hay william harriott · perryville mr. and mrs. hugh calvert were philadelphia visitors the past...

Perryville Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Calvert were Philadelphia visitors the past week. Mr, and Mrs. Howard Jackson and children, of Baltimore, and Mr. Wil- liam Jackson and son Walter, of Wil- mington, spent Sunday last with Mr. Andy Jackson and family. ¦ Mrs. George Rutter entertained the Ladies’ Art Circle on Wednesday af- ternoon last. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Harris were in Philadelphia the past week. Little Miss Sarah Wilson was taken to the Methodist Hospital in Philadel- phia, on Monday last for treatment. Miss Mamie Gallion, of Baltimore, visited Mr. Henry Gallion and family the past week. Miss Lydia Taylor is visiting her son, Calvin in Syracuse, N. Y. Mr, Alfred Dennis, of Wilmington, Dr. and Mrs. Guy Dennis and son, Graham, of Oxford, Mr. and Mrs. Stacy Gorrell, of Baltimore, and Mrs. May McClune and daughter Violet, of York, Pa., were the guests of Dr. and Mrs. John G. Dennis on Sunday last. Mrs. Hepburn Benson and son Wil- bur, of Aldan, were the guests of Mrs. T. M. Owens and family on Sunday last Mr. C. Mussleman and family have occupied the house ojf Mps. Rose White, on Aikin avenue. Mr. James Satterfield spent Tues- day last in Baltimore. Mr. J. S, Donahoo has gone to Ce- dar Grove, Maine, where he will har- vest ice. Mr. Ollie Smeltzer has occupied the house vacated by Mr. Charles Mussle- man and family. Mrs. Dr. J. G. Dennis was a Balti- more visitor the past week. Mr. and Mrs. George Rutter spent Thursday last in Philadelphia. Mr. Russell Keesey was a Phi'adel- phia visitor, Monday last. Mr. and Mrs. James Norris spent Sunday last in Edgewood. Mr. Charlie Dennis has been on the sick list the past weke. Mrs. John E. Pierce and children are Philadelphia visitors this week. Mrs. Howard Watson is spending a few days in Bridgevil'e. About 220 persons had professed conversion at the revival services in progress at the Perryville M. E. Church, un to Wednesday las’. Port Deposit Mr. Harold Cole and Miss .Mabel Good, of Perryville, were guests of Miss Mary \. i ugh last Sunday. Miss Mildred Voikhardt, of Cnestev, spent several days this week with Miss Caroline Smithson, Mrs. Hester Hurlock and Miss Kate Hurlock, of Baltimore, were guests this week of Mrs. John Hohn. Mr. Jacob But ivnhart, of Philadel- phia, spent Sunday at his home. Miss V ivian Gerhauser, of Wilming- ton, spent Sunday with Miss Eliza- beth Li'inw. The lome basketball team of the Girls School played the Oxlord basket- ball team in Oxford, last Saturday afternoon. The score was 44 to 4 in favor of the Tome girls. Miss Stella St. Ciaii, of Baltimore, is the guest of Mrs. Wi.liam Stehbing, Mrs. William Reckefus spent Mon- day with Baltimore friends. Miss Ella Pogue, of Rising Sun. spent Sunday with Mis- Mary Buck. Mr. John Evans, Jr., of Belair, -pint Sunday with Mr. Ross Cameron. Miss Helen K, Harward, of Balti- more, spent over Sunday at her home. Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Snyder, Mr Frank Clapp and Miss Florence J. Snyder autoed to Philadelphia last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. George Campbell spe l Monday in Baltimore. Mr. a...d Mrs. Walton Campbell spent last Friday ia Baltimore. Mrs. Boyd >li ;. Carrie Pennington and Mi 1 Jackson, of Havre de Grat-<- c t a t Wednesday with Mrs. George Atkinson. Mr : .ieckefus spent last M idt !j hia frie ids. Mi : : ¦ ie. - f Philade! phia. iver Sunday at her home Mr ’¦ tendrlx spent several dcV tVI v VCM-J , M .!(. ..--on entertained the A be home last Thurs- day : u- ,i fin : course din- ner Mr . i Atkinson spont last Rundav i Monday with Philadelphia friends. Some of he ’adtes of the Methodist Church ar planning to give “The Tom Thumb Wedding.” which will lie given by quite a number of the child- ren from the primary department of the Sundav school, in Nesbitt Hall. Friday. March , r >. at 7 o’clock. Ad- mission 10c for children and 25c for adults. Miss Mary Harward was a Balti- more visitor last Saturday afternoon Cecilton Dr. Ernest Rickard, of Seattle, Washington is visiting Misses Anna and Mary E. Rickard. Mr. E. B. Pearce spent a few days this week at the home of Mr. Charles Bennett, near town. 1 James, of Philadelphia is visit- ing in town. ¦ v ' Im'k, of Philade 1 phia. has bee 1 visi'.i";.- hm- parents, Mr. and M' Wi'liarn Clark near town. M's A, E. Burke spent lust week v ,;h b Viler, Mrs. Arthur Baiiey o; near Sassafras. Miss ,T l> Dushane of near Earle- vil!( ,wa G rip .<. of Mrs. J. P. JJc- C u on Sunday, Mrs. A. Schofield, of Frederiektown w- ' tb ¦ guest of Miss I.izzie Biggs otie day last week. Mined Mrs R. V . Weed have been visiting ie Philadelphia and Darby Pa Mr and Mrs Hamel Bouchelle were Phi'adeinhia visitors recently Mr and M's John W. Tavlor were guests of their daughter, Mr- Ste- phen Hayes, in Philadelphia,' last week. Miss Em.. Willis. Fredalsburg is the guest of Miss Mary Blaekway! Mr. Earl Currv and sister. Miss Lida Curry, of Collingswood, X J -arc guests of Miss Kathrine Wilson! near town. Mr and Mrs Elwood Padiev and son, of near Warwick visited rela- tives in town on Sunday. l ast Thursday evening Miss Marv Blackway entertained a few friends !n hnnon m.est. Miss Effie Wil- Jis. A delightful evening was spent by all present. | Miss Martha Bailey visited friends j in town on Friday. Woodlawn Miss Annie Simmers was a week end visitor with Philadelphia friends. Miss Leila Thompson is spending a couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Linton, in Wilmington. She at- tended the Gienn-Pa.mer wedding, the 24th. Miss Eva Tyson and friend, Miss Gardner, of Philadelphia, spent Wash- ington’s Birthday with her parents. Mr. G. Wash. Poist, who was found on the street in Baltimore, early Sat- urday morning, with his skull frac- tured and taken to the Mercy Hospi- tal, is doing very nicely at this writ- ing. Mr, and Mr . p. E. Tyson entertain- ed a few friends Saturday evening for their daughter Elva and her friend Miss Gardner. To the Citizens of Elkton and Vicinity For fully thirty five (35) years the L. & M. Semi-Mixed Real Paints have been extensively used throughout the United States and also in South Amer- ica. They have therefore been sub- jected to the tests of every sort of climatic conditions—most successfully —thereby proving their extreme dura- bility and superior value. See our advertisement on other page telling property owners how to make their own paint, and thereby save sixty cents a gallon on every gallon used. LO N G M A N & MARTINEZ Paint Makers, -- New York ' LOCAL NOTEJ A baseball meeting was held at the ; band room on Friday evening to or- ganize for the coming season. Miss Katherine Keyser, of the Chautauqua Association of Pennsyl- vania, met with the guarantors at the Fire House on Friday evening. The Lyceum Festival will be held March 18, 19 and 20. The Masonic Lodge will attend ser- vice at the Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning, Feb. 28, at 10.30 a. m. The members of the lodge are re- quested to meet at the lodge room at 10 a. m. on Sunday morning. ' Mr. Charles Palmer, son of the late i David Palmer, of this town, died on Tuesday last in Trenton. Mr. Frank Clayton has purchased a new Overland touring car. The lunch cloth cmbroid(<-ed by Mrs. Clarence Bradley, of Baltimore, and chanced off by her sister, Mrs. George H. Spear, of Chesapeake City was won by Janet Thomas, Mrs. Spear’s wash-woman, she being the only colored person having a chance. 1906 1914 J. C. LUPFER 'mn&ertaEer Calls answered Night or Day FULLY EQUIPPED Chesapeake City Md. Phone 25. apr 11-lyr* It was bought from her by Mrs. Geo. H. Spear. CHESAPEAKE CITY SCHOOLS. Washington’s Birthday Program. 1. Prayer, .. .Rev. N. H. Nutter, of the M. E. Church 2. Music, Piano and Violin Trio .Edith and Edna Brown, Cavender Loraine 3. Washinirton’R Birthday... .Harry Stradlcy 4. Meaning of the Colorn Paul Conner 5. Song— George Washington School 6. Our Flag ....Harry Kraatel, Harry Hager, Allen Bristow. 7. Reading Washington Margaret Montgomery 8. Duet “The Rose of Allandale” Madelyn Steele and Caroline Briggs 9. Mount Vernon Mina Seacord 10. Piano Solo Jennie Bishop 11. When Washington Was President George Houck 12. Brighten the Corner School 13. Raising the Flag Charles Tatman. Mildred Watson 14. Recitation John Schaefer 15. Solo, “Grandma’s Minuet”..Flora Tanner 16. Recitation Hughes Nutter 17. Which General Class 18. Tenting on the Old Camp Ground. .. .Sara Price. Margaret Ellison, Alma Broadway, Emma Griffith, Edward Nolen, Frank Fil- ling.ime and Ralph Norris. 19. Song Mount Vernon Bells Ruby Reynolds and Ruth Nutter 20. A Good Country Melvin Nutter 21. Recitation Washington’s Escape Edith George 22 .Address. ... Rev. John Eggert of the Pres- byterian Church. 23. America School 24. Benediction.... Rev. N. B. Nutter, of the M. E. Church. 0000 o oo •SOCIAL NEWJ Mrs. C. C. Laws is spending some time in Baltimore. Mrs. Edgar Ellison has as her guest her sister, Mrs. Harry Voshell, of Philadelphia. Mrs. Ida Bouchelle is spending some time with her sister, Mrs. J. U. Mc- Coy. Mrs. T. J. Conrey entertained the Sewing Club, Thursday evening. Mrs. Rudolph Buckworth spent Tuesday with her sister, Miss Bertha Lusby. Mr. Benjamin Knox is visiting at the home of Mrs. George Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Bouchelle spent several days in Philadelphia this week. Mr. and Mrs. Griffith Ellison and children, of Kirkwood, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Ellison, Jr., and daughter were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Ellison, Sr., on Sunday. Miss Lionne Beaston, of Middle- town. is the guest of Mrs. Frank Howard. Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Steele and children, of Wilmington, spent several days this week with Mrs. Joseph H. Steele. Miss Margaret Lum, of Delaware College, spent several days this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lum. Mr. and Mrs. J. Groome Steele and Master Joseph H. Steele, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Clayton, Misses Adelaide Clay- ton and Lucy Reed and Frank Ellison spent Monday in Wilmington. Mr. and Mrs. J. Groome Steele and Master Joseph H. Steele were enter- tained at dinner on Sunday by Miss Florence Egee. Mrs. Harry Kibler is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kibler, of Phila- delphia. Mrs. Harry Hall and Miss Katie Borger visited friends in Middletown on Tuesday. Mrs. James S. Hopper spent several days this week in Philadelphia. Miss Elizabeth Eggert, of Delaware College, visited her parents, Rev. and Mrs. J. E. Eggert this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Andrews and Cleveland Dean were entertained by Miss Mary Barwick on Sunday. Miss Augusta gge spent the week end with friends in Wilmington. Mr. Frank Clayton spent Tuesday in Philadelphia. Mr. Frank Ellison, of New York, visited his sister, Mrs. Julius Clayton, this week. Miss Grace Styles, of Philadelphia, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sherman. A church social was held at the home of Mrs. J. D. McCoy near Cay- ots, on Thursday evening. Mrs. Dorcas Jefferson and Miss An- nie Boulden were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Kirk last week. Miss Leila Thornton spent Satur- day and Sunday with her sister. Miss Elizabeth Thornton, near Newark. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Watson spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Wat- son. at Bethel. Mr, and Mrs. Pierce Alrich and daughter, of Wilmington, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Sal- mon. near town. Mr, Stanley Benson, of Philadel- nhia, visited his sister, Mrs, Reed Kirk last week. Mr. and Mrs. James Vinyard spent several days last week in Philadelphia. Mr. Richard Wallis spent the week end with relatives at Wye Heights. Joseph Schaefer Grocer 8c Ship Chandler AND DEALER IN General Merchandise Smoked Meats A Specialty BELOW LOCKS Chesapeake City, Md. Plione No. 20-H J. Groome Steele CHESAPEAKE CITY, MD. Announces to the Public that hav- ing resigned from the Bank, he will henceforth engage in the Grain and Fertilizer Business at Chesapeake City Farmers .in .disposing .of .their crops or purchasing their fertilizers are invited to consult Mr. Steele, oct 10-6 m OAKLAND AUTOMOBILE HEADQUARTERS 1 Model 42 Oakland ( used) 5 Passenger Touring Car. 1 R. C. H. Touring Car. 1 Pennsylvania Roadster. Have taken these cars in trade for new Oakland cars and will sell them cheap. A full line of accessories and tires. Also HARDWARE. RALPH H. REES : Chesapeake City, Md. FUTURE SUCCESS May depend on having a little capital. Isn't it about lime you began to lay aside a part of your earnings, as an opportunity may come along most any lime and Mis said that “opportunity never knocks twice.” $1 opens an ac- count and by making snail deposits regularly you will soon amass a neat sum. CECIL NATIONAL BANK PORI DEPOSIT, MD. GO TO KING’S 500 HORSES AND MULES at Private Sale Every Day, 6 A. M. to 6 P. M. We are first hands, and you save all other profits by buying direct from us. SELL YOUR HORSES ART) MULES at King’s Auction Every Monday, Wednesday & Friday at 10:30 A. M. Buyers get honest representation, and Sellers get a full Auc- tion Value and their Money in 30 seconds. We don’t charge to offer Horses and Mules not sold. OUR REFERENCE: —EVERYBODY JAMES KING & SONS High, Baltimore S.fayettc Sis., BALTIMORE, MD. 23 jan-6rnori* Use Less Feed! Keep up your milk production this winter by feeding right. No need to put up with a shrinkage when you put the cows (v, in the barn to stay. Other dairymen are getting as Y .[. much milk now as they did in the Spring. And so I can you if you ! reed Cows ; INTERNATIONAL Special Dairy Feed IHiil ¦ A balanced dairy concentrate that in dairy supplies, feeds, etc. Our store takes the place of all or part of your is headquarters for advertised, guaran* present grain feed at less cost. Com- teed goods of highest quality. Prices posed of prime mill feeds, cotton seed lower than others ask for equal values, meal, molasses, etc. Contains positively Ask us for anything you want in adver- f no mill waste or other inferior products. tised dairy supplies and all kinds of live- 1 used in other dairy feeds. Guaranteed stock goods. We’ve the best ready-mixed j to increase the milk flow, and keep the horse feed, cattle feed, chicken feed, hog I cows healthy. TKV ONK TON! feed, remedies, condition powders, etc, I We aim to keep the best of everything Make our store your headquarters. / NORTH EAST MILLING AND MFD. CO. North East, Maryland CECIL WHIG. ELKTON, MARYLAND, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1915. A, M. Johnson Sunshine stove* and Ranges TIN & SHEET IRON WORK Chesapeake City, Md. Loveless ' Restaurant and Market House Meals at all hours. Oysters, Fish and Game in Season Green and Fancy Groceries J . R. LOVELESS & SON Opposite Post Office All phone orders delivered Phone Connections- 20-2 and 6 julyS TRY OUR 25c COFFEE Its Good Groceries and Provisions Flour and Feeds Oil and Gasolene at JAJ. R. KIRK Chesapeake City, Md. Phone 20-D •- --- v - —: Chesapeake Citg ®epartmenl ,W^ Hay Grain Coal GENERAL MERCHANDISE GOOD LIVERY TEAMS FOR HIRE BOATS FOR SHIPPING PRODUCE TO BALTI- MORE AND OTHER POINTS William T. Harriott TELEPHONE CONNECTION CHESAPEAKE CITY, MD. CHESAPEAKE BASKET CO. MANUFACTURERS OF Baskets & Lumber We carry a full line of Lumber tor Building Purposes. We have the Material, if you have the Need. We can interest you with prices for prompt or future delivery. Wm. M. Brown MANAGER •_ CHESAPEAKE CITY, MD. 9 ???????• ??????????????????A \BiG REDUCTION IN ML j 5 Prior to Taking Stock j 9 White Goods Muslins All Seasonable Dress Goods 9 9 SHOES AND GROCERIES RELOW COST 2 9 Bargains Now If Ever At 9 ? REED'S Chesapeake City Store j CHARLES C. BANKS (Graduate of Eckles’ College of Embalming) Fune al Director & Embalmer Chesapeake City, Md. CALLS ANSWERED NIGHT AND DAY MOST MODERATE PRICES PHONE: Office 55. Residence 57 June 2 1-6 raos ' 1 Dr. John G. Hopper VETERINARIAN Office in Masonic Hall 1 Chesapeake City, Md. 1 Bell Phone. TAX NOTICE Taxpayers ot Chesapeake City are hereby notified that the taxes for 1914 are due September Ist, 1914. A discount of 3 per cent, is allowed during August; 2 per cent, during Sep- tember ; t per cent, during October. If taxes are not paid by January Ist, j 1915, interest will be charged from i September Ist, 1914, i Taxes not paid by April Ist, 1915, are ! placed in the hands of the Sheriff for collection. Taxes are to be paid to NOBLE P. BENSON, Trea, dec 16. 'l3-1 vr Kodak films We have a full line of Eastman Kodak Films of all sizes Let us do your printing, devel- oping and enlarging SETH S. SAWTELLE aux 23. *l2-1 yi 8

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Page 1: Hay William Harriott · Perryville Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Calvert were Philadelphia visitors the past week. Mr, and Mrs. Howard Jackson and children, of Baltimore, and Mr. Wil- liam Jackson

PerryvilleMr. and Mrs. Hugh Calvert were

Philadelphia visitors the past week.Mr, and Mrs. Howard Jackson and

children, of Baltimore, and Mr. Wil-liam Jackson and son Walter, of Wil-mington, spent Sunday last with Mr.Andy Jackson and family. ¦

Mrs. George Rutter entertained theLadies’ Art Circle on Wednesday af-ternoon last.

Mr, and Mrs. Frank Harris were inPhiladelphia the past week.

Little Miss Sarah Wilson was takento the Methodist Hospital in Philadel-phia, on Monday last for treatment.

Miss Mamie Gallion, of Baltimore,visited Mr. Henry Gallion and familythe past week.

Miss Lydia Taylor is visiting herson, Calvin in Syracuse, N. Y.

Mr, Alfred Dennis, of Wilmington,Dr. and Mrs. Guy Dennis and son,Graham, of Oxford, Mr. and Mrs.Stacy Gorrell, of Baltimore, and Mrs.May McClune and daughter Violet, ofYork, Pa., were the guests of Dr. andMrs. John G. Dennis on Sunday last.

Mrs. Hepburn Benson and son Wil-bur, of Aldan, were the guests of Mrs.T. M. Owens and family on Sundaylast

Mr. C. Mussleman and family haveoccupied the house ojf Mps. RoseWhite, on Aikin avenue.

Mr. James Satterfield spent Tues-day last in Baltimore.

Mr. J. S, Donahoo has gone to Ce-dar Grove, Maine, where he will har-vest ice.

Mr. Ollie Smeltzer has occupied thehouse vacated by Mr. Charles Mussle-man and family.

Mrs. Dr. J. G. Dennis was a Balti-more visitor the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. George Rutter spentThursday last in Philadelphia.

Mr. Russell Keesey was a Phi'adel-phia visitor, Monday last.

Mr. and Mrs. James Norris spentSunday last in Edgewood.

Mr. Charlie Dennis has been on thesick list the past weke.

Mrs. John E. Pierce and childrenare Philadelphia visitors this week.

Mrs. Howard Watson is spendinga few days in Bridgevil'e.

About 220 persons had professedconversion at the revival services inprogress at the Perryville M. E.Church, un to Wednesday las’.

Port DepositMr. Harold Cole and Miss .Mabel

Good, of Perryville, were guests ofMiss Mary \. i ugh last Sunday.

Miss Mildred Voikhardt, of Cnestev,spent several days this week with MissCaroline Smithson,

Mrs. Hester Hurlock and Miss KateHurlock, of Baltimore, were gueststhis week of Mrs. John Hohn.

Mr. Jacob But ivnhart, of Philadel-phia, spent Sunday at his home.

Miss V ivian Gerhauser, of Wilming-ton, spent Sunday with Miss Eliza-beth Li'inw.

The lome basketball team of theGirls School played the Oxlord basket-ball team in Oxford, last Saturdayafternoon. The score was 44 to 4 infavor of the Tome girls.

Miss Stella St. Ciaii, of Baltimore,is the guest of Mrs. Wi.liam Stehbing,

Mrs. William Reckefus spent Mon-day with Baltimore friends.

Miss Ella Pogue, of Rising Sun.spent Sunday with Mis- Mary Buck.

Mr. John Evans, Jr., of Belair, -pintSunday with Mr. Ross Cameron.

Miss Helen K, Harward, of Balti-more, spent over Sunday at her home.

Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Snyder, MrFrank Clapp and Miss Florence J.Snyder autoed to Philadelphia lastThursday.

Mr. and Mrs. George Campbell spe lMonday in Baltimore.

Mr. a...d Mrs. Walton Campbellspent last Friday ia Baltimore.

Mrs. Boyd >li ;. Carrie Penningtonand Mi 1 Jackson, of Havre deGrat-<- c t a t Wednesday withMrs. George Atkinson.

Mr : .ieckefus spent lastM idt !j hia frie ids.

Mi ’ : : ¦ ie. - f Philade!phia. • iver Sunday at her home

Mr ’¦ tendrlx spent severaldcV tVI v • VCM-J ,

M .!(. ..--on entertained theA ” be home last Thurs-day : u- ,i fin : course din-ner

Mr . i Atkinson spont lastRundav i Monday with Philadelphiafriends.

Some of he ’adtes of the MethodistChurch ar planning to give “TheTom Thumb Wedding.” which will liegiven by quite a number of the child-ren from the primary department ofthe Sundav school, in Nesbitt Hall.Friday. March ,r >. at 7 o’clock. Ad-mission 10c for children and 25c foradults.

Miss Mary Harward was a Balti-more visitor last Saturday afternoon

CeciltonDr. Ernest Rickard, of Seattle,

Washington is visiting Misses Annaand Mary E. Rickard.

Mr. E. B. Pearce spent a few daysthis week at the home of Mr. CharlesBennett, near town.

1 James, of Philadelphia is visit-ing in town.¦v • ' Im'k, of Philade 1 phia.has bee 1 visi'.i";.- hm- parents, Mr. andM' Wi'liarn Clark near town.

M's A, E. Burke spent lust weekv ,;h b Viler, Mrs. Arthur Baiieyo; near Sassafras.

Miss ,T l> Dushane of near Earle-vil!( ,wa • G rip .<. of Mrs. J. P. JJc-C u on Sunday,

Mrs. A. Schofield, of Frederiektownw- ' tb ¦ guest of Miss I.izzie Biggsotie day last week.

Mined Mrs R. V . Weed have beenvisiting ie Philadelphia and Darby PaMr and Mrs Hamel Bouchelle werePhi'adeinhia visitors recentlyMr and M's John W. Tavlor were

guests of their daughter, Mr- Ste-phen Hayes, in Philadelphia,' lastweek.

Miss Em.. Willis. Fredalsburg isthe guest of Miss Mary Blaekway!Mr. Earl Currv and sister. Miss

Lida Curry, of Collingswood, X J-arc guests of Miss Kathrine Wilson!near town.Mr and Mrs Elwood Padiev and

son, of near Warwick visited rela-tives in town on Sunday.

l ast Thursday evening Miss MarvBlackway entertained a few friends!n hnnon m.est. Miss Effie Wil-Jis. A delightful evening was spent

by all present. |Miss Martha Bailey visited friends j

in town on Friday.

WoodlawnMiss Annie Simmers was a week

end visitor with Philadelphia friends.Miss Leila Thompson is spending a

couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Linton, in Wilmington. She at-tended the Gienn-Pa.mer wedding, the24th.

Miss Eva Tyson and friend, MissGardner, of Philadelphia, spent Wash-ington’s Birthday with her parents.

Mr. G. Wash. Poist, who was foundon the street in Baltimore, early Sat-urday morning, with his skull frac-tured and taken to the Mercy Hospi-tal, is doing very nicely at this writ-ing.

Mr, and Mr . p. E. Tyson entertain-ed a few friends Saturday evening fortheir daughter Elva and her friendMiss Gardner.

To the Citizens of Elkton and VicinityFor fully thirty five (35) years the

L. & M. Semi-Mixed Real Paints havebeen extensively used throughout theUnited States and also in South Amer-ica. They have therefore been sub-jected to the tests of every sort ofclimatic conditions—most successfully—thereby proving their extreme dura-bility and superior value.

See our advertisement on other pagetelling property owners how to maketheir own paint, and thereby savesixty cents a gallon on every gallonused.

LO N G M A N & MARTINEZPaint Makers, - - New York

' LOCAL NOTEJA baseball meeting was held at the


band room on Friday evening to or-ganize for the coming season.

Miss Katherine Keyser, of theChautauqua Association of Pennsyl-vania, met with the guarantors at theFire House on Friday evening. TheLyceum Festival will be held March18, 19 and 20.

The Masonic Lodge will attend ser-vice at the Presbyterian Church onSunday morning, Feb. 28, at 10.30 a.m. The members of the lodge are re-quested to meet at the lodge room at10 a. m. on Sunday morning.

' Mr. Charles Palmer, son of the latei David Palmer, of this town, died on

Tuesday last in Trenton.Mr. Frank Clayton has purchased a

new Overland touring car.The lunch cloth cmbroid(<-ed by

Mrs. Clarence Bradley, of Baltimore,and chanced off by her sister, Mrs.George H. Spear, of Chesapeake Citywas won by Janet Thomas, Mrs.Spear’s wash-woman, she being theonly colored person having a chance.

1906 1914

J. C. LUPFER 'mn&ertaEer

Calls answered Night or Day


Chesapeake City Md.Phone 25. apr 11-lyr*

It was bought from her by Mrs. Geo.H. Spear.

CHESAPEAKE CITY SCHOOLS.Washington’s Birthday Program.

1. Prayer,. . .Rev. N. H. Nutter, of the M. E. Church

2. Music, Piano and Violin Trio.Edith and Edna Brown, Cavender Loraine

3. Washinirton’R Birthday... .Harry Stradlcy4. Meaning of the Colorn Paul Conner

5. Song— George Washington School6. Our Flag

....Harry Kraatel, Harry Hager, AllenBristow.

7. Reading WashingtonMargaret Montgomery

8. Duet “The Rose of Allandale”Madelyn Steele and Caroline Briggs

9. Mount Vernon Mina Seacord10. Piano Solo Jennie Bishop11. When Washington Was President

George Houck12. Brighten the Corner School13. Raising the Flag

Charles Tatman. Mildred Watson14. Recitation John Schaefer15. Solo, “Grandma’s Minuet”..Flora Tanner16. Recitation Hughes Nutter17. Which General Class18. Tenting on the Old Camp Ground. .. .Sara

Price. Margaret Ellison, Alma Broadway,Emma Griffith, Edward Nolen, Frank Fil-ling.ime and Ralph Norris.

19. Song Mount Vernon BellsRuby Reynolds and Ruth Nutter

20. A Good Country Melvin Nutter21. Recitation Washington’s Escape

Edith George22 .Address. ... Rev. John Eggert of the Pres-

byterian Church.23. America School24. Benediction.... Rev. N. B. Nutter, of the

M. E. Church.0000 o o o

•SOCIAL NEWJMrs. C. C. Laws is spending some

time in Baltimore.Mrs. Edgar Ellison has as her guest

her sister, Mrs. Harry Voshell, ofPhiladelphia.

Mrs. Ida Bouchelle is spending sometime with her sister, Mrs. J. U. Mc-Coy.

Mrs. T. J. Conrey entertained theSewing Club, Thursday evening.

Mrs. Rudolph Buckworth spentTuesday with her sister, Miss BerthaLusby.

Mr. Benjamin Knox is visiting atthe home of Mrs. George Stevens.

Mr. and Mrs. Byron Bouchelle spentseveral days in Philadelphia this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Griffith Ellison andchildren, of Kirkwood, Mr. and Mrs.Clayton Ellison, Jr., and daughterwere the guests of Mr. and Mrs.Clayton Ellison, Sr., on Sunday.

Miss Lionne Beaston, of Middle-town. is the guest of Mrs. FrankHoward.

Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Steele andchildren, of Wilmington, spent severaldays this week with Mrs. Joseph H.Steele.

Miss Margaret Lum, of DelawareCollege, spent several days this weekwith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas.Lum.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Groome Steele andMaster Joseph H. Steele, Mr. and Mrs.Julius Clayton, Misses Adelaide Clay-ton and Lucy Reed and Frank Ellisonspent Monday in Wilmington.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Groome Steele andMaster Joseph H. Steele were enter-tained at dinner on Sunday by MissFlorence Egee.

Mrs. Harry Kibler is the guest ofMr. and Mrs. Thomas Kibler, of Phila-delphia.

Mrs. Harry Hall and Miss KatieBorger visited friends in Middletownon Tuesday.

Mrs. James S. Hopper spent severaldays this week in Philadelphia.

Miss Elizabeth Eggert, of DelawareCollege, visited her parents, Rev. andMrs. J. E. Eggert this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Andrews andCleveland Dean were entertained byMiss Mary Barwick on Sunday.

Miss Augusta gge spent the weekend with friends in Wilmington.

Mr. Frank Clayton spent Tuesdayin Philadelphia.

Mr. Frank Ellison, of New York,visited his sister, Mrs. Julius Clayton,this week.

Miss Grace Styles, of Philadelphia,was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. HarrySherman.

A church social was held at thehome of Mrs. J. D. McCoy near Cay-ots, on Thursday evening.

Mrs. Dorcas Jefferson and Miss An-nie Boulden were the guests of Mr.and Mrs. John H. Kirk last week.

Miss Leila Thornton spent Satur-day and Sunday with her sister. MissElizabeth Thornton, near Newark.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Watson spentSunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Wat-son. at Bethel.

Mr, and Mrs. Pierce Alrich anddaughter, of Wilmington, visited herparents, Mr. and Mrs. William Sal-mon. near town.

Mr, Stanley Benson, of Philadel-nhia, visited his sister, Mrs, Reed Kirklast week.

Mr. and Mrs. James Vinyard spentseveral days last week in Philadelphia.

Mr. Richard Wallis spent the weekend with relatives at Wye Heights.

Joseph SchaeferGrocer 8c Ship Chandler


General MerchandiseSmoked Meats A Specialty


Chesapeake City, Md.Plione No. 20-H


Announces to the Public that hav-

ing resigned from the Bank, he

will henceforth engage in the

Grain and FertilizerBusiness at Chesapeake City

Farmers .in .disposing .of .their

crops or purchasing their fertilizers

are invited to consult Mr. Steele,oct 10-6 m


1 Model 42 Oakland ( used) 5 Passenger Touring Car.1 R. C. H. Touring Car.1 Pennsylvania Roadster.

Have taken these cars in trade for new Oakland cars andwill sell them cheap.

A full line of accessories and tires. Also HARDWARE.

RALPH H. REES : Chesapeake City, Md.

FUTURE SUCCESSMay depend on having a littlecapital. Isn't it about lime you

began to lay aside a part of your

earnings, as an opportunity may

come along most any lime and Missaid that “opportunity neverknocks twice.” $1 opens an ac-

count and by making snail deposits

regularly you will soon amass a

neat sum.



at Private SaleEvery Day, 6 A. M. to 6 P. M.

We are first hands, and you save all other profits by buyingdirect from us.


Every Monday, Wednesday & Friday at 10:30 A. M.Buyers get honest representation, and Sellers get a full Auc-tion Value and their Money in 30 seconds. We don’t chargeto offer Horses and Mules not sold.


JAMES KING & SONSHigh, Baltimore S.fayettc Sis., BALTIMORE, MD.23 jan-6rnori*

Use Less Feed!Keep up your milk production this winter by feeding right. No

need to put up with a shrinkage when you put the cows (v,

in the barn to stay. Other dairymen are getting as Y .[.much milk now as they did in the Spring. And so Ican you if you !

reed Cows ;

INTERNATIONALSpecial Dairy Feed IHiil

¦ A balanced dairy concentrate that in dairy supplies, feeds, etc. Our storetakes the place of all or part of your is headquarters for advertised, guaran*present grain feed at less cost. Com- teed goods of highest quality. Pricesposed of prime mill feeds, cotton seed lower than others ask for equal values,meal, molasses, etc. Contains positively Ask us for anything you want in adver- fno mill waste or other inferior products. tised dairy supplies and all kinds of live- 1used in other dairy feeds. Guaranteed stock goods. We’ve the best ready-mixed jto increase the milk flow, and keep the horse feed, cattle feed, chicken feed, hog Icows healthy. TKV ONK TON! feed, remedies, condition powders, etc, I

We aim to keep the best of everything Make our store your headquarters. /



A, M. Johnson

Sunshine stove*

and Ranges


Chesapeake City, Md.

Loveless ' Restaurantand Market House

Meals at all hours.

Oysters, Fish and Game in Season

Green and Fancy Groceries

J . R. LOVELESS & SONOpposite Post Office

All phone orders delivered

Phone Connections- 20-2 and 6 julyS


Groceries and ProvisionsFlour and Feeds

Oil and Gasoleneat

JAJ. R. KIRKChesapeake City, Md.

Phone 20-D

•- --- v -


Chesapeake Citg ®epartmenl ,W^Hay Grain Coal






Baskets & LumberWe carry a full line of Lumber tor BuildingPurposes. We have the Material, if youhave the Need. We can interest you withprices for prompt or future delivery.



9???????• ??????????????????A

\BiG REDUCTION IN ML j5 Prior to Taking Stock j9 White Goods Muslins All Seasonable Dress Goods 99 SHOES AND GROCERIES RELOW COST 29 Bargains Now If Ever At 9? REED'S Chesapeake City Store j

CHARLES C. BANKS(Graduate of Eckles’ College of Embalming)

Fune al Director & EmbalmerChesapeake City, Md.


MOST MODERATE PRICESPHONE: Office 55. Residence 57

June 2 1-6 raos '

1 Dr. John G. HopperVETERINARIAN

Office in Masonic Hall

1 Chesapeake City, Md.1 Bell Phone.


Taxpayers ot Chesapeake City arehereby notified that the taxes for 1914are due September Ist, 1914.

A discount of 3 per cent, is allowedduring August; 2 per cent, during Sep-tember ; t per cent, during October.

Iftaxes are not paid by January Ist,j 1915, interest will be charged from

i September Ist, 1914,

i Taxes not paid by April Ist, 1915, are! placed in the hands of the Sherifffor collection.

Taxes are to be paid to

NOBLE P. BENSON, Trea,dec 16. 'l3-1 vr

Kodak filmsWe have a full line of Eastman

Kodak Films of all sizesLet us do your printing, devel-

oping and enlarging

SETH S. SAWTELLEaux 23. *l2-1 yi