health and safety requirements for computer maintenance

Health and Safety requirements for Computer Maintenance Ajay Jassi

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Post on 05-Dec-2014




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This is a presentation about how employer keeps their employees safe by following the law, and this also shows how files are backed up easily. This presentation is part of my IT coursework*


Page 1: Health and safety requirements for computer maintenance

Health and Safety requirements for Computer Maintenance Ajay Jassi

Page 2: Health and safety requirements for computer maintenance

Before the processBackup all of the data that is

important.Check system BIOS so that if any

parts of the computer is damaged it will give a warning, so the problem is known.

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Manual handlingWhen lifting up a computer, legs

must be bent and back must be straight up, as this will prevent breaking bones when lifting heavy objects.

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Electrical hazardsFirstly turn off the computer

correctly and unplug it from the mains.

Unplug all the other cables attracted to the back and front of the computer.

Power cycle the computer.

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Preventing Static ShocksOnce that is done lay the computer

down on a flat surface on top of an antistatic mat.

If there is any screws that need to be undo, use the correct screwdriver and take off the cover.

Now a antistatic wristband will need to be worn and connect it to a metal part in the casing of the computer with the crocodile clip.

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Responsibility for employers The employer must make sure that their

employees are safe and comfortable with their industry. For the employer to do this they will need a clean environment with fully equipped uses.

Employees will need:1)To have regular breaks.2)Comfortable spinning chairs with cushioning, arm rest, foot rest and a head rest. 3)Antiglare screen to protect their eyes.4)Strong table.5)Safe fully working keyboard and mice.

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Reasons why employers responsibility are important1)Employees will need to take regular breaks so that they don’t strain the eyes and muscles, also avoids them from getting headaches.2)They will need a comfortable chair because they will be sitting down for long hours and if the chair isn’t comfortable, then this may cause back problems and long term health problems.3)Needs for antiglare monitor is very important as it reduces reflections from the background, so not much light is being lit off.4)A strong table will need required if a monitor and a desktop computer will need to be held. Also it will need to be able to hold up arm weight when using keyboard and mice.5)It’s important for the employees to have a good keyboard and mice, so that they don’t get an electric shock.

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Good working practice

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Importance of passwordPasswords are used to protect data and

personal information.To create a strong password it must

contain capital letters, numbers and symbols.

It’s important that passwords are not shared.

The minimum characters should be 8.When creating password, no personal

information or names should be used. Such as football clubs, first name, dob etc.

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Using directory and file namesUsing directory and folders are

useful as it keeps data organised and easy to access.

When using directory it saves the time, instead of looking through one folder.

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Backing up dataBacking up data is very

important and useful. This is because if the file crashes or gets lost, you will have a restore point, so where last been saved in a different directory.

This can be saving it to a different hdd, email, memory stick or dropbox.

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Anti-virus Anti-virus is a software that is

installed onto the computer to protect data from viruses and damage.

Some anti-virus software automatically backup your data, in emergency of a virus or a error.

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Methods of communicationCommunication method What each type of

communication was usedAdvantages and

disadvantages of using the method

Email Used to send work to teacher and to get help.

Advantages: Easy and quick to use.Disadvantages: Not a instant respond.

Social networking sites (Twitter)

Used to share work to peers to view and receive information

Advantages: Receive feedback and can improve.Disadvantages: Work can be copied by someone else.

Video Used this to do a Face-to-face discussion which got uploaded on YouTube.

Advantages: Easy for people to view the video as doesn’t require downloadingDisadvantages: If the video has high pixels, slow internet connections wouldn’t be able to cope.

Letter Used to send letters to customers, to keep in touch.

Advantages: allows people to send vouchers and coupons Disadvantages: customers doesn’t have to reply

Mobile phone Used to communicate with friends by text.

Advantages: Instant reply and quick send. Also no internet connection is required.Disadvantages: In some areas there is restricted signals/Main disadvantage is that email, social sites and videos requires internet connection.

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How communication delays and effects progress in workplace.Mainly communication delays progress

because the main communication type which is Email isn't a instant reply and takes time to get a response.

Other way is if there is no signal in the specific area.

Another less known problem is if you accidently email it to the wrong person, without realising and still waiting for a response.

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Demonstrating how to restore a file using backup

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How to backup using dropbox

1) Create folder 2) Save file in folder3) Log into dropbox4) Create directory folder in

dropbox5) Open directory folder and

click on upload button6) Choice file to upload7) Once done it should be in


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Downloading from dropbox to restore. 1) Log into dropbox2) Go into the folder when

the file is in3) Click on the file4) Then click on the

download icon and it will save into the download folder

5) When you click on the file it will take you to the directory folder

File that just been downloaded

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How to backup using USB 1) Create folder 2) Save file in folder3) Plug in USB4) Open USB5) Create directory in

USB6) Copy file over to

USB 7) Delete file of

computer8) Copy back over

from USB