Urimlrr, wlio is etousfdof

ili-umv.l.T.'fHirisi I>. Foster at 1'ort Morrison,nm . -(if -t:-i "f H.'iol.-r. 1-71, WM Iwjrtin m Morri'->C" lowu »:i M.>i'-»ay I«- f're JurlaflVanrlw Ilalrim-"thy i,:-. iini:.l- r is .iu I'.nglisiiifci aboitt CO yearn

dV, .bi*du™-:cr.. H,'•f i>nuisii iiiHiitictA, anil en-

'••• it 1S.UUU tmi5. Ilut tU> is b d ™ tholr • "" '

mirVil .Anutl»-T

. nt i>i- :iit iipsuod and.. . ii 1, -.Vas c-.iiiiwll.jd tn Icax-c EnglLIT of U!i ii.N ! •••-••li. iii> camu to iliu Vnit.-di 'Hlu'ii r.,.11.-. av> "ml sattk'4 in StaiiUnpc,

* bare b^n ubt.tiucd in dug in

iijfiTfsti.itf Ppeoir.nMi came fntm : 'o\'[ll.e Iwttoij of tli.s lUitty.-t-rtrn nihit>. I t ;"*•/'wcjt :,t iis'.ii. supji.)s.?;l 1-J be r.n nU<-n\l Mine- • i.,-:-tom; hiloiiirinif to the undtirlyijig ri>c*t • '•;;•'.itr.'ita, but p. iji»m circ-ful t-snmination i iVi-Viewed it ti hi e. curbou.ite of iron, niise.l, Jfj''with sosie f>ilifio::H matter. On analysis, i uiVitii was fciund to contr.iu fij 2T par cont. of j '"!£tv.runnala of ir.)U. Xlio Cltt-nt of this nre ! lii«J

uiiL*;jvcrL'd but a r.hort linio wince. \i-wi\Th."! i!H'ri'.T.«!iiy doiuaud for hcmatitcis J.

and the erection cf new fumucus uear | ivb^flume of thcoC mines, will pr«atly enlarge I '•T'»ri1

their uiiL'Mtioiiii nn.l atimulntc to dbcovo- j ' " " "

4 ITllfJ O._.cust-kctiwr, n.

u as Mrs.

i took

il'lurcd. Sjuioi.f trn-smsotiiiithvonu IUTIKiBvcni, and itilU a

pries iu oiher l



-•inaioca ouUIda. Tho othe

_ _CM;!.V(1.


pBiUr«lUr«n<I «liu fdl. 1..M.* ^aj •tnr.dinirwiih his nphl !•:).• out. Tho licit thiim I li-ar.Iwas the r'-vulror RU off. Foitcr tii'.-n walk'.-J nf-tccn orgiitornranl. to Ilic BlnUo door na thrtonpitli. Hd if l i U k de&uf "Scowhalme." rosi lBis shot, l.h h

l o r RU ff.rnranl . to Id ifit-ii tani'-i


_ iiliirtmV.r. 1 il.> hhot until I 1-Kikct ct hi:

p! wlKHlcau-'/ht :

'WflBtiiMhobadlir.in-.« I liim iuM tl

7GNsnl»jcdfiItnntk'ii dill iioi mst'.T

ir; rim Ivthinir.1

m ill

t tlinl mv^h..t in thn--. I )n<1 ahclji drink


DOVI1R, X. J .* TX kuids of Kxpn-M Joltliitw to »oy p«rt or

rV. tlio city or surrnuuiliii;,' rUluBen. Piaur-•* ' • * . . r -ti-- ~. - - ^ . . 1 • I..1 f."_rtiiv>

pi-t csatWnlili-. u and Wil3 for nrlntli-r miil tli-: first tin v hi

,.|fiirnit"iiri%"&.,""«.... .,» , BsgKcge, Acn jircuni.tly

•- j mail. LoclT&s W, Vavtir, N."l

•U, m J I'roiglit,


r.l of iU" Oiillnilty" " "

< thr; t<The of tlvrir *i.-=

r*t*d that riven l>r the in-weilimDr. J.«t.j.h tr.-f^.H tUlifu-.l '

llldt fit tin) l!iii;]j.}i!i!rr.'H? 1'i-tnjtnw, Tho hall e-irrruil th» f.-nl.c bled to tleatti. Tho iirortcj'i



<1 WondhnU

I $5.00 REWARD.! T OST. on Jan. 2Wi. near ('))?«t«r, & blark nnd\ \ j tan HOUND nofr, white un thn brojitt,I ii..!; nnd f"ru f.-i-l, Ic -a tun ••otor; ODU par lias a' strip l^m [ri>m Ilic oj^n ntxiut aiiiiith Inng. Id: at.swtct W tUn uamr of Sport. Tho obo.e Uoj word will bo jjlvon for Ids rccorory.

JOHN CHAPMAN'.I CltMtcr, Pcb. 1, 1872. 7-9

The xfftc minpsof the State hare yield-1 ^ ^ . " ' f t " ^d cbaut 22,00!) toua ol ora diu-ing the ilwni•in'iu-.-ro.l. ' Xmrnv nalivd tl»: \,-.>v k n

iiiwrt butt'.u.if whisky. The L..r filled ttie brjt-

U ' h H dIi i M i b d lpaat rear.

ylClI. OllE.ast soasan Bpecimons ofo hn b id

During theao-cillod Kilvercircnlattd ut 1neighboring villngofl of 'Wurrcu nnd Sus-BCS counties, the loadittiM IVLCHCL* theyenmc b(.-ing kept secret. A single lump ofwhat was said to bo the name us the "sil-ver ore," wns obtained from tho ridges onthe ciat tide vt tlw Jenny Jumi> Mouu-tiin, ami was analyzed and found to beannro of oret*aio. The npecinicn yielded15.GO pel* cent, of sulphur, r.ad 23.80 percunt of araeniu. Minoralogicully, it is ar-.seno])yiite or inispickcl, with probnblysnuia lulingito, but tha sjipcimcn wo.t toosmall to determine tho latter with certain-ty. In the rr-port on tho Mineralogy ofNew Yuri:, Dr. L. C. Eeel: umntiuns 'thisnrsc-nitrnl oro an ocenning iu crystalline)limestone near EdenTille, Orange Co.—Tho geological character of tho latter lo-cality is very similar to that of these sub-ordinate ridgej of tho Jenny Jump Moun-tain rnugo. Tho analysis of tho Now Jer-aey specimen indicated traces of cobaltand nickel, but no silver couM V detec-ted. It U probable that the traditions ofsilver oro ou (his motmtam nro based up-outliis nreeniual pyrites. This oro nsso-.ciat«d v.-ith other combinntions of arsenic,nicUcl, cobalt, iron nnd sulphur in workedin Sasony. and extensively nt ]{DU;1ICU-stein, in Sile^in, na a source of metallic nr-suutu, ui-scuimit! acid, orwhitcitracnie, thepigments rcsdgnr and orpmient, nnd forother arsenical compounds used in thearia. Th« ostoni of tha occurrence, imdthe character cf tliia ore, nro mutters to bomore fullyits probabl

bocu e s t e u s i v d y ! tow jiath. Tho liny TJU iulo tho back r, . . . ' I BL-iziiiu a t alt a pistol, nary «in>, which

Jwn a n d m the i h o l ; ui in p r u i t f Jl

deciding npon


IUJJ ou ».ho(ji',"rttn ou'i in pursuit of iTiiiray. ifo«ni> met by .li.liu liurns, who rniiiud n larKii ironlioli mvrliis head, and thri-attued to hraiu himif >i.. .1 i.l lint ri'titrll f l tllM tlOUSC With tliO jlUttll.

„. JS far as tho d.-ir, whero he(.iriiid"raii<l tiio u-fiiiiiiii Joliimnti. Urindcr

tiio!. tho pifctol ffoiujtin Im.v, E.iyiai;:•'(ijvu it to inc. jion »rv tuuyuiiug louse il."Wli-n Oria.KrKOt tliu inatnl ho run to where

Ilnriui vin blntiflii:p with JV^tor. Ilumn millhcH thi> boh In hifl hatid* Griud^f ordered himl«yi?e u;>t!iubalt.

7U r: FATAL SHOT.to mutch tlw pintol fromwas jlr.^lithU-h took pfiei:i thu tuiv luili and In liflccnTnfiinuitiu;1 uf the murder

iT.is (ti-ut miiui-'.l; iti-lj" t.i D.iver, nml Corlicliutt H.<iag«, tliu inagirttrato at lUit plaer, ditimtclicclc•metallic Siimucl Nixon to arrcat Grimier. Whenth? i.")iut\t>1d ari'Uvd nl t'urt Morris hn fostnJ an

tI*ivali."iiiiJK to t:iko 'Jriudfrfrom the IIQUHO tutdIrnch hiia. ronsuMo Nis»n pot ft Iwumotfro Bud]iutLiu;;(iriudc;ro:i lioird Imrrird with him toDover, wli'-m ho WBII commit tod by tliu msgis-traU<.imllmitHdiujnil. (Irindcr denied that hoEliot l'oft-r, an-1 ma that iho vutol was keci-doualtly illfliiharijLHl during tliu ntrui '

Wlicu the cj-t./wiH caliwl for trial\irnii



tliu mrugsle.for trial on Hoathr,cted 1>y District At-rw'im-r was ably a=

thoiirnjoutiou &s nductd 1>y Districtorot-v Alfred JiillB. Tlio iirw'im-r was ablf..-ndedt).v H.C.rittniyK3<i. Mr. MIUs occb t 1» ILLV i i u i c ^ iu cnhi^ (h

ct Atly a=-cupiodna for

rlithu M-.rirrrL-.l t'iiIMII-II. Tlinf the hantowjjalli.

iuiia^ alaxhCmul. Tlic

^ the.'ddoiioo ri'kitoliouorfiiieipa.i a:id some foot

p ^ (h enna forJi-j ti:uc la c\|iliiitiiuf; thoonso 1>T rcfcn-ncc to ft

l.>iii;s!tli< the W t i a t h ofow part uf tho house ru-

parallel with thifiiieipUmi thu otlier nidofoot bnluir tho lon:I of tbo

liviVi v.ith Mr lirimkr hut fall. 1,of:nino, Mv nmtlicr, 7" " '

« cl.!., I

1 tberc,HdlS I

ihidiod beftt'uluc.

cAiirniLp'a PHOSPHATE OP t n t c AKTJ ntox-oiit: BED.

This uev; ahd extrnoiilinnry lied of np.i-tite nnd wngnctito nas dKcurcrud tht;pust Ber.son. It is nt FerroOIont, on theDickerson Mining Cmupnnj-'n property, a

i? rocLi uorthca.st of the fitoro and bythe eidft of the piililic road. The Huo ofattiiictiua poising through it can bs troocilor 10^0 foei, running east of tho conipa-ty'a farm Jumsi'. Tho bad hai besn un-mcivd.it tn-opoiub, b.vE. CnuOolil, and

the ducpert shaft ia nbout forty feet downm tho slope, o!" which thirty-

five feet win iu thi.i mixed ore. Near tbfat

there ia a fault of thiity-fivo feet, townr.lsrho foot wall, tk-oicing Uic bed to the westside o! tUo'voad. The bed is eight feetivido, nnd haa regular walla of gneiss roe!;,n which tht-re ii littla, if uuj% npatitcrhfedip wnbont CO13 towmda tha souih-•ast. Tlio m m of tl-.o bed U a hard and I

firm mixturo of mnfjnstio itou ore, nndgicyisU white, apatite. Sonic portions ofitit! bed show a panillcU^ni iu tho arraugo-mentofiU niiuemla, coosiBting of niter*tiatfi lajvra, or lnmelhr tdassos, of mnguc-tite nurl p.patite. The proportion of thislatter mineral l)y weight may average Tutho whole bed, thirty-five per cent. Thetwo nre nearly of equal-bulk, tho phos.phato being to tho iron ore, in weight, asthroo to five, their respective ripisiflc grav-ities. A portinn of the phosphorus isprobably iu combination with the iron, nathi; lime is not sTifllcient in nmonut to aat-uruto the phosphoric acid, nnd n\so as thoni'iil solution of tha sepnrated lnrxgnctitoholds Bomc phosphoric acid but- no lime.A littlt! (juortz, orthoclase, and oeeasionnl-ly rnunll ftpangb.s of brown mica are ecouin tho oro masa.

The Bpecimcn rich in npatito gave 53.-63 per cent, of phnsphatii of lime. ' Thoavoraga Mimplo contnincd 31.90 per cent

Phosphntu of lime is so valued in Eng-land, thnt iu Cimbridgodiire beds of cop-roh'tw fruia niuo to sixteen inches tliickjore uncoverod nutl profitably worked,when tbo cn-erljing earth, elny £ c , isfourteen feet tliit;];. And this, too, wherethe first cost of tho land fa large. Therein mass or material from these hefls isWftshc-d* ornl then xnado into aupcrphnn-phct?, in the f-amc ninuuer as bonca anil

n Unt. -21,[bout half

£3lllt? tO tin1 lirjllSL". I WI1H IIP lit tllO nflP Hhoil,and wfiit inlii tha kitchen. Iho door oyonL-Jfrom thv s!iopt'jtlichiMi(.-n. Whon I went iu,Slurroy, Maffiiirc, llnrns, Tuater, Urctm, and myEfJiiicr wen; thfiru. Mnrrav cavo mo a Itottle,and iii-1 Iu: waiiti'l wliltky.' f <litl not know himtliou. 1 Hllo'1 tliri iMtllu in tlio bach room. Thero

"ms Kitting o.'i a i-lmir liy tho boil In tliu bt'ilronm.11? bail »(> '•'.•st on. I came o it wiih tho whlaky.Mit.vfVhUvtuieahiahnitrlft.rtbu hottle, and Itolil liioi if h'j hud btirciitr-llvo f^iilit he couldhave it. II.' tlicu crnbliL-i't tlio Imttlc ami mvmctiiL-r RratiW-,1 him. Mtirrny got tht Uttlo ani"!wciitnwuydmvutUii ton- patli. Wlw-n tho reatstarurl «ti Burns ;>ickMim a lar3o iron bolt,l lunn sii'l if (irisuK-r b«)«ffht out n liistul hr>•vnuiti lisveh'ia lifc>. nritulfT got thn liislol nutoftlistM-dsMorii. Wbculirlnilur canifl out triththn iiUtul I ti>o!i it uail ivi'iit up «n the bank otterMurmv, 1 wont up to tho f*firnrr ot tho newliulldii'if" i» senro )[iurav. Hums caino rijjlitr.fuT uiu with tliu tmlt, cnM snM that if I did nutta!;c liw piflnl hick he would niaiili in j . I thenw n t inrk and hnmled tho pistol to U iudtr.cirtndor Hiwi told Hums to jmt down tho Imlt.

HE '.vouLD £11.1. n n i wi ra IT .Foster wfiSBMniliiip near, ami noon tho pinto1

n-rjitoiY. I'oitor went tn tlio stublu iioor. Hei-aine b ^ ! : after a bit r.nd foil down. About thelime ilis' FiMtor foil (.irimU<r wbtit thu eacnaiitiiiu. F'-sKfr ley there oi'il (triBfliT went intniho lit.nw. I wont with him. Griurtsr tliuu ro-luaiioil iho ;ii,tnl ami I ptu on tho capj, Ho th<nvat r.ml Iny down nu ilio bed ' - 'dicil alwul ii ycr.r BJ

n tlio caps, He thened. Orinilor'a wifu

,5 filledH

eamu. OriinV-r kept a ranil at orooud ca'jo and kept a nULilo for IKhud u IL'U-J,'!X1IOH i\hiskv Una. TliiVom n barrel wliieli ho krpt in the nuonen. noBf.iM \ic.ct t-i. I ti!i"ht hfivu rnno intn tlio roomfor tho ixatul tiivsLlf and lat.au It down fnini tholiTik. U'IIHH •ctcd very ron^h andkept swoarinpall ihf time, llnnifl nr.s drunk. Fusicr ivati uotin Iho Itnliit prcduiinfftoGriiulcr'alinune. I hadnert-r B « « him tlioro. I did nnt sec Grinder takeami iritli tlm putol, nnd ho did not threaten to••hoot. I did nnt thlnl: ho waa going to eboot.IXr.tor did not not no if ho ms that when hnir.Uk-rd awav. Grimier did not point Iho pistol atHums. lluriM hit mv m.-ithcr ni th liis Ust oadItaookoil her down. M»thcr iraa ludlv tican-il.Mr. Cirinilfr> wifc wna crazy when ulio died. My

" la wiro


r ktpt hciiiiis for 3Ir. (

i P-urns dc]>oscd: I «

when ho drindtr whe

23 years old, ani .uiijt c*»untry tfir^amnty nhrnit mi divs

,.. .„ „. . wurMneat PnrtMnr-I knew nirnni D. Tuster, Ho vn* hand-

it the railroad cut. I wns bnartlinp at

time ho nir Saturdaj

Io todd._., „ - j i j ed there np to tlitt

ihot; 1 hsvo known tho defendant.., .'flecenspfl. T wa« at Grindtr t on

Saturday night with others.wTTi«inr 1TTH2 Eorxaii o r rr.

Wo.Rot . o » . | ( , , , , r lU-to. F o . W n . not iriUiit tTO]

ininr lb not with*k on Monday, and no wan Foster.

t t Rrindoi'ii dl i f t e r ^ __ _ .inwrta of wLieJ:y, Wo dratiU it

iffeal SiaVuir, W e « n l Mtirrny i

and iear tlio i•alnlnc, I

Murray,Grinders. WoVnt 'Mturny"in f»Va" Wtt'lo ofwhisky. Hi' got it nml it was drank on iho tow-- Ui. We thru went down to Untidy>, whero

*" drink moro Ui-

ass,-whisky. I c . . . . . . . _ . _

of viiUiir nt ono timo without setting. Alicr wn left llcUdy'a wo all vriint to•ap«T s layrra. Jlnrrav went in, and noon•amc rnnniiiK out with'a b()tilo of whialrr.i ran cffr him. Wo went to Iteddy'd andHi* vhfsfcy. Toalfr drank with WH ev.-iy« o thfti frlnrtcd to S o liomf. Ou ihc

1'itiin itc htopputlntfiriailiT n. Mnrrnr rild


r n i l F . DweliinG-luX Gtwiiftl* o 'April l i t , 1ST2.

Emiuiro or J . L. LAWRESCE in Charlct MFirlati'« uCGco.

TIIOS. H. OHAM.Dover, Feb. 1, '72. 7-tf N

I'nr tho ilcfvoec William CalliiC. Jtlrd wn* introtlmt-:!, hut UJtliliiK new vulic-ifdnn thrlr crimination.Cuiiidcr wan theu *n-orn on lit* owi bclialf.

nien ho tr-ol; the wit:i"si Bland he was cxfi-.s-elvnrirous, oml it W.MS o I'IIIR time bofoiv lie

tviiilil sp.Ti!i l'uiil wioiidh tor tin1 jury to bcarhim.)Io |..ldtlif m<ii}-,n(il.oiit ilio s-uti» nmim.r ihtho liny. He dinicil thnt he »hot 1'nM-ir iuliu-

wivn trying tn wiviidi it from his liau-1.Tlic cridcaco in tho coso vas closed

TuHSflny morning. Tlio Humming up oftlie counsel began Wcilucaday inuming.

Mr. Jlills occupied nhoiit Imlf nu hourin stating the points on nlnV-h lie reliedTor conviction, paying; however that lioshould ouly nnlc (or a conviclion of mur-der in tho nccond degree

Mr. Pitnoy followed in nu address occn-pyiug nearly two hours. His ndtlrcns wasul)lo and cs bans tiro. IIo rimmed tho de-fendant had triumphantly rundc hin de-fence and was cutitied to n traa and fullacquittal.

Mr. Mills inelosinfiforthoHLiteolfiimcdthat the imsannr vens guilty of murder insecond degree beyond doubt, mid nakedthjit the jury render » verdict nrcordingly.

'I,'lio chaigo of the court was not veryIcufrtliy nnd wus regurded ni fair ivntl im-partial betweeu the stale oud tho defend-uut.

Tbo jury rotircJ at thrco o'clock nndforty-fire inimttos, Wednesday aftornoonnnd at ton o'clock (bolng out ju-tt six I SUSSEX ST., n e a r C a n n l Jhour* nnd a quarter) returned into courtfrith n verdict oflurLTr op srrnDEn OPTITC SEC


a illpj KuhHcftt^r, dORir m or rotiflnc irotn lini. Inc . , iriiliUiinuiifhli

Store, Stock, Fixtures, &e.THE BEST

Business Stand in Dover.rt-rsona ifriiroiis ot tnkiuir holil of . Knod bu.

lice. «ill Ainl till, au miuBUbll;

Xenoa easy u ;d ]ionBCEhii)i


iio-scehhm gircn imniediatclj.

G. W. KKXNEDY., S. J., IVb. 3rd. 1872.

eth Johuson tvlioND DEOIICE.

rial was sotdown for Thursday, haa plead guilty toboth iudictmonin.



OSE mile from T>nrer, on ilii.«-narl tn)Io|>o. ,\ flue &f>qortni

.boot ilvo years' growth, andm the Lot.

Tornis caiiy. Enquire of

Dover, r ob . 10l!i, 1872.


THE C.i-imrtnitraWp beMlufnro oiistint: nmU'rtho firm namo otOnge. A C!arl: wan di.(snlvo<1

b t l t F b 1 t 1ST?T

tho firmby uiOtual t

ninnPubFer lhprnMiX public: t int tho Lraiifhori wiil bo cont

Of Gflgo & Deacb.

Fttr. N. J., Feb, 3rd, 1S72;

cn , \S . F. GAGE,J. S. *J1. CUUK.

umber lluiincM In til it*»ucd uutlcr th« flrui tiamc


WANTED,ir Upjiw ni

drcs cr aiboniLi, ilorriti County, S. J . Ad-pply tu

i JIAY.Dint. Cierl!.

fl-tfHibernia, S . J. Jan. 27th, "73.

To whom it iuny conccru.

able Couvh IUmcily k Uniiwixhinr lib rrrucOioe CAD al^Drug Uturo of


Hoti.se & Lot For Sale,.\EAK CHESTER.

SEW irorsr., ic uy so r<«t. jnst finUfaci,' storic- hipli, two roomi below nml Tour

th ood cellar. The Lot contains one


nhovt1, will..Aero of Laui

__. . . is within fire mintho Chester Ucrpt. Price SI.iOG; oLho hftlftUco on tinio tu stiit piireliac.

Apply At thi a Offieo, nr toALOSZO DIP

Clicttar, Jan. 20th, 1S72.

TO LET,THIS hanrlRonic now STOH1

just IHIOW tho IEIOK Erfor a Udioa' ftrdt-clans I'urnlsl

DlHcknvU fit,_. Ofliro, Suitable

.'nrnlshbg titorc.Enqalro on the premise!.Pavor, Dec 23rtl, 1871. " ' l-'tf '

DOVERand Granite Works,

K:xt door to THB IHOS E n \ DaUtUas,

D 0 \ ~ H , X. J.,

O. S. Davison,H .vinj started an Establishment for tho

Manufacture of



X \ . rfuppet fully Bolirlt tho public p i t remain of'kiii ECCIIOD of tho Countv, frtiamutecinff id Riv«

IO utmost latUfartlon ns roSarda the finestnrkmnnshlp required, tail at prices mailaaonnblo.Oiro iao a call beforo golnj elsswhcrc.

• " C. fi. DAVISOK.S«s( -loor to (he Iron Tra liu&Iiag.


Dover, XT. J .

Something new again!Great attractions at tho Store or


Hatter and Furrier,Who is exhibiting Iho latest style* of

HATS, CAPS & FUBSEver offered in thin d ty .


Children's Hats, Turbans, Round

SAILOR HATS,And others loo nnmnrous to moution.


S I L K H A T• For $5,

Uncqaalkd fur quality or price.

Fpodal attention is called to th*

FUR DEPARTMENTnnving Jaat rocaired a SEW STOCK of

LADIES' & CHILDREN'S FURS,Of Iho Uttst stTlec,

At Prices 20 per centLOWER


I wn igent for tho I&toit norallf,

Gay's Patont Excelsior Fur Band

MUFF,Which impimsea tnything in ITartet forwumih

prcicrralion of lining, and datMUij.

A line nawir tment af


FURNISHING GOODSConstantly on hanil.


A. B. FERINE, , ^Blaclcwell Street,


3I0BE LIOHTH«»b<K,nbn.ijehtto U i r o o the Bltimport'

Biibjocl wluch w.^oorus «*or.fbod/, midAll our relatluiiB, nf

Mr. Cash and his Prices.Anil at s mooting it has boon IICBOUCJ, T

froiu thii l i w firth

DOWN GOESTlie Long-credit Prices

C b n w i n n l l ; m no» oliT Co « » g o " <<*'•"rifaia T..1 l«unJ«l cilf of Uoior, nai IU»» "'

.JO nnir.in.kr of (he Sl«l» »uJ L-nitarr «' J>»«Jorw-7, »t tbu itom of

D. A. DERBY,Gooas nt siuli LOYmUCESj

That it h&3 nlrcivilj BBtoiiinht'i] tho public,uiA ROf-1* t!i»( you lmvo IKCD

luukittf; nfuT, tuo.

LAMPS ! LAMPS !!Thai will Bi,0Y0n surh beautiful llRhl, n>Mi,e

bom<* bright an<l clioerful. Ijimps furtho Hall. I'wlor and Kitchon.

Cuandt'iinre, .Stndeiit

Centra Table Lamps, Uraeltota, i c , »ml »

GLASS-WARE,F»ney V».«a »ud ol«*s of al! rtylo., mil & Urge

Look Here!Tin. GreiUcul Victory of Ilic Doy•j'lli: WJtSON SJIUTTLE

Sewing Machines,

D. A. DER1U',.Blackwell Street.

Family MedicinesAT

D. A. DERRY'S,Pure, and highly rccoTnincnfled to tha public ai

b«it fur a hundred ami <>DO couiplaiuti.

TEAS ! TEAS!! .Froth, and the choiwjt isleeUoni thil the

Markot o n produce at


Fresh Fruits !CANNED FRUITS !

And all kind* of


Pure Confectionery



AHEAD'OF'ALL.Pur .iitmlitiiv, (luriiMtily nnd hrnuty they B.md

unriiWtL l"»r Hljtiililiiff, homiiiinjr. tuck-in", i•iiiiiR, i11 '"'11^1 L ' i ir(^'n^i ljiiiJing,

Lni'linR, ^nth(:rin(; nml Hcwitip oilpiiliora, they nra mioxL-ollod.

'](i!»L£v'irictv il'rejVlneilweil Ktrcot, DoTerj

TnU nn .Itnkr'n ironl that tin-) sro nnl ft•UiiibrOfirBruwi.rllilcKti.lfflt call nml pumii i*"inccil tUt tUy nro JUBI what thiy nro cUlo»atulic. • • ' • ' • ' •'• • • ' • • •

: • '

Mm-tiiiiM «i'M I'J" niontlily inetnllmnnli.Evi-rr Mschlno wnrniutt-d an.l kupt tu r o p J r

for five WIT*, frco of chtxgo. ' ^ ^ ' »H'» "•••

JOSKI'lI KAISKU,At H. I). CHASE'S Variuty Htoro, Illnckwall 8t. ,

norcr, Nuir Jcmcy,W-nt for Monia County.

IVi>d for ClrntlarH nnd I'ricei.A<Mn»"f I1- O. J)CJ3,3BS.

«1V» ncil fislurtn conntautly on limil .tl,-a for all llrsU-lnaa Hewintj Machine* fur-id at slurl noticu.


Annual Winter Closing Sale,

And Early Spring Opening

MARVIN DODD & Co.Will offer during Xht eni>uinj *iity tlari

tlu'trcnlirr Stivkof


DRY GOODS,Cc in pricing in jiart

Wool fjong Shawls ,• W i n t e r Dreas Gootlf,

' .Hcrinu I'liticrivenr,Wool Ila*f>, Hlankctv

Cloths St. C'as>tiinrrc»,AI Cost and in lonio luxtsnco* at bin than Cost.

Early Spring Trade.Wo open to-day Ur.ijn qiwntilica of

Bleached and Brown Muslins,Tfliich wo hliall soil at wh^lon-ile priccl.

Alia largo arsurtiuuuta uf

White Drawer Muslins, TuckedMuslins and Skirtings, Gil-

bert's Flannels, Ham-burg Embroideries

nirhnrilson's Linens nml Sblrt Fronts

NOW {• ttio Urn. fur mating tip thCBC coodn. Ourtliortmonti will bo eomplut<\ and pricei

tnnch lotntr thin lizty daj-i benco.Cor. Broad and West Park Sis.

KEll'AltK, N. J.



Provisions,HE making this branch, of

Trade,a Specialty.

Strict attention paid to having


Constantly on Hand.


Jan. SOtb, 1B72.

To Rent or For Sale,Thrc« or foor Building!, situttcd

At Succasunno .The Bnildinpi am In cowl condition and tiloai-

«nUyloc»ted,oppo»ito the Hotel. Tin* i* t goodrpponanitT for a milinerr rm*inc*s or i*frc*h-inont iUnd, Lnqoire at tho Potkry, or of

JOHN P. KETTSZMAK.Soocvmnnt, V. J., I«n. s, 72. Hip.

Organs! Meloileons! IGREAT BARGAINS!!!



Book and Music Store,SrSSBX STltKKT,

DOVER, Ti. J.TIi** I/irrM prloci now prevail, and lrQI for *

CM! and convlnro vouritclTca that (bar* trflnone Llieapcr or bolter.

rtmont constantly on hanil. Enctit watraittcil for&vojcan.

FURS AT COST!!Oreit imlacomanlB nra now offorod at


Fur Store,In onl«r to CJJW nu* tho liolaneo of niy KTOCSFUI1S, I mil ulTw thorn at tha original Coal

Price-Fur Ca»!i-

Genuine Mink Sets,River Mink, •-< t;> '

Fitch,Siberian Sq.uixTel, '

Coney, &c> • - iyBo not fall to tako advinlago'of- thia,»tr«f J

liuluMmcnt. • ' • "You can BATE SIONEY by mailing yowr pur-

clmsei tiovr for the next SCOEOU.

Ererj thinginlholinoof '


Hat & CapDepartjnentTlio following aru tllo prcaont loadlnfi » tyl« t — '

The IIoHrtajr Jttnt, ". . VCentral Vark,*-Jt^ )SViV *

B r o m h r n y , ••'• '••"'' f •• ' .

5 t l i A r o u n d , , L •'••

GKIIUI Duke Alexis,• T o u r i s t , •'-::•';;•£.&».

Ladies' & Gerits* WSEAL, ASTRICAN AND CLOTH'.,,

SKATING OAFS.-,-.. Varloiia StylcB of

RAIL ROAD & EXPRESS'CAPS;Boys' Hats and Caps

Of every description,


&c. , :

*a- WHITE S11H1TS niailo tn order la M f•lylo ilcslrod, and warranted to fit.


DOVER, N. i.

Page 3: HARNESS, … · ron, Steel, Powde r and Fuse. B full a.suortnieiit nf M


H 8ATUKOAV, Feb. U, J872.


tG?~ The members of Dover CounciNo. ft, O. U. A. M., aro rmiuciitefl to bepresent nt their rooms nost Tuesday ov<niog, 20Ui inst. A full nttuiiilnnee inquested OB liUBincas nf iiiiportuncocomo before tho meeting,

JST We understand tlmt Mr. Wm.•Wright llW invented a now i>iuuo. Tininrontor Mys i t trill lint require tuniiijfor fiftoon or tw^Rty youra, but if fouui.nwesflflry it nwy ho done by nuy muni-clem in a few minutes.

I6F* TXov. O. Clnrlt, Jr.,ofPn!nehtown,will deliver a lecture on the subject c"Courtahip and' Marringe," iu tho M.Choroli at Hibeniia, next Wodncisduy 01niog, 21fit inst. ' Proceeds for tlio bonefllof tho church.

|fcy Tha cougregfttiim of St. John1

Church desire to acknowledge their iudflbtedness to tho members of tha Dove:Ooraot Band for thuir uni-viccs nt the icent concert, and for tho excellent mui._thftt added HO materially to tho plensunof tho entertianment.

* © - On Tuesday, tlirccmon camedifront Port Morris on a "tear," and BUGcseded. Ono of them only was arrestoi.»nd Attar staying OTor night in tlio fiUttioihouse paid a fino nnd costs of Si. COdeparted.

H&- Wo le»m that a lodge of timnoble temperance society, tho Tomplo cHonor and Temperance, ia about to horganized ct Mine Hill.

KSf Tho following "not is" ia postedup in a certaiu neighborhood not far diu-Unt. * .

Notice.—I Mftvo just got n pistol, a..horeafUr if any dog or ilogu molcbt me oi

highway, Uie owner will bo _- r

lew. " • ' A, G. S.

#©" The Biiudny Services in St. John'Church in thin plnoo will hereafter bo boll

"•t 101 a. m., nnd 4 p. in.

t&~ About twenty members .of HiFroo Methodist Church of this place ?!•!•(• ill tho Union School lion™ List Suturdu;sight mid held religious services, T)ihouna wflfl full, nnd the people of thnlneighborhood will {louhtlexs foul thoTigorating influence of this euorgetionomination. Wo learn tlmt mfosfowu—

'# hsTO also been sent to Stony Brook, uomo-' wbero beyond Boonton, and that a revival

of religious interest la likovi'ao extendingiUolf there.

J6F" Lust Saturday sovcral persons or-riTod at this ]>loco fur tho purpose taccompanying to a place of burial tlicorpno of a lady who had died of HIUAI]por in Now York. Tho body was expect-ed in ono of the evening trains, but thorailroad authorities becoming awnraol tho

naturally jefusal transportation,deceased was conveyed from Newa honrso which passed •thrnngh

!o on Sunday evening. Thisof " sniall-pox in Dover " which

h u frightened some timid ou<

J6P* Tho Scoond Annual Concert of St.M*ry?« Church will bo given in TahornndoHall, in tliis town, on Wednesday even-ing next, 21st inat. Those of our winderswho attoudod tho last concert of thischurch trill romemhor with pleasuro thamusical treat Afforded them on that occa-sion, and tho Indies and geutlemco whowill appear on thin occasion will comhinosome of the fhicat vocal and tnatrmnoutalamateur talent of the country. We hopeto *e« present a large and appreciative•udioooe;

t&T Lost Thursday, at a small railroadataHon," not a thousand miles from hero,

* a certain gentleman essayed to reach theplatform while tha train woo in motion.Ha trippod and fell, and ww rolled 1M-

,tween tho train nnd platform to the hoxorof tho bystsndera, soino of whom triedto rescue him from his perilous position.He was helped to hiB feet, and tho crowd•round hJni asked serioualy afterliealth. Ho ivna unable to answer, „„..

. from his contortion* niuNvritluugs it was•uppofiad he wus hnrt internally. Withconsiderable effort ho freud himself frombis friends nnd inserting his fingers in „__

' mouth as far aa posaiblo pulled therefroma cigar^that had becomo wedged into bis

•-^throat, nnd which.ho had lighted but amoment before. Thus relieved, ho wenton his wj£$fJ^oioing.

I was excessivelymday evening- on tho oc-

g*cnncortbythelodios\of St.1 Cborch, of this town,

e cannot bo awarded MIBSr the superior manogwuent

g BUCCC53 which attend-r enei'gy and atill, and iu

._ _ performanco we foor thatdiatinotiona* would be inridtotts. Prof.arobe, with; MJ«« A, E. .Tonkins and Mr.HflMwy.pOTfonaod iho Overture in tbo

I Opera of Martlia, Vitli tbi> most tlecidedflinresalona pf.plonsaro from tbo nndienceand all werp moot heartily appreciated intht i r seTcrol-'perforniflnccs. The mom-bora of tho Dover Cornet Baml were alsocongratulated .by their many friends fortheir really fino exhibition ot musical•bOL . We undorstand that tho profits ofthis concert will net nearly 8200.

Dover Public School Report forJanuary.

Tho following scholars wero creditedI- perfect in nttehJance and deportment:[ Roou No. 1—Mary Lyon,EatolJa Gage,

Phcobo Siglor, Aggio GageROOM No. 2.—Agnes Armitngo, JTOIJ-

> Wattcrn, Andrew Baiter, Joel Bnrcuell.t : BOOM N O . .3. — Aliw Pollard, Jubtw

Bratintn, Win. Jayno.J ^ g e r t ntimhor of pupHs onKegistcr,

830 ; largest -number in attendance, 283.

9- Mn Hamllbn'B whori PihlMlion nt ntrks«ill bo repeated titxt VctlnwiUy evening

An Appeal to the Women of Rocka-way.

Seldom hnvo you, wlion an curneot n])-pcul eouiinouiling ifeolf to your gnurt ]inlB-went as worthy of ucci:ptaiu:u and action,fuilod to roHpond by a prompt enlUtincnt,imd fiirly fulillluiuut aiid performanco of'every (food work.

A year nnd inoro ago a movpmnnt wnN

net on foot by fv worthy oflicer in your Jl'rosbytoriiin Cliurdi, (since deuenscd,) to j 1:procuro a Piinionage. Hia gcneruiut oilerof land and moimy waa eupplemcnttd byPthera imd ahoiit twu-thii'da of tho amounticccssary was sooiirod or pledged. Homo

who were expected tti give liljnrnlly ilidnot us wurualy ruapoud us waa desirable,but arcthat tho euterjtr

dotd)t waiting to knowan life in it to meet

i/ourciiH to action I My puqtono now, into remind you that tlio limitation of timoiii tho agreement of nubscriptiou wilt soonexpire, when all the amounts pledged waybo withdrawn, or fnil to bo binding.

Gun you, Women of Eocltawny, consentto throw away BO largo'a pledge of sueccssan you now huvo iu your bands ? A little•ffort oil your part, with this co-oporntiou

of tho other sox who cuu bo warmed intonotion by your zoal and activity promptlyput forth, may yet accomplish tbo object,and give yon a "Minister's Hoino,"nruunwhich yourselves and diildrcm can thro'tlieir sunahinc, and fruni wUich n ]iUHt«r,fooling Unit lio hud a homo wlicro ho couhwulcMino liis Hock, i!<>iild go forth on liinmission and " build up tho waato placesof Zion."

Your ospRrieuco mnnt antiufy j o u thatyou cannot pruspor until you liavo a Par-sonage, nnd with a woman in it—and bet-ter, a mother of chilt/ren, having noinobond of union to yoursclvoa as wives midraotlicra.

Let not your want of z<ml eaiuo a fail-ure of the liberal offers of tho "lildntRonehomo," together with thoso of other livinggenerous hearts 1 The amount necessaryfor coui|>letioji only awnifci your call !—Koeji at work etuudfastly, nnd you willsoon bo tmrpriaed to know how little effortit will cost to turn failure into success.

Whenever yon reach tho puiiit whtho crowning amount, (§100,) completingtho frt,OO0 required, sbull bo necessary itthall bo I'oiiTHOOiiiHu on notiuo to tlio Ed-tor of TJIR IIION EIIA.

Dover, Pah. 12, Io72. MANSE.

CSS** Tho following protest or remon-Blrnnco is beiiiff netivcly circulnU-d iu tingtownship :To the 'Legislature if (hit Slate </ Nett Jer-

set/ :Wo, ilia undersiffued, residents of the

Township of llnndo]])h, in tho County ofMorris mid tituta of New Jersoy, l ihoard that an oflbrt will bo uindoyour houorablo body to secure thopaMagoof nn act known as "Tho General OptfuuLaw," wo reapeotfuIlyremoUHtrate nguiiiHt'.ho same being passed, for tho followingreasons: Many ol us nro residents of tho* wu of Dover, (an incurporatod city,) and

deliver a. lecture on Courtship ftlidlingo, in the liil-ornirt M. 1). Churcli,uctxt WdncHday eveniiiB. I t in highlynpokon of mid will duubtlc&i bo uf u VLT;euNirUiuing lihnraelur.

In looking over your paper of a Inkissiia I noticed in mi m-tieli; ' ' I'rom Hibcr-uw" that yum1 cunebjtundout, WIIOCVLT himny bo, nmdo vnry great iul>titl;o by stuting tlmt the mshool tenolicr of U|jj»«-r Hi-

nin, Afr. S. L. Strong, Jimi gut iliti

•TO engaged in tho Balo of maltity, amid spirit

uoits liquors. We hnvo complied with alt^he rcmiircraenta of tlio law, both uiiuiici-)nl ami State, in refcrouco to the wile andirafflc in ardent and uinlt liquors. I t isnir btiiinofls nnd occupation, nnd rolying« tho protection which tlio laws of this

State bavo always given its subjects, ma-ly of UB have iuvcsU>d our all in buildingsind merchandise suitable and uccessary"or our tmdo and business, which we mitBt;ot»lly lose should a Inw HUCII IU WO bavoibovo mentioned bo passed. Wo 1>eliovo:ho snmo to be totally at variance witlt thoConstitution of this State; that wo liarobeen taught to boliovo thiu land to be aland of freemen, and that thin noil wouldyiold thnt boon denied ninny of us in ournative land. Yet v/o rcsjipctfulty submithat if it has nrrivod r t such an ngo whonho Legislature) elinll dujirivo us of ournenns of support ; destroy our propertymd mnko IIH bmilrnipts simply to gratify:ho fanatical ideas of a few, then the dera-icrotio principles, tho boast of our voun-;ry, arc but flimsy "shadow's.

Wo theroforo respnetfully protest against10 piwuago of auy law having tor it» nn-

imi tho destruction of our trade and inwhich wo uro natisficd a few will receivobenefit whilo many will suffer, believingna we do tlmt there aro DOW upon ouritntnta books, (if properly enforced.)itringent lnws in reference to tha unlo ofintoxicating liquors, which will accomplishin n better rammer all that ia proposotl toDC done by a General Option Law.

hia poBBfiKsion nnd ubsoondad with inoucbclonginff to the si'hool district.' JIiStrruigdid not abscond with any iuonebcloiiQing to the district, nuitlior hud lint any time jJOHscsaion of any HUCII nioniciexcept only tlmt wlndi wm duo hiui ffservices as tuiwhcr* Wo think this cor-rection in due Mr. 8.


II tini|H.Tanro men tlirougUout tlio landWill como with UH Bud take their utan.I,Ami worlt tritli Iinnd and t.enrt oud Imnj,

We'll IUIHI liavo " Local Ojitiou."If finy nidii «lin lias a wlfoDealrcs to banish half tlio etrlfoThiil happona in ilomcaHc life,

Juat try aomo " Lotal Option."If any druultivrd in tl.o townWould koop from sliding lower downTo docpnr <]q.Hm uf vllo ronowTi

Just givo Llni "Lucol Option."fthonld 0117 i»y_" O, I nan drinkAtiJ fltup wliuna'ro I pteaDo 1" I IlilnlcTlinl man ts uu 1 fudrful drink,

And itooJa Homo "Local Optluu."Our tDinpcranen fHoiida surprUeil will l,uTo bear that aomo proloiid they aeo

" 'Til

. ,In nlmt'B cnlloJ "Local Option."

ropubllcnn,11 Ihny ploud,l

, y p"To tnho away nur ilrlitliw, i ,A little Bllinnluu wo nttii,

Wo'ro down on ' Local Option.1 "Such argnmoati n« those, they knowAro bftlOordaiilt. ftut aiill they dlinwTJikt knoron nnd foulu COUIPDB'O tku foe,

Tho ton of " I jcftl Option."8omo men lire terribly (ifraid,Thojr nay " tliia yilnp «ill ruin trade,AEd no more mriiioy can bn inndf.

EocfiiiHO of ' Tjooal Option.1"Well, if yon k.-ep % brandy sl.op,Aim livo by Mdling poh-m sloi),Such trado n« tliot ivo moan to ntop

lly Dioniii of " Locnl Optbo."Jilit every UBcful, honcal tn-ioWill floiiriali more, and dotita bo jwldStore prompt and «urc, when rum ia mado

Son car by " r ocal Option."

To hwir tho Billy talk or soinflYou'd think Iho world wwild bo undonoShoulil vlllninoca beer and poison rum

Uu baniBbcd by "Loctil Option."Not Mo I Such pleas will novordo,No nnpiiistry enn make thorn truo,l'ur rum'a nn civil through niiQ Uiroiifjii j ^,

Lot's bavo uomo " Locnt Option."To sum op, let all who would boI'rom overy HTIIOMO temptation free,Tomptatiou Imtiish, 11 inn we'll sco

TUo fruiti of " Local Option."

Letters remaining unclaimed iitUi: Post onice, at Dover IV, J

FcbrunrylS, I87S,AndrowBrilm, Jobu

Doty, Mmmlns 1'

iiitl,"^-ma'Ill'a' "- ' ) , MIsa Mary

rout, CKbrlelltidmril, Jof-nphItcjnoiiH, JohnRoynwUla, James Bitoiro, 1'oulRllttwvll, AloiHteu-url, UiarlrsKtriishland, ?Jr« R^tnitli, WmTnylor, PTevcrro, lllrlmrdTrPRlowD, Alfrcd-3TJiomaM, Mnrr'rrii.il.orlh, WinWrit-ht. David

. .my of thOM lot tors tho applicant mtcall tor A!>VJ:HTISH> LEITEIIS, «ivo ttio d»totula list and pay ono cunt Tor mlvortixini'

____ A. GEUMKB, P. JIL

tiyon, JoM^nrcau,'"TcKln.A

riflld. HimnS'ichals, Jtebccca'etem H t h e nJetem, Htnnh

liaftlRBA, JoTo obtain nu

ll T

5S?~ Lmnday's Alnnual o£ tho N. J.CKielntiiro Tor 1872 is on interesting nnd

:alutiblo work to many, nud is got up in amost convenient form for tlis pookot. I tcontaius two splendid atccl plato iiortif Gor. Parker and Ex-Qor. Randolph ;

account of tho early government ofTew Jersoy ; tho political cainpnigii of871 ; biogropliicfll sketches of our U. S.lonators and IteprcsenLntivcs, Stnto Sou-rs and Assemblymen, with majorities ;

ho niles governing tho Senate and As-ombly ; lcgislutivo offlcors ; census andihiaUon of real find pprsonal property infew Jersey ; statistics, and many otheriges of matter valuable for raforenco.

esso 8. Doty has tho manual for ealo at1 Bookstore in Sussex Street.,

P11O?IIIIUER\IA.Wo hare all classes Hying1 in nnd around[iberaia, and. consequently much evil is

dttcd its well ns good done. A shortlinea Henry Mnrtin committed a rnpo

m his step-daughter, 113 it la alleged, a;irl about twolvo ycara of Age. Ho waitimmctUatcly arrested and plncotl in theaunty jaiL EIDCO his confinement lm-ifo has died, ond bis fnmily, in indigentrcuiustaucca, liavo removed to otheruis.Mr. Ftcd. Bench, BOD of Dr. Bench, and

lately employed in the store of Richards,ieach & Co. at Hibeniia, has locatedlimself in your town and is engaged inlie- lumber business -with Mr. O. E. Qnge.

"Wo miss him very much nt Hibcrnia, and•o sorry io have him leave UH. BTnyBttc-m att^otl him., FTho following rtro tho officew elect of

Hibcrnia Lodge of Good Templai-a :John Gilbert,' V. C. ; Siisan Smith,-W.

\ 1 T. B. WeGra h, "W. S.; A. M. Hnrris,'. C.; Thomas Thomas, W. JF. 8.; John. Suuth, W. 1 i Wm. Da%T, Y,'. M.;m. Seymour, 'V. I. G.; Wm. Smith,

. i iV. O. G.; Wm. Pollard, P. W. O.I Rov. C. CInrK, Jr., of Fronchluwii, will

Important from German)1.FnKK 11/ CIIABCE I .C»ll st E. L. Ocorgo'a DriSton

8V]\l)ISDfrpo"ofcharKor"lt"L'a/ln7dfb^cn"VntrolducoLlfntatliin L-niuitiy from Oormnny, nnd fornnv pornon HiilToriiiff with ft sorcro masliooi.l sot Hod 011 Iho brottit, cnuoninplioi],JiBOAHoofllKi tlirontnnd limfi*, ft has im equal intho» rid. OurrnKitUraknli-)tilc3 75L-0Dfi. In•II eaaoH money will ho promptly returned" ii per-fect Bntlflfaction in not gtvcu, Two d o r - - "roifuro miy enso. Try it I

Sold nt drnifjialn and den lorn ovorrirhUeo OREBS'rt AUGUST FLOWJilt f.ir dyfl-

•oiwia, liver cumnlifnl, contlvrtii'Fi, niclc h»Ml-*lic, Ac. NovcrfAilj. h. M. OHEIiX, I'roprl*;.or, Wootlhurr, N. J. AIuo auld by I. K. BEKCU,locknWftT.

For Sale or Rent,fTIHK mVELLIXO-HODSE now orcuptfttT byJ . M. 0. Mun»on, ia Prospect Street, foiics-ion RITOU April 1st.

Tor further particulnrB, nnnniro ofC. If. MUNSOX,O-tf Wnr Slreot

NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION.tE Firm of OAGR & f.'LATIK, I.umlior Konl-nr%, in this day dimmlv-d hv mntit '

j . ft. ir. CLAUK,A. G. 1'. DODOE, (SpooUl)

newnnts ot sftlil flrm will 1m lottlni by thorsigurll, nt tlio o(Ucu of E. Ijnilnlcv, Timer,

0.1a J. a. n. CUEK,Valiiuitttr Propcrtj"

FOB SALE.. . ...11 .SiibBcrilicr ofUirfl for IUIJ a, vnlusbto HA1X M I U J Tropcrtr in Allnmuohv. Ti'nrrcn Co

" * ~" lAtcontaiti92&Dfta half ACHES, 0

nfilio prnpcrtv, call onville, 8US9OT Co., X. J"—ir, N. '




f tha lnst w, l^u in , d

Public Vendtie,At lUo lato rcf>fd"nen'nf natd (Icccasud, at

SIIIPPISOPOrtT.Ill tho trtwnRhipof lloxbory, BlorrtnOmirtr,

THURSDAY, MARCH Htl i , 1872.Tlio Itoal Entntn of whicli tha Oe^Bwd diedlizcd, cDUBiittlnt; of ibout

70 ACRES OP LAND,A portion of irhlch in tillable, tho bal&nco mmJ

ami pprmtt bud.Tlio HuiiiltroiH cunmst of a DWELLITfCMIOT'SK

STOltE nOpaE trad laryo tonmiodinuH DAKS,nil in gond repair;nil inl in g

Lccalnn S

gondalionACHlion jjlrjuHniit nnd iicsimfala nn n UniinC

:.n BTASD, (Tlio Rlnro Jrmmo liarltifr' Iiifnr ilint ]inrposu liy "'•- ' * 'of yuu-ii prnitO

o inir etlio deceased for a nnnv

menco nt 3 o'clock p.the premises, nnd to com-

dftv^f^jiln byTenna mada Itnnwn oJOSIAFT jrEEKKn;!PTTAK. A. OILLKN". f

DAtorl l'rii. lUtb, 1N2.




Different Grades at Different


Hold nn ('limp UH at tin; New YorkWJiulvhule HOUBOH,

uy mjs

Barrel or Gar Load.Tills flour IH from tho nmut cdciiratcd mill* Ir

Htclifgan, isalnayblicpt on linml frrih fjronutl,and tlio tiuultty ahvayi* a* nj[tre£uuti;<], 'J'h'muat unjiurior brands an well na Iho Uimunt brandfcuu bo had.

Idnalnlth tho nianufnclhrera ot their MHIB.nnd not with Now l'orh houscii. Tho Flour cftm-tillrei't to my narohnuao n-ithout going to NCHYork, and h couuutiuuntly bad at lint prleca,

Murchantn nod (ithoru tliroiighuut thin net-lioortniinlry nil) find it to their mlvnuU 'u to (InnIwith niu, »» I cuu nasuro thum a. butttr nrllulo nfIhu aliuvo brand of liutir, at IOHH cxpuuuotlioy tail procuro it iu Now York.

Richard Pearco,n'ii building) c r uf Ilhclnrell mid



Ord;rs for Tuning and RrpMrlng of PianoForttt, Organ?, IWgdcons, nr.d other kinds ofllujical Irutrutnany, In Ken Jersey and Koir-Vuik City promptly attended to. I'ianM keptIn Tuuo l>y tha yutit at H\t Dollars.

MnsicallBstrnrxEGnts Bonglrt & Sold,

Piano Fortes, Organs StKehUwmB,

from 15 7>ol!Hra to 1AO0 UalUm

Send fur a Circular ami Prices;ArUrcea,

W. S. W11IGIIT UOVBB, ». J .

Shooting Gallery,At lfieT.mijmnim-0 Hotel, SIIMKOX Strot't, Ho'

Old Newspapersr Halo nt IIIIH Ofllco sit 50 nta. por luuulreti.





Mining Materials of all kinds.


Liriie, lath, Plaster, Cement, Brick, &c.ALSO, DEALER IN


STOVES! STOVES!!Great Reduction in Prices at tho Now Tin Store at Port Oram

Hlovcs o (jvcry t'ett-fIj>tli

:1B of tlio very latest cy tlt» of

Cooking Stoves, Parlor and Heating Stoves, Kunges, &c.

Tinware, plain and japanned ; Tin Roofing.A very fine naorirnc-nt of

LAMPS, LAMP FIXTURES, LANTERNS, &o.And a variety of othor tvrtlclce untidily Itopt ia a wit supplied Tin Sloro.

PLUMBING and all kinds of REPAIRING

Koatly duno and piomptly nttondcil (o. TV* guarantee {o giro aaf Hfu-Uoni

FALL Special Attention. WINTER,



AT HEWSON'S,Cor. Van Houten & 148,148,150 & 152 Main-st.

Tlie Stock is the largest and most varied in

kind and quality n the STATE of


- DRES'S. GOODS DEPARTMENTS,Mourning Goods, Silks, Shawls, Cloaks,

Trimmings, &o.


Domestics, Wollens, Table Linens and Blankets




The Dress and Cloak Making1 Department

Will continue under Iho successful manngement of


UI goodn Bold at uniform pices, raid innrkod in plain figures, from which there will

N. B.—XT. S. Transfer Coach •«ill convey iidssongora to tiucl £com tlio Depot toHewaun'fl, imd tor all twins on D. L. & Vf. It. 11.


Savnn por cent. CKilil Bonds for aalo, Tuttrcst and Friucipal payable in GulcL PricoLllll HCCnlQtl jlllO'Cifc




A FPLI. i.T;;r, OP

D R E S S G O O D S ,Black and Colored Alpacas,

IVuin 25 (!mb nil J

Paramattas, very wide,At 37* (jDiits )iw yai-a ; cbiucn coluro.

Empress Cloths and Merinos,

Tory Clicr.]),

Ladies' Vests and Drawers,

Men's Under Wear,

A L L A T R E D U C E D P R I C E S .In fad, wo oflur ffrmt Inilnuciiiuiita to (.'nsli Ctixlcincn in out WLUIOBHIU linn of Uoodl)


Dry Goods,Groceries,


Carpets,Oil Cloths.

Iron and Steel for Mining Purpoces, and Jessup's Axe Stool,Powder, Safety /use, &c.





M. H. DSCKERSONHIIS the IiirgcMt and Most Extensive Stock ot

Foreign and Domestic Dry GoodsCOLORED DRESS GOODS OF ALL KINDS.


Cloths, Cassimeres, Worsted Plaids, Delaines,

Shawls, Flannels and Worsted Goods.,




White and Grey Blankets,OIL CLOTHS AND BOOR MATS,



Cannot be Excelled in DOVER. •

lister's and Alicntoivn Ground liono Siiperpliosplmto of

liimc, Clover and Timothy Seed, Lime,

Cement and Plaster, Sc.

Tho Ladies Hid Qentlomcu will piomo boar In mind thlt It. J; Jtobcrla'


TIIOTOT7 l>bBt iu tha WurM," Rilvury iu polish nnil craceful in slianu; abo(,



Elpsantor PniEhfiuiIKtL-nor Ett^a. :

Giro mo B call, t ftm Iwtliul to BELL ror LESS r l t o r r f yiet. uaf other uonsu in.ffco •rtjt.

E . 3E3C.

Blackwell-streot, Dover, W, J,

E. Hairkouse & Bro.s

Watches, CLOCKS, Jewelry-AND—

P L A T E S I J V57" J\. 3Ft DE3

Alvrftyh o» U&nd. a Filia Acaortmont ol '



And Jewelry of Every Description!Repairing Executed with Neatness


Page 4: HARNESS, … · ron, Steel, Powde r and Fuse. B full a.suortnieiit nf M



mul UtDufac-tiircruf


Wholesale and Retail,

Prosprct Street, Dover, S. 3.

Cone tan tlr on hsDil the I«rg*it and purest

S T O C K O F L A R Dpvrr OHLF^Q ID lliis iu&rl£ct| in inic litters of from

4 rounds to 100 Pounds,

at Wliuluialo and lteltil. Also, » largo ijuauiilv


Pork hy the Ilnrrcl,nt SEW YORK l'llICF.S, vrarrr.ntoil

200 Poundu to the Hanoi.


Pickled and inokod Hums,iti (jii.iiilitk-Bt.i *uit purohaucr*. JO-)1

For Sale Cheap,A . ' <i'tiitv nt Duty's Muiitu Stort'/liAi%'.''


Sole Agent for Dover,,_

w. Carpets,Rico's Celebrated

D O V E R . , 1*3" 3".,





SO HO and OT E

S - - S ,

MINCE-MEAT!The llest in the Market!

Is tnndt? of tho

Best Selected BEEFAnd Ilia

CKoicest New Fruits |'Thli colcbratPil Miuee.Ment lim born

thoroughly tried by wnnw oftlio best families In

this Cily,and

Pronounced Excellent!




T. P. Skellenger, Prop'p

TlianitMcrniorre*iMct rally announces to liisfriandi ami the public KonornUy, t"»t ha lias verymuch enforced aud greatly improved wlint wasknown ai tlio

•*nd Is notr prepare.! tor*«lTO visitor*.•'.* Tho accommodations for aumiiifr boanWa 1the moitnniplenf any otlii

iwpr Imanlra itablishment in tin

CIQh«itu in •Unatnl niton tlin must elovnlc-Jground In Marra ociiint:, and confuiooiitly ue rpUca of Mimmcr nw«rt fur health is iiucniuA aoction of country-

cellent stable* arc»r« . l . . . turnout.

Chester, S. J., 11.


Machine nnd Iron Company,


>L Manufacturers of

and fill tiinds of Mi-

Ou pipe eat and fitted '.o order.

. Iron and Brass Castings

of vi deicripHoEi furnished promptly.i f ,•:

Particular nUonlton gi?n\ to


?..-.,. YfOIUL

Solo Mvinbcturori of HUTS0X*S

Patent Car-Fusliers

fax tbs Ei»f<M ofSowTwl tadSuw Jerrr*.


Mining MaterialsOF ALL KINDS,



FITTINGSConstantly on Hand.

December 21,1ST0:

George Feder,Merchant

Tailor,BLACK w ctL STRrrr, noit door to IThitioelt &

LMVIS Store.

DOVISH, N. J.,lias constantly on liiuirf a fine stoch <.!

Cloths and Oassimeres,of tho most fcBlilimabkt styles, and rlotbi of nit

pridea of materials.

Cut a m i Hhttte t o O r d e r .

anil a Bond lit warranted,

Bciuly-SIiulo Clothing,in great .iiiautitlen, of all Btykif nnd prices, from

ivliieh win bo ituluctctl


Boys and Children,Gentlemens' Furnishing Goods,

of every description,


HIT My prices nro the lowest, nnd I fltfy com-palUiou in ihc liialiu and ealo of my go ml it.

GEO. FEDEK.December 21tli, 1570.

M. & I. Searing,CARPENTERS,

and BUILDERS,IlucKwci.L ST.,

DOVER, N. J.Plans and BpcciflcatIons fur buildings, Contracts

Ukru and materials rnrufelicd.

Jobbing in General.December'Jltk 13T0. 1-lyr.







Dover, N. J .

Orders for Sawing and Planing



MORRISTOWN,- Ila> jus! finished blocking liis bio re with



Superiority of SIntcriul,Kvcr I'eforc utrurcd.

T i l l ! CEI.KIHtATED

E. C. BUST'SLadies, Misses and Children's

SHOES,Warraut, d ahraya tu lit, arc t.) bo found in

• bin M"i-n In tho fnvntot |.i-ufnuioiivf »tyk'9 aud uu-nnmiituuiitH,

A^D ,.'hcni»er (linn at any other Store

In .Mori is Con at)'.Rubber Boots & Shoes,

AM ovtrytliiu?fu tho line Trnm tlio lnoetl"il»ular Mntmrm-tiuwH.



Neil tu Vubbiugtuu Hull Building,

Morristown, N. J.

Mrs. A. Beemer,Fashionable


Fancy Goods,txi door to HairhnuHG'H Jewelry Hloro,

Blackwell Street, Dover, N. J.,nl:cs |ilcnsiiro In iintifring her fru'ml nml thenliili'lSmt hliclms tlm l.irirc^t stocl: aud mostimiiiki;. ns3urtuiciit of 31illiiiL>ry nml 1'aiicj-ttKiJa to be {build iu Dover, tlic must beautiful

Fall and Winter Styles

H A T S !A full lino or

Feathers & Flowers,

Sash Ribbon and Bows,of the latent stj'ks, ami a Una aBsm'tnieut of

Chignons, Switches,Braids and Rolls,

Xlsu, ft groat variety of

Zephyr Goods,wid the usual variety of

Ladies' Furnishing Goods,itli tho lx>st malci-inl nud inosUompctPut na-

iBtimlK, mid n lmii I'Xiwienca in tlif. I>UMIII>KHCU llattur utirGch-LH fully prepared tu mn-t tlioJoiiundsofom-patrons im.mptly and Ratlgfaeto-

) C Co o o


iicrantoii and LeliifeliO CS -£±. TLM ,

i the LoivcRt SInrkct Price.'VVliolcsnlc and Itctnil.All Sizes Ccins)i::illv oallnnd.


Real Estate Agent.^Z Onlerfl recelrcd nt my oQlco on

Blackwell Street,





2O Building LotsTor particulars Inquire at tlio Heal Estate5"">o' A. BEEMER.

•. Or t . 0.1B71.

prciuptlr pxocutcd.

iV. 0. DONOGHUE.Book, Stationery and

NEWS DEALER,or. BUckn-uU and Sussex streets, oppo-site the Slunsiou House, Dover, N. J.Con at»nil v on hand iinilr and wwlslv papers

and all nf tlio leading' Monthly Magazines sent>y mail to any part of the United Ktatis all order it

by mail promptly nttunded to.KnhacripLiotis ri_-eiivi;d liy tbo weds or nionlli.

lw>llV l»ln^r^"^.^idSm"cclBnp^iB0imblioa-imm, nlt.n, writing piipwr of «vrri" dflneription>im.ri«inc Note Losnl Cap, Hill Cap, Fool Cap,litinl ami l'ronch in Colors, would renpoctfflllv

all your attention to the fact that I am Bclliniibem at greatly tvduccd pricuH.

Law Blanks of the latest New JerseyTin iu great variety.

Music &3lusicallnstrumentsA Specialty.


MELODIONS,t Less than NEW YORK Pries.

B O O K - B I N D I N Ginne v.iili neatness and dispatch and in any etvlclasinhl.Also, a choice variety of Cigars. Tobacco, FancyOMIR, Fruit and CnniVctionvrv.Ordtrn rcet'lvrd for timing riaiir>8, Orjrans andelodioiis. nml repairing MtiHiral Ins Inimon 1 it.—

Work performed by a reliable and eipenencd

P. H. Hoffman,Merchant Tailor,

Morristown, N. J.


BEST 3IAXNEKnnd must

Fashionable Styles,at very

Reasonable Prices.» A largo stock of

Cloths and Cassiineres,emmtimth- on lintul, wli ..-Ii uill he rdnilcd by tinyunl v?ry diunp, and t',,t fur thoue vlio wisli Trciof cliaryo. Also,

S h i r t s , Co l l a r s , Tit-a, Gloves , S I IB-

I icnt iers , Vmlcr»l i ! r t8 ,

P. H. Hoffman.

arorriatmra. Jou.-lSTtl. 5-lyr

F R E S H F R U I T S ,

Oranges, Lemons,Figs,

Apples, Raisins,


Pura Coaroctinnarird, Nuts of all kinds, DirdSued, Clioico Hramlii Sugars, t'ainity Mo-tiduca,1'ille and Plasters, at

D. A. DEIlItY'S.1-13 •


Apothecary,Dickerson Street,

Opposite It. It. Depot,Offers for sale » vtcll selected Btodf of




And Fancy Articles

ic, io.

Physicians' PrescriptionsCarefully compounded nt nil hours.

Sweedish Leeches

i.LINDSLET&SON,1 Dealers in

House Furnishingand

Builders' Hardware.*o tronld partlculnrly calt altcutioa to our ox-

tcnsivo slooli of , #

Meclianics' Tools,tihkb art full; warrant'*! to lo tbo beet,


Mackmllntrcot, Dover, K.J. !»lf




Housed Serened and DeliveredAt t h e Sliortent Not ice ,

In qnnntltien to Butt pnrcbnicra. Also,

Soft ConI for Blacksmiths,t the lowest cftsli price; nnfl tnannfacturcr of

common and front

BB.IC EL.Fire Brick nnd CUy constantly on bund, at

31. SIGLER'S YARD,Ox DrnoEy Si!, SEAS lUn.no»D: '

lJCrSI, 1673 J-lyr

Hnrdirare, Stoves, &c.


S T O V E and T I N

S T O R E ,Next door lo tho Post Oflioo wliero may

be fuuml


Hot Air Furnaces,PARLOR.

"COOKING "STOVES,of all klmlB nuil dwci-iptimiB; also a lnrgo aasorl

UlL'tlt (jf


T i n Hoofing, J:IIVCB, Tioiiglitt,JjClldtTBj &.V.)

Lamps Lanterns & Lamp Fixtureslantlymi Imnd. In fuel every tiling found In a

1'insT-twta STOVI: ASH T I S Broac,

As Cheap as the Cheapest[lofy cntuiMJtilloit cither In work or price*


, uow prepared to tilatfl roufx ornll kinds iu thbat mniitiLT, at tliu sliorUbt notico.

Peter Many.Dover, Jim. 7,1871. »-ly

Stoves. Stoves.• THE OLD STAND,

UNION HALL BUILDING,Oppoeito tho Post Oflloe, Dover,

Hot Air Furnaces,if tlio lfttrst and niont Improved otylee, forw«n

ing publie aud private buildiugR. A large assort-ment of Stovoit, t-lionp for casli.


STOVES, RANG-ES,ko. AIBO a rArletj- of



A full nssortiucul of



LF.ADER3, and nil kioda of Jobbing in inv linc-oiio in tho lust niaiinor nn.l nt tliu Htiortesl uwl,t k c Ilifhctt prit-tn ]<nid f.ir old Iron.

JJtippur leud uud iMjwtur tnkcu in t-xchaugo fur

" *' ALEXANDEH WIOnTON.December 21 tli, 1670, 1-ijr.

T H 13

Hardware Store.Yoorhees Brothers,

WnOLtalLE LSD HETAIL nvtr.rns 1M

Hardware, Iron & Steel,



M o r r i s t o w n , N. J.A complete Btocli of

Wooden AVare andHousekeeping Goods.


find TanufR turcrB 'Articlea genomllr,

jiine, Cement, Plaster,Bono Dual, HnpCT rhoBpbh'e of LI me, nnd nil

other Fertilizer*.Gcnrgc E . Voorlltr., . Jttmei I I . Voorhcci.

Morristown, Dec. 211)i, 1&70. 1-1TT

W. H. McDAVIT,House, Sign and Ornamental



mo witU ncitnees nntl dispatch, trad on the most

reasonable terms.


DOVER, N. J-,Under Geo. Iliciitrda i Co.'a Store.

Dccemhcr 2Jth, 187(1. l-iyr

OysterBayRest^anT"OT^^S? "

Eating House,THOS. BOLITIIO - - J>i-u|irie«or,


Oysters and Clamsiu cvtry style,

R a w , Stewed, Fried anil Hoastf d.

orX^lc'd nyurnHlp"luiUl»lS!l1 '" -""•1'^

rtBlivnlH,'lJalL, !Sii|'pPi"H uud pri«l• All ordursin thitfity prowpil'nnddolivored ton ofclinrRu

At the Dover Book Store

UNDli l l tho - 'Iron E m " omco, j « " "> ' ' "

moHt ruasonublu prfci'B.- •*•••*' "•" '[



Guns and Revolvers,Metallic CarlrWsf0, Uliot, Ilcst BpyrtiiiR i W c

dps , Gun WUI1H,4I',

All Kinds of H a r d w a r e .Cm'Al1 roil L'AKll.

Noit door to Hit! Jlniiclim H01113, Dovrr,S. 3.

J . W. S AM M IS.

In Murrin County, Is nt


Where can be fuiind tlio Inrgcat assortment c

Horse Blankets ,HulTalo. Itolbcs, Wolf llobcs

Fox Robes,nt

I'ltlCKS TO S l ' l T T H E TIMES.

A nplaudtu uusurtmCDt of

Trunks, Carpet Bags,ValisesntciiclM, &c. ' ;

rtiilicit, Curry-ComliH, Cords, and tCmuT"-tkmiiorit. KpouBOa, (Ilinmoi* fikitiM.

ill for Itoeltwetn, Tralninc npparalui. OilsVaniiHii for JIHIIILSB, Annlnguinado to order|nit up in it workmniiliho maituor. _

C i t y M a r k e t ,Corner Blackwell ntul Morris SUeeLs,


CoustaDtly ou liauJ, nml dc-livcrctl to

finy part of tho city,

F It E 8 II ME A T S ,imcd and I'ieUed Meala, Frs.ih I'lsli aud nil

tinJa of Vrgotaliks iu tlnir suau'jii..UBO, nil kinds of

POULTEY.Orders for ponliry received duriiij; t!m ensuins

• Seven Iteasons Why


WILL CURE ItlNGltONK, KWRENY, fir.VVINH,TliNDEH FHi;1!', l-'OUNDKH, STIl'F JlUNTS,m'HAIK.S, li\Ll£, JlltL'IBEH, ASD L-VMii-SKSrt OF ALL K1NUK.FlitST.—It is ccmpoH(;d of the most roffnnnri

mid I-E.VETOATIMU liijuiils knunii iu dicmitin-.SliCOMJ.—Combined nilli tlio ntioro Is n il"inwAL OIL, mndi/ i>iprpnKly for lltis J.itiiuiuntjd mixed by KQ entirely nun proccan. .TIIIUD.—'riti) uso of llm powerful nml lwnctro

tti:u m^rcdienU in tu ilrivu nr fori'u in Una IJIUIItifnl Medicinal Oil, uliidi liibricatru tho Joint)aud muscles nnaiinnicdUtuh- t.irolllis tlio ilis-iho nnd cmnpGls it to loosen its dcatiilv mid IHJI

juousfaiigB.F0UKT1I,—Tills Mcdidnul Oil is used foi tin

snuio rtiauiu tnut a KOO<J mfi-liaiiic nlwnvgnsis uit» malic liis mncliiucrv work nitti ccm nmhiro

cision. Ho iu lirasamo war ttitHuusclreaml juint!of our animals bhould IJO rubricated if m wish tt

ave tlitm truTd wiiii rapidity unit rate.FIFTH.—lit is very S-JOUIIIIK in )t9 net ion, will

.ot 1mm or Winter llio uniinal liko most of tliu" red Lot" linimutiU of tlio duy.

SIXTH.—Not ono drop nr lincluro of cay en 110or rod nenper can IK> fimud iu its tmiuioaitimi;for tr-i hold 1 hat uu liniment ran bt> rflci-tivc whichbums and bl i i tm tliu animal until llii- mu 'ire hard nnd Orin] nlmotit to a crisp.

KliVENTH—livcry hotllc is WABBASTEI . .:lve(;nodiwlifirfictlonor v(.nr muncy will bo re-untlrd. This allows conclusively tliat tho |)iriulors liavo fill! conBilciK'o in this nreii.iraliL..,ind proves fur tho novouth tiim; that Ii. ii. 8. b. ii1 ' liniment In Hie world for horsca.




BAW AND GRIST MILL,And also dcalir in Ore, Oro Lands, Iron, Cual, Ac.



Oyster House—AMD—


Wftrron Street, opposite the Dopot,

DOVER, N. .T.Xh« subncribcr bas rcccntlv fitted up n


EATING HOUSE,which Lao been needed in Saver fur a Igng tlmo,

u d now informi tUo traveling pnblio thstbo is JiUly prepared to furnish 1

Bill of Faro


Every Convenience... th« proper preparation of things, ho II ...urs

himself that n frcallv incrcaalng imslnuw itBufllctcnt Kuarantoo of U»o apprciiatiun iu will[no house is belt].


. DOVER, N. J .

J. IJ. Curtis,


3 CO,BODTtt HT., Jlorristtnvn. K. J.

Chas. McFarlan,

Real Estate



DOVER,"N. J...

Agent roivthcroiiowine nrtt-dRsi

Liverpool & London ®"<|Io|}e1 iisuranco Co; % •'

Itojnl Iiisurnnce, Ltyferpool.

Frmildin - Philadelphia.

Hudson - - Jersey City. •

People's - - - Newark; •

Home - Columbus, Ohio.

Mudiiil BeiiciltLifejNewarit

Choice Lots in Dover,for solo choap, also Boyortl

Houses nnd Lots, •''Aloo, a rery flub i . . . 7( -


75 Acres of Land,Near Buccuunns.

December XI, XSJO> . Ijrr

The New Empire ,-

Hot Air, Gns &ing Cooldns Store,-


Also, ft Lirgo ABSorlmont of othor 8t;lei of Cook-lug litovcs, llangca, l'afior Stoics, ic,

FOR SUMMER & WINTER USE.Also, & choica stock of

HavtUvarc, Cutlery,Glass, Woodnn, Copper, FlaJn and Jiptnned

TINWARE.OliarnhLCurnots, Laropi. Ttialt tnd Olli,

Dinl CORCS Funthcri, rnttni Astiti Oil (non-«x-plosive) AIHO,

J113A1.13R I N COAL..

Rooting, Pliimljing and JobWork promptlj aitondca to, . s '

J i9 . H, DHUEN & BON, nock*i«y, N. 3y

Fairljanu's Scales nt manafaC- ,

Hirer's prices^-*M Iron. Popper, Snu, Load, Itaciud Orwo-