hcmbok® training and certification program...•hcmbok® structure. typical phases of the change...

HCMBOK® Training and Certification Program www.hucmi.com Qualified Education Provider™ (QEP™) of the Association of Change Management Professionals® (ACMP®) ®

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Page 1: HCMBOK® Training and Certification Program...•HCMBOK® Structure. Typical phases of the change •P projects and the macroactivities of the HCMBOK® EXECUTION •CarryOuttheProjectKick-OffEvent

HCMBOK® Training and Certification Program


Qualified Education Provider™ (QEP™) of the Association of Change Management Professionals® (ACMP®)


Page 2: HCMBOK® Training and Certification Program...•HCMBOK® Structure. Typical phases of the change •P projects and the macroactivities of the HCMBOK® EXECUTION •CarryOuttheProjectKick-OffEvent

Learning Objectives:

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Who should attend: Certification and Credits

Project Managers Change Managers

IT Professionals HR Professionals PMOs MembersChange Leaders

Continuous Improvement ProfessionalsDepartment Heads

The various levels of Certification are obtained after in-class training, live online training or recorded online classes, through HCMBOK® self-study, followed by passing a certification assessment, which consolidates the knowledge in HCMBOK®.

T h e H C M B O K ® i s a g u i d e comprising of methodology, a set of practices and tools that can be linked to the typical phases of any p r o j e c t m a n a g e m e n t methodology.

Conceived with a crowdsourcing concept, it is an open guide developed through collaborative construction by countless people from many different countries and c u l t u r e s , t h e H C M B O K i s a n evergreen book in continuous evolution.

Take the on-line assessments to earn the credentials:

HCMBOK® 3G Practitioner

HCMP® 3G Expert Professional

24 PDUs to PMI®

24 Hours to ACMP® - Certified Change Management

Professional™ (CCMP™) Program











hcmbok 3gPractitioner

hcmp 3gExpert


hcmbok Master


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Courseware: Applications:

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HCMBOK® Training and Certification Program

Program Agenda

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HCMBOK®A Guide to Addressing Human Factors

in Project Management

Initiation and Planning



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MODULE I - HCMBOK® 3G Practitioner

INTRODUCTION                                             • A New Era in the Management of the Human Factor in Projects.• Is Change So Difficult?•E ffects of Change on the Workforce.•W hat Has Changed in the Change Processes?•S eamless Integration Between Change and Project Management. • Change Strategies.• Imposed Changes.• Participatory Changes.• The Players Involved in a Change.•M odels of Performance of Change Managers.• Change Management Objective.• Importance of the Strategic Approach to Change Management.• Project Management or Organizational Transformation?• HCMBOK® Structure.

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Typical phases of the change

projects and the macroactivities of


EXECUTION• Carry Out the Project Kick-Off Event•A ssess Organizational Impacts•P lan and Execute Learning and Acquired Knowledge Management •F eed the Project’s Risk Map •C on�rm the Stakeholders’ Futures in the Post-Project Phase •P lan a Gradual Demobilization of the Project Team •D e�ne Roles and Responsibilities for the Production Phase •D e�ne Indicators to Evaluate Readiness for the Change

PROJECT INITIATION AND PLANNING• De�ne and Prepare the Sponsor of the Project •H old a Working Session to Align and Mobilize Leaders•D e�ne the Project’s Purpose and Identity•M apping and Classifying Stakeholders•A ssess Characteristics of the Organizational Culture and Its Effects on the Change Efforts•D e�ne the Roles and Responsibilities of the Project Team•P repare the RACI (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and Informed) Matrix•D e�ne the Project Organization Chart•A djust the Physical Environment to the Project Needs•P lan the Team’s Assignment and Development•T eam’s Assignment and Post-Project Assignment•D e�ne and Implement Preliminary Training•A ssess the Predisposition to Changes and Their Impacts•M aturity to Deal with Loss•T he Team’s Level of Con�dence•I dentify Alternatives for Knowledge Management•E stablish the Change Management Action Plan•P lan the Project Kick-Off•D evelop the Change Management Strategic Plan

ACQUISITION       • Plan the Human Aspects of the Acquisition Process•A ssess Risks of Cultural Clashes between Vendors and the Team •D e�ne the Team’s Additional Technical Training Needs•M ap Vendors’ Leadership Styles•V alidate Roles and Responsibilities (RACI Matrix) with Vendors•P lan Vendors’ Integration into the Organizational Culture

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IMPLEMENTATION • Assess Stakeholders’ Readiness and Con�dence to Implement the Project•E nsure All Leaders’ Commitment to the Implementation•H old the Implementation Decision Meeting•C ommunicate the Result of the Implementation Decision Meeting

CLOSING• Execute Gradual Demobilization of the Project Team•R ecognize Team and Individual Performances•R eview and Document Lessons Learned •E nsure Preparation of Users to Train New Collaborators•E nsure Preparation of the Maintenance and Support Team in the Post-Project Phase•E nsure Adequate Reassignment of Project Members •C elebrate Wins and Goals Achieved

PRODUCTION (POST-IMPLEMENTATION)• Ensure Change Sustainability

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Expert Professional

Plan and Manage Communication

Create Team Spirit and Carry OutReinforcement Dynamics

Encourage Participatory Processes

Manage the Environment—Con�icts,Motivation, Stress, and Behaviors

Encourage Creativity and Innovation

Manage Stakeholder Engagement

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• Effects of the Organizational Culture in the Change Management Approach•P lan and Manage Communication•C oncepts of empathic communication – using brain dominance•C reate Team Spirit and Carry Out Reinforcement Dynamics•E ncourage Participatory Processes•M anage Con�icts•M anage Motivation•M anage Stress•M anage Behaviors•E ncourage Creativity and Innovation•M anage Stakeholder Engagement•M anage Stakeholder Resistances and Antagonisms•E ssential Competencies for Change Leaders

MODULE II - HCMP® 3G Expert Professional

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THE HUCMI®• The organization of training in Change Management that most grows in the world.

•I n less than �ve years, its Training Center network reached 27 countries of 5 continents, with all courseware in Portuguese, Spanish and English.

•I s a Quali�ed Education Provider™ (QEP™) of the Association of Change Management Professionals® (ACMP®).

THE HCMBOK® • The only guide structured in activities that addresses change management in a simple and objective way, easy to be understood and applied by professionals from all areas.

•I t applies advanced techniques for stakeholder engagement management, but also to deal with resistance and antagonism.

•P rofessionals from more than 1.300 organizations have been trained in the HCMBOK® Training and Certi�cation Program.

Why should you attend the HCMBOK® Training and

Certification Program?

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The HCMBOK® Training and Certi�cation Program is offered in three major modalities:

•I n-class training, (traditional classes) •L ive online training, (e-learning)

•R ecorded online classes (traditional e-learning)

Register on the HUCMI website to know the latest in Change Management
