health and man canvas

Hakeem Patterson Biology 11 sc&t

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fundamentals covering health and man.. canas


Page 1: Health and Man Canvas

Hakeem Patterson



Page 2: Health and Man Canvas

Health and man

Health can be defined as the state of being sound in mind body and spirit, especially freedom from disease and pain.

A disease is a condition in which the health of an organism is hindered. Diseases are categorized into 4 main types- Physiological, Pathogenic, Hereditary and Deficiency.


A physiological disease is a disease caused when the normal working of the body system is affected. This could be as a result of malfunctioning body organs or body cellular structures changing over a period of time causing illness. E.g. Diabetes, Asthma, Hypertension.


This is a disease in which people lack sufficient insulin so they are unable to oxidize glucose. Sugar accumulates in the body and is excreted because the concentration of glucose in the blood is greater than the kidney can deal with. Diabetes is often associated with obesity and large consumptions of alcoholic beverages over a prolonged period of time. Diabetes is classified into 2 types

Type 1

This is less common than type 2. If a patient suffers from type 1 diabetes, his islet of Langerhans in the pancreas fails to produce insulin completely

Type 2

In type 2 diabetes the target cells containing glucose do not respond to insulin , so causing the diabetes. Sugar accumulates in the body and is excreted because the concentration of glucose in the blood is greater than the kidney can deal with. The kidney tubules fail to re absorbs all the glucose.

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Symptoms Treatment Control/prevention


Continual thirst

Weight loss

Increased unrination

Insulin tablet/injection

Low Carbohydrate diet


Education on the importance of diet and exercise.


This is a disease where the bronchial tubes constrict. Among the many allergens that trigger asthma are house dust mites, pollen pets’ fur and feathers, virus infections, fungal spores, smoke and other air pollutants such as windblown dust, and cigarette smoking it is spread by airborne particles.

Symptoms Treatment Control/prevention



Shortness of breath

Chest tightness

Use inhaler

Antihistamines to reduce inflammation.

Avoid source


This is when the pressure caused by the blood persistently pushing against the inside walls of the main arteries is high. It is linked to genetics, poor diet, lack of exercise and obesity. When it is caused by another medical factor such as kidney failure, heart disease or stroke then it is referred to as secondary hypertension.

Symptoms Treatment Control/prevention

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High blood pressure usually has no obvious symptoms and many people have it without knowing. In some rare cases, where a person has very high blood pressure, they can experience symptoms including: a persistent headache blurred or double vision nosebleeds shortness of breath.

Take prescribed medication and follow doctor’s orders.

Eat healthy, exercise regularly, stop smoking , avoid alcohol.


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These are diseases that are caused by parasitic organisms such as viruses, bacteri , fungi and protozoa. Pathogens (disease carrying organism) resides on or inside and organism; the host, causing it to be diseased or sick. The pathogen transmit itself from host to host infecting them in numerous ways such as: airborne droplets, direct contact, contact with feces and vectors. Some of these are influenza, malaria and athletes foot.


This is similar to the common cold, the mucus membranes of the respiratory system and throat become infected by the virus

Symptoms Treatment Control/prevention



Sore throat


Antibiotic s


Pain killers

Hot drinks

Good ventilation

Avoid crowds

Influenza vaccine


A protozoan called plasmodium, which is transmitted by the anopheles mosquitoes causes the disease. The plasmodium damages the red blood cells of humans and releases toxins which causes the fever. When taking a meal from an infected the anopheles mosquito will take in the parasites; these are passes on in the saliva to infect someone else at the time of the next meal.

Symptoms Treatment Control/prevention

High fever, chills, muscle pain.

Take medication and treatment as prescribed.

Take medication before during and after a visit to an area where malaria is present.

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Treat still uncovered waters to stop site of breeding.

Place holes in containers that can accumulate still water.

Athlete’s foot

This is a common contagious fungal infection on the skin.

Symptoms Treatment Control/prevention



Flaking (of infected area)

Usage of ointments Good hygiene


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A genetic disorder is an illness caused by one or more abnormalities in the genome, especially a condition that is present from birth. Some of these are Sickle cell anemia and Hemophilia.

Sickle cell anemia

Sickle cell anemia is an inherited form of anemia; a condition in which there are not enough healthy red blood cells to carry adequate oxygen throughout one’s body. Normally, red blood cells are flexible and round, moving easily through one’s blood vessels. In sickle cell anemia, the red blood cells become rigid and sticky and are shaped like sickles or crescent moons. These irregularly shaped cells can get stuck in small blood vessels, which can slow or block blood flow and oxygen to parts of the body.

Symptoms Treatment Control/prevention



weight loss

May lead to heart / kidney failure.

avoid situations where oxygen supply is reduced.(no treatment or cure)

Genetic Counseling

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A hereditary genetic disorders that impair the body's ability to control blood clotting or coagulation, which is used to stop bleeding when a blood vessel is broken.

Symptoms Treatment Control/Prevention

Bruise easily, Internal bleeding especially around joints. Pain in joints More severe cases will be Several large or deep bruises. Joint pain or swelling. Unexplained bleeding or bruising. Blood in feces (stools).Blood in urine. Unexplained nosebleeds. Unexplained gum bleeding. Tightness in the joints

medication is used in response to an episode of prolonged bleeding

Medication to prevent bleeding episodes, and subsequent complications, such as joint and/or muscle damage.


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Diseases that are caused by the lack of some particular nutrient in a person's diet.

Iron deficiency anemia

This disease is caused due to the deficiency of iron. In this disease, the level of the hemoglobin becomes low, Thus shortening the oxygen carrying rate.

Symptoms Treatment Control/Prevention


pale appearance

shortness of breath

increased heart rate

Eat foods rich in iron and take iron supplements

Education on the importance of a balanced diet


This disease is due to the deficiency of protein.

Photo shows a child suffering from kwashiorkor.

Symptoms Treatment Control/Prevention



loss of muscle mass

Extended belly

change in skin and hair colour

Eat foods rich in protein and take protein supplements

Education on the importance of a balanced diet

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Vectors are organisms that do not cause disease themselves but which spreads infection by conveying pathogens from one host to another. Some of these are

Flies: Can be commonly found in restaurants, homes, warehouses and food storage or processing plants, as well as grocery stores, wine cellars and anywhere else food is left to

ferment and decay. They feed on food we eat and transmit the disease, for example gastroenteritis.

Mosquitoes: These are vectors for malaria and can be found in areas that have untreated still waters which makes a haven of breeding ground for mosquitoes. Mosquitoes bite an infected

host and obtain the pathogen which is then transmitted to its next victim by a bite. The mosquito has 4 life cycles: the egg , larvae , pupa and adult stage in that order .

The diagram shows the life cycle of the mosquito its

infant stages it’s habitat is aquatic as it feeds on tiny particles in the water as it moves to adulthood it moves from water to land and feeds on blood. A typical mosquito has a life span of 4-6 weeks.

Rats: Rats are various medium-sized, long-

tailed rodents of the super family Muroidea.They are vectors as they transmit the leptospirosis disease.

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Disease Causative agent Symptoms ControlAids: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrone

Virus (HIIV) Persistent cough , fever , skin rashes , swollen lymph glands , diarrhea, weakness. Secondary infections: pneumonia , tuberculosis, cancers

Keep to one sexual partner. Do not inject drugs , use condom during sex. Education about diseases.

Gonorrhoea Bacterium Yellowish discharge from urethra ,pain when urinating, if untreated ; inflammation of fallopian tubes and sperm duct. Arthritis , weakened heart.

Keep to one sexual partner , treatment by antibiotics e.g penicillin streptomycin.

Syphilis Bacterium One or more painful ulcers , usually in genital region. Skin rash , sore throat ,skin sore , scarred liver , blindness, heart failure , insanity

Keep to one sexual partner , penicillin , but this will not reverse the damage of later symptoms.

Genital herpes Virus Blisters in genital region , which burst to form ulcers

Avoid contact with blisters or ulcers or infected person.

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Social and economical implications of diseases on man, animal and crop.

The loss of life and loss of working hours to disease are important social and economic factors in disease also. The research for cures and treatments to diseases such as aids and for degenerative

diseases such as cancer also places increasing demands on health services . self-inflicted diseases related to smoking , lack of exercise and over eating are becoming increasingly important

economically in developed countries ,in the cost of treatment and effect on life.

However, man is also affected economically by the health of the crops and animal stocks he grows for food. loss of livestock and agricultural crops due to disease , can have serious

economical implications . A disease can greatly reduce or wipe out the live stock or food crop of an area in a short space of time , for example mealy bug infestation in the caribbean and foot-and-mouth disease in Europe . this results in loss of income for the farmers and reduction in

food availability . Food in the form of livestock and agricultural produce move throughout the world in ships and airplanes daily . It is therefore very difficult to prevent the spread of some

diseases. Quarantine procedures at ports and airports help but do not prevent the spread of diseases. Many pathogens are micro-organisms , not seen and can exist as spores for a long

period of time.

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Table of content

Health and man______________________________________________pg.4 Vectors_____________________________________________________pg.12 STDs_______________________________________________________pg.13 Social and economical implications of diseases on man, animal and crop.____________________________pg.14

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IntroductionA healthy person is physically socially and mentally well, there are many diseases that can corrupt this. They are classified as pathogenic, deficiency, hereditary and physiological. These can cause many social and economic implications in the family , community and country