he end of the newsletter for emma‘s - sunshineuni.com - oct.pdf · 2 & 3 november - munay ki...

Happy Spring everybody! Our days are slowly getting warmer – can‘t say much about the nights though Lots of energy shifts and exciting things happening, with the Spring Equinox as well as the important full moon so close to it. A good time to clarify what you want in life and start manifesting it! There are a few ways to do this, with my favourite being the fire ceremony (if you would like info on how to do this, drop me an email). Emma and myself will be offering Scio treatments soon (either in person or via distance). For those of you unfamiliar with the Scio Bioenergetic Feedback device and what it can be used to treat, check out the ad at the end of this newsletter, as well as http://www.healing- energies.org/scio.html. Our promotional price for November and December is R300 for a 1 hour session. A Scio consult can cost anywhere between R450 and R600 normally, depending on who you go to. Lots of new things happening this side, which we hope to be able to offer within the next few months. Watch this space for exciting news!! Lee-Anne has been kept busy with clients in Cape Town doing Reiki and Crystal Healing – please see her advert at the end of the newsletter for further information on what she does. Lee-Anne has had great success in treating infertility, as well as general stress and painful conditions. Please see the adverts at the end of the newsletter for Emma‘s latest half price flushes/attunements. What’s happening: 19 & 20 October – Introduction to Healing in Johannesburg 2 & 3 November - Munay Ki in Johannesburg

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Happy Spring everybody!

Our days are slowly getting warmer – can‘t say much about the nights though

Lots of energy shifts and exciting things happening, with the Spring Equinox as well as the

important full moon so close to it. A good time to clarify what you want in life and start

manifesting it! There are a few ways to do this, with my favourite being the fire ceremony (if

you would like info on how to do this, drop me an email).

Emma and myself will be offering Scio treatments soon (either in person or via distance). For

those of you unfamiliar with the Scio Bioenergetic Feedback device and what it can be used to

treat, check out the ad at the end of this newsletter, as well as http://www.healing-

energies.org/scio.html. Our promotional price for November and December is R300 for a 1

hour session. A Scio consult can cost anywhere between R450 and R600 normally, depending

on who you go to.

Lots of new things happening this side, which we hope to be able to offer within the next few

months. Watch this space for exciting news!!

Lee-Anne has been kept busy with clients in Cape Town doing Reiki and Crystal Healing –

please see her advert at the end of the newsletter for further information on what she does.

Lee-Anne has had great success in treating infertility, as well as general stress and painful


Please see the adverts at the end of the newsletter for Emma‘s latest half price


What’s happening:

19 & 20 October – Introduction to Healing in Johannesburg

2 & 3 November - Munay Ki in Johannesburg

Sunshine Academy of Metaphysics Newsletter – www.sunshineuni.com Sept/Oct2013


Erma Bombeck

I would have talked less and listened more.

I would have invited friends over to dinner even if the carpet was stained and the sofa faded.

I would have eaten the popcorn in the "good" living room and worried much less about the

dirt when someone wanted to light a fire in the fireplace.

I would have taken the time to listen to my grandfather rambling about his youth.

I would never have insisted the car windows be rolled up on a summer day because my hair

had just been teased and sprayed.

I would have burned the pink candle sculped like a rose before it melted in storage.

I would have sat on the lawn with my children and not worried about grass stains.

I would have cried and laughed less while watching television, and more while watching life.

I would have gone to bed when I was sick, instead of pretending the earth would go into a

holding pattern if I weren't there for the day.

I would never have bought anything just because it was practical, wouldn't show soil or was

guaranteed to last a lifetime.

Instead of wishing away nine months of pregnancy, I'd have cherished every moment,

realising that the wonderment growing inside me was the only chance in life to assist God in a


When my kids kissed me impetuously, I would never have said, "Later. Now go get washed

up for dinner."

There would have been more "I love you's" and more "I'm sorry's"

but mostly, given another shot at life, I would seize every minute . . .

look at it and really see it . . . and never give it back.‖

Sunshine Academy of Metaphysics Newsletter – www.sunshineuni.com Sept/Oct2013

Card Readings

Sunshine Academy of Metaphysics Newsletter – www.sunshineuni.com Sept/Oct2013

Finding Inspiration By Richard Carlson, From FortWayne.com

Wayne Dyer calls it your ultimate calling. I call it your birth right. But no matter who you talk

to about the subject who has given it considerable thought: One thing‘s for sure. Anyone can

live with more inspiration.

I‘m not sure anyone really knows when inspiration will show up in his or her life—I certainly

don‘t. However, when it does, it‘s an unstoppable force. It‘s something that happens within us

that is so exciting that we couldn‘t stop it, even if we wanted to.

For many years, I was very inspired in my writing. Virtually every day, seven days a week, it

was as if thoughts would come to me—I never had to go to them. It was inspiration in action.

Then, for a few years it stopped. I still enjoyed writing, but it wasn‘t quite the same.

About a year ago, I had a blast of inspiration that I couldn‘t let go of—it came over me as

light dominates the day hours. It appeared, as if out of the blue.

At any rate, the way to tell if you are working or playing with inspiration is that there is

essentially no effort involved. It‘s something you feel you must do—you are being called to do

it. It‘s fun, rewarding, relaxing, and enjoyable. It doesn‘t feel like ―work‖ even though from a

technical sense, it could be.

You can think of others who you may think of as sources of inspiration—those who work for

fun and love their life. Money may come easily to these folks, but it is never their primary

motivation. They are generally childlike (not childish), they love to play, are content being an

expert or a beginner, and love to share their gifts with others—although they have no

attachment to the same. In short, they are virtually ego-less, and fun to be around. They

radiate joy and happiness, and virtually never gripe about their life—they are too busy

enjoying it. If you know people like this, spend as much time as you can being around them

and learning from them.

The trick, I believe to tapping into your own inspiration, is to first understand that it exists. Be

certain! See if you can think about times when you worked or played from a space of

inspiration. I‘ll bet you have. Like the time you were building something and it seemed to

build itself, or the time you were working on a project and it seemed like it finished without

you. You were involved, of course, but almost as an observer rather than a participant. It was

essentially effortless. Then, once you are convinced you have it in you, you simply have to

have the faith that it will show up, or emerge in your life, and sure enough, it will.

Sometimes, your inspiration will show up almost immediately, as if it follows your commands.

Other times, you must wait until the inspiration, which almost has a mind of its own, decides

to take over—as was the case with my writing career. It doesn‘t really matter, however, as

Sunshine Academy of Metaphysics Newsletter – www.sunshineuni.com Sept/Oct2013

once you are engaged, you will realize you are in perfect harmony with what you are here to


There appear to be four very simple steps to take in order to connect with your own source of

inspiration. First, know that it exists. Look for evidence in yourself and in others. When you

find it, marvel at its beauty and simplicity. Second, want it. Say to yourself and even out

loud, ―I want to be more inspired.‖ Third, see the connections around you. When a certain

person shows up in your life, or some strong potential signal, pay attention.

It is likely a clue that will lead you to inspiration. Fourth and finally, when it shows up, go with

it, even if it doesn‘t make sense in a logical way. You may be inspired to write—even though

you‘re not a writer. So what, write anyway. Or, you may feel inspired to read certain kinds of

books or paint pictures, make a new friend, or whatever. Whatever it is, listen to the clues

and take a chance. Chances are, you‘re engaging in inspiration and what a joy it will be!

Sunshine Academy of Metaphysics Newsletter – www.sunshineuni.com Sept/Oct2013

This month’s empowerment offerings from Emma

Happiness Flush

The Happiness Flush Empowerment frees you to be happy and do things like achieve your

goals, have fulfilling relationships, successful careers and receive abundance in all areas of

your life. The flush will clear negative emotions from past and current life experiences such as

wounds from childhood and traumas, past events and situations that have caused us pain.

This will allow us to be free from negative things that we have experienced and the emotions

we have attached to those negative experiences.

It will clear any limiting, false, and negative beliefs about us that affect our self-esteem. The

new energy will enter and form a protective barrier or boundary so that we do not leave

ourselves open to more negative experiences, drama from others, or susceptibility to

disrespectful treatment from others.

The empowerment energy will give us the energetic boost we need to maintain happiness in

spite of any obstacles or difficulties we experience. Sabotaging behaviours that have become

automatic patterns and responses will cease to exist. Negative and lower based emotions will

leave us so these do not hinder our goals, rob us of happiness or keep us from living the life

we desire in our heart of hearts.

The new energy will bring feelings of happiness, contentment, and confidence to achieve our

goals. We can run the flush in times when we are struggling to manage unpleasant

emotions, maintain emotional stability, achieve calmness, and rid ourselves of out of control

thoughts and emotions.

You will receive the manual via email and one attunement by chi ball.

R250 – HALF PRICE = R125

Sunshine Academy of Metaphysics Newsletter – www.sunshineuni.com Sept/Oct2013

Abundance Flush Empowerments 1-6

The Abundance Flush 1 and 2 Empowerments work on two levels: One, to remove blocks to

abundance, and two, to magnetize the individual to opportunity and prosperity.

This system is exceptionally simple but powerful. While there is no guarantee that it will bring

you a windfall like the lottery, the energy can help a lot! One of the ladies that received it

from me has had her business take off wonderfully, with people booking daily for her


A continuation of the Abundance Flush Empowerments levels 3 and 4 work on the subtle

bodies to lift the vibration and help support the soul's expression in the world, thus helping

bring in new opportunities and prosperity.

The focus of flushes 5 and 6 is to work on creating stability and space. These energies are

designed to help overcome issues of "feast or famine" or "living cheque to cheque."

You will receive three concise PDF manuals and three attunements via chi ball (by distance)

and will be able to pass these attunements on to others.

R350 – HALF PRICE = R175

Testimonials – see www.healing-energies.org for testimonials

DNA Light Integrative

DNA Light Integrative 1-4 Use to Awaken Psychic Abilities and Manifest Your


Sunshine Academy of Metaphysics Newsletter – www.sunshineuni.com Sept/Oct2013

DNA Light Integrative is an activation process in which the dormant DNA mankind was

created with is activated once again. DNA Light Integrative Attunements restores our original

psychic abilities and our abilities to manifest our desires very quickly. DNA Light Integrative

Attunements results in rapid spiritual evolution as all of our spiritual gifts and psychic abilities

awaken one by one.

With DNA Light Integrative we become genetically hardwired to be psychic. With

DNA Light Integrative we develop the ability to manifest what we need. Once your DNA is

Activated with the DNA Light Integrative, the activation will replicate through your body for 3

to 6 months. From there your spiritual vibration constantly increases resulting in the rapid

emergence of your spiritual gifts and psychic abilities.

One final note on DNA Light Integrative. For those who are on the spiritual path, DNA

Light Integrative essentially puts you on the fast track for spiritual evolution. One can

spiritually achieve in three to ten years what takes most individuals a life time. For example,

most of us have one spiritual ability like Clairvoyance (clear vision), Clairaudience (clear

hearing), Clairsentience (clear sensing), & Prophetic Knowing (Claircognizance). After the first

few years it is possible for an individual to have access to all of these abilities. You will also

feel totally connected to other/Father/God/Goddess/Source of All That Is and feel a constant

inner peace and sense of well being

DNA Light Integrative Attunement Levels consist of 4 attunements

Anchoring Light Attunement

Genetic Encoding Attunement

Universal Love Attunement

Divine Blueprint Attunement

Everyone who has taken all attunements of DNA Light Integrative called ―DNA Light

Integrative Practitioner. If you would like to be a registered teacher, please contact me after

you have taken all of your attunements for the registration form. You will receive 4 distance

chi ball attunements sent 7 days apart.

R 750 – HALF PRICE = R375

Universal Abundance

Universal Abundance consists of 5 levels and 1 booster level - there are two audio

MP3 that accompany the package:

Sunshine Academy of Metaphysics Newsletter – www.sunshineuni.com Sept/Oct2013

Wealth is not measured by money alone but by the abundance of a person‘s spiritual, mental

and emotional life. Universal abundance takes the form of love, happiness, peace of mind,

compassion, generosity, enlightenment and confidence; whereas, properties, fame, money,

cars clothes and such are forms of material wealth. A genuinely wealthy person is

abundant in both spiritual and material riches

Levels must be taken in the following order:

1.Universal Abundance Empowerment:

Spiritual Abundance Empowering activating and increasing our vibration of spiritual energy to

transmuting these negative emotion energies and removing the blockages.

2.Universal Abundance Clearing Ray:

Works well to clear any abundance blockages/limitation.

3.Universal Abundance Clearing Ray:

Works to heal abundance issues in ourselves or others.

4.Universal Abundance Manifestation Ray:

For manifesting things that you wish or desire in to your life.

5.Universal Abundance Wisdom Ray:

This works to open our understanding about abundance, helps to brace our positive energy,

also to increase our business intuition, so that we can see all chances that occur in our


6.Universal Abundance Angelic Link - Booster level:

Works well to make a link to connect with the Angel of Abundance.

R600 – HALF PRICE = R300

Contact Em: [email protected]

Sunshine Academy of Metaphysics Newsletter – www.sunshineuni.com Sept/Oct2013

Crystal channel reiki healing

Feel the gentle yet powerful healing essence of crystals as they sympathetically

clear blockages within your body and bring balance to your everyday life.

Some Of The Crystals Used* Amethyst – calming to the mind, protective, improves motivation Aventurine – brings abundance, absorbs electromagnetic smog, a harmonizer Bloodstone – banishes negativity, heightens intuition, reduces irritability Calcite – connects emotions with intellect, alleviates stress, soothes anxieties Carnelian –restores vitality, stimulates creativity, helpful with lower back problems Citrine – transmutes negative energy, cleanses the chakras, raises self esteem Jasper – gentle nurturing, restores energy levels, protective and grounding Kyanite – assists with hormonal surges, balances and calms, aligns Chakras Quartz – absorbs, releases and regulates energy, an all-round energetic healer Sodalite - instils a drive for truth, assists with “sick building” effects, cools fevers Tigers eye – enhances psychic abilities, heals issues of self-criticism

To book please drop me a line at [email protected] or sms me on 079 886 5771 to set up an appointment.

The cost is R200 for an hour. This includes a crystal Chakra balance and beamed healing using a brand new technique. Based in Cape Town.

I also sell a variety of caged and wire wrapped crystals to wear as therapeutic jewellery.

Lee-Anne B (practising Reiki Master and Crystal Healer registered with the

Metaphysics Association of South Africa). *Not to be used instead of allopathic treatment.

Sunshine Academy of Metaphysics Newsletter – www.sunshineuni.com Sept/Oct2013

WHAT IS THE EPFX/SCIO? (Also known as the QXCI in Europe)

Simply put, the EPFX and the SCIO are high-tech complementary health devices that assist health practitioners to find energetic imbalances and health issues occurring within humans

and animals.


The functions of the EPFX and the SCIO are similar to that of a virus-scan on a computer. The

EPFX/SCIO detects weaknesses such as viruses, nutritional deficiencies, allergies,

abnormalities, and food sensitivities by calculating the biological reactivity and resonance in your body. This data offers an understanding of your body. This data offers an understanding

of your possible needs, dysfunctions, and vulnerabilities. The information is inevitably different from that provided by more standard medical tests (e.g., blood tests, X-rays)

because it focuses in on your energetic body, which offers more complete view of each facet

of your health.


Once the EPFX/SCIO has measured vitamin levels, amino acids, nutrients, food substances,

minerals, enzymes, natural sugars, toxins, hormone levels, muscle tone, disease, bacteria, molds, fungi, viruses, and the health and balance of internal organs, it then compares these

figures against a ―norm‖.


Basically, the EPFX/SCIO reveals anything that is negatively affecting health. For example, if

someone has digestive trouble, the EPFX/SCIO may show that person to have had some sort or food poisoning as a child, which is causing current health issues to occur. Or if a person is

chronically tired, the EPFX/SCIO could show an acupuncture energy imbalance.


It‘s more than just an analysis tool. After measuring the body‘s frequencies, the EPFX/SCIO

feeds back its own frequencies to redress or neutralize destructive wave patterns. In some cases it may add frequency, in others reverse it to either enhance or counteract the body‘s own resonances. The EPFX/SCIO reveals not only the negative aspects of the body but also

the positive aspects. However, in attempting to improve and revitalize health, we tend to focus more on the negative aspects.


Because the EPFX/SCIO is based on Quantum Physics, a brief explanation of how this therapy works is difficult. During therapy, the EPFX/SCIO measure the body‘s resonance/reactance

pattern and determines what benefit has occurred in the time period since the previous measurement (less than a second earlier). If there has been an improvement, the input

resonance is altered energetically. It maintains each beneficial setting as long as it is helping,

and changes as required. For further research and understanding the Internet offers extensive information regarding Quantum Physics.


The EPFX/SCIO is an exceptional tool for use with children because they often are unable verbally to communicate what is going on inside them. A EPFX/SCIO session could unearth

possibilities such as food intolerance and toxicities which could be the underlying issues surrounding learning disabilities, ―acting out‖ behaviors, and out-of-control emotions.

Sunshine Academy of Metaphysics Newsletter – www.sunshineuni.com Sept/Oct2013


YES! Animals are unable to communicate with us in the most obvious ways, although it may

be apparent that they are suffering from both physical and psychological problems. Pet

owners have seen vast behavioral improvements and increased vitality in their pets following EPFX/SCIO therapy.

Disclaimer: For the diagnosis or treatment of any disease please consult a licensed physician.

Below are just a few of the many therapies and tests that the QXCI SCIO offers.


This can be used to stimulate immune function, destroy pathogens, detoxify free radicals,

anti-aging, disease reversal, degeneration and rejuvenation.

Auto Colour Therapy and Music Program

This program automatically offers a classical colour/music technique to the client by selecting

and presenting the most important colour that will enhance the person's healing ability.

Auto Meridian and Electro Acupuncture

This well-known interactive system scans the body's acupuncture meridians and acupuncture points and reveals blockages within the system. It then adjusts the points and meridians and

by returning a harmonic frequency signal to clear any blockages.

Auto Trivector

This cybernetic interface system essentially identifies healthy and pathological patterns, by filtering body frequencies (like Mora and Bicom Devices). It adjusts the Trivector Field to

precise capacities for maximum health by inverting the harmful frequencies to cancel them in the body and reinforce healthy patterns before returning them back.

Auto Varhope

This activates a program that will attempt repair of any energetic terrain disturbance detected in the client.

Dental Program

This panel scans and treats the skull and each tooth for energetic foci. It treats muscle functions associated with TMJ and provides dental related therapies such the ―Cavity Zap‖

function. There is also the capability for pain diminishment or trauma correction.

Homeopathic Activation Program

This program consists of over 3,000 homeopathic and crystal energies. It presents the body

with a holo-linguistic energetic of a remedy, thus stimulating the body to produce its own response.

Homotoxicology Program

This program provides insight to how the body needs to detoxify. The system will test and provide panels with information on the nature of the toxicity (isodes), the problem of

Sunshine Academy of Metaphysics Newsletter – www.sunshineuni.com Sept/Oct2013

pathogens (nosodes), inherited energetic disturbances (miasms), and behaviours that interfere with detox. It presents the phase of illness and the tissues that have been affected

by toxins. These problems are treated directly from this panel. The ―detox‖ button provides and additional magnetic pulse that shakes the free radicals to increase detox.

Mental NLP

This panel allows for energetic reprogramming of mental energy. The program can detect personality imposition and will alert if present and provide correction when detected. It

illustrates and balances emotions that are highly reactive or under reactive. It also reveals

the age in which specific emotional frequencies became out of balance and the biological connection to the ‗trauma‘

Nutritional and Herbal Program

This program provides insight into nutritional disturbances. It measures the body‘s reactivity to specific vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, herbs, hormones, etc. It provides the

option of correcting these disturbances while delivering the frequency that balances nutritional excess or deficiencies.


This works with the human hormone/endocrine and chakra systems creating balance and flow of the energies within the corresponding organs, tissues, and cells.

Spinal Energetic Evaluation

This system pinpoints energetic disturbances in each vertebra then evaluates and corrects the Neuro Emotional Connection specific in each spinal vertebrae.

Sports Therapy

This program can be used to detect and treat inflammation and injuries as well as stimulate muscle flexibility and oxygen stimulation. It can also detect nutritional deficiencies.

Rife Technique and Auto Frequency

This automatically detects reactive frequencies and organ polarity frequency reactions. It then automatically stimulates therapeutic frequencies to the organ and the polarity disturbances of

the client.

Timed Therapies

These programs are dysfunction and system focused; they combine appropriate aspects from

the main test matrix into therapies. For example, Degeneration, Injury, Pain, Metabolic repair, Hormonal, Neurological, Relaxation & Sleep, Digestive, Feel Good, Balance Blood

sugar, Oxygenation, Muscle building, Flexibility, Co-ordination, Immune Stimulation, Chronic

Fatigue, Anti-inflammation, Fibrositis, Intellect Stimulation, Physic abilities, Autonomic Nervous System, Learning Disability Repair

Risk Profile

This panel calculates the average risk of forty risk states. The risk scores are insightful for overall disease pattern recognition. By clicking on the risk state, the ―Virtual Doctor‖ button is

activated which reveals hints connected with the risk of concern and allows direct access to individually treat items related to the significant risk state.

Sunshine Academy of Metaphysics Newsletter – www.sunshineuni.com Sept/Oct2013

Other Programs include

Allergy Testing


Brain Wave Pattern Evaluation

Spiritual Healing

Tens Therapy For Pain Control

Electro Hypnosis

Miasm Analysis

Iridology Program

Sarcode Therapy

Organ Reactivity Evaluation

Muscle Evaluation \ Super Learning

And many more

Contact Emma at [email protected]