heal yourself naturally with food from the inside outhidden sugar, salt, glutamate's and...

HEAL YOURSELF NATURALLY WITH FOOD FROM THE INSIDE OUT ABSTRACT When it comes to ground breaking surgery the skill of many surgeons is nothing short of miraculous, but when it comes to the everyday problems that we all face, doctors sometimes struggle to give us healing or even relief from the common conditions that everyone experiences in their family like eczema, asthma, arthritis, back pain, muscular problems or even depression and anxiety…So, how can we be our own doctor and heal ourselves from the inside out? Sharon May @ BacktoBeautiful.eu

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Page 1: Heal Yourself Naturally With Food from the Inside Outhidden sugar, salt, glutamate's and preservative chemicals which really don't benefit us at all. I know the temptation when we’re





ABSTRACT When it comes to ground breaking

surgery the skill of many surgeons

is nothing short of miraculous, but

when it comes to the everyday

problems that we all face, doctors

sometimes struggle to give us

healing or even relief from the

common conditions that everyone

experiences in their family like

eczema, asthma, arthritis, back

pain, muscular problems or even

depression and anxiety…So, how

can we be our own doctor and

heal ourselves from the inside


Sharon May @ BacktoBeautiful.eu

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Firstly, let’s see the answers to our quiz

Question 1 - Which nutrients are the most vital to maintain good health and protect

against disease?

Answer: Minerals are the building blocks of life, in fact, vitamins cannot work without minerals

being present!

Question 2 - Which amazing essential oil is antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, eases

skin irritation and fights and kills cancer cells?

Answer: Frankincense oil offers amazing healing properties and has been known to trigger

cell death in cancer cells!

Question 3 - How many controversial chemicals on a daily basis is the average

woman exposed to using personal care products?

Answer: Shockingly the average woman is exposed to over 200 chemicals a day through

using shampoo, toothpaste and skincare. And, they wonder why cancer rates are

increasing!!! See our article on controversial ingredients here: Check the Beauty Products

You Use – Self Regulation or Government Regulation?

Question 4 - What powerful spice contains chemicals that trigger cell death in cancer


Answer: Turmeric is an amazing natural anti-inflammatory and is a known cancer cell killer.

Why not get it in your diet? See our article on the benefits of turmeric in our website or

eBook below for more info.

Question 5 - How much weight in chemicals does the average person consume

through eating processed foods on a yearly basis?

Answer: Yep, it’s 9lb of chemicals per year – there’s no better reason to cut down or avoid

ready meals and processed foods!

Question 6 - What percentage of an average health supplement pill is absorbed

properly and actually gets a benefit to the body?

Answer: Sadly only 8% of most health pills are absorbed by the body and are a huge waste

of money, mainly because they are made of synthetic ingredients. Modere’s range of

supplements are highly bioavailable and get to work on your dietary shortfalls straight


Page 3: Heal Yourself Naturally With Food from the Inside Outhidden sugar, salt, glutamate's and preservative chemicals which really don't benefit us at all. I know the temptation when we’re


Question 7 - According to Nobel Prize winner Professor Linus Pauling, what can all

human diseases and illness be traced back to?

Answer: Linus Pauling showed that all disease can be traced back to a single root cause –

Mineral deficiency! Check out Mineral Solutions to make sure you’re getting all the vital

minerals you need that are no longer in fruit and vegetables!!

Question 8 - What common seed has been credited with amazing health properties,

lengthening life, and fighting cancerous tumours?

Answer: Apricot seeds are amazingly good for our health and contain laetrile – a

substance known to kill cancer and promote amazingly good health! See our website or our

eBook below for info on healing cancer with food!

Question 9 – What food is the biggest trigger and fuel for cancer?

Answer: Sugar is the most important trigger and fuel for the growth of cancer cells. A low

sugar or sugar free diet reduces your risk!

Question 10 - The true statement is:

Answer: You can no longer remain healthy purely relying on the nutrients contained in

today’s fruit and vegetables. Supplementation of diet is now a necessity to protect against

serious disease.

Let’s start understanding how to heal ourselves from the inside out…

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The Ability to Heal Yourself Is in Your Hands ................................................................................. 4

Know the Friends and Enemies to Your Family’s Health ................................................................ 5

Eat the Rainbow ..................................................................................................................... 6

Create a Healthier Home Environment................................................................................. 6

Personal Care and Immune System Damage ...................................................................... 7

Chemicals in Our Diet ............................................................................................................ 7

Give This Amazingly Simple Curry Recipe a Try! ................................................................ 8

Mineral Deficiency in Fruit and Vegetables. ........................................................................ 8

Wheat Bread, Sugar and Cow's Milk .................................................................................... 9

The Truth about Soy Foods ................................................................................................... 9

Are You Drinking Enough Water? ....................................................................................... 10

Healthy Gut, Probiotics and Fermented Foods .................................................................. 10

Probiotics during Pregnancy and Breast Feeding ............................................................. 10

Fermented Foods ................................................................................................................. 11

The Truth about Cancer Prevention and Owning Optimum Health ............................................... 11

Pharma = Patent = Profit ..................................................................................................... 12

Chemotherapy – How Successful is it? .............................................................................. 12

What Causes Cancer? ......................................................................................................... 13

We Can Control 70% Causes of Cancer ....................................................................................... 13

Effective Prevention and Self-Healing .......................................................................................... 15

Set Your Immune System Free .................................................................................................... 17

Modere Mineral Solutions – Is this the Best Kept Health Secret on the Internet? .......................... 18

Why Use Modere Mineral Solutions? ................................................................................. 18

Easy to Take and Tastes Good Too! .................................................................................. 19

Does It Work? ....................................................................................................................... 19

Is Modere Mineral Solutions Value For Money? ................................................................ 19

What’s the Verdict? .............................................................................................................. 19

My Most Sincere Hope ................................................................................................................. 20

We Make No Claims for our Products but our Customers Have Different Ideas............................ 21

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The Ability to Heal Yourself Is in Your Hands

Many medications just mask the symptoms, like spraying perfume on a corpse, and sometimes cause another problem that requires a further drug to deal with it, and so the cycle of prescription drug dependency continues.

Make sense?

The father of medicine Hippocrates said, “ let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”. But during several years of training, a General Practitioner will spend just a few hours on nutrition, and more importantly on how foods can heal.

The amazing thing is that the ability to heal yourself is in your hands. I know, I’ve witnessed some amazing healing in myself, my family and my friends and from all sorts of conditions by using the regime I’m sharing with you. It’s just too good not to share.

There are two major lifestyle changes we need to make to overcome whatever health problems we are facing.

Take control of what we are exposed to in our diet and our home environment that

impact negatively on our health.

Adapt diet and behaviours that impact positively on our health, protect us against

disease and even heal us.

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What we all want to do is get to the problem at the root cause and deal with it there. Now I'm not saying don't take medication, but what I am suggesting is that we have to eat, so we may as well eat stuff that can heal us rather than harm us.

Know the Friends and Enemies to Your

Family’s Health

We are going to look at our health enemies; pollution in air and water, environmental toxins in the home and our personal care, chemicals in processed foods, dairy, sugar and wheat, mineral deficiency in fruit and vegetable crops, and also our health friends; all the good stuff that benefits us, aids healing and protects us from the largely chemical home environments we all live in.

The exciting news is we can control 70% of the negative impact of this list with some simple changes to our lifestyle, and this is where the battle for your healing is going to be fought.

We can’t control the levels of pol lution in water or air, but we can control the amount of anti-oxidants in our diet that fight the effects of pollution on our body such as aging and cell damage that may trigger cancer. Especially as our ability to fight free radicals that cause this damage reduces as we get older.

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Eat the Rainbow The rainbow foods, the reds, yellows and dark greens are essential and rich in antioxidants including foods such as carrots, sweet potatoes, pomegranates, kale, broccoli, Goji Berries, Blueberries, peppers, citrus fruits, dark chocolate, figs, mulberries, pecans, artichoke, kidney beans and cilantro.

We should include these in our diet wherever possible. Try including a sliced avocado with your poached egg for breakfast. They are delicious together and extremely beneficial.

To top up your short fall of these life giving foods, using a high quality antioxidant supplement such as Modere Cell Protect containing grape seed and pine bark extract is essential. This supplement gives a real boost to depleted bodies and fantastic protection against the effects of pollution - free radical cell damage.

Create a Healthier Home Environment Home cleaning products are laden with harsh chemicals, so reducing them is vital in the battle for health.

I know we can’t eliminate all cleaning products but we can certainly reduce them. Using a steam mop is brilliant as it eliminates many chemicals we really don’t want in our homes.

Sometimes it’s the most innocent products that

are the worst for us.

Air fresheners are laden with phthalates that make the scent linger. These are really not good, and definitely not around young children as they have been linked to liver and kidney problems.

Using essential oils to freshen the home takes away that risk. They not only smell amazingly good, but impact positively on our health.

I recall a few years ago a friend having to take their dog to the Vet as it had lost a huge amount of fur and very badly irritated skin. What was the cause? Carpet freshening powder. It went in the bin, the and dog recovered its fur. And people wonder why there's an epidemic of asthma and eczema in our kids.

Unnecessary and harmful chemicals in laundry powder is another area for examination. The great news is we have companies with a conscience like Modere who manufacture a range of products that are free of these questionable health robbing ingredients.

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Personal Care and Immune System Damage Whether you believe it or not, cosmetic and personal care products are loaded with chemicals and toxins that put a load on our bodies and damage the immune system, so they not only lower our guard against disease, but also create health problems of their own.

Everyone I know who has used Mineral Solutions supplement and stopped using mainstream personal care products in favour of Modere has experienced a reduction in eczema and psoriasis, increased energy levels and an improved sense of well-being as a result.

Check out Modere Body Butter – It’s Amazingly Good but I Have a Serious Complaint!

Chemicals are so prevalent in personal care that children are now born carrying parabens and other toxins in their systems.

My article on the dirty dozen ingredients to avoid in personal care gives you an idea of what to look for but in short, Sodium Lauryl Sulphate, PEG’s, Parabens and Phthalates are a good starting point. These chemicals are not good for human beings, particularly bad for children and lower our ability to resist and fight health problems.

Chemicals in Our Diet Eating healthily is never boring, and always tastier. It is estimated that we consume around 9lbs of chemicals a year in our diet due to our dependence on convenience foods.

Commercially grown fruit and vegetables carry some chemical pesticides so need to be thoroughly washed, which is why organic is always best, but processed foods are the biggest culprit.

Avoiding ready meals, tinned vegetables, processed and convenience foods by making your own wherever possible is critical to good health and healing. They are loaded with hidden sugar, salt, glutamate's and preservative chemicals which really don't benefit us at all.

I know the temptation when we’re busy is to take a short cut, but preparing your own sauces and meals isn’t that difficult and takes no more time in many cases.

As an example, how about an amazing curry that takes only a handful of ingredients and a can of coconut milk. An instant curry in the cupboard anytime you want it!

Check it out…

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Give This Amazingly Simple Curry Recipe a Try!

1. Add a teaspoon of Cumin seed to 2 tablespoons of hot coconut oil and wait for the

seeds to pop

2. Add 1-2 teaspoons of mild or hot chilli powder depending on your personal preference

and stir in to hot oil

3. Add your choice of vegetables or meat and stir into hot oil

4. Add a chopped onion and 2 cloves of

garlic once meat is browned

5. Add a teaspoon of organic turmeric and

stir into ingredients

6. Add 3-4 chopped tin tomatoes and a little

tomato juice

7. Add a little salt, and 2 teaspoons of English mustard

8. Add a can of coconut milk and bring to a simmer

Simmer until all ingredients are cooked, and serve with a sprinkling of fresh coriander.

And there you have it...

A delicious curry with a few simple ingredients that takes no longer to make than using a jar of curry sauce from the supermarket. No chemicals, no additives, no preservatives. You made it, you know what’s in it. Totally chemical free, totally healthy, tastes amazing!

Mineral Deficiency in Fruit and Vegetables. Minerals are the most vital part of our diet. They protect us against cancer, heart disease, dementia, and many every day ailments such as eczema asthma and allergies, and nothing works without them.

Unless you grow your own vegetables and fruit, the last 60 years has seen the mineral content of our crops plummet due to modern farming and pesticides, and organic produce does not escape this sad fact.

It’s interesting that over the same period of time, the incidence of cancer heart disease diabetes, dementia and also the everyday ailments such as asthma and eczema, all types of allergies and even diabetes in children have rocketed.

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Minerals make things happen, but vitamins will not work in the absence of minerals so a mineral rich diet is one of the first steps on the journey to self-healing.

Not all minerals are easily absorbed so we have to use what the body can use, and they don't come more human friendly than Modere Mineral Solutions. Just check out the benefits people are getting from this amazing bottle of goodness.

Wheat Bread, Sugar and Cow's Milk This isn't just about gluten or wheat intolerance. Once upon a time bread was nutritious and beneficial, but now commercially processed bread has become more or less toxic to the body.

It’s no coincidence that chronic diseases went off the charts with the introduction of processed wheat flour.

As a family we eat bread very rarely. Brown, white, seeded or otherwise, it’s a good move to reduce or even eliminate bread from your diet if you can. It’s really not good for us anymore.

Refined sugar is toxic and of no positive benefit to your body at all. Apart from obesity and the impact on dental health, refined sugar and glutamates (food additive) are the two main fuels for the birth and growth of cancer cells, the main culprit in heart disease and used heavily in the production of tinned and processed foods, so eliminating sugar and processed foods from your diet is a big step in your fight to be well.

Drinking cow's milk is insanity. Apart from an allowable level of puss cells, blood, faeces, antibiotics and growth hormone, cow’s milk contains high levels of the estrogen compound estrone sulfate, which is linked to testicular and breast cancer. Contrary to popular belief, cow’s milk actually weakens bone and is a burden on our bodies.

I would recommend oat milk as a replacement. It’s the best alternative I’ve found, and unlike some it’s great in tea and coffee.

The Truth about Soy Foods Soy sounds like a really healthy alternative to milk and meat, but soy foods have a lot of isoflavones; an estrogen-like compound found in plants. Soy raises the concern that estrogen can trigger breast cancers. The risk is that soy will switch on genes that trigger the birth of cancer cells.The great news is we have foods that switch these genes off too.

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Are You Drinking Enough Water? Not drinking enough water can cause tiredness and lack of energy, constipation, indigestion and headaches and actually causes weight gain because sometimes the body will give us a feeling of being hungry rather than a dry mouth.

Next time you feel hungry have a glass of water. If the hunger subsides your body needed water not food. Good hydration also washes toxins through our bodies, so dark urine pretty much says you need to up your water intake.

Healthy Gut, Probiotics and Fermented Foods Our gut flora constitutes around 70% of our immune system, and is vital in protecting us against nasties like harmful bacteria, microbes, and other pathogens in our digestive system.

The gut also regulates the inflammatory immune response the balance of which is vital if we want an immune system that tackles the bad stuff appropriately without over reacting and causing us problems such as eczema and arthritis.

Studies have found that changes in diet that benefit gut flora can have an almost immediate positive effect. Modere Protozymes is a highly effective probiotic supplement that has had an amazing impact on our family’s well-being.

Although many official health websites state that there is no evidence to suggest that probiotics help with conditions triggered by over reaction of the immune system such as eczema, or arthritis, our research led us to the following study on breast feeding mums featured by the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology.

Probiotics during Pregnancy and Breast Feeding Probiotics have shown promising potential in reducing the risk of eczema in infan ts. We investigated whether maternal probiotic supplementation during pregnancy and breast feeding reduces the risk of developing eczema in high risk infants.

This was a parallel, double-blind placebo-controlled trial of 241 mother-infant pairs.

Mothers with allergic disease and atopic sensitization were randomly assigned to receive a broad spread of probiotic bacteria beginning 2 months before delivery and during the first 2 months of breast-feeding. The infants were followed until the age of 24 months. Skin prick tests were performed at the ages of 6, 12, and 24 months.

Altogether 205 infants completed the follow-up and were included in the analyses.

The risk of developing eczema during the first 24 months of life was significantly reduced in infants of mothers receiving probiotic materials. Probiotics had no effect on the risk of atopic sensitization in the infants. No adverse effects were related to the use of probiotics.

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The conclusion to this is a prevention regimen with specific probiotics administered to the pregnant and breast-feeding mother, that is, prenatally and postnatally, is safe and effective in reducing the risk of eczema in infants with allergic mothers positive for skin prick test.

So probiotics can help with eczema... now there's a thing.

Fermented Foods

Today most vegetables are preserved by canning or freezing; but before Jesus the Greeks wrote about the health benefits of fermented vegetables, the Romans used sauerkraut to treat and prevent intestinal infections, and Captain Cook used sauerkraut and lime juice to prevent scurvy on his three-year journey around the world.

Fermented vegetables are packed with vitamins, and are an amazing help in the growth of friendly bacteria. They help produce stomach acid, are a potent digestive aid, and produce compounds that kill harmful bacteria and microbes.

You can easily ferment vegetables at home with a little salt water and patience or buy sauerkraut at the local supermarket, but homemade is always best, and it is amazingly good for the gut.

The gut is the most commonly overlooked ally we have in the maintenance of good health, regulation of immune response and protection against serious disease, and yet it's the easiest to maintain and the fastest to respond to positive changes in our diet.

The Truth about Cancer Prevention and

Owning Optimum Health

What is the truth about cancer? If this article touches one person's life by highlighting the choices they have to stay well and be healed, it will be the most rewarding article I have ever written.

At the turn of the twentieth century, medicine was a very broad church with diverse teaching on many variants of natural, herbal and conventional medicine.

At this point, the Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundations poured millions of dollars into medical universities in a bid to reform medical education and establish "one way".

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They engineered the curriculum for medicinal training through huge grants and donations but both Rockefeller and Carnegie had a vested interest; they manufactured patent medicines, and by showering millions of dollars on colleges teaching drug intensive medicine, created their own self-serving monopoly that is still with us today.

Natural medical schools, even though teaching highly effective treatments in many ways superior to patent drugs, were being ridiculed as quackery and scorned by the patented petro pharmaceutical companies.

You see, you can't patent a herb and make it exclusive, and this was competition to the patent drug industry. The FDA, and the AMA are not blameless in this regard. There was good science behind many natural therapies, but as far as chemotherapy was concerned, the choice of a natural therapy for cancer was taken away from the patient, and clinics were raided and shut down.

In many parts of the world the only legally allowed medication for cancer is chemotherapy. And, it is absolutely true that the American Medical Association have been found guilty by jury in 1987 of conspiracy, so there is some truth in the prejudice displayed toward natural medicine.

Here is the truth about cancer: in 1900 there were over 10,000 natural medical inst itutions. By 1929, there were 22.

Pharma = Patent = Profit So it seems a handful of people birthed a deliberate decision to define disease as an opportunity for profit and build the largest investment industry in the world on that thought.

Although these giant pharmaceutical companies fail to eliminate cancer, they continue to create tremendous profits.

Chemotherapy – How Successful is it? Just to put things into perspective regarding the truth about cancer, let's examine three very quick facts regarding one chemotherapy drug.

1. Ninety seven percent of Chemotherapy patients died within 5 years.

2. Eighty percent of cancer specialists would not prescribe chemotherapy for their own


3. Fifty eight percent of patients are killed by the chemotherapy and not by the cancer,

usually from organ failure, bone marrow destruction, or pneumonia.

I apologise for introducing an element of common sense here regarding the truth about cancer awareness. But why on earth would anyone inject the most powerful toxins known to man, toxins that actually cause cancer themselves into an immune system already compromised by illness? In many cases cancer drugs are actually cancer causing agents.

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It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have already been

fooled. - Mark Twain

Canadian Doctor Veronique Desaulruers who cured both her mother and herself of breast cancer naturally, is quoted as saying, "Tamoxifen, one of the most commonly administered breast cancer drugs is listed by the World Health Organisation as a carcinogenic agent".

One of the listed side effects of chemotherapy is leukaemia. It makes you wonder if the very treatment is inducing even further incidences of the disease.

What Causes Cancer? There is a huge amount of misleading information on what actually triggers cancer. Contrary to popular belief, only 5% of cancers are genetic, and the awesome news is that protective genes can be turned on and off by our diet so we had better know what to eat.

18% are caused by viral, fungal or parasitic infection, 23% by obesity and a whopping 41% by environmental factors including exposure to toxins, so around 70% of the causes of cancer are controllable, and preventable.

We Can Control 70% Causes of Cancer

Diet and lifestyle - What to avoid:

Our diet is critical in the prevention of cancer and many other conditions, and there's a wealth of information out there on this subject but let's focus on some really critical diet decisions and lifestyle choices that can make a difference in preventing and possibly curing cancer.

Sugar and glutamates:

It is estimated that the average person in the UK consumes 24lb of sugar every year. Apart from obesity and the impact on dental health, refined sugar and glutamates are the two main fuels for the birth and growth of cancer cells, and both are used heavily in the production of processed foods, so the first step is to eliminate sugar and chemical laden processed foods from your diet.

The average European consumes around nine pounds of chemicals through processed foods every year. If you prepare and cook your own food you know exactly what's in it. Three simple spices in your kitchen cupboard means you have an endless supply of curry rather than buying a processed sauce of the shelf. Save money, great taste, and no chemicals.

Wheat bread:

Sadly, a loaf of bread brown white or any other shade made with wheat flour these days is a shadow of what it once was. Bread today is pretty much a loaf of empty calories and carbohydrates void of any real nutritional value.

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Wheat flour is now so heavily milled, refined and bleached that it is largely stripped of nutrient content. All this processing turns nutritious wheat grain into a starch, a simple sugar. Synthetic vitamins and minerals are added back in post processing but they are incredibly difficult for the body to absorb in synthetic form.

The same is true of the synthetic form of folate, - folic acid. It is metabolized by going straight to the liver and not the small intestine as is folate. This means it ends up in the blood stream non-metabolized which causes cancer causing neoplasms.

Once upon a time bread was nutritious and beneficial, but now commercially processed bread has become more or less toxic to the body. It’s no coincidence that chronic diseases went off the charts with the introduction of processed wheat flour.

Cow's milk:

A recent study carried out at Harvard University has shown that milk from factory dairy farms is linked to causing hormone dependent cancers. Cow’s milk contains high levels of estrogen compound estrone sulfate which is linked to testicular and breast cancer.

In addition, the western dairy dependent diet has shown to actually weaken bone compared to its Asian counterpart. Europeans are far more likely to experience fractures than our Asian brothers and sisters despite consuming massive amounts of dairy foods in comparison.

Soy foods:

Soy foods have a lot of isoflavones, - estrogen-like compounds found in plants. Soy raises the concern that estrogen can trigger breast cancers.

Research at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and Weill Cornell Medical College suggests that women including soy in their diet risk turning on genes that can trigger the birth of cancer cells. The good news is that we have foods that switch these genes off too.

Control your environment:

It's estimated that the average woman is exposed to around 200 toxins a day through toothpaste, shampoo creams and cosmetics. That doesn't take into account laundry product, air freshener and cleaning products. Our home can be one of the most toxic environments there is.

Many of these ingredients are controversial. Most were passed as safe in the 1930's, and they are used because they are allowed to be and they are cheap.

The personal care industry is pretty much self-policing and although considered safe in low dosages, no research has ever been carried out as to the effects of long term exposure of these chemicals over time.

The worrying thing is that babies are now born with these chemicals in their system from Mum's use of these innocent every day products.

There are certain ingredients that are on my "do not touch with a barge pole" list and these include Parabens with possible links to breast cancer, phthalates linked to liver and kidney

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problems, and PEG's and Sodium Lauryl Sulphate which may be contaminated by 1-4dioxane a banned and recognised cancer causing agent.

These ingredients potentially put a toxic load on the immune system, and there is no need to have them in your home. There are safer alternatives that can take this toxic pressure off your body and make your home a more human friendly environment.

Related article: Dirty Dozen Checklist – What Ingredients are in Baby & Personal Care Products?

Effective Prevention and Self-Healing

Mineral rich diet protection:

Organic fresh fruit and vegetables particularly mulberries, blueberries, kiwi, cherries, avocado, figs, blood oranges, grapefruit, and broccoli stems, are always recommended for the phytonutrient complexes and fibre they contain, but don't be fooled.

Twice Nobel Prize Winner Professor Linus Pauling stated that every disease and illness known to man can be traced back to a mineral deficiency.

Minerals are the foundational building blocks of life, and vital to health, and selenium is a key mineral that scavenges nasty free radicals, and affords us great protection.

But, unless you grow your own, the mineral nutrient content of fruit and vegetables has plummeted over the last 60 years and can't be depended on to deliver the cancer preventing minerals like selenium, chromium and silicon we need.

So, it’s highly recommended to include a readily bioavailable mineral supplement and a good supplementation regime that includes a broad spread of these lifesaving minerals bioflavonoids and antioxidants.

Related article: Modere Mineral Solutions – Is this the Best Kept Health Secret on the Internet?


Medicine is amazing. When it comes to ground breaking surgery the skill of many surgeons is nothing short of miraculous, but when it comes to the everyday problems that we all face, doctors sometimes struggle to give us healing or even relief from the common conditions that everyone experiences in their family like eczema, asthma… [Read More] Turmeric Powder a Humble Little Spice That Packs a Big Punch

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Apricot kernels:

How did we come across apricot seed kernels? Dr Ernest Krebs a biochemist fascinated by the lifestyle of the ancient Hunzas, a remote people of Northern Pakistan discovered that they enjoyed near-perfect health, and lived long lives without obesity, heart disease, or cancer. What was their secret? It was believed their large amounts of apricot kernels… [Read More] Apricot Seed Kernels for Cancer Cells- The Flawed Logic Truth or Fiction?

Frankincense essential oil:

Frankincense essential oil has been used for thousands of years to ease disease-causing inflammation, strengthen the immune system, and prevent dangerous infections. Many people remain unaware of the added cancer-fighting potential of this precious oil, which researchers from the University of Leicester in the UK (among others), have confirmed through rigorous scientific testing… [Read More] Frankincense Essential Oil – The Little Bottle of Miracles

Detox, parasites and a healthy gut flora:

It is estimated that at least 20% of cancer patients have some form of parasitic infection such as virus's amoeba, yeast, fungi or microbes directly causing the cancer.

Normally your good intestinal flora will feed off these parasites, but if it is compromised by prescribed antibiotics, or antibiotics in foods, steroids, cortisone, chemotherapy drugs, or stress not only is your immune system effectiveness reduced, but you cannot fight off the parasitic infection.

The routine to detox is starve, kill replenish...

Removing the foods I mentioned earlier will starve parasites of their fuel, and give your gut flora a chance to recover. Sweet wormwood, garlic, black walnut, cloves and fennel are amazing parasite killers, and there are some very effective supplement blends that work amazingly.

Finally replenish your gut flora with a quality probiotic supplement, and also fermented foods such as sauerkraut which is absolutely saturated in vitamin C and apple cider vinegar. These simple foods are amazing for restoring gut flora.

Remember, your gut makes up 85% of your immune system, and a healthy immune system means greater protection. It's worth investing in.

Green tea:

Green tea is a drink made from the dried leaves of the Asian plant Camellia sinensis, and is drunk widely across Asia where the rates of many cancers are much lower than the west.

Green tea leaves contain ‘bioactive’ compounds, such as green tea polyphenols known as catechins and are believed to be responsible for many of the health benefits of green tea. The most abundant catechin in green tea called Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) has been tested extensively recently to better understand its ability as a cancer cell killer.

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The results of numerous studies clearly show that EGCG and other green tea antioxidants are toxic to cancer cells in the laboratory and show why researchers are as optimistic for their potential as another weapon in the arsenal for the fight against cancer.

Set Your Immune System Free

The bottom line is that for the many cancer sufferers chemotherapy is the only option we are conditioned to accept, so does our attitude need to change? Do we need to be thinking more seriously in terms of prevention and not waiting to get sick before we take action?

One thing that my research and the research of many others before me has shown is that these natural treatments have good science behind them, and for many they work very effectively not only as a preventative measure but as a cure. The problem is your doctor will never recommend an alternative therapy for cancer as they would lose their licence to practice medicine. Perhaps it’s time to take a more open minded look at what nature can offer us. After all most drugs are molecules isolated and tweaked from plant chemicals in the first place.

And finally, if cutting out the bad that suppresses the immune system, and adding in the good that strengthens it works for the most feared disease on the planet, what could these changes mean to other conditions like heart disease? Alzheimer’s? Diabetes? Asthma? Eczema?

I can't help but feel there is an incredible amount of needless suffering in the world, and God has put the answer right in front of our noses in the abundant healing of nature, yet perhaps we are blinded to it by the vested interest of the petro patent drug industry, and the blinkered view produced by the conditioning that reacting to the problem once it's occurred by writing a prescription is the only way to beat disease.

As the father of medicine Hippocrates said two and a half thousand years ago "Let medicine be thy food and food be thy medicine". Maybe the father of medicine was right all

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along. Have you tried Modere Mineral Solutions – a liquid supplement containing a proprietary blend of vitamins, minerals, and botanica l extracts…check out my review: Modere Mineral Solutions – Is this the Best Kept Health Secret on the Internet?

Modere Mineral Solutions – Is this the Best

Kept Health Secret on the Internet?

For me Modere Mineral Solutions is the answer to a busy lifestyle that very often results in poor nutrition.

The truth is, I don’t have time to juice a ton of organic fruit and prepare precise portions every day to keep my family fit and healthy. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't know where to start to figure out the correct balance of minerals vitamins and important nutrients we need.

Don't get me wrong I love fresh fruit, but I've

found juicing is an expensive and laborious

process, and making sure everyone gets the

correct amount of nutrients they need isn’t


Particularly when there's a question mark over

how nutritious fruit really is these days.

That’s why I love this product. It sits quite happily and conveniently in our fridge, and instantly gives a daily balanced shot of all the possible nutrients the family needs.

In one little serving of 15ml per day, it offers a wide range of ingredients with a unique blend of 74 minerals, vitamins, macro nutrients, amino acids, anti-oxidants, and essential B-vitamins, phytochemicals and fruit juices.

It's a fab way to supplement the nutrient shortfall.

Why Use Modere Mineral Solutions? Apart from the obvious health benefits there is a more serious underlying reason for using this type of broad spectrum product.

Did you know that fresh produce has never been so poor in nutritional value?

Our modern lifestyle and eating processed foods doesn't always make it possible to consume all the vital nutrients our body needs. Plus, essential minerals in our fruit and vegetables have dropped between 50%, and nearly 100% over the last 60 years. These statistics are quite shocking to say the least; so with that in mind, is there any wonder why so many of us are sick today?

Page 20: Heal Yourself Naturally With Food from the Inside Outhidden sugar, salt, glutamate's and preservative chemicals which really don't benefit us at all. I know the temptation when we’re


Minerals are the biggest protectors against serious disease, yet our fresh produce is becoming increasingly low in them. Add to that the fact that our bodies only absorb around 8% of the majority of supplements on the market which can be an exercise in disappointing results and money wasted as with many products we've tried.

Have you been there? It's so disappointing when supplements don't deliver.

Easy to Take and Tastes Good Too! Modere Mineral Solutions counters your dietary shortfalls, and it's easy to take. It’s great to mix with fruit or vegetable juice, your smoothie or enjoy it on its own.

For those of you that hate taking pills or capsules, i t's a perfect way to get the nutrients you need because it comes in a convenient liquid suspension that the body can easily digest, absorb and get to work boosting your system and start getting you back to beautiful!

Does It Work? In all honesty, I am amazed at how quickly after starting to take this daily little shot of goodness how much myself, my family and others are seeing changes.

The first noticeable changes were a real and noticeable increase in energy and alertness, better sleeping patterns, hair and skin in better condition. Being able to grow nails properly for the first time was a very welcome added bonus!

Is Modere Mineral Solutions Value For Money? At £19.43 / €19.43 per 500ml for 30 days’ supply or 65p per day; given the benefits we’ve seen, this amazing little product is definitely worth its weight in gold.

There’s £10 / €10 off your first purchase and if you love it as much as we do and share it with a friend, you get a further £10 / €10 to spend and so does your friend.

What’s the Verdict?

Wow! Nutrient packed, optimally blended, convenient straight from the fridge, look and feel great, and great value for money. A must try product and with £10 credit on offer just to check it out, it's a no brainer!

Page 21: Heal Yourself Naturally With Food from the Inside Outhidden sugar, salt, glutamate's and preservative chemicals which really don't benefit us at all. I know the temptation when we’re


My Most Sincere Hope

I never advocate anything I haven't tried, tested and used myself.

All I can say is that all of the above have worked for me, my family and friends, and I believe it will work for you too if you're open minded enough to introduce these amazing foods into your diet and replace the nasties in your home with products that bless your body rather than hurt it. If you're disciplined enough to stick with the changes, you will experience the same dramatic changes in body, mind and quality of life that we have as a family.

It's been amazing and revelational!

If one person benefits from these words, then this article will have achieved its purpose in helping people heal and live a healthier more abundant life. If you do, please tell us all about it, but more importantly, pass the baton on and help someone else heal themselves too. There is no greater satisfaction than watching people heal and thrive.

My most sincere hope for you is that your family experiences the same amazing healing that my family has seen because your health is in your hands!


Page 22: Heal Yourself Naturally With Food from the Inside Outhidden sugar, salt, glutamate's and preservative chemicals which really don't benefit us at all. I know the temptation when we’re


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For more life changing health information visit backtobeautiful.eu