he baily car1191 - ocr.lib.ncsu.edu · doorto look at them. could xee them drinking igaxpl beer...


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Page 1: he Baily Car1191 - ocr.lib.ncsu.edu · doorto look at them. could xee them drinking Igaxpl beer Iitid eating Ioodx with (in.pr IIIt III them and xereaming III thexe Incredibly thick

I)I“ \I‘.l!'\ III I'IIIIIII‘Iat IIIIrI‘IlIImII'I I/I'II l.‘ I’I...II.Ii IIII, I; ., I I... III/Ir,

Sophomore Brian Gayehopes to penetrate intothe student government—- underdog style.

Bi' Eiiox Ht nxoxBBC Beat Writer\x .I (IIIIIIII Irineh. ‘II‘x'vpourid\yeakItIIg. lIrIari (iaye Iloexn‘t exactlyxtr‘tke you ax being that IIiIIei‘ent li’oittIIIIIxt III the ginx oti eampiix. In laet. Itwould probably be xIIIe tII xay that tIIIpercent III the guy x at I‘III'IIIIIIII tend IIIIII tlie “(Bay e" pei'xona.lillI there'x xIIriietliIiIg about thix(iaye IIIIII xtIIiile otit Iroiii IIII the otherguy x on L'tllllpllx Something. .xpeeial.\ ex. (iaye Ix indeed "xpeelal N IIII'lie Ix running Ioi‘ the nioxt eIIIetedpoxition iii the xtIiIIeIIt bodygmerriirient xttIIlent body prexident.\tiIl tInIIIrtIIIIIItely lor (iaye. hexcurrently in the underdog poxitioii.lighting .In tipliill IIIIttIe .Igamxt theIIllIt‘l‘ c‘ttlltlttlalex lItt' llle IUl‘.(iaye wouldn't take It arty other way."I eiitoy being In thix poxitiori."Iiaye xaIIl “My whole lite l'ye beendoing it thIx \\.I\. and I don't xee whythe rat e lot Slil’ xliotiIII changeanything. In tact. I Ielixli theopportunity III giye It anything hegot while I‘m rip Iigaiiixt the wall."\Iid It‘x a pretty big wall that (iaye\\Ill be tip IIgIIIIIxt ’l't‘i l)elt xIIr’IIrttyIIIeIIIbei’ \IIIIy litcli Ix I tIIIeIitlyahead. according to the IiItIIIIii.II polltaken by the IIIII tliIx week. holdinga t’itllllllItllIllllL‘ lead III the rich IlaIldy-xuppor‘ted xegineiit III tlie population.Ilet' propoerI policy III repainting allparking \l‘.Ik\'\ IIII eaIIIpIIx to

aecommodate l‘orIIe I‘\\'Ul'\lttli\ ixgaining Ii IIII ol la\IIr IIIIIIIngxt nioxt IIIthe xtudeiit body.But that doexn‘t phaxe (iaye any.lIe‘x tliruxtrng Ioi'ward with liixeIIiIipIIIgii III recruit more and morexiipporterx. whom Ire retei'x III ax"(iaye Men and \hIIIiieii,” And itnothing elxe. he hopex III xiiriply helpthoxe "(iayex" eome to the reaII/ationIII what tliey‘te been denying IIII thixtime: that they ‘re (iay e Men/Women."I tliitik a lot III people on this\‘lllliplh are al‘raid to ‘Illsl come out."(iaye mid. "and Iaee Iaetx: I‘m theirIIIIIII. .\ xIIIIIig. IIIreeItil than who willhe xiire to do thIIng lIIr them while IIIIIIIiee. Sure. there'll be It lot III giyeIiiid take iiiIoIIed. pei'liapx more giyethaii take III Iirxt; all people iiigoy erniiient iiitixt deal with that. ButI‘m willing III bend Iwer tor my peopleand w Ill go III the mat tor them."(iaye ix alxo III\ettiig the athleticone out there. trying III proye that hektiowx II thing or two about gettingpliy xIeIil III tIie eompany III men.“'l‘heie'x nothing I enjoy more thatitaking III an exhilarating game IIItackle IIIIIthIIIl with iin tnendx." (iayexaid. “’l'her'e‘x _Iiixt onIiethmg abotitbeing hit II'IIni behind by onIieonewith IIII III hix Ioiee while xIIirIeIineelxe tI'Iex III grab your ball. I‘m gettingI'IItIiei' hot iiixt lliiiikrrig about II. III tellyou the tnrtli."Without Ii doubt. (Faye has proventhat Iie hIix plenty III Hair. And .ny le..\Iid II kriaek IIII' Interior IleeoI‘IItmg.Hut he'x IIIII here to xhow IIII andpt‘tiriee around. lle'x lier‘e III prIII e that('aroliiia Ix elioek IiilI III "(iaye .\Ienand \\ IIiiieri" that. come election day.will come otit III tone and xtiek II IIIthe traditional xtiident IIIidygm eminent xy xteIII. hard and taxi.

l‘rtIIIII', IIIIItI.Ir\ In. I‘)‘)')oluriievrwho I'arex“. Ixxuer again. who tarex'WEWBWWIMRTMWJWH-I¢.”vi'3'"-.PCHI?“'.I‘2"".‘>‘i$';‘rI‘hHMTLZ“‘§~'e‘v'flasjwF- . .

he Baily Car 1191

J‘ . ‘.',. :-g.'_‘. year;

”I'll R.\~III-I.l I.I:PFRBrian Gaye. a sophomore In Women's Studies. poses for DTH. during a ralley for student government.

During the NBA LocutkoUNC basketball alums foundother means of incomeduring the NBA lockout.BI JIM Ht xI-r RSta“ WrIteI

I‘UI' xIItiIe loIiIiet I NC baxkethallplayer‘x. lite wax rough during theNH.\ lockout. Would-be rIIIIkIex likeVance (‘Iiner arid -\Iita\\ri .IIIiiiixawnwere xtI'IiggliIIg III liiiIl II way toatone. xitiee they were not allowedIII ngii any eontraetx until the laborIlixpitte wax i'exoly edIIII\\I‘\I:I'. Ilit‘xt‘ [Ilgtyetx IIIIIIIII xIIlttL‘L‘III onIie other. more well extIIlIIIxheIII'.\'(' playeix xueIi ax lIIIIIIeI' \ll--\IiIeI'itIIti and \H .\ xttpetxtar\ltt‘lit‘llt' IIIl‘Ilatt“\y e haye .Ilwayx IIeeiI lllxt' .I IaIiIIlyax IIIr lleelx. paxt and piexent."Jordan xIIIIl recently "'I Iiat‘xxonietliiiig tliat (‘oaeh Siiiilt .Ilwayxtaught iix. III come together like alaititly Iltir'irig ttIIIex III IieeII "Carter and .l.IIIiix.IwII certainlylIeiIeIIIeIl Il'tllll the help ol II'IeiIle like.loI'IIatI. Sham l’erkitix and Jerry(‘r'aekhotixtn all who lia\ e II xIIlIIltiiiaiieial baxe III Iielp them during thetime III riII iIIIIIIIIe.Ilowe\ei. the diio III toiwar'dxwouldn‘t liaye had thexe troublex liIIIIIltt‘y tlL‘L‘lthtl III \I;I_\ lll \L'IIINII lll\IL‘IILlIII opting IIII the WI \ dtal‘t IIx Iimiot‘xalter laxt xeaxIIn.“I t‘tllhl xpeak IIIi Vance. btit IliaIeIi't regretted my deeixion once."an eiier'getit‘ .lIIIIIIxIIwII xaitl, “I havebeen with my agent tor ox er IIItIr yearsnow. and I truxt him I think out cameII Ill be worthwhile III the long run.”

I'IiIIIituiiIitely. money Ironi theRam‘x elub booxterx only laxted .xolorig tor the two IIr,xt round drIiItpiekx. lamixawii and (‘arter had IIIliiid other Iiieaiix III Income andemploy IiIeIit beIore an agreement wasreached lIixt week. That'x whereJordan and l’erkirix eIIiIIe III."I tIltlIhI hexItIIte to help them out.".Iordari xaid. "We have always beenthere Ior one another during tInIex IIIneed, I didn't mind It hit. and plus Ineeded the help around the hotixe.".loi‘dan employed the two axIiIIIIrIteiiaIiee workei'x Iit Iiix iIIarIxion.allowing them III eleari III_x can andhome. l’ei'kiiix and ('i'aekhouxe alxohelped. proyidirig II place III xtay orIidd _|obx IIIr Ilietti."It hax been great. We haye beenplaying a lot III ball together andeIerythIIIg." ('artei' .xaid. “Jerry andSham hay e been more thanhoxpitahle. and Michelle ha.x gone or"III liix way III gtye ux work "At .lordan‘x nIIIIixIIIn. the two eoiildbeen xeen on their haiidx and krieexcleaning tIIIletx arid Iloorx. learningthe \aItie III a dollar. And Jordandidn‘t giye them any Ireebies . . theywere working IIIr minimum wage.l’ei‘kinx wax there IIx well. allowingJaiiiixawn to mow IiIx lawn. Iitid(‘raekhotixe gay e Iree xemitiarx IiridIorutiix IIII how III better taunt theopponent"I thought that I wax good III II. butman. ix he good." eyelaimed (‘artetxiIiIaiiioux III the Atlantic (‘IIaxt(‘IiIiIereiiee IIIr liix Iiiitiex. “He takex Itto II whole new leyel. The key Ixi'exeai'ehiiig the opponent. .leriy k’riow'xthings about other player‘x iiiotherxand relattrex that allow him III getIei'y InxtiItIIig and IIIIerixiy e."

DTII Jilly l"..\' III'I‘yII'.Vance Carter no longer has to sweepthe floors of MichelleJordan'sexpanswe mansron.The two haye xtIiyed buxy Whilethe IiiIriiIiIuIri—wage jobs didn't allowthe two III live the “NBA IiIe.xty'Ie" IIIat least three luxury earx. Ii J6! and amanxion. they Iound II way to x‘ury‘iy'e."l wax driying II Forde Excursionwhen I wax a sophomore III L‘NC. xothat'x not that big III a deal. And Carterhad It Range Rover.“ Jamisaw‘n said oIhix “ariiateur” playing day'x Iit (‘hapelIIiIl. "Actually; we're making Iexxmoney now than we ever did III IINC.”“Wait. you‘re not going III print thatare you?"So while we weep tor the guys whowere unemployed dun'rig thexe tryingtimex as NBA players. rest assuredthat two III them were doing Just tine.

Former Hoopsters Survive Rednecks Detected on

Campus, Hunt ContinuesStartling evidence hasprompted Public Safetyto eradicate a new breedof “Rednecks” on campusBI' Jor MI‘CAIII‘HI’HypocriteWhat‘x the one greatest Iear III anyTar Ilell thexe day'x‘.‘Running otit III Eyian'.’ Blowing IItire on one'.x Iiyeurxion. having noclue whatsoever as III how III change Itflat tire"?No. there Ix a greater fear thateonsumex the niindx III Tar Ilellxthexe dayx It IeIir so great that itehallengex III thIke down the Tar llellxy'xteiii to itx \ery totindation.Redneekx.Where there once xtood II xeeniinglyIiiiperietralIle wall againxt thexebIIxtIIrdx III xIIeIety. (‘arolma nowlindx iterI III the iiiidxt ol an IriyaxiotiIII tliexe tIIIeIIIxxed and unwantediiieIiilIei'x III our world. And the MMxhoeking I'eyelattoii III all. they .reIIeIeIIIping on the “inxide.”There are now IIII road triiekx IIIIeaiiipiix. with gun raekx. \‘RA xtiekerxIitid tiieiiibei'xhip Iagx to huntingxIIeieIiex. that are registered III juniorxand xetiiorxWe know. We'ye checked theirbackgroundsAnd a.x we all know. there i.x IIngoroiis Redneek Screening Program(RSPI that we all must paxx in order IIIenroll. Therel'ore. these aren‘t x‘implytranxplanted Rednecks: they'rehomegrown within UNC w allx."I wax try'ing III study last Mondaynight." a very dixtraught MindySmithson xaid. "w hen all of a .xudderithese guys who were watching

‘wt'extliiig‘ xtai'ted xet'eIiIIIIng III theroom Iieroxx the hall, ()Iie III themxaid. Iiiid I quote. 'SIIIne (‘old.\tixtin'x gonna whoop yo‘ axxl' ltw as III Irrible'“When I peeked my head out thedoor to look at them. could xee themdrinking Igaxpl beer Iitid eating Ioodxwith (in.pr IIIt III them and xereamingIII thexe Incredibly thick xouthernaeeeiitx. I gruxt eui‘led tip underneathIiiy bed IIIIII prayed tor the night toend! ("IIII'I we do anything???“Siriithxori eoneliided.I'ril'ontinately Ior many III ux. thexekmdx oI aeeotintx are Iriereaxing innumber. Laxt week. Public SaIerreeeiy ed II report III xIImeIine xhow Irigtip to hix politieal .xeieiiee elaxx inoyerallx. And not the (‘Iip kind. \‘o. lthexe were utilitarian. working»with—aiiitiialx Iy pe III erallx.The xuxpeet wax quickly w hixkeIlaway and arraigned by the (‘III'IIlitIa.luxtiee Hoard tor inappropriateuIineriny eIInIluet“People need to urider‘xtand thatbeing Ii Redneck doex riot xtr’tetly IIIIIII|\ e racixIII or chewing tobacco."an obyiouxly Ignorant xouree Ior TheOther Side xaid. ”There are \eryniIIIiy Intelligent people out there thatenroy watching Monday NightNitroux or going hunting or doingIIIIIIIIIx other thingx that are classifiedby students at (‘arolma ‘ax thingsRedneekx do.“Whatever.All we know at this point Ix thatthere are Rednecks amongxt Itx, It ixyour job. Itx a eitilen III the Carolinacommunity. to hunt thexe peopledown 7» be it your best Iriend orbrother or xixter — and turn them inimmediately .Do your part, Keep CarolinaRedneek- the


1I‘II I I' I]-.

“I “I. K5123}.x’EuiWAJ't' - I'H‘~'£‘Ii“8’>’- “In:I-V14i.“‘tl‘?:I‘Mtv&oIt-r rind






BI‘ CIIOI’HIII i I St |\ IxAssistant HeaditorThe (‘ap clothing xtoi'e. \\lllL'll haxcarried the Ilag III popular L'IIIIUIU on\kaIIkliri Street loI \eai'x. “Ill beeloxtng itx IIIIIIi‘x III the worms IIIIIIItlIx.('ap eyet‘titiye I) \ et'I’iiIe thetlll‘t‘t'lttl III \UIIIlIk'II\ICIII IIIIL'I‘IIIIIIIH.cited one III the main I‘eaxoiix lot theclown: III a pt'exx utlllt'lHILC Monday“The inIiple laet Ix." Verl’nee xaIIl."that people. xtiIIleiItx expectally. hayextai‘ted to reaIi/e tliat haIiiIg a lot oI'\ery IIIeI‘prIeed ugly clothex dIIein'tmake you It better perxon. although thatix xtill IItIi‘ IIlliI‘Ial eIiIIIpaIIy pIIxItIIIri “(‘ai’olina IIiithIIritiex h.I\ e rexpoiidedIII the newx by IIIiiIixxIng II battalion otriot police and l' S. .»\I'my t'exet'y exnear II‘IIIerIIIty eIIIIII. according to(‘hIIneelIor Mike SIIIIIIIIkeI“VI e Ieel that tltix xittiatiIIII Ix critical.beeaiixe the poxxibility III a I'lttxc'rIItllxale Ix high." he xaid. pointing otit theeyeritx III I)et I‘M" when two (‘apeIIIxeout xIIlex near another tiriI\ei'xityeampiix killed nearly ISII xtiIdentx IIIthe lirxt halt liIIiIr alIItteINC pxyehology protexxoi IIIIaI‘uloy It eoiiipareIl the beliayioralpattertix III thoxe III the atIIII/IIii tree»dwelling monkey. \ylioxe behainIr' IIImating xeaxon eloxely xItIItIlIItex thextttdentx ItIIIIlyeII III the I‘I‘V ( ‘ap notx.Word ol the IiiIIiItiieIIt ('IIp eloxirighax \pt'ead like \yIIIltIi'e through thextudent body III ITNL‘. where onexttident, an Independent. hax alreadybeen killed. The xtIiIIerit e\pr'exxedtlt‘ltglll met the I'IIletI}: III the xtote.xayiiig "Thank god. \IIittika IIaxpreIIIIlI-Il." Iiixt belore he \\.l\ killed.\eeordriig to iini\eixr'y .ttllllllll'xtI'IItorx. the iiitiI'IIeI' Ix iIIIl\ a mix-demeanor; due to II little-known rule Iiithe (‘liapel llell xI.ItIItt-x that xtatexanyone exprexxrng an unpopularopinion. xay trig anything oiitxide III the”UH” or "eoriiIIIiIIIIIatIng through anyIiIeatix an opinion lIeIIl IIx ottenxiye byanyone" ix xubieet to pIiIIIxIIIIIerit bydeath III the liandx III an angry mob\‘y'hile iiIIIxt xtiideritx appeared to beIIiaIIitainIIIg xaiiity IIII the time being.I‘NC t‘lteerleIIIIet' and Kappa Kappa|)iriga Doriga Lambda l‘l'tIIHItllllIUxorority pr'exiderit .laiie Q l'axywarned III the coming danger It the(‘ap doex not rethink Itx deeixion“lake. IIII my god IIlI my god. Il. like.the (‘itp'x \tIIr'e on Skaiikliii Street.like. uni. eloxex and xtuIl. like. therewill like nioxt tiL‘lIlllIL‘l\ be. like. a notand xtutt." .xhe xaid. hammering homeher argument with the .igtvIIlIl eyeprexxion. “like. gag me with a xpooii'"

Hysteria hits campusAs Michellelordan leaves the NBA.reports of suICIde are tricklIng Infrom all over campus Counselorsam standing by at 55% NOW

“/ could havebeen saved. Ifon/yjordan had notdestroyed my lifeby leavmg theNBA. ‘~UNC studentBeer runs dry in ‘Hell’“Top of the Hell" runs out of beerand IS forced to close their doors.Frat Court IS holding a candle lightvrgil for the taps to start running.Tomorrow’s Weather

Cold;Won’t you be there?Weekend: probably cold:look out your window

I bought a house, on a one-way dead-end road. I don’t know how I got there.-- Steven Write

Page 2: he Baily Car1191 - ocr.lib.ncsu.edu · doorto look at them. could xee them drinking Igaxpl beer Iitid eating Ioodx with (in.pr IIIt III them and xereaming III thexe Incredibly thick
Page 3: he Baily Car1191 - ocr.lib.ncsu.edu · doorto look at them. could xee them drinking Igaxpl beer Iitid eating Ioodx with (in.pr IIIt III them and xereaming III thexe Incredibly thick
Page 4: he Baily Car1191 - ocr.lib.ncsu.edu · doorto look at them. could xee them drinking Igaxpl beer Iitid eating Ioodx with (in.pr IIIt III them and xereaming III thexe Incredibly thick

14 liridny. .ltmurir'y l5. ltl‘Hl Janitorial Ehr flarillt Ear l-lrll

Sharif Don’tlikeit I EditorOffice Hour 3 9% l p m. Every other FrLuLiy

http www Lint edu we Lime tstlw

kBorer/0 in

Well. it's that time ol' the yeiu‘.Time for that ye.irly trek to RLdL-igh

Lignrn.to face otrr rryuls in heatedcompetition on the brisketbLill court.Each and eyLry tithe thcsL two tL.rmsmeet you c.tn throw the records outthe window: it is 11 loss tip its to whowill win.Except this )‘L‘tll'.Sudly'. Ttrr Hell t'iins. it Lippe-Lirs this

year that the battle w on't men beclose. Let‘s just face the l‘ticts.’We Suck.We‘ve tlll't‘ddy’ lost l'our glimes. to

the likes of teams that in ptist yeirrsweren't lit to lick the scum ol'l' ourteam-supplied Nikeys. We're heiidiriginto the grime following .1 l.‘1»poirrtloss against Maryland. on ourhomecourt. Lit that.Tar Hells. it does not look good lor

you.And do you know why we .it theDTH Lll‘C jumping ship on our l‘.1i~Hells'.’ Beczlusc ol' the Sliilc l.rrts.that‘s why.Pltllll 11nd srrnple. they kick serious

booty. They‘re dedicated. They ‘rcwell—informed ot goings<on in thecollege basketball community.

0119 Baily Car tr11111M

PullNelsonand hassle Milkinsome IMLLnLiy ELlLLLLLs 7t . ,World Wide Webster Technotrorrie Edition L ‘ 7 . y :

Established 1666 to.Do Mari)1 iéurs of Editor/Lt] l

l..111:LLri.Lt Rage Editorlousy University ldrtor1.1.x. 'LlnLyeisrty Editor‘7L11‘s l‘1‘L’.i‘ Editor_7 1 .7: Art ‘1 ll'.lll0lt(tl Editor\ ‘ \1 L ‘.\'11 1v l11.itlL.1Lrt.tl Editor1 71,, 1.\.‘.‘~ *L.1LL.1.' Ass ‘Ldiltlt1 ' tLleLLL-s_~LLL's\L srL1rL;.ry tdttoi“ . ‘.'~.‘tL:L;-‘.‘.l is Ecl'iit’L. . L..L~L.L_1sLt.LLLLL1 stLiLLL'. Ed torLLLLL.isL- tutor'1lLl"L‘L'V“ 9.17.11s1LLLzL11~ttstL11

\ttLl .L.1. l.ll ll' l “115\lll‘LL ‘ :1L-r thL'rt is .1\l..l1. l ".1t.1L‘ l‘l Rc‘lllttlltlst‘olrsc .1 .. ‘L 1. 11.1. k. and quiteilLlllll‘L . L:~. L still ringing l'rontit it’s Li L; 1111.1 ”Ml l'r'om theltL‘.rl .11.,3 ‘ltL' tL si‘ itl Il lltztl tltll'pl.i_\c1s Ll -: ’s “31 r-.LssL1trt in thetrirLlLllL L1l', L\ly

\lllllk'lll‘s 1‘1 'LL‘L.‘.‘.L .'11 if!Lil]..sl‘- . _. LL. (‘erolinii\\ liy Luili't we get

loud .111d 1 .11LL‘ liLuirio ltomc’\Vhy L.ui t rem-Lite lllLtl s.imc typeL1l ltLtliiL‘L'ottl: .LLl\.1rii. gc tlt.it Slatelti'ls’(lh yc.1l1_ bLLuLsL- .1 srti k .\l.1y (iod

h.i\ c incl. ‘L or 1“.is.\L'll‘.lll tc'.im itsthey \crilrlre 'L-1 ls’ iii-1"“


’HlfiL‘Ls t

For the Record PlayerTuesday 5 [that on 1 ‘e toiletts Ofcartuius was .1 .LLLLLLLLete rust The

proposal “‘21 ysm bathroomsth'llL‘l

Aé.shoulL. he «stale 1‘ .1" 1571:1113 due toth‘eirttruse 11‘:‘.i.11yz>tAliylLlCBealwas derelie Ll ’h1 McBea!st 1',“[S 11"“ . ._ltt Nth?" Cidl'OllllttThe Daily Tar Hell regrets this error

TellMe, Where

are the T r Hell

Protesters?s thingscontinue tobrew in theMiddle liust. I findthe uctrons ol~ riiypeers. or lack thereof. completely LippiillrngWhy aren‘t we protesting" This wiirprovides the perfect opportunity tor us l'.L'Hells to get off our pathetic. worthless. goodtor-nothing. spoiled-rotten. coddledrto.obnoxious. stuck-up. tliirik-tliLit-beL-Liirscwe're~the-oldest-school-iirukesusvthc-w Lscstschool. haughty. tree-riding. (lplllltintllt‘tl.backseat-driving. wunt-to-throwour»opinions-in—where-they—don‘t»belong. tree—hugging. vegetarian. Evian-drinking. Llon‘tvreully-have-a-grusp—oncurrent-L11ems-burrpretend-we-do—uny w 11y asses Lllltl light thiscurrent engagement we h;1\ L1 with the lr.inswith everything we li;1ye.But why. do you ask .’ That's .1 goodquestion. Finding 11 clear 11nd Llel'rniiblc 1L1.isorias to why we should protest thcsc Lictions w illbe tough to do. Bill has it eyer stopped rrsbel'ore‘.’ Hell no.Since we hit the hand that l‘eeLls us bylighting the sweatshop thing w rtli Nikey.there has been little to protest.Sure. we could‘ye protested the supposedactions of Hanson Terrance. our women' ssoccer coach who was reported to buy csexually harassed two. it not morL1.ol hisplayers. For years we‘ye heard stories


The Things That You Can Findin PreSidential Senthurtling him to the dump. Llrsrti.1lAn erstwhile slug, Kenneth

Bar and visions of a semensta'n.

ltl//_\ loiLst1.1|.iLlLw.1sLliiiibrirg lltl thing the. out tillL1l.rllrptrlr.iriprnLLoriL \1111 know,the r'c;1l|y rtrllrrrtcsrrti.:l r1rtrcL1Lanespite a plethorzi ofpropaganda to the ct iritrtiry. lfirmly believe than the punditshave pontrticated much too long onthe late of the president.

it all reminds me of 1111 old story mysculpture professor shared with us inthe beginning of the yeiir.Once there was 11 smurmy slug thritslithered and slipped through the

sillllt‘llltlt‘s sL‘t‘w hen the w rrrLl isis .1 \crLliirtlly greenish 1.'r.-\nyw;1y orrl Llroprrcil th‘ pL‘rrlL LosprneLortL‘. llllmtilltllllltftllll y rungyrrlnLrLrbly s\'1;lllll\ slugconks hint on the Lr.imriirt_ lrlrrrLL-LllL

trickling l‘l‘lttl'lc‘s . ' L; \[llltlt.it llrL‘sc i'L-LL1 s 1.1.11 rd, 1 1 .L L L 1111bL-L'n rliL -1iLl'. 1iLLs llL L1l1 LIiL 11L ss.lrsplLoeLl ’LL L1111 11. LL .1 1 ‘.L1L'1l built to the \.. 1L 11 .l l h 11.;1 1sllll LttlL‘\ths L"\lLlL‘ilL.L' ll ll‘l \ 'l ‘1llLrI'L'L stl" ‘LlLL‘1 l ll\\‘L'll_1111L' ’L‘.l‘ l.l '1 i. l \lHL llilli.il'11t7's r '1" 1‘ 'liL‘l rli "1 ll lLi lr.l» zlt'llt'iti1tliirt: 11 .11 .1'sL 1.1 .11L.._1. 91s slrtLL'llic(ilill \\ r.‘ ‘t L 1L 1 1'l .. l.". L LiL‘IlLLl .11.LL'\\lL1LyL.i:1Li: our-tit t..l‘.Ll?‘..'lLL.;liLlprLyLrilLLl lllL'fl ltL1L': lL1ii1L1 lll."11l11l‘\\\llt‘llthey :1L1l ll! LrileLLtio‘..1LlLloLLitttcrtls LrquLLlto thc ‘LLinpotiu .;LspL‘LILL1ri~ \ tLL'.ill\L"LL‘t'.l1LLLl7\ to the ’rLL LLrlLl .i-'rL'L's t’i.1.r llic.lLllt'l"~ ol \.1LlL‘LL:1‘ ii isLL-r' 1iri.L:Ll.‘Ll .zl:.itl.rc‘k. oiic ll1.1‘. ‘l11LrlLl ll LL11'LLL' ‘1 1:11lllt‘lllll‘v ll lt11l _‘L l‘LanL\nLl \L‘s. we li.1.'1L' plLril L1! LLirr lL‘ilL1L1.btothrs. l.lllls 1s ~-LstLrsLiiLiLi-11311L‘1sLLL'rsc.is.loirig llli'lt iL1l1 L'llL 111. -! itLL \ k-LLL-LL ItLLL1.rclyrrrg L1ril. L11; the s11. it;1rli our support L1lrli. li l1ielh‘ ~LL ;-. L‘ :LLLLrLL holp tlLL-rii tlt.ikcil tl11L111:'li 1'L’1L 1 ~11 lLL'.111L'~ L1.lLL'lilliL-y L.Lri llll.ll~.L‘ ll 5.113211 ‘11, ll'. '111 lLl'L‘l ll .'i‘L .' 'L’L L1llirl ‘1Lli..L 'lLL-3 lint-L t..r.'l-- be the onlyll'llt‘ lll -1LLt L 1'1. . 1tLL11~ when use ..‘L't l11ll‘L'lll bus .1. 1.11-1 sLLtiLLlliirL: .irr'Lllritt1.'the -‘11‘ ‘ll 11 HI L111." \11 l 111;: \Htll l‘ill‘llLl iicn.\ ( l1s. -=LLl [11LL. Lori: posters ll'sllllrL'lilldlsL11‘lllllr'11lll11\.11 \\L' kll11\\ lli1‘L\

I121) J.\R(L().\..l T UFLMN ‘l’tl'


(lttL1_l..t1.1shL llr‘rlrsli .icccnt.ic.1ll\ btrsy\L’lt.tllllL.11ttlsL‘lL1li.tllyll‘sl‘LIlltl thi- "l.l\sL‘L‘ll LlL1ls. KL‘ll l“

(iL‘l tl'lllt' srir.iinryKenneth lSLrt't.[‘lllt't I'llt‘it \\l' lr

Erek Roach, newdirectorof UNC's P 0 Safety...

...as chief of campus security,I've decided to make a slight

change in UNC's policingstructure so that even Trustee's

l he slug. .1 little shitkcrt but stillrcl.1liycly unlcttcrcd. looks .1l tltcprriccorie Lind stiy s. w itli :1 h'Lu‘sh".L\lr. cut throt\y'oolrL-s. which is busy. likestiy.\h. hc.1Ll lor the shore. itsit 11.111 .1 bench near the dole ollicetlt.it double terrspot l'eels good in111.1 pL1.ikrr. likt‘\;t_\ opens 11 lcw rtiitirlhc president is. ol' course.sw.ir'thy slug,ll‘itlL‘L'tl. ls lltL‘lhc rrrc1Lcr'L‘ritrL1nt

children are affected...

Give Us MoreNational Newsll) l'lll' l’lH'l‘UR: !llt. llo\\ Ltl't‘ you (loud.the reiisori l'm w rrlirig this letter is toLiLlLlicss .1 problem wrtlr the l);1r|y lurllcll: You need to go till the \\;l_\ wrtlryour lldllUtllll coy eriige.he noticed in .1 tlt.irorily ol' the issuesol' the Hill (er1 see thirl you usuiilly rim ‘:1 story .rboirt irrirroniil eyerits on the troutpirge and lend to till up 11 m.1iority ot' theinside L1l your pnper with ri;1tron.1l stul't. lLis \ycll \riLl tlirnk tlt.it‘s gr'etrt rL‘Lillycriioy rL-.iLlrng lor' lrcc er'trclcs t.ikcn lann 7other lrcwsl‘LII‘L‘lsL tlt.it l would otherwise Vh.iy L‘ to pay lot i on guys eryc \il\L'tl me.1 lot ol money 111 ”Ml reg.itd..1nd l th.uikyou lot lllilllint nty compltirnt rsth.1l there‘s too ‘much "other sltlll. surrounding yourn;il1on.i| .irtrcles. \er1 know. lrkL llrtltytLerr'rt;1lrsrtilli.Ll tends to distract lrorri lliLic.ill\ hLLrLl core rotirrt.ilrsrrr lll.ll we li.1\c.tll LttlllL' ll‘ lil\L‘tric.1n. i don't rL‘.illy rtchltL1rc.iLlLL\Ltgtlt' .tlltl l.tl_1.'cly lllLLtllctL‘lll slitty LilhIlllsoriiclhriig tlt.it h.ippcns on this boring.iriil lrlL‘lcss L‘eritplis when there's .in ‘engugrtig story .‘ll‘ltllll somethingh.ipperirrrg outside in the Kiwi. worldright new to it\o my propos.1l is to rust get rid ol theotllt'l slull .iriLl 111.1ke .i pLipcr strictly onrL.itiL1ri.tl cyents \ on guys irrLikc .l polrrtol putting so much ol it in your piper.iilyy\.i_\. why itot itist publish .1111.ittLrLpLchr ol wirL stL111LsLiitLlrrIL1kL. ”it 1. s1.-tis hLippy’

must be typed.stapled.

lr‘I-vcl ‘y. (“7.Slslllfs

t \lllll.rrol lrkc.tlrcnr.

DeptliL'srLlL‘s. lllll s.r'\c you .1 lot L1l lrtritlL-ss [(y llll lllllllly'\\i1ll\. lttLi \s .lll .tllllL‘lL‘ .11 l

/\)ll /\\ thlti'llt/Il/l \\thllil g‘l\t' lllt'Sophomore

Busrness “”"\Klllt'lpl.1). sports lot l

Why Don’t WeCamp Out forTickets?

it) till lltt'rtikthlls‘ lllls lL‘llL‘l \\.is thL'lLIlL‘Ll lltllll .tlltL‘ssngL' \\L' lL‘L'L‘HL‘il Ltll tilll' you C IllLtll ll h llL‘llo’ I heard :1 bccp. ll.is lhctriL'LssigL sl.irtLd yLl \VLll. l'll lust. itli.st. in tilkrng then |11irLss.l it. my LornplLtrnt is tlt.it we don't. like.Lgimp out Lind stull tor tickets 'l'o Lbasketball grintes. I menu. I rkc. w .1sw titchrng the news the other day ;1ndlllL‘l'L‘ \\ L‘lt‘ plL‘tlll‘L‘s ol. llkL‘. lllL' SlLllL‘ l.ll‘.sL.1rnpirrgoul. lot trckcls .1nLl sttrlll tliirtk llr;1t's like. ric.rt Lind sttrll Whydon't we c.itrtp orrt' l irrc.1ir yc.ih. w cLlor1‘t lr.1\c.'1llth;1trirzirty l.1r1s who grye .1trirkcr's Ll.1mrt Libout sports on tltrs 1‘L.1inptis;tnLlslull. but. like. l lhrrrk rl welr.iLl .1 c.1ntpout we might beL1b|c to. l lthtrriio. rrrLlyhc h'.1\ L' l'trrr w hile we wiirl lor‘ ‘tlLkL-ts. or sornelhrng’ It looks pretty\lNlIrib. is this irress'Ligc still going 'l “e”.like. we need to set tip :1 ctrmporir system“with tcrils Lind sttrll l know lhtit \ports.‘yl.irkLlin1.'h.1s1n.tLlL .l point L1lL.rtern1.1 3


L‘tl.lt'll bought me:

to hide

Llclrycrcd lll ('ockriey sl.1ng isr‘cpi‘cscrttailrw ot tlic displliy olLrbhorrcncc shown by the president'sprelerred pct‘sottitPretty clcycr. ch '

ll Any w ziys. I thought it w 11s sort ol('okre like. with it due ol Slim‘LrnLl bit ol Rtrssen throw it in lor gooillllL‘ilsllrs‘l metin. tiller rill. w but do yotr seewhen you look tit llllll semen sl.rrrt ’lsec :1 boisterous brllygout. r'cttdy topounce on those unwilling to tlL‘lCr tothe importirncc ol Rehnquist, I see 11mudli;illerwrll1.1slrlrry srnrlc retidyto go lor the gold. I see

I know.


dated. verified.

\l.LLlL- .1 non on the

[d \odLi. iriy loy er1 \\ c got .tt ll till the

i (‘ IA 1.7111-31. n.


READERS’ FORUMthe Diilly Tar Hell resents any type of readercomments and criticrsm. Letters to the editorshould be no shorter than 4.000 words anddowlespaced, collated.re-verrfied and foldedthrice length Wise when neatly put apologeticnlty into our little brown box. you punylittle being Students should out then year.111.1101 and blood type on the letter.l'aculty .well. we never print faculty lettersanyway. so don't worry about it. the DTHthe right to son on your lousy wrrtng‘ ..ir‘LLt vom- it in your face lor the wholeL CiilllDtlS to see Bring your letters to the DTHoffice at Suite 6.66. Carolina Dislunctron.to. like. the old people til the g.1mes andbut it they lrnLl it in their heurts toscrew rrs students oyer like they.ilw.iys Llo. tlt.it would be pretty cool ol ‘

Slt’l't'll Ili'liurlt'loJunior

Like in Accounting




l know.lh;1t rs hoisterouslybold ol' me. but that is what thiss-Lrper'lluous scrindul has turned meinto:riiriockingmocker.11corrtplrirning compliriner'..1\l.is. l leel .1c.1seol‘(‘|inton

Ode to OurAthletics

. l lhouglrr tlt.it lnumerous l \'(‘sorticthing to llll their rrre.inirigless liyL'sl'hrs is .1 poeirt l w.is inspired to 1.1lter' .inotlrcr winning gLLmL‘


lt.1skctl1.1ll in the liciirio l)omcl’.1rL1lL‘ (”beer on the phoneIs so llltc

Sonic-tunes the (Buy iollls inhell though he so he don't like men..lt‘\\l\L1 (‘Lisper kicked rrry iiss.'l hLil's UK. we snioked her grirss.(‘o.ich ll.itchctt doesn‘t reiilly seem to\lic's nr.iLl sc\ with (iiithrre is only lurr.lhryrrrg .ir'oiinLl 1n the lzycursion my\o. l rnL-Lin the lzycursion I got tor tree.Soccer women nil in my ridel'hcrr' conch rs horny. they need :1 place\ltL‘r Lill this. here's w ll‘Lll true:Deep inside l h.ite(‘;1rolrn;1Blue.

.l. R. Show!SeniorEnglish

l:\l this point I lcel i must Iiipscriilo ycrse Pardon my heroic couplct.w rth .1pologies to proper itrmbicpentiimeterl'l'he strirri. l l’ecl. is yellow.l.elt by 11 tuctlcss tellow.llrs hiiir griiy with remorseNothing like his cousin. ol course.

...UNC will be placedunder my absolute

1"l:R authoritative totalitarian Odictatorship. A sort of f;

Orwellian dystopia,ifyou will...“.9

DTH is NotStudent-run?'1L) THli lilll'l'UR.l um shocked and Lippiillcd oy er the recentevents (or may be not so reccnli gorrig on .itthe l);nly 'lilit‘ llcll.l was under the impression tlt.it the l)'l His n studentrrrn. \llltlL‘lllW‘l'lllL‘ll new sp.ipcr.But now I come to find otrt llltll you hirewriting couches 11nd lull<trmc businesspeople to ltlkt‘ crirc ot your money 'I think it is s.rd when the students L1l ourline institrrtton L‘nnnot w the wrtlrorrt .1 couchto correct those pesky griimmLir mistiikeslespecrnlly tiller thut “tir‘irmmiir Skimmcrh.ind crin‘t budget the littltt‘llltclttsclycsMaybe you .1“ should tlllll being such ".l-, school" snobs .irid r'cLiL‘lr out to somestudents in rrilith .‘inLl screnLc to help yout'rgure out .idLliirg. subrriictltrg.L rrtirllrplrcutroii .iriLl Lliy isiorr.And its t.1r' .‘l\ the w rttrng L‘oLthcs well.we Llll know tlt.it l rrglish rri.1|ors h.r\ c the1 goods .is t.1r 11s reLrl w rrtirrg goes. so pcthIpsrecruiting ii l‘ew to help you otrt would be .1good ltlL‘d.l'iitil such .1 time .rs the piper is trrlly\ltltlt‘ltl'l’lllt. i'clnsc to rcud the Hill .LiiLlin protest will drink beer hi my lrrrr houserrnttl l puss otrtProtests Lin 1 big LlL;1l erL .11 l .\(. .irlrLtinyone who would likL 1L1 iorii mrnL L.1rt doso cyery l‘rrLl.1\ .rtrLl S.itrrrLl.iy .11 .111\ ol themiiny. mLiriy lrLitcrrirly houses on lr.1rrlliri\‘treet ‘l'h.uik you


\Iii/‘i Ht’tI\/t‘\FreshmanJournalism

Colors in Needof a Change'l'() 'l‘llli lil)l H )R.l Lint writing 111 response to the .llllL lcllllll uppenred III the .l.1n ll L‘Llitron ot llrL~l);iily 'l‘L1r' llL‘ll. "ll.1skcll1.1ll lL‘.1nr to getnew umt‘orms.”1 l think tlt.it it is. like. toi.illy super il1.irl our w .1y cute rind brill tricrr's briskL-tlxillteam is getting cool new llllt’thl\ lliir.like. w lrrle they‘re .11 it. do you tliriik theycould. like. niliybe ch.1rigc the colors. too'[ l mc'Lin. bLiby blue .inLl white lll.ll rs.' llkL‘. .stt ltlsl )t‘ul. .1\llil l‘t'\ltlt.‘\. lltosL'colors tlTL‘ tottrlly not lltittcrrng. l look.like. so birth in blue I mc.rn. not tlt.it lcould eycr look b.1Ll or .rrtyrhrng. bill. youknow . ~lust kind ol w.ishch1ur.()k. sol know tlt.it it seems like .1 lot torisk the school to chLingc its colors lor Justone person. brrl it‘s rcL1l|y not rust iricl.Ikc eycryonc l know tlgtccs. L‘schiLLllymy (iottu (icttu l).ir.i sisters .\l.iybc thetenth . 11nd the school could try .1 niceshude ol red or sortiethirig l.rkc .Llrriosleyer'yonc looks lit lL‘.ist ()l\' in red. youknow '.’Any way. it there is .iriythirig Loi LinyoiiL-1I can do. Just. like. let me know. tlls' 111m. lrkc.;1wriy greiit lushron L‘Uttl'tlllldltlt

Bur/ire [)11/1/Sophomore

Women5 Studies

oncoming on. The ll'lhll'dlltlll. the utterdesptiir‘. ()h' ()h' .\ly L'rip r‘tinrtcthoyer w itli llyde.(Eric the rebel. I‘m Li l'rcrichLegion soldier. slrtherrrig through thedesert. liltlklltg tor llttll preciousousrs. I'm-.1 bumbling humblehcc.bring bring banging my lit-11d igurnstthL cruel winLlowp.uiL llLlp‘ SnyemL lrom lliokLiw Spore rrie lromJennings l’lL'Lise. I‘ll do Linythirig

.1\t lettst I‘m still brrlluint[2111111111111 ll'l'll/l/ ll/yr’ to r/iLr/i/slrr‘rm' Wr/yli fort/11‘ '111 'ILIli‘y \ltIHL'lm'i/ Lr/mr‘i‘.

