harry potter magazine analysis

The main image for this Empire magazine front cover is of the easily recognisable Harry Potter who is staring intently into the camera. There is silhouette lighting used which lights up the left side of Harry’s face, creating a heroic look and feel to the character. In the area of his face which is in the shadows, his face is cut and blooded. This represents the dark side of the character Harry Potter, his fighting mentality. Also his glasses are cracked showing that he has been through some sort of battle. These all feature on the same side of the face as where his iconic scar is. This gives an indication of the narrative in this Harry Potter film. It portrays that Harry will be battling against Voldermort, his nemesis who gave him the scar. This will entice target audiences who will crave seeing the battle between Harry and his nemesis. His hair is also slightly scruffy and there is dirt on his face and neck, again showing that he has been participating in some sort of fighting and would suggest that perhaps he is on the run as his appearance is not well kept. Daniel Radcliffe who plays Harry Potter has dark blue almost black scenery behind him. This shot was more than likely taken in a studio. It creates a mysterious and dark feel to the image and to the message its’ sending out. There is a slight glow shining from the right corner of the image, with mist approaching Harry’s face. This again emphasises the mystery evolving around the Harry Potter narrative. His colourful clothing presents a childlike image to his character. This entices target audiences, reminding target audiences of the first appearance of Harry as young boy and shown how much he has grown. The masthead maintains the same style throughout every edition of the Empire film magazines. The bold red letters are easily identifiable by magazine readers and create an established brand identity. Because the Masthead is such a recognisable aspect of the front covert of Empire magazines, those who don’t read the magazine will still recognise it as it is such a highly placed film magazine, enticing this group of people. Because the masthead is the biggest and of the only text in red letters it emphasises its importance and allows it to stand out clearly against the main image. Below the masthead is the magazine’s slogan and website. Showing a link between the three different pieces of text, this would make the reader want to check out the website. The masthead font has a mixture of sharp and round edges to it. Unlike the Total Film magazine front cover the masthead is placed in front of the main image. The masthead does not cover up any vital aspects of the main image.

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Post on 18-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Harry potter magazine analysis

The main image for this Empire

magazine front cover is of the easily

recognisable Harry Potter who is

staring intently into the camera. There

is silhouette lighting used which lights

up the left side of Harry’s face,

creating a heroic look and feel to the

character. In the area of his face which

is in the shadows, his face is cut and

blooded. This represents the dark side

of the character Harry Potter, his

fighting mentality. Also his glasses are

cracked showing that he has been

through some sort of battle. These all

feature on the same side of the face as

where his iconic scar is. This gives an

indication of the narrative in this Harry

Potter film. It portrays that Harry will

be battling against Voldermort, his

nemesis who gave him the scar. This

will entice target audiences who will

crave seeing the battle between Harry

and his nemesis. His hair is also slightly

scruffy and there is dirt on his face and

neck, again showing that he has been

participating in some sort of fighting

and would suggest that perhaps he is

on the run as his appearance is not

well kept. Daniel Radcliffe who plays Harry Potter has dark blue almost black scenery behind him.

This shot was more than likely taken in a studio. It creates a mysterious and dark feel to the image

and to the message its’ sending out. There is a slight glow shining from the right corner of the image,

with mist approaching Harry’s face. This again emphasises the mystery evolving around the Harry

Potter narrative. His colourful clothing presents a childlike image to his character. This entices target

audiences, reminding target audiences of the first appearance of Harry as young boy and shown how

much he has grown.

The masthead maintains the same style throughout every edition of the Empire film magazines. The

bold red letters are easily identifiable by magazine readers and create an established brand identity.

Because the Masthead is such a recognisable aspect of the front covert of Empire magazines, those

who don’t read the magazine will still recognise it as it is such a highly placed film magazine, enticing

this group of people. Because the masthead is the biggest and of the only text in red letters it

emphasises its importance and allows it to stand out clearly against the main image. Below the

masthead is the magazine’s slogan and website. Showing a link between the three different pieces of

text, this would make the reader want to check out the website. The masthead font has a mixture of

sharp and round edges to it. Unlike the Total Film magazine front cover the masthead is placed in

front of the main image. The masthead does not cover up any vital aspects of the main image.

Page 2: Harry potter magazine analysis

The main sell line of this edition is conventionally placed on the left hand side of the front cover. It is

the biggest text other than the masthead, “Massive Preview Special!” in white tall letters stands out

clearly against the dark blue colouring of the main image. This draws reader’s attention to this

aspect of the front cover. The exclamation mark at the end of the text shows that the readers should

be excited by this sell-line. The list of films the run down the left hand side of the magazine front

cover are the films that are being previewed in this magazine. This is identified by the white text

linking it in with the main sell-line. An image is placed at the bottom of this list to identify that films

that are being reviewed in the magazine. The image is of identifiable characters in three of the seven

films listed. These are James Bond from Quantum of Solace, Wolverine from the self-titled film and

Silk Spectre from the Watchmen comic adapted to film. Instead of just having a plain list of films, this

image allows readers to become intrigued in this aspect of the magazine. The first film in this list is

Harry Potter 6, the film being portrayed in the main image. This is shown in the piece of text as it is

bold, unlike the remaining films being named down the list. Next to this film name is a blue asterisk

symbol. This links in with the sell-line that is placed on the opposite side of the page. There is a blue

asterisk symbol at the beginning of the “Bloody Hell” sell-line. This symbolises that these two sell-

lines are linked together and are promoting the same film. It allows readers to establish that this

sell-line on the right hand side of the page is in relation to the Harry Potter film, if they did not

already know this. Bloody Hell is a phrase that Ronald Weasley uses in the Harry Potter film series.

Harry Potter fans will again be able to establish that this sell-line is in relation to the main image. But

for those who did not know this, another way that readers can identify that this is in relation to the

Harry Potter as underneath says “Harry comes out fighting”, an obvious link to the main image.

Throughout the sell-lines on the front cover there are different coloured rectangular shapes placed

nearby. They resemble a clapper board which is used on sets when film making. This creates a

reflection and representation that this magazine is primary film magazine. As well as this it makes

the sell-lines become more striking for audiences.