have you herd - owen county › files › anr_newsletter.april_2019.pdf · “have you herd“...

Have You HerdCooperaƟve Extension Service Owen County 265 Ellis Hwy Owenton, KY 40359‐9300 Phone: (502) 484‐5703 Fax: (502) 484‐5704 owen.ca.uky.edu Agriculture & Natural Resource NewsleƩer April 2019 Applications are available for Owen County’s CAIP to assist farmers in making important farm investments. Application Period: April 1 st through April 23 rd , 2019 *Applications must be in by 3pm on April 23 rd * Application Availability: Owen County Extension Office 256 Ellis HWY Owenton, KY 40359 Monday – Friday (8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.) For More Information: Contact Gayla Lewis at (502) 750-0797 or email [email protected] Information also available online at www.agpolicy.ky.gov All applications are scored, based on the scoring criteria set by the Kentucky Agricultural Development Board. Eligible Investment Areas: Agricultural DiversificaƟon Large Animal ‐ Small Animal Farm Infrastructure Fencing & On‐Farm Water Forage & Grain Improvement InnovaƟve Ag. Systems On‐Farm Energy Poultry & Other Fowl Technology & Leadership Development MONEY FOR FARM IMPROVEMENTS AVAILABLE… COUNTY AGRICULTURAL INVESTMENT PROGRAM (CAIP) Administered by Owen County Farm Bureau 430 Roland Ave Owenton, KY 40359 (502) 484-2363

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Page 1: Have You Herd - Owen County › files › anr_newsletter.april_2019.pdf · “Have You Herd“ Cooperave Extension Service Owen County 265 Ellis Hwy Owenton, KY 40359‐9300 Phone:

        “Have You Herd“ 

             Coopera ve Extension Service Owen County 265 Ellis Hwy Owenton, KY 40359‐9300 Phone: (502) 484‐5703 Fax: (502) 484‐5704 owen.ca.uky.edu Agriculture & Natural Resource Newsle er

April 2019    


Applications are available for Owen County’s CAIP to assist farmers in making important farm


Application Period: April 1st through April 23rd, 2019

*Applications must be in by 3pm on April 23rd* Application Availability: Owen County Extension Office 256 Ellis HWY Owenton, KY 40359 Monday – Friday (8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.) For More Information: Contact Gayla Lewis at (502) 750-0797 or email [email protected]

Information also available online at www.agpolicy.ky.gov

All applications are scored, based on the scoring criteria set by the Kentucky Agricultural Development Board.

Eligible Investment Areas: 

Agricultural Diversifica on

Large Animal ‐ Small Animal

Farm Infrastructure

Fencing & On‐Farm Water

Forage & Grain Improvement

Innova ve Ag. Systems

On‐Farm Energy

Poultry & Other Fowl

Technology & Leadership Development




Administered by

Owen County Farm Bureau 430 Roland Ave

Owenton, KY 40359 (502) 484-2363

Page 2: Have You Herd - Owen County › files › anr_newsletter.april_2019.pdf · “Have You Herd“ Cooperave Extension Service Owen County 265 Ellis Hwy Owenton, KY 40359‐9300 Phone:
Page 3: Have You Herd - Owen County › files › anr_newsletter.april_2019.pdf · “Have You Herd“ Cooperave Extension Service Owen County 265 Ellis Hwy Owenton, KY 40359‐9300 Phone:

Plan ng season is just

around the corner, stop

by the Owen County

Extension Office for your

free soil test today!

Dead Animal

Removal Program

The Owen County Soil Conserva on District is sponsoring a Dead Animal Removal Program (DAR). The program will sponsor the pick‐up and disposal of deceased Ca le and Horses over 500lbs. Limit of 2 animals per farmer per year.

Call the Harmon Brothers at 859-567-2110 for more assistance

NE Hay & Supply Drive  

Just wai ng on the ok to use what was shared 

on face book, work up something else or see 

what KDA wants to use, just let me know :)  

Page 4: Have You Herd - Owen County › files › anr_newsletter.april_2019.pdf · “Have You Herd“ Cooperave Extension Service Owen County 265 Ellis Hwy Owenton, KY 40359‐9300 Phone:
Page 5: Have You Herd - Owen County › files › anr_newsletter.april_2019.pdf · “Have You Herd“ Cooperave Extension Service Owen County 265 Ellis Hwy Owenton, KY 40359‐9300 Phone:
Page 6: Have You Herd - Owen County › files › anr_newsletter.april_2019.pdf · “Have You Herd“ Cooperave Extension Service Owen County 265 Ellis Hwy Owenton, KY 40359‐9300 Phone:
Page 7: Have You Herd - Owen County › files › anr_newsletter.april_2019.pdf · “Have You Herd“ Cooperave Extension Service Owen County 265 Ellis Hwy Owenton, KY 40359‐9300 Phone:

Preparing for breeding season... Producers searching for a cost‐efficient method to promote a successful breeding program may find breeding sound‐

ness examina ons (BSEs) for bulls beneficial. In my previous job when I worked for a veterinarian we have seen

countless producers lose over half their calf crop because their cows ended up not being pregnant due to the lack in

the bulls ability to perform.

The importance of the bull in a ca le breeding program o en is underes mated. A cow is responsible for half the

gene c material in only one calf each year, while the bull is

responsible for half the gene c material in 20 to 50 calves.

The bull’s ability to locate cows in estrus and breed them is

clearly vital to a successful breeding program.

For the breeding soundness evalua on to be successful, bulls

should be evaluated 30 to 60 days before the start of breed‐

ing. It is important to allow sufficient me to replace ques‐

onable bulls. A BSE is administered by a veterinarian and

includes a physical examina on (feet, legs, eyes, teeth, flesh

cover, scrotal size and shape), an internal and external exam‐

ina on of the reproduc ve tract and semen evalua on for

sperm cell mo lity and normality.

The physical examina on studies overall appearance. Body condi on score is one factor to evaluate. Body condi on

can be affected by length of the breeding season, grazing and supplemental feeding condi ons, number of cows the

bull is expected to service and distance required to travel during breeding.

Ideally, bulls should have enough fat cover at the start of breeding so their ribs appear smooth across their sides. A

body condi on score of 6 (where 1 equals emaciated and 9 equals very obese) is the target body condi on prior to

the breeding season.

Sound feet and legs are very important because if bulls are unsound, their ability to travel and mount for ma ng will

be affected. The general health of the bull is cri cal since sick, aged and injured bulls are less likely to mate and usu‐

ally have lower semen quality. Also, any illness that elevates body temperature two degrees for 48 straight hours can

render a bull totally infer le for about 60 days. Producers should be aware of any incidence of foot rot, pink eye, or

respiratory distress that could elevate body temperature.

The external examina on of the reproduc ve tract includes evalua on of the testes, sperma c cords, epididymis and

penis. Scrotal circumference is an important measure since it is directly related to the total mass of sperm producing

ssue, sperm cell normality and semen output. Bulls with large circumference will produce more sperm with higher


Extension of the penis is vital to a complete BSE. Injury, hair rings, and genital warts are all abnormali es that can

prevent the extension of the penis and produces infer lity. Examina on of the penis before and during semen collec‐

on will detect any inflamma on, foreskin adhesions, warts, abscesses and penile devia ons. The internal examina‐

on is conducted to detect any abnormali es in the internal reproduc ve organs. (con nued on next page…)

Page 8: Have You Herd - Owen County › files › anr_newsletter.april_2019.pdf · “Have You Herd“ Cooperave Extension Service Owen County 265 Ellis Hwy Owenton, KY 40359‐9300 Phone:

The semen evalua on is done by examining a sample of the semen under a microscope. The veterinarian will es mate

the percentage of sperm cells that are moving in a forward direc on. This es mate is called mo lity. In addi on, the

sperm cells will be individually examined for proper shape or morphology. Less than 30 percent of the cells should be

found to have an abnormal shape.

Any bull mee ng all minimum standards for the physical exam, scrotal size and semen quality will be classed as a sa s‐

factory poten al breeder. Bulls that fail any minimum standard will be given a ra ng of classifica on deferred.

This ra ng indicates that the bull will need another test to confirm status. Mature bulls should be retested a er six

weeks. Mature bulls will be classified as unsa sfactory poten al breeders if they fail subsequent tests. Young bulls that

are just reaching puberty may be rated as “classifica on deferred,” and then later meet all of the minimum standards.

Therefore, cau on should be exercised when making culling decisions based on just one breeding soundness exam.

Many producers work hard to manage their cows for high fer lity. They may assume that the bulls will do their ex‐

pected du es. However, it’s important to pay close a en on to bulls to establish successful breeding.

(Source: Kendal Bowman Owen CEA for Ag & Natural Resources Dr. Les Anderson, Beef Extension Specialist, University of Kentucky)

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Page 9: Have You Herd - Owen County › files › anr_newsletter.april_2019.pdf · “Have You Herd“ Cooperave Extension Service Owen County 265 Ellis Hwy Owenton, KY 40359‐9300 Phone:

High tunnels, also known as hoop houses, are rela vely

simple polyethylene‐covered greenhouse‐like structures built over ground

beds. High tunnels can be used to extend the produc on season and

marke ng window of a wide variety of crops. They have been used in

Kentucky to produce early season vegetables, cut flowers, brambles and

strawberries. High tunnels can also make it possible to produce leafy

greens and herbs during the winter. Shaded, well‐vented high tunnels can

be used to grow some cool‐season crops later into early summer.

High tunnels can allow producers to extend the me period over which

cash flows are generated from produce crops. Maximum returns will be

realized for excep onal quality crops harvested when the tradi onal open

field produc on season has not yet begun or has ended. This extended

harvest season, along with higher yields of quality produce, should provide high tunnel growers with a marke ng advantage. Early

crops a ract consumers to a farm opera on and may help retain those customers throughout the season. Demand can vary greatly

according to a local area, so producers should iden fy what other high tunnel produc on is nearby. Simple marke ng plans can

help producers iden fy the demand of their local markets and adjust planning and produc on accordingly.

High tunnels are a rela vely inexpensive way to extend the growing season. Many mes cost‐share assistance is available.

Excluding labor, the approximate cost of a less permanent high tunnel is $1.30 to $1.50 per square foot. More permanent

structures are likely to fall in the $2.50 per square foot range, and high tunnels constructed from kits may cost even more per

square foot. Because of their simple design, high tunnel structures are not difficult to construct. Compared to the cost of a

tradi onal produc on‐ready greenhouse ($8 to $30 per square foot) the high tunnel requires li le capital investment. High tunnel

produc on, however, does represent a much greater investment than growing produce in the field.

Interested in more informa on? Stop by or call me at 502‐484‐5703

Page 10: Have You Herd - Owen County › files › anr_newsletter.april_2019.pdf · “Have You Herd“ Cooperave Extension Service Owen County 265 Ellis Hwy Owenton, KY 40359‐9300 Phone:
Page 11: Have You Herd - Owen County › files › anr_newsletter.april_2019.pdf · “Have You Herd“ Cooperave Extension Service Owen County 265 Ellis Hwy Owenton, KY 40359‐9300 Phone:

Common Name: Curly Dock

 Scien fic Name: (Rumex crispus)

Other Names: sour dock, yellow dock  

Life Cycle: Perennial

Descrip on: Might be confused with broadleaf dock, however the leaves are narrower and markedly wavy on margins.  

Interested in more informa on? Stop by the office or give me a call! 

Control: G = Good or Excellent; F = Fair (suppression or par al control); P = Poor; − = No Informa on Mowing: R = Timely mowing reduces top growth and seed produc on; S = Suppression of top growth; X = Not very effec ve

Venison Sloppy Joes

5 pound ground venison   

5 onions, medium, chopped finely  

5 green peppers, chopped  

2 cups chopped celery  

1 cup brown sugar  

10 tablespoons vinegar   

Mix together all ingredients. Cook in a skillet un l onions and venison are done. Nutri onal Analysis(5 ounces): 480 calories, 64g protein, 37g carbohydrate, 8g fat  

For more informa on or recipes please call (502) 484‐5703 or visit h p://www2.ca.uky.edu/HES/fcs/factshts/FN‐SSB.044.PDF 


10 tablespoons lemon juice  

2 cans (8 ounce) tomato soup  

5 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce  

1 cup water  

5 teaspoons mustard  

Page 12: Have You Herd - Owen County › files › anr_newsletter.april_2019.pdf · “Have You Herd“ Cooperave Extension Service Owen County 265 Ellis Hwy Owenton, KY 40359‐9300 Phone:

Kendal Bowman County Agent for Agriculture & Natural Resources

Coopera ve Extension Service Owen County 265 Ellis Hwy Owenton, KY 40359‐9300 Phone: (502) 484‐5703 Fax: (502) 484‐5704 owen.ca.uky.edu Email: [email protected]

Farmers Market Opening Ad & WIC Training  


Do you want me to put 2 separate things here?  I have a market opening 

flyer and I can also put the Farmer’s Market mee ng on here where they 

will have the WIC and Senior Voucher training?