haworth discussion paper: digital transformation · seat by letting you automate the reordering...

Haworth Discussion Paper: Digital Transformation Part 2 - Introducing the Haworth Digital Ecosystem

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Page 1: Haworth Discussion Paper: Digital Transformation · seat by letting you automate the reordering process, get faster servicing and support, and track your orders in real time. And

Haworth Discussion Paper:

Digital TransformationPart 2 - Introducing the Haworth Digital Ecosystem

Page 2: Haworth Discussion Paper: Digital Transformation · seat by letting you automate the reordering process, get faster servicing and support, and track your orders in real time. And

Digital automation improving workplace.

Progressive technologies are rapidly altering how, where, and when we work – and many organisations’ are struggling to keep up with the pace of change to create flourishing, inspiring and productive workplaces.

New technologies that herald workplace transformation are also delivering unique opportunities to create increasingly agile and diverse, high-performing workspaces.

Digital automation (and the rich, detailed data it generates), is informing an exciting transition in workplace strategy – where “once manual processes based on tribal corporate and departmental knowledge can now be implemented automatically and turned into tangible gains in workspace agility across a whole organisation,” as Haworth’s Nigel Candasamy, Director of Information Systems, International states.

By using technology to understand your workplace culture better, how your workers utilise existing space and to quickly scenario-plan future spaces, your organisation can make faster, smarter data-based decisions that accommodate all ways of working.

In short, harnessing the power of emerging tech like artificial intelligence (AI), data analytics, autonomous machines and computing in the cloud helps you ensure your staff are fully supported to do their best work, every day.

“Manual processes based on tribal corporate and departmental knowledge can be turned into tangible gains in workspace agility across a whole organisation.”

- Nigel CandasamyDirector of Information Systems, International | Haworth

Page 3: Haworth Discussion Paper: Digital Transformation · seat by letting you automate the reordering process, get faster servicing and support, and track your orders in real time. And

A fait accompli.

“The pace of technology is inexorable; the changes to workplace are happening. There’s no fighting it,” says Brendan Bruce, Haworth’s International Director of Ideation Services. “The question to ask is: How do you evolve your processes, your engagement, in a way that’s beneficial for your organisation?”

“It’s about making happy spaces,” he continues. “How do you maximise your efficiency? How do you adapt your space to encourage, enhance and grow that activity? How do you make intuitive spaces effective for today’s more transient, mobile workers?”

One way is to re-envision space as a service to individuals. For instance, if you’re a consultant who can work at home, what would make you want to come into the office?

Connection. Collaboration. The creativity that fosters higher performance. These are the touchstones of tomorrow’s most successful workplaces. And Haworth is striving to deliver the digital tools that help organisations understand what such a space might look like for them.

“Haworth is ahead of the curve in using digital technology to support our clients’ workplace journey” says Brendan Bruce. “For instance, we’ve been developing our Lens™ technology – which informs an organisation’s space design solutions based on multi-dimensional, science-based assessment methodology and benchmarking – for over 12 years and our analytics technology for four. Our relatively new CoDesigner software automatically generates workplace layouts, scenario planning, and analyses adjacencies, interactions, efficiencies and productivity. Its success has spurred us to integrate all our tools into a comprehensive Digital Ecosystem.”

“It allows our clients to go deeper than ever before. It also means organisations can experiment with fit-out changes before committing to a design,” adds Nigel Candasamy. “A client can now make incremental updates to their fit-out almost instantaneously – and the more an organisation digitises their layout process now, the easier it gets later. True, digitising a process like fit-out design takes time initially – but all reiterative updates can then happen at scale.”

Haworth’s digital suite of workplace tools is designed to guide an organisation to customise its working environments using real-time data to make informed decisions. All subsequent adjustments to the workspace can be made knowing they will have a measurable effect on performance.

“How do you maximise your efficiency? How do you adapt your space to encourage, enhance and grow that activity? How do you make intuitive spaces effective for today’s more transient, mobile workers?”

- Brendan BruceInternational Director of Ideation Services | Haworth

Page 4: Haworth Discussion Paper: Digital Transformation · seat by letting you automate the reordering process, get faster servicing and support, and track your orders in real time. And

The Haworth Digital Ecosystem is a comprehensive suite of interlinked tools designed to follow a fit-out’s lifecycle. Organisations can ‘join’ the ecosystem at any stage or focus on a single element of their fit-out’s lifecycle, depending on their requirements.

The ecosystem responds to our clients’ need to create high performing workspaces given the changes in technology, generational change and other workplace trends. It’s about creating a seamless end-to-end and enriched customer experience.


1. Analyse your organisation’s workstyles, office space and culture to select the ideal

workplace furniture and layout for your unique environment

2. Model a workspace exhaustively before committing to a final layout, using

iterative test fitouts in a parametric way

3. Create virtual office environments for final assessment and support change

management strategies

4. Define and order furniture online with one click

5. Track delivery and installation in real time

6. Manage spare part requirements and replacements

7. Tweak and optimise layouts based on real-time usage data via inbuilt sensors

8. Monitor the entire supply chain via your customised, individualised dashboard.

Making work human: Introducing the Haworth Digital Ecosystem.

Haworth’s digital suite of workplace tools is designed to guide an organisation to customise its working environment using real time data to make informed decisions.

Page 5: Haworth Discussion Paper: Digital Transformation · seat by letting you automate the reordering process, get faster servicing and support, and track your orders in real time. And

“We envisage our existing and prospective customers will connect to our platform, e-meet with Haworth consultants to go through their needs, upload their drawings and organisational information, be able to visualise the different scenarios available in real-time (in 2D and 3D walkthroughs), place an order, track its progress and handle all after sales requirements using the one Haworth digital hub,” explains Henning Figge.

Automating furniture definition, procurement and optimisation processes significantly reduces fit-out costs and dramatically increases output quality. “However, our vision of the customer journey must be both digital and human,” Henning reiterates. “Interaction with Haworth

consultants won’t only be digital. We’ll leverage our research tools, analytics, workshops, at any point in the process, offer the human touch, so we’re always connecting at the right level with our customers.”

The Haworth Digital Strategy incorporates five elements – Lens™Tools, CoDesigner, Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR), ServiceHub and Analytics.

The data collected across this entire ecosystem delivers a wealth of information to help drive our clients’ business forward.

Automating furniture definition procurement and optimisations processes significantly reduces fit-out cost and increases output quality.

Page 6: Haworth Discussion Paper: Digital Transformation · seat by letting you automate the reordering process, get faster servicing and support, and track your orders in real time. And

Our three LENSTools™ foster greater employee engagement in the early stages of a change management project by using 70,000 customised survey data points for industry benchmarking:

1. CultureLENS determines your organisational culture type and helps you align your new workspace with it, today and into the future.

2. OfficeLENS gives you significant insights into how satisfied your employees are with their work environment and highlights potential opportunities for improvement.

3. WorkstyleLENS identifies how your people perform their daily activities, translating these workstyles into an integrated office design that supports everyone to do their best work.

As an initial planning solution, LENS™ surveys measures critical attributes of a workspace to deliver enhanced insights that help you improve the performance of your people, facility and organisation.

It further supports employee engagement and buy-in to your proposed space, ensuring a smoother, less disruptive change process.

The smarter approach to workplace change.

As an initial planning solution, LENS™ surveys measure critical attributes to improve the performance of your people, facility and organisation.

Page 7: Haworth Discussion Paper: Digital Transformation · seat by letting you automate the reordering process, get faster servicing and support, and track your orders in real time. And

Haworth’s digital planning tool – CoDesigner – makes creating the perfect workspace for your organisation a breeze. Taking into account the data gleaned from our LensTools™, it’s AI data-driven design means you can layout spaces quickly and automatically, saving time, reducing your budget and diminishing risk.

The CoDesigner platform uses research-based algorithms to propose and validate space planning, visualising the results to show you exactly how layouts impact your people (and budget).

You can experiment with different fit-outs and floor layouts, rapidly iterate scenarios and automatically qualify designs based on your set parameters. Workplace

culture, standards and spatial requirements are automatically integrated into results.

“CoDesigner is a powerful tool to accelerate the decision process in terms of test fits and schematic design, stacking plan, adjacencies, exploring the capabilities of the building,” says Eric Ledeuil Global real Estate & Facilities from SAP.

After trialling CoDesigner on a single floor of its Paris office in 2018, SAP has recommended integrating Haworth’s digital design software into its global facility management processes. We’re now working on rolling out CoDesigner for the entire SAP Paris tower (some 20,000sqm in total) and with SAP Canada on its Waterloo project.

The next step for clients using Haworth’s Digital Ecosystem is technology that not long ago was pure science-fiction.

Our VR and AR technologies are elevating the workspace mock-up experience to new levels, delivering a tangible virtual user experience that empowers better decision-making and change management.

Imagine being able to virtually walk through your proposed office re-fit – examining layouts, the look and feel of products rendered photo-realistically, and road-testing how your people might interact with them? See

“CoDesigner is a powerful tool to accelerate the decision process in terms of test fits and schematic design, stacking plan, adjacencies, exploring the capabilities of the building.”

Raising industry standards for digital workspace design.

Visualising the future of workplace.

something that doesn’t quite work? Change it on the fly and watch a new prototype layout rapidly generated so you can visualise the results immediately.

One-step VR/AR integration gives you greater confidence that your new workplace will achieve the desired outcomes even before a single stick of furniture is purchased, decreasing risks and costs.

This is the brave new future of workplace and Haworth is primed to set the industry bar for VR design software.

- Eric LedeuilGlobal Real Estate & Facilities | SAP

Page 8: Haworth Discussion Paper: Digital Transformation · seat by letting you automate the reordering process, get faster servicing and support, and track your orders in real time. And

We believe a customer service hub that’s responsive, intuitive and easy to use is a vital part of any integrated digital ecosystem.

That’s why Haworth’s ServiceHub puts you in the driver’s seat by letting you automate the reordering process, get faster servicing and support, and track your orders in real time.

And that’s just the beginning. “ServiceHub made the ordering and tracking process easier, more transparent and more comfortable,” said Dr Anne Wiese Director RE and Security of BMW.

Supported every step of the way.

Clients can use Haworth Analytics pre- and post-project to validate their design assumptions and get a granular understanding of their space. The space then responds to a changing landscape of employees and workstyles, leveraging real-time data to evaluate floorplates, optimise performance and maximise work setting utility.

Integrated sensors deliver quantitative data on how your people are experiencing their new workplace, in tandem with Haworth’s qualitative input from site observations, client interviews and team workshops.

Pulling it all together with analytics.

Accessed via an interactive web app, the data generated helps facilitate better workspace decision-making, design, optimisation, cost-saving and policy improvements. Sensor technology on every work point provides heat map data over time – giving business leaders vital information about peak usage hours and days.

“Meeting room utilisation is our most often requested study,” says Brendan Bruce, Director of Ideation, Haworth International. “For instance, we recently installed almost 4000 seats with sensors in a Singapore Tech company, as part of a one-year study to ensure the workspace remained relevant for internal and external users. Part of the company’s brief was to increase utilisation efficiency and determine whether meeting rooms were sufficient for demand.”

When integrated with BMW’s internal ERP system, ServiceHub delivered complete value chain transparency. With dynamic pricing, installers and service apps, it streamlined procurement processes and helped get staff back to peak productivity sooner.

Service Hub’s modularity also made it easier for BMW to implement a global automated procurement system for its customers that supported planning, order tracking, statistics and reports. What began as a ‘side project’ for the firm has blossomed into a global service with an annual automatised order of $USD 12M.

“I’m proud to be part of such a ground-breaking project. It’s simplified many things at BMW,” says Dr Wiese.

“ServiceHub made ordering and tracking process easier , more transparent and more comfortable.” - Dr Anne WieseDirector RE and Security | BMW

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“No other company has all the digital tools at its disposal – analytics, parametrics, automated VR – and connected them in so complete a way,” explains Nigel Candasamy. “This is where Haworth can leverage its knowledge and ensure it’s reflected throughout every stage of delivery – from manufacturing furniture to on-site delivery management and continual change management.”

“Our digital tools work together to future-proof an organisation’s workplace design,” says Brendan Bruce. “They transform workplaces into living, digital organisms that can be objectively read by organisations, experimented with to enhance performance outcomes, and aligned with a client’s distinctive vision and culture.”

Each digital tool works in tandem to provide a unified, data-driven solution – a smarter building and office experience that grows with your organisation.

Automating the analysis of space brings with it a raft of exciting benefits including realising greater efficiency, productivity and waste reduction, reducing costs and delivering a more satisfying workplace experience.

By speeding up fact-led decision-making, responding organically to a changing landscape of workstyles, and improving employee experiences, the integrated Haworth Hub becomes a powerful, smart design tool that adapts and grows alongside your organisation.

Future proofing your workplace.

Data gleaned from the study showed 90% of the organisation’s meetings had an average attendance of 2-5 people, with rooms in shared zones attracting more participants. Staff used meeting rooms with video conferencing 1.6 times more often but bookable and non-bookable rooms equally.

The organisation used this information to create greater efficiency of space. It designated 40% of its meeting rooms as non-bookable, created several smaller meeting rooms to match usage patterns, increased video conferencing facilities, and placed medium and large meeting rooms in shared zones. Meeting room efficiency soared as a result.

Fact-based decision-making allows organisations to rapidly respond to changing markets with greater accuracy and cost savings. You’re now empowered with complete control over your workplace design, with the right data at your fingertips to feel confident about the performance of your space.

“Our digital tools work together to future-proof an organisations workplace design and transform workplaces into living digital organisms aligned with a clients distinctive vision and culture . ”- Brendan BruceInternational Director of Ideation Services | Haworth

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