
Graduation Rites Held at Tremont Graduation ceremonies were held at a sixth grade assembl y at Tremont Avenue school last Thursday. Opened with a Bible reading by Louise Kuczynski , the flag salute was led by Timothy Goodger and the Glee club sang two selections. Presentation of awards follow- ed. The Veterans of Foreign Wars ' Best Achievement in Citizenship and Scholastics award was pre- sented to Doroth y Rutledge by Oliver Wicks , commander of Jayne Lattin VFW Post 2913. The VFW Ladies ' auxiliary ' s Most Progress in Citizenshi p and Scholastic award was presented to Bruce Stevens and Karen Lysak by rep- sentatives of the Ladies * auxiliary to Henry James Jones VFW Post 2937. Class members then received the Tremont Avenue Parent-Tea- cher association gift from Her- man van Kleef , PTA president , and a talk was given by Bernard R . Williams , princi pal . Raymond Lysak directed the orchestra ; Charles Mailand , the band , and Raymond Williams , the Glee club. ^^¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦HBHHHMHBMHBBIBESSGflHHBBBBEBBBl ^BVHHKIiSB niBnflBBHHBaMHMB '^ 4flSfihJ' ~ L@@!C AT THESI f *% ' Salada Tea Bags ^~" »* $U p a . R | 6HT ^ QUALITY <0 * \^fa ^K F -'- ^r^ ' ] RiCULAR STYLE OVEN-READY ^L^^^^ W lin ' 35 c 3 c l a b n 91 c 10 INCH CUT 7 INCH CUT 10 INCH CUT 7 INCH CUT p^^^^ H^L . *"" CCC ID ( J*^c J^Oc c ™- Sweet Gherkins JJ ib. U^n. O +M lb. Q 7M lb. 1 " Mf! jar * 51 K- . ¦ ¦ -^--- ¦ . .UXi^T- ZZ-:^ ' Wishbone S8iJ£LESS CHIICK-(N0 FAT ADDED) ¦ p| ( Cheese Dressing % IH ^^ IF W%mm J|t fj *IF super-Right JM ^^fc I so, «7c MT lkM H I t mM Mm Jl ¦ Quality Beef Mj mf MB UB^ C bo m. ¦ " . Ba ^gfF H Hm^^ flB nQF ¦ ^mW ^KKr- ^ __ X m , :.; : . , - .: * ; - » ~ >.: ' ¦?* ~ ~ . "~ > V" *3.. r„ * « ~ ' .' " ,. * , "* "~"S_ HlldSOn NapklfiS "Supar-Rsght" Quality "Super-Bight" Quality , ;:; ;L STOWING BKF »— » 55c RIB STEAKS •— -75c * of 50 w "Sinar-afght" Quality UNOX Imported Holland VIM. ROAST -—™ » 65c HAMS 'i 3.29 '1 5.45 Colgate ' s AB SBIHMBn>^^V^^iBV«H««nP iWt«WIW *nH!n Detergent for automatic wachers P&h ll IlTl M HB 111 ^¦. ' ¦ ll ^HlIi!^Kt^i^RB0jHJ^YI UE^H ri i l 11I ¦b^H' l v|| H V'J aCl 3 f' lillakUi large 44c g,an * 7* sC ^S«WB H S3 M BHBBMHBW pig. **** pkg. '»* Cashmere Bouquet FRESH P EACHES rtSSSXZt. 2 "»¦ 23c 33P 1M A'?EDIUIE1 AM Red , Ripe! Halves J| c WHOLE JL ft 2 c b at s 23 s | WW S% I BniVlEllV n SOS"- 3 "** or arters ** »• MELON Q^C CashsneTel Q^usT C JUlTMOlfPES -™ ~23c POTATOES 'SK tr' 10 - 39c s©ap SWEET CORN ¦— 4-25c HECTARINES <- ^:v- . $mm- - : *%. » CRAPES «--— - 35c FRESH LEMOM S 29. Oesdoranf Soap l! Jli&3l' 'l fiTi VTi l Lii^MMrrliiTiii^^iiiiJ^ Batil&jy&Si&^ For Mi ^ and bath Pastuerized Process Cheese LIBBY'S BRAND Concentrated 2 ^ 2?s MIL-S-BIT "Sir* -45c LEMONADE ~—~ 5249c . B:a! Ohed-O-Bft ^rl: ; £j liW 15H" French Fries ""™* 2 , p 6 ^ 47« Deoderaai Soap Kraft's Slices A^t;X 9 e "^ 8 Pr: 33* ttownyflak e Waff les . . . 2 p £ 31« ' Ttl ^r *Fresh H!ik Ho t d ;.-^ 2^. » ^47« Ex celsior Cheeseburgers . . . £«• 4 cakes , ** -^-ln Metropolitan N.Y. State only except Orange , Rockland. Duehess Ctys. KOQ L rlSft l l llll6rS a ¦ ¦ ¦ pkg. ' * Ajax Cleanser I J&^M^> /^ S^ With Chlorine Bleach «-^ __^_ .^rf" '** '**' £ '""• - •» LEMO N PIE 43< # J Y@l " Tangy, custard y-smoolh lemon filling in a tender ^^&-^ttaif eidff l£8S&v ^ crust ! It hits a hi g h in flavor at a bud get price ! ^^BPP^ LiflUld Deter9filtt Jane Parker Plai« Jam Parker T H! g9c DAMISH COFFEE MNC - 33c AWCEL FOO D RING ^-^ 47c | -~iir - CRANBERRY SAUCE - - 2 IT 39 « * iy PINEAPPLE 6RAP WI DR,,,K 2r53c Swanee TUNA FISH «"« T 3 - 79e Toilet Tissue Sweef p ea $ E D Z:L 3 V. " 49c Mixed Nuts .S2L s " »45 c s ° °" * '°"' w ° C ut-Rite 2' - 47c Potato Chips i 21c; 39c Wesson on Mayonnaise """" T 57c Ritz Crackers " °*°° " > " 29c -" ^ .- - sweet pi c k| es "T,r T 33c Hydrox Cookies * 32c ' Z& l \ Z^' Armour ' s Chopped Ham . . . ' , 2 r 63° Evaporated Milk »»• «»—'•»•' »-' 6 , ' ,1 77« Milani' s 1 890 French Dressing . IzW dexola * I ,«P~ «I £28= fi SJ* Royal Puddings Crispo Fig Bars '^ 27« dexo »- » .?*«• -""» 5 ^31 ° JJt79c * '¦' "'•«" Cheez-lt Crackers ^*- t?W HoffmanBe«erage ^rH^t!i 2 b:;,:, 49 c ^ "* ^^I^^X THE GBEAT ATLANTIC t PACIFIC TEA COMPA NY Gerber ' s Baby Food Swiffs ^ m^^SL ^uKaM Vi ffT!f Sfi^ Strained Chopped fOT BsBSSS ^jT ^L jL. MMiI ^.^LS^^S^^^^^ S^JmJSS ^SBBSSSBBi 10- 99 c 6-89° 2 . . r 4gc ^S^p___ H^ ___________________ i ________ i _________^^ Pficcs effcctiva through Saturday, June 28 in Super Markets and Self-Service More* onl y- Be SURE to visit A&P'S Newest Super Market in PORT JEFFERSON STATION West side of Main Street (In the Port Jefferson Shopping Plaza) _ _ -*- A&P Invites you to their CARNIVAL of FOO D VALUES , now going on in the PATCHOGUE and SAYVILLE A&P SUPER MARKETS Surprises and Prizes Galore NORT H BELLPORT NEWS Mrs. Mae Deems. ATlantic 6-9727 PACE PARK Mr. and Mrs. John F.go and children , Carol . Richard. Terry and Gail of 728 Doaiie avenue visited Mr. and Mrs. Joe KUJSO of East Meadow. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs . James Hughes of 7'U Bayview avenue emert. -iined Mr. Hughes' brother and sister- in-law , Mr. and Mrs . Thumas Hughes , and children. Kvelvu. Ronald and Richard , of the Hions for the weekend. Mrs. Gert rude O'Neil of 30 Pare avenue had as her guests Friday the members of her club , The Fri- day Nighters. Attending were Mesdames Ethel Esaon , Muriel Nanry, Agnes Hudson , Mimi Kra- wiec , Ginnie Lyons , Jeanette Lad- ner . Ann Are ! and Dolores Ritzor. Mr. and Mrs. Joh n Crowley of 615 Post avenue entertained Mr. and Mrs. Martin Irocha of East Patchogue , Sunday. Steven Dearborn , son of Mr. and Mrs. William Dearborn , of 712 Doane avenue celebrated his first birthday June 15 at his homo. His sruests were his grandmother. Mrs. Lee Dearborn , his aunts , Dorothy and Margaret Dearborn of Shirley; Mrs. Gertrude LaMon- ica and children , Jean , Jill and Nancy, of East Patchogue; his godmother. Mrs. Ann Clifford of SayviHe: Mrs. Shirley Jensen and son , Billy, and daughter , Shirlev Ann , and Betsey Jensen of Shir- ley; Mrs. Gertrude Holmes of Medford ; Mrs. Rose Bernin°-er of New Jersey and his sister , Donna. Mrs. Ann Raddatz of 17 Pace avenue has as her guests for an extended vacation her brother-in- law and sister , Mr. and Mrs. Walter DeFo rest of Hialeah , Fia. Mr. and Mrs . Sam Abrams of 912 Walker avenue held a barbe- cue Sunday and their guests were Mr. and Mrs. Vin Schweibish and childre n , Ann , Mark and Jean , of Central Islip. Ann Becker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Becker , of 009 Hoff- man avenue participated in the exercises at the Brookhaven Ele- mentary school on Friday and re- ceived a dip loma for completing the sixth gradr . Sunday, Mr. and Mrs . Becker and children. Bar- bara , Ann , Patricia and Michael , visited Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Olden- borg of Centereach. Ann and Bar- bara are the guests of Mrs. Bess Kahn for a short vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Campbell of 649 Bayview avenue visited Saturday with Mrs. Camp bell' s brother and sister-in-law , Mr. and Mrs. James Cassidy of Woodcliff Park . Natale Marchiano, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs . Natale Marchiano. of 661 Post avenue graduated Sunday from St. Francis de Sales Parochial school , Patchogue. He will attend Seton Hall in the fall. Mr. and Mrs. Henrv Dannenbertr of 72 1 Station road entertained Mrs. Dannenberg ' s parents. Mr. and Mrs . Henry Jardner , of Ja- maica from Friday to Sunday. Saturday they all attended the In- stallation buffet and dance of the Knights of Pythias at the Patch- ogue Hotel . Mr. Dannenberg was installed as a trustee. Sunday they attended the lawn party of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Richards of Patchogue and Monday they at- tended a party at the temple for some of the graduates . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Eason of 35 Pace avenue entertained Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Lyons and sons , Edward and Joseph, of Woodside and Gil Pyron of Bellport. Mrs. Ann Kan of 609 Michi gan avenue entertained the members of her club , The Happy Medium, Mondav. Present were Mesdames Ann Nascipinto, Claire Cecere . Florence Carman , Jackie Vona , Joyce Williamson , Peggy Gatta , Norma Crowley and Joan Senze- mici. Mrs. Mae Geischen of 625 Doane avenue was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. William Schrieri r of North Patchogue at the installation of officers of the District 41 Repub- lican club at the Brau Haus in Medf ord , Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Chick Gibel and children , Jeffrey and Susan , of 708 Michigan avenue and Mrs. Gibel' s parents , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Presser , of Patchogue visite d Mrs. S. Buchfuhre ' r of the Bronx , Sun- day. Mrs. Buchfuhrer returned with them and is visiting Mrs. Gibel' s parents. The Pace Park Mahjong club met at the home of Mrs. Doroth y Bach of 708 Doane avenue , Mon- day. Players were Mesdames Har- riet Mellis , Eleanore Auer , Jean Maher , and Helen Cunningham. Mr. and Mrs . Connie Price and children of 806 Walker avenue were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bill of Islip, Sunday. Mrs. Joseph Padberg of 603 Bayview avenue and daughter , Mrs. David Havnes, and son , Dick , of North Bellport visited Mrs . Padberg ' s son and daughter-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. James Padberg, of Levittown , Monday. Sunday dirfner guests of the Padbergs were their son , Joseph , and Mr. and Mrs. David Haynes . Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Petron - ella and children , Anthony and Maryanne , of 727 Michigan ave- nue attended the graduation of Al Carioscia , of Baby lon from West Islip High school Sunday and a dinner later at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Westcott and children , Karen , Kathleen , Janet and Gary, of 725 Hoffman avenue attended the baptism of Gregory Corrado , son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Corrado, of Brentwood , Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Donohue of 709 Michigan avenue entertained Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stephens and childre n , Edward , Robert , Thomas and Carol, of Brooklyn and Mrs . Donohue ' s brother-in- law and sister , Mr. and Mrs. Jules Marks , of East Meadow , Saturday. Kathleen Donohue par- ticipated in the graduation exer- cises at Brookhaven Elementary school. Frederick Rene, Jr. , son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rene , of 747 Michi- gan avenue was baptized at St. Joseph the Worker R. C. church ?::i East I' atchogue. Sunday. His j godparents w. -re Miss Jean Yem- [ ii!. -'. of Belk'iose and Peter Rene I •>: ' Heliport. A fam.ly dinner was i held in his honor and attending ; wore his grandparents . Mr. anil | M rs . I' at Yemma . ami daughter , ! Mary, of P.ellovose: Mr. and Mrs. ! Vincent Perii and daughter , l'hy- ! lis Ann. Mr. and Mrs . Joseph i' er- i ri of B rooklyn: Mrs. Peter Rene , 1 I' oggy Thatcher and Donna Lee j Simpson of North Heli port . j Mr. and Mrs . Henry Rogers of j l>. '!" > Walker avenue attended the ! graduation of their daughter , ; Sherry, from ths East Patchogue j I' - ' ementary school , Friday. Later ! Sherry, her parents arid sister , ; Marilyn , had dinner at-Ciro ' s res- taurant. They visited Mrs. Rogers ' mother , Mrs. H. Hirsch of the Bronx from Friday to Sunday. j Sunday night they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Goldstein | of I.indenhurst. Mr. and Mrs . Corah! Segall of T. 'ii) Michigan avenue attended the wedding Saturday of Mrs. SegulPs brother , William Wade , of Free- port to Miss Carol Merrins of El- mont. at the St. Boniface R. C. church in Elmont. Mr. Segall was an usher . A reception was held in Elmont. Mr. and Mrs . Gerald Snowden of 860 Walk»r avenue entertained Mr. and Mrs. Robert Geddis and children, Julie . Dannv. Walter and David , of Elizabeth , " N" . J., Satur- day. Master Sergeant and Mrs. Rob- ert Spencer and children , Susan, Sheryl and Sandra Jo , of 710 Post avenue visited Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Hoover of Eatontown , N. J ., Sunday. Edward Harrigan , son of Mr. and Mrs . Edward Harrigan. of 759 Hoffman avenue has been dis- charged from the Navy and is home with his parents. BAY COUNTRY ESTATES Mr. and Mrs. Walter Semiken of 820 Bayview avenue entertained Mrs. Semiken ' s brother-in-law and sister , Mr. and Mrs . John Deines and children , James and John , of Ronkonkoma. Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Santora of 856 Bayview avenue entertained Mr. and Mrs . H. Patry low of New York city, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs . Edward Johann of Sol Bayview avenue entertain- ed Mrs. Johann ' s brother and sis- ter-in-law , Mr. and Mrs. Edward Larkin , and children , Donna and Debbie, of Bridgeport , Conn., for the weekend. Mr . and .Mrs. James Keeley and children , Donna, Diane , Debra , James and Jeffre y of 805 Doane avenue visited Mrs. Keeley ' s mother. Mrs. Rose King, of Brooklyn , Sunday. Also visiting were her sisters. Mrs. Audrey Joyce, and sons. Richard , Robert and Paul , and Mrs. P. Allen. Don- na returned home with Mrs. Allen for an extended vacation. Mr. and Mrs. John Hart of 840 Michigan avenue celebrated the eighth birthday of their son , John , at a family " gathering Sunday. Guests were Mrs . Irene Palalas and daug hter, Libb y. of Brooklyn; Mrs . Jerry Divaris and children , Irene and " Mickey, of Rockaw-ay; Sergeant and Mrs . James Hart and children , Pam. Peter and Paul , and Mrs. Irene Hart of Massape- qua. Also John ' s sister , Maureen , and brother, James. Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. James C. Barlow were Mr . and Mrs. Roy Jenisch a n d children , Maryellen and John, of Hicksville. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Barlow and children , Virginia and Jacqueline , visited Mrs . Barlow ' s brother-in- law and sister , Mr. and Mrs. Frank VanWickler of Wading Ri- ver to celebrate Father ' s day. Her parents , Mr. and Mrs. William Tweedy, were honored guests. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Curreri and children , Ben , Peter and Maryann , of 826 Michigan avenue attended a barbecue at the home of Mr. Curreri's parents , Mr. and Mrs. Ben Curreri of West Islip June 15. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Curiale and children , Karen and Rochelle, of 848 Bayview avenue visited Mr. Curiale ' s parents , Mr. and Mrs. John Cvriale of Mastic Beach for Father' s day. NORTHWOOD HOMES Mrs. John Gasowski of 741 Bell- port avenue entertained Mrs. Ga- sowski's sister-in-law , Mrs . C. Me- lenski of Ozone Park ; Mrs. George Markowski of Brookl yn and Mr. and Mrs. John Maksienski and daughter , Marion , of Ozone Park , Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Slowey of 615 Bellport avenue attended a surprise birthday party for Bern- ard Conway of 709 Bell port ave- nue June 14.

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Graduation RitesHeld at Tremont

Graduation ceremonies wereheld at a sixth grade assembly atTremont Avenue school lastThursday.

Opened with a Bible reading byLouise Kuczynski , the flag salutewas led by Timothy Goodger andthe Glee club sang two selections.

Presentation of awards follow-ed. The Veterans of Foreign Wars'Best Achievement in Citizenshipand Scholastics award was pre-sented to Doroth y Rutledge byOliver Wicks , commander of JayneLattin VFW Post 2913. The VFWLadies' auxiliary 's Most Progressin Citizenshi p and Scholasticaward was presented to BruceStevens and Karen Lysak by rep-sentatives of the Ladies* auxiliaryto Henry James Jones VFW Post2937.

Class members then receivedthe Tremont Avenue Parent-Tea-cher association gift from Her-man van Kleef, PTA president,and a talk was given by BernardR. Williams , princi pal .

Raymond Lysak directed theorchestra ; Charles Mailand , theband , and Raymond Williams, theGlee club.


L@@!C AT THESI f*% '

Salada Tea Bags ~" »*$Upa.R|6HT QUALITY <0 *\ fa K

F- '- r ' ] RiCULAR STYLE OVEN-READY L^^Wlin' 35c 3

clabn 91c 10 INCH CUT 7 INCH CUT 10 INCH CUT 7 INCH CUT p ^^ H L.

*"" CCC ID( J*^cJ^Oc c ™-Sweet Gherkins JJib. U^n. O +M lb. Q 7M lb. 1 " Mf!

jar *51 K - . ¦¦-^---¦..UXi^T- ZZ-:^ '

Wishbone S8iJ£LESS CHIICK-(N0 FAT ADDED) ¦ p|(Cheese Dressing % IH^ IF

W%mm J|t fj

*IF super-Right JM ^ fc I

so, «7c M T lkM H It mM Mm Jl ¦ Quality Beef Mj mf MBUB^Cbom. ¦" . Ba ^gfF H Hm^ flB nQF ¦ mW KKr- ^__


m , :.; :'¦ . ,- .: * ; - » ~ • >.: ' ¦?* ~ ~„ ."~ > V" *3.. r„ * « ~ ' .' " ,.*," * "~"S_

HlldSOn NapklfiS "Supar-Rsght" Quality "Super-Bight" Quality

,;:;;L STOWING BKF »— » 55c RIB STEAKS •— -75c* of 50 w "Sinar-afght" Quality UNOX Imported Holland

VIM. ROAST -—™ » 65c HAMS — 'i 3.29 '1 5.45Colgate's AB SBIHMBn> V^ iBV«H««nPiWt«WIW *nH!n

Detergent for automatic wachers P&hll IlTl M HB 111 ¦.'¦ll HlIi!^Kt i RB0jHJ YI UE^H ri il 11I ¦b H'l v|| HV'J aCl 3 f' lillakUilarge 44c g,an* 7*sC ^S«WBHS3MBHBBMHBWpig. **** pkg. '»*

Cashmere Bouquet FRESH PEACHES rtSSSXZt. 2 "»¦ 23c33P 1M A'?EDIUIE1 AM Red, Ripe! Halves J| c WHOLE JL ft

2 cbats 23s | WW S% I BniVlEllV n SOS"-3"** or Q»arters **»• MELON Q^CCashsneTelQ^usT CJUlTMOlfPES -™ ~23c POTATOES'SK tr' 10 - 39c

s©ap SWEET CORN ¦— 4-25c HECTARINES <- ^:v-. .£$mm- -:*%.» CRAPES «--— - 35c FRESH LEMOMS 29.

Oesdoranf Soap l!Jli&3l''l fiTiVTilLii MMrrliiTiii iiiiJ Batil&jy&Si&^For Mi and bath Pastuerized Process Cheese LIBBY'S BRAND — Concentrated2^2?s MIL-S-BIT "Sir* -45c LEMONADE ~—~ 5249c .

B:a! Ohed-O-Bft rl: ;£j liW 15H" French Fries ""™* 2 ,p6^47«Deoderaai Soap Kraft's Slices A t;X9e" 8Pr:33* ttownyflake Waff les . . . 2 p£ 31«'Ttl r *Fresh H!ik Hotd;.- 2^.» ^47« Excelsior Cheeseburgers . . . £«•

4 cakes ,** -^-ln Metropolitan N.Y. State only except Orange, Rockland. Duehess Ctys. KOQ L rlSft lllllll6rS a ¦ ¦ ¦ pkg.'*

Ajax Cleanser I J&^M^> / S^With Chlorine Bleach «- __^_ . rf" '** '**• ' £

'""• -•» LEMON PIE 43< # JY@l " Tangy, custardy-smoolh lemon filling in a tender ^^&- ttaif eidff l£8S&v

crust ! It hits a high in flavor at a budget price! ^^BPP^LiflUld Deter9filtt Jane Parker — Plai« Jam ParkerT™H!g9c DAMISH COFFEE MNC - 33c AWCEL FOOD RING ^-^ 47c |

-~iir- CRANBERRY SAUCE - - 2IT39«* iy PINEAPPLE 6RAPWIDR,,,K 2r53c

Swanee TUNA FISH «"«T 3 - 79eToilet Tissue

Sweef pea$ EDZ:L 3 V." 49c Mixed Nuts .S2L s"»45cs°°" * '°"' w° Cut-Rite — — 2'- 47c Potato Chipsi 21c; 39cWesson on Mayonnaise """" T 57c Ritz Crackers " °*°° ">" 29c-"^

.-- sweet


es "T,r T 33c Hydrox Cookies — * 32c'Z&l \ Z ' Armour's Chopped Ham . . . ',2r63° Evaporated Milk »»• «»—'•»•'»-' 6 ,',1 77«

Milani's 1890 French Dressing . IzW dexola *I,«P~«I £28= fiSJ*Royal Puddings Crispo Fig Bars ' 27« dexo »- ».?*«• -""»5 ^31° JJt79c

* '¦'"'•«" Cheez-lt Crackers *- t?W HoffmanBe«erage rH t!i2 b:;,:,49c^ "* ^ I ^X THE





Gerber's Baby Food Swiffs m^^SLuKaM Vi ffT!fSfi^

Strained Chopped fOT BsBSSS jT LjL.MMiI . LS^ S^ ^ ^ S JmJSS SBBSSSBBi10- 99c 6-89° 2..r 4gc ^S^p___H

___________________i________i_________^^ Pficcs effcctiva through Saturday, June 28 in Super Markets and Self-Service More* only-


to visit

A& P ' SNewestSuper



STATIONWest side ofMain Street(In the Port Jefferson

Shopping Plaza) _ _


A & PInvites you


now going onin the





and Prizes


NORTH BELLPORT NEWSMrs. Mae Deems. ATlantic 6-9727

PACE PARKMr. and Mrs. John F.go and

children , Carol . Richard. Terryand Gail of 728 Doaiie avenuevisited Mr. and Mrs. Joe KUJSOof East Meadow. Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs . James Hughes of7'U Bayview avenue emert.-i inedMr. Hughes' brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs . ThumasHughes , and children . Kvelvu.Ronald and Richard , of the Hionsfor the weekend.

Mrs. Gert rude O'Neil of 30 Pareavenue had as her guests Fridaythe members of her club , The Fri-day Nighters. Attending wereMesdames Ethel Esaon , MurielNanry, Agnes Hudson , Mimi Kra-wiec, Ginnie Lyons , Jeanette Lad-ner. Ann Are! and Dolores Ritzor.

Mr. and Mrs. Joh n Crowley of615 Post avenue entertained Mr.and Mrs. Martin Irocha of EastPatchogue, Sunday.

Steven Dearborn , son of Mr. andMrs. William Dearborn , of 712Doane avenue celebrated his firstbirthday June 15 at his homo. Hissruests were his grandmother.Mrs. Lee Dearborn , his aunts ,Dorothy and Margaret Dearbornof Shirley; Mrs. Gertrude LaMon-ica and children , Jean , Jill andNancy, of East Patchogue; hisgodmother. Mrs. Ann Clifford ofSayviHe: Mrs. Shirley Jensen andson, Billy, and daughter , ShirlevAnn, and Betsey Jensen of Shir-ley; Mrs. Gertrude Holmes ofMedford ; Mrs. Rose Bernin°-er ofNew Jersey and his sister, Donna.

Mrs. Ann Raddatz of 17 Paceavenue has as her guests for anextended vacation her brother-in-law and sister , Mr. and Mrs.Walter DeForest of Hialeah , Fia.

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Abrams of912 Walker avenue held a barbe-cue Sunday and their guests wereMr. and Mrs. Vin Schweibish andchildren , Ann , Mark and Jean , ofCentral Islip.

Ann Becker, daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Jack Becker, of 009 Hoff-man avenue participated in theexercises at the Brookhaven Ele-mentary school on Friday and re-ceived a dip loma for completingthe sixth gradr . Sunday, Mr. andMrs. Becker and children. Bar-bara , Ann , Patricia and Michael ,visited Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Olden-borg of Centereach. Ann and Bar-bara are the guests of Mrs. BessKahn for a short vacation.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Campbellof 649 Bayview avenue visitedSaturday with Mrs. Campbell'sbrother and sister-in-law, Mr. andMrs. James Cassidy of WoodcliffPark .

Natale Marchiano, Jr., son ofMr. and Mrs. Natale Marchiano.of 661 Post avenue graduatedSunday from St. Francis de SalesParochial school , Patchogue. Hewill attend Seton Hall in the fall.

Mr. and Mrs. Henrv Dannenbertrof 72 1 Station road entertainedMrs. Dannenberg's parents. Mr.and Mrs. Henry Jardner , of Ja-maica from Friday to Sunday.Saturday they all attended the In-stallation buffet and dance of theKnights of Pythias at the Patch-ogue Hotel. Mr. Dannenberg wasinstalled as a trustee. Sundaythey attended the lawn party ofMr. and Mrs. Harry Richards ofPatchogue and Monday they at-tended a party at the temple forsome of the graduates .

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Eason of35 Pace avenue entertained Mr.and Mrs. Wilbur Lyons and sons ,Edward and Joseph, of Woodsideand Gil Pyron of Bellport.

Mrs. Ann Kan of 609 Michi ganavenue entertained the membersof her club, The Happy Medium,Mondav. Present were MesdamesAnn Nascipinto, Claire Cecere.Florence Carman, Jackie Vona,Joyce Williamson , Peggy Gatta ,Norma Crowley and Joan Senze-mici.

Mrs. Mae Geischen of 625 Doaneavenue was the guest of Mr. andMrs. William Schrieri r of NorthPatchogue at the installation ofofficers of the District 41 Repub-lican club at the Brau Haus inMedf ord , Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Chick Gibel andchildren, Jeffrey and Susan , of 708Michigan avenue and Mrs. Gibel'sparents, Mr. and Mrs. CharlesPresser, of Patchogue visited Mrs.S. Buchfuhre'r of the Bronx , Sun-day. Mrs. Buchfuhrer returnedwith them and is visiting Mrs.Gibel's parents.

The Pace Park Mahjong clubmet at the home of Mrs. Doroth yBach of 708 Doane avenue, Mon-day. Players were Mesdames Har-riet Mellis, Eleanore Auer, JeanMaher , and Helen Cunningham.

Mr. and Mrs. Connie Price andchildren of 806 Walker avenuewere the guests of Mr. and Mrs.Robert Bill of Islip, Sunday.

Mrs. Joseph Padberg of 603Bayview avenue and daughter,Mrs. David Havnes, and son, Dick,of North Bellport visited Mrs .Padberg's son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. James Padberg,of Levittown, Monday. Sundaydirfner guests of the Padbergswere their son , Joseph , and Mr.and Mrs. David Haynes.

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Petron-ella and children , Anthony andMaryanne, of 727 Michigan ave-nue attended the graduation of AlCarioscia, of Babylon from WestIslip High school Sunday and adinner later at his home.

Mr. and Mrs. Dan Westcott andchildren , Karen , Kathleen , Janetand Gary, of 725 Hoffman avenueattended the baptism of GregoryCorrado, son of Mr. and Mrs. F.Corrado, of Brentwood , Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. John Donohue of709 Michigan avenue entertainedMr. and Mrs. Edward Stephensand children , Edward , Robert ,Thomas and Carol, of Brooklynand Mrs. Donohue's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs.Jules Marks, of East Meadow,Saturday. Kathleen Donohue par-ticipated in the graduation exer-cises at Brookhaven Elementaryschool.

Frederick Rene, Jr., son of Mr.and Mrs. Fred Rene , of 747 Michi-gan avenue was baptized at St.Joseph the Worker R. C. church

?::i East I' atchogue. Sunday. Hisj godparents w. -re Miss Jean Yem-[ ii!.-'. of Belk 'iose and Peter ReneI •>: ' Heliport. A fam. ly dinner wasi held in his honor and at tending; wore his grandparents . Mr. anil| M rs. I'at Yemma . ami daughter ,! Mary, of P.ellovose: Mr. and Mrs.! Vincent Peri i and daughter , l'hy-! l is Ann. Mr. and Mrs . Joseph i'er-i ri of B rookly n: Mrs. Peter Rene ,1 I ' oggy Thatcher and Donna Leej Simpson of North Heli port .j Mr. and Mrs . Henry Rogers ofj l>.'!"> Walker avenue attended the! graduation of their daughter ,; Sherry, from ths East Patchoguej I'- 'ementary school , Friday. Later! Sherry, her parents arid sister ,; Marilyn , had dinner at-Ciro 's res-taurant. They visited Mrs. Rogers 'mother , Mrs. H. Hirsch of theBronx from Friday to Sunday.

j Sunday night they were the guestsof Mr. and Mrs. Edward Goldstein| of I.indenhurst.

Mr. and Mrs. Corah! Segall ofT.'ii) Michigan avenue attended thewedding Saturday of Mrs. SegulPsbrother , William Wade , of Free-port to Miss Carol Merrins of El-mont. at the St. Boniface R. C.church in Elmont. Mr. Segall wasan usher. A reception was held inElmont.

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Snowden of860 Walk»r avenue entertainedMr. and Mrs. Robert Geddis andchildren, Julie . Dannv. Walter andDavid , of Elizabeth ," N". J., Satur-day.

Master Sergeant and Mrs. Rob-ert Spencer and children , Susan,Sheryl and Sandra Jo, of 710 Postavenue visited Mr. and Mrs. Ken-neth Hoover of Eatontown , N. J.,Sunday.

Edward Harrigan , son of Mr.and Mrs. Edward Harrigan. of 759Hoffman avenue has been dis-charged from the Navy and ishome with his parents.

BAY COUNTRY ESTATESMr. and Mrs. Walter Semiken

of 820 Bayview avenue entertainedMrs. Semiken 's brother-in-law andsister , Mr. and Mrs. John Deinesand children , James and John , ofRonkonkoma. Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Santora of856 Bayview avenue entertainedMr. and Mrs . H. Patry low of NewYork city, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Johannof Sol Bayview avenue entertain-ed Mrs. Johann 's brother and sis-ter-in-law , Mr. and Mrs. EdwardLarkin , and children , Donna andDebbie, of Bridgeport , Conn., forthe weekend.

Mr. and .Mrs. James Keeley andchildren , Donna, Diane , Debra ,James and Jeffre y of 805 Doaneavenue visited Mrs. Keeley'smother. Mrs. Rose King, ofBrooklyn , Sunday. Also visitingwere her sisters. Mrs. AudreyJoyce, and sons. Richard , Robertand Paul , and Mrs. P. Allen. Don-na returned home with Mrs. Allenfor an extended vacation.

Mr. and Mrs. John Hart of 840Michigan avenue celebrated theeighth birthday of their son , John ,at a family " gathering Sunday.Guests were Mrs. Irene Palalasand daughter, Libby. of Brooklyn;Mrs. Jerry Divaris and children ,Irene and " Mickey, of Rockaw-ay;Sergeant and Mrs . James Hartand children , Pam. Peter and Paul ,and Mrs. Irene Hart of Massape-qua. Also John 's sister, Maureen ,and brother , James.

Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs.James C. Barlow were Mr . andMrs. Roy Jenisch a n d children ,Maryellen and John , of Hicksville.Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Barlow andchildren , Virginia and Jacqueline,visited Mrs. Barlow's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs.Frank VanWickler of Wading Ri-ver to celebrate Father's day. Herparents, Mr. and Mrs. WilliamTweedy, were honored guests.

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Curreri andchildren , Ben , Peter and Maryann ,of 826 Michigan avenue attendeda barbecue at the home of Mr.Curreri's parents, Mr. and Mrs.Ben Curreri of West Islip June15.

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Curialeand children, Karen and Rochelle,of 848 Bayview avenue visited Mr.Curiale's parents, Mr. and Mrs.John Cvriale of Mastic Beach forFather's day.

NORTHWOOD HOMESMrs. John Gasowski of 741 Bell-

port avenue entertained Mrs. Ga-sowski's sister-in-law, Mrs. C. Me-lenski of Ozone Park ; Mrs. GeorgeMarkowski of Brooklyn and Mr.and Mrs. John Maksienski anddaughter , Marion , of Ozone Park ,Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Slowey of615 Bellport avenue attended asurprise birthday party for Bern-ard Conway of 709 Bellport ave-nue June 14.