health and wellbeing may 2020 more ideas · 2020-05-26 · health and wellbeing may 2020 – more...

Health and Wellbeing May 2020 – More Ideas HWB Week – Have Fun Dance, like no-one is watching, to your favourite song. Sing, like no-one is listening, to your favourite song. Create your own obstacle course and time everyone in your family completing it. Create a gymnastics routine and teach it to an adult at home. Change the lyrics to a song you are familiar with about your experience during lockdown. Find your favourite spot in or around your house and get lost in a good book. Plan a movie night with your family. Take votes for the movie and snack. Give someone at home a beauty treatment – do their nails, do their hair, give them a massage or a treatment of your choice. Plan a games day/night with your family. You might take it seriously and have a score board! Have a water fight with someone at home. Organise a family quiz. You can open this up to other family members through the use of Zoom or FaceTime. Create a ‘thankful’ jar and write down all things you are thankful for during lockdown. Keep this as a memory. Create a ‘fun times to come’ jar and write down the things you are looking forward to once lockdown is over. Carry out an act of kindness to improve someone’s day. Don’t tell them. Learn a magic trick or create a variety act to entertain someone at home. Be kind to yourself – list everything you are good at. Choose an activity you enjoy and dedicate a day to this. Springwatch This week marks the start of BBC's Springwatch 2020. Perhaps you could watch the first episode on Tuesday or look at their website which offers tips for helping the wildlife in your own garden. They will also be 'going live' on their various social media outlets too.

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Health and Wellbeing May 2020 – More Ideas

HWB Week – Have Fun

Dance, like no-one is

watching, to your

favourite song.

Sing, like no-one is

listening, to your

favourite song.

Create your own

obstacle course and

time everyone in your

family completing it.

Create a gymnastics

routine and teach it to

an adult at home.

Change the lyrics to a

song you are familiar

with about your

experience during


Find your favourite

spot in or around your

house and get lost in a

good book.

Plan a movie night with

your family. Take

votes for the movie

and snack.

Give someone at home

a beauty treatment –

do their nails, do their

hair, give them a

massage or a

treatment of your


Plan a games day/night

with your family. You

might take it seriously

and have a score board!

Have a water fight

with someone at home.

Organise a family quiz.

You can open this up to

other family members

through the use of

Zoom or FaceTime.

Create a ‘thankful’ jar

and write down all

things you are thankful

for during lockdown.

Keep this as a memory.

Create a ‘fun times to

come’ jar and write

down the things you

are looking forward to

once lockdown is over.

Carry out an act of

kindness to improve

someone’s day. Don’t

tell them.

Learn a magic trick or

create a variety act to

entertain someone at


Be kind to yourself –

list everything you are

good at. Choose an

activity you enjoy and

dedicate a day to this.


This week marks the start of BBC's Springwatch 2020. Perhaps you could watch the first

episode on Tuesday or look at their website which offers tips for helping the wildlife in your

own garden. They will also be 'going live' on their various social media outlets too.

Health and Wellbeing

If you could change round your

bedroom, what would it look


Cleaning and reorganising your

bedroom can make you feel

happy. Give it a go but make

sure you have permission.

Spy Training Obstacle Course.

Pretend to be a spy or an

action character. Start your

training by creating your very

own spy training camp!

Spacex are building spaceships to

fly passengers into space. What

kind of spaceship would you like to

travel in? Draw a spaceship then


it out

of junk.

Complete a jigsaw puzzle

Choose an easy puzzle then

challenge yourself with a

harder one. Jigsaw puzzles

are lots of fun.

Start by picking out and

joining the edge pieces. Then

build the inside of the jigsaw.

Build a bug hotel from twigs,

branches, pine cones, stones and


Make a game out of junk. For

example – skittles. Beat your

highest score!

Health and Wellbeing Week

1. Lego stamping:


Can be done with ink or paint.

2. Cosmic Kids Yoga

Go on and choose a Cosmic Kids Yoga video to do as a family.

3. Stick Man wants to go for a ride on the river. Can you make a boat for Stick Man?

Use recyclable materials from around the house or make it from natural materials that you can

collect from round the garden or when out on a walk.

4. Can you create an abstract picture using a dice to

find out what line, shape and texture you are to use

to create your picture.

Leaf Art Collect lots of leaves and create your own leaf art picture. There are some pictures below to give you some


Make an animal from your leaves.

What else can you make? Have fun!

I am learning about butterflies and moths

When you are outside you can have a look for some common butterflies and moths. Here

are some pictures of them and their names.

Common Blue Peacock – it has false eyes like a peacock to frighten away


Red Admiral

Speckled Woo Small Copper Large white

Small Tortoiseshell Peppered Moth Hummingbird Hawk-Moth


Create a tally chart of the butterflies and moths that you see.

Take notes while watching

Investigate and compare the differences between a moth and a butterfly.

Research information such as habitat, food etc. of a butterfly and moth.

I am learning to record my findings.

I am able to show and explain the differences between a

moth and a butterfly in the form of a table.

I am able to draw and label a moth/butterfly accurately.

I am able to explain and include drawings that show the life cycle of a


I am able to include a fact file on butterfly/moth habitat, food, life span etc.

I am able to include additional information, that I understand, such as whether

they are endangered.

Task 2

Look at some of the art ideas and create your own model or picture of a


I am learning about the different clouds in the sky.

Watch these two videos and learn about clouds.

What types of clouds can you see in the sky?

Predict what the weather will be.

Look up at the clouds. What do you see? A dragon or a huge train or a goblin?

What can you make? Be creative and make or draw something to do with

the clouds.

Science experiment

Make it Rain- To be supervised by an adult


Glass jar

Ceramic plate

Hot water (parental guidance with this part)

4 ice cubes


1. Pour 5cm of hot water into a jar. 2. Cover the jar with the ceramic plate face up. 3. Wait 3 minutes to continue to the next step. 4. Put ice cubes on the plate. 5. Observe your homemade water cycle.

How it Works:

What happens? The cold plate causes the moisture in the warm air, which is inside the jar to condense and form water droplets. This is the same thing that happens in the atmosphere. Warm, moist air rises and meets colder air high in the atmosphere. The water vapor condenses and forms precipitation that falls to the ground.

I am learning to identify trees in my local area.

When you are in your garden or out for a walk have a look at the trees around you.


Use the identification sheet to help you name the different trees that you see.

Make a tally chart like this one-

Tree Tally Amount

Oak // 2

Silver Birch /// 3

Draw or take photographs of the trees.

Carefully collect a few leaves from the different trees and make a collage with them.

Hazel Beech Douglas Fir

Hornbeam Oak Ash

Copper beech Lime Silver Birch

Sycamore Scots Pine Alder

Poplar Willow Elm

Family Team Building Activities

Scavenger Hunt

Materials Needed: Camera, list of items. Purpose:

Family bonding

Split up into two teams and give each team a list of

items/actions that they need to find or actions they need

to do. Make sure and get a picture or video of each item

on the list so that you can all go through them together


Spider Web

Materials Needed: straing/wool, tape. Purpose: Family


Within a hallway of your house, make a spiderweb by

taping up many strings of yarn. Have your family

members then take turns getting through the spiderweb

without touching the yarn. Have competitions by seeing

who can get through the fastest. You could play the

Mission Impossible theme tune and video or photo each

attempt. Paper Airplane Contest

Materials Needed: Paper, scotch tape, open space for

flying the airplanes. What this Teaches: The benefits

that come from hard-work. Give your family members 5-

10 minutes to research how to make the best paper

airplane. They can watch Youtube tutorials, or find step-

by-step instructions on the internet. Then give them

another 5-10 minutes to make their own paper airplane.

Find an open space and take turns flying your airplanes.

Mark how far each plane flew with a piece of tape and

then reward the winner with some type of prize.

Home Trivia

Materials Needed: 20-25 trivia questions about your

home and family members. Purpose: Family Bonding

Come up with around 20-25 questions about your home

and family and then have your family compete to see

who can answer each question correctly, the fastest.

These can be questions such as, “What is mum’s

favourite colour?” or “How did Johnny break his

collarbone.” This activity will be a lot of fun and is a great

way to strengthen your family bond.

Memory Wall

Materials Needed: Poster board, glue, family pictures,

markers, an empty wall. Purpose: Family Bonding and


On a big poster board come up with phrases that can be

illustrated through pictures, such as “birthdays”,

“achievements”, “holidays”, “memories” and then as a

family create a collage. Find a space in your home to

hang this poster and continue adding to it. OR make a

Covid-19 Lockdown memory wall with pictures, photos

and slogans from your family and the community; a

piece of family history!

Spaghetti and Marshmallow Tower

Materials Needed: uncooked spaghetti noodles, mini

marshmallows. What This Teaches: Teamwork and

problem solving.

Depending on the size of your family, split up into teams

or just do it together. Give each team a box of spaghetti

and a bag of mini-marshmallows and have them

construct a tower as tall as they can within 10 minutes.

Whichever team gets the tallest tower within that 10

minute time-frame wins.


Materials Needed: Random household items,

blindfold. What This Teaches: Trust, teamwork.

Set up a “minefield” in your house by creating an

obstacle course of chairs, pillows, couches, etc. Then

divide your family into groups of two. Have one family

member wear a blindfold while the other guides them

through the minefield with only verbal directions. Have

each family member take turns going through the

obstacle course and guiding someone through it. Feel

free to alter the obstacles after each turn so that nobody

becomes too familiar with it.

Back To Back Pictures

Materials Needed: Paper, pencils, simple

drawings. What This Teaches: How to give clear,

concise directions and work with a teammate.

Divide your family into groups of two and have them sit

back to back. Give one teammate a pre-drawn picture,

and give the other teammate a paper and pencil. Instruct

the person holding the pre-drawn image to give

instructions on how to draw their picture without outright

telling them what it is.

Ideas for Catch up week

Teddy bears

This link shows you how to make your very own teddy bear using a towel from your house.

Have a teddy bears picnic – indoor or outdoors


Edinburgh zoo have some great web cams


Research or use YouTube to find out how rainbows are made

Life skills

Being able to spell whole name

Able to say and write address and postcode

Know their phone number and how to use a phone

Know what to do in an emergency

Tie shoelaces

Making bed

Set dinner table

Washing dishes

Fasten buttons on clothes

Clean your room

Hand and fold cloths

Care for a pet

Be able to sort recycling rubbish

Wellbeing Week Activities 25/05/20

Create your own dance

Using your birthday create your own dance sequence. Write your birthday down, each number in your

birthday corresponds to a dance move below. E.g. 18/12/94- ½ turn, roll, ½ turn, step right, jump, jazz

hands. Choose a song to go with your dance

0- Pause/Freeze

1- ½ Turn

2- Step Right

3- Step Left

4- Clap hands or jazz hands

5- Step Forwards

6- Step Backwards

7- Full Turn

8- Roll or own choice

9- Jump

Try creating a dance sequence for your whole family.

Minibeast Hunt Go into your garden or go for a walk. Look for lots of different minibeasts, how many items can you tick off

the list below? How many minibeasts did you find?

Number of legs/wings Colour Length Texture

6 legs Red Short Smooth

8 legs Orange Long Slimy

No legs Yellow Thin Furry

2 wings Green Thick Rough

4 wings Pink Squishy

Black Hard

Mud Pie Recipe (Activity that P2b have already done but really enjoyed)

Create your own mud recipe. Write it down then (with permission) have fun making your

mud pie outside.

This Photo by Unknown Author is

Our Place in Space

The planets are very different in size. Jupiter, the biggest is 143,000 km across at the equator;

Pluto, the smallest is only 2,000 km across. Model the planets to scale using things you might have

at home.

You could use some of these:

Beach ball, football, watermelon, a tennis ball, a table-tennis ball, a peppercorn, a seed, an

orange, a grape, a marble, a pea, a bead, scrunched up wastepaper.

To work out our position in space, go outside on a dry day. Roll out a toilet roll. The sun is at the

very end. Count 4 sheets along from the Sun, then place Mercury there. The other planets would

fit as follows.

Venus-sheet 7, Earth-sheet 10, Mars- sheet 15, Jupiter -sheet 53, Saturn-sheet 95, Uranus-sheet

192, Neptune-sheet 301, Pluto Sheet 395

Shiver Me Timbers! Jelly dissolving challenge

You will need: different coloured jelly cubes, scissors, cups or similar containers, spoons, warm

(not boiling) and cold water, a clock or timer

Your problem is to work out how quickly you can dissolve one jelly cube. What can you change?

(Think about things like temperature, cutting up the jelly, colour of the jelly and the amount of

water you use) What can you observe (see) and measure? Can you record your results in a graph?

Birds, Beaks and Bills

Have a look at the birds in your garden. You will notice that different kinds of birds have different

beaks. Why might this be? Look up books and the Internet and find out about different beaks and

how it compares with what birds eat. You could find out more about the spoonbill and pelican


Family Game

You will need some bird food- raisins or currants are good. Scatter some on a clean table. Each

player will need to have a different beak. It could be 2 lollypop sticks, 2 chopsticks, 2 cocktail

sticks, two drinking straws, two pencils, etc. Hold your ‘beak’ in your hands and pick up the food

with your ‘beaks’. You have a minute to pick up as much food as you can and put it in a cup. Who

wins? Why? Whose beak is best adapted for picking up this kind of food. See what happens when

you use something else- you could try M&Ms, Smarties, lentils or nuts.

Design a Vehicle of the Future

Can you design a vehicle which might be used in the future? This could be a car, aeroplane, ship,

rocket or something which hasn’t been invented yet! What fuel/ power will it need? What

onboard technology will it have? For instance, it might have a built in ice cream maker.


60 seconds: Sprints up and down a flight of stairs, two steps at a time if you can.

60 seconds: High knees (like a fast, bouncy, knees-up-to-chest march-in-place).

60 seconds: Simulated jump rope.

40 seconds: Squats, then a 20-second rest

40 seconds: Jumping jacks, followed by 20-second rest.

40 seconds: Push-ups, followed by 20-second rest

40 seconds: Split squats (one foot in front of the other), 20 seconds each side; 20-second rest

40 seconds: Mountain climbers, followed by a 20-second rest

2 minutes: Rest

60 seconds: Sprints up and down a flight of stairs, two steps at a time if you can.

60 seconds: High knees (like a fast, bouncy, knees-up-to-chest march-in-place).

60 seconds: Simulated jump rope.

40 seconds: Squats, then a 20-second rest

40 seconds: Jumping jacks, followed by 20-second rest.

40 seconds: Push-ups, followed by 20-second rest

40 seconds: Split squats (one foot in front of the other), 20 seconds each side; 20-second rest

40 seconds: Mountain climbers, followed by a 20-second rest

1.Find something outside you enjoy looking at.

2.Find something that is useful for you.

3.Find something that is your favourite colour.

4.Find something you know someone else will enjoy.

5.Find something that makes you happy.

6.Find something that tastes good.

7.Find something that smells amazing.

8.Discover something new.

9.Find something that makes you feel safe.

10.Find something that makes a beautiful sound.

11.Find someone you are grateful for.

12.Find something that is unique to you.

13.Find something that makes you laugh.

14.Find something in the night that you enjoy.

15.Find something in the morning that you enjoy.

16.Find a friend/pet that you love spending time with.

17.Find your favourite place to spend alone time.

18.Find something that reminds you of the people you love.

19.Find something that you enjoy doing outside with friends (when

it is safe to do so).

20.Find a place that you love.

Gratitude Scavenger Hunt

Outdoor Activity Ideas for your Garden

Obstacle Course

Gather balls, hoops, bats, boxes, nets and anything else you can

find. Design an obstacle course. Who can complete it the

fastest? The funniest? The most inventive?


Collect 10 empty plastic bottles and a ball. Label them with

numbers if you like. Set out the balls in a pyramid formation – 4

at the back then 3, then 2, then 1. Agree a position to bowl

from and take it in turns to knock down the bottles or pins.

Agree on scoring. Keep the scores. The person with the highest

score is the winner.

Outdoor Chalkboard

If you have a patio, paving stones or drive,

chalk is your new best friend! Draw pictures to

cheer everyone up. You could even become part of the picture!

Remember to check with an adult if it’s OK first.

Outdoor Painting

Grab a small plastic bottle or cup of water and a paintbrush and of you go –

‘paint’ anything you like – stones, walls, fences – anything you like!

Outdoor Den

Grab pillows, blankets, sheets, ropes and

anything else you can find to build a den. Don’t forget to check with an

adult first!

Knock ‘em Down!

Collect tin cans from your recycling bin. Wash them, being careful

for sharp edges. Label them with a number - a sharpie should work

or you could use paint or even relabel them with scores! Sit them

on a low wall or platform of some kind in a pyramid formation.

Using small balls, attempt to knock down cans to score the points on

the tin. The person with the highest score wins. OR Agree a score

before you begin. The person closest to the agreed score is the


You could even make this game more challenging by rounding

scores or using fractions to practise equivalent fractions.

Nerf Wars Maths

You will need 1 Nerf gun with foam bullets for each player.

Find some paper or card and cut them into small pieces, say 4

equal pieces from one piece of A4. Agree on a times table you

need to practise. On each piece of paper write a station of

that table, e.g. if you pick the 8 times table, 2 of the signs

might say 64 or 24. Get an adult to fix the signs anywhere in

the garden. All players gather in the middle and the caller

shouts a multiplication, e.g. 8 x 3 and all the players must do

the calculation and be the first to race to shoot the correct

answer. The first person to hit the correct answer earns a

point. The person with the highest score wins. If you only have 1 Nerf gun you could attempt to shoot say

5 or 6 correct answers in quick succession and record the time taken. The quickest person is the winner.

You could add further challenge by mixing multiplication tables. OR You could practise rounding numbers

to the nearest 10 or 100 by writing multiples of 10 or 100 on your signs. The caller may shout ‘round 56 to

the nearest 10’ and the shooter would hit the sign with 60 on it. You could also make it slightly easier for

your younger siblings or play the same game but with phonics (initial sounds - a,b,c or blends – sh, ch, th,

etc..) for them. You shout the sound and they have to shoot the correct one.

Bug Hunt

Go on a bug hunt in your garden! Look closely at

plants and carefully lift larger stones and pots to

find them. Use a microscope to have a closer

look. Try to identify the bug using a poster,

book or the internet. You could even look at the

RSPB website for a guide to make your own bug


Bird Watching

Set up bird feeders or put out bread and dried fruit to attract birds

into your garden. You could even try and create a bird bath using a

bin lid turned upside down or similar. Hide a distance away and see if

any birds come to visit. Note their markings and try and identify the

bird using a bird book or the internet. Which is the most common

species in your garden?

Neighbourhood Scavenger Hunt

Whilst out for a walk with your family, look out for various things. You could make up your own pre-agreed

list or use the one on the next page. Don’t forget social distancing rules!

Don’t forget to take some photos and show me the fun you’re having! You could even share some of your

own ideas for outdoor or indoor activities on Glow. Have fun! Mrs MacAulay

Family Lockdown Challenge: Neighbourhood Scavenger Hunt

If you’re going out for a walk with your family, try a special neighbourhood scavenger hunt

but don’t forget social distancing rules!

When you see something on this list, tick it off. How many can you find?

What to look for

A rainbow in a window

A teddy bear in a window

Someone who waves at you (from 2m


A plant with white flowers

A cloud shaped like an animal

A tree with red leaves

A chalk drawing on a footpath

A bird sitting on a power line

A tree taller than a house

A spider’s web with a spider still in it

A house with more than 6 windows

A yellow car

A garden gnome

Smoke coming from a chimney

A robin

A postbox

A house with a bird feeder

A keyworker (from 2m away!)

Looking after our Health and Wellbeing

Talk about the different types of emotions –help children develop their

recognition of different emotions in different people. This could be through

looking at a range of different emojis and talking about what they mean.

Alternatively, the feelings cards on websites, such


might be helpful in doing this. Invite the children to create their own Mood


Make a worry monster with a big mouth so that it can eat up worries – you

might want to use junk modelling or even paper mache (recipe

- What

will it look like? What is its name?

If you want to try some meditation, you could use the You Tube Floating

Bubble Meditation -

Think about how you are feeling and offer a practical tip to stay healthy. This

week you might want to try focusing on one worry which you may have and

suggest strategies to relieve this. These websites might help

- or https://www.childline.

Looking after our Health and Wellbeing II

Think about the rainbows of hope. Hope is one of many emotions – what emotions can

you think of? Link the emotions to colours and draw a heart, choose a colour for each of

the different emotions and express how you are feeling through this drawing. Examples

can be found here -

Now focus on the colour red. This is often used to capture feelings of anger. Some people

might feel angry and frustrated at this time because they can’t go out and see friends or

relatives. You may wish to use the resources

on to think about times

when you feel angry and to come up with three strategies to help you calm down.

Try out some Yoga! This might be one of your suggested strategies. There are lots of

Yoga lessons for children on the internet. Here is one which you might try


The colour red is often linked to fire and images of dragons. ‘How to Train Your Dragon’

by Cressida Cowell. Cressida has been reading one chapter of the book each day

on Don’t worry if you have

missed this as the links to the Youtube recordings are available here

( List

en to the story at your own pace over the week.

Learn how to draw Toothless and Hiccup with this lesson from Cressida Cowell



Looking after our Health and Wellbeing III

Please have a look at some of these websites for ideas, support and


These websites were recommended by the Educational Institute of

Scotland (EIS). I have looked at them all but as always, please be

mindful when using the internet.

Health & Wellbeing

Making Bubbles and doing tricks


Compliment Collage

Choose a photo of every person in the

house. Each person in the house writes

something they love about each person

everyday for a week (or longer).

Cloud watching

Lie on your back in the garden and

watch the clouds go by – can you see

any animal shapes in the clouds?

Enjoy the fresh air and breathe


Colour Scavenger hunt

In the house or


Make a Rainbow Windmill


Make a bird kebab



Garden Art

Quiet family time in the garden –

choose something (fairly still) to draw

or paint. Create your own lockdown


Mindfulness – Smiling Mind


From ages 7 and up


Drawing with Chalk



Noughts & crosses Snakes and ladders

4 square

Ice Block Treasure Hunt

Recycled Wind Chimes

Use a mix of recycled

items to create a wind

chime for the garden.

Mindfulness – Still Quiet Place

Learn how to go to your quiet


children-kids-activities/ link

to GoZen (youtube)

We hope you enjoy some of these activities. Please stay safe. The Staff of Milne’s Primary