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  • 8/7/2019 HDR_2003_2_7



    Since 1992 some 135 countries have usedcountry-owned processes to produce more than450 national and regional human developmentreports. Many of these reports present data dis-aggregated along gender, ethnic, age, race, ge-ographic or other lines, enabling deeper analysis

    of country-specific causes of inequality andpovertyand sometimes revealing systemic dis-crimination and serious deprivations. The re-ports have become crucial sources of the mostrecent disaggregated country data, contribut-ing to policy strategies for advancing and toolsfor measuring progress on human development.The following examples show what the reportscan help achieve: Since 1997 Brazil has calculated the human

    development index (HDI) annually for each ofits more than 5,000 municipalities. In responsethe state of Minas Gerais introduced the RobinHood Law, which allocates a proportion of tax

    revenues to municipalities that rank low on theHDI and other indicators. Nepals 2001 human development reportused extensive disaggregated data that revealedsignificant inequities in the distribution of re-sources and opportunities, leading the report

    to conclude that weak governance is at the rootof disappointing outcomes in poverty reduc-tion. The report found that life expectancy av-eraged 51 years in the most disadvantagedcastesand 63 years for the Newar ethnic group. Egypts annual human development reportsdisaggregate socio-economic, environmental,demographic and other indicators for each of thenations 26 governorates. These data and thereports findings form the basis for yearly meet-

    ings of the countrys governors to jointly exam-ine disparities and identify policy responses. Lithuanias 2000 report analysed urban-ruraldisparities in human development. Disaggregated

    data for key indicators sucide, employment and edurural Lithuanians are losintain themselves with traditionno alternative, productive, suhave emerged. The report w

    could undermine social coh Namibias human deveexamined human poverty bHDI across language groution reveals high human among predominantly Eurowho speak Afrikaans, Englivery low levels among the Sfindings have led to targhealth, education and job c

    Disaggregated data fravailable online at http://bia.edu/hdr/. (To view naopment reports online, see h

    BOX 2.7

    Disaggregated data within countries: national human development reports

    Source:Human Development Report Office, National Human Development Report Unit.