hcaibaneorboon semi-finals presentation

URL: http://hciaibaneorboon.wordpress.com / A.I. Bane or Boon by Au Wei Hoe, Seah Jia Jun, Zane Wong, Ren Yuqi Hwa Chong Institution

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Post on 20-Aug-2015




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A.I. Bane or Boon by Au Wei Hoe, Seah Jia Jun, Zane Wong, Ren Yuqi

Hwa Chong Institution

Given that cytrons are not going to protect the rights

of humans, In what ways might we minimize the

possibility of Artificial intelligence taking over a large

aspect of human life so that the pressures of such

artificial intelligence are not impinged upon the year

2042 and beyond?

Fundamental problem

Colour codes







10 solutions

Solution 1FP

Given that cytrons are not going to protect the rights of humans, In what ways might we minimize the possibility of Artificial intelligence taking over a large aspect of human life so that the pressures of such artificial intelligence are not impinged upon the year 2042 and beyond?


To appeal to the government to all robot-making companies to limit the abilities of robots from all parts of the world given a month’s notice so that the robots would not be able to take over the humans

Research 1A robot cannot accomplish any task if it lacks the programming by a human, similar to the computer. Regardless of what type of robot it is, whether it is the standard artificial intelligence (AI), developed on a serial processor, or a much newer type that is a parallel-series type imitates closely to the human’s brain structure. Just as we can influence other humans, we could do the same for robots by programming them. Modern examples where a robot is sent to war to be detonated as a bomb on the enemy’s side, it would stop once the task is completed as it was programmed to do so.


Solution 2FP

Given that cytrons are not going to protect the rights of humans, In what ways might we minimize the possibility of Artificial intelligence taking over a large aspect of human life so that the pressures of such artificial intelligence are not impinged upon the year 2042 and beyond?


To appeal to the all citizens of all countries to be independent with themselves from all parts of the world given a year’s notice so that there would not be a need for robots to take care of humans and thus reduces interaction between robots and humans.

There are many examples of which a person can be independent and not rely on the use of robots. Such examples are:

-Accept yourself. -Believe in yourself.-Accept the world. -Become emotionally independent. -Rely upon yourself for the motivation and the drive. -Be your own hero. -Be there.-Become financially independent. -Don't settle. -Leave your friends and family at home.

Research 2

-Plan your day around you, not anyone else. -Realize and accept that life sometimes seems not fair-Try not to care what others think. -Don't gossip. -Be yourself. -Love everyone. -Let people love you. -Start on a career path. -Have a passion in life-Don't just think that you're the best; prove it to yourself-Sign up for a bank account. -Save money. -Dump the bad influences in your life. -Take things lightly.


Solution 3FP

Given that cytrons are not going to protect the rights of humans, In what ways might we minimize the possibility of Artificial intelligence taking over a large aspect of human life so that the pressures of such artificial intelligence are not impinged upon the year 2042 and beyond?


To appeal to the government to impose tax on people carrying goods regarding to A.I. , into the country given a week’s notice so that there would not be a reduction of market needs of artificial intelligence.

Research 3

A sales tax is usually paid by the customer upon

purchase of an item. The percentage of the price would

be calculated to be added to the original price of the


Sales taxes are usually imposed on sales of goods.

Advantages that a sales tax generally has over other

forms of taxation are that it is not easy to avoid, and not

complicated to calculate and collect. Such taxes are

imposed to deter people from purchasing or using a

certain product for various reasons so that there would

be a decrease in the demands of the people as they are

not willing to pay more for the product.


SolutionTo push out rehabilitation for the technology addicts to take up in the country over the period of a year from screening to treatment to post-rehab, so that they are no longer addicted to the technology they are using

Solution 4FP

Given that cytrons are not going to protect the rights of humans, In what ways might we minimize the possibility of Artificial intelligence taking over a large aspect of human life so that the pressures of such artificial intelligence are not impinged upon the year 2042 and beyond?

Steps:1. Screening of background( research of patient) - Find out background information of addicted individual, anything that could affect his rate of recovery:- Abuse history-Mental Health/Physical Health/Present Health-Influences/Stressors

2. Determine type of treatment-outpatient( more freedom, frequents check-ups) -inpatient( less freedom, in-house monitoring)

3. Post-rehab/ monitoring of patient-re-enters society but under supervision for six months

Research 4

To suggest a replacement for the habit of internet immersion for internet addicts to stop their addiction, in the country over a period of 2 months for habit development and alternative habit seeking so that the addicts are not overly indulging in Internet usage.

Solution 5FP

Given that cytrons are not going to protect the rights of humans, In what ways might we minimize the possibility of Artificial intelligence taking over a large aspect of human life so that the pressures of such artificial intelligence are not impinged upon the year 2042 and beyond?


-A case study of how replacement is possiblehttp://www.allaboutaddiction.com/addiction/replacement-therapy-addiction-treatment-makes-sense

-Dr Phil( renowned and certified practitioner) suggest too that this habit replacement for addiction is a viable and most suitable solution

Steps:1)Introduction of a suitable hobby for the victim; 2)Then the process of habit development, whenever theDesire to do it surfaces, introduction of hobby comes in.

Research 5

Solution 6

To set up an organisation( Artificial Intelligence Control Authority) to screen and deem the product of any company clear of any possible resulting in addiction all around the world for the next ten years to prevent any products that may result in addiction to be on the market and harm the people in the future.


Given that cytrons are not going to protect the rights of humans, In what ways might we minimize the possibility of Artificial intelligence taking over a large aspect of human life so that the pressures of such artificial intelligence are not impinged upon the year 2042 and beyond?

A.I.CONTROL Authority

Proven effectiveness of the FDA which would be modeled on for the AICAhttp://www.medicalprogresstoday.com/spotlight/spotlight_indarchive.php?id=1290

-Encourages consumers to report problems to them via phone or though the website.-Keep a watchful eye over the advertisements by companies that manufacture A.I. on any media source.Step 1: Testing on Non-addicted IndividualsStep 2: Testing on Different Levels of Addicted PeopleStep 3: Overall/Evaluation of results

Research 6

Public awareness

To push out a string of implementations to cultivate public awareness on the banes of technology for the public in a year all over the globe so that they steer away from the technology and avoid being addicted to it.

Solution 7FP

Given that cytrons are not going to protect the rights of humans, In what ways might we minimize the possibility of Artificial intelligence taking over a large aspect of human life so that the pressures of such artificial intelligence are not impinged upon the year 2042 and beyond?

Implementations: -a criterion for the people to refer to which will be pastedOn the product to inform on the chances of addiction -advertisements on the banes of it on various medias and forms eg. Bookmarks, flyers, pamphlets


-Grading addictionWe would grade the people and classify them based on the hours of Non-essential websurfing a day over three months. - <1hr-not addicted - 1hr-6hr of non-essential web surfing-mildly addicted - >6hr- addicted from research by Addiction -Grading product-grades would be across five levels;1-very low,2-low,3-average, 4-susceptible,5-highly susceptible. We would be calculating the increase in percentage of time spent for the various groups:Level 1-0-20%, Level 2-21-40%,level 3-41-60%, level 4-61%-80%, level 5-80%>

Research 7

Solution 8

To have an alternative place to live away from Earth and the impacts on A.I for some of the public for a year all over the globe so that the people will do away with A.I. for a period of time.


Given that cytrons are not going to protect the rights of humans, In what ways might we minimize the possibility of Artificial intelligence taking over a large aspect of human life so that the pressures of such artificial intelligence are not impinged upon the year 2042 and beyond?

Alternative living

Many scientists have researched about the possibilities of living in space and they have come up with three ideas. Namely : a space station , the Moon and Mars. Although a space station may not be able to occupy everyone, it is still a good idea to start with. Scientist make use of space station to check and experience the possibility of living in space. Form there, scientists would require lesser fuel to go to space and this increases the possibilities as there are more chances of finding an alternative living. This operation would therefore start with moving people into space together with the supplies to support human life

Research 8


Solution 9

To ban the production of A.I. for all robot-making companies given notice of a year from all over the globe so that the people have no chance of A.I. in their lives.


Given that cytrons are not going to protect the rights of humans, In what ways might we minimize the possibility of Artificial intelligence taking over a large aspect of human life so that the pressures of such artificial intelligence are not impinged upon the year 2042 and beyond?

Banning A.I.

Research 9

Many researchers would have found out about he many problems with A.I. and would have found ways to try to solve the issues and to have a way for the people to have an alternative source of help. However, many companies continue the production of such robots, thus, there could be an alternative to ban all the artificial intelligence before any negative impacts can take place.

Solution 10

To impose license tax on the use of artificial intelligence for all citizens from each country given notice of a month so that people will refrain from using A.I.


Given that cytrons are not going to protect the rights of humans, In what ways might we minimize the possibility of Artificial intelligence taking over a large aspect of human life so that the pressures of such artificial intelligence are not impinged upon the year 2042 and beyond?

Research 10

Many companies have developed license tax for usage of materials and resources including Artificial Intelligence, also known as robots. These platforms are rapidly growing and there can be more of such taxes in future for such usage of the robots. These taxes can be imposed on other countries in future or set up as a United Nations Treaty




Easiest to maintain

Least manpower

Least supplies

Needs most comm. items

Most eco-friendly

Most feasible

safest Most accepted

Limit robots 8 5 7 7 1 1 2 8 8 7

Independence 6 7 3 4 7 5 10 2 5 6

Shipping tax 10 2 8 9 9 4 8 6 5 3

rehab 4 8 5 1 8 7 5 3 7 5

Habit replace 7 6 4 3 3 9 3 4 6 8

Control authority

1 4 10 8 6 6 7 10 10 9

Public awareness

5 10 1 2 2 10 4 6 9 10

Alternative living

3 3 2 5 5 2 1 1 1 1

Ban A.I. 2 9 6 6 4 8 9 9 8 4

License tax 9 1 9 10 10 3 6 7 4 2













To push out rehabilitation for the technology addicts to take up in the country over the period of a year from screening to treatment to post-rehab, so that they are no longer addicted to the technology they are using

Steps:1. Screening of background( research of patient) 2. Determine type of treatment; outpatient or inpatient 3. Post-rehab/ monitoring of patient

(PLS note that this problem is based on logic and proposed steps so research has Been left out for time on elaboration and the info on the next slide is for reference)


Step 1: Background InformationFind out background information of addicted individual, anything that could affect his rate of recovery: E.g.Abuse history (How much has he been addicted to A.I and for how long?)Mental Health/Physical Health/Present Health (Find out all health records of addicted individual, whether mental of physical. Does he suffer from any mental disorder? Does he have any chronic diseases? How healthy is he currently both mentally and physically?) Medical needs (Is the patient allergic to certain things? Does he need special accommodation during treatment?)Influences/Stressors (Could the stressors complicate his recovery? Family? Financial Needs? Social problems?)Step 2: Type of treatmentAfter finding out all the information that could affect the recovery of the addicted individual, based on that information, allocate a certain type of rehabilitation to the individual. There are 2 main types of treatment; outpatient treatment and inpatient treatment. Outpatient treatment refers to treatment for individuals that are not extremely addicted and are able to continue living on independently, whose functioning is still sufficient to attend care while living at home. This kind of treatment gives the addicted individual a lot of freedom. He can live as usual but will have scheduled meetings with the therapists and other people who are going to treat him. He may need to submit to random spot checks on his life-style and things like that to ensure his is on the right track.For inpatient treatment, the addicted individual receives less freedom. He is forced to stay in a controlled environment, a place created by the rehabilitation organization for him to live in. He is isolated from the outside world that could trigger his addiction. He is monitored continuously and in the structured environment, he is given treatment. He will be given more and more freedom as time passes with the doctor’s confirmation that he is able to have this amount of freedom without getting addicted again

Step 3: Post-rehabilitationWhen the addicted individual has finally made the replacement a habit, we will let him re-enter society and live his life

independently. But we can’t just completely forget about him. We need to ensure that he stays away from the addiction and does not have a relapse. To do this, we ensure that before letting him leave, he is determined to not have a relapse, meaning that he will put 100% commitment into not getting addicted. 100% commitment means that there are no choices; he simply isn’t going to get

addicted back. This kind of mindset can be ingrained into him during treatment or after the treatment through intensive counseling and persuasion.

Additionally, we will continue to monitor his movement for long period of time, around six months to ensure that there are completely no signs of addiction and that he is living his life well. If the individual exhibits any signs of addiction relapse, he will be

immediately brought back to rehabilitation.


To suggest a replacement for the habit of internet immersion for internet addicts to stop their addiction, in the country over a period of 2 months for habit development and alternative habit seeking so that the addicts are not overly indulging in Internet usage.

A case study of how replacing is possiblehttp://www.allaboutaddiction.com/addiction/replacement-therapy-addiction-treatment-makes-sense

Dr Phil( renowned and certified practitioner) suggest too that this habit replacement for addiction is a viable and most suitable solution

Step 4: ReplacementWhen someone is addicted to something, he isn’t addicted to the act itself, he is addicted to what he gains from the addictive act. For example, smokers are addicted to smoking not because they like breathing in smoke but because

they like the relaxing feeling the nicotine gives them. Hence, to kick this addiction, we need to find a better replacement to what he is addicted to that still achieves the desired effect. In the smoker’s case, that would be

something that allows them to relax. With the parallel of smoking again, a good replacement may be taking a hot bath or watching a comedy, something that relaxes them but is more productive and actually good for them. When people are addicted to A.I. the root cause for it is to make life easier, so they won’t get as tired as easily. Hence, we give the replacement for the thing that they use A.I. for which still makes life easy. For example, if the addicted individual is

addicted to the use of the computer because there is the internet they surf for pleasure. We would propose an alternative to give them pleasure without having to use the internet, such as book reading or dancing or any other

hobby they are interested in. This really depends on the thing they are addicted to and their preferences. A good way to think of a replacement would then be to ask the addicted individual; what he loves doing, what makes him feel

happy, what gives him pleasure?Step 5: Making it a habit

Once you have gotten your replacement, it is not enough to just have a replacement; you need to make it a habit. The key here is to override the urges to do the action of addiction with the new replacement. For example, whenever the

smoker has the urge to take a puff we would immediately make him take a hot bath or watch a comedy. Whenever the addicted individual wants to go on the internet and do mindless surfing, he would immediately pick up a book to read. Our brain works through association. Every time we have the urge to do something and decide to do the replacement,

our brain would instinctively do the replacement the next time we have the same urge. Essentially, we are replacing the bad addiction with a good replacement.

A good way to go about this is the 30 day trial method. We would make people think that they only have to put up with this replacement for 30 days and after that they can return back to the addiction. However, we will NOT allow

them to return to the addiction. But with this mindset, the people will willingly go through all 30 days of the replacement. Studies have shown that it just takes 21 days to make something a habit. Hence, if he can last 30 days of

the replacement, this replacement will would most likely be ingrained into their brains.This process of making it a habit will continue on for as long as it needs to make sure that it really is a habit.

A.I.CONTROL Authority

To set up an organisation( Artificial Intelligence Control Authority) to screen and deem the product of any company clear of any possible resulting in addiction all around the world for the next ten years to prevent any products that may result in addiction to be on the market and harm the people in the future.Proven effectiveness of the FDA which would be modeled on for the AICAhttp://www.medicalprogresstoday.com/spotlight/spotlight_indarchive.php?id=1290

Part 1: The PublicWith the Internet being used widely by marketers to sell their A.I. without any forms of checking if it is safe, the AICA will

also have m extensive to alert and educate the public about risks of being dependent on A.I. It would also point out some of the problems other consumers have run into when using a certain A.I. and they would give advice on how to manage these

problems and what the best course of action would be if anyone of them would run into such problems themselves.The AICA will also keep a watchful eye over the advertisements by companies that manufacture A.I. on any media source. They will ensure that the companies are not giving false information about the A.I. and that they remain truthful. The AICA will also make sure that the advertisements do not incite inappropriate usage by an unapproved age-group and that they

have an adequate explanation on the harms and risks of using that particular A.I. so that people buy these A.I. with an informed choice

The AICA encourages consumers to report problems to them via phone or though the website. Concerned individuals may report problems with A.I. gadgets, companies and other items overseen by the AICA. Quite often this allows the AICA to concentrate its protection efforts and quickly issue alerts if a certain item is reported more than once. It also alerts the investigative staff to check into the problem and if necessary require a manufacturer recall of the item in question and

investigation would be carried out immediately.

Part 2: Approval Process/ InvestigationsWhen a consumer sends a complaint about a certain gadget or when a new gadget is being release, these procedures will

take place to check if the gadget is safe for consumers.Step 1: Testing on Non-addicted Individuals

In this step, we will let some individuals who have been screened and confirmed to not be addicted to A.I. to try out these gadgets for a period of time. Then we will see how long it takes for him to show any signs of addiction to it and

from there calculate how addictive it is. Based on our model (Refer to Model on Level of Addiction) we will decide if it is safe enough to be used by layman consumers.

Step 2: Testing on Different Levels of Addicted PeopleNow that we have confirmed if it is safe on normal people, we need to see whether it is relatively safe for

already addicted people of varying levels. We conduct the same testing just on 3 other groups of people. Mildly-addicted people, averagely-addicted people and highly addicted people. We then see the time period before they start showing

symptoms of being addicted to the new gadget and based on our model (Refer to Model on Level of Addiction), we conclude whether it is safe enough to be used by addicted individuals.

Step 3: OverallAfter all of the testing has been done, a group of experts from the AICA will come together to review the

product and study all the tests that have been done on it and with their expertise, finally decide whether it can be marketedPart 3: Model on Levels of Addiction

We have 3 different models for 3 different groups of people to decide whether it is safe for them. The most widely used one is the one for non-addicted individuals. However, there are those for mildly-addicted individuals, averagely-addicted

individuals and highly-addicted individuals

Public awareness

To push out a string of implementations to cultivate public awareness on the banes of technology for the public in a year all over the globe so that they steer away from the technology and avoid being addicted to it.

Implementations: -a criterion for the people to refer to which will be pastedOn the product to inform on the chances of addiction -advertisements on the banes of it on various medias and forms eg. Bookmarks, flyers, pamphlets

Grading the addiction(across 3 months): <1hr-not addicted 1hr-6hr of non-essential web surfing-mildly addicted >6hr- addicted from research by Addiction Medicine Centre, General Hospital of Beijing Military Region, Beijing China and2 Chinese PLA 254 Hospital, Tianjin, China(Tao, R., Huang, X., Wang, J., Zhang, H., Zhang, Y. and Li, M. (2010), Proposed diagnostic criteria for internet addiction. Addiction, 105: 556–564. doi: 10.1111/j.1360-0443.2009.02828.x)

grading the product:the grades would be across five levels;1-very low,2-low,3-average, 4-susceptible,5-highly susceptible

we would be calculating the increase in percentage of time spent for the various groups:Level 1-0-20%, Level 2-21-40%,level 3-41-60%, level 4-61%-80%, level 5-80%>