harriet beecher stowe – never owned slaves showed the villain simon legree also showed that slaves...

Harriet Beecher Stowe – never owned slaves Showed the villain Simon Legree Also showed that slaves were people with deep feeling Showed the evils of slavery Sold millions of copies and became a stage show throughout the world Readers around the world turned against slavery 1800 Virginia slave rose against his masters Marched to Richmond Storm dispersed his army and he was defeated Freedoms Journal & North Star / Black newspapers Preached liberation ____– “Appeal … to the colored people of the world” Denounced slavery Called for blacks to revolt against the whites Underground Railroad Helped escaped slaved get to Free states and later to Canada People could vote for or against slavery Also called Squatters Sovereignty California – Free State People of Utah and New Mexico territories would decide for themselves to allow slavery Congress abolished the sale of slaves on Washington D.C. Slavery itself would remain legal in Washington D.C. New fugitive slave law Issue of Popular sovereignty Stephen Douglas wanted Ant-slavery and pro- slavery people flocked into Kansas and Nebraska Anti-slavery – majority / Election rigged Anti-slavery – boycotted

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Page 1: Harriet Beecher Stowe – never owned slaves Showed the villain Simon Legree Also showed that slaves were people with deep feeling Showed the evils of slavery

Harriet Beecher Stowe – never owned slaves

Showed the villain Simon LegreeAlso showed that slaves were people

with deep feelingShowed the evils of slavery

Sold millions of copies and became a stage show throughout the worldReaders around the world turned

against slavery

1800 Virginia slave rose against his masters

Marched to RichmondStorm dispersed his army and he

was defeated

Freedoms Journal & North Star / Black newspapers

Preached liberation____– “Appeal … to the colored

people of the world”Denounced slavery

Called for blacks to revolt against the whites

Underground RailroadHelped escaped slaved get to

Free states and later to Canada

People could vote for or against slavery

Also called Squatters Sovereignty

California – Free StatePeople of Utah and New Mexico

territories would decide for themselves to allow slavery

Congress abolished the sale of slaves on Washington D.C.

Slavery itself would remain legal in Washington D.C.

New fugitive slave law

Issue of Popular sovereigntyStephen Douglas wanted to keep the democrats unitedHis actions actually split the

party________ would violate the

Missouri Compromise

Ant-slavery and pro-slavery people flocked into Kansas and Nebraska

Both groups elected their own government

Put neighbors against neighbors Much of the money for rifles was raised by abolitionists – Beecher’s


Anti-slavery – majority / Election rigged

Anti-slavery – boycotted votePro-slavery won complete control

Anti-slavery – gained control of territorial legislature

Authorized second referendum – slavery / _______voted down

Page 2: Harriet Beecher Stowe – never owned slaves Showed the villain Simon Legree Also showed that slaves were people with deep feeling Showed the evils of slavery

Uncle Tom’s CabinGabriel Prosser

Harriet TubmanPopular SovereigntyCompromise of 1850

Kansas-Nebraska ActBleeding KansasLecompton Constitution

David Walker

Page 3: Harriet Beecher Stowe – never owned slaves Showed the villain Simon Legree Also showed that slaves were people with deep feeling Showed the evils of slavery

______Church had divided into Northern and Southern – over

slavery issueThe north denounced slaveryThe south used the Bible to

defend slavery

Slave that sued for freedomStated he was in a free state and

therefore should be freeChief Justice Roger Taney – used

4th AmendmentSlaves are property –

Government cannot deprive people of their property

Raid –Harpers Ferry 1859Thought of himself as God’s chosen

instrumentHe and 18 men seized the arsenal Thought he would raise an army of

slavesRide through the south freeing the

slavesUS Marines –Colonel Robert E. Lee

Election of _____ caused thisAbraham Lincoln elected

South Secedes / South Carolina first

Lincoln sent supplies and troops to strengthen Charleston Harbor The south looked at sending provisions as an hostile act

The south then attacked the fortGarrison surrendered

South had fired the 1st shot / first shots of Civil war here?

Total War President in the south -

Ineffective war leader

Lincoln declared martial lawSuspended writ of _______

(right to be brought before a judge)

Placed in Charge of the southern army

Strong and brilliant leaderBiggest mistake was Gettysburg

Proclamation issued 1863 – set slaves free only in those areas of


Page 4: Harriet Beecher Stowe – never owned slaves Showed the villain Simon Legree Also showed that slaves were people with deep feeling Showed the evils of slavery

John Brown Dred Scott

1860Fort SumterJefferson Davis

Habeas CorpusRobert E. LeeEmancipation Proclamation


Page 5: Harriet Beecher Stowe – never owned slaves Showed the villain Simon Legree Also showed that slaves were people with deep feeling Showed the evils of slavery

January 31, 1865Outlawed involuntary servitude

Slavery was now against the Constitution

Took the Union army through Georgia

Scorched earth policyBurned crop fields, towns and

homesDestroy their ability to fight

Major battle and the end for the south

Lee’s troops were defeatedLost a great deal of men

charging into Union position (high ground)

Speech by Lincoln4 score and 7 years ago

South SurrendersLee surrenders at Court House Lincoln Assassinated April 14 at

Fords Theater / by?

Southern economy destroyedOver 200,000 died from woundsOver 300,000 died from diseaseSlaves liberated – start looking

for jobs Union restored

Also called the 10% PlanIssued by Lincoln in 1863Offered full pardon to all

southerners (except certain war leaders)

10% of population had to take an oath of allegiance

Congress refused to pass Lincoln’s 10% planCongress passed a

Reconstruction Bill – 1864?Required 50% of population to

take the oath /Lincoln –Veto

Page 6: Harriet Beecher Stowe – never owned slaves Showed the villain Simon Legree Also showed that slaves were people with deep feeling Showed the evils of slavery

Gettysburg William Tecumseh Sherman

Gettysburg AddressAppomattoxJohn Wilkes Booth

Effects of theCivil WarProclamation of Amnesty Wade Davis Bill

Thirteenth Amendment

Page 7: Harriet Beecher Stowe – never owned slaves Showed the villain Simon Legree Also showed that slaves were people with deep feeling Showed the evils of slavery

In 1863, one of the bloodiest domestic riots in the United

States occurred in ________ when 120 died as Irish-

American laborers attacked African Americans and

opposed the draft.

larger populationstronger industrial basea superior railroad systemno blockades These were all???

Term used to describe Confederate foreign policy

Page 8: Harriet Beecher Stowe – never owned slaves Showed the villain Simon Legree Also showed that slaves were people with deep feeling Showed the evils of slavery

King Cotton diplomacy Union (North) Advantages

New York