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  • 8/7/2019 hbs_reproductive_system_tg


  • 8/7/2019 hbs_reproductive_system_tg


    2AGC/United Learning 1560 Sherman Av., Suite 100 Evanston, IL 60201 1-800-323-9084 Fax 847-328-6706


    Grad e Levels: 6 - 9(Review for grades 10 - 12)

    Viewing Time: 17 min utes with video qu iz


    This video is designed for use in grades 6-9 as an introd uc-

    tion to the major ideas and concepts associated w ith the

    human reprod uctive system, and for use in grades 10-12 as



    After viewing th e video and par ticipating in the lesson ac-

    tivities, the stu dents w ill be able to

    Identify the parts of the hum an female reprod uctive sys-


    Identify the parts of the hu man male reprod uctive sys-


    Define mitosis and meiosis of hu man cells.

    Define key vocabulary terms associated with the hu man

    reproductive system.

    Iden tify the p hases of the hum an m enstrual cycle.


    This video describes the functions of the human reproduc-

    tive system. Reprodu ction is the p rocess that a llows livingthings to produ ce new individuals of the same kind. The

    male and female reprod uctive systems are described, as well

    as the p rocess of fertilization of an egg by a sp erm cell.

  • 8/7/2019 hbs_reproductive_system_tg


    3AGC/United Learning 1560 Sherman Av., Suite 100 Evanston, IL 60201 1-800-323-9084 Fax 847-328-6706


    Before presenting th is lesson to your stud ents, we su ggest

    that you preview the video and review this guide and the

    accomp anying blackline master activities in ord er to famil-

    iarize yourself with th eir content. Dup licate any blackline

    masters you w ish to d istribute. If you plan to u se the Video

    Quiz, which immediately follows the video presentation,

    you m ay wish to distribute Blackline Master 1, Video Quiz,

    before the program . Also, plan to p ause the tap e between

    questions if stud ents require more time.

    As you review the materials presented in this guid e, youmay find it necessary to make some changes, additions, or

    deletions to m eet the sp ecific needs of you r class. We en-

    courage you to do so, for only by tailoring th is program to

    your class will they obtain the maximum instru ctional ben-

    efits afforded by the materials.

    It is also suggested th at the video p resentation take place

    before the entire group un der your sup ervision. The les-

    son activities grow out of the context of the video; there-

    fore, the p resentation should be a common experience for

    all stud ents.


    Remind stud ents that all living things mu st have a method

    for reprod ucing themselves or extinction of that species can

    occur. All hum ans start out no larger than a h um an egg

    cell barely visible to the un aided eye. After the egg is fer-

    tilized by a sp erm cell, a tremend ous tran sforma tion oc-

    curs as over the next nine months the ind ividu al increases

    in size by two billion times.

    Present the video . The viewing time is 12 minu tes for the

    program and about 5 minutes for the Video Quiz.

  • 8/7/2019 hbs_reproductive_system_tg


  • 8/7/2019 hbs_reproductive_system_tg


    5AGC/United Learning 1560 Sherman Av., Suite 100 Evanston, IL 60201 1-800-323-9084 Fax 847-328-6706


    1. Visit this site for good information and diagram s about

    hum an reproduction:

    http:/ /www.trc2.ucdavis.edu/coursepages2/bislo97/


    2. This site also contains good information but should be

    visited by th e teacher first because of the natu re of its title:

    A Womans Gu ide to Contraception an d Respon sible


    http ://epigee.netministries.org/guide/index.htm


    1. Discuss the idea that every hu man was once no larger

    than a single human egg cell which is smaller than a grain

    of sand .

    2. There have been some very interesting breakth roughs in

    the area of cloning. Stud ents may wish to discuss cloning

    and its ramifications.


    Blacklin e Master 1, Video Qu iz

    1. b

    2. c

    3. d

    4. a

    5. d

    6. c

    Blacklin e Master 2, Vocabulary1. reprodu ction- system that allows living things to p ro-

    du ce new individu als of the same kind

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  • 8/7/2019 hbs_reproductive_system_tg


    7AGC/United Learning 1560 Sherman Av., Suite 100 Evanston, IL 60201 1-800-323-9084 Fax 847-328-6706

    Blackl ine M aster 4, The Female Reprodu ctive System

    Blacklin e M aster 5, The M enstrual Cycle

    An imp ortant change d ur ing adolescence for a female is

    the beginning of a monthly cycle to prep are the uteru s to

    receive and nourish a possible fertilized egg. This month ly

    cycle is called the menstrual cycle. Approximately every

    28 days, an egg is released from one of the ovar ies and be-

    gins to travel down the Fallopian tube. The ovaries alter-

    nate the release of eggs. One m onth, the left ovary releases

    an egg, and the next month , the right ovary takes its turn .

    The release of an egg from an ovary is referred to as ovu la-

    tion. Dur ing this time, the uterus has been un dergoing

    changes. The w alls of the uteru s fill with b lood and be-

    come thicker. If the egg that travels throu gh th e Fallopian

    tube becomes fertilized by a sperm cell, then the egg will

    implant itself in the lining of the uterus an d begin the p ro-

    cess of development, which can lead to new life. If the egg

    isnt fertilized, it will break down and leave the body with

    the used blood and tissue tha t had collected in the uterinewall. The blood and tissue leave the body th rough the va-

    gina over an average five-day period of time. This is called


  • 8/7/2019 hbs_reproductive_system_tg


    8AGC/United Learning 1560 Sherman Av., Suite 100 Evanston, IL 60201 1-800-323-9084 Fax 847-328-6706

    Blacklin e M aster 6, Qu iz

    1. Reprodu ction is the system that allows living things toprodu ce new individu als of the same kind .

    2. Fertilization is the joining or u nion of male and femalesex cells to create a n ew life.

    3. Chromosom es are rod-shaped structures found in the

    nu cleus of cells that are respon sible for passing on inher-ited traits.

    4. Mitosis is the cell division that gives every cell in the body

    the same identical sets of chromosomes except for the red

    blood cells and the sex cells.

    5. Meiosis is a specialized cell d ivision that m ixes up the

    chromosomes and produ ces sex cells that have only 23 chro-

    mosomes, or half of what is needed to be a hum an.

    6. Gregor Mend el, who lived in the 1800s, conducted a great

    deal of research on inherited tra its. He experimented w ith

    pea p lants over an eigh-year period of time. He cross-

    pollinated a tall plant w ith a short plant and was su rprised

    to find that all the new plants w ere tall. Then he cross-pol-

    linated these plants and th ree out of four w ere tall and one

    out of four w as short. He ded uced that there are certain

    traits that are dominant and will show u p wh enever they

    are present. He figured that there were other traits that

    were recessive and these would only app ear if the same

    trait was p assed on from each p arent. They were called

    recessive because they could be hidden for generations.

    7. The menstru al cycle is a monthly cycle that p repares the

    uteru s in a female for the p ossibility of a fertilized egg need-

    ing to be nourished and cared for. The walls of the uterusfill with blood and an egg is released from one of the ova-

    ries. If the egg is fertilized by a sperm cell du ring its tr ip

    dow n th e Fallopian tube, it w ill imbed itself in the w all of

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    9AGC/United Learning 1560 Sherman Av., Suite 100 Evanston, IL 60201 1-800-323-9084 Fax 847-328-6706

    the u teru s and begin to d ivide. If the egg cell isnt fertil-

    ized, it will leave the body w ith the used blood and tissue

    that had collected in th e uterine wall.



    For a species to continu e, there mu st be a method for re-

    prod uction. Reprodu ction is the system th at allows living

    things to produce new ind ividu als of the same kind. When

    reprodu ction of a species doesnt occur, the species becomes

    extinct, which m eans it no longer exists on earth . Plants

    and animals reprod uce to continu e their species. Repro-du ction for hu man s, like that for all mamm als, is sexual.

    That means there are separate male and female organs de-

    signed to p roduce the necessary sex cells for reprodu ction.

    In human beings the reproductive organs are called gonads.


    All humans started out no larger than a d ot just barely vis-

    ible to the unaided eye. This was the female gamete or sex

    cell called the ovu m. It w as fertilized by a m ale gamete

    called a sperm . Fertilization occurs w hen the sperm nucleus

    joins the ovum or egg nu cleus. Nine m onths later, a com-

    plete human may be born. Du ring those nine months, the

    fertilized egg has changed from a single cell to an individual

    with trillions of cells. It has increased in size by tw o bil-

    lion times. The one cell has evolved into a comp lex organ-

    ism w ith specialized cells, tissues, and organs d esigned to

    carry ou t lifes functions.


    The male gonads are called testes. They are suspend ed in

    a sac below the abd omen . The sac is called th e scrotu mand is suspended outside the body where the temperature

    is slightly cooler. The lower temp eratu re is imp ortan t to

    the pr odu ction of healthy sperm , which are the male ga-

  • 8/7/2019 hbs_reproductive_system_tg


    10AGC/United Learning 1560 Sherman Av., Suite 100 Evanston, IL 60201 1-800-323-9084 Fax 847-328-6706

    metes or sex cells. The sperm are produ ced inside the tes-

    tes in hu nd reds of tightly packed tu bes called sem inifer-

    ous tubules.

    The sperm m ove into the epididym is and then into the vas-

    deferens wh ere they are stored. During ejaculation, mu s-

    cular contractions cause the sperm to travel through the

    ureth ra, in the penis, and out of the body . Before moving

    into the urethra, the sperm are mixed w ith a fluid produ ced

    by nearby glands. This mixture of sperm and fluid is called

    semen. In each d rop of semen there are ap proximately five

    million sperm cells.

    There are three parts to each sperm cell. The head contains

    the nucleus or control center of the cell. The m idd le sec-

    tion provides energy and the tail moves the sperm along

    by swishing back and forth.

    The testes also prod uce a horm one called testosterone. This

    hormone causes changes in the male body d uring p uberty.

    These changes includ e a d eepening of the voice, broader

    shoulders, and th e growth of facial and body hair.


    The female reprod uctive organs are all located within the

    body of the female. The main organs of this system are th e

    ovaries. The two ovar ies are located a t abou t hip level.

    The ovaries are responsible for producing the ova or eggs.

    Below the ovaries is the ut erus, a pear-shap ed m uscular

    organ about the size of a fist. This is where a fertilized egg

    will develop over the n ine months of gestation into a child.

    Connected to the u teru s are two Fallopian tu bes. These

    tubes each lead to one of the ovaries. The Fallopian tu besare not attached to the ovaries, but are located in su ch a

    way that a new ly matured and released egg can be easily

    moved into the tube by tiny cilia located at the end of the

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    11AGC/United Learning 1560 Sherman Av., Suite 100 Evanston, IL 60201 1-800-323-9084 Fax 847-328-6706

    Fallopian tu bes. The egg travels slowly through th e Fallo-

    pian tube and into the uterus. If the egg is fertilized, then it

    will embed itself in the lining of the uteru s and begin de-

    veloping over the n ext nine mon ths. If it is not fertilized, it

    w ill eventually be eliminated from the bod y. The uterus

    narrow s at the lower end into a small opening called th e

    cervix. The cervix opens into a w ider area called the va-

    gina or birth canal. At the end of the vagina is an op ening

    to the outside.


    A female is born with all the eggs she will ever have. These

    are un developed eggs and can number over 400,000. Dur-ing a females life, only abou t 500 of these eggs will ever

    matu re and travel to the uterus. Hormones prod uced by

    the ovaries initiate changes d uring p uberty, which is the

    beginning of adolescence. Adolescence is a period of change

    that begins in the early teens and goes until about the age

    twenty. During th is time, a persons body changes from

    that of a child into that of an ad ult. The horm one estrogen,

    prod uced an d released by th e ovaries, causes the follow-

    ing changes du ring this period; an enlargement of the

    breasts, the w idening of the hips, the growth of body hair,

    and the maturing of egg cells in the ovaries.


    Anoth er importan t chan ge du ring ad olescence is the be-

    ginning of a monthly cycle to prepare the uterus to receive

    and nou rish a p ossible fertilized egg . This mon thly cycle

    is called the menstrual cycle. Approximately every 28 days,

    an egg is released from on e of the ovaries and begins to

    travel dow n the Fallopian tube. The ovaries alternate the

    release of eggs. One month the left ovary releases an egg,

    and the next month the right ovary takes its turn. The re-lease of an egg from an ovary is referred to as ovu lation.

    During this time, the uterus has been u ndergoing changes.

    The walls of the uterus fill with blood and become thicker.

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    12AGC/United Learning 1560 Sherman Av., Suite 100 Evanston, IL 60201 1-800-323-9084 Fax 847-328-6706

    If the egg that travels through th e Fallopian tube becomes

    fertilized by a sperm cell, then th e egg w ill implant itself in

    the lining of the uteru s and begin the process of develop-

    men t, wh ich can lead to a new life. If the egg isnt fertil-

    ized, it will break dow n and leave the body w ith the used

    blood and tissue that had collected in the u terine wall. This

    blood an d tissue leave the body th rough the vagina over a

    five-day p eriod of time. This is called men stru ation. As

    menstru ation takes place, a new egg is matu ring in the other

    ovary to begin the w hole cycle again.


    If an egg and sperm cell unite, then menstru ation wonttake p lace. Instead, the fertilized egg embeds itself in th e

    lining of the uterus w all, which has been prep ared w ith

    extra blood. The sperm are introdu ced to the female body

    du ring sexual intercourse. The male pen is is inserted into

    the vagina of the female and semen is ejaculated into the

    vagina . Of the ap proximately 400,000,000 sperm released

    into the vagina, only about a few thou sand will manage to

    make their way to the Fallopian tu be, where the egg is mov-

    ing towards the u terus. The sperm w ill surround the egg

    and try to p enetrate it. If a sperm is successful, the head

    and mid -section of the sperm move into the egg. The tail

    falls off. When a sperm penetrates th e eggs membrane, a

    change occur s that keeps all other sperm from en tering.

    The reason for this is only one sperm can u nite with an

    egg. Thats becau se each sex cell is contr ibut ing h alf the

    number of chromosomes to the fertilized egg, which is now

    called a zygote.

    Hu man beings have 46 chromosomes inside every cell ex-

    cept th e sex cells. The sex cells each con tain 23 chrom o-

    somes. Chromosomes are rod-shaped structures found inthe nucleus of cells. The chrom osomes are respon sible for

    passing on inherited traits or characteristics, such as hair

    color, eye color, and skin color.

  • 8/7/2019 hbs_reproductive_system_tg


    13AGC/United Learning 1560 Sherman Av., Suite 100 Evanston, IL 60201 1-800-323-9084 Fax 847-328-6706

    The chromosomes include the detailed information that will

    become a complex organ ism. All living things have chro-

    mosomes. The nu mber of chromosomes has nothing to d o

    with how sophisticated an organ ism is. For instance, all

    humans have 46 chromosomes. A dog has 78 chromosomes

    and corn has 20 chromosom es. The chrom osomes carry

    thousands of genes which d etermine the characteristics of

    the new individual. The genes are specific locations on the

    chromosomes. The genes are arranged in p airs.


    There are 100 trillion living cells in the hu ma n bod y andeveryone of them, except for the red blood cells and the sex

    cells, hav e iden tical sets of chromosomes. They hav e all

    formed as new cells of the body and are made du ring cell

    d ivision called m itosis. After th e egg cell has been fertil-

    ized by the sp erm cell, the contents of the nuclei combine

    and the 23 chromosomes from th e egg and the 23 chromo-

    somes from the sperm combine. The new cell has the cor-

    rect num ber of chromosomes for a hu man 46 and a n ew

    nu cleus. Now , new cells will develop from this cell.

    First the chromosomes line up in the nu cleus and split right

    dow n the middle. Each chromosome has doubled by form-

    ing anoth er chromosom e just like it. Now they all gather

    near the center of the cell and then begin to pull apart w ith

    one of the double chromosomes moving to one end of the

    cell and the other chromosome moving to the other side of

    the cell. This means there is a complete set of chromosom es

    at each end of the cell. Now a mem brane forms around

    each set of chromosomes and tw o new nuclei app ear. The

    cell begins to p inch in the center and it divides, creating

    two identical cells each with exactly the same chromosomes.


    All the cells of the body d ivide by m itosis except for th e

  • 8/7/2019 hbs_reproductive_system_tg


    14AGC/United Learning 1560 Sherman Av., Suite 100 Evanston, IL 60201 1-800-323-9084 Fax 847-328-6706

    sex cells. The sperm and egg cells form dur ing a d ifferent

    process called m eiosis. Meiosis starts out th e same as mi-

    tosis with the d up lication of each m ember of the 46 chro-

    mosomes. Matching p airs of chromosomes line u p and

    undergo an exchange of genes that is unique and can never

    be exactly dup licated. In th is way, the genes are random ly

    mixed. Then the chromosomes line u p in the center of the

    cell and half of the chromosom es are pu lled to on e end of

    the cell and the other half moves to the other end of the

    cell. The cell divides down the midd le and tw o new cells

    are formed. N ow th e chromosomes line up in the midd le

    of each cell again and then sp read a par t with h alf of the

    chromosomes moving to one side and the other half mov-ing to the other end. The cells divide again w ith a result of

    four cells with 23 chromosomes in each. This way, the sex

    cells each contain half the number of hu man chromosomes,

    so that when an egg is fertilized by a sperm, each sex cell is

    provid ing one h alf the chrom osomes for a total of 46.

    So, an ind ividu al receives 23 chrom osomes from th eir

    mother an d 23 chromosomes from th e father to equal the

    46 chromosomes that make a h um an. The chrom osomes

    contain genes, which are found on a long-coiled m olecule

    called DN A. Each chro mosom e contains abou t 100,000

    genes, which are responsible for the ind ividual traits and

    characteristics of a person . Things like hair and eye color,

    height, and athletic ability are all determined by the match

    up of genes found on th e chromosomes.

    Gregor Mend el, an Au strian mon k wh o lived from 1822 to

    1884, mad e man y investigations into the w ay traits are

    passed on from one generation to another. He stud ied pea

    plants over an eight-year period. On e of his most famous

    investigations had to do w ith short and tall pea plants. Hecross-pollinated a tall pea plant with a short p ea plant. Well

    identify the gene for tall with a T and the gene for short

    with an s.

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    15AGC/United Learning 1560 Sherman Av., Suite 100 Evanston, IL 60201 1-800-323-9084 Fax 847-328-6706

    By pollinating a tall plant and a short p lant, you might ex-

    pect some to be medium sized, but Mend el was surprised

    to find that all the new plants were tall. Mendel then cross-

    pollinated th ese new p lants and found that three fourth s

    w ere tall and one out of four w as short. This is how he

    explained it. The first plants, which were pu re tall or pu re

    short p lants, produced all tall plants because the tall gene

    is dom inant ov er the sh ort gene, w hich is recessive. If a

    tall gene is present, the resulting p lant mu st be tall.

    However, in the next generation there is a one in four chance

    that a p lant wou ld receive a short gene from both p arentplants. With an ss combination, the plant w ould be short.

    Mendel then realized that genes pair up and the resulting

    trait or characteristic is determined by which gene is domi-

    nant or recessive.

    Mend el picked th ese terms to describe genes because of

    their Latin d erivation. Dominan t comes from a Latin w ord

    that m eans master and recessive comes from a Latin w ord

    meaning to draw back. Certain traits are dom inant traits,

    which means they w ill show u p in offspring . Some traits

    are recessive and will only app ear in offspring if the gene

    for that trait is provided by both the father and mother. An

    examp le of this is the gen e for red hair. It is a recessive

    gene. The only way that red hair will show up in a child is

    if the gene for red hair is present in the sperm and egg cells.

    In any other situation, the other hair color trait w ill show

    up because all the other hair color traits are dominant over

    the red hair trait.

    Today we have taken a look at the reproductive systems of

    hu man beings. These systems provide a m eans for ensur -ing the species continues. There is a tremend ous responsi-

    bility that goes along with being a paren t. Unlike many of

    the animals on our p lanet, human babies are totally depen-

  • 8/7/2019 hbs_reproductive_system_tg


    16AGC/United Learning 1560 Sherman Av., Suite 100 Evanston, IL 60201 1-800-323-9084 Fax 847-328-6706

    den t on th eir parents. They are completely helpless and

    rely on constant care and attention. So before two peop le

    decide to be parents, they had better be prepared for a lot

    of hard work and patience.


    Stud ents may w rite the answers to the following questions

    on a separate sheet of paper or on the du plicating master

    entitled Video Quiz.

    1. The name of th e female sex cell is ___________.

    a. sperm

    b. ovumc. meiosis

    d. m itosis

    2. The beginn ing of ad olescence is called _____________.

    a. mitosis

    b. meiosis

    c. pu berty

    d. menstruation

    3. The hum an being has h ow many chromosomes _____?

    a. 23

    b. 52

    c. 25

    d. 46

    4. The monthly cycle during which the wom b of a female

    pr epar es itself for th e possibility of pregn ancy is called


    a. menstruation

    b. puberty

    c. meiosisd. m itosis

  • 8/7/2019 hbs_reproductive_system_tg


    17AGC/United Learning 1560 Sherman Av., Suite 100 Evanston, IL 60201 1-800-323-9084 Fax 847-328-6706

    5. The d ividin g of cells into tw o dau ghter cells is called


    a. menstruation

    b. puberty

    c. meiosis

    d. m itosis

    6. The forming of sex cells which contain 23 chromosomes

    is called _____.

    a. menstruation

    b. puberty

    c. meiosis

    d. m itosis

  • 8/7/2019 hbs_reproductive_system_tg


    Nam e ________________




    from The Hu man Body System Series

    1998 AGC/ United Learning

    1560 Sherman Av., Suite 100 Evanston, IL 60201 1-800-323-9084 Fax 847-328-6706www.agcunitedlearning.com e-mail: [email protected]

    Video Quiz

    Directions: At the end of the video prod uction is a short quiz w ith these q uestions. Use this shee

    to record your an swers.

    1. The name of th e female sex cell is ____________.

    a. sperm

    b. ovum

    c. meiosis

    d. m itosis

    2. The beginning of ad olescence is called ____________.

    a. mitosis

    b. meiosis

    c. pu bertyd. menstruation

    3. The human being has how many chromosomes?

    a. 23

    b. 52

    c. 25

    d. 46

    4. The m onthly cycle dur ing w hich the w omb of a female prepares itself for the possibility of preg-

    nancy is called __________.

    a. menstruation

    b. puberty

    c. meiosis

    d. m itosis

    5. The dividing of cells into two daughter cells is called _______________.

    a. menstruation

    b. puberty

    c. meiosis

    d. m itosis

    6. The forming of sex cells which conta in 23 chrom osom es is called _____________.

    a. menstruation

    b. puberty

    c. meiosis

    d. m itosis


  • 8/7/2019 hbs_reproductive_system_tg


    Nam e ________________




    from The Hu man Body System Series

    1998 AGC/ United Learning

    1560 Sherman Av., Suite 100 Evanston, IL 60201 1-800-323-9084 Fax 847-328-6706www.agcunitedlearning.com e-mail: [email protected]


    Directions: Write a definition for each of th e terms listed b elow:

    1. reprod uction-

    2. fertilization-

    3. ovary-

    4. ovum -

    5. sperm-

    6. testes-

    7. scrotum-

    8. urethra-

    9. uteru s-

    10. vagina-

    11. mitosis-

    12. meiosis-


  • 8/7/2019 hbs_reproductive_system_tg


    Nam e ________________




    from The Hu man Body System Series

    1998 AGC/ United Learning

    1560 Sherman Av., Suite 100 Evanston, IL 60201 1-800-323-9084 Fax 847-328-6706www.agcunitedlearning.com e-mail: [email protected]

    The M ale Reprodu ctive System

    DIRECTION S: Place the w ords from th e box, at the b ottom of the p age, next to the lines on th e

    diagram of the m ale reprodu ctive system.

    penis scrotum seminiferous tubules

    urethra bladder testes

    seminal vesicle


  • 8/7/2019 hbs_reproductive_system_tg


    Nam e ________________




    from The Hu man Body System Series

    1998 AGC/ United Learning

    1560 Sherman Av., Suite 100 Evanston, IL 60201 1-800-323-9084 Fax 847-328-6706www.agcunitedlearning.com e-mail: [email protected]

    The Female Reprod uctive System

    Directions: Put the w ords from the b ox at the bottom of the p age on the lines in th e diagram of th

    female reprod uctive system.


    uterus Fallopian tube ovary vagina



  • 8/7/2019 hbs_reproductive_system_tg


    Nam e ________________




    from The Hu man Body System Series

    1998 AGC/ United Learning

    1560 Sherman Av., Suite 100 Evanston, IL 60201 1-800-323-9084 Fax 847-328-6706www.agcunitedlearning.com e-mail: [email protected]

    The Men strual Cycle

    Directions: Use the word s from the box at the b ottom of the page to fill in th e blank s in the fol-

    lowing paragraph . Not all the words in the box will be u sed in th e selection. Some words w ill

    used m ore than once.

    uteru s sp erm cell fertilization blood menstru ation

    32 28 cycle fallopian tube ovulation ovary vagi

    An importan t change dur ing adolescence for a female,

    is the beginning of a monthly cycle to prepare th e

    uteru s to receive and nourish a p ossible fertilized egg.

    This monthly cycle is called the menstrual cycle. Ap-

    proximately every ____ days, an egg is released from

    one of the ______ and begins to travel dow n th e

    ___________ _____. The _______ alternate the releaseof eggs. One m onth , the left _____ releases an egg, an

    the n ext month, the right _______ takes its turn. The

    release of an egg from an ovary is referred to as

    ____________. During th is time, the ______ has been

    und ergoing changes. The w alls of the _______ fill wit

    _________ and become th icker. If the egg that travels

    through the __________ ____ becomes fertilized by a

    ______ ______, then the egg will implant itself in the

    lining of the _________ and begin the p rocess of devel-

    opm ent, wh ich can lead to new life. If the egg isn't

    __________, it will break down an d leave the bod ywith the used _______ and tissue that had collected in

    the ________ wall. The blood and tissue leave th e

    bod y through th e ________ over an average ___ -day

    period of time. This is called ___________.


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