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Headlines Set Up Guide 1308 Release

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Headlines Set Up Guide

1308 Release

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Table of Contents

• Getting Started and Overview

• Creating New Headlines from Scratch

• Insights

• Target and Org Average Comparables

• Lexicons

• Layout Configs

• Layout Mappings

• Subscriptions

• Accessing Headlines

• Editing Headlines Using the Insight Editor

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Enabling Headlines

Getting there: Admin SuccessFactors Admin Auto Insights Configuration


1) Tick ‘Enable Auto Insights & Save. Then go back in and make sure that it actually saved. You may have to repeat the process.

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ToolsGetting there: Admin SuccessFactors Admin Headlines Management


A. Subscription:Select which Headlines you want to show up in your feed.

B. Lexicon:Define the text to be displayed when an insight meets a specific comparable condition.

C. Insights:Select measures and breakdown dimensions to serve as the basis for the headlines.

D. Layout Config:Create and edit Headline page design in XML.

E. Layout Mappings:Map Insights to page layouts so data can display.

F. Target:Define the target thresholds that the lexicon variations will reference and return appropriate text and colors.

G. Insights Editor: Customer facing editing tool.

H. Runtime: Select to view Headlines.









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High Level Process Overview (Starting from scratch leveraging the Insight Editor)

This is a summary of the steps to configure Headlines on an instance as of the 1308 release. The column references below are for the DemoSiteInt example in the ‘Headlines Configuration’ Excel document. The sub-process for each major section follows.

These are the steps that still need to be done outside of the Insight Editor (IE) prior to using it:

1) Insights - Create Insights for any measure that you want included from the instance. Make the measure the default for it to show up in the IE. You do not need to add the dimensions in this section but you can.

2) Targets and Org Averages - For all of the Insight measures, build the targets and generate the org average. You do not need to fill them out in this section but you can.

3) Lexicons - a) Create a new Lexicon for the Insight measure. b) Make it a “None” case across all categories. c) Assign text to the Headlines (e.g. Your group's [Measure Name] is X%).

4) Layout Config - Most Layout Configs are already set, however some new DtD Configs will probably need to be COPIED onto the instance from All Orgs and edited so the column names match the instance.

5) Layout Mapping – a) Select each Insight and assign the Headline Tiles. You can do the story items in the IE. b) Map the new DtD Layouts to the appropriate measure, subcategory or category.

Everything else can be done in the IE, and then the new Headline can be subscribed to in the Manage Subscription section.

Headlines Configuration

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High Level Process Overview (Starting from scratch using old admin functionality)

This is a summary of the steps to configure Headlines on an instance as of the 1305 release. The column references below are for the DemoSiteInt example in the ‘Headlines Configuration’ Excel document. The sub-process for each major section follows.

1) Insights • Create Insights for any measure that you want included from the instance (column A).• For each of those Insights, create the corresponding breakdown dimensions (column G).

2) Targets and Org Averages • For each of the measure that now have Insights, create the target parameters (column B & C), or create the org


3) Lexicons • Create the text for the Headlines (column E) and the Sub-Headlines (column F).• Select the Insights one by one and create the corresponding Measure Cases (column C), Significance (column D),

Headlines (column E) and Sub-Headlines (column F) to them.

4) Layout Config• Most Layout Configs are already set, however some new DtD Configs will probably need to be COPIED onto the

instance from All Orgs and edited so the column names match the instance.

5) Layout Mapping• Select each Insight and assign the following page layouts:

• Map the Rules the same as a similar measure already in the list.• Map the new DtD Layouts to the appropriate measure, subcategory or category.

5) Subscriptions• Subscribe to the Headlines that you would like to display.

Headlines Configuration

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Creating New Headlines from Scratch

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A. Insights Menu:List of existing Insights split by insights you created and those others created & shared.

B. Manage Insights:Create, copy or delete Insights by selecting a measure.

C. Tools:Headlines configuration options.

D. Details:Summary of selected Insight.

E. Full Story Breakdown:Dimensions selected to be used in the story detail .

F. Summary of selected Breakdown:Nodes selected for highlighted breakdown group.

Insights – Page LayoutPurpose: Define measures and breakdown dimensions for story details.







Edit Selected Insight Details

Add, edit, or delete breakdown group

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Insights – Create Insight Details






1) Add new Insight details

2) Name, describe, and select measure for Insight.

3) Chose annualized or actual.

4) Select the minimum sample size.

5) Select Time model:• Last 4 Months• Last 4 Quarters• Last 4 Years• Last 4 Months, same

Month• Last 4 Quarters,

same Quarter

6) Select Comparison Type:• Target • Prior Period• Org Average

7) Makes Insight available to other users. Always select this if you plan to use the Insight.

8) If default, it will be the version available in the Insight Editor.

Process Steps




If Prior Period is chosen, you will have the option to chose which time period to compare the current period . An offset of 1 compares this period to the previous, e.g. 2012 to 2011.

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Insights – Create Insight Breakdowns1 Process Steps

1) Add, edit, or delete breakdown group

2) Select a node and click the plus sign to add it.

3) Chose the appropriate qualifier for the node.

• Select another dimension if you want to have the breakdown to be a cross-section of dimensions, e.g. location by supervisor.

• To create multiple breakdown groups that are analyzed independent of each other, click OK and repeat process.


A) Dimension Type:Chose Analysis or Filter.

B) Delete Dimension





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Target and Org Average Comparables

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Process Steps

1) Select a measure that is being used for an Insight.

2) If the measure in the Insight has breakdown dimensions and you would like to set targets against them (not required), select the relevant nodes by double clicking or dragging across.

3) Build the targets, then go to the Editor to enter target values.


A. Generator:Choose the measures/dimensions that require targets.

B. Editor:Enter target values.

Targets and Org Average – Generator Layout






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1 Process Steps

1) Select a measure that is being used for an Insight. Hit OK for Targets or Generate Org Average.

2) If the measure in the Insight has breakdown dimensions and you would like to set targets against them (not required), select the relevant nodes by double clicking or dragging across.

3) Build the targets (includes Org Average), then go to the Editor to enter target values.


A. Generator:Choose the measures/dimensions that require targets.

B. Editor:Enter target values.

Targets and Org Average – Selecting Comparable





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Targets – Editor





Process Steps1) Leave alone, or change to another measure that has already had targets built in the generator.

2) Leave alone to set targets, or click org average to see the org average. Thresholds can be set in relation to the average.

3) Click on a row to get the option to set targets (there could be multiple rows if there are targets for a dimension breakdown).

4) Enter the comparable values and Save.


• %s for targets should be entered in # format.

• Targets on the demo site are based on desired ranges of benchmarks. They may need to vary by customer.

• If no target is entered for a breakdown, the default will be the top level measure.

• Org Average and Prior Period are entered in the same place (Org Average). The values should be entered as whole numbers that are a % distance above or below the comparison value. This is different behavior to Targets.

LegendA. Generator:

Choose the measures/dimensions that require targets.

B. Editor:Enter target values.


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I. Tone:The nature of the language in the Headline. The only options available as of 1305 are ‘Conversational’ and ‘None’ however the following will be the full list:

• None• Conversational• Direct• Empathetic

J. Comparison Type:Values to compare against the actual value in each Lexicon Variation.The options available as of 1305 are:

• None• Target• Prior Period• Org Average

Benchmarks will be added later.

Lexicon – Page Layout

G. Significance:Defines color highlighting if variation criteria is met.

• None• Insignificant• Acceptable• Tolerable

• Insightful• Significant• Urgent

H. Measure Case:Qualifier that defines whether or not the comparable value (e.g. target, benchmark, change, etc) falls within the range that defines that lexicon variation. Below they are listed in order of relative distance from the comparison value. Think of the difference between each case as a range defined by the targets, org average or previous period (i.e. “the comparable”). The actual value will land in one of those ranges.

• AboveComparisonTolerable• AboveComparisonAcceptable• AboveComparison• BelowComparison• BelowComparisonAcceptable• BelowComparisonTolerable• None – If no criteria is met

A.Manage Text:Create and store text for Headlines, Sub-Headlines, Generic and None.

B. New/Edit/Delete Lexicon:Create a new Lexicon by adding a measure or rule. Note that a measure should have a corresponding Insight created.

C. Measures/Reference:Once a measure or reference is created, it is added to this list. An Insight will not automatically show up here.

D. New/Edit/Delete Lexicon Variation:Define parameters for the Lexicon. Auto-Fill for bulk updates.

E. Owner:User that created the Lexicon Variation.

F.Organization:Instance where variation exists. Should be ‘ALL’ unless testing.

Additional info on Lexicons can be found in the Headlines Configuration document.

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Process Steps

1) Click Manage Text to open.

2) Create a new Text Template, or edit or delete an existing one by finding it’s section using the radio buttons, clicking on the text, then clicking the Edit or Delete button.

3) When creating a new Text Template, define the type using the drop down. Options are: • Headline• Headline Sub Text• Generic• None

4) Defines whether or not the text is available on all orgs or just that instance.

• Tokens can be found in Headlines Configuration doc.


A. Headline B. Headline Sub Text

Lexicons – Manage Text





This step is only required if it is the first time Headlines is being set up in an environment, or if new variation text is required. Text Templates should be set up globally, therefore you will more like chose from existing templates when setting up Lexicon variations.



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Lexicons – New Lexicon



Process Steps

1) Select New

2) Select Measure.

3) Select a Measure. Be sure it is one that has been used in an Insight.

4) Create on [ALL] org so it is available on all instances in that environment unless it is mean to be specific to an instance. As much as possible, try to consider creating scalable options that others can leverage.



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Lexicons - Variations

All of the possible variations of how the actual value could compare against the comparable values need to be created, as well as what Headlines should return when the criteria is met (see Page Layout for definitions).

2 Process Steps

1) Create a new Lexicon Variation.

2) Chose criteria (see Page Layout for definitions). Use Auto-Fill to create a bunch at once.


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Lexicons – Add Edit


Once the Lexicon Variations are created, each needs to be assigned text to return if the criteria is met. This is usually one Headline and one Headline Sub Text that was created in the ‘Manage Text’ section.



Process Steps

1) Click on a Lexicon Variation.

2) Create a new text mapping for that variation.

3) Select Headline and click on appropriate template and save.

4) Create a second new text mapping, chose ‘Headline Sub Text’ and click on appropriate template and save.


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Layout Configs

Please do Not Edit Layout Configs unless you are in Product. PS and CS should only use this section to copy DtD layouts to an Instance and customize for that Instance. Instructions for that are found on slide 29.

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Layout Config – New Layout

This section is used to create each page layout in Headlines.






Process Steps

1) Select New

2) Name and describe the Layout Config.

3) Select the Layout Type*• None• Headline• StoryItem• ResultList• ChartDetailItem• StoryItemDetail• Dtd• TileLandingPage*Examples on subsequent pages.

4) Type or paste XML into Layout Configuration section. Standard Layouts can be found in the Headlines Configuration doc.

5) Be sure to make the layout public and available on All Orgs prior to saving (if appropriate). You can not make it available on All Orgs once it has been saved the first time.

Please do Not Edit Layout Configs unless you are in Product. PS and CS should only use this section to copy DtD layouts to an Instance and customize for that Instance.

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Layout Config Example –TileLandingPage

The BizX Homepage Tile

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Layout Config Example - HeadlineLanding page for Headlines

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Layout Config Example - StoryItemClicking on a Headline will take you to a page that has “Stories”. Each section of this page is a


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Layout Config Example - StoryItemDetailWhen you click on ‘See all segments’ from a StoryItem, it will take you to a StoryItemDetail Page.

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Layout Config Example – DtD & Result ListWhen you click on a segment to drill down further, it will take you to a DtD page.

Result List

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Layout Config – DtD Layout Copying and Editing

Drill to Detail column names and measure IDs sometimes vary from instance to instance. When setting up an instance, you will likely have to copy some DtD layouts and update the names.

Process Steps1) On the Layout Config tab, copy to the instance two DtD Layouts (for the same measure) : DtD_[Measure

Name] & DtD_ResultList_[Measure Name].

2) Consult the list of measure IDs and DtD Column names for that instance, in the Headlines configuration document and compare to the columns in the XML. The Config Layout tab of the Headlines configuration document highlights in red the fields that need to be reviewed.

3) ) Update the names in the XML as appropriate and save in the new copied layouts on the Insight tab (instance specific layouts are at the top).


4) Go to the Layout Mapping Section, Drill to Detail View, select the Layout called DtD_[Measure Name], and map the DtD_ResultList to it.

5) Map the layout to the part of the measure structure that it should cover, i.e. a whole category, a subcategory, or a measure.



Headlines Configuration


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Layout Mappings

Please do Not Edit Layout Mappings unless you are in Product. PS and CS should only use this section to copy DtD layouts to an Instance and customize for that Instance. Instructions for that are found on slide 29..

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Process Steps

1) Select an Insight

2) Click Edit and Add to make selections as shown in the image. Who Left is just for Term Measures.

Layout Mappings – Rules Example





Please do Not Edit Layout Mappings unless you are in Product. PS and CS should only use this section to copy DtD layouts to an Instance and customize for that Instance. Instructions for that are found on slide 29.

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Layout Mappings – Story Items Example







Process Steps1) Click on Story ItemTab

2) Click on ‘Top 3 Segment (Story)’ (the layout names should already be there because of Rule tab selections).

3) Select Edit

4) Results List Layout Name =


5) Detail View Layout Name =


6) DtD View Layout Name=

Leave blank if you want the set of layouts you just created, to apply to multiple measures and those measures can have different layouts as defined in the DtD View. Adding a DtD View here will lock this set of layouts into one DtD layout (which generally does not apply to a bunch of measures.

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Layout Mappings – Detail View Example






Process Steps

1) Click on Detail View.

2) Click on StoryItemDetail (the layout name should already be there because of the Story Items tab selections).

3) Select Edit

4) Results List Layout Name = StoryItemDetail_ResultList

5) Detail View Layout Name =

Leave blank if you want the set of layouts you just created, to apply to multiple measures and those measures can have different layouts as defined in the DtD View. Adding a DtD View here will lock this set of layouts into one DtD layout (which generally does not apply to a bunch of measures.

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Process Steps

1) Click on DtD View Tab

2) Click on Layout Name

3) Click Edit

4) Click Edit and Select ‘DtD Result list layout’

5) Select which measure or group of measures this layout should apply to. It can be a category, subcategory, or measure, e.g. Workforce Mobility, Termination, (the group of term measures) or Termination Rate.

Layout Mappings – DtD View






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Managing Your Subscriptions

Click the plus sign to add an Insight.

An ‘Add Content’ window will pop up. Click through to a Measure Name.

Add any of the Insights that you would like to show up in your subscription feed.

Shared Insights were created by somebody else,

such as SuccessFactors.

Active/ De-active Insight

Remove Insight

Insights you created

All Insights on your instance

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Managing Subscriptions for Others

When users first log in, they must be subscribed to Headlines in order to see any. While people can manage their own subscriptions, you can give people some preset Headlines in bulk.

Add, Edit, Copy, or Delete a Subscription group.

Click the plus sign to add recipients. Check the box next to their name, and hit Add.

Click the blue plus sign to add Headlines for this Subscription group. Instructions on how to add Headlines are on the previous slide.

Click the red X on the top line will remove all of the Headlines.

The green check mark is defaulted to activate the subscription. Click if you would like to deactivate it.Click the Headline and you’ll have the

option to deactivate it (green check mark), or remove it from the subscription

(red X).

List of subscriptions

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Accessing Headlines

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Options for Accessing Headlines

A customer can access Headlines a few ways:

• Add a link to their homepage like a report.

• Make Headlines the homepage for a role.

• If they are a BizX customer, they can add a Headlines tile to their tile homepage. • Via People Insights on their iPad.

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Accessing Headlines – Link on Homepage






Process Steps

1. Create a Simple Text box.

2. Select Dynamic Token Link


4. Hit OK

5. You may get an error, just hit OK again.

6. Hit OK

Note that the word “Headlines” will not render in the Preview as you set up the text box, but once you hit OK, “Headlines” will appear in the box.


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Accessing Headlines – Make the Homepage

Admin SuccessFactors Admin Role Maintenance Select Role Settings Analytical Headlines

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Accessing Headlines – Homepage Tile

If you don’t see the Headline tile on the Home Page or in the Tile Browser then:

• Admin Tools Manage V12 Home Page (under System Properties in the old Admin Tools or Company Settings in One Admin)

• The Headline tile will be on the Not Used tab

• Click the little cog and move the Headline tile to either the Default (always shows on the Home Page) or Available (available via the Tile Browser) tabs.

• If you see the below in your Headline tile then you do not have any active subscriptions.

• If you see the below then the role your user is in does not have permission to access Headlines. Contact Analytics Product Management

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Accessing Headlines – People Insights

• You can have multiple versions of the BizX Mobile app installed on your iPad. One can be the app from the App Store and most SF people activate that app against the MySF corporate instance. The other can be the demo app and this app is typically activated against your ACE demo instance. The same instructions apply to a customer instance.

• Download the demo version 4.1 of the BizX Mobile app onto your iPad from here (http://demo.cubetree.com:9100/)

• In Provisioning for your instance you will need to turn on the People Insights feature. Confluence guide is here http://confluence.successfactors.com/display/PRODINFO/People+Insight

• You will also need to load the Hybrid Youcalc tiles into your instance (Admin Youcalc Dashboard Manager). These tiles must be uploaded as type "Hybrid". Once they are uploaded to your instance you can add them in the People Insight iPad app. The tiles are hosted here in Confluence (http://confluence.successfactors.com/display/PRODINFO/Library+of+Youcalc+Models) . See the section heading titled “People Insight (iPad app) Tiles for Analytics”

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Editing Headlines Using the Insight Editor

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Insight EditorDescription and Terminology

You can use the Insight Editor to make a copy of a preconfigured Insight and customize it for their instance using a variety of preconfigured options for text, colors and story layouts. SuccessFactors must set up the original template (see Creating New Headlines from Scratch (leveraging the Insight Editor)) and available options.

Key terms for the Insight Editor:

Insight- A set of criteria applied to one WFA measure that includes dimension breakdowns, comparables, and text for different measure cases.

Public- Determines if the Insight will be available in the Subscription list.

Comparison- The value ranges that the actual measure value is compared against to define the results displayed on the Headlines. The options include targets, a prior period, or the organizational average.

Measure Case- A description of where the measure value sits compared to the comparison. Each range must have a color (Significance) assigned to it, as well as Headlines text and subtext.

Story Item- Visual displays of the results (e.g. top 5 values) that can be grouped into Story Layouts.

These are the Significance colors & labels that can be assigned to ranges:

  Acceptable or Insignificant


  Significant or Insightful


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Options to create new, save or delete an Insight.

Insight EditorPage Layout


Measure Case Preview.

Text ,subtext, significance, and time periods can be edited using pre-packaged content by rolling over and clicking on them when a yellow circle appears. Comparables are editable here as well.

Change the measure display name, description, make the Headline public, or change the comparable value to target, prior period or org average.

Select story items and drag and drop them into the desired order to create the Story Layout.

Navigate to Insight Editor.

Web Headlines vs. iPad Tile appearance.

Breakdown Editor.

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Insight EditorCreating, Saving and Deleting a Customized Insight

There are two ways to create a new customized Insight (i.e. copy an Insight template). An Insight will not show up in this list unless a template was preconfigured by SF.

Selecting a New Insight makes a copy of the template.

Save as Override – Continues to save existing Insight in progress.

Save as New- Creates a copy of Insight in progress.

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Insight EditorQuick Options

This name can flow through to the Headline text depending on which one you chose.

Description of Insight.

Defines whether or not the Insight shows up in the Subscription list. Click to toggle between True and False.

Measure used for Insight. Clicking here will bring up a menu to chose a measure. Only measures that have been pre-configured as Default Insights will show up on this list.

Chose the comparison type. This could be a target ranges, a prior period or the organizational average.

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Insight EditorHeadlines – Measure case Significance

Each “Measure Case” has a comparable range, Headlines text and subtext, and Significance. You can view all of the difference cases from the Preview section and edit them individually on this screen.

Changing the Headlines Text, Subtext, comparable values and time periods are covered in the next few pages. They are all tied to a specific measure case.

Changed color by clicking here.

When the value falls in this range, this is the text, colors that will display for the Headlines.

Changed measure case by clicking here. See slide 33 for details.

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Insight EditorHeadlines – Measure case Headlines Text and Subtext (existing text)

New text.

Hover over text to get a yellow outline and click to see and select other options. Note that this is the text for the specific measure case.

Scroll or click to move up or down the list, then click on the text you would like when it’s in the yellow circle.

You can scroll through existing text to chose what you want to display for the measure case or you can create new text. This is how you scroll through existing text.

If you would like to demo the Insight Editor, only start from New and use Termination Rate. Do not make it Public or everybody will be able to see and subscribe to it. Also please avoid saving it whenever possible to keep the shared demo environment clean.

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Insight EditorHeadlines – Measure case Headlines Text and Subtext (new or edit text)

To create new or edit or delete existing text....

New Edit Delete

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Insight EditorHeadlines – Measure case Headlines Text and Subtext (new or edit text)

When you select New or Edit, you have new menu options.

Save Delete

Restrict this text to a specific measure, measure case or

comparison type if applicable.

Use tokens where

possible to make the text apply in multiple situations. Note that the third

column is a preview

of the results for that token.

Making text Bold and/or a Color

The easiest way to do this is copy existing text that looks how you want it to look and replace the text in the XML. To start from scratch:

• To make text bold, use this XML around the text:

<span class=" strong">Your text will be bold</span>

• To make text the significance color use this XML around the text:

<span class=“highlighted">Your text will be a color</span>.

• To make text the significance color and bold use this XML around the text:

<span class=“highlighted strong">Your text will be bold and a color</span>.

Parameter Tokens are used to make formulas in the text.

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Insight EditorHeadlines – Measure Case Time Periods

New time period and results for the most current period.

Hover over text to get a yellow outline and click to see and select other options.

Scroll or click to move up or down the list, then click on the time period you would like when it’s in the yellow circle. The options are currently:• Last 4 Years• Last 4 Quarters• Last 4 months• Last Months Last 4

Month• Last Quarters Last


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Insight EditorHeadlines – Measure Case Comparables

Hover over comparable target to get a yellow outline and click to see and select other options.

A box will pop up giving you the option to change the comparable ranges for all the measure cases for that Insight. Note that the type of comparable was defined in the Quick Options section and is either targets, a previous period, or the org average. The latter two would be set as the target and you can define the ranges relative to it.

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Insight EditorHeadlines – Measure Case Preview

Select a case (a tile that falls within a range) to edit or delete it.

Click Chose Preview range.



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Insight EditorHeadlines – Breakdown Editor Overview

Delete Edit

This is a Preview of how the dimensions

are applied.

(Not all of the above dimensions are shown in this screenshot but they will in the app.)

The Breakdown Editor is where you can add, edit or delete the dimensions that are used in the Headlines Story.

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Insight EditorHeadlines – Breakdown Editor Selections

Click Add Dimension to add nodes from a single dimension to the breakdowns.

Click Add Breakdown to add crossed dimensions to the list, e.g. Performance by Critical Job Role = Yes.

Use the Crtl button to select multiple dimensions.

If the standard qualifiers do not select the exact nodes that you want, then edit the dimension and click the nodes you would like to include.

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Insight EditorStory Items – Adding a New Story Item

New Story Item

The template story items will display below the Headlines Preview. New Story Items can be added by clicking the plus sign, ticking the desired story items, and clicking Add at the bottom of the list.

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Insight EditorStory Items – Deleting an Existing Story Item

Drag a Story Item to the top right corner and a red trash bin will appear. Drop the Story Item on top to delete it.

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Insight EditorStory Items – Ordering

Drag and drop Story Items to order the layout.

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Insight EditorStory Item - Preview

Click to Preview.